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Say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. A temporary ban on refugees. President donald trump promised to protect american borders during his campaign and now he says he is delivering on that. Plus the president fine with nato for now, a different tone after his meeting with british Prime Minister theresa may. Fwloo and. And he gave us the elephant man and so many different performances. Actor sir john hurt has passed away. From cnn world headquarters, welcome. To our viewers here in the United States and around the world, im George Howell. The cnn newsroom starts right now. It is 4 01 on the east coast. A new peck difference order from the u. S. President with the stroke of a pen, people from seven predominantly muslim nations are barred for entering the United States for three months. The countries in question including libya, sudan, yemen, syria, iraq and iran. President trump says it is designed to keep radical islamic terrorists out of the United States, his quote. Critics say the move tramples on fundamental american values. The order also suspends the u. S. Refugee Admissions Program for four months. Syrian refugees are barred from the u. S. Indefinitely. Also People Holding certain visas will now have to undergo in person interviews in order to renew them. And as Cnns Jim Acosta says, a number of those countries on the list may grow. Reporter one thing we should point out about this 90 day suspension of visas coming in from seven countries that have ties to terrorism, those seven countries may not be all of them. Weve been talking to white house officials this evening who said that there may be more countries added to this list. And so make no mistake, this is a very aggressive action that is being taken by the trump administration. They talk at length during the executive order. At the top about 9 11. Something that occurred 16 years ago. And so President Trump campaigned during that election cycle as someone who was going to crack down and ramp up the war on terrorism, the war on isis. And this is just the beginning of that process i think. There is however a different stance for christians from muslim majority countries. They could now have an easier time getting into the u. S. The president says they should be prioritized because they have been persecuted. Listen. They have been horribly treated. Do you know if you were a christian in syria, it was impossible, very, very at least very, very tough to get into the United States. If you were a muslim, could you come in. But if you were a christian, it was almost impossible. And the reason that was so unfair is that everybody was persecuteded in all fairness, but they were chopping off the heads of everybody, but more so the christians. And i thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help them. More than 2 million Syrian Refugees have fled to neighboring turkey since the syrian war began some six years ago. Ben wedeman has been following this story for many years and joining us live in istanbul. This new executive order, how is that being perceived throughout the region . Reporter with shock and dismay. In fact i spoke with one syrian refugee who lives along near the Syrian Border who described this this decree as racist and shameful. Its important to keep in mind the reason why people fled syria was that they were caught between a rock and a hard place, between a brutal regime that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people on the one hand and mad terrorists on the other who, yes, President Trump rightly pointed out behead people among other things. But if you look at the numbers, the total number of people who have been killed by isis are muslims. The majority are muslims. Christians of course make up a part of it. And therefore when people see this decision, they really feel that this is a sledgehammer being taken to a very difficult problem. Ive been in touch with people this iraq. One man apparently a kurdish man who had received a refugee visa to the United States. When they went to the airport, they were informed by the airport authorities that they would not be able to get on the plane. And so they have had to go back home, obviously extremely distraught at this last minute change in policy by the United States. Now, weve heard for instance members of the Iraqi Parliament saying that they may impose reciprocal measures on americans trying to go to iraq. So this decision has huge implications across the region. And obviously is going to complicate american policy in a country like iraq where there are more than 5,000 American Service men and women helping iraqi forces in their fight against isis. And this certainly sends all the wrong signals to people who we are supposed to be friends with when it comes to the United States. So, ben, those thoughts on the allies, the people as you have pointed out before given your extensive experience reporting in that region, people who have risked their lives in fact to protect the United States, main of those people finding themselves barred from the United States. The u. S. President says that this move is designed to protect the nation from isis and from terrorism, but there are critics who say that this plays directly into isis hands. Reporter it does. It frames the United States in the eyes of many people as an enemy, not the of isis alone, but islam as a religion. And weve heard statements from people in iraq, jordan and elsewhere. And its important to keep in mind that in his executive order, President Trump mentioned the september 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks the United States. But the four countries to which the attackers came from, saudi arabia, egypt, the United Arab Emirates and lebanon, are not on his list of those countries affected by the visa ban. So it sort of lacks a logical foundation this decision. And