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The woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh now indicating she will testify without an fbi investigation. But theres conditions. Hurricane maria a year an. And Puerto Ricans still reeling. Chef andres helped feed the island in their time of need. Now, he is doing it for florence victims. Why the response to the storms is so different. And free beer is flowing in cleveland, after its Football Team wins for the first time in almost two years. 635 days. They have a reason to drink free beer and they did. Hello and welcome to our shviews here in the u. S. And around the world. Youre watching cnn newsroom. A few days ago, the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, seemed like a slamdunk. If donald trump is worried about his nominee, you would not know it. At a rally in las vegas, he basically told the crowd, dont worry about it. A great gentleman, an impeccable reputation. Went to yale. Top student. Yale law school, top student. We have to let it play out. But i want to tell you, he is a fine, fine person. The situation may look different a week from now. Thats because an attorney for Christine Blasey ford says she is willing to tell her story of Sexual Assault to u. S. Senators under certain conditions. Remember, kavanaugh denies this allegation. Lets get more from cnns jeff zeleny. Reporter the woman accusing him of Sexual Assault, now saying she is willing to tell her story to the judiciary committee. She wishes to testify, provided we can agree on terms that are fair and assure her safety, lawyers for Christine Blasey ford said to senators today. As protests erupted on capitol hill senators will meet to determine the next steps. Senator charles grassley, chairman of the judiciary committee, hoped to schedule a hearing on monday. But fords lawyers said today that was too soon. A hearing on monday is not possible. And the committees insistence that it occur there is arbitrary in any event. The Supreme Court fight is now awash in uncertainty, as demonstrators made their voices heard and were arrested today outside of the offices of key republican senators. Kavanaugh has denied fords claims that he pinned her to a bed and groped her at a high school party. As he prepared for a possible monday hearing, a friend of his says he is frustrated but wants to testify. She is being threatened, Death Threats, et cetera. Thats called intimidation of a witness. And i would call upon the fbi on their own to investigate this occurrence, that all of the threats shes undergoing. Reporter they accused republicans of not taking her complaint seriously. They already decided. Reporter republicans said democrats were posturing and pushed back at the notion of calling additional witnesses beyond ford and kavanaugh. Senator john cornyn accused democrats of hijacking the process. President trump is standing behind kavanaugh. He is osuch an outstanding man. The white house expressing confidence that judge kavanaugh will be confirmed. The question is, when. And whether he will have to sit at a public hearing on monday, either alone or potentially backtoback with ford. As for judge kavanaugh, he spent the fourthstraight day preparing here at the white house, going through every chapter of his life, im told, in a question and answer session. Theres no doubt, his confirmation, still in jeopardy. Jeff zeleny, cnn, the white house. Dan stewart is time Magazines International editor. He joins us from london. It looks like kavanaughs accuser, dr. Ford, is willing to testify before the senate. Its not a done deal yet. But it looks like its going to happen. Walk us through the scenarios. She has agreed to testify. Its been, what weve seen over the past few days, has been a tugofwar, if you like, between Senate Republicans and senate democrats. Senate republicans have said theyre willing to have her testify but on their terms. And i think democrats want her to testify on the terms that she wants. So, really, what happens from here is whether or not republicans stick to their initial insistence that this happen on monday. I think were arguing over procedure. It hinges on what she says and how she comes across and how she is received. Thats what i mean by the scenarios. What do you think republicans are thinking right now . Republicans are thinking they want this out of the way, if you like. You can see the messaging that i think senator dean had recorded on a phone call, saying this was a speed bump. They want to get this over and done with, if you like. Imagining if she testifies and they can have a he said she said situation, a vote can go through on party lines. It really will change things up. The truth is hard to determine in this. If you have a credible accuser putting the allegations across, that is going to make it very difficult for some of the Senate Republicans to dismiss the allegations in a way that they have, to this point. As you say it will be hard to determine if it happened. Thats going to be hard, especially for the moment, theres no fbi investigation. We dont know what material elements are in the investigation. The senators dont seem open to this now. This is a matter of public perception, isnt it . I think thats right. This is a political fight. You know, playing out, i think on sort of optical scale. Its about the optics of how this will be seen. And i think especially, coming at a moment when we have the midterm elections, which are going to be dominated by the question of gender equality, of the steps that women have made. This comes a year after the metoo allegations began. Its taking place in an atmosphere where were trying to arbitrate these questions. Yeah. It will be a question of political optics. And theres no objective standard to decide what is the threshold for suspicion that needs to be met for judge kavanaugh to make it or not make it to the Supreme Court. Its the same situation we had 27 years ago, when Clarence Thomas had a similar situation, a woman, an academic coming forward and making the allegations. It was seen then that the Senate Republicans didnt address hills allegations in a way that seemed fairly. You saw it in the following year, a huge wave election for female democrats. 