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World. Im natalie allen. Newsroom starts right now. Our top story, 38 agonizing minutes, thats how long it took for nearly a million and a half people in hawaii to find out that a terrifying missile alert was, indeed, a false alarm. This is what many woke up to, though, saturday morning. The u. S. Pacific command detected a missile threat to hawaii. A missile may impact on land or sea within minutes. This is not a drill. If youre indoors this was the nail biting alert warning of a Ballistic Missile heading to one of the most beautiful places on earth, all over hawaii people ran to take cover in garages, basements, police stations and concrete bunkers. Turns out the false alarm happened because a state worker hit the wrong computer button. We get more on it all from malika lincoln in honolulu. What happened today was totally unacceptable and many in our community was deeply affected by this and im sorry for that pain and confusion that anyone might have experienced. Reporter a somber apology from the governor as state officials admitted human error was to blame for the false Ballistic Missile threat alert and the nearly 40 minutes it took for a correction to be issued. There was no automated way to send a false alarm cancellation. We had to initiate a manual process and that was why it took a while to notify everyone. Reporter the mistake happened during a routine test during a shift change. Officials confirm an employee erroneously sent the warning, disseminated to mobile devices across the state by initially clicking the wrong option during the test, then confirming a subsequent prompt that distributed the mass alert. There was a screen that says are you sure you want to do this . Thats already in place. Now, we had one person, human error, and that was pushed anyway. Reporter the employee reportedly didnt realize his mistake until he received the Emergency Alert on his own device. Officials wouldnt say if the employee will be suspended or relieved of his duties, though they did confirm everyone will receive counseling and retraining. As an immediate safeguard to prevent another false alarm, the test the state was conducting has been put on hold and a future alert will require two people. I apologize for this. This is my responsibility and my team. But please keep in mind that, again, the threat is there, if this comes out, youre going to have 12 to 13 minutes of warning for an actual event and please take this to heart. Reporter Officials Say it is imperative that the publics takeaway from this mistake is that they do need to be prepared. The governor says if it had been a real threat, the state siren system would have been activated. Theyre now investigating reports that some sirens did sound near military bases. The sirens should not have gone off. It was not part of this test. Reporter officials are also looking into why some mobile carriers never received the mass warning alert that was mistakenly released. We want the people to know that we are disappointed and angry this happened. We do know that everyone on the island was affected in some way. We understand that. We are committed to providing the public with a Good Notification system. How did this happen . An investigation is under way and the results could be reported in the coming weeks. While the missile alert was thankfully false, the speed of such a warning is critical for the hawaiian islands. The states population would have just about 15 minutes to take shelter. Cnns sara sidner is in hawaii with more on how people reacted. Reporter the Emergency Alert that was sent out to many people here in hawaii really did create a bit of panic. People were calling family members, telling them that they thought it was the last time they would be speaking to one another, a state representative said he gathered his family in the bathroom and had to explain to his daughter when she asked him if we were at war that, yes, indeed, we were, and he wanted them to survive. Then came the message that this was a false alarm. That took 38 minutes, many people waiting that long to find out that indeed there was no inbound missile and they were safe. In the meantime, hawaii was the first state in america to go ahead and refurbish and test their attack alert system. What they have done now is trying to figure out how all this went wrong, and to try to rectify it. In the meantime, there are people here who are demanding more answers, theyre trying to figure out what theyre going to do if indeed there is an attack and the reason for all this obviously is because some of the rhetoric between the president of the United States and the leader of north korea. That rhetoric ratcheting up, people are nervous, then comes this alert. It really did shake things up here in hawaii. Back to you guys. Were also learning how local University Students reacted to the false alarm. Ashley nagaoka reports from the university of hawaii. I banged on her door, like, guys, get up, like, for real, like we got to get out of here. We already know we have 15 minutes. Reporter austin coleman, a junior, says he saw the alert on his cell phone and immediately ran to wake up his roommates. Were all packing, all panicking and getting stuff ready like were getting water and just, like, some food we have. And were all calling our loved ones. Reporter coleman says they decided to leave their dorm room at freer hall. They recall seeing the fear in peoples eyes once outside. We were coming down outside of freer and i see people running past us, like, there is like a group of people crying and, like, i saw people on the road just like running in the middle