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Youre watching cnn newsroom. Donald trump struck a defiant tone when he was asked about former fbi director james comey in the russia investigation. Trump says he is 100 willing to testify himself to dispute comeys account. But, oddly enough, he doesnt want to dispute all of it. Our jim acosta has details. Speaking as he tweets in short bursts, President Trump tried to have it both ways, clinging to the testimony of former fbi director james comey as his salvation while also slamming the man he fired in the same breath. No collusion, no obstruction. Hes a leaker. Reporter during a news conference, mr. Trump denied he tried to shut down the russia probe, especially when it comes to National Security adviser, michael flynn. I will tell you i didnt say that. Reporter the president rejected the notion that he asked comey for a form i dont even know the man. I am not going to say i want you to pledge allegiance. Think of it, i hardly know the man. It doesnt make sense. Reporter mr. Trumps response when asked whether he would speak under oath on the matter 100 . Reporter but the president dug in his heels on whether he has recordings of his conversations with comey and others at the white house. Ill tell you about that some time in the very near future and ill tell you about it over a very short period of time. Okay. Dayou have a question here . When will you tell us about it . Over a short period of time. Are there tapes, sir . Youll be very disappointed when you hear the answer, dont worry. Reporter democrats are eager for the president to tell all he knows under oath with special prosecutor robert mueller. I would expect at some point, not right away, but at some point mr. Mueller feels he has to depose the president. Reporter one question he was not asked about, Jeff Sessions. Danced around whether he has confidence in the attorney general. It is time to know more about sessions interactions with the russians on the campaign. We on the Intelligence Committee want to know the answers to those questions and we have begun to request information from the attorney general to allow us to get to the bottom of that. Reporter the president was asked by a romanian reporter whether he is committed to natos article five, which would mandate the u. S. Comes to the defense to the nations on russias border. I am committing the United States to article five. And certainly we are there to protect and thats one of the reasons that i want people to make sure we have a strong force by paying the kind of money necessary to have that force. But, yes, absolutely, id be committed to article five. Reporter jim acosta, cnn, the white house. As is every day a great deal to talk about. Lets bring in scott lucas. Scott is a professor of politics. Good tahao have you, scott. Lets just talk about what the president of the United States can say. He can challenge comeys testimony that hes willing to testify under oath putting his own credibility on the line, scott. Well, well see. I mean, this is the same donald trump who said a few months ago when Trump University was facing a lawsuit, im going to fight this to the end. Im going to fight it and eventually had to settle out of court. Trump is trying to counterattack here. In other words, this is like the captain of the ship shouting all is well while it may be sinking. Here are the questions. Trump might say i have tapes. Those tapes will be subpoenaed by the house Intelligence Committee. Now, either he has to turn over those tapes which may back up james comeys version of events or he has to admit he doesnt have them. The investigation is not only about trump now, it has reached Jeff Sessions and reached his soninlaw jared kushner. It, in other words, is reaching other members of the administration not just former members. Three, trump continues to be unable to talk about the extent of whether or not russia influenced the 2016 election. Hes trying to divert this on comey. Repeating, by the way, that james comey is a liar and cannot be trusted. Which is what upset comey in the first place. You add all that together and trumps counterattack, i suspect, is going to be in very serious trouble by monday morning. Lets talk about this. You are suggesting these are just a matter of optics before you get into sworn testimony. Things of that comes to optics,s boils down to a he said he said how would that play in the public and how would that play under oath . If it was just he said he said, you have a point. But, were going to have more than he said he said when robert mueller, the special counsel, begins to not only accumulate information. On the immediate question of lets put it bluntly, trump versus comey, the fact is that james comey came off as someone who appear tad be very reliable and very honest in his version of events. I think trumps diehard backers may stick with the president. I think a lot of other people may say even in the question of whose word you trust at this point, until we get the definitive answer from mueller, a lot of suspension. A lot in comeys words that neeneed to be investigated further. The president is playing coy of whether tapes exist between mr. Comey and himself saying maybe he will tell people about it some time in the near future, i blaeelieve, is the quote he cd use. Could these tapes help or hurt this president . This is standard trump from well before when he was president. Which is as long as you can keep talking about him and talking about his tactic talking points, he thinks he is winning. This man called up reporters in 1990s posing as his own spokesperson to create this kind of diversion. This man did tape meetings in trump tower. Now, if he did tape on this occasion and i stress if, because the whole point is to keep us guessing. I think he is in trouble. I trust that he said what james comey wrote down in his record of events immediately after they