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Good day to you. We start with the investigation into metrojet flight 9268. European investigator, they are convinced that the crash of that plane was intentional. This according to cnn affiliate france 2. The report says the black boxes indicate everything was fine for the first 23 minutes of flight. Then, a sudden blackout which suggests a bomb. Aviation analysts say the data would be different if the plane broke apart because of mechanical or structural failures. Now we are hearing reports of a vacation flight out of the u. K. That had a very close equal a missile back in august as it approached Sharm El Sheikh airport. Cnn is covering the story from all angles around the world. Our Senior National correspondent ben wedeman live in cairo, egypt, and dirnl diplomatic editor Nic Robertson is live in st. Petersburg, russia. First to ben in cairo. In the coming hours, we expect to hear a statement on the investigation. What can we expect to hear . Reporter were expecting the press conference by the minister of Civil Aviation in cairo in six hours from now where hes going to Say Something about the investigation into the crash of the metrojet airliner last sudd saturday. We dont know the details, but indications seem to be pointing to the high probability that this plane was indeed brought down by some sort of explosive device. France 2 reporting it appears the flight indeed was brought down by some sort of bomb. The precise details we dont know. Egyptian officials have been hesitant to entertain the possibility that there was an explosive on this plane. In fact, they were shocked yesterday when the russian authorities declared that they would suspend all flights to egypt, not just Sharm El Sheikh, after they saw intelligence provided by the United States about whatever the americans happened to have. Whats interesting is this is the front page of a cairo daily. It says [ speaking Foreign Language ] by shakespeare. It reveals how the egyptians are alone in thinking perhaps this was merely a mechanical malfunction. George . Egypt concerned obviously as russia suspending flights into egypt which relies heavily on tourism. Tell us more about a close call with another plane traveling to Sharm El Sheikh airport. Reporter that happened on the 23rd of august. It was a Thompson Airways plane coming from standstead in the u. K. As it approached Sharm El Sheikh national airport, the copilot saw what looked like a projectile heading in the direction of the airplane. He took evatisive action. Nothing happened. The British Ministry conducted an investigation to the incident. It said it appears it was not a targeted attack but was connected to routine exercises by the Egyptian Military in the area. This incident which really does raise a lot of questions what on earth are military exercises being conducted near a civil airport. This will probably come up, as well, when we go to the press conference by the minister of Civil Aviation this afternoon. George . Ben wedeman live for us in cairo, egypt. Thank you very much for your reporting. Now lets turn to cnns Nic Robertson, standing by in st. Petersburg, russia. Nic, good to have you with us. This is a very difficult time for families there. The process of dpreefing and of grieving and burying the dead. Reporter its a very tough time for the families. Its made tougher because they dont have answers about why the plane came down and, therefore, what was it that killed their loved ones. They feel that the government is not telling them everything that they know. And the pain for some families is compounded because theyve been told that they wont be getting back bodies, that it will be fragments of their loved ones. And they feel theyve been told this in a very harsh way. On top of that, theyre feeling that the paper, procedures, needing to register their loved one is deceased, needing proof from the airline that the airliner itself crashed at a very difficult time, the families are feeling there is a very, very painful burden placed upon them. Tomorrow there will be a Memorial Service for the 224 victims. At the cathedral behind me, the bells will toll 224 times for each of the victims. In the meantime, russia has suspended all its flights to egypt. Theres an estimated 50,000, possibly tens more thousands, of russian tourists in egypt at the moment. Its a very popular destination. The Emergency Ministry here is coordinating with a special commission. You have the interior ministry, security services, tourism ministry, transport ministry, finance ministry, the communications ministry, as well as Customs Officials all involved now in trying to coordinate their response to helping get russias tourists back. p so far. For the russian authorities, the next phase now is going to be bringing back all those tourists, as well, george. But at this point, so as you mentioned, families, they are waiting for answers. Tourists are waiting for answers, as well, nic. Just about, you know, getting back home. At the same time, russias still holding, waiting for egypt which is leading the investigation to come out with a statement. Russia not, stating that a bomb might have been in play, correct . Reporter no, theyre not. Were told putin received an intelligence assessment from british and the United States, that he has talked with president sisi in egypt. What russias position is is that egypt because thats where the crash took place is Investigative Lead authority. Although russia and egypt have been cooperating extensively, and a big point has been made of that here. Equally, the point has been made that it must be the egyptians who come out first and talk about the findings of what has been discovered. It seems that russia has become impatient for egypt to put out what is now appears to be apparent, and i think we can interpret from russias actions suspending flights it takes equally seriously as the british do that flights into egypt this time, particularly Sharm El Sheikh, are not safe. It increases the russian perception, russian government perception that the terrorism threat, terrorism angle in all of this appears to be the most likely one. George . The Investigation Continues, nic. Certainly a lot of people have a lot of questions. At this point where you are, there are a lot of families that are grieving. Great loss. Nic robertson live in st. Petersburg, russia. Thank you, nic. As this Investigation Continues to find out exactly what brought this plane down, airlines and their governments have some Big Decisions to make regarding safety. Cnns brian todd has this report. Reporter a disturbing finding the downing of the plane appears to be no accident. Sounds from the cockpit voice recorder report an explosion. Analysis from the flight data recorder reporting no signal of a mechanical problem. The officials tell france 2 the voice recorder shows everything is fine during the first 24 minutes of flight. Then in a fraction of a second, a blackout. Clearly that points to evidence that investigators are going to want to drill down into. The timing of the explosion, any other data that can correlate to time and potentially the location of the explosion. Reporter even a small amount of explosives placed in an Airline Cargo container can have a devastating effect as this test conducted on a fuselage in july showed. Also, British Intelligence says they believe a bomb was placed in the cargo hold of the metrojets plane where luggage is stored, that according to the bbc. That follows what cnn reported this week from a u. S. Official the belief a bomb was planted in luggage somewhere on the aircraft. Suspicion is falling on those with access to sensitive parts of Sharm El Sheikh airport including the planes hold. The vulnerability of hundreds who have access, if you could extort or turn one of the two of those people to act on your behalf, wittingly or unwittingly