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World, im George Howell. Cnn newsroom starts right now. 4 00 am on the u. S. East coast. Ten days until election day. New turmoil in the clinton campaign. This after the fbi discovered a new batch of emails that may be pertinent to its investigation into Hillary Clintons private email server. A Law Enforcement source tells cnn these new emails were sent and received by one of clintons top aides, not by Hillary Clinton herself. Our jim sciutto explains how an unrelated fbi investigation led back to clintons email server. [ cheers ] reporter 11 days until the election, the fbi director informing lawmakers he is reviewing new emails related to the clinton email investigation. Law enforcement officials tell cnn the new emails were not from clinton but were sent and received by aide huma abedin. They were found on a device shared by aberdeen and her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, the target of a separate investigation into alleged sexting with a minor. Wow. Reporter this three months after the fbi recommended closing the probe. In connection with an unrelated case, comey wrote to eight Congressional Committee chairmen, the fbi has learned of the existence of emails that appear pertinent to the investigation. Director comey continued that the fbi will review these emails to determine when they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation. I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, he wrote. All this after director comey declared on july 5th that clinton had acted carelessly but not criminally. In looking back at our investigations into the mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. [ cheers ] reporter in the key battleground state of iowa, Hillary Clinton at first did not comment until her campaign arranged a surprise press conference with the democratic nominee turning the tables on the fbi. The director himself has said he doesnt know when the emails referenced in his letter are significant or not. Im confident whatever they are will not change the conclusion reached in july. Therefore, its imperative that the bureau explain this issue in question, whatever it is, without any delay. They have discovered new emails [ cheers ]. Reporter donald trump pou pounced at another rally, new hampshire. Hillary clintons corruption is on a scale we have never seen befo before. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the oval office. Reporter Trumps Campaign manager, kellyanne conway, tweeted, a great day in our Campaign Just got each better. House speaker paul ryan, until now locked in a public dispute with his partys nominee, accused clinton of mishandling the nations most important secrets, before renewing his call for the director of National Intelligence to suspend all classified briefings for secretary clinton until this matter is fully resolved. Director comey said in his letter hes not certain if the emails are significant. Our reporting is there are thousands, determining when there is classified information in those emails will require consulting with multiple intelligence agencies. It is not an exact science. Theres often disagreement. Its a process that will certainly take longer than 11 days. Jim sciutto, cnn, washington. Thank you. Lets bring in cnn politics reporter eugene scott live via skype in washington. Eugene, lets talk about this. There is an article thats published on cnn. Com titled the bizarre day that blunted clintons good mood that sets the stage for what were talking about here. Ten days until election day, and going into this, look at clintons standings when it comes to her handling of emails and when it affects her character and ability to be president. We have a graphic to show the percentage breakdown. And you see 62 of people believe that it does present an issue. That it is a problem. 37 believe no, its not. Clinton obviously caught by surprise with this, caught offguard, as we understand. Her campaign learning about it just as the plane landed. Heres what she had to say at a News Conference about all of this, lets listen, we can talk about it on the other side. I think people a long time ago made up their minds about the emails. I think thats factored in to what people think, and now theyre choosing a president. So i would urge everybody to get out and vote early in all the states that have early voting because i think americans want a president who can lead our country, who can get the economy working for everyone, not just those at the top, and who can bring our country together. Early voting, its happening in so many different states. Hillary clinton making the point that maybe this is already baked in for voters. Eugene, the question, is it . Especially for those independent voters who are going to the polls. Reporter i think the former secretary is correct in the sense that early voting has happened. We have to remember that millions of people have already gone to the polls, and theyve gone to the polls with the knowledge that Hillary Clintons emails have been an issue. And i think most voters have decided whether or not that matters to them in terms of who they are choosing to be the next president. A lot of questions remain to be seen. We dont completely know what this investigation will reveal. And as we previously mentioned, that wont be evident until after the election. Lets talk about the Trump Campaign. Seizing on this, donald trump making a point to talk about it when