London. Im lye for queue from the brit inner capital. Cnn newsroom starts right now. Around the world, good day to you. We start this hour with the breaking news were following. At least one person was killed, at a shooting at a nightclub in southern germany near the swiss border. We understand that again three other people were seriously wounded there at that nightclub. Hears what we know about the shooter. Police say that he was a 34yearold man killed in a shootout with Police Officers. At this point the motive still unclear. Lets go live to germany. Journalist chris burns is on the phone with us at this hour from berlin. What more can you tell us . What more do you know at this point . Details are very sketchy at the moment. What we know is this a shooting that at happened at 4 30 a. M. Local time in this resort town you could call it in a clans club in the Industrial District of the city. A 34yearold man began shooting inside the club. One person was killed, three seriously wounded. People were scrambling for cover. There was a shootout with police. The man was fatally wounded. He died later of his wounds. And in the shootout a Police Officer was also wounded seriously. As you say the motive is still under investigation. Theyre still trying to determine exactly why he went into that club to begin shooting. So that remains very much hope at this point. Just to get a better since of exactly when this happened, what time this happened, can you tell us anything that youve learned from authorities about that . No. They said the time is 4 30 a. M. This is obviously a very you know, at that time dance clubs like those are quite busy, lots of people usually. Sit a perfect time for people to go dancing in the middle of the night and it is a college town, a university town. A lot of young people there as well. It was could have been a target. But again, people wont say the police are saying it is not clear what the motive was. We have to be very careful about that. What caused the man to go in there and begin shooting. Chris burns on the phone following a shooting that took place at a german nightclub. At least one person killed there. Thank you for the reporting. Well stay in touch with you as we learn more. To australia where the Prime Minister said police have foiled a terrorist plot to blow up an airplane. Four people are in justy for questioning. Police are not saying if a specific terrorist group is involved. The police round up the four men in sydney. They said they became aware of a plot to blowup a plane. Were at the Sydney Airport and now. With this extra security smesh sures, perhaps thats having Immediate Impact on the passenger movements within the airport where you are. Reporter hannah, things are quite orderly, in fact. But security has been increased across all airports in australia, international and domestic. Certainly here at Sydney Domestic Airport were seeing an increased police presence. Passengers are being asked to arrive much earlier to go through the additional screening process. But otherwise things are quite orderly. Obviously this comes of the foiled terror plot to blow up an australia plane. The police got a tip yesterday and they moved quickly. Heavily armed, counterterrorism Police Officers raiding five Properties Across sydney. One in the inner city and the others in the south western suburbs. Four men arrested. Now the Prime Minister claims that this was not a lone wolf attack, that this was in fact an elaborate and credible conspiracy which is why police moved on it straightaway. And he says that this threat is very real. Lets take a listen. We have strong transport Security Systems in place in australia to prevent acts of terrorism. Upon the receipt of advice from our security and intelligence agencies, the government moved swiftly in order to protect the public while operations were under way. Reporter now, this is going to be an ongoing operation. Authorities saying that police will continue this for days, searching fb these properti ing searching, these properties, gathering evidence to charge the men. Do we have any indication from the authorities as to whether these four men were on the terror radar in some way . Reporter yeah. Police are remaining tightlipped with those details. We dont know their names, ages. We dont know if they were on a terror watch list. But certainly here in australia, under terrorism laws, it means that police can hold terror suspects up to a week without charging them. That operation is ongoing, will continue for days as the Police Gather the evidence. Suspicious devices have been found at numerous locations. But the Justice Minister here in australia said this was the 13th foiled terror attack plot. And this is really the result of isis inspired home grown terrorism here in australia. Numerous arrests, numerous raids over the years as people who are either sympathetic to what has, happening over in the middle east or fighting over in the middle east have returned home. Certainly security and intelligence agencies here in australia have been having to keep across this home grown activity. Ana, we appreciate your reporting from sydney. Thank you. Lets delve deeper to get some analysis with clark jones, live with us from australia this hour. Good to have you with us, clark. First of all, we know that four people are in custody. This raises the bigger question, could this plot that was foiled, could it have been an indication of a much Broader Network there in that nation . Its really hard to say. I spent a lot of time working with muslim communities in melbourne and sydney. I hear different stories. And i hear we dont want to make it sound much bigger than it is. I think what we can say is there are a number, quite a number of young people