certainly it will go down very badly in the region. Anybody who has lived and worked in this region for any amount of time realizes just how sensitive this topic is and how counter proce productive this executive order can be. Ben wedeman, thank you so much. President trumps temporary ban on immigrants and refugees has provoked several angry responses and as we see, bill de blasio says these policies dont reflect the values of the United States or new york city. We must continue to embrace refugees in need who are victims of terror, not terrorists. We must protect and celebrate religious pluralism. We will remain try to our values and always welcome all who yearn to breathe free. And then this, im heart broken that america is turning its back on a proud history of welcoming refugees, the people who helped to build your country, ready to work hard in exchange for a fair chance at new life. And from iraqi mutual aid society, quote, by halting immigration and Refugee Resettlement from targeted countries, the administration would be splitting up families who have parents and children in the process of approval for immigration and Refugee Resettlement. A family in the United States in the state of georgia says that mr. Trumps ban is not fair to people like them. The war in syria forced them to run for their lives and to seek safety here in the United States. My colleague Carol Costello has their story. Reporter dozens of refugees live here in clarkston, georgia. The locals say its the most diverse square mile in america. To you feel lucky that youre here . Certainly im lucky. Im safe now. Safety is everyones wish. Reporter he and his wife paid a smuggler 100 to sneak them out of home syria. They dont talk about it much because most of their family died in syrias relentless civil war. When you guys had to leave syria, leave your home, leave your family, leave what all was familiar to you to go somewhere, i just wonder what thats like. Your heart bleeds from the inside when you have to leave your country. But at the same time, youre leaving to seek safety and stability for your family. You want to live, to stay away from problems. Reporter if you could go home, would you . Everybody would prefer to go back to his or her country if its safe. Im happy living in the u. S. , but nonetheless i always miss my home country. My country is still at war. We dont want to go back. Reporter the nonprofit new american pathways helped them find a home. It provides his family with english classes and a job at a middle eastern restaurant. Trumps executive order will suspend programs like this. Its not a humane approach to reject the people fleeing the war. Instead the president should rescue more people for humanitarian reasons. Reporter some americans are afraid of people from the middle east, from syria. Why do you think that is . To the country, we love the American People. We want them to reciprocate or fe our feeling. We came to them for help. We want them to love us. Reporter they registered as refugees in jordan and were vet vetted by the fbi, defense diplomat, National Counterterrorism center, Homeland Security and the united nations. And along the way, she had two more babies. So each child was born in a different country . Yes. Each of my kids was born in a different country. My oldest son was born in syria, the next in jordan and the youngest in in the u. S. Reporter what can you say to the American People . If you have left your country and the war, youre only seeking safety. You dont want anything to do with war and terrorism. If what you want is terror, then your country which is at war is the perfect ground for you. Reporter still his family yearns to go home, but they cant. There is no home in syria anymore. So like many refugees before them, theyre working to krocre their own american dream. Carol costello reporting there. Still ahead here on cnn newsroom, donald trump has had an incredibly busy week as president of the United States engaging with world leaders. Up next, details on his discussion with the british Prime Minister about the future of nato and trade between the United States. Plus the u. S. President says he wants better ties with russia. What that means for his upcoming phone call with this man. Stay with us. Its my decision ito make beauty last. Roc® retinol, started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it, the better it works. Retinol correxion® from roc. Methods, not miracles. ™ i discovered a woman my family tree, named marianne gaspard. I became curious where in africa she was from. So i took the ancestry dna test to find out more about my african roots. Ancestry really helped me fill in a lot of details. I never want to miss these cmoments due to my pain. I live for this. Arthritis used to get in the way. But now with blueemu maximum arthritis cream, ill never miss another hug. Blueemu maximum arthritis cream. Beat the pain and enjoy life. A warm welcome back. Im George Howell. Donald trump held his first meeting with a world leader since taking office. He hosted theresa may, a key ally to nato at the white house on friday. Mr. Trump has been critical of nato in the past, but miss may said that the u. S. Still backs the alliance 100 she said. On defense and security cooperation, were united in nato and weve reaffirmed our unshakeable commitment to this alliance. But were also discussing the importance of nato continuing to ensure it is equipped to fight psycher warfare as it is fortofight more conventional forms of war. In trump also spoke with the president of mexico on friday, a day after pena nieto canceled his trip to washington. The u. S. President spoke with the mexican leader by phone and claimed that it was, quote, a very warm conversation. That despite mr. Trumps harsh rhetoric about mexican immigrants and proposed border on the southern part of the United States between these countries. Both governments say the leaders