of the road. The roommates say they ran here to builder hall because they knew there was a fallout shelter. When they tried to get in, all the doors were locked. Everyone was freaking out, everyone was on their phones, like, what do we do . Where do we go . Reporter coleman says someone in the group had a key to a classroom in the Marine Sciences building. So everyone ran there. People were screaming, you got to shut the doors, time is running out. And there was at least 200 plus people in there. It was getting hard to breathe. If you had to go to the bathroom, couldnt go. It was just a recipe for disaster. Reporter eventually the all clear was given. Uh Officials Say the fallout shelter signage on campus is old, from the cold war era, and is scheduled to be removed. The University Says it is working to identify new shelter locations on campus for its students. The school wants to remind students there are counselors on campus 24 7, and residents hall staff will be checking in with students. Reporting from manoa, hawaii news now. U. S. President donald trump was playing golf in florida when he found out about the incident. Still unknown exactly when he was informed of the alert, and when he learned it was a false alarm. Also not known whether the president tried to communicate with japan, south korea or china and whether he ordered any action. Cnns Senior International correspondent ivan watson is following this story from seoul, south korea, and certainly seoul, south korea, would understand what a risk really feels like, ivan. Yeah. And youd think that perhaps people here would be much more worried than they reveal themselves to be on a day to day basis, but seoul, the city, the capital, south korea, right next to its north korean rival, throughout months of north Korean Missile launches, and nuclear tests, it is really life as usual here. People, for instance, ice skating in a city ice skating rink a few blocks from where im standing today, but some of the jitters of the tension on the Korean Peninsula in recent months have been felt in other places like the u. S. Island of guam. I was there reporting in august of last year when north korea was threatening that island, and there was actually a false alarm that went out over one of the local tv networks, over a test of their emergency broadcasting system that issued a civil danger warning and later the island authorities had to say that this was human error. Not on the scale of what we saw in hawaii, but nonetheless, coming it was bad timing indeed. Meanwhile, japan, a can country that periodically is threatened by north korea, which often fires missiles in the direction of japan, and even over japanese territory, over the course of the last year, it has begun conducting drills in different municipalities and there is one scheduled in tokyo later this month. Thats something with the air raid sirens that many hadnt heard really since world war ii. So part of a new reality that has set in over the course of the last year in response certainly to the many missile tests that north korea has conducted and the tense and threatening talk that has come from pyongyang as well. Natalie . There is another kind of talk going on, thank goodness, north korea and south korea have met and talked and they will do so again. What do we know about that . Yeah. We had these first round of groundbreaking talks, the first in two years between north and south korean delegations last tuesday. And on monday theyre scheduled to be another round of discussions, a working level discussion, and this will mostly focus on culture. Because now that north korea is planning to attend the upcoming Winter Olympics here in south korea, as part of that agreement it is supposed to send an art troupe to attend the pyeongchang games. And so theyre going to be cultural officials, representatives from the symphonies of both countries that are going to meet, along the demilitarized zone, this time on the north korean side of the demarcation line. We also learned one further detail that the south korean delegation in last tuesdays talks asked about possibly trying to put north and south korean athletes from the womens ice hockey teams together in a unified team. Still waiting for an answer from pyongyang on that. Of course, that has been something that has been floated in the past here in south korea and has come under some criticism with concerns that some south korean athletes might lose their spots on the team if you have to bring in north korean athletes. But all of this is a sign of a thaw between the rivals around the upcoming Winter Olympics. Natalie . We thank you, ivan watson, for us there in seoul. Chinese state tv says the oil tanker that was in a collision has finally sunk. They report a huge explosion on the vessel around noon local time. It had been adrift and burning off the coast of shanghai for more than a week after a collision with a bulk freighter. 32 crew members were on board and only three bodies have been found. Again, it has now sunk. Donald trump, once promised haitian americans he would be their champion. Now many feel betrayed by his hateful insults. Well have the story next here. 