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Airport. Amid politics at the golden globe awards, livec from cnn World Headquarters in atlanta. Welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Im George Howell. Cnn newsroom stps right now. It isc 3 01 on the u. S. East coast, it is the kind of attack that weve seen far too often lately. A man rammed a truck this time in jerusalem. Theyre trying to figure out if he acted alone. Were about to show you some footage of exactly what happened. I want toym warn you that it is very disturbing to see. Right through a group of israelo soldiers. They plowed right through that group of people, an officer and three cadets all barely in their 20s died from this attack. c Israeli Police shot and killed the driver of the truck. Prime minister said he may have been an isis supporter. Zv cnn is following the story live for us in jerusalem this hour. Warren, good to have you with us, this attack has been called terr sm, what more do we know about the investigation. Before we get to the investigation, lets talk about the funerals of these fourym soldiers, three females and one male all killed in this attack. It will be a day offing as these a day of mourning asc they lay to rest today. The attacker, the truck driver here was shot and killed at the scene and that is when the investigation began. Police blocking off a neighborhood close toyewhere ths attack happened, where the attacker was from that blocked off entrances and exits as they tried to figure out was this cf1 o where had he gotten the truck, how long did he plan this, was this the sort of spur in the moment type attack. Five of which are familyzv membs of the attacker, and again, george, thats what theyre trying to figure out here, was this spur of the moment. The key here is was this anp attack or should this have been picked up because there was a bigger web here, that will be the focus of the investigation moving forward. The Prime Minister isc sayi the driver of that truck may have been an isis sympathizer. Isis has not claimed responsibility for this attack. This information has not yet been confirmedd8 officially. Do we know anything more about why the Prime Minister has reached that conclusion . c he didnt expand on that, he visited the scene just a couple of hours after the attack. He said from what we understand the ie tack waszv isis sthiter supporter. He ie sympathizer or supporter. He didnt expand there. c now, we spoke with the spokesperson and said there are no known isis cells in jerusalem or the west bank. This isnt somec emergent of a new stem here and thats where the investigation, again, focuses on trying to figure out where do the motivation come from. One of the biggerc aspects tha weve heard israeli leaders talk about, is what they called viral terrorism. Thatsc prop puel gags, that cl through social media to crack down on that and sfig your out who iszv posting something as a threat and who is likely to carry out that threat. Live for us in jerusalem, warren, thank you so much for your reporting. c well stay in touch with you again as these funerals are set for the vick dims tims in this in just a zvmoment, well tk with the israeli chief minister where well ask more about the investigation into this attack. The deadlyc attacks brough great deal of rage, thats not the case of refugee camp in gone sa, supporters marched through thec streets. They were yelling at antiisraeli chants. The group sweeted it is a normal response to the crimes of israeliv occupation. c now, to florida, the suspect of the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting will be formerly charged monday, just two months ago, officialssin alaska referred to ÷usantiago. He said after that, he still didnt get the help he needed. A month later he got his gun back. Officials say there was no legl reason for them to keep the gun. They believe that is the same gun he used in the airport to kill five people and to wound six others. Theres also some new video thatko doubted and appears to sw the very moment that santiago opened fire. I want to show you the still video. Hes wearing ap blue shirt, his weapon drawn. Here is more, we warn you, going into this, this report contains disturbing video. On sunday weve got an up close look of exactly what unfolded in the baggage claim terminalc here on friday. In the surveillance released to tmz. You see as he walked into framev n nondescript. The moment before he reaches in and pulls out a nine millimeter pistol, hes emotionalless as÷ue opens fire on the people nearest to him. This corroborates a lot of what weve heard from officials, the fact that this was a planned attack. Alaska here to Fort Lauderdale in order to carry out this attack and he didnt really target anyone specifically. He just openedc fire on the people that were closest to him. In the video after he opens fire, you see him kind of crouch down and then he starts running and you see thec people all around him in horror as they realize whats happening. People many just throw themselves on the ground. One woman gets behind ac lugga cart trying to do anything she can to get away from him. The big question that is yet to be answered, is why he decided