agreed to work out their differences over that wall that donald trump wants to build and mexico claims they decided not to discuss the dispute further in public. The president s talks with the leaders of mexico and United Kingdom came just a day ahead of his planned call with vladimir putin. For more, lets go to ivan watson live in moscow with us. Ivan, its good to have you. So the kremlin has played down the significance of this call, calling it more proper protocol than looking for any major significant changes. Donald trump also saying today that it could be too early to talk about sanctions. What more do we know about this phone call . Reporter well, as far as we know, this will be the first direct encounter between the two president s since donald trump was inaugurated. So there are a lot of questions about where things could go since of course trump has made it clear that hes interested in cooperating with russia on issues Like Fighting terror, on issues Like Fighting isis. And of course he was asked about this at the press conference with the british Prime Minister on friday in washington. And here is a taste of what he had to say at that press conference. As far as again putin and russia, i dont say good, bad or indifferent. I dont know the gentleman. I hope he we have a fantastic relationship. Thats possible. And its also possible that we wont. Ive had many times where i thought id get along with people and i dont like them at all. And ive had somewhere i didnt think i was going to have much of a relationship and it turned out to be a great relationship. He was asked whether or not he would consider lifting sanctions against russia and donald trump said it was too early to Start Talking about that. The spokes than for the kremlin was also asked about that and he said that it was unlikely that issues like sanctions or even conflict in ukraine would be discussed in this basically introductory phone call between the two president s. George. Ivan, when it comes to lifting sanctions, the russian economy has been suffering for several years. How important would it be for that a nation to see these sanctions lifted . Reporter it would be a very symbolic move in large part. We have to point out that there are several levels of u. S. Sanctions against russia going back years now. It would be a symbolic move and probably welcomed of course by the kremlin. And it would also be a sign if this were to happen of the u. S. Diverging from europe, which has also imposed parallel sanctions against moscow. At that press conference, its important to note that the british Prime Minister made it clear that the united king tomorrow dom is not going to be lifting sanctions against russia until certain steps are made in the ukranian peace process, the socalled minsk accords. She made that very clear and at the least donald trump at the press conference seemed to tacitly agree with. All right. Ivan watson, thank you so much. For more on Donald Trumps meetings, lets bring in eugene scott. Hes live in london. Mr. Trump has spoken to several leaders, so lets first talk about mr. Trumps conversation with the british Prime Minister. She had a lot to accomplish in this meeting with the u. S. President from reassuring that there is a strong relationship between the United States and United Kingdom, also reaffirming that the two nations are solidly in support of nato. How is her meeting being perceived across the pond . Reporter well, it depends on who youre speaking with. There are certainly people who are hoping that the Prime Minister focuses on establishing the best trade relationship with the United States moving forward for the time being when the United Kingdom is no longer a part of the european union. But there are also people here affiliated with the labour party who would hope that the Prime Minister would be aggressive with the president on issues related to climate change, some of ihis past comments on women and torture. On that topic of torture, wrone of the topics that these two leaders do not see eye to eye on. The british Prime Minister chimed into say that it is okay for these two leaders to disagree and still main tak tak strong relationship. Yes, the United States and United Kingdom has has beentake strong relationship. Yes, the United States and United Kingdom has has been emphasized repeatedly have joined forces when it comes to National Security and defeating terrorism globally. So thats why this issue received so much special attention from both sides of the pond. Donald trump also has been invited to visit the united w g kingd kingdom. We know the queen extended an invitation and the president and first lady accepted. We know that it will happen later this year. Donald trump was very enthusiastic about the invitation, he told the media that his mother who was born in scotland was a big fan of the queen, i quote, and he also express expressed gratitude because despite at least more than ten president s who have been in office, only about half received invitations to visit buckingham palace, so this is something that the president is taking as a unique invitation for him that somewhat seems affirming. And id also like to ask you about the upcoming call between the president of the United States and the russia president. President donald trump saying he would like a closer relationship with russia when it comes to fighting isis. But over the past when you talk about russias involvement in syria, it has been to back syrian president assad and focusing in on those cities like allepo, russia has been criticized for many civilian casualties. The United States has been focusing on other aspects in syria. Would it be a conflict for the United States working closer together with russia on the issue of terrorism . Its worth noting that almost every United States president has wanted a more positive and closer relationship with russia, but ideologically, the