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In the United States and around the world. Im george howell. Im natalie allen. This is cnn newsroom. At 5 00 a. M. On the u. S. East coast, just days after the u. S. President rejected the Historic Nuclear Deal with iran, this was the scene in that nations capital. Big crowds there, antiamerican emotions on full display on the streets of tehran. The fate of the Nuclear Agreement now hanging in the balance. The foreign minister of iran, jabbar zarif heads to brussels next week to meet with his counterparts from germany, france and the uk. U. S. Allies. And they will be seeking ways to keep this deal alive without the United States. And if that lastditch effort fails, tehran warns it may restart its Uranium Enrichment Program on a, quote, industrial scale. Complicating the situation is the potential for military clashes between iran and israel. Ian lee is in the Golan Heights. Israel says that area was attacked by iranian rockets earlier this week. Lets start our coverage with our Senior International correspondent Fred Pleitgen live in the iranian capital of tehran. Fred, lets talk about the mood among people there. We saw images at the top of our show. Has the mood changed any between moderates and hardliners given the president s decision to back out . Reporter its interesting because there are, obviously, people here who criticize president Hassan Rouhani for having initiated the Nuclear Agreement in the first place, especially among the hardliners. If you look at the major big political line here of this country, then it does seem as though right now at least the hardliners and moderates seem to have the same political agenda. Rouhani and his government, zarif namely, trying to salvage the agreement saying it could survive in a smaller form if the europeans agree to preserve irans interests. The Supreme Leader is saying he doesnt trust the europeans, but he is willing to give all of that a chance. While there seems to be some tensions between these two factions, certainly at this point in time it seems the Supreme Leader is at least sanctioning the fact the iranian government is still trying to preserve that deal. Nevertheless, theres, of course, a lot of concern among many iranians their country could be more isolated than before economically and there is also a lot of anger, especially towards President Trump after pulling out of the Nuclear Agreement. Heres what folks told us yesterday at those very fiery friday prayers. We have came here to say to all of the people of the world and to mr. Trump that we stand against mr. Trump. I want to say to American People that we are very sorry that they have elected such a president. Translator i hope we become so strong that nobody can threaten us and that my country will not fear anything or anyone. Reporter so there you have it. And you also have the Supreme Leader who was criticizing President Trump very heavily this week. It seems as though he also did some reading up on his arch nemesis. The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei was at a book fair. The book he was pictured reading was fire and fury. Its unclear what he thought of the book but, clearly, hes trying to get more information to President Trump as iran and the u. S. Remain in that altercation thats been going on since the u. S. Pulled out of the Nuclear Agreement, guys. That is an interesting picture, isnt it, fred . Look. So weve seen the frustration there on the streets for the u. S. President. For this decision to back out of this deal. But theres also been frustration among people there who have not yet realized, not yet seen the tangible benefits from the iran nuclear deal. The question now is this putting more pressure on the government from people who are expecting to see a difference from this . Yeah. I really do think it is. One of the things we have to keep in mind is with president Hassan Rouhanis election victory last year is one of the things he said is that he believed the Nuclear Agreement would evolve and things would get better. The thing he originally sold it on in 2015 is there will be more foreign direct investment. More jobs coming. More money pouring into iran. Thats happened to a certain extent. To be fair, the oil and gas sector has done very well and theres been some investment for French Companies here into the iranian economy. But again, its more of a trickle than it is really a stream. So right now, hes under a lot of pressure to sell to people. Look, this agreement that the u. S. Doesnt seem to want anymore, why on earth should iran want to try to preserve that. The u. S. Focused on more sanctions. So, obviously, well have to see how this plays out. Fred pleitgen live for us in tehran. Thank you for the reporting. Lets go to ian lee. He is live for us in the Golan Heights. And the decision by the u. S. To pull out of the iran deal, that is supported by the Israeli Government but is that in part what might have caused the incursion between iran and israel this week . Reporter