he spoke to his crowd. Lets listen to what he had to say. The investigation is the biggest political scandal since watergate, ands everybodys hope that justice at last can be delivered. Fair to say certainly Donald Trumps hope that this issue will energize his campaign. But the question, again, eugene, as voters are making that decision, those people who havent made up their minds yet, how will this play as trump is pushing it . Reporter well, im not sure the Trump Campaign should assume that if people do not vote for Hillary Clinton that that will bring them over to his camp. And perhaps, he does know that that might not necessarily happen. And maybe he doesnt need to happen. He just perhaps needs people not to vote for Hillary Clinton. But as many voters have said, they already have made up their mind whether or not they believe Hillary Clinton or donald trump can be the best person to lead this country. And this latest revelation isnt likely to change a lot of peoples minds. Regarding the undecided voters and the independents, its 11 days out. I think its fair to say that most people have made up their minds. Lets talk about director comey and the timing of this move. According to sources, these are huma abedins emails, not Hillary Clintons emails. The director made it clear the fbi is not exactly sure of what is contained in the emails. So the question now did the director jump the gun in going here at this point, as you say, ten days before election day . What was the clinton campaigns demands to more information be released to voters as they make the critical decision. Reporter thats what democratic members of congress who have been criticized who have been criticizing the director have said. They believe he could have been more clear and less vague in what it is that is actually happening because theyre not doing so, he certainly allows republican lawmakers to spin this the way they see fit. He was not outside of normal procedure in terms of letting lawmakers know what he was doing. But i think all voters want more transparency, and i think we see lawmakers on both sides calling for that from comey. Eugene scott live for us in washington. Eugene, thanks for helping to make sense of it all. Well be back in touch next hour. Thank you. Yes. Reaction to the new fbi probe has very greatly has varied greatly with the two candidates rallies friday as you can imagine. Miguel marquez has that report for us. Reporter at the Hillary Clinton rally, news the email investigation is being revived. For some, expected, but sell it a shock. You put your head in your hands. I did. Weve been waiting for Something Like this. Yeah. Exactly. Expectinging that Something Like this was going to pop up. Reporter some found the timing the worst part. I thought the timing was terrible for hillary. This is the worst thing that could probably happen when theres only ten days left of the election. Reporter six short blocks away just across the river, a donald trump rally, and the reaction decidedly different. [ chants ] reporter Trump Supporters emboldened by news the fbi is looking at new information. Finally. Yes. It needs to be taken care of. She got away with it the first time. Reporter many hoping undecides will finally see the light. Tina larson drove eight hours from south dakota, three kids in tow. Do you think it will turn the tide in the election . If they can get the word out. If these independents and democrats would hear this now, maybe theyd finally wake up and realize that she is a crook. Reporter eric rendy who already voted for trump says he knows hes not perfect but yes, he has faults. Yes, hes not right about everything. Why do we have to be lied to . That was Miguel Marquez reporting. Thank you for that. We move on now to an incident that happened at chicagos ohare national airport. Engine failure caused a commercial jetliner to burst into flames, according to sources close to the investigation. Everyone on the American Airlines flight got out quickly after the pilot aborted the takeoff on friday. About 20 people, though, had minor injuries. Wow. A fedex cargo plane also burned friday. This time at the airport in ft. Lauderdale, florida. The video obtained by cnn shows an explosion shooting debris into the air. Investigators say that the fire occurred after the planes landing gear collapsed as it was landing. No one was hurt in that incident. This is cnn newsroom. Ahead, syrian reblts launch a new offensive to break a government siege in east aleppo. Details next including what the russian president was saying about his militarys movement. Plus, as iraqiled forces advance on to mosul, isis carries out mass executions. Details straight ahead. Yeah mom, the new kitchens great. Hey if you want somethig to cook faster, you just double the heatright . No reason. Hey mom, for laundry, the maximum load is just a suggestionright . Ohthat makes sense. Ummmmom, how do i monitor my credit . Ok. Thanks mom. That was easy. Sign up for credit karmas free credit monitoring today. The battle for mosul. The United Nations says isis executed 232 civilians just outside the city for being disobedie disobedient. Isis reportedly carried out the mass killings wednesday as Iraqi Security forces advanced on its last urban stronghold. In the meantime, iraq says those troops are making progress toward reclaiming mom. Holding mosul, holding positions 19 miles from the city. Weve gotten word that Iraqi Paramilitary forces are beginning an operation to cut