to come here to Fort Lauderdale. Were÷u hearing from investigats that this is still potentially a terrorist act. Theyve not ruled out terrorism as a potential motive. Hes facing some serious charges, all of them eligible for the Death Penalty. Ym cnn, Fort Lauderdale, florida. Following the truck transition, a Senior Member trumps transition,÷u a Senior Member accepts the conclusion that russia hacked political zv operatives, but ritrump receive intelligence briefing on friday, as you remember. He accepts the fact thatym russia and other entities engage in Cyber Attacks in the United States, all day long. He accepts the fact that thisc particular case was entities in rush shach russia. Hes going to order the Intelligence Community to m ke recommendations and actions may be taken. I dont think theres anything wrong with trying to have a Good Relationship with russia and other countries around the worl thands what the president is around the world thaand thats t the president is saying. Zv Kellyanne Conway insist they did not influence the out come of the election. I dont want any of your viewers to be misled into÷u thinking that somehow the kremlin and the Republican Party or the that they had the kremlin was dealing with any of the hackers andc bringing that information back to moscow and somehow that anybody who allegedly attempted to influence our elections actually did. For÷u more on this, lets brg in former chief and contributor, jill, live in moscow, jill its always ac pleasure to have you with us for tcontext. Hes brushing the offense aside in favor of warmer relations it . Right, well, what i think what theyre doing, theyre being specific in saying that i did not effect the out come of the election. And actually thats not what the report was trying to do. In fact, the people who did that report, thec intelligence agencies were really saying, thats not what we do for a living. Thats not the purview of our report. We can say, there was hacking and they went into some detail. But, i mean, in terms of the reaction here in russia, this all came out just as russia was going intmc a very serious holiday season. It was Russian Orthodox christmas. Everything shutdown, new years had happened just beforec that. And not a lot has happened in russia during that entire period. Reaction directly from president p putin, were hoping today that we can talk to the kremlin and get some reaction, itko has, in essence, coming out through tweets by various people and also now this morning in newspapers, et cetera, that i was o; reading one paper thats kind of like wall street journal. Its national journal. And the story is actuallyc on page 3, which gives you the idea that right now, essentially, the approach is its not that big. Its not thatc new. This report didnt have much information to begin with. And so its really just being kind of downplayed in the really being mocked. So youre not getting a lot of really substantive reaction to that report,c victor. George here with you, and also, the report, as you pointed out im sorry, george. Thats okay. V the report pointing out that, you know, there was no hacking of actual machine, but, you know, in conclusive, no real, you know, determinationp as to whether the information that was slowly leaked, what impact that might have had on the election. Jill, i would like to get your÷ opinions on the plus minus of these two powers coming together, these closer ties that donald trump wants, whatc this make America Great again, or would this make russia great again . You know, its hard to say. I think, george,c because on these individual, lets say, the issues that the president will have to deal with when he comes into office, there really ky theyre very complex and very difficult to match with what he is saying in general terms. I mean,÷u everyone says and think everybody would agree, that basically it would be good to have better relations with 9q trump himself or soon to be President Donald Trump who saw the big issues of the world its when you get the specifics that it gevs complicated. Weve been talking about iran, for instance, the u. S. , the Obama Administration and russia, how to work out and negotiate÷u the Iran Nuclear Deal and President Trump is saying, that he was opposed to it. So that would put him in opposition to Vladimir Putinev and the other issues really kind of break down in different ways. So i think youre going to have to see, can he segregate, separate thesdc two issues, the hacking and say, in spite of that we can go on and work with russia . And that will be the real ciss. Jill has always been a top expert when covering russia. We always appreciate your context and insight on the matters. Thank youp so much. A big announcement to talk about car maker fiat chrysler, that company will spend ctories in the state of ohio and michigan. Production of the new jeep wag near, grand wagon eer willc create 2,000 new jobs. Just last week cancelled plants to build a plant in mexico as i announced it would invest 700 million in the state of michigan instead. Still ahead, well have much more on the terrible attack, a well talk more aboutc the investigation and what they know so far. Plus north korea is blaming the