27 years on we get a chance to see whether things have changed. Whether we do have a more mature or more uptodate way of engaging with the allegations, ensuring that people who are credible accusers are heard. And giving the accused a fair shake, if you like. And you mentioned the metoo moment. The cultural moment we find ourselves post metoo. I wonder if republicans are really going to be thinking that hard. What they need first and foremost is a republican Supreme Court justice. Right. It would be interest iing to se. They have a shortterm loss to have this impact them in the midterm elections, for inarguably would be the longer win of having the person on the Supreme Court that would change the makeup of the court for a generation, if you like. So, the damage, if you like, the optical damage that will be done over the course of the next week, if they get their guy, that doesnt matter so much. Theres a tradeoff politically, i think. They need to get their guy before the midterms come around. Thats in december. Dan stewart, thank you for joining us. Thank you so much. Well, former trump attorney, Michael Cohen, keeps talking to investigators in the russia investigation. Hes been interviewed by Robert Muellers team. Cohen confirmed the report. Good for Michael Cohen providing critical information to the Mueller Investigation without a cooperation agreement. No one should question his honesty, and loyalty to his family and country over President Trump. And cohen is not the only form former Trump Campaign member with a plea deal. Some of it came from him. Jessica schneider has more of that. Reporter its the clip thats played over and over, that proves that trump fired james comey over the russia investigation. I said to myself, this russia thing with trump and russia is a madeup story. Reporter and without proof, the president s personal attorney, jay sekulow, now claims that clip does not depict the entire interview. You know theres edited. And theres a longer transcript. Ill tell you without disclosing detail, when you review the transcript, its clear as to what happened. Reporter sekulow saying, if you listen to more of the interview i said to myself, i might lengthen out the investigation. But i have to do the right thing for the American People. Hes the wrong man for that position. Reporter the president seems to acknowledge comeys firing can impact the russia investigation. But says that since combny was not right to stay on as fbi director, he was fired. Its a point that john dowd made to mueller in this memo, made public by the new york times. Reading, the fair reading of the president s remarks demonstrates that the president fired mr. Comey for incompetence. In our professional discussion, with the office of special counsel, we addressed that proecappropriately. Reporter nbc news has not released the transcript of the interview. New information is being revealed about the intelligence that played a role in the russia probe. Greg miller describes in his new book, the Office Inside the cia, unofficially called russia house. In the months leading up to the 2016 election, they held a series of meetings, attempting to make sense of extraordinary intelligence uncovered that russian president Vladimir Putin had personally directed an operation to disrupt the race and elect donald trump. Millers book goes inside President Trumps first visit to the cia, less than 24 hours into his presidency, where he got a glimpse of covert missions. The Drone Operations head showed how it scattered before the bomb hit. The president ponders, can they hear the bombs coming . And back in may 2017, it is true that nbc news only published a 13minute version on its website and did not release the entire interview. But there is no proof that it was edited to say russia was on his mind when he fired the fbi director. Jessica schneider, cnn, washington. Its been a year since Hurricane Maria. And Puerto Ricans are still struggling. And well talk to the chef who served meals to victims in puerto rico. And a badly timed feud between trump staffers threatens Hurricane Florence recovery efforts. Stay with us. My name is jeff sheldon, and im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. Gimme one minute. And ill tell you some important things to know about medicare. First, it doesnt pay for everything. Say this pizza is your part b medical expenses. This much about 80 medicare will pay for. Whats left is on you. 