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Hello, everyone. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Great to see you. We are live, yes, live. This is cnn special live coverage of a big, big night in the president ial race. A race that has changed a lot over the last few hours. On the republican side, donald trump had a huge win in South Carolina. Now clearly the frontrunner. Seemingly by a lot. The democrats, Hillary Clinton reasserted herself in the race. She won the democratic caucuses in nevada, a decisive win there. Looking at the republican field, it is leaner tonight. Will that mean its going to get even meaner . Well see. Jeb bush once considered the man to beat on the republican side with his multimillion dollar war chest is now out. Announcing this evening, hes suspending his campaign in a way that couldnt be classier, quoting his parents, his quoting that is quoting a bush family representative. Exactly. Thank you very much. Marco rubio, ted cruz, now battling for second place. The night belongs to billionaire from new york donald trump. Thats where well begin now. Lets begin with our politics reporter Jeremy Diamond outside trump headquarters in South Carolina. Jeremy, big night for them, where do they head next . Reporter absolutely. Donald trump tonight clinching a major victory here in South Carolina. You know, this is going to help give him some momentum Going Forward. I talked to him tonight with his South Carolina chairman, ed mcmullen, who told me this dispels the myths. You know, Donald Trumps ground game constrantly scrutinized here as it was in the past. Donald trump offering fighting words, as well. Look what he had to say tonight about the pundits. And some of the pundits you know, overall fair, but not too much a number of the pundit said, well, if a couple of the other candidates dropped out, if you add their scores together, its going to equal trump. These geniuses, theyre geniuses. They dont understand that as people drop out, im going to get a lot of those vote also. You dont just you dont just add them together. And there you have it. Donald trump talking about how Going Forward he thinks that hes going to be able to get votes as more candidates drop out of the race tonight. Jeb bush dropping out, though. Donald trump, who has gone on the stump time and again attacking him, not making any mention of him tonight. All right, Jeremy Diamond for us in South Carolina. The race has moved on from South Carolina already. Lets talk about where it goes next and what this means. Joining us, cnn political analyst kevin madden, amanda carpenter. Kevin used to work for the romney campaign. Both, amanda used to work for ted cruz. Donald trump defies Political Convention so much. You would think that coming out of New Hampshire and South Carolina those wins would give him momentum. You know, is he impervious to even momentum since hes been impervious to Everything Else . Well, i think this goes back to the discussion that we were having earlier on the panel about whether or not this new scrutiny that was going to be coming from the media was going to have an impact or slow down donald trump. Whats been fascinating about donald Trump Supporters has been their ability or tendency to rationalize or compartmentalize what they dont like about donald trump in order to convince themselves why nay condition to support donald trump. You hear people down in South Carolina saying, you know, i didnt like what he said about george w. Bush and 9 11, but i like homoimmigrati like him o and the economy. I dont like that he got into a skirmish with the pope, but hes somebody who tells it like it is, so i respect that. I think its hard for me to see that the idea that theres going to be a new stream of information thats going to radically transform trump supporter opinions over the next course of the upcoming contests. What about the other supporters that could go to any candidate if others drop out, like jeb bush supporters . What do you make, amanda, where we heard donald trump where he laughed off the fact that anyone else, as people drop out, their supporters will go to anybody but trump . He says, im going to pick them up, too. Probably one of the ones he would send to the pundit gulag for believing theres a lot of other points left on the field. They could go to another candidate that could take on donald trump. Listen, theres still time left on the clock. We, i do believe marco rubios framing, i think were moving into a threeperson race. A lot can still happen. Donald trump has been covered relentlessly in the media. But its largely about what he says. Hes not being probed on what he believes, what he will do as president. How he will do that. Look in the last week. He said bush lied on a National Debate stage and walked it back. Then he says hes not for the obamacare mandate, then oh, i dont know. Maybe tell take a long time to get there, maybe it will happen in houston at the cnn debate. Theres going to be more moments where people can see what donald trump really stands by and what he thinks. At the same time, there is a lot of pressure on ted cruz and marco rubio right now because the gop is panicking. By all measures, donald trump is the frontrunner. So these guys are both going to have to step it up, take it to trump, quit fighting each other, and prove why they should be president and quit fighting among themselves. Stand by. Lou gargiulo is cochair of the campaign in New Hampshire. Trump obviously won New Hampshire. Lou, great to have you with us. To the question of them being asked tonight and Going Forward do you think and you worked in the campaign in New Hampshire that donald trump is winning in New Hampshire and South Carolina in spite of the things he says, you know, george w. Bush is responsible for september 11th, taking on the pope, is he winning in spite of these things or winning because of these things . I think its a combination of both. I think hes probably most likely winning because of the vacuum in leadership that has existed for the past seven years and not having a firm, decisive president who is inspirational. And mr. Trump inspires people by taking a hard line on a lot of the topical issues that people are concerned about. Things like the immigration issue and the wall. Even though people like to ridicule the question of the wall, we have in New Hampshire especially heroin issues with drugs coming across the border, killing our youth. Those are the things that people are focusing on when they support mr. Trump. Hes going to do something thats important to a vast number of people. With all that in mind, john, is donald trump, is donald trump unstoppable Going Forward . As you look at the map, it gets easier, you know, conventional wisdom is it looks good for donald trump Going Forward. Yeah. Unstoppable no, but it would be naive if you look at the polls in the upcoming states, super tuesday, march 1st, beyond nevada. Trez is leading in texas ted cruz is leading in texas, but thats about it. Donald trump has strong need all the polling in the upcoming states. Thats a reality you need to confront. Not just enough for marco rubio to say hes going to have the establishment circle around him. Whats the first state he can win . Look, donald trump got in a fight with the pope this week. A couple days out from his primary. He won buford county, South Carolina, where catholics are the largest denomination. Only county in the state where thats the case. That speaks to this quality of his supporters liking him because of his fights and making deep discounts because he wears the black hat, because he has a narrative of being the negative guy. They say thats trump being part of who he is. Rick tyler, National Spokesperson for ted cruz, says texas is a mustwin state for ted cruz. Thats easy to say. Certainly needs to be the case. But hes also got to lead in texas. You know, if ted cruz cant win texas, hes toast. I was just down in houston the other day and going again this week. And i must tell you, it felt competitive there. And from ted cruzs point of view, he has to win texas partly for his reputation. So he that means hes going to spend time there, money there. He has to defend that state. And theres this whole block of additional Southern States that, you know, if you go to georgia to alabama to arkansas to tennessee to virginia, you got a lot of states there that are in play. Trump is the pollings not very good in the states that are coming up. But it appears that trumps been ahead, and he will have momentum coming out of South Carolina and New Hampshire. Kevin is right about that. Lets bring you in on this. You talk about donald trump going toward. Looking at two and three, youve got marco rubio saying this is now a threeperson race. Obviously other candidates are going to dispute that. Do you think thats just the facts at this point . No, i dont think its just the facts. Theres a dynamic of stop trump that youre going to see some candidates coalescing on, if thats the message. Carson is going to get out at some point. I think hes still in because he likes the publicity among other things. I dont think its just because he wants to be a politician and thinks he can win anything. I think we have to look at this dynamic of trumps people are pushing him forward with agreement momentum. Hes maintain great momentum. Hes maintained his 30 , 35 . He come back to the numbers that he hasnt yet won a majority in a state. At some point, hes going to have to. At some point, hes going to have to get a majority of the delegates and get into that convention with enough to win. And thats still by no means a sure thing. I keep coming back to this and the possibility that we are going to see you know, the Republican Party, youre talking about somebody who eight weeks ago said he wasnt sure that he would support the nominee in the Republican Party. The Republican Party, good parts of it, are tying themselves