United States for its Nuclear Development and threatening a new missilep launch. The quote says, any time anywhe anywhere. Stay with us. Sometimes you just know when you hit a home run. Thats how i feel about blueemu pain relief spray. Odorless and fastacting. It soothes all my muscle aches and pains. And its convenient for those hard to reach places. And if youre like me, youll love blueemu super strength cream. Its made with real emu oil, its non greasy, its a deep penetrating formula that works itself down into your joints. Take it from me. It works fast and you wont stink. Blueemu, it works for me itll work for you. Welcome back. Four÷u soldiers killed in sundas truck attack in jerusalem. Funerals will take place monday. The israeli Prime Minister says that truck driver may have been a supporter of isis. Hes been identified as 28yearold, hes palestinian, Security Forces shot andc kill him after his truck plowed into a group of soldiers near popular tourist spot. Now authorities are trying toc determine if this was a lone wolf attack or something more. Nine other people are now under arrest, joining me now from jerusalem is a member ofc israelis security captain. Its good to have you with us to talk more about this investigation. What more do you know, atc thi point . We knowp that we have som evidence ;h u jt that but of course he was also by the Palestinian Government media, you know,c suggesting the government media that should be israeli÷u its a phenomenon. Well, isis, at this point, has not claimed credit for this attack, though ashyou point ou the Prime Minister has seen it, that he believes this attacker may have been isis sympathier. Can you elaborate just a bit more on the evidence thatc you speak of, why this claim is being made now. We dont claim that he was ac official member of isis. But the fact that he was inspired by isis. With÷u isis is very clear im n going to show the evidence right now, but its very clear. Look, what we see all over the middle east is and this is the main obstacle and the stability of thec middle east. That chilled by isis, but also by al qaeda, by hamas. Actually,nb comes down to etiology. In cgeneral, and we are facing thisc typical we are so sometis so frustrated that the u. N. And the hatred and general refusal to acceptzv israel existence jewish democracy that israel once and again, as we saw three weeks ago. The de se minister has stated that this attack was not fuelled by settlements, you know, thats certainly a hot button issue that, you know, iss certainly in focus lately. I want to focus in, though, that something that you raise also. The question whether its isis inspired orc isis directed and this concept of basically the information thats put out ju as how is the government dealing with that . Trying to crack down on that, whether its inspired or directedc online . It seems like evidence that it was inspired by ÷uisis, inspired by isis, but, again, you cannot separate. It was inspired recently by isis, butv palestinian, totall exposed to the palestinian media and to thezv messages that and s must die. You cannot really what wec e lately that most palestinians are inspired by isis, faces a 5 99n and its the case like islamic b giad, this is a new phenomenon and were able to see how we can eliminate or minimize such attack. Generally, speaking,c were ve experienced. We have very good services, usually, we manage to depict avp to prevent in advance, even sometimes lone wolves in advance, butu despite our experience we dont have 100 success, and yet,c deticket younger soldiers in jerusalem is other testimony thatym created. And thezv final conclusion shou be that we have all the world to unite, to fight and defeatko islamic because theyre threatening not just jews, everybody, anybody that is notu devoted v islam. Far too often. You know, the Israeli Energy minister, thank you so much forx being with us and sharing your insight on that. Again, funerals are set for monday. A visit byu taiwans president of the United States is prompting a warning for Chinese State run tabloid. The u. S. Recognizes ta ws as one china, they say the mainland is prepared against any moves for taiwan independence, writing for taiwan independence, writing this, if trump reneges or one china policy after taking office, the Chinese People will demand the government to take bargaining. Now lets talk about north korea, nation claiming to be ready to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile, the quotev says any time, anywhere they said they were close to testing that. Lets go south koreazv where th story is being followed. Thank you for being with us. North korea saying theyre doing this specifically because the United States help explain thez context here. Reporter george this is something that north korea has been claiming for many years, ifu not decade. They say that they need this Nuclear Program as self defense. They need it as protection against hostile policy from s washington. This is nothing new that were hearing at this point. But what were having here on sunday is that they can launch an intercontinental ballistic mwktr e at any time from any location in order to depend on is where the north Korean Leader would