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The federal government is complying with a court ruling, which, for now, prevents the administration from ending the program known as daca. Officials say new applications will not be accepted as permitted by the court. President trumps reported insults about haiti and africa are not sitting well in many parts of the world. Mr. Trump denies using the exact words attributed to him, probably heard them by now, but others who were there confirmed he did, in fact, say them. And thats causing a lot of anger in miamis Haitian Community. Cnns Kaylee Hartung has our report. Im running to be president of all americans, thats everybody. And whether you vote for me or you dont vote for me, i really want to be your greatest champion and i will be your champion. Reporter that was then candidate donald trump, speaking in miamis little haiti neighborhood just months before the 2016 president ial election. The haitian people deserve better. And thats what i intend to give them. I will give them better. Reporter but in the wake of reports that the president complained about immigrants coming from shole countries, haitians agree they deserve better. I read it, i felt outrage and sad, i cried. Reporter sarah leroux living in miami under temporary protected status or tps gave candidate trump the benefit of the doubt and took him at his word. She said the president has now shown his true colors. So this is how he treat us, we can see that now, were seeing the real face of donald trump and this is a face of hate, of racism. Reporter leroux is one of the more than 20,000 haitians living in south florida now facing deportation after the Trump Administration announced it would end the countrys tps status. Trump reportedly made the demeaning comment during immigration policy negotiations on thursday. He has denied saying anything derogatory about haitians saying in a tweet friday morning he claimed he had a, quote, wonderful relationship with them. Youre telling me you have a great relationship with haitian people, how is that possible . Reporter little haiti came out en masse on friday, an event originally intended to commemorate the 8th anniversary of the earthquake that devastated the island nation and killed as many as 300,000. But with the president s slur still fresh, a solemn memorial at times recem bsembled an antip rally. Were here to tell President Trump, haiti is not what he calls it. Haiti is a proud nation. We shall overcome reporter for the american president who said he would be haitis greatest champion, by the way, to stand up and make such a comment at this time, it leaves me reeling, it leaves me angry, it leaves me offended, it leaves me hurt, and it leaves me wanting justice. Reporter justice, perhaps, to be delivered at the ballot box. Im going to make sure we work to remember what he said and the midterm elections of this year, 2018, and clearly we will not have short memories in 2020. Reporter Kaylee Hartung, cnn, miami. Well wait and see when those midterm elections take place later this year. Lets bring in james davis who joins us from munich, germany, dean of the school of economics and Political Science at the university of saint gallon. I want to play off what we just saw there, the hurt, the anger from that Haitian Community in miami. What is your reaction to how people are reacting to what this president uttered . I think the reactions are understandable. The president of the United States took an oath to the constitution, and is supposed to be the president of all americans, irrespective of where they come from, irrespective of their religion, racial identity. This president keeps demonstrating that he seems to categorize americans according to their ethnic or religious or racial identity. And that is something that is not unifying, but rather dividing. Divisive and i think it is completely understandable, the Haitian Community feels very disappointed with this president at this point. African leaders are demanding an apology from this president. But lets look at the bigger picture, does this tarnish the reputation of the United States globally or diminish its moral authority as a world leader . I think you hit it right on the head. When you are an american who lives abroad as i do, you come to understand that americas not seen by the world as just another great power, another strong power, like china, like russia. But rather the United States is seen as an idea, and much of the influence we have in International Politics derives from the fact that people around the world buy into that idea. That idea is an idea that derives itself from timeless values that we have been trying in our declaration of independence and our constitution and people believe in those around the world and the United States has always been seen as perhaps imperfect, but the country that most clearly stood up for those ideals. The president s words, actions, erode the belief in america as the leader that is committed to these ideas and that erodes our influence. I think thats something that the president cannot reverse just by building up his economy, by building up the armed forces of the United States, rather we have to work on recovering that moral authority that we get from Standing Firm for those values that are in our founding documents. I want to get your take on what we saw happen in hawaii with the accidental warning of a ballistic strike. Certainly an employee made a big mistake. But the world is on edge because of north korea and their pursuit of their nuclear goals. The world is on edge because kim jongun and donald trump engage in the rhetoric, the threats, the immature sophomoric jabs at one another. And many countries and now we see hawaii have had to take new and accelerated steps to make sure theyre prepared in case the worst were to happen. And it illustrates in part, does it not, that the president s words matter . The president s words do matter. Those of us that Study International security and atomic diplomacy really dont think that there is any rational way to for atomic powers to get into a war. It makes no sense. There is no way you can win this