occurred and the tapes back that up and perhaps more importantly than i believe that, james comey believes that which is why he said, lordy, i hope there are tapes. Scott lucas live with us in birmingham, england. Thank you. Thank you. Lets talk about the uk election in the wake of an election she called and then failed to win out right british Prime Minister theresa may is apologizing to conservative mps who suffered embarrassing losses. She is setting to lead a certain minority government. She will form an alliance with the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland. Founded by ian paisley in 1971, it is considered very right wing opposing samesex marriage and abortion rights. This is the result that no one could have predicted just weeks away. And shaken up the political landscape. Brexit negotiations set nine days away and european leaders are waiting for visitors from london provides more uncertainty and then the question of theresa mays future. She needs to reflect on what went wrong. Im sorry for all those candidates and hardworking Party Workers who werent successful, but also particularly sorry for those colleagues who were mps and ministers who contributed so much to our country and who lost their seats and didnt deserve to lose their seats. And as i reflect on the results, i will reflect on what we need to do in the future to take the party forward. Well, for more on the election fallout, im joined by melissa bell in london and the Prime Minister there saying she has to reflect on this and that. She does have a lot of reflecting to do, especially how did this go so wrong for her . A lot of reflecting, natalie. A lot of convincing, as well. Since she has so much to do now in the face of a conservative party. Lots of anger in her own ranks of this misjudged gamble. Acons consolidate a majority. It has spectacularly backfired and finds herself trying to convince her own party and one thing she will have to do is no doubt shake up the way she manages and has managed her team here on downing street and the way it has led a campaign that many say is the worst in living memory. Shes then going to have this fairly Loose Alliance in order to create that minority government. For the time being, that is far from certain. Take concessions, no doubt. Take negotiations and not in the stronger of the two positions and, of course, with that Loose Alliance and with that alliance that she managed to get together, she will go into the brexit negotiations in the one that is weaker than the selection. Will the people around her and will the members of her own party continue to show her the kind of confidence she needs to hold all this together as these crucial negotiations begin in nine days time, natalie. Were there and its going to take an awful lot of political clout and unity. Precisely the things the theresa may appears to have lost. A lot of unknowing for the people who have voted, as well. Will this be a hard brext or a soft brexit and does her weakness affect the outcome . We have been looking towards the sort of harder brexit. That is cast into doubt. First of all, because the people she is going to be looking for to create this coalition that will allow her to go forward or this alliance that will allow her to form that minority government are worried about the consequences of a hard brexit on the border of Northern Ireland and the irish republic. They dont want the kind of hard border that is a reminder of times past. That is a new factor and new level of uncertainty in those brexit and how her Coalition Partners want to go ahead with them. So many questions and uncertainties in this transformed landscape as she enters the crucial negotiations which already dependent very much on her ability to inspire confidence in her ranks. Very difficult to see now how she will have to get that hard brex brexit through. It is morning time there and perhaps shes mulling that over with her cup of tea. Now joining us outside the houszs of parliament, we have robin oakley. Good to have you with us today. Members of her own party. I want to talk about this. Theresa mays advisors are taking a dprgreat deal of heat m the press that she listened to them, the advisors, rather than her own mps. Well, indeed, she presides over a very angry and absolutely shocked party that has seen a Parliamentary Party thrown away from a wild gamble from theresa may. She was push under ed into that advisors in number ten. They call her their gatekeepers and a lot of resentment in the party that she listens to everything those two say and she gives very little regard to what information and advice comes in from senior administers. So, certainly, a lot of conservative mps want one of those two heads to roll as acknowledgment to things that went wrong in this election campaign. Theresa may, though, is particular kind of character. Shes a very, very close character. Shes always operated with just a small section of decisionmakers around her. Shes got to change her whole political style if shes going to regain her hold over the conservative party. The question is, if she can really bring herself to operate without those two people leading her, george. There have been rumblings from many who feel that they dont have enough access to theresa may. We will have to see, of course, how this all plays out. Brexit negotiations a week away. The Prime Minister campaigned on the premise of heading into those talks from a strong and stable position and now shes not nearly as strong as before the election and the government not nearly as stable. No. And, in a way, theresa may has presented the european leaders recently as enemies of hers with a very tough antieuropean line. And the suggestion was that they were trying to get her to lose the British Election. Actually, european leaders. It was in their interests for theresa may to win this election and have a big majority because when it gets to the