like it to happen, where and when. So cthat is is what theyre waiting for, theyre saying, at this point, the green light. It comes just after the new years addressede on first by kim. He said this the test launch of this icbm which could hit of this icbm which could hit u. S. A close and just one day later we heard from president elect donald trump saying it wont happen. So this could be seen as response to that. But its÷u not mentioning donal trump by name, but just mentioning the u. S. Of Foreign Policy, george. Paula hancock live following this latest threat frommy north korea. Thank you for your report. Well stay in touch with you. Stars of the silver and small screen turned out for the small screen turned out for the 74th annual,a in los angeles. The golden globe goes÷u to. Dominated the night winning seven awards. Won jqj best actress and for best movie musical. Coming of age story took home olden globe, rather, for the best movie drama. Best actor went to casey aflek for manchesterc by the sea. French actress took home the award for best actress in a movie drama for the film celf best series comedy, that went to atlanta. The golden globe turned a bit political as well. Aheadht well show you what fil legend had to say referring to the president elect, donald trump. Were live in the United States and around the world this hour, etuaajauar r t hahp f atlanta. This is 100 useful for a 100 fresh mouth. Whats it like to not feel 100 fresh . We dont know. We swish listerine®. As do listerine® users. The very people we studied in the study of bold. People who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. Do a yoga handstand. And be in a magicians act. Listerine® kills 99 of bad breath germs so you can feel 100 in life. Bring out the bold™. 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The suspect in the florida airport shooting, the person you see here will be formerly charged onp monday. Could face the Death Penalty if hes found guilty of federal charges. Five people were killed in that attack, six others wounded at the airport inym fort lauderdal florida. North korea saying, any time anywhere, if they could launch an intercontinental ballisti missile, just last week they said it was close to testing the longrange missile. North korea blames the United States citing a÷u hostile polic. On tuesday confirmation hearings will begin in washington for the u. S. President elect Donald Trumps cabinetcnpicks. But the offices government ethics says that several nominees still have yet to be properly vetted. That means they have not yet completed thec ethics review process thats required, one source telling cnn among those in question is trumps pick to leave the department of homeland security. Responded to this latest news saying that all of the nominees are qualified. Donald trump says that he will seek better ties with russia, hacking scandal, even Senior Republicans are casting doubt on the president elects ambition. Here isv what Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell had to say about it all. The best way to look at the president elects attitude towards the russians isym to lo at Incoming National security leaders, general mattis, congress, none of theseym are people who are in any way conflicted about the view that the russians are not our friends i dont think its all that unusual for a new president to want to get along with the russians. I remember george w. Bush havinu the same hope. My suspicion is his hopes will be diced pretty quickly. Donald trumps proposed moscows military involvement in ukraine and syria, but before those conflicts, residents of the former soviet urepublic of georgia, they say they fell vick toim to the border. Here is more. A for georgians this the 2008 war. The fencing scars to landscape. Green signs offerc up an omino warning. Just beyond is the break away region of south. They were only allowed to get this close in the companyc of georgian Security Forces. They say its for our own protection, after all, the russians are watching2u its here that we meet, georgian 82yearold in the space of thisc conflict. I from÷u georgia. After he went out one day to run errands, he returned to find his ÷uhome. They wound up slicing his land and permanently separating him from the country he calls home. When you first saw this fence here, how didc you feel . I was angry when they came. They said it was russian territory. So if you dont want to be from where should i go. Help me if you can. The locals, its known as the creeping border,c although georgian officials are not allowed to use the term. They call it the line of occupation. To the russians theyre an independence andc their milita is here by invitation. Each passing year the lines steadily move forward swallowing far left even entirec villages. Independent monitors say each encroachment is a violation of International Law and no one on the georgian controlled sign of the linetgrzi seems to know exa what the line is. The sign is meant to mark the boundaries. The problem is looking around is unclear where the apit s ed border begins and ends. For all i know, i can be standing in the south. Locals complain they have beenz detained for coughing over and then