that may be sympathetic, not necessarily to violence but certainly that they feel oppressed, that the world is not on an equal footing. Its a lot to do with how young people feel, if they lack an identity to australia. Its hard to get an exact number but its of concern that we have young people that may feel they need to take this sort of action and in this very violent and can be tragic action. Its hard to put a number on it, i would suggest. Lets talk more about this type of terrorism that were seeing, this isis inspired home grown terror. What do authorities see as their biggest concerns there . Wells it depends on the government. The government is really playing terrorism as the Number One National security concern in austral australia. And i think, you know, statistics as a criminologist, i might argue there are five greater threats in australia than terrorism. But there are a number of things that play. And certainly those that feel marginalized or young people that feel marginalized or dont feel that they belong to australia or they feel that whats happening in palestine and israel, whats happened in syria and iraq, there is a number of reasons that might cause young people to want to act out in this sort of violence, if that is what is going to play out in this case. But weve had a lot of plots foiled by police and intelligence agencies which shows there is a concern and we need to do something about it but how we go about addressing the problem is a big issue at the moment. And i dont think we have the right answers yet. Clark jones live us with from australia. Thank you so much for the insight on the story that were following. No problem. The United States is answering north koreas latest missile test with its own show of force. Officials say two usb bombers joined aircraft from japan and south korea in a flayover of the korean peninsula. Meanwhile, u. S. President donald trump took to twitter to slam china over the north korea issue writing, i am very disappointed in china. Our foolish past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade yet they do nothing with us with north korea. Just talk. We will no longer allow this to continue. China can easily solve this problem. The pentagon has confirmed fridays launch was a intercontinental missile. It should be seen as a grave warning to the u. S. And a similar missile could strike major u. S. Cities. Lets get the latest from will ripley joining us live from beijing in china. Before we go on to Donald Trumps tweet and chinas reaction to that. I want to get your response from what were hearing from pyongyang saying that will respond with firm action if these u. S. Sanctions persist. Can you translate what firm action might mean from north korea . Reporter we dont know. I think that statement may have been written in a deliberate way to keep north korea keep everyone guessing what north koreas response will be. When i was in the country last month, officialing didnt seemed phased by the prospect of more sanctions. They say theyve lived through heavy sanctions so many years and have continued to you their Weapons Program and grow their economy by 4 last year due to large part to their trade relationship with china. Maybe this rhetoric is an indication that inside north korea theyre starting to feel the pinch of the sanctions a little more. China hasnt purchased any coal from the country for quite some time, late last year, and thats a major resource for the regime. Going on to Donald Trumps tweets for china, hes gone from gushing praise to beijing to damning disappointment. What kind of reaction might beget from china . Narrator reporter the pendulum has shifted, swung back to writ was in march when President Trump was tweeting these provocative tweets. When before secretary tillerson visited in march, he tweeted hours before that meeting that china wasnt doing anything on north korea and implying there might be some trade deal difficulties with the u. S. If china didnt work with the u. S. To reign in north korea. And then we saw a series of tweets praising xi as a wide leader, say the two had had lots of meeting. Clearly he didnt feel that way anymore. And this is a dramatic shift from what he us saying two weeks ago when we was in france. Listen. Well, hes a friend of mine, i have Great Respect for him. Weve gotten to know each other very well. A great leader. Hes a very talented man. I think hes a very good man. He loves china, i can tell you. E loves china. He want to do whats right for china. Weve asked him for some assistance with respect to north korea. Probably he could do a little bit more but well find out. Reporter President Trump now clearly annoyed by the fact that north korea has launched two icbms in the last month. President xi gave a speech at a parade in among goal mongolia a plengs prurchs tweets. Which is not a surprise. But they put on a parade showing off their latest stealth fighters and even their new intercontinental missiles. North korea put out its own video over the weekend showing its icbm that would have a potential to strike a good portion of the u. S. , california, to seattle all the way to chicago. Thank you. Around the world this hour youre watching cnn newsroom. Still ahead, the u. S. President again on twitter blasting the senates failure to repeal obamacare and demand they change senate rules to move the agenda forward. Plus, moving general john kelly to the white house as scheef of staff creates an opening at Homeland Security. Many wondering if that job could go to Jeff Sessions. More on that as newsroom pushes on. Goodbye oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good right . Yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. The toothpaste that helps new parodontax. Prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. Welcome back to cnn newsroom. U. S. President donald trump has been busy on twitter venting about losing a Crucial Senate vote last week to roll back obamacare. He wrote, unless the republican senators are total quitters, repeal and replace is not dead. Demand another vote before voting on any other bill. Earlier the president demanded they change senate rules. Republican senate must get rid of 60 vote now. Its killing the Republican Party. Allows eight democrats to com the country. 