through extortion or threats, you can defeat the system. Reporter and a striking reversal from vladimir putin. The russian president ordering all flights from russia to egypt suspended after the kremlin says the United States and britain shared intelligence with russia. A russian official tells cnn the suspension will be in place until russian authorities are sure that flying to and from egypt is safe. I would avoid the area right now. I definitely dont think that its a safe place to fly in and out of at this moment. But not just because of terrorism but because of the fact that theres unrest in the safety and Security System there. Reporter some airlines and security agencies are concerned enough that theyre taking matters into their own hands. The Dutch Airline klm says its not going to allow passengers flying out of egypt to check bags through, at least temporarily. Some british carriers are doing the same. The department of Homeland Security in the u. S. Says temporarily at least it will enhance screening for items going on to planes inbound to the United States. Brian todd, cnn, washington. Are you watching cnn newsroom. Still to come this hour, singapore, it is hosting a historic meeting between the leaders of china and taiwan. Ahead, we look at what has kept them apart and where things stand now. Plus, sundays election may be a historic one in myanmar. Details on that ahead as cnn newsroom continues. Want to survive a crazy busy day . Sfx cell phone chimes start with a positive attitude. And positively radiant skin. Aveeno® positively radiant moisturizer. With active naturals® soy. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results®. Welcome back to cnn newsroom. Im George Howell. The leaders of taiwan and china have been leading historic talks in singapore. Live pictures right now. The president of taiwan speaking. We saw chinese president xi jinping in opening remarks earlier. This type of highlevel meeting hasnt happened since the chinese civil war ended in 1949. Thats when the two sides separated after the communist victory. The talks in singapore are large ly symbolic are no agreements being signed. We have more from taipei and beijing this hour. First to taipei and matt. I see behind you, theres a great crowd. A protest of sorts. What is the feeling among people there about this meeting . Reporter george, the protests here have been going on for hours. As you can hear, intense, pointed. These people have quite a strong opinion. For both of them, they are not in favor of it. Specifically, they dont like how the meeting came about. They dont like in their minds how theres not enough transparency, enough public consultation, public discussion in order to get both sides of the Current Administration here in taipei was too secretive. By having this meeting, perhaps not reflective of the broader will of the people here in taiwan. Polling consistently indicates that people here in taiwan are relatively okay with the status quo. That would be that theres their isnt a huge relationship, although weve seen trade in these countries come to historic levels. Here in this crowd, people have expressed quite a bit of frustration over the meeting. Many not happy that its taking place. Your signal there, we understand that that crowd is loud and vocal. How representative of the group in taiwan would you say the crowd is . Reporter i mean, the people here now currently are the ones with things at stake. They certainly have the biggest opinion. We spoke on the debate, this lasted here for two to three hours. We spoke to a couple of shopkeepers along the way. One of the people said he doesnt care about this meeting. That this is historic, but theyre having lower level meetings. He says he doesnt see much of a difference after the meetings. For him, he says its kind of business as usual. Hes going about his day, opening up his restaurant to the public. I think that if you talk to other people here outside of the protest, your average person here in taipei, i think the opinion you would get is that theyre not expecting much if anything to come out of the meeting. They dont expect much change to happen. So because of that, its business as usual here on the streets in taipei. Signal breaking up there. We heard everything you said. Thank you very much for the reporting. To get a sense of the feeling there in taipei. Now to beijing. Our reporter there. Steven, good to have you with us, as well. Were talking about two very different ghafts have relied governments that have relied, as matt mentioned on, the status quo. Who what is the sense of the relations now . Reporter energy, to illustrate the difference george, to illustrate the difference between the two that matt was reporting on, it was entirely blacked out here in Mainland China because some did not like what they are seeing in terms of the historic meeting. That is part of the problem here, isnt it . Despite the ever closer economic and cultural exchanges and relationship, politically the sides have gone growing more and more apart. Taiwan has a one party [ no audio ] talks about reunification as simply a nonstarter. But still, this moment, this handshake between the two leaders of the two sides and the meetings are unprecedented, as you mentioned. Really hasnt happened for seven decades. Thats why so much attention is being paid. At the end of the day, i think both leaders realize theyre not going to change the political realities, the Political Landscape on either side any time soon. Mr. About xi he is trying to lay a foundation, create some framework about eventually reunification. George . We see the handshake now. An important, symbolic handshake. No agreements have been signed, correct . Reporter thats right. The handshake is historic. Its the first time theyve met in 70 years. The meeting itself has been in being prepared for over two years, its such a delicate and sensitive matter because as you say, both sides split in 1949 after a bloody civil war. The communists won driving the defeat of the nationalists to the island. Both sides claim to be the government representing the entire chinese territory, including the mainland and taiwan. Neither recognize the others legitimacy. So they never signed any peace accord. Technically, theyre still at war. Its in that frame of context that made the historic moment so much more amazing. And as mr. Xi himself has said, you know, blood is thicker than water, trying to frame the talk in the send of both sides have a shared history and a common lineage. And hopefully this would lead to more talks and eventually reunification, george . Live in beijing with context and perspective. Thank you very much for your reporting there. Now moving on to myanmar which is preparing for a historic day on sunday, as well. People there will be voting in what officials are calling the countrys freest election in decades. Though. Ryone is so enthused, western powers have criticized the legitimacy of the election. Myanmar insists it will be fair and a big step in the countrys political reform. The partys opposition leader, aung san suu kyi, is expected to win the most votes. A landslide would be needed for that party to control the presiden presidency. A powerful cold front is charging across the eastern u. S. , chilling everything in its path. Lets bring in meteorologist derek van dam to talk more about it. You feel the weather you feel the change in the weather. The collision of temperatures also bring Severe Weather. You should see the video out of ft. Worth. Take a look at this. Some footage of a roof completely blown off of a warehouse. Scary moments for the individuals inside of the building obviously. This was from an ef0, an enhanced f enhanced fujita rating from 0 to 5. The weakest of winds in terms of potential damage across the area. Nonetheless, again, terrifying moments for those regions. That was in ft. Worth, texas. That was late thursday night. This cold front continues to march eastward. Here it is on the map behind me. Its going to cool the temperatures across the northeast finally because it has been extremely unseasonably warm across the region. Its also bringing a significant amount of precipitation, as well, to an area thats already saturated. In atlanta, weve had a significant amount of rain. Several inches the past few days. Guess what, folks, another two to four inches for the greater atlanta area. Look at this, into the florida panhandle, southeast georgia, into south and north carolina, thats an area that we could experience four to six inches of additional rain. Thats roughly 100 to 150 millimeters for our international viewers. This is already a rainsoaked area and a very warm and muggy region, as well. Relative humidity values. Thats a value of how much available moisture is in the atmosphere, nearing that 100 mark. Thats indicative of thick fog thats blanketed the region, as well. Heres an interesting statistic for you. We have had a warmer than average november, and novembers continued to gets warmer. According to climate central, since 1970, our novembers have averaged about 2. 