theres the matter of the orchard, earlier this year, ahreemile long furrow stra through it. They claim its there for fire protection, but georgians who cross it get detained. The e. U. P has the only independent Mission Monitoring this frozen conflict. On the far left i can see one Russian Federation border bay, we dont know where and how far that line can move because it was never recognized. It was never negotiated. s based on variety. What message is that sending. Thats the message that w e e still living for the best. Small agri Cultural Village former home. A it was bombed during the 2008 war. It was determined to remain in the a house his father built. Thats untitu the russians fencd off the road and some of the land, even though the house is on the georgian controlled side of the wire. He said the russiansv urrs a choice. The common citizen or move. He abandoned his home and lived nearby on remains of his land. Are you÷u worried that this border is going to continue moving this way . We are afraid that they will expand the÷u border. We know what war means. Its better to be like this than in war. Tomorrow her and her family fear that one day the . Xujt will come again. To one side of their home, a Russian Military base. To the other, a georgian check point. How wouldym you feel here . How can someone live here. It is scarey. Nobody knows what will happen today or tomorrow. She said÷u she no longer haso tick it to pastor and worries theyll be blown up by left over iahp hc meanwhile at the russian base overlooking the house, many go about their business. Their Children Play in the c courtyard. Cnn. Thank you. Cnn has reached out to officials in the south and at the kremlin regarding allegations that people are losing their land but has yet to receive a response on that. Iranians are remembering their former president , he died on sunday. He was 82 years old. For more on this lets bring in cnn beckyym anderson live for becky, thank you for being with us. In the countrys moderate mooumt just to help ourc viewers understand how great of a loss this was and how is he being remembe remembered. This is as a blow to the countryc ahead of what our crucial elections later this year, possibly may. And influential voice against hard liners, he will bec remembered not least for pushing for that landmark nuclear deal back in 2015, which brought iran in fromc the cold. P former iranian president dead at the age of 82. ÷u he dominated the landscape in iran for more than three decades. He was a÷u controversial for so inside and outside political prominent south of thec 1979 islamic revolution. He was elected of the Iranian Parliament in 1918, patchy held until 1989. Under thec direction, he to se commander in chief at the Iranian Military throughout that eightyear conflict. iahp hc consecutive terms as president for the Islamic Republic were dubbed by the as the reconstruction period. Johnnyc viewed liberal economi policies and tried to rebuild ties to irans neighbors after his presidency. Theyym remain a powerful playern iranian politics including serving as close adviser to each supporter in becoming thec countrys supreme leader. Johnny political÷u becomes divee the old revolutionary. In 2005, ran for cpresident. An opponent who criticized from the Foreign Policy language and populace etiology. After beingp disputed president ial election in 2009, he sided with the the protesters. The broadest decision to help his÷u popularity amongst supporters, it was political costly, diminishing his influence behind thep scenes. But byzv 2013 iran seventh president. Just months away from irans next÷u president ial election wi be a major blow to moderates who lost both the leader and a mentor in johnny. It j here in the dcc. Specifically, saw dee. And even though he wasc sidelid in recent years held statesman of that 1979 revolution, he couldnt be silenced. ÷u that influence said thoroughly missed not just by the current government, but in capitals across the world,c george. Thank you, thank you so much for your reporting and context. Again, dead at the age of 8 this is cnn newsroom, well be right back. My arthritis pain used to make my favorite things to do. Painful. But now with oderfree blueemu maximum arthritis cream, i can enjoy lifes big moments and lifes little ones. Blueemu maximum arthritis cream. Beat the pain and enjoy life. It is very cold here onmy t east coast and northeast. And now bitter temperatures are also leading to deaths, in parts of europe. Heavy snow and blistering winds closed in romania. Dozens of villages were left without power, many people without power there. Local reports sayc four people died because of the extremely cold weather conditions there. In the United States, dangerous winterzv weather in multiple sections in this country this weekend, as i mentioned these deaths that came from the states of virginia, georgia and california. Storm is nowht working its way through the northeast. Lets get the very latest on the cold temperatures, our meteorologist is with us in the International Weather center. Is there relief in sight in parts of the United States and europe. Absolutely. Its going to be late week. Zv it is rather quick warm up. It will