200 bills sit in the senate. A joke. Well moving john kelly to Homeland Security to become white house chief of staff may have created and oping to solve another of the president s headaches. What to do about Jeff Sessions. One republican is frowning on the possibility of having sessions replace kelly at Homeland Security. In a pair of tweets himself, snard Lindsey Graham has attorney Jeff Sessions has a good ring to it and then he added department of Homeland Security Jeff Sessions doesnt sound right, doesnt feel right. The most bizarre moments from the past week was the shocking and vulgar rant from new White House Communications director anthony scaramucci. He targeted trump aides, espn and Reince Priebus. Priebus was out by friday. Lets bring in steve elanger. So much for a clean slate with ant scaramucci. From a marketing, from aperspec bad as this last week been . Its one of the worst that i can remember. Its not just the scaramucci vulgarity and his gymnastic expression of how steve bannon might behave. This is a president thats gone to war against his own party and that doesnt go well because the senate is only 51 republicans. He needs ever possible vote. And screaming at them, yelling at them, bhaming them for his own failures is not going to make friends. Youre of course talking about health care. It was john mccain, senator mccain who put the final nail in the coffin and did it have to be sort of the old School Establishment maverick to seal the deal for donald trump. Was it inevitable that it was going to be him in. It fits his reality show life. He had slaged off john mccain during the campaign, then he claimed he was a hero. Now mccain representing the Traditional Republican Party though hes a bit of a maverick personally rnl and hes gained a huge amount of sympathy and support for his recent health diagnosis. And also for his prisoner of war status where he was quite brave. Mccain is very skeptical of russ russia, of putin, doesnt understand the trump bromance with russia. Hes mush mf of a tradition nal republican than trump is. Trump has a very different view of the world and you know, mccain simply, i think, decided that pulling Health Care Away from x number of americans without a replacement was a bad idea. I think people admired there. Another republican who has been on Donald Trumps side really from the very beginning, unlike john mccain, and yet is getting it in the neck now from the president is of course the attorney general Jeff Sessions. Can you see him potentially moving to Homeland Security and out of the top legal job in country . The only reason trump would want to do that is so he could replace him as attorney general with someone who would fire robert muellemueller, the speci investigator into alleged Trump Campaign tie to russia. It comes back to russia. It does. This is trumps obsession. It obsesses him. Hes pulling the weaniings off people. He enjoys that. He did that with sessions and hes done that with Reince Priebus who did resign, fine, or was fired. But that might be a good thing for the Trump White House because john kelly could provide a certain degree of discipline that priebus was unable to provide. Pulling the wings of everyone except family members. Jared kushner, his soninlaw, last week giving some testimony to the senate and the mouse committees as well. What have we learned from that . We havent learned much except there was a complacency about dealing with russia and a complacency with the idea of getting detrimental information from Hillary Clinton from the russian government. They didnt tell the fbi. They seemed to think this was a great idea. And that i think gave the russians and one doesnt want to exaggerate this a sense that they could do a certain kind of business with trump. The problem is when this comes out, it makes it very very difficult. So in the end what trump has had to do is swallow new sanctions against russia imposed on him by his own Republican Party in the senate. Which he actually hasnt signed yet. He says that he will but you never know with trump. He could wake up and do a new twitter thing. We wait to see what happens on his twitter feed. Thank you very much for come in and speaking to us. We appreciate it. Well following a story in venezuela. Polls set to open in an hours time for a critical vote that could give president maduro sweeping powers. They wi the opposition is calling for a boycott because it says the assembly could turn president maduro into a dictator. Protests are planned for sunday despite a ban on demonstrations there. In the meantime, millions of venezue venezuela la ve venezuelans are caught in a hard place. We report on how people there are trying to survive. Reporter this is a snapshot of everyday life here. Five protesters hurl homemade molotov cocktails at authorities in the middle to have streets. Now look beyond the chaos, right there, and you see how the venezuelans are caught in the cross fire. A grenade fell on a car. This Security Guard says protesters beat him and cut his head open believing he was spying for the government. All i want to do is work and they hurt me, he says. If i dont work, what do i bring home. The employees here are less than 50 feet away from