3 degrees fahrenheit above what they were roughly 44 years ago. But we can say goodbye that warmth because our cold front continues to march eastward. You see the divide in our temperatures. Roughly 20 degrees difference separates louisville to the Virginia Beach region. If youre located in new york city, you can expect a daytime high of 66 today. It cools off into your sunday. Ive got to end off with one quick little statistic. Temperatures were recordbreaking in new york city. Look at what it did to one of the ice rinks in bryant park. People tried to go ice skating. Unfortunately, it didnt work out too well because it melted the ice. People were falling left, right of course, photographers there to catch every moment, george. Not pleasant. Not pleasant. Ive done that once or twice. Reporter you dont want that. Maybe the puddles will help your fall. Not really. Thank you very much. Now, we move on to a story in the u. S. State of louisiana. Two Police Officers there have been arrested in the Fatal Shooting of a 6yearold boy this week. Investigators say the boy was killed as these officers pursued his fathers car on tuesday. The father is hospitalized. Police officials had harrowing words about the incident. Denied the death of jerry me jeremy morris. 6 years old. He didnt deserve to die like that. Thats whats unfortunate. We took the body camera footage let me tell you something, im not going to talk about it, but im going to tell you this. It is the most disturbing thing ive seen. I will leave it at that. The Fatal Shooting of a 6yearold boy. The two officers are charged with seconddegree murder. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Still to come this hour, heightened security at Sharm El Sheikh airport after the devastating plane crash. Tourists there arent sure how and when they will get home. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare . Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. Only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. 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Remember, Medicare Supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. Expenses that could really add up. These kinds of plans could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Youll be able to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. And there are virtually no referrals needed. So dont wait. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. This easytounderstand guide will answer some of your questions and help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. Welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Are you watching cnn newsroom. Glad to have you with us. Im George Howell. This hour, the president s of taiwan and china shack hands before starting a shook hands before starting a historic meeting marking the first highlevel contact between both sides since 1949. In opening remarks, mr. Xi told taiwans leader, we are from the same family. The summit in singapore is largely symbolic with no agreements being signed there. The World Health Organization says sierra leone is now ebola free. Since the outbreak started nearly two years ago, the country has had far more cases of the virus than its neighbors. One aid worker says this is the beginning of freedom. European investigators say the black boxes from metrojet 9268 indicate that a bomb brought that plane down. Cnn affiliate france 2 also says the recorders dont reveal any signs of mechanical malfunction. A report says an airport worker may have placed that explosive. More than 400 tourist from the u. K. Who have been stuck in the Sharm El Sheikh airport could fly home on saturday. The socaled rescue flights of the International Airport started on friday. Its estimated 20,000 britons are in Sharm El Sheikh, and it could take ten days to get them all out. Cnns phil black has this report. Reporter as one british tourist emerged from Gatwick Airport today, he screamed, home, sweet home, at the top of his voice. There are many relieved tourists returning to the u. K. This evening from Sharm El Sheikh. Nowhere near as many as there were supposed to be. Ultimately, the operation to bring back the stranded tourists has not lived up to the hope or expectation that was planned. It was supposed to be 29 flights full of british tourists making their way back. But only eight were allowed to make the journey. Eight planes because of the restrictions at Sharm El Sheikh airport itself. Ultimately, it has affected the airlines differently. Five airlines. Monaco airway sent out five empty planes hoping to bring them all back today. Only four were allowed into Sharm El Sheikh. And of those, only two were allowed to make the return journey. Easyjet had a tougher time. It hoped to send out eight planes. None were allowed into Sharm El Sheikh. It did, however, have two planes already on the ground. They were allowed to fly back. We spoke to some of the passengers who arrived on the easyjet flight into gatwick this afternoon. They all shared a tremendous sense of relief. I think i can speak for all the people when i say that David Cameron absolutely made the right decision. We felt so much safer when we knew they were involved. People were angry, we didnt get information from nobody, easyjet or the british u. K. No one told us anything. Reporter what was your sense of security on the ground at Sharm El Sheikh . It wasnt very good. Yeah, i cant understand everything. Everyone knew theyre demented. Not safe there at all i dont think. Reporter the reason so few british flights are allowed in and out of Sharm El Sheikh comes to an additional security precaution being enforced by the british government. These returning flights are not allowed to carry checked luggage. Theyre supposed to be stored and returned separately. Egyptian officials on the ground say they dont have the Storage Space for so many bags. The hope and intension of the intention of the British Airlines in terms of passengers theyre trying to move on a daily basis will not be moved until cargo flights are operated to move the bags within a fairly similar time frame. Phil black, cnn, at Gatwick Airport in london. Some tourists stuck at Sharm El Sheikh airport and their relatives back in britain are sharing their experiences on social media. I want to read a few of these. Jim carmela writes, stranded in sharm due to what looks like a whole heap of political posturing. Cheers, guys. Jason in sheffield, england, tweeted should have been flying to sharm on monday. Feel for those stranded out there. And callum tweets i hope my family arent stuck in egypt much longer. Im starting to miss my moms cooking. And adam writes, in an allinclusive hotel with sunny weather, theres no rush to get back. Anyone