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Show me used minivans with no reported accidents. Boom. Love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. Start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the allnew carfax. Com. One year without reliable power, without running water, without proper medical care. One year after maria ravaged their homes, many Puerto Ricans are still recovering. There was an event for the oneyear anniversary. It was a somber affair as they remembered the 3,000 people who died in the storm. The sad fact remains, the recovery is nowhere near complete. But he holds hope the island will become stronger than before. Its been a long recovery process. This is the wake of the biggest devastation of the modern history of the United States. Our people are strong and resilient. Theyve been battling back. Although weve had plenty of obstacles and were trying to channel those and finish those, our hope is we can pivot to a stronger, finish recovery of a stronger rebuild of puerto rico. Joining us now is chef jose andres. Its great to have you on the show. You have restaurants across the United States. Youre a renowned chef. Thats not why were talking to you today. You wrote a book we fed an island the true story of rebuilding puerto rico one meal at a time. Your story relative to puerto rico is this, you landed on the island days after the hurricane hit. Your goal was to get food to people who needed it. In fact, you have a word that you used to describe yourself, i love. You call yourself first food responders. In the end, the operations ended up lasting months and you served 3 million meals. It was you and many other people, of course. When youre on, what is the biggest lesson that you learned from doing this in puerto rico . The biggest lesson i learned and i think on the book we fed an island is very clear is that everything is possible. That what you have to do is sometimes stop planning, stop organizing, and start cooking. Thats what we did. We went from 20 volunteers the first day to more than 25,000. From 1,000 meals the first day to almost 150,000 a day. We reached 3. 7 million meals. We went from one kitchen to 26 kitchens. That only shows you that the organization that was not supposed to be there wasnt a kitchen. What was impossible, we made it possible. Thats what i learned, that everything is possible. You only have to start cooking. I want people to really get a good sense of what it was like and what kind of food you were searching. At the time you showed my colleague Anderson Cooper. This is what it was like. This is corn and yucca and sausage, very, very big corn. Very big on calories. And we gave them a sandwich, a piece of bread and a big bottle. And people come here every day. You also showed Anderson Cooper the biggest paella dish he had ever seen. What was your challenge on day one to get the first meal out . Its very unbelievable you can showing it because the 20th of september has been world paella day in spain. But we were able to feed so many people. From day one the main challenge was only to understand what was the situation on the island. And thats what i did. I landed and i tried to find what kitchens were available. What was the situation with refrigeration and the food companies, what was the situation with the bread companies. And very quickly i got a very good assessment, very good intelligence. I knew that we had food, that we had bread. The only thing we had to do was making sure that those kitchens were ready, they had gas, the electricity with generators. We gathered the cooks, we gathered the foods, we began feeding. We didnt plan to feed the entire island. We were only taking care of one hospital at a time, one shelter at a time. As people learned we were doing it, we began getting phone calls. We never said no to anybody. We kept feeding and feeding day after day. Youre very, very critical of the Trump Administrations response to the aftermath of the hurricane and also more established, established charities like the red cross you criticized them quite openly in your book. Where do you feel they fell short . I criticized not the men and woman. The volunteers are unbelievable. The organizations, i do believe all together we need to have a very good critical conversation about what we fell short. So fema, the men and women of fema overall they did their best, they tried their best. But sometimes the red tape doesnt allow them to be successful. So i do believe we show because we were a Small Organization outside the grid. So here im critical of the Trump Administration between you and me the Trump Administration, President Trump failed the American People of puerto rico. Thats what we need to make sure that never happens again. This was the biggest hurricane in the history of america, and we didnt have the game. I dont blame them for not having a game. We didnt adapt, we didnt have a response, we didnt have any, any game to try to improve on the shortfalls of the preparations for the major hurricane. Thats what they i am blaming them for. And those 3,000 deaths between you and me, they are on the shoulders of President Trump. We need to make sure that Something Like this will never happen again in the most powerful country in the world, which is the United States of america. So compare for me what you saw in puerto rico and what you saw in the carolinas . Because your group was also involved more recently serving food in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence. In the carolinas already we served around 150,000 meals. We have three, four kitchens from raleigh to wilmington to new bern. We have feeding shelters, the neighborhoods, national guard, First Responders the difference is many weeks, not months later is still we had trees in the middle of the roads. In the carolinas the trees are gone. A month later still we had electrical poles, the power lines down. Theres thousands of power trucks all across the carolinas fixing those poles hours after the hurricane passed by. Even the white house has done tweets and press releases about the feeding game in the carolinas. Actually im very proud that happened. Between maria and puerto rico, we forgot about the people in puerto rico. In the carolinas we learned the lesson. And actually im very impressed especially with Governor Cooper of North Carolina because hes been a leader. You see him there, you see him every day. And hes using the force of the federal government, of the ngos, of