sort of a war, the costs would far exceed any benefits. However, there is the possibility that states can stumble into wars, that they can, through a series of misperceptions, a series of errors, land in the conflict that neither of them really wanted. Thats the danger. And when you have a president who doesnt seem to understand that his words, his actions, can be misinterpreted by others, when you have a leader in north korea who is also playing this type of a game, the chances for that type of error are, of course, raised. And then when you have human error in a technological system as we did over the weekend, the situation can indeed get out of control. So i think it is a dangerous situation. I think we need to continue to ratchet down the rhetoric on both sides, we need to encourage the South Koreans and the north koreans to continue their negotiations, the talks they just have begun and expand them perhaps to some areas that are more closely related to security, and try and get this back to a more businesslike relationship and stop the name calling and stop the sophomoric behavior on both sides. Doesnt contribute to wellbeing or peoples sense of security, for sure. James davis, thank you for joining us. Thank you. Many salvadoran immigrants in the u. S. Are irked by the president s vile words and more worried by his actions. The Trump Administration is ending special protection for about a quarter million salvadorans living in the u. S. Without visas. Many have built lives and reared children. Cnns Patrick Altman spoke with one family suddenly facing an uncertain future. Reporter the end of a dirt road in the mountains of el salvador is a family facing a gut wrenching decision. They lived in the United States for the last 17 years, but may soon return here. The Trump Administration announced in january theyre ending the program that allowed over 200,000 salvadorans like rajellio to live legally in the u. S. In 18 months, he could be deported. He worries about the impact the change in policy could have on the already impoverished and crime ridden country. The worry is if there was amassive amass i a massive deportation, this would become a hell. He works as a landscaper in new york to finish the home hes building here. Hes telling me because many other people are think iing tha they might come back, it is hard to get workers now because so many people are fixing their homes. But his biggest concern is his three children. All born in the United States. His eldest has been to el salvador just twice. What do they know about el salvador . He says he doesnt want to live in the u. S. Illegally or run the risk of having his family separated so he may soon move his children, all u. S. Citizens, back to el salvador, one of the most dangerous countries in the world. Even here in the remote country side, criminal gangs terrorize the population. Barbed wire fencing surrounds his house. For us it is going to be really hard. And i keep telling him, i like it here, but i wouldnt live here. Reporter they may have no choice. He would hope to provide his children a better life in the u. S. , afraid of what could happen if hes deported. Today im not with them and theyre not with me, he says. I think theyre going to suffer and i will too. He drives his children to the airport to fly back to the u. S. He will remain in el salvador a little while longer to finish their home just in case. They dont know what the future holds, but they say theyll do whatever it takes to stay together. Patrick altman, cnn, san salvador. Coming up here, hawaii resident says he froze when the missile alert popped up on his cell phone and even though it was terrifying, he says it was also a reminder of what really matters. Thats coming up here as we push on. Youre watching cnn newsroom live from atlanta. Today were out here to test peoples knowledge about type 2 diabetes. So you have type 2 diabetes . Yes i do. True or false. Type 2 diabetes more than doubles your chance of dying from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or a stroke. That cant be true, can it . Actually, it is true. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. 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Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Isnt it time to talk to your doctor about jardiance . Absolutely. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Hello again. Thanks for staying with us. Welcome back. Youre watching cnn newsroom here in the United States and all around the world. Im natalie allen. Our top stories now, no one was injured when that jet there skidded off the runway as it landed in northeast turkey. The Pegasus Airlines plane came to a stop as you can see on the side of a cliff. And nearly went into the black sea. All the passengers, though, were evacuated. No word yet what caused that to happen, but everyone was safe. Probably a bit terrified. Chinese state media says the oil tanker has finally sunk. The vessel had been burning for more than a week off the coast of shanghai after it collided with a freighter. On saturday, rescuers recovered the vessels data recorder, the bodies of three crew members have been recovered, the others all missing. In california, Authorities Say at least 19 people are dead from tuesdays massive mudslides. Officials identify the latest victim, this woman here, 25yearold morgan corey, her 12yearold sister was also killed in the disaster. Authorities say at least five others are missing. Hawaiis governor says new safety protocols are now in place after that false alarm that went out to the entire u. S. State warning of an approaching Ballistic Missile. The alert showed up on phones, tv