natalie, israel made no secret that they wanted the United States to pull out of the iran nuclear deal. Israeli Prime Minister netanyahu from the very beginning, since the obama administration, had been calling for the u. S. Not to enter it and then to pull out once they did. Using the line fix it or nix it. The tensions did rise after the United States pulled out. But its hard to peg if that was the reason why. We saw the clash up here in the golan. Mainly because the iranians havent even admitted that they carried it out, let alone give an explanation for why they did. Israel said iran launched over 20 rockets at the Golan Heights and israeli retaliated with dozens of strikes on iranian targets. The defense minister said that almost all iranian sites inside syria have been hit. Now while weve heard from the iranian president , he said he wants this tensions to ease. Israel wants tensions to ease. But it really, were expecting this to continue as iran isnt abandoning syria and israel will be monitoring them there closely. All right, thank you so much, ian lee, reporting from the Golan Heights for us. Extra marine units will beef up u. S. Diplomatic posts across the middle east next week. Officials telling cnn they are taking no chances. All of this around the u. S. Embassy opening in jerusalem on monday. This after President Trump ordered it to be moved from tel aviv and the Palestinian Authority is calling for a day of rage. Its urging palestinians to protest washingtons recognition of jerusalem as israels capital. Monday is also the start of the muslim holy month of ramadan. And officials will be watching for unrest over the Trump Administrations exit from the iran deal. Lets get insight from fawaz gerges, the chair of contemp middle east studies at the London School of economics. Its always a pleasure to have you here on the show. Lets start with the iran. They see a Ripple Effect of problems to come from the president s decision to abandon it. Listen. Translator i agree that there are a lot of other worrying issues to talk about when it comes to iran. The fight with israel, the Ballistic Missile program, irans role in syria. All correct. However, i think it is not correct to pull out of a deal that has been agreed on, that has been voted for unanimously in the u. N. Security council. That hurts the trust in the international order. So drawing on your knowledge of the inner workings of the region, how do you see this playing out, and can the deal survive without the United States being part of it, but also increasing pressure with sanctions . I doubt it very much, george. Even though the european powers, even though the European Union, even though russia and china have made it very clear they would like to preserve the nuclear deal, i was really surprised yesterday to hear the german chancellor merkel making it very clear that once american sanctions kick in, this would make it very difficult and very dangerous for European Companies to invest in iran. You have tens of billions of dollars that European Companies have invested in iran. And once the american sanctions kick in, basically they would be major costs for European Companies. Also, European Companies deeply invested in the American Economy and the American Financial system. And it will not really want to be subjected to american sanctions. So even though the european powers would like to stay in, i doubt it very much whether youre going to see a great deal of European Investments in iran in the next six months after the american sanctions go into effect. The second factor thats really not taken into account, george, is that what france and germany and britain are trying to do is to also engage iran in new talks to address its Ballistic Missiles, to address its interventions in the neighborhood, in iraq, in lebanon, in syria and yemen. And iran has made it very clear it will not make any concessions on its infiltration of its neighbors countries. So multiple factors in the next six months, even though iran and the european powers and russia and china would like to maintain it, i think my take on it after six months, iran will most likely pull out of the deal because its going to realize that the investments that it had hoped to attract from europe will not be coming in. You mention russia and china. Theres another question. Is this drawing iran closer to russia and china along with allies in the European Union that are trying to salvage this deal . Oh, absolutely, george. I mean, i think trumps decision drives a wedge with its his european allies. I mean, think of what the chancellor, the german chancellor said. We can no longer rely on the American Security umbrella. We must defend ourselves. Think of what the french ministers have said in the past 48 hours. They have said, well, look, we are unwilling to pay the Economic Cost of a unilateral american decision. There is a sense in europe that basically the u. S. Has changed, that the u. S. Can no longer really rely on. The major beneficiaries of trumps pull out of the deal will