in knots over whats happening here and the future of the Republican Party. We are about to see something the likes of which weve never seen whether donald trump wins or loses. This is going to be as bloody a fight as we have ever seen in our modern politics. Carl said, you know, the other candidates are going to coalesce, you know, against donald trump. Do you of see marco rubio and ted cruz do you ever see marco rubio and trez coalescing coalescing means fighting it out. If coalescing mind e means a bloodbath, yes. If they have a chat in the closet, its not going to be as friendly as what we heard from carson. In some ways, well see in some states, its important to look at it state by state and rule set by rule set. In texas, if you dont have 20 , you get no delegates. It literally does become a threeperson race. Anybody who doesnt make 20 gets nothing. That logic as it starts to play itself out and its deliberate, youll start to see that there are candidates who whether they think theyre competitive or not, you know, john kasich or anybody else, you can think youre competitive and say, well, i almost im doing better than i did, i got 15 poofrt you got zero delegates. And as that place plays out, whos going to go to the convention with delegates, a voice, and ability to negotiate something is going to really start to matter. And in that as in so much of the rest of the race, donald trump is really very much in the lead. All right. Stand by. Weve got much more to come. Big night for Hillary Clinton in nevada. Big night for jeb bush different for a very different reason. We have much more of our special coverage coming up. The people of iowa, South Carolina, and New Hampshire have spoken, and i respect their decision. Tonight i am suspending my campaign. Jeb bush, emotional, announcing to a room full of supporters, his family around him, that he is suspending his campaign. That announcement this evening. Lets continue our discussion. Matt lewis with much more. Matt, what do you think is the real impact of jeb bush dropping out . Look, its funny, clearly donald trump is the frontrunner here. I think everyone would concede that. But, trump said, well, if these other candidates get out, some of the supports going to go me. Really . Does he think that jeb bushs support is going to go to that some want jeb bushs support is going to go donald trump . I dont think so. I think that what we have here is a case where i think donald trump has a ceiling. I dont know that he can get more than 40 of the vote. If you can get him one on one and if some of the candidates like jeb bush drop out, if you could ever get donald trump one on one, i think somebody could beat him. Thats a huge if because it doesnt seem likely to happen. The last thing i would say, the last point that i think i would make about this is that donald trump basically, you know, he keeps basically saying, again, to go back, that if jeb bush gets out, the supports going to go to him. All of these candidates, if you look at whos likely to get out, john kasichs likely to get out. I think that goes to rubio. Ben carsons likely to get out. I think that goes to ted cruz. I think that trump has the ceiling. I want to ask you guys house floor to take one moment on jeb bush to eulogize the campaign that was. Let me pose this question was jeb bushs biggest problem donald trump, marco rubio, or jeb bush . I think, c, jeb bush. Frankly, it was the last part of that moniker bush. He was the third bush. You know, republicans frankly, americans arent so into dynasties, right . By the third time around, i think the name bush was a drag on him. And i think the other part is that he is the policy that doesnt have the same charisma that his brother had when his brother was president. Hes much more like his dad who successfully won the presidency as reagans third term rather than in his own right at the beginning. You know, jeb bush was asked a few days ago, what did you learn from john meacham in the book he wrote about your dad. Right. This wonderful, wonderful biography actually. And he said, i learned how hard it hurt to lose in 1992. Yes, being a bush was not an asset in this election. But he also was trying to run a campaign of ideas and ideals at a time when the energy is much more toward economic and cultural resentment and popul m populism. You can not win hes running a 2012 yeah. But his brother is an exceptionally good campaigner. The other thing to some extent this is about the last republican family. You know, the yankee loan stars who built together broad coalitions and usalitywater time but preach a politics of atwater time but preach a politics of service. And that killed the center right. Jeb bush remains an admirable figure. Hes the embodiment of the establishment in an antiestablishment campaign year. Its a unique campaign that was far more interesting. I dont think its the last weve heard of the bushes. The dynasty hasnt come to an end. There is George Prescott bush there in texas. He runs the land thing. Hes incoming player. I dont think weve seen the last of the bushes. I think this is a family that served the country with enormous decency, and george bush sr. Looked better and better as president. To davids point, this is the antiestablishment. If this election cycle is anything on the republican side especially, it is antiestablishment. The exit polls, everything go for trump were people angry with the federal government went to trump. People who wanted an outsider went for trump. The top quality for the voter was that someone could bring about change. You kind of look at that and how that is the one singular theme throughout this republican primary, is there really a chance for a ted cruz or marco rubio who is who are both members of the federal government . Well, i think in part because theyre gifted politicians, i think they can sort of start to feel their way toward even marco rubios rhetoric has really sort of shifted. You know, theres this whole meme about him being scripted. But hes good on the stump. He listens during the debates, adjusts where hes coming from. I think that will probably see him through. If you pick through the wreckage of the jeb bush campaign, one thing that should give people, proreform people a little to smile about is he raised over 100 million for super pacs, and it did him no good. The why the idea that it would push him ahead in the polls in the beginning, it didnt work out. You cant sell people things they dont want to buy. Most of the money in the race cant change that. And matt, if youre with us, i want to pose this. Donald trump is going to miss jeb bush. Jeb bush is a good foil for donald trump. Jeb bush is a good thing to put himself against. He represents the things that donald trump is fighting against in this campaign. And with him not there, may not be as easy for him. Well, i think hes going to try and draw the same frame around the rest of his opponents that that the folks like marco rubio are getting money from the establishment. The same people now that are backing that were backing jeb bush are backing these other candidates. And hell continue to draw that frame and post up. Youre absolutely right. That early on in this campaign, for him to draw a contrast with low energy sorry, low Energy Jeb Bush and high energy donald trump and selffunded donald trump versus the heavily funded by business interests jeb bush, that was something that really did work to his advantage and that he he exploited every chance he got. Guys, stick around. Weve got much more to come. Hillary clinton, a big night in nevada. What is the path forward now on the democratic side . It continues. Hillary clinton already holding a Campaign Event in houston, texas, this evening. Shes moving onward. Well be right back. An important win for Hillary Clinton today in the Nevada Democratic caucuses. Nevada democratic caucuses thank you. Youre welcome. Picked up a fivepoint win. The race moves to South Carolina for her. What is the future, though, of the democratic race . The socalled path forward . John king has a fascinating look. Listen. She just won nevada. The signs for South Carolina next week, the 5545 margin. She wins 5545. Lets assume, again hypothetical, that she wins Everything Else, super tuesday, 5545. Then she would pull away with delegates. Lets assume throughout march Hillary Clinton won everything. Now the Sanders Campaign thinks its going to win some states. They think theyre going to win vermont, for example, a hypothetical. Assume she wins 5545 through there. To may, shes continuing to win 5545. Then we finish out the final primaries. If she won 5545 all of the way out, she would still be short of what she needs to clinch the nomination if sanders goes to the end because of the Democratic Party delegate rules. She has over 400 superdelegates and more people who have pledged to support her but are keeping it private in case they want to roll it up when their state is out or she has a bad week and wants to roll out endorsements. If she won 5545 again, Bernie Sanders may win stayed if you play it out in a long contest, it is conceivable she gets to the Convention Even if she won 49 states. She could end up short of delegates, the pledged delegates from the caucuses she needs a way to keep the superdelegates to keep the Party Support by winning contests. This isnt winning beautiful. Iowa and nevada, some say its winning ugly or close. But its winning. Thats how you keep the Party Establishment on your side. The shorthand is its going to stay interesting for a while, folks. Stick around. Delegate math, thats not going to keep you awake. Anyway. All right. Lets discuss this and the path forward. Changes, what adjustments do we need do you want to see from Hillary Clinton Going Forward . So that map doesnt turn out that way . Well, i think weve been seeing over the course of the past few weeks iowa and New Hampshire to tonight in nevada. Some of the