isis supply lines to the west of mosul. Cnns Michael Holmes is on the ground in erbil, iraq, following developments and joining us live this hour. Its a pleasure to have you with us. First of all, what more can you tell us about these advances on the battlefield and disagreements between the United States and the iraqis . Reporter yeah. There are those advances on multiple fronts. And different units are at different distances from the outskirts. We know of one, for example, Iraqi Counterterrorism unit that has eyes on mosul at the moment. Theres peshmerga units four kilometers out, but there are still towns yet to be taken and secured 15 to 20 kilometers away. Theyve got to get everybody on the same page as far as the encircling of mosul. A little bit of confusion, as you said, about the pace of the offensive or whats next. We had american Officials Saying last night, friday, that the iraqis would be pausing on some fronts to allow other units to catch up and consolidate which does seem to make sense. Almost immediately, we had iraqi commanders saying,em with, thats not so. The u. S. Comments were inaccurate. You mentioned the Popular Mobilization units. These are the shia paramilitaries feared by many sunnis in this part of the country. They have announced that they are launching operations west of mosul to cut isis supply lines. Theyre going to put thousands of fighters into an area really where isis has been able to cross back and forth from iraq and syria, where of course they have their de facto capital, raqqah. Thats another development. Its been a weak point in terms of trying to encircle mosul. That western side heading into syria, george. Also this news of 232 civilians who were killed outside of mosul, killed for being disobedient. What more can you tell us about the executions by isis . Reporter yeah, just more atrocities, isnt it, george. More of isis brutality controlling the population through fear. Those 232 men, that was near mosul. We also heard from our own sources inside mosul of a particularly gruesome execution of 20 men accused of being spies. They were taken to mosul university, they were tied together and all electelectrocu their bodies left lying in the street as a warning to others. This fear tactic increasing inside of massively. People have been asked to move into the city, for example, tens of thousands of civilians being forced in from the outskirts of mosul into the city as human shields. And if they refuse to go, being shot on the spot. You know, this all sort of adding to this almost a million, million and a half civilians there. So these others being brought in just to add to the hewlettpackard an shields. And it really does beg human shields. And it really does beg the question how the assault on mosul, how it aeps handled. Iraqi forces will will have to worry about civilians. Cant help but see the images were showing as you explain these horrific details. You know, the children the families, the people who are there, who could be used as human shields, who could be executed for using i cell phone or being using a cell phone or being disobedient. The offensive presses on toward mosul. Certainly the stakes are high. Michael holmes live in erbil, we appreciate your reporting. We wish you and our other teams there continued safety as you continue bringing us the news. Thank you. Many of the families rescued from isis control are traumatized but are happy certainly to be free. Cnns arwa damon visited one refugee camp and heard Horror Stories of life before liberation. Reporter despite the basic conditions at this refugee camp sprouting east of mosul, there are still smiles. Its over. They survived. 9yearold fatima hid with her family under the stairs. She says she was scared. There were a lot of air strikes. Her uncle says an air strike destroyed the wall in their home. And they escaped by using a ladder to try and jump over the wall of their house into another house where they thought that they would be safer. Like everyone here, this man cannot stop talking about isis iron fist. In this particular village hes saying that isis took their cell phones a year ago. Two to three months ago, they forced everyone to remove their Television Satellite dishes. His friends, neighbors, had little radio that they kept hidden. Thats how they were getting snippets of news. Sometimes they would turn on the radios inside their cars. Outside his tent, we meet his grandkids. They have just seen their father for the first time in two years. She kissed her father when she saw him. And this is his other son. Two months old, three months old the last time he saw his father. They were reunited today. These families say they didnt flee when isis first arrived. They believed the fighters who said we will not interfere in your lives. They had no idea what horrors isis would bring. For many, it was about longterm survival. They are shepherds, this is their livelihood, all that they own in life, sheep and goats, being loaded into trucks away from the battle zone. They say they lived in a constant state of terror. Shes just telling us about the birth of her son. Hes just 3 months old. And isis did let her go out to the hospital to give birth. Shes saying it cost a lot of money. The equivalent of around 40. And thats considered cheap. Other were charged double. They brought pigeons with them because pigeon breeding is quite a hobby here. Shes saying its the only thing that they kind of had left that they enjoyed. Shes had