who travels through u. S. Airports, youve got to be familiar with taking your shoes off, going through body scanners, and being patted down before you can get into the terminal. May surprise you that there are glaring security holes across this countrys airports. Drew griffin has the story. Reporter 54,000 employees at Los Angeles National airport report to work without mandatory bag checks, no body screening, and dozens of doors like this where a badge and a code gets you right on the tarmac. Think thats scare . Put yourself in the shoes of l. A. s Airport Police chief, patrick gannon. Right now what you have in place doesnt appear to be protection against the lone wolf scenario. When you say lone wolf, are you talking about a lone wolf that has access credentialed employee reporter im talking about that guy who walked in with a back pack, a mug. We dont know whats in his backpack or mug. We dont know what is in his heart or head. Thats correct. Reporter does that concern you . It concerns me all the time. With 54,000 badged employees who work at a large airport like this, theres no way youre going to have the ability to screen every Single Person that comes to work in the airport. Reporter l. A. Tries to minimize the risk by maximizing random checks like this one. Airport workers never know when or where spot checks could occur. Employees also face background checks, yearly updates, and a system built around everyone watching out for anyone who might seem suspicious. But chief gannon admits, nothing is foolproof. As weve been at airports across the country, we have not really seen anything that could prevent what atlanta went through which was guns being smuggled on to airplanes. No, i agree. I agree that in any airport throughout the United States and here also, theres never a 100 guarantee that somebody who wanted to do something illegal or wrong couldnt make that happen. Reporter what happened in atlanta prompted reaction at airports across the country. And you can see why. These are the guns smuggled on to as many as 20 flights by one Delta Airline baggage handler. Authorities say the baggage handler took guns to work in his backpack which was never screened. The motive pure profit. Selling the guns in northeast cities. Atlanta hartsfield jacksons general manager, miguel southwell, testified to a Congressional Committee the real danger the gunrunning exposed the threat of potential terrorism. Were starting to see that people are being recruit ed to engage in terrorist acts. People being recruited from the United States. Now we have a greater insight to the threat. Reporter in the wake of last years gun smuggling incident, atlanta began full airport screening. A sncnn investigation this year found that only two other airport, miami and orlando, require employees to pass through metal detectors just like passengers. Drew griffin reporting on how weapons are smuggled through the busiest airport. And there was a study after the atlanta incident and found full worker screenings across the u. S. Wouldnt lower the risk to the public. Instead, they recommend more frequent background checks and random screenings. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Ahead, republican president ial candidate ben carson, known for his softspoken tone. He lost his cool a bit over what he calls a bunch of nonsense coming up. A different republican president ial candidate is hosting saturday night live. Donald trump promises it will be huge, but not too wild. Watching fis great. Ether. But i think women would agree. Huddling with their man after the game is nice too. The thing is, about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. Ask your doctor about viagra. Now available in new single packs. In u. S. Politics, president ial candidate ben carson is slamming a cnn investigation that questioned the validity of biographical stories that are central to his campaign. Carson has said that he was a violent teenager and that religion transformed him. Several childhood friends told cnn they had no recollection of the violent incidents in which carson described. On friday, mr. Carson lashed out at the media. Listen. All of you guys trying to pile on is actually going to help me because when i go out to these book signings and see these thousands of people, they say, dont let the media get you down. Dont let them disturb you. Please continue to fight for us. They understand that this is a witch hunt. Blaming the media, he defended his story of being offered an informal full scholarship to west Point Military academy. He said he turned it down to become a doctor. Despite controversy, carson is seeing his poll numbers rise in the key nominating state of iowa. He has the support of 23 of likely republican iowa caucusgoers. Thats a jump from 14 in august. Carson trails donald trump who had 25 . Marco rubio rounds out the top three with 13 . Among likely Democratic Caucus participants, Hillary Clinton leads with 55 . Bernie sanders has 37 . Live from new york, donald trump, he is set to host saturday night live in just a few hours time. The american tv show is a Comedy Institution in this country, but some are not laughing. They are calling for a boycott of the broadcast because plaintiff trumps controversial comments on immigration. As brian todd reports, its become a political rite of passage in this country. Reporter hey there. Saturday night is going to be a very big night for trump. Hes been preparing for days to host snl, one of the iconic shows on american tv. He knows a lot is at stake for his campaign. Theres also a lot at stake for nbc because theyve made the bet that trump will bring in ratings as well as controversy and attention. Hes the latest in a long line of candidates making the required stop on late night tv. Great to be here at saturday night live. But ill be completely honest its even better for saturday night live that im here. Donald trump on snl this weekend. This time instead of promoting his Reality Tv Show the apprentice reporter hes promoting his president ial campaign. Let me say this ben carson is a complete and utter loser. Reporter these days for white house hopefuls, latenight tv stops are as natural as some speeches in iowa. Weekend trips to new york for snl camiose are almost a requirement. For Hillary Clintons campaign, being on the First Episode of this season was a big victory. All anyone wants to talk about is donald trump. Donald trump . Isnt he the one thats like, uh, youre all losers . Live from new york, its saturday night reporter and everyone remembers sarah palins appearance in 2008. Right before the election. With her impersonator, tina fey. And i can see russia from my house. Who is that . Reporter one year before palins appearance, senator barack obama appeared in a halloween sketch. May i say you make a lovely bride. Shes a witch [ laughter ] reporter in 1994, former president george h. W. Bush had a chance to respond to the shows jokes about him. His my revenge when the time is right. Not now, wouldnt be prudent at that juncture. Reporter these politicians know theyll reach millions of viewers by showing a softer side. Sometimes it can be quite serious. Recall Rudy Giuliani on snls First Episode after 9 11. Can we be funny . [ laughter ] why start now . Reporter another famous new yorker, al sharpton, actually hosted the show in 2003 while running for president. I like to go clubbing and do like the ladies. Reporter trump is the first real frontrunner to ever host the show. I love what you do. Its great. Reporter another mile post in the merging of politics with pop culture. Now for better or worse, im sure many people will be talking about trump, talking about how he performed come sunday morning. Back to you. Brian stelzer reporting for us. And political man returns to cnn this weekend. Our own Jonathan Mann will bring you the latest on u. S. Politics, the president ial race from the