scenes like this. Throw all of the street combat, they try to carry on with their work. One of the things that is so disarming when youre covering these street protests here is that you have all of these confrontations on the street and yet people are getting along with their everyday lives. That include going to church. Those are people who are just leaving a church service. The endless confrontations can pop up anywhere and theyre just another thing to contend with. But this woman tells us not to mistake venezuelans survival instincts for reservation. I come here to venezuela because i love the country. Its, for me, the best country here. Even on the front line theres still plenty of it to be town here. Thanks for your reporting there. Still ahead this hour, the kremlin strikes back at the United States over new sanctions. We will have a live report from moscow after this break. Rays always been different. Last year, he said he was going to dig a hole to china. At t is working with farmers to improve irrigation techniques. 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Today were bringing you americas number one shave at lower prices every day. Putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. As one of those workers, im proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. Gillette the best a man can get. Tthats why at comcast,t to be connected 24 7. Were always working to make our services more reliable. With technology that can update itself. And advanced Fiber Network infrastructure. New, more Reliable Equipment for your home. And a new culture built around customer service. It all adds up to our most Reliable Network ever. One that keeps you connected to what matters most. Its half past the hour of 5 a. M. Here on the u. S. East coast. We want to welcome our viewers back here in the u. S. And around the world. Im George Howell. And im live for you in london where its just gone 10 30 this sunday morning. Lets bring you up to speed with the headlines. At least one person has been killed at a shooting in a nightclub in southern germany, three others were seriously wounded. Police say the shooter was an iraqi man who has lived in germany for a long time. The 34yearold was killed in the gunfight with Police Officers. His motive as yet is unclear. A terror plot foiled in australia. Four men there under arrest in connection with what authorities are calling an islam igs inspired plot to bring down an airplane. The Police Became aware of a conspiracy to carry out a terror attack with an improvised device. 178 migrants from Central America have been rescued from a trailer abandoned in mexico. Officials say those rescued include women and children. The government and officials provided the migrants with temporary housing and also with aid. A fire at a spanish Music Festival led to te vac wake of 22,000 people earlier saturday. It broke out on stage at the unite with tomorrowland event that took place in barcelona. Authorities report the fire was put out. No one was injured. Organizers say that the technical malfunction caused the fire. Turning now to russia makes good on its threat to retaliate over the new u. S. Sanctions. Those sanctions aimed to punish moscow. Now the kremlin is ordering deep cuts in the u. S. Diplomatic staff in russia. Were following the story live from the russian capital this out. What more do we know about this point of how many people will be forced to leave their posts at the u. S. Embassy there at moscow . Reporter well, george, we dont know exactly how many people. In fact a u. S. Diplomatic source has told us that the u. S. Is seeking to clarify this. As for the russian side, they say state run media reporting that 745 people will be affected. Now we dont know exactly what positions, we dont know where the embassy in moscow and three other locations. If it is anywhere near that number it will be a serious response from russia. Russia says its leveling the Playing Field here, trying to bring the level of diplomats in russia down to the level that russia has in the u. S. , according to their 454 people. You remember in december when the Obama Administration expelled russia diplomats, they expelled 35 people. Theres certainly a need to clarify where the numbers are going to stand. But this isnt is only thing causing confusion at this stage. The u. S. Secretary of state, Rex Tillerson put out a statement saturday where he says that the sanctions bill in the u. S. Reflects the will of the American People to see russia takes steps to improve relations with the u. S. The Russian Embassy in washington responded sharply saying this cannot but raise eyebrows and saying that washington doesnt get the fact that pressure never works against russia. You can see that rhetoric and tensions are still rising even as the full everyone occasions of this are becoming clear. Well the question with this ongoing, this discussion, these mixed messages as well that we see between washington sending to moscow, is there a sense that there could be further retaliati retaliation . Reporter russia is making clear, george, that this is still very much on the table. The Foreign Ministry in its first statement that it put out says that it reserves the right to retaliate further. Were hearing more about the this. The Deputy Foreign minister gave an interview to abc on friday saying, they have quote a rich toolbox at their disposal but wouldnt disclose what that would mean. Take a listen. It would be a complete professional failure on my part to disclose any of the options at this moment. But ki assure you that different options are on the table and consideration is being given to all sorts of things, both symmetrical or asymmetrical to use a popular word in the world of diplomacy. Reporter