pigeons in her family ever since she was a little girl. For the last five months, there was no television at home. So the pigeons went from being a hobby to pretty much being their only source of entertainment, especially for the children. They they dont know what the future will bring, now for the first time in over two years, they can sleep in peace. Arwa damon, cnn, iraq. At least 15 people are dead and more than 100 others wounded after a new round of bombings in aleppo. Rebels launched an offensive friday. Video from an activist shows an unrelenting attack on the city. After the bombs started, the Russian Military asked president P Vladimir Putin to resume air strikes. He said now is not the right time. Reporter residents of the divided syrian city of aleppo woke up to an awful sound on friday. [ gunfire ] reporter a barrage of rockets, mortars, and artillery launched by rebels. It was part of a rebel offensive against the western governmentcontrolled part of the city aimed at breaking through Syrian Government siege lines around aleppos rebelcontrolled east. To punch through government fortifications, rebels unleashed at least at least armored car bombs. Equipped with devastating firepower. As the rebels attacked, the top diplomats from the Syrian Government and its most important foreign patrons, russia and iran, met in moscow. Russias foreign minister blaming the rebels for the collapse of a brief unilateral cessation of air strikes declared by moscow and damascus last week. Translator today the situation in the region of aleppo has seriously deteriorated. The ceasefire has been broken by the opposition. The United States and their allies in the region were unwilling or unable to maintain the ceasefire. Reporter the Syrian Government and russia bombed, besieged eastern aleppo for months killing at least 400 there in october alone, according to a top United Nations official. The aleppo offensive by syrian and Russian Military forces has been the most sustained and intensive aerial bombardment campaign witnessed since the beginning of the conflict more than half a decade ago. The results in human terms have been horrific. Aleppo has essentially become a kill zone. Reporter the fact is there are flow angels in this awful grinding fiveyear war. In the last few days, independent observers have accused both the Syrian Regime and the rebels of carrying deadly attacks against schools in northern syria. The u. N. Saying air strikes against a school near the rebelheld city of idlib killed dozens including 20 children on tuesday. The syrian observatory for rebel rights says artillery killed at least six children in governmentcontrolled aleppo on thursday. And with the rebels latest indiscriminate shelling of western aleppo, the grim death toll in syria just continues to rise. Ivan watson, cnn, istanbul. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Still ahead, Anthony Weiners questionable behavior. It is reigniting the email controversy in the clinton campaign, something theyd hoped was behind them. Details on that ahead. Plus, the campaign to remove venezuelas embattled president suffers a setback. Were live from atlanta, broadcasting across the United States and around the world this hour. This is cnn newsroom. Why do protein drinks taste chalky . Then get worse . Introducing protein shots from 5hour energy. Protein shots from 5hour energy are smooth and tasty, and still deliver 21 grams of protein with 100 calories. Theyre great for workouts. So great that if you dont get up to fifteen percent more reps, more laps, more distance, well give you your money back period. Protein shots from 5hour energy. Great taste. 100 calories. 21 grams of protein. This is the new comfort food. And it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. California grown with no antibiotics ever. Lets get comfortable with our food again. Viewers here in the United States and around the world, you are watching cnn newsroom. Its good to have you with us. Im George Howell with the headlines were following for you this hour. The fight to reclaim mosul, iraqiled forces are making progress on the ground. One counterterrorism unit has eyes on the city. This according to our reporter in iraq. Iraqi Paramilitary Forces say they are beginning an operation to cut isis supply lines to the west of mosul. At least 15 are dead and more than 100 wounded in aleppo by mortar fire and car bombs. Rebel fighters launched an offensive friday in the syrian city. Rebel fighters launched that offensive, and you see the effects there. The kremlin says russian president putin rejected his own militarys requests to launch air strikes. At chicagos ohare airport, an engine failure sent flames shooting from a commercial jetliner, according to closes source to the investigation. Wow. A lot of smoke coming from that. Everyone on the American Airlines flight got out quickly after the pilots aborted the takeoff on friday. About 20 people had minor injuries. The fbi says it is reviewing newly discovered emails linked to Hillary Clintons private server. Law enforcement Officials Say the emails were not from Hillary Clinton. They were on a device being examined as part of a probe into Anthony Weiner estranged husband ofclids longtime aide, huma abedin. The fbi will investigate. The prone is the latest in the episode that is complicating the relationship between those involved. Reporter Anthony Weiner, a congressman with a bright future, and newly minted senator Hillary