language has changed, the issues have not. Hillary clinton still detailing a variety of plans it supporting children, public safety, immigration, and how we support people moving into the middleclass. I think we have heard a much more inclusive message even tonight. So thats a part of a i would say a shift in language, but not so much message. The message has consistently been the baseman her record supporting been the same about her record supporting people. Her record has remained the same, but tried to give people something that they can feel much more a part of. Tonight she said much more about the we, we, all of us need to work on not just me, me, me. We were talking john king was talking about superdelegate, were joined by superdelegate for Hillary Clinton. The superdelegates vote overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton now. Thats an issue that the Sanders Campaign will have to deal with. They are organization, some of the organizations supporting the senator are dealing with it now. Can i say just one quick point i think dont take me wrong here i think the best thing that happened to Hillary Clinton is Bernie Sanders. Hes made her a better candidate. Shes focusing more i think on issues that really are the issues of the moment, that little clip we had, what was it, five hours ago when we started here, when she was in houston, i wrote notes down. Said we have to break up the banks, create jobs, give the middle class a raise and talk it criminal justice. Those are all elements that Bernie Sanders talks about the singleissue candidate, by the way, in every one of his hour and a half speeches. I think we are seeing a broadening of the message. If i could just a second. I made former super delegate. I think the super delegates are an outrage. I dont know how they came about. These are people who have honorific titles, mayors, governors, or members thank George Mcgovern for that. In congress there were 712 of them. Theres a movement to save the super dallas, some like Christine Pelosi from san francisco, i know her, she vows as a superdelegate she will vote for the candidate who gets the most votes through the primary system. The most votes through the primary system rather than trying to anoint somebody that did you think it was outrageous when you were a superdelegate . Yes. I did. But served anyway. No, i it was a title. Go ahead, david. I respectfully disagree about the superdelegates. May be the republicans are wondering about whether they should have superdelegates. What the superdelegates are good for is that there has to be some peer review in an organization about deciding who will lead the organization. And when you when you have only primaries and only voice of the voters and dont have people who know ted cruz or know marco rubio or know donald trump, having a voice in this, i think that you wind up i think sometimes it produces a better candidate than we do. And the Democratic Party has been smart. Youre going to get a lot of people who disagree with you. A lot why not let it be its interesting it has been going on for some time. Lets not try act like this is actually were changing it tonight. All the issues that you mentioned and certainly senator sanders has been excellent in putting out many issues. Again, for our conversation here, lets not act like Hillary Clinton has been talking about the same things. I think its something to hear you say, you know, we just cant depend on the people voting. We have to have these establishment people come in and say, no. This is and you know on the republican side, if we get the brokered convention, well get back to the smoke filled vaporfilled room. The democrats that we have like today, however tense the race is getting, its nothing like the republicans. The republicans is mean and nasty. Look at the responsible discussions. How long will it stay if it is close and the battle goes on . Thats right. Look, i think it is going to get ferocious, probably noticed on social media and other places that the Bernie Sanders supporters have an edge to them. They seem to be a little bit more upset than you might think. Its not just the difference between we want 15 an hour minimum wage and Hillary Clinton is arguing for 12. Theres something more fundamental there. When you see young people want to throw her overboard wholesale because she has some dealing with a wall street bank, they dont want to know the details, they dont know what other candidates have done. They just dont like it. That points to something fundamental. And there are a number of movements out there. Black lives matter movement. Some of the the 15 an hour minimum wage movement. This were people in the streets marching, and they were long before the Campaign Season started off. The real question is not so much whether the candidates like each other but will the party accommodate these movements and find something for them, or just beat them down in, you know, sort of a series of races that leaves a lot of people dissatisfied and heading for philadelphia. Well, let me say tonight, everyone would do well to listen that these various voices. A, theyre americans. B, people are trying to figure out how to get engaged, how to get involved. And certainly, you know, i would encourage secretary clinton to not only listen to these voices, but also more importantly, try to address them in concrete, substantive ways, to address the issues that many groups are raising. We want to get a couple of more voices in now and look forward a little bit. Carl bernstein joining us now. We want to talk about, look at the frontrunners now. Donald trump on the republican side. Hillary clinton having won two of the contests, not only the frontrunner in the democratic race. Carl, what does a trumpclinton matchup look like . I think we know the demographics favor the democrats. But look, all bets are off in this election. I think were missing one important fact. That is most of the time, hillary has run a very bad campaign this season. Shoes have been dropping left and right, and then she manages to pick herself up. She is a hugely polarizing figure in the country, and now has been in her party. I dont think the dynamic is going to disappear. We have an fbi investigation that is ongoing. We have republicans going after her and making some of Bernie Sanders case for him. So we got look at all of these factors. I spent seven years writing a biography of Hillary Clinton, a woman in charge. Theres in anything i learned during the process, its that she is a very complicated woman whos done wonderful things and also has the ability to turn people on and off in a minute. And i think shes got about six intense weeks here, and we dont have a clue whats coming up. And in terms of trump, look, he has defied all the laws of political gravity, and theres no reason we have to think that he cant continue to do that. Hes made monkeys out of the press. Hes made monkeys out of his fellow republicans or republicans who thought he was an impossible figure. And yet, there, too, weve had nothing but surprises. So lets just operate in real time and see whats coming here. Yeah, its we can never operate in real time. We always have to fast forward into the theoretical and hypothetical. Thats how this goes, come on now. No. Lets look at the records. And i think i not thats what were going to see a lot of now. I think were going to see some serious delving into the records of all of these candidates, and it might have some effect on the race. Scotty, weigh in on this. As carl was describing, his description of Hillary Clinton, complicated, can turn people off and on in a minute. Sounds like a similar way a lot of folks would describe donald trump. What does that go ahead. No, it does. Its funny that he brings up the idea of looking at the record. I agree that. I think quickly for both parties, this is quickly coming down to the economy and jobs. Were having manufacturing billion absolutely crushed. Both parties, you want to know where the power is coming from, its from people still hurting on main street. On the democrats, Hillary Clinton missed a great opportunity. She praised her urban votes but forgot to praise the unions. Were talking about the unions not getting involved. Thats a huge base. The Culinary Union endorsed Hillary Clinton in nevada, but at the same time, she could have used this to encourage other unions to get involved. On the right side she did it earlier in the day, though. See that did a little bit. But she could have praised them more. Maybe that might have encouraged unions to come back to her side and endorse. On the republican side, its hard to sit there when weve been dealing with jobs and economy being the numberone issue addressed within the gop that people are concerned about with politicians who have been in office that have done nothing. Were still seeing manufacturing running outside of the United States, and when you have mr. Trump who has created thousands upon thousands of jobs now, when you talk about records, that record there means more than any legislation, that any type of person in washington, d. C. , or the beltway has tried to pass. Now, scotty, you bring up endorsements. How much do endorsements matter in this election cycle do you think . Endorsements always matter interesting. Look at South Carolina, what did it mean for rubio . Rubio had the best list of endorsements thats who came to mind. Sarah palin did not bring iowa to donald trump which you know. And someone who has run for office, you know, youd always rather have an endorsement if its possible, and it is not true that the culinary workers endorsed secretary clinton. I thought they had no, they did she addressed them. And you know, i think they were helpful but not by way of endorsement. It stings worse when it doesnt go your way than when it does. I think in this day and age, endorsements are less important than they used to be. The politics of the past. I