two countries see things very differently and these are the words of secretary of state rex tillerson. So whether or not that will actually be able to happen remains to be seen. And its also worth mentioning that Many Republican lawmakers who are in Donald Trumps party have come forward to say that russia is one of the United States biggest Foreign Policy enemies when it comes to defeating terrorism and addressing international affairs. And so how donald trump will go about forming this closer tie that many people before him were not able to do, its not quite clear yet. The world will be watching very closely for the takeaways from this upcoming phone call between these two president s of super powers. Eugene, thank you so much for your time. Still hahead here, thousand gather in d. C. To rally against abortion. And in his first major appearance as Vice President , youll hear what mike pence had to say at this event. Were live in atlanta broadcasting to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Youre watching cnn nwsroom. Welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. You are watching cnn newsroom. It is good to have you with us. Im George Howell with the headlines were following for you. President donald trump is tightening u. S. Borders in a move he says is necessary to keep out, quote, islamic terrorists. He signed an executive order barring anyone from seven predominantly muslim nations from entering the u. S. For 90 days. The order also prevents Syrian Refugees from entering the u. S. Indefinitely. President trump also told britains Prime Minister that brexit will be good for the uk allowing to do its own deals. His comments came during theresa mays visit to the white house friday. Mr. Trump said that he was honored to host her and predicted that they would build a Strong Partnership together. Serena and Venus Williams are playing for the open title right now. Serena won the first set and they are fighting it out for the second set. If serena can pull it off, it will give her 23 grand slam titles, a new open era record. Two time oscar nominee john hurt has died. The british actor performed for six decades in movies and on television. His credits include alien, midnight expression, the elephant man, 1984, and the first two harry potter movies. John hurt was 77 years old. Fair to say it has been a very busy week for the new u. S. President donald trump. He signed several executive actions related to his cam pin promises. Keep up here, here is a quick look at what hes done. There was fridays executive order on new vetting measures to, quote, keep radical islamic terrorists out of the u. S. He also checked off his biggest pledge at all directing the government to start using federal resources to build the u. S. Mexico border wall. He ordered more Border Control forces and an increase in deportations of undocumented immigrants. He also signed actions to revive the keystone xl and Dakota Access im lines. Mr. Trump also effectively torpedoed the Transpacific Partnership by ordering the u. S. To withdraw. And hours after his inauguration, he signed an ch k executive order loosening i678 implementation of the Affordable Care act. The leader of one humanitarian group says that it will hinder thousands ever innocent people trying to flee war and persecution in their own home countries. America is no safer than it was 24 hours ago, but 60,000 people who have been through the vetting process around the world, victims of terror around the world, arent going to be able to come here. Whats are more, americas reputation as a humanitarian leader has been lost. And a propaganda gift for those extremists who want to say measures dont want muslims to come here. So i think this is a harmful set of decisions because its eye harder to get to america as a refugee than any other route. These are victims of terror seeking haven. Explain why it wont make it safer because many say the people who could possibly harm our country, they are looking to sharia law and all of that to about him us a bomb us and hurt us, they wont get in. I can explain what the Current System already is. It takes up to 36 months for a refugee to be vetted outside this country by american authorities. 12 to 15 Government Departments of the u. S. Including the cia vet individual cases, biometric testing that was referreded to in your previous segment means that america chooses the refugees who will come here and become productive residents and then patriotic scitizens. And my organization, we work in war zones away the world delivering humanitarian aid and we resettle refugees here. And the experiences i met refugees today from iran, there syria, they have arrived in the last couple weeks, they are here and grateful for the ghans to make a new start for themselves. President trump is also turning to a new source for his unverified claims that more than 3 Million People voted illegally for his opponent hillary clinton. Our drew griffen has details. Reporter where does donald trump get his information of massive voter fraud . Not from study after study, report after report, analysis after analysis that has found no evidence, but from a Nonprofit Group that has released no evidence. Its leading voice is the former executive director of the Mississippi Republican party. Hes now ceo of a health data Company Based in texas and a conspiracy theorist. And this morning on cnns new day, Greg Phillips wouldnt say what his proof actually is. You said we know 3 million illegally voted. We didnt name a soul, we dpts na didnt name a person. Do you have the proof . Yes. Will you provide it . Yes. Can i have it . No. Why . Well release everything to the public as soon as we get done with the checks. Reporter President Trump cant wait either. After this appearance, the president tweeted look forward to seeing final results. Greg phillips and crew say at least 3 million votes were illegal. We must