asymmetrical, a word that you and i have discussed before. Meaning that russia might be Something Different than what the u. S. Has done to it. President putin today, who himself has been very clear that russia stands ready to retaliate if needed is taking part in a military parade, a naval parade in sfchlt petersburg today, a big event, preplanned. But it reflects the sense that you get from russia is they want to be seen as a global pewer to be reckoned with and theyre ready to defend themselves both militarily and politically. Clair, thank you for the record today. Staying with russia an and american businessman accusing russian president Vladimir Putin of stashing away billions of dollars. Bill browder testified before u. S. Lawmakers last week and he spoke not just about the russian leader but about some of the participants in that controversial meeting donald trump jr. Had last year with a russian lawyer. An enemy of Vladimir Putin makes a bold appearance on capitol hill and tells senators of putins clep topsy. I believe hes worth 200 billion. That money is held all over the world in banks in america and all over. The purpose of putins regime has been to commit terrible crimes in order to get that money. Bill broud ser a well think financier. Hes claiming putin demanded a cut from russias richest businessmen who feared being targeted for persecution from the regime. And he said very straightforward, 50 . Not 50 for the russian government, 50 for Vladimir Putin. Cnn cannot independently verify browders assertions and he provided no evidence in his public testimony. He admits hes got a personal ax to grind. He hired a russian lawyer who exposed a 230 million fraud scheme benefitted people linked to putin, a scheme which browder says rip off his firm. Magnitsky was arrested and jailed and later died in russian custody. Sergey meninski is dead. He suffered because he was my lawyer. He tied the russian lawyer, closer to putin. Browder admits hes got no firsthand knowledge of the meeting with donald trump jury but knows about the players. According to brower, a high r k ranking official in the russian government. That family works very closely with the general prosecutor of russia and he is putins enforce ers. The kremlin officials deny hes worked for the russian government. But saying they knew about veselnitska veselnitskayas meeting in advance. His allies, al allah garks, his chiefs of police in the military can pillage the country and store those assets in the west. And theyre permitted to do so by Vladimir Putin as long as they get loyalty in return. What they then give putin back in return is enthusiasm, support, a cut. Putin denies that and says the investigation into the Trump Campaigns possible collusion with russia is not legitimate. Translator what we see is merely a growth of antirussian hysteria and the unitization of rush phobia for politics. But this has come at a huge personal cost. What are the security threats youve received. The russian government has made numerous Death Threats against me that they want to kill me, would like to kidnap him, have me arrested and sent back to russia. Putins aids accuse broud are of exciting financial crimes in russia which theyve convicted of him of. Putin has called that accusation garba garbage. Brian todd, cnn washington. Still ahead this hour, a diplomatic crisis is brewing between berlin and ankara. Plus they say a germany of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Wait until you see the steps that dancer has taken to find a new home and to fulfill his dream. Stay with us. What if we could bring you better value by having better values . At blue apron, we work directly with more than a hundred family farms. So instead of spending on costly middlemen and supermarkets, we can invest in the things that matter most making farmland healthier. Cutting down on food waste. And bringing you higher quality, fresher ingredients for less than you pay at the store. Because food is better when you start from scratch. Get 30 off at blueapron. Com cook relations between germany and turkey are deteriorating. This after Turkish Police arrested german nationals and accused them of terrorist. Ati Atika Shubert interviewed two men. Reporter this was not the wedding of her dreams. It was not a celebration, she told us. We had two witnesses. It was on one of our open visitation days so we could hold hands but i was nothing more than that. We said our vows and then i had to let my husband go. That man is a journalist. He has been in solitary confinement in a turkish prison for more than 138 days with no indictment against him. The reason for his arrest, propaganda in support of a terrorist organizations and inciting public violence. His articles for germanys respected paper was submitted as evidence. Hes turkish but also a german citizen. This month this human rights activist was arrested along with nine others charged with committing crimes in a terrorist organization without being a member. He was arrested in the midst of a working. His partner spoke to us in berlin. If International Organizations and their human rights defenders are under threat, i think this is a threat for everyone. Reporter she tries to be stoic but she admits their two children miss their father, especially when hes not there to read story before bedtime. For me its important to know or try to feel that hes with himself and that hes that there is a strength with him. Reporter there are about 3 million turkish nationals in germany. There have been massive rallies in support of president erdogan glu are been many military se seekisee seeking asylum here. Now there are fears that german nationals may be held as political hostages. Germanys Foreign Ministry has asked its citizens