think weve seen that frankly on both sides. In many instances, the rank and file members making their own decision based on how we get the information, whatever the case may be. And at the risk of ever disagreeing with someone ive admired for a long period of time talking about you, kate. Im waiting for it. I would take a slightly different view. Hillary clinton has been one of the most scrutinized and i would say at times media abused public official of anyone in the last 30 some odd years and still has to deal with issues of gender which in many instances male candidates do not have to deal with at all. Everyone will get a certain extra level of scrutiny. Records matter. Details matter. And lets go forward and hear more about the facts. We want to go forward now, guys. We want to talk about the next step of this campaign looking at the nevada caucuses overdrive at this point. Don king has a quick look at the math, then well talk about it. On we go into nevada next, here for the sake of this hypothetical, were assigning this to donald trump saying hes going to win essentially with the margin we had tonight, 35 , the other candidates getting 20, 20, 20, splitting the delegates. Thats what you would have after nevada, four states in. Then you come to super tuesday a week from tuesday. A week from tuesday when youve got a dozen states voting and you watch this. Under this scenario, trump wins them all. Essentially 35, 20, 20, 20. Lets say if he won them all under that relatively close to the split, he would start to pull away in the dallas chase. If youre a ted cruz supporter, say, no, cruz will win in texas. Give him keep him at one and three and four. Assign it that way. Cruz catches up a little. Dana mentioned a few minutes ago, governor kasich in massachusetts. A more moderate state. Well see what happens. Say for the sake of argument either kasich or rubio wins. Well give it to kasich here, two, three, four, the two, three, four dont matter. The delegates come easy. Even if you do that, if trump wins most, he starts to pull away in the delegate chase. This is when it gets interesting when you go forward. The map, you have so many states voting at once, donald trump has such an advantage. Other candidates in the race, cruz has a decent amount of money. Kasich doesnt have that much money. Donald trump has celebrity 100 name i. D. And money if he wants to spend it. This is where it gets interesting because with the momentum he has now, you assume trump is in the lead just about everywhere. And the question is, can the other candidates, they have to pick and choose. If youre ted cruz, youre going to have to worry about home. They call it super tuesday, 11 or 12 contests. A quart of the delegates are on the republican side awarded on super tuesday, march 1st. A huge prize. Thats a big prize. Again, a hypothetical, were assigning states to trump on a 35, 20, 20, if thats super toys, by the end of march, 5 of delegates on the republican side will have been assigned. He could pull out a stretch. Even if you took a few states away, trump would still have a big lead. Doesnt mean hell be the nominee, but at the moment as the calendar gets crowded and busy, pick your targets, and for several of the candidates, theyve got to raise money and raise it fast. You need resources to win when the map expands so quickly. All right. John king, thanks for that. The republicans vote tuesday in the nevada caucuses. March 1st is either the sec primary or super tuesday. Look at the states. A lot of southern state, texas, oklahoma, arkansas, tennessee, georgia, virginia, doug high, who does what where . The first thing, its going to be a threeway race moving forward. We have something coming up called a debate. Weve seen how important each of these has been. Each one is described as the most important debate. Thats because its always been more important than the last one. Until we see this has marco rubio the changes and as candidates have fallen out, weve had more time for more candidates to say good things, dumb things, with less candidates well have more time for them to say good things and dumb things again. Cnn hows that for a nonquestion . You brought it up, cnn, thursday in houston, moderated by wolf. What does super tuesday look like this time . On the republican side . It looks New Hampshire and South Carolina have set the table for super tuesday. Weve got a candidate coming out of that. A lot of momentum. Going into states where you should do well anyway. Youve got a whole block of like i think its seven Southern States. Do you see any surprises coming . There are almost always surprises when youve got 50 states at risk. I think the question is, can rubio or cruz win any of those states other than texas . And im not sure i see a state where you could say yeah, hes got a good chance to beat trump there. Amanda carpenter, who spent a lot of time working for ted cruz, where does ted cruz win on march 1st . Didnt win South Carolina, why would he win georgia . Why would he win tennessee . Why would he win in arkansas . I think theres probably a hope that now that trump has won both New Hampshire and South Carolina, that this is perhaps a clarifying moment for the entire Republican Party, that if they dont unite behind a strong candidate as an alternative to trump, they will surrender to trump. Cruz has a strong argument in the fact that he has the resources to compete today a march 1st. Marco rubio will have to get some of that together. But you know, theres a big test. I mean, i cant overstate the importance of the upcoming cnn debate on thursday because youll be able to see trump, rubio, and cruz square off with all this pressure on them. And they have to perform. This is their makeorbreak moment for the Republican Party. You know, we really have to spend time talking about what the suspension of jeb bushs campaign means for the Republican Party. He is the emblem of the republican establishment. The outsiders have won. Rube joe yo rubio is an outsider. He campaigned against an establishment candidate to win in florida. You have three outsiders now at the top of the ticket. Where does the Republican Party go from here . Do they get behind a candidate, or do they surrender a lot of their core values to donald trump Going Forward . Its the stakes are incredibly high. And kevin and matt, weigh in. As someone who worked with the campaign, who survived a super tuesday contest. What does super tuesday look like, especially when you take into account what amanda said . Again, i go back to the idea of momentum. I think its a valuable commodity for campaigns to have right now. Particularly when we are no longer going state by state on march 1. Well will be youll see the campaigns competing across many states. Thats why donald trump has an advantage. He has the momentum and also has this ability to command so much Media Attention and block out the sun from some of these other campaigns. Ted cruz and marco rubio, they have the resources to compete. So i think the big challenge for them, and this is something that amanda has pointed out time and time again, its absolutely correct. The time is over for managing continuations. The time is for meeting or exceeding expectations. Ted cruz and marco rubio have to start getting wins. Theres no more silver medals anymore. Its just really important for them to get the momentum, for them to start sending message to their donors, to their volunteers, to all their supporters that they have now seized the momentum, and theyre the campaign to beat. Thats where they want to get. So thats something that were going to see break out now over these next three weeks. David . Yeah. But kevin, where . What states would you you think we ought to be watching . Well, i definitely think we have to look at georgia. Georgia is a state where if you look at some of the suburban areas around atlanta, there are opportunities pick up some congressional delegates there. The same goes for texas. Not all texas not all of these texas districts are the same. Some of them are more hospitable to to possibly marco rubio, possibly donald trump. So those are going to be the states where were going to have to watch. But i think youre right, david. The overall question is, nobody has a definitive answer. And that increasingly, particularly since were running out of time, becomes a great challenge. One minute left. Lets split the democrats. Bill, bos super tuesday . Think it will be competitive. States like minnesota, massachusetts, colorado, bernies economic populism does ring through. Plus, there is this dissatisfaction with the political establishment and with politics as usual that works in his favor and works against hillary no matter how good a candidate she is. Hillary will probably take six to eight states that day. The run through the south, momentum out of tonight or today into South Carolina and then really into primarily the southern part of the United States of america aol she will come out very, very well both in the popular vote and delegate hunt on super tuesday. Im going to watch some the farflung states where we dont know if theres been campaigning at all. You have american samoas on the map, alaska, youve got americans abroad. I mean, this really fully we are fully marbleizing the Campaign Starting march 1st nationalizing this Campaign Starting march 1st. Stand by. We have new developments in our breaking news on kalamazoo. There was a series of shootings right this. Were getting new information in. Well get to it after the break. 