screens and radios saturday morning sending people into a panic for 38 minutes. An employee at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency hit a wrong computer button by mistake. Ryan ozawa is a resident of hawaii, joins me now from honolulu. Hello, ryan. Good morning, good morning. It is actually still evening here, but it is good to be here. Well, yes. It is nice to have you. Can you take us back through your Immediate Reaction when you saw this alert . What was that like . Well, it was 8 00 in the morning and because it is a beautiful cool saturday, i was thinking of a lazy start to the day. But when the alert tone came on my phone, i got out of bed, figured because the weather was clear, maybe it was a tsunami alert which we get periodically, maybe a earthquake, definitely not a hurricane. When it said Ballistic Missile, this is not a drill. I froze. I turned sheet white. I definitely had a brain scramble moment to determine whether i was actually seeing what i was seeing. Right. Because we know the rhetoric between the United States and north korea, the missile test, the stepping up of its nuclear program. Is this anything that hawaii has addressed or discussed or talked about prior to this false alarm . Well, you know, it is funny. I think people responded the way they did because it was only two or three months ago where the state of hawaii did begin publicizing its efforts to come up with Emergency Response plans to a Ballistic Missile threat and putting out information about that and doing press conferences and even at that time, people were kind of laughing about it or thinking it was a little ridiculous. But ill tell you, when that shows up on your phone, you take it very seriously. You said you just turned white. What did you do next . I let my wife know, she panicked, we went downstairs where we figured we would be further from windows, my two of my children were there. I checked on my youngest son, he was asleep, and in that moment i said if we do have ten minutes left, i think maybe it would be better if he was asleep. So i just got everyone else together, we turned on the tv, the automated emergency message was there, saying that there was an incoming missile and take shelter and get off the roads, it was about as serious as it could be and we waited for more information. And how are you feeling now once this is all over and in the clear, are you angry, are you still in shock, are you saddened, are you concerned about your children and their feeling of safety . I think all of those things are true, certainly the cycle comes through where youre scared, panicked, and then youre angry and confused. Certainly there is going to be a lot of finger pointing and work to prevent this from happening, but one thing that i think occurred to a lot of my friends and i think in all of hawaii there is going to be that conversation starter, where were you when. There was the part of you that wanted to be practically prepared, supplies, knowing what youre going to do. But what really struck me is i felt i needed to be more prepared on a higher level and more metaphysical level who are the people i wanted to be with, when did i want them to know. And you have those conversations even with your kids, the members of your family, the coworkers you work with, we were texting my coworkers and i saying we love each other, it was very surreal. I want to be able to do that better should that moment come some day. Thats very i can understand, thats also very sad, isnt it, that youve had to go through this. So is this something you can put behind you or because of this false alarm, do you think youre going to live a little more on edge there in this most Beautiful Island in the world . Well, every place has their threats, tornadoes or blizzards. We have hurricanes and tsunami and earthquakes and i think everybody wants to be prepared in case the worst happens. I joked today if there is any place you would be, hawaii is not the worst place to be. I think that it is good to remind yourself that of the things that matter, you know. There are a lot of great conversations, even my son and my daughter with their friends just kind of saying, hey, you know, i hadnt thought about reaching out to you in a long time. I think there is an upside to that. There is an upside in that i hope this will never happen again, because controls will be in place. All these conversations about the size of buttons on desk, this is one button that should be harder to hit. Please, yes, no buttons on desks, no fingers on buttons and no false alarms ever again. Were glad youre all right, glad you have your sense of humor about you, you probably need that, dont you . All right, ryan, all the best to you and your family. Aloha. Aloha, thank you. Israel says it has destroyed a long hamas tunnel on its border with gaza. It says the tunnel stretched for about one mile or one and a half kilometers. It reportedly ran from gaza under parts of israel and into egypt. Israel first reported its fighter jet struck a site in gaza on saturday and said actions were also taken on the israeli side of the border. For more on this, lets turn to cnns Oren Lieberman, he joins me live from jerusalem. Hello. Hi, natalie. The Israeli Military says the tunnel started half a mile into gaza, right near the gaza egypt border along sinai. It continued into israel, under the Border Crossing and from there continued into egypt. The Israeli Military says because it ran under the Border Crossing, that leaves them to believe it could have been used to attack from underneath the crossing. And thats why they decided or concluded it was an attack tunnel. On saturday night, Israeli