be russia, china and turkey. China, of all the three powers, china will benefit the most. It has made tens of billions of u. S. Dollars in investments in iran and will likely basically invest more given the drying up european investment. The reality is, george, though, iran has been counting on European Investments. It wants to modernize its commercial flights. It bought a hundred airplanes from europe. Investment in the gas and oil sectors, and this will not be coming in. What iran is trying to do now, you might ask me why iran has not pulled out of the deal. Iran is playing for time, for the next six months are very crucial before the american sanctions kick in. Is really trying to speed up European Investments, in particular, the commercial airplanes and other investment. At the end of the day, i see iran pulling out in the next six months because it wants to have cards to play in the future talks with the european leaders about not only the nuclear deal but also its role in the region as well. Fawaz gerges live in london, thank you for the perspective. Well stay in touch with you. Another issue involving the u. S. President , Rudy Giuliani, the u. S. President s new lawyer, has again made a statement thats put his client in a tough spot. Giuliani said the president has denied the merger of at t and cnns Parent Company time warner. That is quite a different statement than what weve heard from the president and the Justice Department up to now. Haras gold explains for us. Reporter giuliani is causing another headache for the white house and now also the Justice Department this weekend because of comments made in an interview with the huffington post. Whatever lobbying Michael Cohen did on behalf of Companies Like at t who paid him for consulting as weve recently learned, did not work. Giuliani used the example of at ts proposed merger with time warner. Now the Justice Department blocked that merger. They sued to try to stop it because they said it would harm consumers. But giuliani said in his interview with the hufgton post that it was the president who denied that merger. That matters because the Justice Department is supposed to operate independent of the president. And they said they sued to block the merger without any sort of interference from the president or any sort of political bias. Rudy giulianis comments fly in the face of that. In fact, even a sworn affidavit from the head of the Anti Trust Division for the Justice Department saying that he was not influenced at all by the president or the white house or anybody involved. But now Rudy Giuliani is saying that, in fact, donald trump himself was the one who denied this merger. The question now is what at t will do with this information. A judge is currently taking his time deciding whether this merger can go through or not. Were expecting that decision june 12th. At t could issue new filings on appeal. They could try to bring up this political bias defense. Its really giving them another part of their arsenal that they can bring forth in this defense. But at the end of the day, its just another Rudy Giuliani headache for the white house and the Justice Department. This is hadas gold, cnn, washington. For his part, donald trump wants to make sure everyone knows the Justice Department has been against the merger from the beginning. Onge on friday, mr. Trump tweeted the Anti Trust Division has been and is opposed to the at t purchase of time warner in a currently ongoing trial. The Justice Department is currently trying to block the deal in court. Lets talk more about it with a professor of International Politics at City University of london. Thank you for being with us. As far as this at t merger story, Rudy Giuliani muddies the waters, yet again. Remember the Stormy Daniels saga. He was saying that it was President Trump, not the department of justice, that blocked the merger. The doj has previously denied the president was involved. Is giuliani helping or hurting the president . Its very difficult to say. He was brought in, i think, partly because of his reputation. Hes a fighter, a sort of political street fighter by reputation. And i think the idea was much more aggressive stance, particularly with the media. And kind of painting a picture of a beleaguered president , a man of the people, fighting the system. But unfortunately, it seems to have gone the other way. That is, hes opened up President Trump to more exposure in the Stormy Daniels question and possibly widening or deepening already existing investigations into his other behavior, particularly towards the department of justice. So it would appear to be to some extent backfiring, although i think we shouldnt disregard the symbolic effects, which is a kind of a man against the washington, d. C. , machine or the system. But i think that plays quite well more broadly. Its interesting you say that because that connects to my next question. With the news mr. Trumps lawyer, mr. Cohen, was a consultant for the deal, hired by at t, does this fly in the face of trumps promise