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At least one child is among the dead. An eyewitness described seeing Police Pursuing the suspect. As soon as he said like the type of vehicle, she said is, it a chevy . I said, it totally was. Like i couldnt put two and two together that like this is the vehicle that theyve been describing all night. You know, you never expect it to be that person. And you know, thats the thing thats why my respect goes out to the Police Officers because of the fact that like i said, it takes a lot to subject yourself to those kind of things. So i dont know, i cant imagine did you ever see a weapon . No. Like i said, i was never that close. You know, i knew for sure that that was them as soon as i had seen all the police cars arrive. I was driving right by. I was spending my Birthday Police say that they do have a strong suspect in custody. Cnn legal analyst tom fuentes assessed the situation. Theyre confident they have a suspect, but theyre not going to put out to the people that they absolutely are sure they have him. I think that they ought to be able to figure that out pretty quickly. But at this point, we dont know what the basis of the arrest was. Did they get a license plate description or vehicle description, make a traffic stop in which case they ought to be able to search that vehicle and see if theres still weapons in it or ammunition in it . They have the suspect in custody, they should be able to do forensic examinations on him to see if he has gunpowder residue on his hands or also his clothing. If they had a description of the subject and the license plate but went to the residence and took him out of the residence, theyre going to want to get a search warrant and examine the residence for weapons and ammunition and other indications of this evidence in the shooting. Theres a number of possibilities. The police did put up a lot of detail. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Im George Howell. After the break, another hour of news from around the world. Hillary clinton and donald trump make it two out of three primary wins apiece in the race for the white house. We will assess their chances of making it all the way. Plus, one man who wont be following his father and brothers footsteps to the oval office, jeb bush. Well have the latest on his campaigns end. And disaster averted. How figi managed to survive the strongest storm ever recorded in the Southern Hemisphere. From cnn world headquarter, welcome. To our viewers here in the United States and around the world, im George Howell, cnn newsroom starts right now. A very good day to you. Another round in the u. S. President ial race has left a trail of winners and losers. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton came away the winners. Plus, jeb bush is out. Well have more on that in a moment. First, in the state of nevada, Hillary Clinton picked up almost 53 of the vote there. Bernie sanders at 47 . In the state of South Carolina, the primary there, donald trump finished with a 10 lead over his closest competitors, kris sanchez whi clinching a littl more than 32 . Marco rubio got 22. 5 and ted cruz, 22. 3 . Hillary clinton is in texas. Hours after her win in nevada. Before heading south, clinton game an emotional victory speech there. She mentioned the need for more middleclass jobs, for reforming the criminal justice system, and equal pay. The frontrunner also took jabs at Bernie Sanders whom she calls a singleissue candidate. Brianna keilar reports. Thank you, nevada reporter Hillary Clinton with a decisive win in nevada. What many of her top aides have decided is the best day of her campaign since she declared last april. And besting Bernie Sanders in a state where she really thought she might not be able to. She seemed to relish the moment and take aim at sanders, saying that he doesnt have wide enough appeal. I dont think its right to look a person in the eye whos hurting and needs help and tell them that if they vote for you, you will get 5,000 of health care but only have to pay 500 for it. You shouldnt say that unless you can really deliver it. I dont think you should tell millions of young people theyll get free tuition if it actually depends on republican governors like yours deciding to dick in tens to kick in tens of billions of dollars. Reporter the next state, South Carolina, will hold its contest next saturday. Hillary clinton in houston at a historically black college trying to target the allimportant africanamerican vote, key not only in South Carolina but in rother Southern States that will go to the polls march 1st. Cnn, houston. Thank you. Donald trumps win is now firmly establishing him as the candidate to beat. The republican frontrunner. More from South Carolina. Reporter donald trump crashed the competition in the South Carolina republican primary. The billionaire businessman going from what was once a longshot candidacy to being the frontrunner. We will never forget South Carolina. We will never forget our great volunteers. We love our volunteers. Well never forget all of the people who helped us so much, my family and folks, lets go. Lets have a big win in nevada, the sec. Lets nut away. Reporter lets put this away. Reporter he didnt mention donald trump. But he says when a candidate drops out it will bolster the other competitors. He says he fully expects supporters to come to his side. To ensure that happens, he is continuing to hit the campaign trail. On sunday, hell be in atlanta, georgia. From there, we move to nevada ahead of the caucuses. The son of a u. S. President and brother of another is no longer running for president. Republican jeb bush suspended his campaign for his partys nomination. The onetime frontrunner could not shake the lowenergy brand that was branded by donald trump. Bush also struggled to defend himself from attacks by the rivals of donald trump. Athena jones with more. Reporter South Carolina proved to be the end of the road for jeb bush. He suspended his campaign here after coming in a distant fourth place behind frontrunners donald trump, marco rubio, and ted cruz. In fact, it was the governors former protege, marco rubio, that the campaign hoped to beat to show that jeb would be the best freezing rain streestablis. Rubio bested him by more than a dozen points despite bush bringing out all the stops, bringing his popular brother and mother to campaign with him. Listen to what he told supporters in a crowded ballroom here the people of iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina have spoken. I respect their decision. Tonight i am suspending my campaign. No yeah. Reporter bush says he believes the next president has to see themselves as a servant and not a master. Despite what you may have heard, ideas matter, policy matters, those lines sounded like veiled references to trump who was perhaps bushs cheer sparring partner. Trump hailed governor bush and spoke of his affection for him and said he had run a campaign of ideas. Back to you. Earlier, Natalie Allen spoke with buzzfeeds senior Political Writer mckay copin coppins. He had left the rally and had th this to say it was widely expected that donald trump would come in the first place. The real competition was for second between cruz and rubio. Inside the event room where the rubio supporters and aides and volunteers gathered, the biggest applause and celebration of the night that didnt have anything to do with where rubio placed in the polls, it was when jeb bush announced that he was dropping out of the race. There was a widespread sense at the rally and among rubios campaign that that was a huge victory for him. The people backing jeb bush or who have been backing him until now are natural rubio supporters. Theres an expectation that those people will flow to rubio. I can also tell you just in the last couple of hours as ive been talking to sources throughout the Republican Party, theres movement behind the scenes to consolidate support and resources behind marco rubio in hopes that they can elevate him to be the consensus standard bearer of the republican establishment to take on donald trump who at this point is unquestionably a surging frontrunner and looks hard to stop. That was mckay coppins, senior Political Writer with buzzfeed. What is next . It is still relatively early in the race with plenty of action yet to come before the republican nomination is decided. There are emerging trends based on what weve seen. Chief u. S. Correspondent john king sheds some light on what we might expect Going Forward. Reporter on we go into nevada next. Here for the sake of this hypothetical, were assigning this to donald trump saying hes going to win essentially with the margins we had tonight, 35 , the other candidates getting 20, 20, 20, splitting the delegates there. Thats what you would have after never mef. Then you come to after nevada. Then you come to super tuesday, a dozen states voting. Under the scenario, trump wins them all. Again, essentially 35, 20, 20, 20. I know some of you are saying no way. If he won it all after that, he would start to pull away in the delegate chase. Say youre a ted cruz supporter, you say, no way, cruz will win in texas. One, three, four. You go that way, cruz catches up a little bit. And we mentioned governor sdmich massachusetts. Kasich is in massachusetts. Say kasich or rubio wins, that gives it to kasich here, two, three, four. Two, three, four doesnt matter because the delegates come easy. Even if you do that, if trump wins most, he starts to pull away a little in the delegate chase. This is where it gets really something. You go forward because the map, you have so many states voting at once. Donald trump has such an advantage. Cruz has a decent amount of money. Rubio trying to raise money fast. Donald trump has celebrity, 100 and money if he wants to spend it. This is where it gets interesting. You assume trump is in the lead just about everywhere. The candidates will have to pick and choose. If youre ted cruz, youre going to have to worry about home. They call it super tuesday, what, 11 or 12 contests. A quart of awful the delegates quarter of all the delegates awarded on tuesday, march 1st. A huge prize. Right. Were assigning these states to trump on a 35, 20, 20, hypothetical. By the end of march, 50 of delegates on the republican side will have been