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Terror attack at a military parade on saturday. Authorities say gun men killed at least 29 people in the countrys southwest. They have blamed multiple factions, including the u. S. And saudi arabia. The u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Nikki haley denies the u. S. Played a role. Japans Prime Minister shinzo abe met with u. S. President trump sunday ahead of the u. N. General assembly. In remarks on japanese television, mr. Abe said the two men discussed north korea and had constructive talks on trade. Mr. Trump has threatened a 25 tariff on japanese vehicles to reduce a trade deficit. Well, president Trumps Supreme Court nominee bet kavanagh is now denying a new allegation of Sexual Misconduct, and the white house is standing by him, calling the allegation part of a Smear Campaign. This comes as kavanaghs original accuser is set to tell her story bunch the Senate Judiciary committee within days. Christine blasey ford alleges cav nay pinned her to a bed, tried to remove her clothes, and covered her mouth during a house party when they were both teenagers. Kavanagh denied that ever happened. More now from cnns jessica snyder. Reporter the date is set for Christine Blasey fords testimony. It will be thursday at 10 00 a. M. It will be an open hearing. Blase will testify first. She will have security because of Death Threats since her identity became public. There is uncertainty who will be doing the questioning. It is possible republicans could bring in an outside attorney who is a female, but blasey fords attorneys say they want the senators doing the questioning since they have been dismissive of her allegations. Now, meanwhile the chairman Chuck Grassley issued a statement sunday saying that the committee itself had been investigating and of the four other people blasey ford says were at the party, including judge kavanagh, according to the committee, all have denied any knowledge or recollection of blasey fords version of events. And, of course, judge kavanagh has also issued several forceful denials. And meanwhile, the white house ask and judge kavanagh are denying another allegation against kavanagh of inappropriate behavior, this time from a woman who said she attended yale with the Supreme Court nominee. The new yorker reported on sunday that 53yearold deb ora ramirez remembers kavanagh exposing himself to her during a 198384 school year. The president of the party issued a statement to the new yorker saying, they never heard of such an incident. And cnn has now corroborated her story. Kavanagh has released a statement saying this. This alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen. The people who knew me then know that this did not happen and have said so. This is a smear, plain and simple. I look forward to testifying on thursday about the truth and defending my good name and the reputation for character and integrity i have spent a lifetime building against these lastminute allegations. White house spokeswoman kerry kupek said this 35yearold uncorroborated claim is the latest in a coordinated Smear Campaign by the democrats designed to tear down a good man. This claim denied by all who were said to be present and is wholly inconsistent with what many women and men who knew judge kavanagh at the time in college say. The white house stands firmly behind judge kavanagh. Ramirez was initially hesitant to speak publicly because she said her memory contained gaps because she had been drinking at the time. After she reassessed her memory over the course of six days with her attorney, she did go on record with the new yorker. Jessica snyder, cnn, washington. And well discuss all of this later this hour with a guest. Lets take a short break. Still to come, weve been waiting years to say this. Tiger woods wins. The golf legends huge comeback victory. Well have that for you on the other side of the break. But we know a lot about drama. From scandalous romance, to ridiculous plot twists. gasping son . Dad we also know you can avoid drama by getting an annual checkup. So were partnering with cigna to remind you to go see a real doctor. Go, know, and take control of your health. It could save your life. Doctor poses dad cigna. Together, all the way. Dad you wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. Lets see. If these packs have the same number of bladder leak pads, i bet you think bigger is better. Actually, its bulkier. 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As the Senate Judiciary prepares to hear testimony thursday from Christine Blasey ford regarding her Sexual Misconduct allegations against kavanagh, could these new allegations potentially be a game changer and force the committee to hit the pause button and investigate these allegations . Well, the Committee Really cant afford any more delays. The senate goes out of session for the elections on the 26th of october. And really, between now and then, if the senate needed to have further questioning and scrutiny that had to go through the committee and then on to the senate floor, and really we could get to a point where we get up to the elections without a final vote on the senate floor of the nominee, i suspect thats what the democrats might be hoping happens, that they delay this sufficiently that then the elections happen, and then they maybe make it politically impossible for a new nominee to get through in the lame duck session. Theres been precedent for this. In 1968, the republicans filibustered linden johnsons nominee for chief justice of the United States, abe fortis. In october 1968, so roughly the same period of time as now. Sorry to interrupt you. An investigation would take maybe three days. Were not talking about a huge delay here. The reality is that any change in the midterm elections, thats not going to have any impact until the new year. So bread kavanagh denies this ever happening, right . And says its a Smear Campaign against him. He says he looks forward to testifying thursday and defending his good name. But wouldnt an investigation help him do just that rather than this effort to rush the confirmation hearing through as quickly as possible and leave the impression that all of these allegations sort of left hanging basically and essentially a stain against Brett Kavanagh . Its in his interest. Well, if we think of another historical parallel in 1991, during the anita hill testimony, Clarence Thomas responded sort of he came out swinging in