Clinton started serving together on capitol hill in 2001. About a decade later, weiner would marry one of clintons most loyal aides, huma abedin. Ive got enormous respect for the clintons. Theyve been enormous friends and to my wife and to my family. Reporter now weiners bad behavior has reignited the email controversy Clintons Campaign hoped was behind them. Wow reporter the new emails come from the fbis investigation into allegations weiner sent sexually explicit Text Messages to an underage girl. At a Democratic Party retreat in 2001, weiner asked aberdeen, then an aide to the senator, out for a drink. She told weiner she had to work. Then clinton gave her the night off, according to vanity fair. At their engage party, clinton said she considered aberdeen a second daughter. In july, 2010, bill clinton officiat officiated their wedding on long island. A year later weiner resigned from congress after tweeting a picture of his crash. Two years later he ran for mayor, a campaign that imploded after he admit to having more lewd conversations with women on the internet. Guilt and pain that i feel, you know, im sorry for everyone in this position. Reporter and this year, the fbi launched an investigation into allegations weiner exchanged sexually explicit Text Messages with an underage girl. Drugs, talked sexually reporter aberdeen and we were have separated after six years of marriage, but the politically damage was already done. Who is huma married to . One of the great sleaze bags of our time Anthony Weiner. Did you know that . Think of it. So huma is getting classified secrets. Shes married to Anthony Weiner, a perv. Reporter cnn, washington. The latest twist in the email controversy could be called an october surprise. Cnns tom foreman looks at some of the most memorable october surprises from past campaigns. Reporter its been a while since weve had so many unexpected news events so late in an election cycle. We certainly have had surprises before. A raging storm on the east coast, a sex scandal in d. C. , and a nuclear test in china. Each has been an october surprise. A big news event in the autumn of a president ial election that threatens to change the outcome. Late 2008 saw one 1. 2 trillion. That is how much investors including many of you with stocks in a plan, lost today reporter as the recession roars, republican john mccain insists the fundamentals. Our economy are strong. Reporter his oncetight race with barack obama becomes a fallout. Then mitt romney characterizing almost half the voters as dependent on government handouts. There are 47 of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. Reporter the president romps to reelection. The terp october surprise gained popularity 44 years ago this week. 1972, Richard Nixons National Security adviser, henry kissinger, with late news about the unpopular vietnam war. We believe that peace is at hand. Reporter he is wrong. The war goes on. But so does nixons presidency. Weve had october surprises ever since. 1980, many think jimmy carter will be boosted over Ronald Reagan by the release of the american hostages in iran. The surprise it does not happen until after reagan has won. 1992, reagans successor, george h. W. Bush, is just days away from the vote when a top reagan team member is indicted over the iran contra affair. Democrat bill clinton takes the white house. 2000, clintons Vice President , al gore, is battling george w. Bush. Republican strategists are certain bush can pull ahead. Then news emerges bush was arrested 24 years earlier for drunk driving. In the popular vote, the race winds up essentially a tie, although bush ultimately wins. So the backwash of that october surprise, a halloween trick or a treat depending on how you look at it. Tom foreman, cnn, washington. Thank you. For the first time in the United States, the Supreme Court will hear arguments involving transgender issues centering on a Public School in the u. S. State of virginia. It wants to stop a femaleborn transgender student from using the boys bathroom. A lower court ruled in favor of the student who identifies as male. It found that federal laws ban sex discrimination in schools. Supreme Court Justices agreed to hear the School Boards appeal. Switching to weather now, and recordsetting heat is in store this weekend. Good news, right, across much of the central United States. Oh, boy. Meteorologist derek van dam, come on, its supposed to cool off by now. Im regretting ordering that bear outfit for halloween. That costume is not going to fare too well with recordsetting temperatures here in atlanta, georgia. 13 other locations across the u. S. Today, also up for recordbreaking territory. Were talking about some serious warmth for the end of october, heading into early november. This is the time when people don costumes for halloween, and typically get outside for the autumn chip u chi autumn chil enjoying the beautiful parts of north america. Not happening this year. Its going to feel like summer for many locations. The below average temperatures edging further and further north. Were seeing a ridge of High Pressure that will allow for above average temperatures to continue. Im also not liking this. Across the rockies, above average, not great news for the ski resorts out there. Interesting to note, weve tabulated some of the information going back about 45 years. And what meteorologists are noticing is that we are having fewer october nights where temperatures drop below 60 degrees