decided. If you assign them to trump this way, he could pull out a stretch. Even if you took a few states away, trump would still have a big lead. Doesnt mean hes going to be the nominee, but at the moment the challenge for the other candidates as the calendar gets busy, pick your target. For several of the candidates, they better raise money fast. You need resources to win when the map expands so quickly. The next republican caucuses in nevada will take place on tuesday. Americas choice for the next president will have big implications outside of the United States. Jacob parakela is assistant project director at the u. S. Chatham house, londonbased think tank. Earlier he told us what impact donald trump might have as president. Difficult to parse who what trump would look like. His statements tend to be bombastic, very much in the language hes perfected after years of being on television and promoting his real estate project. Its hard to know how he would act. Hard or impossible to know how he would act in office. Hes made specific statements that put him at odds with his republican colleagues but democrats, as well. He wants to reimpose tariffs on china, engage in protectionism which has largely fallen off the u. S. Trade agenda the last 30 years. He wants to pursue a more transactional approach with american allies. He thinks that south korea, japan, europe should pay for financially or otherwise the presence of american troops on their soil. And thats completely at odds with the postworld war ii history of American Foreign policy. Its not clear what his policy would be with regards to the middle east. Hes talked about bombing isis and taking their oil. Again, he hasnt released a specific plan about how that would be operationalized, what that would entail and how to pay for. Of course, hes talking about mexico pay for a giant wall at the border which mexico has stated they will not do. That was assistant project director of of the u. S. At chatham house. Youre watching cnn newsroom. From politics now to the very latest on the deadly shooting rampage in the state of michigan. We want to give you this latest, breaking story. At least seven people are dead including at least one child after a gunman attacked three separate locations in the city of kalamazoo. An apartment complex, car dealership, and a restaurant parking lot. Each hit over the course of a few hours. A Police Spokesman and eyewitness shed light on these attacks. Weve had several shootings here tonight in the county, the city of kalamazoo. They appear to be related. We have multiple people dead. In summary, it looks like we have somebody driving around, finding people, shooting them dead in their tracks. Seriously said the type of vehicle, is it a chevy . And i said it totally was. I couldnt put two and two together that like it is the vehicle theyve been describing all night. You never expect it to be that person. Thats why my respect goes out to the Police Officers because of the fact like i said, it takes a lot to subject yourself to those kind of things. I cant imagine did you ever see a weapon . No. Like i said, i was never that close. You know, i knew for sure that that was them as soon as i had seen all the police cars arrive. I was just driving right by. Spending my birth that community certainly shaken. A News Conference is expected a little later today. Police say they do have a strong suspect in custody. Another round of voting in the u. S. President ial race yields two big winners. What the latest victories for Hillary Clinton and donald trump mean in the race for the white house. Plus, a serial killer cyclone makes a direct hit on figi. People trying to recover and clean up after a great deal of destruction. Stay with us. K cards keep throwing obstacles at you . First they limit where you earn bonus cash back. Then those places change every few months . I think ill pass. Quicksilver from capital one puts nothing in your way. You simply earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. You cant dodge the question. 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Its left behind flooding and a great deal of destruction. Homes ruined. Trees, as you see, blocking roads, and power is out across much of the island nation. A surfew remains in effect until curfew remains in effect until monday. Cnns ivan watson joins us live to talk more it this. Live from hong kong, ivan, you know, regrettably five people lost their lives in this storm. When you consider the power of the cyclone, thankfully there werent more casualties. What more do we know about the damage there . Reporter fiji, george, just survived what experts say is the most powerful storm in history in the Southern Hemisphere. The Tropical Cyclone winston was a category 5 Tropical Storm. Had sustained winds of up to 230 Kilometers Per Hour. Gusting up to 325 Kilometers Per Hour. And yes, at least five casualties the Prime Minister says, as a result of these intense winds, and the destruction that they caused. But the damage could have perhaps been far, far worse. The government wasnt taking any chances. Imposed a countrywide curfew. Its declared a state of emergency for the next 30 days. And the Prime Minister in recent statements is urging people now that the winds have subsided to please avoid going outside while theyre trying to assess the scale of the damage. Take a listen. In the aftermath of the great tragedy, many are without power, electricity, and water and of course communication. My team is working overtime to clear the damage and loss of services to our people. George, a lot of the damage is due to flooding. Its due to downed power lines. The government is working to get telecommunications back up, to get electricity and water back on line. Theyve had to turn off electricity in some places to avoid further potential accidents. That theyve mobilized the armed forces there as well as other emergency provide force help out with this. And theyre still trying to assess some of the scale of the damage since figi, of course, is an archipelago of islands. And there are, of course, concerns about some of of the smaller islands, more vulnerable villages about the damage that could have been incurred in those locations. George . Iowvan watson with the detai on the aftermath of the storm. Thank you for your reporting. And now joining us to talk about about the cyclone is danielle perry, Public Information officer for the United Nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs. Out in line from fijis capital. Good to have you with us again this hour. We spoke an hour ago, but now we have our United States viewers joining us. If you would share with them your experience going through this storm. It was a fairly harrowing night here in the capital. It was very windy. There was a lot of rain. There were a lot of trees brought down. The power went out very early in the evening. So it was a night incent darkness for a lot of people. The power has been out for in excess of 24 hours. Its a feeling people are getting used to. It was a wild night here. But thats nothing compared to what was happening in the west and the north last night. It was certainly very much in the eye of the storm out there. A category 5 cyclone going directly overhead, some of the small communities on outlying islands and coming on to the main island. It was certainly for them im sure a very terrifying experience. And at this stage, reports are starting to come in of some of the damage that those very, very strong winds gusting up to 325 kilometers an hour caused in the northwest and east of the country. When you consider the power of this cyclone and again, regrettably, five People Killed in this storm. To what are officials crediting the simple fact that they got so many people through this powerful storm . Reporter the government took a lot of steps early on to get prepared for what was to come. There was a lot of public messaging about taking shelter, making sure people were safe. A curfew came into effect yesterday afternoon before the storm hit, trying to get people to safety. And this was enforced around the country. I think that certainly has contributed to this. It is very early days. I stress that emergency authorities here in fuj restill doing assessments fiji are still doing assessments. There are aerial surveillance to look at exactly what the scale of the damage is especially on the outer islands. Figi is made up of more than 300 islands. Some of them very tiny and isolated. And communication sometimes are difficult. And they have been in the wake of the category 5 cyclone passing overhead. Even the west of the main island, we have had very scarce communications with that side of the island. And so the message from the fiji government has been very much that they are in the process of assessing what the damage is. The humanitarian community has offered its support if requested by the fiji government and is standing by. There has been no requests for International Assistance as of yet. The partners are very much ready if that is requested. At the moment, the fiji government is assessing what they need, what the situation is, and how bad things have gottenen in the outlying regions. The state of emergency continues for the next 30 days. Danielle perry live from fiji. Thank you. We are thankful that youre okay and wish others well being as crews work to recover. Lets get a closer look at the power, the trajectory and strength of this cyclone. Meteorologist Karen Maginnis with more. It is really has been a powerful system. It weakened a little bit once it moved across fiji. A direct hit across fiji. That was on saturday evening there local time. Now this massive storm system, there you see how broad it is, has regained some of that intense hate it lost once it move intensity that it lost once it moved across the island nation. Theres the clearly defined eye over the open waters. So theres nothing to impede this to