crux in the brexit negotiations, both sides are going to have to give something if theyre going to get a deal. Now, if theresa may had a majority of 100 in the British Parliament made one oor two compromised with european leaders and came back to the British Parliament and the hardline brexiteers said were not going to vote for that. She needed a large majority to accommodate some rebellion on the inside. So everything is uncertain about the brexit negotiations. We also dont know what instructions are going to the Civil Servants preparing the negotiating brief, britains negotiator. Is theresa may going to soften the stance. The leader of the scottish conservatives. The only success in the British Election with 12 seats gained in scotland. Ruth davidson wants an open brexit. Is there going to be an alteration in the pitch as a result of her success, george . I want to talk about political alliances here in the United States. One would imagine if the democratic and republican parties were to join together. This is not the case, but just to talk about parties that have very different interests here for the conservatives, what does it mean to have an alliance for the dup and one of the consequences for theresa may moving forward . Yes. The biggest consequence in a way of the alliance with the dup is that the power sharing executive in Northern Ireland and between the nationalists and the unionists have broken down. The British Government has always needed to be neutral within the battles within Northern Ireland politics. Now, the danger is with theresa may accepted in power by the unionist side that the British Government doesnt have that neutral position. So, that is a considerable worry. Some progressive conservatives are also worried that the social stance of the democratic unionists who are opposed to samesex marriage and to any easing of rights on abortion issues like that, assurances have been sort from theresa may that the unionists will not affect the conserve positive partys stance on that. The unionists will press for a soft border with the south and that may affect the brexit negotiations, too. Of course, they will be looking for some financial reward. The farming subsidies that will be lost with brexit. Northern ireland farmers are 9 17 in the morning there. Live for us in london. Thank you. Coming up here, donald trump has a tough message for qatar. It doesnt match what his top diplomat is saying about the country. Plus, after a devastating election, what lies ahead for the british Prime Minister. And brexit talks. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Well hear from some of the young voters that made Jeremy Corbyns campaign so successful in the uk. If you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. That means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Medicare doesnt cover everything. And like all standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide. It could help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. These types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. Rates are competitive, and theyre the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Remember these plans let you apply all year round. So call today. Because nows the perfect time to learn more. Go long. Welcome back. The u. S. Is sending mixed messages when it comes to the crisis in qatar. Top diplomats in washington are urging regional powers to stop isolating. But President Donald Trump is sharing a completely different suggestion. Listen. The nation of qatar, unfortunately, has historically been a thunder of terrorism at a very high level. The time had come to call on qatar to end its funding, they have to end that funding. Strong words there against one of washingtons biggest allies in the gulf from the u. S. President. Lets bring shes following the story in qatar and gauging reaction to this and these conflicting messages coming from washington on all of this. Natalie, theres been so much confusion here when it comes to what the u. S. Position is regarding this crisis in the gulf and these mixed messages have been the theme of the past week. You get some messages from u. S. Administration officials praising qatar and calling for calm and then you have President Trump on the other hand with what is considered or seen as inflammatory statements. And weve heard qatars position. They have repeatedly denied these accusations and they said that the United States needs to be getting its information from a different source, not rival countries. And they say that they are the victims of this cordinated campaign of misinformation. The president s comments yesterday will likely make the situation and this crisis worst. This is not just a diplomatic crisis, this is a crisis that is impacting people. The holy month of ramadan is a time when extended families meet and enjoy generations or traditions. But the political crisis in the gulf is threatening to tear this family apart. This is a single mother and her children are citizens. Children take the citizenship of their father. When it severed ties it ordered its nationals to leave qatar immediately. Im in a risk of losing my children. What i believe it is my dream all my life to raise them around me and to get married from around me and to be happy on that day. Now, i may lose my children any minute. Reporter the situation is uncertain, but they believe if they obey this disord oer, leaving them stateless. My mom raised us by herself. Its tough especially because she is a single mother. But that made us closer. And now after 21 years to decide to pull us apart based on the passport that we have, i mean, families are beyond passports. It makes no sense to separate them based on what your passport. I mean, at the end, were all humans. Arent we . I have raised all my life in qatar and i have gone four times and it was just to visit family and now i dont have any family that is worth