Air Force fighter jets struck the gaza side of the tunnel and used what they called technology and intelligence to destroy parts of the tunnel that ran under israel. Military says they coordinated with egypt before taking any action. Natalie . Another story that we know youre following, the Plo Central Council is meeting to decide what to do now that President Trump has declared jerusalem the capital of israel. So this is a twoday meeting by the plo Central Committee, some 90 members and little more than 150 observers will meet for two days. Todays big event is a speech by Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas where he could lay out what he sees as the path here moving forward, following president Donald Trumps recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel. But it wont be president abbas making those decisions on his own. That will come tomorrow as the Central Committee meets, makes those decisions and implements them. There are a number of moves that could happen here. What is being talked about right now, we spoke with a member of the plo Central Committee, is revising or in some way changing the agreements between the israelis and palestinians. Those are economic agreements, security agreements, a number of other accords, and contracts between the two sides here. Most of the time the palestinians talk about doing that, theyre essentially empty threats, used to first draw international attention, and also try to leverage the israelis. Trumps recognition of jerusalem is the capital of israel has essentially changed the rules here, that means the palestinians are more likely to take action here, to change or revise the agreements in some way, they wont give an indication as to how they would update them. As the meeting continues into tomorrow and they draw out the decisions, they need to follow very carefully to see how the decisions and how the accords between the two sides here are affected. All right, Oren Lieberman following it for us in jerusalem, thank you. The retail chain h m is apologizing for what it calls a poorly judged product that outraged customers around the world. Thats not enough for demonstrators in south africa who say the company is racist. On saturday, crowds gathered in store across the country to protest an online ad. It is a picture of a boy wearing a hoodie that says coolest monkey in the jungle. Social media users posted video of South African demonstrators appearing to throw clothing racks on the ground and damaging merchandise. In response, h m temporarily closed all 17 of its stores in the country. Thousands of people are expected to greet the pope in south america this week. But not everyone is happy about his visit. Well tell you why coming up here on cnn newsroom. You know whats awesome . Gigspeed internet. You know whats not awesome . When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Yes, breaking news this past hour. Ivan is here because of a major earthquake has struck off the coast of peru, triggering the danger of tsunami waves. Very close to the coast. And a powerful earthquake bringing memories back, certainly, from what we had across this area. Very busy here across the peruvian coast, the ring of fire, we call it, many earthquakes. Here is the good news. It has been downgraded by the usgs down to a 7. 1 from 7. 3, still a major quake. A little bit deeper, so thats also good. And the tsunami threat that we have been talking about, that is now over. Were not expecting any tsunami waves. The gauges along the coastline never measured any tsunami waves. There was the potential for that to happen, why the advisories went out. Still a major quake. We still get shaking and buildings certainly that arent fortified, perhaps weaker schedules could be impacted. No word of any significant damage. Upwards of 27,000 people in peru felt strong or very strong shaking. No word of damage or injuries. Well let you know if that changes. Tsunami threat now over from this downgraded 7. 1. Lets get back to the United States. Multiple coldest winter we had in some time and were not even halfway through. Arctic blast for the northeast. This will plummet temperatures this morning along with the wind, take a look at what it will feel like this morning. These are current numbers here. Where there isnt wind, chicago, 7 is cold enough. Fahrenheit. 7 is the windchill. Philly, 15 degree temperature, factor in the wind, feels like minus 5, minus 1 in boston and philly and will continue to be quite cold all the way down to the south. So cold we have winter advisories for windchills anywhere from 15 to 25 below. This is serious stuff. This is between 15 and 30 minutes, any exposed skin could be prone to frostbite. If you have to be outdoors early this morning, hopefully a lot of folks have the weekend off, you dont have to be. There are the temperatures over the next few days now. The difference with this arctic air mass it is not going to be as brutal as the last few. Especially as far as how long it will last. Temperatures will recover a bit. So that by tuesday, well be back to the upper 30s. That will get us back to normal own where we should be for this time of year. That is some good news there. The problem is we have another front coming in, st. Louis, from the upper 20s to about 14 degrees and that cold air making it down to the southeast. At least no big snowstorm as i see it right now. That is something there, but my goodness, cold air, natalie commutes from new york to atlanta, hoping you could peel off some layers. Unfortunately not the case as it is cold all the way down south. Im staying here right now. Good idea. All right, ivan, thank you. Pope francis