grow once again. Intensify, rather. Were looking at winds new have bloomed to 230 Kilometers Per Hour or just about 130 miles per hour. And the water temperature here is about 30 degrees celsius, around 85, 86 degrees fahrenheit. For fiji, it looks like as we go into the next several days, theres not going to be much in the way of relief to recoup, assess that damage because its going to be fairly squali here. This is tropical in nature. Well see the tropical waves kind of move through. The winds are going to be at gale force, perhaps near Tropical Storm intensity. So an area that has already lost most of the power across the region, it is going to be very difficult to restore that. Were looking at curfews and power outages. There was severe flooding. We have pictures. You may have seen them earlier. But just look at how dramatic this is. As you look at these power lines, sparking, the wind is blow something of the roofs off of these homes. Now the infrastructure here is going to be damaged, as well. There are bridges, railways, track that will be impacted. The rainfall totals that weve seen the last 24 to 36 hours have been along the lines of 100 to 100 millimeters. You can Better Believe that the rainfall totals will escalate from there, as well. 100 millimeters, four inches of rainfall, 150. Now six inch es of rainfall. This system meanders around the Southern Hemisphere. The most powerful Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone that has ever been recorded, not all the ocean basins, that would have been patricia that we talked about not so long ago. Now were looking at the system that has regained strength or moved to the west southwest, and moved to the south, george, and it will continue to weaken. That will be the good news. Now they assess, regrouped. And now pulled back and see whats happening after this deadly system. Back to you. Regrouping after a great deal of damage there. Karen maginnis, thank you. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Ahead, britain sets a date for a crucial decision on whether to remain in the e. U. Or to go their own way. Well have more on that. Plus, u. S. President ial candidate marco rubio made a bit of a comeback in South Carolina. The latest from the southern u. S. Live in the United States and around the globe this hour, youre watching cnn newsroom. My constipation and belly pain. Feel like a raging storm. Ive tried laxatives. But my symptoms keep returning. My constipation. Feels like a heavy weight. That keeps coming back. Linzess can help. 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And the Syrian Regime brands antigovernment rebels as terrorists. Negotiated pause in fighting did not start on friday as had been planned. At least 25 people dead in the syrian city that was once called the capital of the revolution. Two suspected car bomb explosions hit homs. It is unclear who is responsible. Republican donald trump won his partys primary in South Carolina. Marco rubio and ted cruz are at a virtual tie for second place. Jeb bush, former frontrunner, ended his wayne after a disappoint his campaign after a disappointing indiana South Carolina. Although polls show the data is up for grabs, Hillary Clinton pulled out a win in the silver states caucuses. She defeated Bernie Sanders by about six points. Hillary clinton is now in the state of texas campaigning ahead of the South Carolina primary set for next weekend. Lets look at the delegate count as it stands now. With his win in South Carolina on saturday night, donald trump snagged the most of the states delegates to lead with 58 delegates overall. Ted cruz follows with a distant 11, and marco rubio right behind him with 10. The nominee will need more than 1, 200 delegates to claim the prize. The democrats and clinton breathing a syed of relief after securing a major majority of delegates in nevada. Thats 26 to Bernie Sanders 16. Altogether, clinton is far ahead when you consider superdelega s superdelegates, Party Officials and elected leaders who are already pledged support to a candidate. Clinton is closing in on 500 total delegates compared to sanders who has 69 delegates. Candidates need almost 2,400 delegates to win the partys convention in july to win the president ial nomination. This part of the u. S. President ial election comes down to delegates. And while Hillary Clinton is leading by quite a few right now, she has to win many, many more to clinch her partys nomination. Cnns chief u. S. Correspondent, john king, explains. She just won nevada. In assigns her North Carolina next weekend a 5545 margin. Lets assume, again hypothetical, lets assume she wins Everything Else. She wins super tuesday. 5545. Then she would start to pull away with delegates. Assume throughout march Hillary Clinton won everything. Now the Sanders Campaign thinks its going to win some of these states. They think theyre going to win vermont, for example. This is hypothetical. Assume she wins 5545 through there. Then may, shes continuing to win 5545. Then we finish out the final primaries. If she won 5545 all the way out, she would still be short of what she needs to clinch the nomination if sanders stays into the end because of the Democratic Party rules. She has over 400 superdelegates and more, people who are pledged to support her but keeping it private in case they want to roll them out when the state is up, or if she has a bad week and wants to roll endorsement. If she won everything 5545 and again, Bernie Sanders may win some, Hillary Clinton may win some 6 5 . Hypothetically in a long contest, it is conceivable she gets to the Convention Even if she won 49 states, she could end up short of the delegates, the pledged delegates from the primaries and caucuses. She needs the superdelegates. The way to seep the superdelegates is to keep supporting contests by winning support. Iowa and nevada, some say its winning lying or close, but its winning. Thats how you keep the Party Establishment on your side. As for the republicans, marco rubio surprised many in South Carolina with his secondplace finish, loophole continuealbeit behind donald trump. Rubio came to the south with a little more momentum. We have more on that. Reporter huge night for marco rubio for two reasons. One, ending up in that virtual tie with ted cruz behind donald trump. No one really expected that coming into the night, but the momentum had been breaking his way. Particularly after that really disastrous performance in New Hampshire where he was sort of left for dead. Now a rejuvenated marco rubio believes he has a solid shot at the republican nomination. The second reason why this was such a huge night for him was that jeb bush was out of the race. Jeb bush and marco rubio fought for such a long time for that establishment mantle in the lane of the moderate right of Center Voters who really like both jeb and marco. Now the Marco Rubio Campaign believes that a number of those bush supporters will come their way. As well as big jeb bush donors who are looking for a hub already, the shunt on for the donors. But hunt is on for the donors. But perhaps more importantly, jeb bushs superpack super pac has attacked marco rubio for not being prepped and not being a leader. Those attacks not on the airwaves. Will be up to another organization to come after marco rubio. Perhaps ted cruz will do that more intensely. You heard rubio make the case aggressively that this is a threeperson race. They do not view john kasich as a candidate who can compete with them in the long run. Marco rubio has that organization Going Forward. Whether or not john kasich does is a big question in the race. Be sure to tune in to cnns state of the union with jake tapper later this sunday. He will be talking to most of the leading president ial candidates including republican donald trump, ted cruz, and marco rubio and democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Thats at 9 00 a. M. In washington 2, 2 00 punishment n london. Scott lucas is professor of politics and specializes in u. S. Politics. I asked him about the International Reaction to donald trump as a president ial candidate. Heres what he had to say i think the initial reaction of many people was that trump really wasnt a serious candidate. We knew him as a reality tv star, as this loud, you know, tycoon. In the past few weeks ive talked to colleagues that these arent conservatives or liberals. These are people in the street. Mainstream voters who say, what exactly is going on. Theyre worried that hes provocative, theyre worried that hes been making comments which can be seen as home fibroidic. Theyre worry homophobic. Theyre worried about his comments that seem to be against women. We have this idea of fears in europe as trump being antagonistic. Is there a sense, though, that donald trump will ton gain voters or that he will will continue to gain voters or that he will hit a ceiling with the base hes holding on to . Thats that plays to a larger question, that which should go to the republican establishment. As long as trump has a dedicated 30 to 35 of voters behind him, and these are loyal voters in a crowded field, hes going to look like the frontrunner. Its as the field areaows thnar you ask is there an alternate theyve bring across the majority of the republicans who do not see trump as the way forward. I think that will be marco rubio. Theres been stumbles on the way such as in New Hampshire. What we need to look at in the next week is whether rubio has solidified his position as being the alternative to trump and ted cruz. Im looking at probably a threecandidate race to the convention this summer. Wow. That would be interesting. Lets talk about Bernie Sanders now. Heres a guy who has energized Younger Voters with a very antiwall street message. And using that really to chip away at Hillary Clinton. What do you make of the Sanders Campaign . I say hes really drawn attention to people here who had no idea who Bernie