candidates platforms to the political missteps. In london, you can catch it at 11 30 p. M. Saturday. If youre looking for questions about u. S. Politics, send them on twitter politicalplan or use someman. Well get to some of answerman. Well get to some of those questions. The. The peanuts together in a new movie. Charlie brown, his pet companion snoopy, and the rest of dpang are being brought to life in a new 3d movie. Jake tapper went to connecticut to get the scoop from the animators. Its not often you get the opportunity to start over with a clean slate. This time things will be different. Reporter the animators behind the new Peanuts Movie were not starting with a clean slate. He did it reporter like Charlie Brown, they were also tasked with making things different. The challenge to lure todays audiences which are used to overthetop special effects and characters with the deceivingly simple smile and dot eyes and relatable characters from peanuts. Beloved by audiences enamored of Charles Schulz characters and tv specials for more than 36 years. Merry christmas, Charlie Brown reporter what a task. You could develop serious neuroses trying to bring a classic comic strip into the modern cgi studio. The makers rose to the challenge and even decorated their office accordingly. When they announced it to the studio, we were elated but terrified at the same time. Reporter Scott Carroll and nick bruno, the animation supervisors, explained to me how daunting this job was. Seemed like the easiest thing to draw until we started to draw it. Had to figure out what can we get away with that still looks right in 3d but also looks like the drawings that he drew. Reporter back at their desks, the animators explained one of the many challenges those inkdot eyes. If you just have two dots, how do you communicate all that emotion . Its hard enough to get them to look down or to the right. We can change the shape of the eyes themselves to help create a certain emotion. The periwinkles are hugely helpful. Reporter periwinkles, the emotive lines to the side. Good grief. Reporter did you try different kinds of eyes . We did, yeah. We actually tried at one point 3d eyes. We all were horrified. Reporter perhaps the biggest challenge is that schulz never planned for the characters to be seen in three dimension. We built a character if we built a character that worked at all angles, it didnt look faithful to Charlie Brown. We built specific head poses for the angle that he drew them at. Reporter six poses to be exact. Ooh we have a profile left, sparky left, sparky right, profile right, up when they yell, and then looking down like when hes riding. Thats it. Snoopy is the most complicated character we have ever built here at blue sky. Its like animating picasso really. It is. Reporter for director Steve Martino and his team, having Charles Schulzs son and grandson as writers on the film made staying true to the characters easier. Schulzs son was particularly influential for this scene craig schulz is a pilot. He owns a biplane thats a lot like the red baron. He said, lets go up. I want to show you what its like to do dogfight maneuvers. We went up, and he did stalls, we did loopdeloops, and it was informative to me. Reporter being humble and open to new ideas is a trait the team here picked up in part from a familiar friend Charlie Brown. He represents what we all feel and never talk about reporter absolutely. We want to feel like were buttoned up and together. Charlie brown, he lays it all out there. We get to celebrate his the gentleman beauties of honesty, kindness, and the nevergiveup spirit that hes always had. Reporter a spirit that remains intact and still loveably insecure even in spectacular 3d. [ laughter ] reporter jake tapper, cnn, connecticut. Now to other movies. Angelina jolie and brad pitt opened the American Film Institute festival with their film by the sea. Jolie wrote and directed it. They play a couple growing apart. Its the first movie in which they act together since mr. And ms. Smith ten years ago. Released in the United States next friday. And gamer got to see the trailer for warcraft friday inspired by the popular world of warcraft. The game franchise about the fantastical land of humans. And we end in moscow where a new homage to the porcelain throne. Thats right, were talking toilets. The new crazy toilet cafe serves food in urinalshaped bowls look at that. And you can actually sit on a toilet while you eat. The owner says they havent had an empty seat since the opening. Talk about a business that will not go down the drain. I am flushed with embarrassment from that. Thanks for watching. Ill be back after the break with another hour of news from around the world. Youre watching cnn, your world news leader. Unraveling the mystery of metrojets 9268. Initial information from the black boxes suggest a bomb brought that plane down. Friends or foes. The president s of china and taiwan meet for an historic summit. A live report from beijing and taipei on what these talks mean for both nations. Firing back, ben carson goes on the offensive after an investigation raises kbe s ques about his fast. From cnn in atlanta, welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im George Howell. Cnn newsroom starts right now. Good day to you. We start with the investigation into the crash of metrojet flight 9268. Egypts foreign minister says new information indicates the plane was taken down by a bomb, and that was not shared with his government. According to cnn affiliate france 2, the cockpit voice recorder showed a sudden blackout during the flight. The jets data recorder confirms the explosion was not accidental. Aviation analysts say the data would be different if the plane had broken apart because of structural or mechanical failure. Egypts foreign minister says he was hoping that that information would be released to egyptian officials and not passed on to the media. And now reports of a vacation flight out of the u. K. That had a close encounter, a close call with a missile back in august as it approached the Sharm El Sheikh airport. Lets start with the latest on this investigation. Our Senior International correspondent, ben wedeman, standing by live for us this hour at cairo, egypt, and we understand in the coming hours, we will hear a statement, a News Conference from officials there. What more do we know about what we could hear . Reporter at this point we dont know what were going to hear. The News Conference by the minister of Civil Aviation will take place at 5 00 p. M. This evening at the ministry. So far, no hints of what he might be saying. Obviously as you mentioned, the press conference by the egyptian foreign minister expressing frustration that intelligence has not been shared with the egyptian authorities. That intelligence was shared with the russian authorities by american officials yesterday. And thats what precipitated the decision by russia to suspend flights not only to Sharm El Sheikh but to egypt as a whole, as well. Now this comes with this news that weve learned today that on the 23rd of august, a british airliner was headed to Sharm El Sheikh when the copilot apparently was when they were approaching the airport saw some projectile heading toward the plane. According to the British Ministry of transport, the projectile came within 1,000 feet or around 300 meters of that plane before the pilot took evative action. And the ministry of transport put out a statement early this morning saying that their investigation indicated that it was not a targeted attack likely, but rather was likely connected to routine exercises by the Egyptian Military in the area of Sharm El Sheikh airport. So this incident rather puzzling, where a surfacetoair missile perhaps is being fired into the vicinity of the civilian airport will probably also come up at that press conference in cairo this afternoon. George . Ben, can you