to drain the swamp . Absolutely, it does. There was no question, really, at the very beginning, or now, that the Trump Administration is effectively governance for a Family Corporation right at the center and for the corporate sector more broadly, particularly those who are much more based on the territory of the United States and a much more, therefore, nationalistic in character. And that draining the swamp never occurred. It hasnt occurred. And everything we find out about Michael Cohen and the other Business Associates and linkages of the Trump Administration, it shows it is deeply mired in that very swamp itself. And, quite frankly, i think you can probably extend that to the democratic partys leadership, too. Their linkages with wall street and so on are very, very powerful. So President Trump is a very different kind of president in a number of different ways, but actually in many other respects, especially in regard to the kind of swamp, lobbyists, corporate people and so on, hes exactly the same as the people that he claimed to be against. That swamp is thick up there in d. C. , isnt it . Well, this whole story about blocking the at t purchase of time warn cher which is the par company of cnn, a network he does not like, does it speak on the part of a vendetta of this president . It could well be. Its very difficult to know the motivations. I think this is a president who thrives on chaos. And i think chaos means that hes at the center of attention of everything. And in the course of that, he can basically paint an image of a man under siege and at his rallies, he talks about him being under siege from bogus investigations, as well as the United States being under siege from bogus from hostile powers and so on. Hes the only defense that the United States has. Yes, and he continues to use those rallies and get that base riled up over these situations. We always appreciate your thoughts. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Still ahead protesters are calling on the president of sudan to pardon the teenager sentenced to death for murdering her husband while he allegedly raped her. Well have a live report ahead. Also, this hour, a unique look inside the u. S. Militarys command center where officials keep constant watch for incoming missiles and possible attacks. What . Directv gives you more for your thing. Your. Quitting cable and never looking back thing. Directv is rated 1 in Customer Satisfaction over cable. Switch to directv and now get a 100 reward card. More for your thing. Thats our thing. Call 1. 800 directv. its the details that make the difference. Only botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crows feet and forehead lines look better. Its a quick 10 minute treatment given by a doctor to reduce those lines. Ask your doctor about botox® cosmetic by name. The effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. Do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. Side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyelid and eyebrow drooping and eyelid swelling. Tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. The details make a difference. The man makes them matter. See real results at botoxcosmetic. Com men. Activists around the world are calling on sudans president to pardon a teenager sentenced to death for murdering her husband while he allegedly raped her. Norah hussein tried to ask her parents for support but they turned her in to police. Her case has put the spotlight on marital rape which is not illegal in sudan. It has also put the spotlight on forced marriages which occur commonly in sudan. Our isha sesay joins us from london. This young woman, this is such a sad, sad story in so many ways. Two weeks to plead her case before her death sentence. What are the chances the judicial system will show her mercy . Do we know . Hi there, natalie and george. Having just spoken to one of nouras lawyers, he tells me there is precedent for Death Penalty sentences being overturned in sudan. So he is hopeful that upon reexamination of the evidence and looking at whether the law was followed, the technical elements of this case that upon reassessment by three judges in the appeal process that they will be successful. In terms of the actual grounds for the appeal, the argument they will use, you wont be surprised to hear the judge said he wouldnt disclose that, bearing in mind theres a prosecution preparing their own case to meet their appeal. He felt fairly confident in the strength of nouras case. He also said that he was pinning his hopes on the family of nouras dead husband because they can still intervene here. They can still basically give her amnesty. Thats what it would be termed as and stall this death sentence. And this is something they can do right up until her final moments, up until the moment shes taken to the place where she would be hanged. If they were to intervene and say they grant amnesty, nouras life would be saved. What about the court of Public Opinion . This issue viewed very differently there compared