the private sector to make sure everyone in North Carolina is going to be taken care of. That is good news, indeed. Jose andres, thank you very much. May you feed many people who need it. Thanks for coming on the show. At least 41 people in north and South Carolina have died from Hurricane Florence. And the long, hard recovery is under way. Right now, the Trump Administration is dealing with a huge distraction. Apparently, the president s two top officials in charge of managing the Disaster Response cannot seem to get along, thats according to the washington post. Homeland security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and brock long put on a public face. But behind the scenes, the feud is so bitter, brock long wanted to quit this week. Reporter as the nation braced for Hurricane Florence, it seems the two officials in charge of the response, werent pleased with their partnership. According to the washington post, the fema chief and his boss, are so at odds with each other, that long considered leaving, just as the storm peaked. Fema officials who are close to long say, he thinks secretary nielsen is out to get him. Shes trying to push him out of his job. Reporter fueling the feud, an investigation of longs use of vehicles opened by the dhs inspectorgeneral. The vehicles are to supply me with secure coms. I would never violate rules i was aware of. Reporter the post reports that nielsen childed long for taking long trips. Hes been blind sided by the charges. The idea she would keep this from him or allow this to go forward, was upsetting. Reporter nielsen and long have put up a united front. I show support for all leadership. Reporter but this came as a surprise to fema, despite regular calls between her and long. This is after reports that nielsen wanted him out. I was never asked to resign. Secretary nielsen i talk every day. We have a functional relationship. Reporter long has been the face of the storm response since the summer of 2017. A wellrecorded leader through Hurricane Maria and beyond. The man who has become famous, mr. Long, we appreciate it very much. Reporter as Hurricane Season reaches its peak, the number two at fema is vacant. He is a close friend of nielsen. If long is to go down, essentially, a close friend of Kirstjen Nielsen would take over at fema. Reporter joe johns, cnn, washington. U. S. Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaughs accuser says she will take her story to washington but only under certain conditions. Among them she wants protection from Death Threats. Stay with us. To find a place that could bring his sons creation to life. There were 14 emails to determine the size of the lightning bolts. And 18 texts wishing luke a very happy birthday. And when all was said and done, luke got to be a reallife superhero. And so did his dad. Olay total effects. The power of 7 benefits all in one bottle. Without costing 100, 200 or 400. Enriched with vitamin b3 complex, for beautiful skin. Olay. That everything sticks to stefon diggss hands . Ieve it. No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Cool, huh . Yeah. He plays football, huh . Yeah. Believe it. Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. When a nasty cold wont let you sleep, try new nyquil severe with Vicks Vapocool and vaporize it. Ahhhhh shhhhh new nyquil severe with Vicks Vapocool. The vaporizing, nightime coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. Its great to have you back with us. Im cyril vanier. Im natalie allen. Lets update you on our top stories this hour. U. S. President donald trump is defending his embattled nominee to the Supreme Court. Brett kavanaugh emphasis confirmation could be in jeopardy due an allegation of Sexual Assault when he was in high school. Mr. Trump told a rally in las vegas he stands behind kavanaugh because hes quote, a fine, fine person. The drama is far from over, however. The woman who made the accusation professor Christine Blasey ford, now appears to tell her story to the u. S. Senate judiciary committee. But fords Attorney Says she first wants assurance of safety due to Death Threats since she went public. Michael cohen has now met to the special counsels team several times. It says prosecutors were mostly interested with mr. Trumps dealings with russia and whether they ever discussed a pardon with cohen. Joining me now is larry sabatou. Hes director of the center for politics at the university of virginia and author of the kennedy halfcentury. Larry, we appreciate you coming on. Great to be with you, natalie, thank you. Lets talk about the hearing on capitol hill. Can it be fair to both sides the accuser and the accused giving a he said, she said, can this be fair . I doubt it. In the end i bet both sides dont think its fair before its over. It would be better to have a thorough investigation in advance so that the committee would have more information and would be able to point their questions toward the unknown, whatever those unknown are after they hear from dr. Ford and also talk to judge kavanaugh. But this has become so political, it is so intensely political, it is so divisive it fits right in weve seen in our country for almost anything that matters in the Trump Administration. Evangel leaders are putting the pressure on leaders to push kavanaugh through and in the meantime women came in support in droves of professor ford. Its something seen as political and you also have the me too movement involved. But some have questioned whether this hearing is just an appeasement to the me too movement. What do you think . Well, this comes in a middle of a hotly contested election season. And really i dont think the republicans had a choice about hearing dr. Ford, assuming