also talk to us about the situation there in Sharm El Sheikh . You have so many tourists who are waiting to go home. It could take many days before that can happen. Can you talk to us about whats happening there . Reporter well, we understand that there will be more of these socalled rescue flights coming from the u. K. To take away several hundred british tourists today. Yesterday, the projection was more than 20 flights. The authority said they cant handle that level of traffic and dont have the Storage Facility for what they said was 120 tons of checkin luggage which of course tourist have been told they cannot bring back on the rescue flights. Now, the situation at that airport may be further complicated by reports that there are, according to russian officials, as many as 79,000 russian tourist in Sharm El Sheikh. The russian authorities havent indicated whether they will also be putting on the socalled rescue flights. Thats going to cause further turmoil in that already troubled airport. George . Ben wedeman live in cairo, egypt. Thank you very much for your reporting. Again, as ben mentioned, a News Conference set to happen in the coming hours in cairo. We will learn more about the investigation from authorities there. Now lets turn to our International Diplomatic editor, Nic Robertson, who is live in st. Petersburg, russia, to talk about how people are handling the investigation there. There are so many questions now. No concrete answers. This is a time when people are grieving there. Reporter they are. 224 people died aboard that flight sunday. Tomorrow there will be a service at st. Isaacs cathedral behind me. The bell will toll there 224 times. The pressing questions also about the 79,000 tourist in the Holiday Resort of Sharm El Sheikh. Russian Authorities Say theyve put in place a hotline for those families who are concerned to call to find out how they can get home. The flights been suspended. Theyve had about 400 calls so far. The special commission and Emergency Ministry have brought on board elements from the interior ministry, the federal security services, the tourism, finance ministry, communications ministry, and Customs Officials to try to handle this. The russian passengers have also been told they can only bring handheld items back on the flights, that the cargo will travel separately. About 1,200 russian tourist have come back from egypt. The question, of course, for the family members of those 224 People Killed aboard the plane, those questions remain. And of course, very difficult and painful process with burying their loved ones. In a russian forest, a wife and the dead mans sister. His mother and his father. A family tormented in grief. Theyve come to bury this 33yearold, a businessman. Remembering a life that ended aboard metrojet flight 9268 as it crashed into the egyptian desert thousands of miles away. Every day now more passengers are buried. More bodies are identified. For so many families of victims, closure is still a long way off. The most pressing questions remain unanswered why did the plane crash, and what killed their loved ones. They want just to know the truth. What is really going on. To be honest with what happened. Reporter thnatalia rushed bk from new york when she learned her sister was aboard the illfated flight. They were close, soul sisters, spiritual. I have to show my parents that im stloong and to go through strong and to go through this hard process. Reporter this oncehappy family is struggling to get answers from the government. They dont give us enough information. They dont want to talk about it. Reporter since the moment she arrived, natalias mother, like her daughter, has been turning to god for support. But the help she needs now can only come from her government. I think they have answers, but they dont want us to know. Thats my opinion. Reporter why not . Because its hard proof reporter you think it might be terrorism . It. Its my opinion. I dont know. Reporter back in the forest, fatimas family n. Now is the time of final goodbyes. In the coming weeks, many more families will have such moments. Moments hung heavier by unanswered questions. Those families will be looking to the press conference in cairo today undoubtedly. The hope that they may get small details, fragments of information that might be helpful, might answer their questions. George . Her response, i think they have the answer, but they just dont want us to know, so difficult for these families just wanting some understanding of what happened on that flight, as you mentioned. Later in cairo. Ce is set for we will, of course, follow it and hope to learn more information. Nic robertson live in st. Petersburg, russia. Thank you very much. Anyone whos traveled through the United States and airports here, youre familiar with taking off your shoes, going through the body scanners, or being patted down. So it may surprise you to learn there are some glaring security holes across this countrys airports. Our Senior Investigative correspondent, drew griffin, explained. Reporter 54,000 employees at Los Angeles National airport report to work without mandatory bag checks, no body screening, and dozens of doors like this one where a badge and a code gets you right on to the tarmac. Think thats scare . Put yourself in the shoes of l. A. s Airport Police chief, patrick gannon. Right now, what you have in place doesnt appear to me to be protection against the lone wolf scenario. When you say lone wolf, are you talking about somebody, a lone wolf that has access to the reporter im talking about credentialed employees . Reporter that guy who walked in with a backpack, with a mug. We dont know whats in his backpack. We dont know whats in his mug and whats in his heart or head. Thats correct. Reporter does that concern you . It tornadoes me all the time. With 54,000 badged employes that work at a large airport like this, there is no way that you are going to have the ability to screen every Single Person that comes to work in the airport. Reporter l. A. Tries to minimize the risk by maximizing random checks like this one. Airport workers never know exactly when or where spot checks could occur. Employees also face background checks. Yearly updates, and a system built around everyone watching out for anyone who might seem suspicious. Chief gannon admits nothing is foolproof. As weve been at airports across the country, we have not really seen anything that could prevent what happened guns being smuggled on to airplanes. I agree. I agree in any airport throughout the United States and here also, there is never a 100 guarantee that somebody couldnt who wanted to do something illegal or wrong, couldnt make that happen. Reporter what happened in atlanta prompted a reaction at airports across the country. And you can see why. These are the guns smuggled on to as many as 20 flights by one Delta Airline baggage handler. Authorities say that baggage handler took the guns to work in his backpack which was never screened. The motive for the crime pure profit. Selling the guns in northeast cities. Atlanta hartsfield jacksons general manager, miguel southwell, testified to a Congressional Committee the real danger that gun running exposed is the threat of potential terrorism. Weve started to see that people are being recruited to engage in the terrorist acts. People being included from the United States. Now we have a greater insight. Reporter in the wake of last years gunsmuggling incident, atlanta instituted full airport employee screening. A cnn investigation earlier this year found that only two other major u. S. Airports, miami and orlando, conduct full employee screenings by requiring employees to pass through metal detectors just like passengers. Scary situation. Gr drew griffin reporting about weapons smuggled through the worlds busiest airport, atlanta. He says a tsa study after that incident in atlanta found full worker screenings across the u. S. Wouldnt actually lower the risk to the public. Instead, they recommend more frequent background checks and random screenings. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Still to come a look at a historic meeting between the leaders of china and taiwan. Its their first highlevel meeting in decades. Plus, myanmar preparing for an historic election on sunday. What makes this one so significant as cnn newsroom continues. Yothats lactaid®. K right. 100 real milk, just without the lactose. So, no discomfort . Exactly. Try some. Mmm, it is real milk. Lactaid®. 100 real milk. No discomfort. Same eyes. Same laugh. And since shes had moderate alzheimers disease, ive discovered we have the same fighting spirit, too. Thats why i asked her doctor about new onceaday namzaric™. Vo new namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimers disease in patients who are currently taking, and can continue to take certain doses of both namenda and donepezil. New namzaric is the first and only treatment to combine 2 proven alzheimers medicines into a single onceaday capsule that works 2 ways to fight the symptoms of moderate to severe alzheimers disease. Onceaday namzaric may improve cognition and overall function and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. Namzaric does not change how the disease progresses. It shouldnt be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine or any of the ingredients in namzaric. Before starting treatment, tell the doctor about any medical conditions they have. Including heart or lung problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, bladder, kidney, or liver problems. Tell the doctor if the patient will have any procedures involving anesthesia, which may cause muscle problems. Other serious side effects may occur, including slow heartbeat and fainting; increased stomach acid, which may raise the chance of ulcers and bleeding; nausea and vomiting; difficulty passing urine, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. The most common side effects associated with namzaric are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. Woman mom and i share a lot of moments. And were making the most of each one. Vo ask your doctor if new namzaric is right for your loved one. Come on lets hide in the attic. No. In the basement. Why cant we just get in the running car . Are you crazy . Lets hide behind the chainsaws. Smart. Yeah. Ok. If youre in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. Its what you do. This was a good idea. Shhhh. Be quiet. Im being quiet. Youre breathing on me if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Head for the cemetery welcome back to cnn newsroom. Im George Howell. We are following a historic meeting between the president s of taiwan and china this hour. The first highlevel contact develop the two sides since 1949. We saw chinese president xi jinping and the president of taiwan shake hands earlier. Very symbolic handshake there. And in opening remarks, mr. Xi told taiwans leader, we are from the same family. Cnn is covering this story from all angles this hour. Our matt rivers is live in taipei. And we have a report from beijing as well. Matts in taipei. We saw you last hour and see behind you now that there is a protest of sorts this. What is the feeling among people on the meeting . Reporter george, this protest wrapping up behind me after several hours of loud, intense protests through the streets of taipei. At its peak, there were only several hundred people as parts of the protest. Weve seen far bigger protests here in taipei in the past. Relatively small. The people strongly opinionated, very much against the meeting. Specifically very much against the way this meeting came about. They accused the president S Administration of a lack of transparency and not really having a Public Discourse about really the overall desire to have this meeting in the first place. People here would argue that the broad public here in taiwan really isnt in favor of closer ties to china and has in most cases been wary of any growing influence from the mainland. That said, the people here very strong opinions. Weve talked to other people, more average taiwan residents who say theyre skeptical about any results that might come out of a meeting like this. They say even though this is historic, there have been other lowerlevel meetings in the past that have not changed anything. If you talk to some people here on the streets that werent part of the protest, they might say to you, eh, so what, business as usual. Matt rivers live in taipei. And matt, thank you very much for your reporting. Now lets turn to steven in beijing for us live. Good to have you with us. Were talking about two very different governments. One that has been moving toward independence and democracy. And the other very different system. What is the sense of this meeting about cross state relations . Reporter george, the sense is that its better to talk than not to talk. And as we see now, the two leaders actually having dinner behind closed doors. Its a historic dinner after an historic meeting. We dont know whats on the menu. But taiwanese media have reported there are local favorites including rice wine. Reportedly the two leaders are drinking some of that, as well. You know, all the warm and fuzzy atmosphere aside, very few expect any Major Political breakthrough out of the meeting for reasons you and matt have mentioned. They are very much growing apart politically while taiwan is such a vibrant democracy. You see these protests on the streets against the meeting. And you see taiwanese media reporting the critics accusing them of using the meeting as a political maneuver. In china, the same media singing the same tune. That the government, they really have not reported any of the controversial aspects of this meeting and have been largely portraying this as a positive historic moment. So really because of this underlying difference, nobody thinks that this is going to lead to any talks on reunification, for example, and mr. Mah himself said until and unless china becomes democratic, talks on reunification is a nonstarter. I think beth leaders have legacies in mind. They want to talk and lay the foundation to create a framework for future talks about reunification. The future generations and happiness of future generations are some of the things they both have stressed in their opening remark. George . Giving perspective and context there. Steven live in beijing. Thank you very much for your reporting. Matt, thank you for your reporting in taipei. Now to myanmar, preparing for what is being called the countrys freest election in decades. Polls there open in just about 13 hours time. Critics have questioned the legitimacy of the process. They say millions wont be able to vote and point to widespread human rights violations. Myanmars constitution wouldnt even allow one of the leading candidates, oppose leader aung san suu kyi, to assume the presidency if her party wins. The country promises a Fair Election and says it is working on democratic reforms. Rescue officials are looking for survivors after a village is engulfed in floodwaters. Only one person has been confirmed dead. That number is expected to rise. Cnns Shasta Darlington has more. Reporter more than a dozen people feared dead after a dam burst an Open Pit Mine in central brazil, flooding the nearby town with a tsunami of sludge, burying homes and carrying cars along with it. Rescue efforts have continued, but the further we get away from the accident, really the less likely it is that survivors are expected to be found. According to the union leader representing workers at this iron ore mine owned by san marco, there are still 13 people missing. The death toll is expected to rise. Also because of the damage done to that nearby town, an area with 200 houses literally submerged. The