visiting in bahrain. I wouldnt classify myself as a bahrainian because there is an english saying that is your home is where your heart is and my heart is in this place. Reporter this is not just about being separated from their mother. My point of view right now is my education and to further develop myself and it is only that and thatser wh ewhats re important to me. This country has given me everything to do that. And then they say go back to the country that holds 48 pages of a document. Its absurd. According to government figures, nearly 6,500 citizens are married to saudis or bera bahrainis. Never should be separated from their parents especially by force. I will never understand it. Especially with a region that has multiple families from different countries. It makes no sense. I never think it would happen in our country and in the gulf region. By who . Brothers and sisters and neighbors when they live all the life with us. Why . No one knows how or when this crisis will end, leaving thousands of families like this one living in limbo. And natalie, this is the story of one family, Amnesty International has just released a report with many other similar stories and theyre asking and theyre calling on saudi arabia, the uae and bahrain to respect human rights and stop toying with peoples lives as they put it. A poignant example of how this is touching so many. The Foreign Ministers from qatar and russia will meet next hour. Moscow promising to help mediate this crisis in the region. Still ahead here on newsroom 19 Million People in the United States watched an explosive day of testimony in the russia investigation, but a massive division, as well, in how the media interpreted what happened on that day. Also ahead here, the uk election has some calling for delayed brexit talks. What Angela Merkel says about that, coming up here. Livestream your favorite sport, at the airport. Binge dvrd shows, while painting your toes. On demand laughs, during long bubble baths. Tv on every screen is awesome. The allnew Xfinity Stream app. All your tv at home. The most on demand, your entire dvr, top networks, and live sports on the go. Included with xfinity tv. Xfinity the future of awesome. Welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and all around the world. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Im george howell. Im natalie allen. Donald trump is saying he is 100 willing to testify under oath about his talks with james comey. The fired fbi director testified on thursday contradicting the president on some points and calling him a liar. The president tweeted later, he was vindicated and he called comey a leaker. British police have arrested two more men in connection with the London Bridge terror attack. The 27 and 28 year olds were arrested at separate locations in east london. Investigators are now asking the public for help to learn more about what you see here. These pink ceramic knives. Also this van that was used in the attack. British Prime Minister theresa may is apologizing to conservative who lost their seat in thursdays election. Now in a weaker position before the start of brexit talks. Mrs. May is turning to Northern Ireland Democratic Unionist Party to back her minority government now. The decision to call that snap election. People looking back at this when the election called conservatives had such commanding leads in the polls many thought they would gain dozens of seats. Nothing snappy about it as this lingers on. Critics and members are questioning mrs. Mays own leadership. Heres more from our nick glass. Reporter solemn, if not grim faced. Her prepared statements just 2 1 2 minutes long. Nothing ad libbed and nuthing to the overnight election drama. I have just been to see her majesty, the queen. I will now form a government. A government that will provide certainty and lead britain forward at this critical time for our country. Reporter the reality is theresa may is a politically damaged figure. It had been a long, long night. The lady in red ten hours earlier. The body language, the forced smile, the awareness that every camera was on her. It was nothing, absolutely nothing to celebrate. By her standards, the speech was hesitant. And thank you to all those who have, once again, supported me as a member of parliament. Reporter she seemed more human. In shock. At this time, more than anything else, this country needs a period of stability. Reporter the speech and the applause was brief. She could hardly get out of there fast enough. So, into the night and back to london. In time in the car to digest the catastrophe and asked for support to strengthen her hand in the brexit negotiations. On a good election night, Party Workers would have crowded the steps at conservative Party Headquarters to welcome her. This time, there was nobody. Just an open door, a cabinet including her foreign secretary were either silent or suddenly noncommittal. Are you still supporting may . Its early days and i think everybody should contain themselves until they see how are you . There we go. Thank you so much. Reporter come daybreak and the contrast couldnt be, all hugs and smiles and waves and thumbs up. And the impartial observer outside labor headquarters would have thought he won the election. The fact is made huge gains as britain converted to tribal ways the twin rocks of conservative and labor. The Prime Minister called the election because she wanted a mandate. Well, the mandate shes got is lost conservative seats, lost support and lost confidence. Reporter brexit negotiations are scheduled to start on june 19th. May promised to be a bloody difficult woman in the negotiations. A spokesman for the European Parliament has tweeted this. Fact is this morning she looks bloody weak. The protocol outside 10 downing street everything seemed rushed. No smiles a certain nervousness. Theresa may was impatient taget away from the cameras and back