response to her testimony. He denied all of the accusations. He famously said that he was the subject of a hightech lynching. He said hed been lynched and caricatured by the United States Senate Rather than hung by a tree. He came out with this strong response and was successfully confirmed. He had an investigation. There was an investigation for him. And in that situation, too, there were witnesses for both sides. So there was this sense that you werent getting a he said she said scenario where youre not actually hearing from all of those involved, right . At the end of the day, the United States senate is a political body. Its not a court. The Senate Judiciary committee is not a jury. There wont be any verdict on guilt or innocence on this. The real question is whether or not this shifts the political reality in the senate. And it could well do. I think what at the moment, the situation has made it much more plausible that youll get unanimous democratic opposition to this nomination, which wasnt so clear earlier on. You had some senators, Democratic Senators in Battle Ground states in the senate elections, like north dakota, ohio and so on, indiana, West Virginia where we thought perhaps there might be a few democrats who voted for Brett Kavanagh. Thats not going to happen now. Now the eyes are on the two female republican senators, Lisa Murkowski in alaska and Susan Collins in maine. And whether or not there is conclusive evidence, whether or not there is something that might have stood up in a jury trial doesnt really matter. What matters is whether or not this puts enough political pressure on them to consider their support for kavanagh. The aim here is to make sure that the person who is going to be confirmed for the highest court in the land has the integrity that is required of a justice of a court of that standing. Just very quickly, before this second allegation went public, we also learned the mock questioning with kavanagh in preparation for his own testimony thursday was not going well because he was refusing to answer some questions that he found too personal. How problematic could that prove to be on thursday when he will have to answer some of those questions . Well, it may or may not actually change any minds in the United States senate. But it certainly has repercussions in the court of Public Opinion more broadly. Again, i think in 1991, some of those Democratic Senators were very uncomfortable with the way that they questioned anita hill and in the end, you had in the following spring anna dixon, an incumbent senator from illinois who actually lost his primary, a black woman became the first africanamerican woman elected to the United States senate. So even if kavanagh doesnt, you know, maybe votes dont change in the way that kavanagh answers the questions this week, but it could change minds when people go to the ballot box in november and democrats might be they might lose the vote, but they might claim the electoral victory in a few weeks time. Right. The aim of all of this is to get to the truth of the matter, isnt it, to determine what were dealing with here and who is telling the truth. We will see. Richard johnson, thank you so much for joining us. I appreciate it. Thank you. Well, the u. S. And china are raising the stakes of global trade and millions of consumers could soon feel the pinch. The u. S. Officially slammed china with new tariffs on monday. They cover 200 billion of electronics and furniture. China is retaliating. Just after the u. S. Imposed their tariffs, beijing responded with a tax on 60 billion of u. S. Goods to the tune of 5 to 10 . So lets talk about how this will affect u. S. Consumers. Robert kepp joins me now from hong kong, the director for the economist corporate network. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for having me. Now, so, for most of our viewers watching here in the United States, their main concern, of course, is how these tariffs will impact them directly when they go to purchase goods and they want to know how soon they will feel that impact on their pocket books. What would you tell them . Well, actually, as you phrased the question, there isnt a lot for the average consumer to worry about right now. For example, Christmas Season purchasing by companies and retailers was done well in advance. In fact, we noticed an uptick in trade with the u. S. And china before these tariffs were announced with suppliers anticipating that. So the average consumer isnt going to feel that for that reason. Also because the sorts of goods tharz being target that are being targeted in this round of goods will be those most impact the. They wont have to go out and buy all the gadgets they want in advance. I cant give advice in that regard. Probably not. To your point on that, there was a lot of concern that apple would be severely hit by this, in that apple, although u. S. Brand manufacturers almost exclusively in china. But the latest round of tariffs exempted things like apple watches and bluetooth devices. Circuit boards and some other products again, intermediate goods are being targeted, but not so much the consumer electronics. Right. Okay. And how long would you expect this trade war between china and the u. S. To go on for and how damaging could it potentially be for the two countries and for any future relationship they might have . Im smiling because its one of those great unponderables. It doesnt look like there is any end in sight undercurrent dynamics. You have two leaders of the u. S. And china who have a lot of political face in the game and neither wants to look weak in the face of this sort of what they perceive as a threat or opposition. So, i dont see any immediate resolution. However, i would say to the credit of the United States, if one looks at this as a kind of game tactic, it is known for cutting deals under the trump administration. So, perhaps there is a deal in the making here. But thats going to be what it takes. Someone has to back down or offer something new. Right. And what impact might this trade war have on other nations, or do you think it will be just confined to the u. S. And china . Oh, its hardly confined to those two countries. Those are the countries imposing tariffs on each others goods. But weve already seen here in east asia a spill over effect. Its actually kind of good for the other countries. If the u. S. And china are hurting each other and themselves with this trade war, but Southeast Asian nation s are gaining, its already