is celebrating the Catholic Churchs world day of migrants and refugees. His message to the faithful is aimed at raising awareness of those fleeing war, persecution and natural disasters. All of this comes a day before the pope leaves for a visit to chile and peru. While crowds eagerly anticipate his arrival, controversy looms over the trip. Our rafael romo explains why. Reporter homemade firebombs exploded before dawn friday at three churches in the chilean capital. Police say no one was hurt and the damage was minor. But the vandals threw pamphlets as they fled. One read pope francis, the next bomb will be in your robe. The incident comes days before the pontiff is set to arrive for a weeklong trip to chile and peru. The violence a reminder of struggles both countries faced with the catholic church. Translator we have to recognize that the church in chile suffered the shocks of scandals, coverups, and therefore we catholics have pending issues to settle and tackle. Reporter in 2015, the pope appointed a bishop accused of protecting an alleged pedophile, while the bishop denies any wrongdoing, demonstrations are planned in santiago tuesday. Translator the pope today represents what we thought was an organization that was going to support those of us who accuse a priest of sexual abuse and yet they did the exact opposite. Supporting the image of the church, its reputation and the aggressors. Reporter another issue, the rights of Indigenous People who have protested what they see as a history of oppression closely tied to the catholic church. Translator it is not enough for the pope to say my peace i give you because their peace has been dispossession, submission, eadvantagealism, doe midwest case. Reporter despite the controversies, francis is a much loved pope and the first from latin america where many followers eagerly await his arrival monday. Translator i hope the pope gets here as soon as possible. I wish he were staying much longer. Translator we welcome the pope who we are in need of here. People are in really bad shape. There is a lot of robbery, a lot of bad things, so we need some spirituality. Reporter something the pope says he plans to deliver. Translator brothers and sisters of chile and peru, i greet you with affection. I want to share your joys, sorrows, difficulties and hopes. I want to tell you that you are not alone and that the pope is with you, that the whole church embraces you, that the church sees you. Reporter it is a message the inmates of the womens prison in santiago hope to hear firsthand. Clapping and singing, they rehearse for a Live Performance in front of pope francis during his visit there. Translator it is a very beautiful and happy occasion because it was done here by the women, who are deprived of their freedom. Im excited to know that the pope is coming. I feel blessed. Reporter rafael romo, cnn. Coming up here as you know, there is chatter Oprah Winfrey could be gearing up for a White House Run and the nbc show saturday night live had something to say about that. Well share it coming up. Lets begin. Yes or no . Do you want the same tools and seamless experience across web and tablet . Do you want 4. 95 commissions for stocks, 0. 50 options contracts . 1. 50 futures contracts . What about a dedicated service team of trading specialists . Did you say yes . Good, then its time for power e trade. The platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. Looks like we have a couple seconds left. Lets do some card twirling twirling cards e trade. The original place to invest online. Ibut it doesnt always come naturally. This i can do, easily. Benefiber® healthy shape is a 100 natural prebiotic fiber thats clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer. Benefiber® healthy shape. This i can do ive got to tell you something its not going to be easy. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Actually, thats super easy. My bad. Score one, one at least, for pay equality in hollywood. Actor Mark Wahlberg is donating 1. 5 million to the times up Legal Defense fund for Sexual Harassment victims and hes doing it in Michelle Williams name. Reports that wahlbergs paycheck for reshoots eclipsed his costars by a whopping 99 blew up on social media this week. Two stars are represented by the same talent agency. Wahlberg says he fully supports the fight for fair pay. After Oprah Winfreys rousing speech during the Golden Globes last week, some people in the u. S. Are seriously entertaining the idea of another celebrity president. But the Program Saturday night live finds that idea to be seriously entertaining. I cant. I cant. The america we loved is over. And no one is coming to save us and no one can. Well, you know what, lets go live by satellite to a special guest. Im here its oprah i thought i smelled lavender and money. Oprah, are you running . Well, i am a celebrity, so im qualified. But im different from donald trump because im actually a billionaire. So who knows, i mean, theres only one job in the world more powerful than being president. Oh, yeah, whats that . Being oprah thank you for watching cnn newsroom. Im natalie allen. For u. S. Viewers, new day is next. For our international viewers, it is erin burnett out front. Shawn evans its 6 am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. And at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. Today were bringing you americas number one shave at lower prices every day. Putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. As one of those workers, im proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. Gillette the best a man can get. 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