inside. Thank you. So, again, the brexit talks are looming just days away now and the British Election was watched closely by eu leaders. Angela merkel was in mexico friday and she said this about the talks set for june 19th. Translator on our end, we are ready for the negotiations. We are ready. We have completed the guidelines and the framework and from everything i have heard from britain today. They will respect their negotiations calendar. We want to do this quickly. Right now i dont see any obstacles for the negotiations to take place as planned. Other eu leaders have also signaled brexit talks will go ahead as scheduled. Senior eu correspondent from politico. So, ryan, the optimism there from Angela Merkel, but how do these talks get under way with the mess that is under way in the uk with the leadership . Well, they can, obviously, get under way. Just a matter of people turning up in a room but the real question for people in brussels now, who are they dealing with . Will theresa may still be there in three weeks or three months. The eu will try to negotiate in good faith. But i dont think a lot of confidence that what begins on the 19th of june is really going to last and hold towards the end of this year and into a final deal in 2019. And then there are questions about the attitude that the british are bringing to the negotiations. I think they could be a mischaracterization of what is to be achieved here. It is treated from london a little bit like its a war where there must be winners and must be losers. But, really, this is about two parties who say they want a mutually beneficial relationship. They should be in a different compromising frame of mind rather than worrying about secret strategies and who can crush the other side. Hopefully that will be not the prevailing thought there as you say. Now, were hearing because of her weakened support and others getting support that it could affect whether there is a soft brexit, a hard brexit, business friendly brexit. What do you think . Very clear that theresa may lost her mandate to pursue that hard extreme brexit. Leaving the Single Market and Single Market for goods known as the custom union. But the problem for theresa may in changing her position that she set up strict lines around sovereignty. So if the uk were to stay in the elements of the eu Single Markets from trade deals with third parties. They cant go to the u. S. And china and major countries and say lets do a bilateral trade deal. These two red lines with the uk says it wants a Global Britain and a freedom for trade deals. If theresa may changes her tact to a softer brexit she loses what she promises on those red lines. A very difficult situation for the new uk government. Youre saying the folks saying who knows who is going to show up when these negotiations begin. At what point might they understand who is going to be there and how this might go. Just from day one. Well, we know that david davis is reappointed effectively as the brexit minister. He could face off the table from a former French Foreign minister, a former commissioner from france here in belgium a very experienced politician. Those two should be the main at the table and theyll be surrounded by the civil serva s servants. But a lot of speculation that the talks might work smoother or go more smoothly if those two key figures arent there for all the meetings. If you remove some of those politically charged people and moments and just let the Civil Servants do the negotiating, then maybe you can essentially lower the political temperature and move forward more quickly. But its going to be a very difficult moment for the uk because theyre going to be fighting domestic political fires and a lot of tension around what the Democratic Unionist Party will demand and what are the strings that they are going to attach to this deal with theresa may. So, i think a lot of distraction away from the brexit table and not the ability for the uk to focus on the task at hand when these discussions kick off on june 19th. If it werent already complicated enough, now this. Thank you senior Political Correspondent for politico. We appreciate you joining us. The testimony had millions of americans glued to their televisions. Were all watching the same thing. How could the media see this so differently. Welcome back to cnn news room. Returning now to our top story the president of the United States, donald trump, has been vindicated after hearing the testimony of the fired fbi director james comey. Mr. Trump has made an extraordinary offer to be sworn in and put his version of their conversations on the record. Comeys hearing was either really bad for the president or really good. Really depends whom you ask and where you get your information. Heres our media reporter Brian Stelter. Reporter it was a hearing seen in the eye of the beholder. The huge victory for donald trump today and a massive defeat for the democrats and, of course, the propaganda media. Reporter this is going to end bad. And on the right some conservatives are declaring victory and saying it is already over. I think jim comeys credibility is at about zero right now. Now that this is all passed, he can going back to do what he was going to do. Reporter trumps son says the clouds have parted. But if you change the channel, it is stormier than ever. Well, today was, really was as it was predicted to be the worst day of the trump presidency. Reporter its like hearing about a different hearing. Imagine, right now, at this moment, the seething rage that you know the president is living with. Reporter this battle of ideas is not going away. Its a choose your own news situation. So, lets see. Where are we now . A month of shrieking hype. Add up to pretty much nothing. Reporter theres a split between the protrump media and the mainstream media. Fox opinion hosts are hoping for the best while veterans of d. C. Scandals know there is