they can actually work out all these details. If they were to simply shut her out, it would even be worse than the way anita hill was treated back in 1991 when she accused now justice Clarence Thomas of major Sexual Harassment at work, and you remember what happened to many of those senators as a result. They had a very difficult year or two after that. So its pretty obvious that the senate has to do something. The me too movement makes it difficult for the senate to do anything but a major examination of this. If they simply paper over this, and theyre only interested in getting at the surface details, i dont think people will accept that today. Unfortunately, they did accept it back in 1991. Our standards werent quite as high and as exacting as they are today. Whether these new standards will be enough, though, is a question that remains unanswered. Well have to see how it develops. We will indeed. Lets look at another development, larry, involving President Trump. His former lawyer, fixer Michael Cohen has been talking with mueller prosecutors for weeks apparently about any business and Campaign Connections between mr. Trump and the russians. Do you see this as a significant step forward for investigators . I dont see how you can not judge this as being significant. Because Michael Cohen for all of his faults knows a great deal about the private donald trump and the donald trump of the business world, not just the political world. And he was with trump for so long, he and the president s accountant who also is being questioned probably can provide the prosecutors with some very interesting information. So the counsel in this case, mr. Mueller and his team, have a lot to work with. Now, you never know what theyre really producing. You never know if theyre finding evidence of a crime. You dont even know what questions theyre asking. But its significant to me that they have spent this much time with Michael Cohen and cohen is being as cooperative as he is because he doesnt have a deal with a prosecutor, at least not one we know about it. Can mr. Trump still claim tis is ridiculous witch hunt as we head towards the midterms . Maybe legitimately he cant claim that, natalie, but i think weve both watched President Trump for long enough to know he will continue to claim that. Doesnt matter what the facts are. And weve seen over and over and over again that his very large base in the country will support him. Almost 100 of them. So, yes, it will continue. It doesnt matter how ridiculous it is, and it will give him a buffer between the independent counsel, special counsel and the results of whatever this investigation actually turn out to be. Larry sabato, always appreciate your insights. Thanks so much. Thank you, natalie. A man who has a commercial pilots license manages to sneak on to an airline park for maintenance. What was he planning . Also ahead, officials fear hundreds have drown in tanzania. Why does this kind of disaster keep happening there . Well look into it. Stop fearing your alarm clock. With new zzzquil pure zzzs. A drugfree blend of botanicals with melatonin. That supports your Natural Sleep cycle. So you can seize the morning. New zzzquil pure zzzs. Is time you make for yourself. Aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with active naturals® oat. Locks in moisture to improve skin wellness in just one day. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® welcome back. We continue to follow a bizarre Security Breach at an airport in florida. A student pilot is under arrest after he jumped a fence in melbourne and snuck on to a jet undergoing maintenance. Our brian todd reports. Reporter in the middle of the night, a Flight School student jumps a fence, runs across a tarmac and boards an airbus 321 that was parked for maintenance in florida. Maintenance workers said they saw a shadow. A maintenance employee spotted the intruder and noti notified the Melbourne Police department, and was able to arrest the subject in two minutes. Reporter he twice attempted to enter the flight deck. After he was caught, he turned and ran toward the plane. The suspect is 22 years old the caribbean nation of trinidad tobagtobago, who was studying at a nearby Flight School. He faces charges of trespassing, burglary, and attempted theft of an aircraft. Officials say he has no control record and they found no weapons in his car or home. Systems in place and heroic action prevented something that could have been much worse. Rest assured, you believe our security worked just fine. Reporter just last month, nb unauthorized airport worker took off in a turboprop for an hour while talking to controllers. Got a few screws loose, i guess. Never really knew it until now. Reporter fighter jets were scrambled in case he was a security threat. After an hour, he crashed. The incident raised concerns whether parked airliners were secure if one can be so braisingly stolen. In the florida case, theres no known link to terrorism yet. But ever since extremists crashed four planes on 9 11, any attempt to take a plane is conce concerning. We saw what can happen, the damage that can be done. This incident will be of great concern to u. S. Counterterrorism agencies. Reporter one area they could investigate, the ties to trinidad tobago. A significant number of extremists have traveled to syria and iraq to join isis fro. Reporter its not clear if added security measures will be put in place at the Melbourne International airport. They are proud of how this security worked at this place. But its not unusual to have eight jets on the tarmac outside of the repairer in on any given hour. Rescue workers are searching for survivors of a boat accident in tanzania. 