Sanders was until a few weeks ago. I mean, i followed him for decades as first an independent then a democratic senator. And he has this really progressive message that has a lot of appeal over here. That is, we need to really focus on all people and society. We need to make sure its not just the well off who benefit. We need to look at social issues such as race, such as planes of division. As trump is seen as a divider, sanders is a unifier, raising issues that need to be addressed in american politics. Hes getting a positive rengz. I dont think he can defeat Hillary Clinton, but it will be a feelgood moment for the Democratic Party which will look better than republicans going into the general election. Youre walking right into my next question here. Youve seen the antiestablishment movement in britain with election of the Opposition Party line, jeremy corbin. Are there any parallels . I think theres a parallel that people in britain as in the u. S. Dont want a small perceived group at the top making ault the important economic and political decisions. I think corbin has caught the attention of a lot of people to unexpectedly become the leader of the main Opposition Party. The problem is that the establishment within his own party are still skeptical. In a way, i think it n contrast to whats a positive moment for the democrats, were in a tricky situation in britain, especially because to be honest the question that will dominate politics here is not how we see the United States, its going to be britains relations wi s whe may face a decision to leave the european union. The date is set for the u. K. s decision. More on britains historic referendum as newsroom continues. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. 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We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol®. In the u. K. , june 23rd is a day that could go down in history. Its when britain would hold a major referendum to decide if it should remain in the e. U. Or strike out on its own. While a decision is still months away, the campaigning has already begun on both sides of the issue. We have more. Reporter britains Prime Minister in the fight of his political life. Leaving europe would threaten our economic and national security. Those who want to leave europe can be tell if you british businesses would be able to access europes free trade Single Market or if working peoples jobs are safe or how much prices would rise. All theyre offering is a risk at a time of uncertainty, a happy in the dark. Reporter britains relationship with europe strikes at the heart of the nations popularly espoused island mentality, part of europe but separate from it. Cameron has relieved his ministers of the responsibility to back him on this issue which means come polling day collegial relations could deteriorate. As cabinet colleagues fight to convince the British Public come the june 23rd referendum that their vision for britains future is best. An early boost to the Stay Campaign came from the home secretary who said in a statement for reasons of security, protection against crime, and terrorism, trade with europe and access to markets around the world, it is in the National Interest to remain a member of the european union. The numbers certainly team to back the state campaigns rhetoric. E. U. Countries invested more than 700 billion in the United Kingdom in 2014. Thats almost half of all outside investments in the country. According to official figures, trade supports 3. 4 million jobs. According to the London School of economics european institute, 45 of the u. K. s exports go to other e. U. States while 53 of the u. K. s imports come from within the european union. What we heard from the british Prime Minister was in essence his campaign speech. The key points he will be hitting again and again in the months to come. Hes arguing that britain in europe is a britain whos standing and influence is amplified because, of course, this isnt just about britains place in europe. This is about britains place on the international stage. And no one inside that building there is under any illusion about the reality that what happens on referendum day is going to reverberate around the world. Cnn, number 10 downing street. The latest president ial primary in the u. S. Has prompted another candidate to drop out of the race. Ahead, how the voting on saturday has reshaped the race to the white house. This is cnn newsroom. I think it landed last tuesday. One second its there. 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Then those places change every few months. Please. Its time you got the quicksilver card from capital one. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Doesnt get much simpler than that. Whats in your wallet . Can a a subconscious. Mind . A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . Donald trump and Hillary Clinton. He swept the republican primary in South Carolina, and she won the democratic caucuses in nevada. Their wins on saturday are fueling both candidates momentum as their partys frontrunner. Meanwhile, jeb bush, he has dropped out of the republican race after a weak fourthplace finish in a state that had always been good for the bush family. It was a pivotal day in so many different ways for republicans. Heres a quick look at how it all played out. Reporter in South Carolina, the polls are closing right now. The early leaders right now, South Carolina and secondtier candidate, cnn projects donald trump, the billionaire real estate magnate, will win the South Carolina republican primary. Getting nearly half the votes here in the myrtle beach area of horry county. A big population center. Near 67 of the state population, getting near 50 . Whether you like donald trump or dont like donald trump, that speaks for itself this is a trumping. He would be the best president [ applause ] jeb bush whos run a very hard race at one time was considered the frontrunner, right now has decided to spend his campaign to suspend his campaign. It people of iowa and North Carolina and South Carolina have spoken, and i respect their decision. Tonight i am suspending my campaign. Theres a keen battle going on for second place between marco rubio and ted cruz. Right now we are effectively tied for second place. After tonight, this has become a threeperson race, and we will win the nomination. Donald trump, he is on the path to become the republican nominee for president. More so than any other candidate in the race. For the democrats, the race in nevada was expected to be close, and team clinton is likely breathing a syed of relief. Now that the votes have started rolling in in her favor. Heres a quick look at how things unfolded for the democrats on saturday. Three months ago it looked like Hillary Clinton would win easily in the state. But now her campaign seems to be lowering expectations here. The Clinton Campaign worked hard behind the scenes with casino attorneys try and get paid time off casino owners to try and get paid time off so historic workers could caucus today. They actually let everybody in without completing the registration process. Apparently theyre going to try to complete it while theyre holding the caucus. These are english speakers, registering to vote, filling out spanish forms because they ran out of english registration form. Take a look at how close it is now. 50 for Hillary Clinton, 49. 6 for Bernie Sanders. Its a toddead heat 50 50. Secretary clinton with the lead over Bernie Sanders at the moment. This is the bulk of the votes that will be counted. How many of are you firsttime caucusgoers . Raise your hand . Cnn predicts that Hillary Clinton is the winner of the Nevada Democratic caucuses beating Bernie Sanders. This is certainly a win, wolf, that she is savoring. Some may have doubteded us, but we never doubted each other. [ cheers ] and this ones for you. We are bringing working people and young people into the political process in a way we have not seen for a very long time. This is a big win for Hillary Clinton. She needed it, and she delivered. Now for a quick reminder of our other top story this hour suspect in a shooting rampage in the u. S. State of michigan has been identified as 45yearold jason dalton. Police say that dalton attacked people in three seemingly random locations, an apartment complex, car dealership, and then at a nearby restaurant parking lot. At least seven people were killed. Cnns ryan young has arrived in kalamazoo. We will hear from him ahead about the investigation there. Its wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. Im George Howell at the Senior Citizen at the cnn center in atlanta. More in a moment. We leave you with the moment that jeb bush left the race for the white house. See it here. This is cnn. [ applause ] i congratulate i congratulate my competitors that are remaining on the island o their success for the race that has been hard fought. Does the smell of a freshly fill you with optimism . Do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members . Is your success due to a filing system only you understand . Does printing from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence . If so, you may be gearcentric. 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Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. Put the odds on your side. Visit botoxchronicmigraine. Com to learn how to save on your treatment. Talk to a headache specialist today about botox®. Good morning. Im amber walker in for christi pall. Im victor blackwell. Good to be you this sunday morning. And the end of the road for jeb bush. Were all waking up to a very new race for the white house. Absolutely. This morning were covering it all for you. Including new reaction from the candidates today. And what comes next . Cnn projects Hillary Clinton is the winner of the democrat caucuses. An i

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