traveling to turkey to exercise caution. They do not want to believe their long ones becoming political. Both are determined to fight the charges. Denise said from the beginning i want in as a journalist and i want to come out as a journalist. I expect a fair trial. And as absurd and fantastic as the accusations are, we are not going to answer them with anger because we are in the right, she says. Germany is demanding their unconditional release and threatening to reassess its relationship with turkey with possible travel and trade restrictio restrictions. Turkey insists the law must take its course. For the families, that seasonis agonizing wait. In syria, civil war has of course robbed countless people of everything from their lives to indeed their livelihoods. But despite unimaginable challenges, one syrian man is refusing to allow the war to take something from him, his dream. And as our reporter now reports, three simple words are giving this one dancer all of the courage that he needs. Reporter dance or die. For this man, these words are a promise to himself and a challenge to his enemies. Ballet dancer, not syrian refugee is his true identity. I felt when i dance for the first time, this is who i am. And as i was born as a refugee in a camp, all my life being annoyed. Now the whole world called me the dancer. Growing up in damascus, few supported his passion. His father eventually beat him for it and left the family. He continued his ballet education. But his success made him a target. In 2015 isis stormed his neighborhood, they threatened joudeh telling him that dancing was punishable by death. Jou rks deh irgeh incorporated own. I did the tattoo on my neck dance or die. If they want to cut my head, i want them to see this as the last thing they see. Dance or die. Family members killed, his home destroyed, but joudeh remained. Dancing on the rooftops where the terror group. Last year the Dutch National ballet sponsored joudeh to come study and live in amsterdam. Hes safe and thriving now. He recently performed in front of the eiffel tower. But his mind is never at ease. When i think of my family, its hard to believe. I was doing this and at a certain point my country and my family, they came to my mind and i got even more than i could. I couldnt breathe. Joudehs journey has changed at least one mind, his dad. I was visiting him in berlin. Reporter just five days ago. Yes. And he was dancing in his house. Reporter the 27yearold believes ballet can and will warm dark hearts and open closed minds. It gives me the proof that i can change the whole world if im really believing of myself. Reporter cnn paris. An inspiring young man there with a wonderful talent. Coming up on the program, heavy storms bring dangerous flash flooding to parts of the United States and more rain is on the way for some of those areas. All of the details are next in the full forecast for you. Its not a quick fix. Its my decision to make beauty last. 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Call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. Ask your doctor about anoro. Go your own way get your first prescription free at anoro. Com. Welcome back to cnn newsroom. Im George Howell. Heavy rain has brought flash floods to the mid atlantic u. S. And more rain could be on the way. Our metrologist alison chin what ch chinchar is here with that. The difference with this noreaster is we talk about them in the wintertime. Its rare to get a storm reich this time of the year. And it certainly was a memorable storm at that. Take a look at this image from washington, d. C. Some tourists and likely some lollicals dashing for cover as torrential rain came down around the u. S. Capital. Numerous states along the mid atlantic region, seven cities broke record rainfall totals friday or saturday over the past couple of day. Look at the actual amounts. Thomas, West Virginia picking up over 175 millimeters of rain. This was just in 48 hours. The Atlantic City airport in new jersey picking up 150 millimeters of rain. And again were talking multiple states. Were talking West Virginia, maryland, new jersey, virginia even into portions of pennsylvania, not to mention delaware and ohio also had rain. But it with pretty much a wide spread event. We have the potential for flooding that exists for new jersey, delaware, maryland down towards virginia. When we talk about the long term impacts of this, the storm term you get the streets flooded out which we certainly had. But we also talk about the potential for the rivers. Take a look at this video that we have. Its overnight video but it goes to show you the impacts of how quakely the water can come down. This video out of ho ohio, brid, underpasses being under water. Cars, vehicles, you dont realize how quickly the water rises at night because the water takes on the same color as the asphalt roads which means you get vehicles like this one trapped in the water because you dont realize how deep it is. In the long term you have to talk about the rivers and the streams that are there. We have three at moderate flood stage and 18 at minor flood stage. The rivers are rising and thats going to be a concern because that takes day ps some the short term is your streets are flooded out. The long term homes and businesses are still at risk from the rivers and the streams in the area. Thank you for your company and thank you everyone at home for watching cnn newsroom. Im in london. Im George Howell in atlanta. For our viewers in the United States, new day is next. For viewers around the world, erin burnett will follow after a look at your headlines. Thanks for watching cnn, the worlds news leader. Or hit the wrong note. And keep playing. 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