much more to come. I think we now have about 5 to 10 of the answers to the questions we need. Were sort of in the middle, beginning of the middle of this process. Certainly not at the end of this process. Reporter contradicting trumps son, experts are saying this is far from over. My general rule is when things look pretty bad from what we know, its usually worse. This is extremely serious. Reporter try telling that to trump backers like lewendowski who claim leaks are the real story. Manipulate the media and man manipulate the press. Reporter on twitter the president confirms he is watching. Thanking foxs conservative theme morning show for its great reporting and blasting what he calls false statements and lies from comey. The two men cant agree on the facts and in a polarized media world, neither can the country. Its important to point out and brian made this in his report, made this point, but the difference between opinion hosts and opinion shows and also news shows with journalists reporting the news. So, he had a lot to sort through. That was Brian Stelter reporting for us. Michelle and former were acquitted friday of receiving Illegal Campaign funds during elections three years ago. Mr. Temer is being investigated for alleged corruption and obstruction of justice but he denies any wrongdoing. Ousted as president after the senate convicted her of breaking budgetary laws. Experts call it a youth quake. Young voters turned out for the election in the uk and we explore how they voted. 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They have passions to pursue. How do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. Get a 4 week trial, plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. Go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. The snap election that is called in the uk. The Prime Minister theresa may won, but actually in a way lost her strong position there and Jeremy Corbyn was a big winner but one of the reasons he won, young votevoters. They went to the polls on thursday and their turnout was almost double what it was in 2015. Why did they suddenly wake up . Heres our nina desantos. Reporter from humorous gifts to memorable memes and hashtag, political for resurgent party. Since she called a snap election thanks in part to organizations like bite the ballot set up to give young people a voice in westminster not just online. I think the mobilization of the youth vote has come down to a few things. Theyre not a political priority because theyre not registered to vote. It now has become a time for them to realize these things are happening with or without us. Time for us to get involved. Time for us to take our place at the table so were not continuously on the menu. Reporter for the first time in their generation, youngsters didnt just sign up, they showed up in droves. Though official data wont be released for a week, the union of students said the turnout for the young was 72 . Early estimates for turnout as high as 70 turnout, too. That compares to just 43 in the last general election two years ago. To britains young, yes, this vote was about brexit and also about so much more. I think young people carry a lot of empathy towards the state of the planet and the state of our society as a whole. The well being of individuals. The level of homelessness and the level of food banks and, you know, i think that they see this country as a wealthy country. And tired of we have to do this because we havent got any money. Reporter this video produced by corbyns Grassroots Group a bankers lifestyle against the frugal existence of a nurse was shared more than 2 million times on facebook in just the first 24 hours since its release. Found fame on the net with its single, liar, liar g2017. Shes a liar shes a liar, liar reporter and a generation left behind in the worlds fifth biggest economy. Youre facing tens of thousands of pounds of student debt, uncertainty about contracts and just, you know, a fairly bleak future the Housing Market is unaffordable for most people. I think that is tap under to that, really. Just a lot of young people. This has been the vehicle for their frustration. Reporter frustration turned into motivation and a restless youth which ultimately cost theresa may her majority. Cnn, london. It is good to see young people like me getting involved. Jeremy corbyn. Lets talk more about it. Feeling like a rock star more than a politician. Got a heros welcome outside his local pub in north london following thursdays general election. Supporters shook his hand and took selfies with the leader. And nina just reported its the young people that he can credit for that, not george. And on social media the cans f cansforcorbyn. Cracking open beer cans to celebrate his now found success. Before we close this hour, lets go into this from one big win to another. Lebron james and the cavaliers stayed alive in the nba finals with a recordsetting offensive performance. They put up 86 points in the first half. The kind of score you might see over an entire game. Final score cavs won 137 golden state 116. The warriors first loss in the postseason. They will be able to seal the title on home court on monday. Anyone who remembers last year theyll recall the same cavaliers down 31 and pulled off the improbable upset. Now, well see if they can do it, again. Come from behind and a deeper deficit. That is it for this hour of cnn newsroom. The news continues right after the break. Stay with us. These days families want to be connected 24 7. Thats why at comcast, were always working to make our services more reliable. With technology that can update itself. And advanced Fiber Network infrastructure. New, more Reliable Equipment for your home. And a new culture built around customer service. It all adds up to our most Reliable Network ever. One that keeps you connected to what matters most

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