do better. Boat stand is Greg Phillips mostly empty app site with no proof of anything. Its affiliated with through the vote, a november profit that raised a Million Dollars in 2014 according to its latest tax filing, paid half that amount in salaries including 120,000 to its director who raises money by hiring private fundraisers and posting frightening but vague youtube posts like this. Is Election Fraud a real problem . Yes. How bad is it . Well, we have over 800 convictions listed in our online election crimes database, but that number does not scratch the surface because for every case of fraud that is actually run through the multiyear gaupts gauntlet of conviction, others arent prosecuted at all. Reporter here are the facts. There is no proof of widespread voter fraud in the United States. In study after study, republicanled, democraticled, i saidled, academicled going back years and years, no one has been able to prove there is systemic vote fraud in u. S. Elections. And weve been down this road before. In 2002, republican president george bush with his Republican Attorney general John Ashcroft launched the voting integrity in addition initiative. After six years, the total number convicted, less than 150. A rutgers professor concluded the percentage of illegal votes was statistically zero. An as for the elected secretaries of state who actually run elections in their states . Not one republican or democrat has voiced any concern about massive voter fraud in the november 8th election. Prompting the National Association of secretary of state to say we are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump. Apparently all of that is not enough evidence for the president. Despite no evidence, despite Many Republicans saying there is no evidence, the president has tweeted he will call for a Major Investigation into voter fraud. Drew griffin, cnn, atlanta. Thousands of demonstrators stood against abortion at the annual march for life in washington. The rally is held each year around the anniversary of the Supreme Court Decision Making abortions legal. The Vice President of the United States mike pence made his first appearance in front of those crowds. As Vice President , he promised to work on ending federal funding for organizations that perform abortions and assured the activists there that their movement is gaining ground. Because of all of you and the many thousands who stand with us in marches like this all across the nation, life is winning again in america. It is no more evident in any way than in the historic election of a president who stands for a stronger america, a more prosperous america and a president who i proudly say stands for the right to life, president donald trump. The Vice President there also vowed to help the president appoint a new Supreme Court justice who opposes abortion. Doctor this doctor. Still ahead, how asian cultures around the world are celebrating the lunar new year. Cultures around the world are celebrating the lunar new year. , and my life is basketball. But that doesnt stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years. Until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto®. A latestgeneration blood thinner. Then i made the switch. Xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six bloodclotting factors. 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Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto®. Insurance changes . Xarelto® has you covered. Veteran british actor john hurt has died. He was in the first two harry potter movies. Hurt became a prominent film actor in the 1960s cited for a breakout role in a man for all seasons. Among his steextensive movie anv credits were the elephant man, 1984, alien and indiana jones. Honored with numerous awards, hurt was knighted in 2016. No specific reason was disclosed for his death. John hurt was 77 years old. Switching now to weather, several recent storms are paying off for residents in the state of california who have been suffering under an extreme drought now for a couple of years. Julie martin is here with more on that. Weve been talking about that drought for some time. This rain has been very helpful. Yeah, the drought has been going on since 2014 and still technically in effect. The governor has not saying hey, were out of the drought completely. So you do still have to follow the restrictions. But this has certainly helped out millions of folks in california. Lets take a look at some of those storms that brought in all of that rain. For the first time in three years, that worst category of drought is gone in california. It has taken this much rain though if we take you out to the maps here where you see all of the pink and the red here on the map, places like los angeles, they have actually picked up 7 to 8 inches of rain just to give you some perspective, they only usually get about 14 inches of rain a year in los angeles. So this has been a tremendous help to the people here in california. This plume of moisture just storm after storm bringing heavy rainsierra, which was lacking this terms of the snow pack. And thats where the water supply comes from in california so that will be beneficial moving forward. Taking a look at the numbers, exceptional drought as of january 17th, 2 . What a difference a week makes. Down to 0 just a week later thanks to those storms. And we will look even better the next couple of weeks. Take a look at the colors. Back in december, a lot of red. Were eating away at it by january 3rd and now most of the state still in some trout, but looking much, much better in terms of the worst of it. So that is good news. 238,000 square kilometers in drought back in december and now were down to much less than that. About in terms of the snow depth, as well, 6 to 8 feet here, very common in the sierra. Some places picking up as much as 20 feet of snow like mammoth mpt mountain. So that will filter