take a couple of days before we get there towards the latter portion. And critical patternzv of wet weather streaming right along this classic Pineapple Express when it comes to moisture originating out of the tropics an getsc up and translates int snow fall and you melt that down, ten inches of precipitation expected, four to six inches of rain fall expected translate this and were talking several feet of fresh know and this is all wonderful news. 103 of it in place across the sierra. Weve failed to get to the normal 100 average and you melt this down, we know that about 30 of the states drinking water÷u comes from snowpack and sierra snow melt. Excellent news in the forecast there. We know some travel already in place. I80 westbound, workc your way n that direction. We have mud slides closing down parts of the highway, eastbound on i80 trees and powerlineshoo across that region. As george said it is not across the United States, turkey, tremendous snow fall is coming down in place. V instanbul International Airport have had the most single cancellations on saturday, sunday and monday. Hundredsc of flights cancelled each and every single day. High pressure is sitting around the western end e, a÷u lot of cd air beginning to filter in across the greek aisle and get into ie press some snow showers in the higher elevation. Morec news, George Howell, comg up momentarily. Welcome back. In her acceptance speech, the actress got political. She praisedc adversity in hollywood, but she wasnt the only one talking politics on stage. For more im joined by film critic live in÷u london with us good to have you with us. First of all, before we get into the politics of the matter, lets talk about the Golden Globes itself. Were there any csurprises, fro your point of view . Well there most certainly were, i simply dont believe that anybody thoughtzv laura la would win several globes, record in the history of it. I mean it was remarkable. Its ac marvelous enchanting a colourful movie, but it was fantastic to see it done so well. The other surprises, i was certainly surprisedko when natae was knocked out by isabel, superb. And Alsop Erik Johnson beating ally for best supporting actor. Thats the Biggest Surprise of the night. It was memorable÷u ceremony and also casey, i think people thought would win over denzel washington, this was forc romance by the sea, they both played losers in like very very well indeed. So it celebrated amazingc amous of talent. The managers victories, i think, that, too, was unexpected to that extent and very well deserved, i thought. Lets talk politics. Meryl streep on stage the momenc during the campaign when he was on stage mocking a disabled reporter. She had this to say about this 2016 election over ÷uall, but listen, we can talk about it here on the other side. Do the same thingym disrespe invites disrespect, violence incitesc violence. When they bully all others, we all lose. Its a moment people are talking about on social media, very significant moment during the goldenb globes. Absolutely no doubt that she put so much power and passion into that speech becausw i think she articulated what everyone who was listening thought and she put it so forcefully. Golden globe performer. She had 30 konominations, 8 win and she really chose her example so well, i thought. It really was one of those speeches. There werec several moving speeches during the ceremony. But this one really hit. M target. It was a bulls eye. What about jimmy fallon, his performance, he got a little political as well, how did he do . I thought heu did well. I find far too personal,c ther was some funny knocks of donald trump. The perfect girl, forc me, i thought did rather well and also the material. I mean it was the work excellent for the the crown to do as well it was. I was delighted to do as well it did. This was super. Also for the people versus oj c simpson, this was much praise. In the boom section and the television. We had a lot to cheer about and althoughzv i think the i wou have like today have done better, the prizes werec share out between lalaland and the lions share and majesty by the sea. Moonlight very important victory keeps its hopesht alive for the oscars. Im very pleased about that. I thought that wasc very excellent. Thank you so much for being with us. And thank you for being with us this hour for cnn newsroom. The news continues right after the break. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay and could save you in outofpocket medical costs. 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And there are virtually no referrals needed. So dont wait. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. This easytounderstand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. A huge week for the country in transition. For the First Time Since july, president elect donald trump will hold a news conference. At least he promises to. Some of the cabinet nominees face confirmation hearings in the senate and then the wake of the Intelligence Report that said Vladimir Putin of russia tried to hack into the American Election season. A record setting night at the Golden Globes, but the b

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