to how International Audiences might view it. Does she have support in sudan . According to a lawyer, a great deal of support from womens groups and Civil Society groups there in the country. A lot of them saying that nouras actions and her bravery, and thats how its seen by many of these womens groups. The fact she fought back against her attacker, is something to be hailed and something that shines a spotlight on the practices there in sudan which very often make women and girls victims in such situations. But then again, you did make the point, and it is worth highlighting, that in sudan, marital rape is legal. That the legal age of marriage in sudan is as young as 10 years old. So in some quarters, noura is not a victim. In some quarters, she is, indeed a murderer. That she took the life of a man who was doing nothing wrong. But it is worth stating this has created a groundswell of support and a conversation in sudan about the actions of men and the treatment of women and girls there in that country. Right. Because the other part of this story is that she ran away from home to avoid this forced marriage because she wanted to be a teacher. Her parents lured her back home to force this to happen. Its just unbelievable. We know youll be following it for us, isha. Thanks so much. Now to iraq. People there are going to the polls to vote in that countrys parliamentary election. Voting kicked off several hours ago. It is the first such vote since isis was declared defeated just last year. 329 seats are up for grabs with a quarter reserved for women. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi cast his vote a short time ago and hopes to win back his position which must go to a shiite. But the countrys shia bloc has fractured into several major coalitions. That makes it hard to predict who will come out on top. Immigration officials in malaysia say the former Prime Minister and his wife are banned now from leaving the country. Najib razak is accused of corruption involving state funds. Rumors spread he was planning to leave the country after losing his reelection bid earlier this week, but he has tweeted that he will respect the order and that he and his family will remain in malaysia. Political tension between the u. S. And north korea appears to be calming down, but thats not stopping the u. S. Military from doing its job. We have a job to do thats measured in minutes and seconds. And for us to try and account for that, the political rhetoric, it doesnt fit in. Were worried about pieces of me metal flying through space coming to north america. We get a look inside the u. S. Military command center that keeps a 24 7 watch for incoming missiles and threats to the u. S. Rub and rub again just to get rid of stubborn makeup . Try garnier micellar water. Garnier micelles act like a magnet to absorb makeup and impurities. Without harsh rubbing, remove stubborn makeup, cleanse and soothe even sensitive skin. Garnier micellar water. Americas 1. 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Live coast to coast across the United States, good morning to you. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Im george howell. Im natalie allen. Iranians hold antiu. S. Protests just days after washington pulls out of the iran nuclear deal. Tehran warns it may restart its nuclear Enrichment Program if the agreement cannot be salvaged. Irans foreign minister heads to europe next week to see if the deal can be saved, meeting with u. S. Allies there. U. S. President s new attorney Rudy Giuliani says donald trump denied the merger of at t and time warner. Cnns Parent Company. This is different from mr. Trumps assertion that its the Justice Department that is independently fighting the merger. U. S. Stealth fighter jets have intercepted a pair of russian bombers in International Air space off the alaskan coast. U. S. And Canadian Military Officials Say the longrange russian bear aircraft were spotted friday morning. They eventually left the area. The World Health Organization is warning of a worst Case Scenario as it ramps up its response to an outbreak of ebola in the democratic republic of congo. The w. H. O. Says two cases of the deadly disease had been confirmed, and 14 are suspected. It says 18 people who have died likely had ebola. A pair of statements from white house chief of staff john kelly has brought a swift backlash. First, kelly is walking back his statement that the u. S. President is embarrassed by the special counsels probe. Kelly later told cnn he meant to say mr. Trump was, quote, distracted by the investigation into russian meddling in the 2016 election. Heres kellys original comment made to National Public radio, npr. There may not be a cloud but certainly the president is somewhat embarrassed, frankly, when World Leaders come in. Its like, you walk in and the first couple minutes of every conversation might revolve around that kind of thing. In that same interview with npr, kelly, known as an immigration hardliner, said most of the immigrants crossing into the u. S. Are