44 people died after a passenger ferry capsized thursday in lake victoria. The boat was overcrowded. Emergency teams rescued 37 people from the water before night fall. But they do not know how many people may still be missing. We have the latest on the tragedy. Hello to you. Ferries in tanzania are off often overloaded. Why does this deep happkeep hap . I dont know. In 1996, 20 people in lake victoria. 145 dead. Now, this ferry was carrying people that were coming from an island. It was auction day. It was obviously packed with traders. Were getting reports with a lory filled with cement in there. It was overloaded past its capacity. And rescuers tried to get to people. They shut down the search and rescue mission at 10 00 last night. And this morning, everyone is fearing the numbers are bound to rise. Right. Such an unnecessary tragedy, as well. Thanks so much. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Well continue after this. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. Istart at the new carfax. Comar. Show me minivans with no reported accidents. Boom. Love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. Olay deep hydrating eye gel breaks through the competition olay eyes with b3 complex hydrates better than 100, 200 even 400 eye creams. Thats something to see. Olay u. S. President donald trump has a star on the hollywood walk of fame. But its not getting a lot of love. Now, a street artist has put Donald Trumps star behind bars. If that star could talk, our jeanne moos knows what it would say. Reporter stars are supposed to twinkle. But me, i spark, when hes mad at my namesake. This star was born in 2007. Ive been pulverized twice. Comedian george lopez relieved himself on me. And now, a street artist put bars over me. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how i wonder who would do this to me . And why would you put bars on me . Well, because youre going to jail. Reporter says the street artist, plastic jesus, who wanted to be incognito. When he placed the bars in broad daylight, using doublesided sticky tape. Thats my president , bro. Reporter two years ago, the same street artist, mad about trumps border wall. Leave it. Reporter at least plastic jesus doesnt believe in torture. I try to do my pieces that doesnt vandalize the walk of fame too much. Reporter someone came along and put a pizza box over me. And then, he deployed spray paint with a stencil. What selfsuspecting star wants to have a mute symbol. This is not the walk of fame. Its the walk of pain. Jeanne moos, cnn, new york. An 11yearold girl who just got a heart transplant has talked for the first time about how she pulled through the whole thing, waiting for a new heart, and then getting one. Sofia sanchez was especially encouraged by a visit from r rapper superstar, drake. He said to stay strong and keep fighting and it helped a lot. I had some tough times because all of my friends were having fun. And my mom says, everybody goes through something in life and they get through it. How adorable is she . Drake surprised his biggest fan just a week before she found out a donor had been found. She got his personal phone number, that she promised not to reveal. She says she feels more alive now. People of ohio rejoice because you can, at last. The Cleveland Browns curse is lifted. Witness the last few seconds of the browns jets game on thursday. Lets see. Read the box score. Youll notice something strange. He is eating his glasses hes so hap happy. The story is, they won. Its just a game. Just a regular season game. Its not a super bowl. Its not the playoffs. But the browns won. This was a major feat for them because the Cleveland Browns have been objectively bad for the last few years. They have not won one single game since 2016. Thats 635 days. And for this extra special win, bud light unlocked fridges filled with beer in ten bars across the city. Free beer. We can only assume all of cleveland was singing this song cleveland rocks cleveland rocks cleveland rocks cleveland rocks cleveland rocks cleveland rocks cleveland rocks cleveland rocks cleveland rocks cleveland rocks cleveland rocks. Because you can. One factual correction to that story. The Cleveland Browns hadnt been bad, they had been dreadful. But theyre back. Thanks for watching cnn newsroom. Early start is next for viewers in the u. S. For everyone else, stay tuned for more news with max foster in london. See you tomorrow. Geico thank you todd. Its not just easy. Itsbeingamasterofhypnotism easy. Hey, i got your text sleep doug, when i snap my fingers youre going to clean my gutters. Ooh i should clean your gutters great idea. Its not just easy. Its geico easy. Todd, you will go make me a frittata. In april, lukes dad made 25 calls to find a place that could bring his sons creation to life. There were 14 emails to determine the size of the lightning bolts. And 18 texts wishing luke a very happy birthday. And when all was said and done, luke got to be a reallife superhero. And so did his dad. When a nasty cold wont let you sleep, try new nyquil severe with Vicks Vapocool and vaporize it. Ahhhhh shhhhh new nyquil severe with Vicks Vapocool. The vaporizing, nightime coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. Why didnt somebody call the fbi 36 years ago . I dont think you can delay it any longer. They delayed it a week already. The president wants to get moving on the vote for Brett Kavanaugh. His accuser Christine Blasey ford says she will testify. What does she want to make it happen . The president dismissed intel concerns about releasing classified documents. He is reconsidering after foreign allies voiced concern. A florida student with a pilo

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