fahrenheit. So another of the fingerprints of Climate Change as we go on in time. Weve got a large storm system impacting the western parts of the United States at the moment. The first wave of moisture continues to move inland. Thats associateded with this low. Theres another secondary low pressure that will bring snowfall into the sierranevadas. Rain for san francisco, up north into portland and seattle. Pretty early season for that wet weather for california, to say the least. Heres the snowfall for the Northern Rockies and into the sawtooth mountains. This is the original storm that brought this kind of flooding into portions of central california. Look at the video. This is east of san francisco. Modesto, california. Water so heavy along some of the roadways officials were forced to shut down some of the streets. And you see why this road looks more like a river. Not just the fast water causing the problem. The debris clogging sto storm drains, giving the water no place to go but up. The scene the same in other parts of modesto, as well. George, opposite extremes across the United States. Some getting cool and wet weather. Some also breaking record high temperatures. And derek, all of this in line with what you shared with our viewers here you know, around the world last week, that the southern part of the United States will be warmer than above average. La nina season is here. Thank you. Youre welcome. Ahead, a close call in the skies between syria in syria, rather, between the United States and russia. What it could mean down the road. Plus, venezuelas embattled president uses threats and incentives to partially derail a nationwide strike. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. 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California grown with no antibiotics ever. Lets get comfortable with our food again. We cant go back to the years of devastating cuts to public education. So vote yes on prop 55. Prop 55 prevents 4 billion in new education cuts, without raising taxes on anyone, and with strict accountability. Budget forecasts show if we dont pass prop 55 big cuts that hurt our kids are coming, and california will suffer budget deficits all over again. So vote yes on 55. Because it helps our children thrive. Welcome back to cnn newsroom. Im George Howell. It was a close call between the United States and russian planes syria. No one was hurt, but experts say incidents like this could have a damaging diplomatic impact as they fight against isis. Barbara starr has more for us. Reporter near catastrophe in the skies over syria when a u. S. And russian aircraft flew dangerously close to each other in a previously undisclosed incident. The closest call yet in this conflict. The head of u. S. Air forces in the region called it a nearmiss collision in the middle of the night. But mixed messages from the u. S. Military. I dont think that it it was perceived to be a danger. Reporter the u. S. Believes it wasnt a deliberate provocation by moscow. Even if its just bad navigation the risk of a disaster is certainly a very high one in a combat environment like this. Reporter both planes were flying october 17th at hundreds of miles an hour. The russian fighter crossed less than half a mile in front of the u. S. Surveillance aircraft. The two sides spoke about the incident. The u. S. Says the russian pilot didnt even know the u. S. Plane was there. The u. S. And russia previously agreed they would keep a distance of three miles between aircraft and an altitude separation of 3,000 feet. That bubble is now violated about every ten days by the russians, according to u. S. Military officials. Because tensions are so high between the United States and russia, even a true accident could spin out of control. Reporter in iraq, new concerns that around mosul isis is taking civilians and using them as human shields. As they fall back into the city, apparently they are taking some of the local residents as human shields. This is something we try to stop when we can or put a stop to it. Reporter the u. S. Recently struck 50 vehicles outside mosul that isis was going to use to move captive civilians. Barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. The embattled venezuelan president maduro has delivered a blow to his rivals. Their plans for a sweeping nationwide strike on friday was far from a success. That may be because the controversial president made threats and also made some new promises. Cnns Shasta Darlington takes a closer look for us. Reporter venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro managed to knock the wind out of a strike by threatening to seize control of companies that participated and by announcing a 40 increase in minimum wage, aimed at easing some of the anger and frustration that many feel. That doesnt mean that some establishments didnt close their doors. The streets were more empty than usual, and some students didnt go to school. It was far from the crippling paralyzation that they hoped for. Maduro got an important show of force with a large progovernment rally vowing to stand by him. Translator and i can tell you at this hour that the strike summoned by the fascist right has been a failure. Reporter that doesnt mean that the pressure is off. The opposition is furious after the government blocked efforts to hold a National Referendum that could have seen mothers against drunk driving seen maduro voted out of office. Theyve been staging massive demonstrations and say they