poorly educated. The vast majority of the people that move illegally into the United States are not bad people. But they are also not people that would easily assimilate into the United States. They are overwhelmingly rural people. In the countries they come from, fourth, fifth, sixth grade educations are kind of the norm. The United Nations agency is reporting that north koreas government has promised not to carry out unannounced missile tests as well as other activities that are hazardous to commercial aviation. Pyongyang also says its nuclear arms program is, quote, complete. The move comes ahead of President Trumps meet with north Korean Leader kim jongun next month where many topics, including pyongyangs Nuclear Program are expected to be discussed. And while tensions between the u. S. And north korea appear to be calming, the u. S. Military isnt, of course, letting down its guard. Cnn just received unique access to a facility that monitors incoming threats to north america in the skies, including kim jonguns missiles. Scott mclean has this report for us. Reporter for the first time in a long time, there are positive signs coming from north korea, but the political optics here mean very little for the people at norad who are tracking the north Korean Nuclear threat. In fact, they are just as leary of north korea new as they were a year ago. Their work is done in two command centers here in Colorado Springs and one of them is buried under that mountain. This is americas first line of defense from an incoming nuclear missile. Deep inside cheyenne mountain. The norad, north american aero Space Defense command. Today it warns of incoming threats from the sky 24 hours a day, including a north Korean Missile. Something that seemed like a real possibility just months ago. Translator they must never forget that the Nuclear Button is placed on my desk at all times. They must realize that this is not a threat but a reality. North korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. Reporter since then, tensions with north korea have cooled down. Kim jonguns missile tests have stopped and threats of fire and fury have been replaced with handshakes and talks of optimism ahead of a trump kim meeting next month. Here inside the norad command center, youd never know it. We have a job to do thats measured in minutes and seconds, and for us to try to account for that, the political rhetoric, it doesnt fit in. Were worried about pieces of metal flying through space coming to north america. Reporter cnn was granted rare access to this complex buried under 2400 feet of solid granite at the end of a nearly milelong tunnel. Its designed to survive a Nuclear Blast and maintain Communications Even after being hit. Its secured by 23ton blast doors. Five underground lakes store water and fuel, and its 15 buildings sit on more than 1,300 giant springs. Let the buildings sway by up to a foot without being damaged in an earthquake or missile strike. Its the most secure facility in the world. Reporter colonel travis morehen, a canadian, has been at the helm of the command Center Standing watch during five north Korean Missile tests. He says norad still gets intelligence on kim jonguns Nuclear Program three or four times a day. What should we read into that . You shouldnt read anything do into that. Its just that thats the scan of the Intelligence Community looking at north korea. Weve been watching the same as we were previously, the same as we watch any other nation that poses a threat to the United States and canada. Reporter the persistent focus on north korea comes despite President Trumps announcement that the u. S. Is pulling out of the iran nuclear deal. Irans president has yet to commit to staying in it, meaning the world could soon have another aspiring nuclear power. Or even two more if saudi arabia makes good on its pledge to follow suit if iran restarts its Nuclear Program. If there is a deal to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula is your work done here . No, no, its not. We need to be able to respond to any threat from any nation. In my opinion here, our work will never be done. Reporter norad is marking its 60th anniversary this weekend. It is the only binational command of its kind in the world. But it is not the only tenant inside cheyenne mountain. There are some 15 other u. S. Government agencies who operate inside but the officials who took us in wouldnt say which ones. Scott mclean, cnn, Colorado Springs, colorado. It is fascinating to get a look inside that facility and the work continues around the clock. For the First Time Since last months deadly engine failure, the pilots who safely landed Southwest Airlines flight 1380, they are now talking about what happened. Tammie jo shults and darryn elisor say teamworked help them get through a nightmare that left one passenger dead. We had a very severe vibration from the number one engine. It was shaking everything. And that all kind of happened all at once. What did you think had happened . My Immediate Reaction was a seizure of the engine. We knew something extraordinary had happened pretty quickly. Southwest 1380 has an engine fire. Descending. Yes, single engine descending. Have a fire. She was just so calm. She really had nerves of steel. Where would you like to go, which airport . Give us a vector for your closest. Philadelphia. 