been reported that a lot of chinese supply chains are moving out of, for example, outside of hong kong here, Guangdong Province to other parts of Southeast Asia like vietnam and cambodia and indonesia and so forth. So those countries are gaining. And the banks and the accountants and the financiers that fund those activities or support them are also gaining as well. So there are some winners. All right. Always good to hear there are some winners there. Robert kepp, well keep an eye on all of this incredible back and forth between china and the United States. Thank you so much. Thank you. Well, it has been years in the making, but tiger is finally roaring back. Alltime golfing great tiger woods has won a pga tour event for the first time in more than five years. He got the big win sunday at the tour championship here in atlanta. He finished 11 under par for the weekend. The victory comes after years of injuries and personal set backs for woods. He now has 80 pga tour wins. Joining me mao now to talk abou tiger woods win is christine brennan, a commentator and usa today columnist. Thank you for being with us. Rosemary, good to be with you on a ezpass natifascinating sp. How big is this given his past public scandal, his knee and back problems . Absolutely. Four surgeries on his back, four surgeries on his knee, he has his back fused together, part of his spine and one of the more recent surgeries. He couldnt walk. He wondered if to get around he had to crawl for a while. He wondered if hed ever, not only not play golf again, rosemary, but be able to walk normally. That was last year, just a year ago. And, of course, the dui picture i think many people remember that. Tiger sinking to perhaps his lowest low with the dui, the dashboard camera, which was memorial day weekend of 2017. So late may of 2017, just what, 16 months ago. And to think of where he was then and people were just talking about could he get his life back together. And here he is winning the tour championship after having a terrific summer where he contended in the british open and then he contended in the pga championship and was a real factor in both of those. Maybe could have won either one. Didnt win, but he then wins the tour championship and he does it in such a resounding fashion with all the galleries around him, the pictures, the visuals, amazing. Just a stunning turn of events for tiger as hes only a few months away from his 43rd birthday. Right. It has been a long journey for him, hasnt it . Does it matter that this wasnt a major . I think it does personally. Hes won 14 major tournaments. But it has been since the u. S. Open in june of 2008. So now more than ten years since hes won a major title. And to me, the comeback will really be complete when and if he does that. His next chance, rosemary, to do that will be next april. So its several months away. That would be the masters. In april of 2019. There will be the u. S. Open, british open and the pga championship. But the reality is here that he has done an amazing thing, not to by any means diminish what he did. But i think one of those majors, especially the masters, is always his best shot. When he leaves augusta and hasnt won the masters, hes always gone through what would be his best shot to win a major, the masters at augusta, georgia. So i think i cannot even imagine the interest level, the excitement, and the odds of tiger for tiger going into the masters next april. I think its going to be huge. But i do think to cement that legacy and to say this is the greatest comeback weve ever seen in sports history, whatever, which i dont even know if we want to go there, i think it has to be a major for tiger to do that. Right, yes. It might be a little premature for that. I mean, looking at what has happened, has tiger woods earned his right for a new start after all the fallout from his public and personal scandals and, of course, all his surgeries . You know, its a great question. The one that most people remember was the runin with the fire hydrant and the subsequent dismantling of his personal life and his family life with all the stories of affairs and other things, divorce with his wife, the mother of his two children. That was actually all the way back in 2009, november of 2009. So thats been a long time. And i think you can actually think both things. I think you can probably remember that, or remember the dui and the fact that he was parked in the middle of partially on the road, partially on the shoulder a year and a few months ago, and the concern there, of course, about how he was living his life and the problems and the issues that he had. I think you can still have those feelings. And be concerned about them. And also just recognize tiger is the great golfer that he is. One of a kind, not only once in a generation, maybe once in a lifetime. And for new generations of golfers who only heard their parents tell them about tiger, to be able to watch this and see what he did at the tour championship in atlanta, and then also the promise and the possibility not only the ryder cup coming up just this week in france, but then moving forward into next year. I think you can have those you can be excited for tiger, but you can also remember some of the issues in his life. But i also think hes come a long way to move on from those issues and to remind people why everyone cheered for him originally which was, of course, all about the golf. And the crowds were showing there are still a lot of people cheering him on. We shall see what tiger woods achieves at the masters. That is his next challenge. Thank you so much, christine brennan, for joining us. We appreciate it. My pleasure, rosemary. Thank you. Lovely way to end this hour. Thanks for joining us. Im rosemary church. Ill be back with another hour of news in just a moment. Dont go anywhere. Youre watching cnn. Geico has over 75 years of great savings and service. With such a long history, its easy to trust geico thank you todd. Its not just easy. Itsbeingamasterofhypnotism easy. Hey, i got your text sleep doug, when i snap my fingers youre going to clean my gutters. Ooh i should clean your gutters great idea. Its not just easy. Its geico easy. Todd, you will go make me a frittata. 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Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the United States and of course all around the world. Im rosemary church. This is cnn newsroom. President tr

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