will march on the president ial palace thursday unless the government reverses its decision. And there are concerns that things could get ugly with the Vice President calling on government supporters to show up in the same place at the same time. Translator you are thinking that you will go out there and oust maduro, but we will be there ensuring that maduro is not leaving, that maduro will continue to be president. Reporter all parties have agreed to sit down for talks on sunday. Those talks will be mediated by the vatican, but at this point, it just seems that there is so little that they agree on. Shasta darlington, cnn, rio de janeiro. Colombia says that it is making progress toward saving a peace deal with the marxist rebels known as the farc. Both sides are back at the negotiating table in havana trying to come up with a new deal after voters revoted the last rejected the last one. The rebels wanged e waged a l and bloody insurgency. In my home state of texas, theres an ad you would want to say. A motormouth politician and his longsuffering wife, her plan to get him to tone it down and get him out of the house, ahead. Why do protein drinks taste chalky . Then get worse . Introducing protein shots from 5hour energy. Protein shots from 5hour energy are smooth and tasty, and still deliver 21 grams of protein with 100 calories. Theyre great for workouts. So great that if you dont get up to fifteen percent more reps, more laps, more distance, well give you your money back period. Protein shots from 5hour energy. Great taste. 100 calories. 21 grams of protein. For the first time in 71 years, a World Series Game was played at legendary Wrigley Field in chicago. The Cleveland Indians spoiled the cubs historic home game, beating them 10 on friday. Pinchhitter coco crisp hit a single in the seventh inning to bring in the lone run. Cleveland now leads the best of the seven series 21. The teams play again saturday in chicago. A man in texas loves his job as county commissioner, and he wont shut up about it. Its driving his wife insane. So Cnns Jeanne Moos reports she has joined a campaign to get him reelected and to get him out of the house really. Reporter had enough of trump bashing clinton . How did hillary end up filthy rich . Reporter and clinton Bashing Trump . Hes a con artist a phony. Reporter maybe youd prefer a political ad in which a vote begs voters to relieve her of her husband, a numbercrunching nerd. Costs about 103 a day gerald doesnt have hobbies. Last years tax rate was was. 469. Reporter was he always like that . All the time. Reporter gerald dautry, running to be a Travis County commissioner with eyerolling help from his wife of 21 years. Does your wife really roll her eyes that often . She actually does. She didnt have to take but two or three takes on that. Most people leave their work at the office. We got three light rail cars. You could put 60 people on each car. So even if you add two cars reporter do you like your light rail carswell done . My opponent, i asked him, is there anything that you didnt like about the ad . He said, i think the meat was overcooked. Reporter geralds political consultant dreamed up the ad inspired by the office. It took six hours to shoot. The neighbors were played by friends. All he wants to do is fix things. Fumes all over the place, but frankly, its not a code violation. You know, i think i like helping around the house here. Please reelect gerald. Please. Reporter gerald thinks his ad went viral because humor takes the edge off the rancor of the 2016 campaign. Do you think your wife really wants to get you off her hands and get you out of the house . Oh, absolutely. I mean, you know, she does love me a lot. Buff she loves me away. Please reelect gerald. Reporter jeanne moos, cnn please. Reporter new york. You get the expression there. Im from Travis County, texas, austin. Nice to see korcreativity comin out of the campaign as opposed to the very Bitter Campaign that Many Americans are dealing with now. Ten days until election day. The International Space station has a new commander. Nasa astronaut shane kembro, in theburg see shirt, now in the burgundy shirt, now in charge taking over for a russian cosmonaut who joked about his time in space l. Reluctant to close the hatch. Being on the space station is a very unique experience. And first of all, i didnt have time to know what was going on our planet. And second, maybe it is for the better. The russian along with an american and japanese astronaut head back home to earth later this saturday. That wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. Im George Howell at the cnn center in atlanta. Ill be back after the break with more news from around the world. We always thank you for watching cnn. The worlds news leaders. This is the new comfort food. And it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. California grown with no antibiotics ever. Lets get comfortable with our food again. Its imperative that the bureau explain this issue in question, whatever it is, without any delay. The issue in question . Emails. The latest drama haunting Hillary Clinton and her campaign. A smile despite horror. Isis victims find sanctuary in a refugee camp. Take a look tat best city in the world. London. What residents have to say about their new title. From cnn,welcome to viewers here in the United States and around the world. Im George Howell. Cnn news room starts right now

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