43yearold Jennifer Riordan was killed during the flight. The pilots waited to talk about the ordeal to give her family some time to heal. Still ahead this hour what could be responsible for a deadly dam collapse in kenya. The latest on the search for the missing still ahead. Plus in just one week, prince harry and Meghan Markle will walk down the aisle and into the history books. We take a look at their modern love story ahead here. Youll make my morning, buty the price ruin my day. Ou . Complicated relationship with milk . Pour on the lactaid, 100 real milk, just without that annoying lactose. Mmm, thats good. Does your Business Internet provider promise a lot . Lets see who delivers more. Comcast business gives you gigspeed in more places. The others dont. We offer up to 6 hours of 4g Wireless Network backup. Everyone else, no way. We let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. Them, not so much. We let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. The others . Nope get internet on our gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call or go on line today. All right, everybody. Welcome back. Kenyan Authorities Say that the dam that burst on wednesday and killed dozens of people was built illegally. At least 45 people are now confirmed dead. 40 people still missing. The rush of water swept away homes after heavy rain and flooding soaked the area. The Kenya Red Cross estimates some 500 families have been affected. More help is on the way for hawaiis big island. The kilauea volcano erupted just more than a week ago, and now President Trump has declared a major disaster. That frees up federal funding and assistance to help local authorities there. Havent been any new lava emissions since wednesday, but the threat of more explosions has again forced the closure of the Hawaii Volcanoes National park. Officials are also warning of dangerous toxic gas. Lets get more on whats happening. Its just devastating to see. No way to stop this. Meteorologist ivan cabrera is here. You can deflect it but cant stop it going over your homes. With typhoons and hurricanes and things like that, we can let you know when its over. With this, we cant. Lets check in on the latest here. We wont know what the damage eventually will be. We could have a lot more under way. Things like that unfortunately because were in a lull right now but were not expecting that to continue. Geologists expect more outbreaks. That is more fissures breaking, more lava coming out. With that, the toxic gases that we talk about, particularly sulfur dioxide. We get the magma column dropping. Pressure begins to build as everything heats up and, well, when that happens, we get an explosive eruption. Thats the next phase of this calamity that probably will get under way. That has not happened yet. Theyll continue to monitor this lava lake. Although weve lost it at this point. This was april 23. Watch as the lava continues to sink in. It is headed towards that water table and once it gets there, thats when were expecting things to really get going here as we take a look at our infrared camera the last few days. Ill leave you with this. Secondary effects, if what we already talked about wasnt enough, the vog, volcanic smog. Thats a form of air pollution. Triggers lots of respiratory problems. Nasty stuff. And then acid rain that we talk about. Thats harmful to marine life as it leeches aluminum through the soil and gets into the rivers and lakes. We added more to this. Its we really wont know the final effects for quite some time. So from that, were going to turn to the Royal Wedding. Just a little bring it up a little bit. Only one week left. Thanks, ivan. We now have details of what kind of cake harry and meghan will be cutting on the big day. Thats coming up here. Its the details that make the difference. 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Could light up the room . New aveeno® positively radiant sheer daily moisturizer. Lightweight hydration for positively radiant skin that lasts. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results® and you look amazingly you lcomfortable. When your vneck looks more like a uneck. Thats when you know, its halfwashed. Add downy to keep your collars from stretching. Downy and its done. The final touches are being set for britains prince harry and american actress Meghan Markle to tie the knot just one week away. Some royal watchers are placing their bets on key wedding details. Heres our max foster in london. Reporter a week to go and no official announcements about the wedding for days now. But that hasnt stopped the speculation. When theres a vacuum of information from the palace, we revert to what people are betting on. Heres what brits have been obsessing about. First, the dress. Ralph ruso are the Firm Favorites as designers. Odemand Christopher Bailey are the other frontrunners. They wont confirm or deny any of the rumors until she steps out of the car at the church on the wedding day. Maybe shes chosen two and hasnt decided until the day of. People are betting that harry will be wearing a uniform on the day, and money is being placed on whether hell keep his beard. Most thinking hell shave it off for the big day. Then the weather. This is the uk. We obsess about nothing more. Theres a mini heat wave on its way. And bets are being placed on it being the hottest day of the year. Good news for markle who was brought up in the california sun. Less so for harry if hes in the stifling ceremonial uniform. They arent even married and people are already talking about the baby. They have slashed their odds on markle making a pregnancy announcement by the end of this year. Lets give them a chance to enjoy their first big royal event together without any of this. Not long now. Max foster, cnn, london. Love it. Some wedding details are under wraps, we have an idea of what kind of cake guests will be enjoying on the big day. Cake. Heres cnns Lynda Kinkade with more on that. Reporter if you are one of the millions of people who did not get an invite to the Royal Wedding, we have a taste of what you can expect. I have with me Kristen Maxwell cooper from the knot. This is a traditional wedding cake. Kate and william had it. Will this be on the menu . This is a traditional fruitcake from for goodness cakes here in atlanta, georgia. This is actually one of the traditions that prince harry and meghan had decided to skip. Like you said, Prince William and kate had one. Prince charles and Princess Diana had one. Its often all white. Very grand in appearance. This is eight tiers. And it has a lot of intricate detailing. We know that meghan had a good say in the pastry chef. She chose an american in london. And what does she want created . She wants a lemon elderflower cake. She chose a pastry chef based in london. She is an american. She wants buttercream topped with fresh flowers. So we get a little taste of what the wedding guests will be served. Its very good. Shouldnt skip it. And i understand prince harry is going to go with tradition. Most men like chocolate. Hes selected a chocolate cake. Yes, for his grooms cake. Theyre a big tradition in the u. S. But theyre just making their way to the Royal Wedding right now. Prince william had one. We expect harry to have one. His favorite deszerts is a banana caramel chocolate cake so we expect hell choose those flavors. What a wedding without some sparkles and wine. Meghan is partial to a pinot, particularly one from flowers, from the Sonoma Valley in california. Will there be a mix of british and american wines . We can expect some of them may be flown in so we have a mix of american and british drinks for the occasion. And when it comes to sparkling wine, we can expect them to be from chapel down. They provided a rose brut for Prince William and kate and also sparkling wine for the queens diamond jubilee. Here is to meghan and harry. Cheers. Cheers. Why didnt that cake or wine make it into the newsroom . Cheers, george. Before they were even thinking about marriage, the american actress spent years struggling to make it in hollywood. Cnn takes an inside look. Reporter for meghan, her identity struggle is magnified in hollywood. What has she said about how her race impacted her getting jobs . Casting agents werent sure what to make of her. Is she going out for a latina role . Is she somehow maybe italian or even middle eastern or is she africanamerican . Is she caucasian . She felt like at times casting agents threw up their hands and went, never mind. Reporter cast over for big roles, meghan does get some small parts. Thank you. Whats going on here . What do you mean. Youre way too cute to be just a fedex girl. One scene or be there for one moment. A bunch of tv shows. Friends, Beverly Hills 90210. Famously a deal or no deal girl. She had her little moment opening one of the briefcases. She has said her 20s were brutal. Meghan struggled a lot. To become a successful actress, to be able to make a living, thats like winning a lottery ticket. The number of forces that have to combine to get you even the smallest scrap of success are so astronomical. Reporter meghan auditions for ten years. And then, at 29, she lands a significant role. Female lead on usa networks legal drama suits. Is this all a joke to you . Because i take my job seriously. She got lucky. She undoubtedly handed in a great audition, a great screen test. Excellent chemistry with her costars and hit the jackpot. Thats just a sample of our special report a royal match harry and meghan several times this weekend youll see it, including saturday night in the u. S. , sunday night in london. We cant get enough. Thanks for watching cnn newsroom. Im natalie allen. Im george howell. 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