into the water supply and that will help out folks tremendously. Future radar not showing anymore rain coming in for now in california. Could see more coming in next week, but for right now, we will be dealing with santa ana winds kicking up this morning. So if youre waking up, you want to be aware of that. Ventura, los angeles counties all going to be experiencing impacts. Winds in excess of 60 Miles Per Hour across places like los angeles for the morning. Wow. Julie martin, thank you so much. Millions of people around the world are spending the next couple of weeks celebrating the lunar new year. There were fireworks at midnight. David mckenzie is following the story live in the chinese capital. David, pleasure to have you with us. So weve heard about fireworks celebrations from new york to beijing all around the world. What is the significance of the year of the rooster . Reporter well, the year of the radios sister means were entering the zodiac symbol for those born in this year, it comes an every 12 years. If you are a rooster, meaning youre born in the year of the rooster, then you are punk chew als popular and generally well liked. You mentioned the fireworks. Its a bit different than fireworks you might see in other capitals around the world because many of those you see are just let off by private citizens. You can go to a place to get fireworks from a stand or from side of the street and let off these industrial amazing fireworks. I remember when i first moved to beijing, they were bursting right outside our apartment window and not as much of worry about safety here on that front. They have been trying to curb the fireworks because of the pollution in beijing, but that certainly didnt stop to people. The other thing everyone does is to gather around the tv and watch the gala show, the state media spectacular, it lasts more than four hours. A mix of dancing, singing and chinese comedy. People love to hate it at times, but it is tradition. More than 7 Million People tune in in china alone kind of making the super bowl look like not exactly a big draw. All right. So with the new year comes new uncertainty. There is a new president of the United States. A quick question. How is china feeling moving into this new year . Reporter well, i think every ordinary chinese just celebrated the new year, but in the official halls of power here, there is nervousness. Ive spoken to academics who have been part of the government meetings ahead of Donald Trumps inauguration, they are concerned about what might happen next. During the trump campaign, he certainly was very forth right about his anger at china and his perceived trade issues. That is not something shared by chinese economists and leaders here. They are asking President Trump to exercise caution and not to start a trade war. The ministry of Foreign Affairs is generally closed at this time of year, but i can promise you there are officials waiting to see what might happen next. David mckenzie live for us in beijing. Thank you so much. All right. So the word bigly or big league . Whatever the word is, it is back. The word that president they ever actually said that comes back to taunt him just at the same time. Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara® saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. Welcome back. Im George Howell. The most famous sisters in tennis are squaring off in the Australian Open final right now. Serena the number two player in the world took the first set as she seeks her record 23rd major title. But she probably didnt expect to be playing her sister who is currently ranked number 17. And sundays mens final fierce rivals Roger Federer and rafael nadal will battle for grand slam title for the ninth time. Both were thought to be past their glory days. This will be their first meeting in a tennis match since the french open in 2011. So words have meaning especially when theyre uttered by the president of the United States. Right now were putting to rest the debate over something mr. Trump has said on the campaign trail several times and here is a hint. Its big. Jeanne moos has the story for us. Reporter first President Trump gallantly pulled out a chair for the ceo of general motor and dropped the b word. Its happening bigly. Reporter not once but twice. Were going manufacturing to the United States bigly. Reporter inspiring some to report trump pushes for bigly manufacturing revival. But it was also the revival of the word bigly. Im going to cut taxes big league and youre going to raise taxes big league and strongly. What did he say . What we need is an acoustic wave form analysis. Actually a linguist at the university of california berkeley did those test hes and determined that trump was saying big league. Reporter big league, not bigly. Though bigly is in the dictionary. An adverb meaning in a big manner. Cue the mockery. Win bigly . Good brief. We will make america win bigly and grammar loses goodly. Make america bigly again. Bigly wronger. Not funny. Bigly not funny. Reporter but bigly began losing when an interviewer asked the donald himself what he had been saying. I use big league. I was right. Youve settled it. Reporter but that didnt stop mere yam webster oig from honoring bigly as the most looked up word that was never actually used in 2016. Now President Trump is not using it again. Its happening big league. Reporter the good, the bad and the bigly enmade it on to a tshirt. We need to cut bigly down to size. Cut taxes big league. Reporter jeanne moos, cnn, new york. Thank you for being with us for this hour of cnn newsroom. Im George Howell at the cnn center in atlanta. Another hour of news from around the world is straight ahead bigly. Stay with us. People. A live report from beijing on how millions of people around the world are celebrating the new year. From cnn welcome to our viewers

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