rescue efforts continue. Theyve managed to take a lot of people out of the mud more than 500 left homeless. Part of the problem is this was wastewater. When they do get them out of the mud, theyve had to decontaminate them. And theres, of course, concerns that this could have longterm effects, Health Effects on the community and environmental effects in the region. The owners of the san marco mine, were talking about brazils valley and australias bhp billitin, a joint venture, they say theyre investigating the cause. Of course, following rescue efforts. One particular area that officials have been looking at is actually tremor activity. Reported three there were four tremors in the region right around the time that the dam broke. They were mild tremors. Authorities investigating if that could have had anything to do with the tragedy. Shasta darlington, cnn, rio de janeiro. Switching to weather. A powerful cold front is charging crass the eastern part of the u. S. , and you can feel the changes here in atlanta. Its been rainy for so long. It has. Were about to cool off dramatically which we need because its been just so warm and sticky. Unseasonably warm for the entire eastern half of the United States. With that collision of temperatures, cold air behind the cold front and warm air ahead of the cold front, you get Severe Weather. This was the scene in ft. Worth, texas. Take a look at this, george. Roofs seen blown off of buildings. This was all thanks to an ef0 tornado, enhanced fujita scale. Ranges from 0 to 5, 0 t5 the strongest. We talked about the warmth that is prevalent across the eastern half of the u. S. Look at the records that have been set yesterday. Many locations including new york city. Talking 15 to 20 degrees fahrenheit above where we should be this time of year. Side note from climate central, novembers the entire month cumulatively has been getting warmer since 1970. About 2. 3 degrees fahrenheit warmer than overall average temperatures for november back in 1970. So to show whats been taking place in our world lately. Its the cold front responsible for the Severe Weather earlier this workweek. Its marching eastward. High pressure will clear out the skies by the end of the week and across the new england coast. You can see the division in temperature across the east, louisville, kentucky, 51. New york all the way to Virginia Beach, upper 60s to lower 70s. A temperature swing roughly thanks to the cold front. You see the low pressure building across the gulf of mexico, as well. Thats our next influx of rainfall. And get this, folks already saturated part of the southeastern United States get more rain, four to six inches in some locations. That means the possibility of localized flooding into the end of the weekend and the start of the workweek. And i mentioned muggy, muggy weather. The relative humidity had has been near 100 . Thats allowed for a thick blanket of fog to roll over the region. That looks to start to ease up a bit, as well, as our cold front presses through. New york, if youre located there, temperatures will be about 66, cloud cover, no rain. Several gusts of wind expected. And ill leave with this image. With the recordshattering temperatures, people got out and tried to ice skate at bryant park, downtown new york city. Not faring too well. The ice melted into puddles. You know, ice skate dont work well on water. Needs to be frozen, doesnt it . Thats not pleasant. Thank you very much. Thanks. Now to the controversial Keystone Pipeline. The white house has rejected the plan. Friday, u. S. President barack obama officially turned down the proposal with the canadian company. The pipeline would not make a meaningful, longterm contribution to our economy. The pipeline would not lower gas prices for american consumers. In fact, gas prices have already been falling. Shipping dirtier crude oil interest our country would not increase Americas Energy security. The u. S. State department has been reviewing the pipelines construction for several years now. We have the story from washington. Reporter president obama rejected the Keystone Pipeline saying the canadian project would have sent the wrong message to the world on the issue of Climate Change. The president accepted the recommendation of secretary of state john kerry Whose Department analyzed the project for nearly seven years. Mr. Obama acknowledged keystone had become embroiled in politics as republicans said the project would have created u. S. Jobs. Democrats argued an approval from the white house would have been a damaging defeat in the battle against global warming. In the past, the president had sewed he would turn down the pipeline if it could droibt Climate Change. Something his own state department concluded would not occur, not surprisingly, though, the president sided with his own party. Heres what he had to say. Americas now a Global Leader when it comes to taking serious action to fight Climate Change. Frankly, approving this project would have undercut that Global Leadership. And thats the biggest risk we face. Not acting. The president will now take that message to the upcoming Global Climate summit in paris in a few weeks. White house Officials Say it would have been very difficult for president obama to go to that summit having approved the Keystone Pipeline project. Both the question behind keystone, transcanada, and the canadian government, expressed disappointment in the president s decision. Jim accosta, cnn, the white house. Youre watching cnn newsroom. He is described as a softspoken and mellow person. Something has made president ial candidate ben carson lose his cool. Details on what that was as we continue around the world this hour. This guy from engineering says directv is so advanced that you could put tvs anywhere without looking at cable wires and boxes in every room. How are they always one step ahead of us . Well, because their technology is far superior. Or because they have someone on the inside. Is that right, gil . Sir, i would never. Hes with them hes wearing a wire. Take off his shirt take off his shirt oh ah alright, im putting you in charge of the holiday party. vo get rid of cable and upgrade to directv. Call 1800directv. Want to survive a crazy busy day . Sfx cell phone chimes start with a positive attitude. And positively radiant skin. Aveeno® positively radiant moisturizer. With active naturals® soy. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results®. Vuse digital vapor cigarettes. 4 new flavors to awaken your senses. Vibrant berry, cool mint, smooth crema, and aromatic chai. Our proprietary blends of the highest Quality Ingredients deliver superior vapor and taste. Vuse. Unrivaled taste satisfaction. Welcome back to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Youre watching cnn newsroom. Good to have you with us. Im George Howell. The headlines were following this hour new report indicate the black boxes from metrojet 9268 show that a bomb did bring down the plane. Cnn affiliate france 2 says the recorder confirmed there was no accident. And no design of mechanical malfunction. The are the also says an airport worker may have placed the explosive on the plane. The president s of taiwan and china shook hands before starting a historic meeting marking the first highlevel contact between both sides since 1949. The summit in singapore is historic with the aim of prom e promoting peace. The World Health Organization is set to declare Sierra Leone Ebola free. Since the outbreak started nearly two years ago, there have been more cases of violence than its neighbors. Ebola has killed thousands in the west african country. [ chanting ] reporter and these protests in romania. In a fourth straight day, demonstrators there are calling for an end to government corruption. The protest vs. Made an impact. The countrys Prime Minister facing a corruption trial on wednesday. Right into u. S. Politics. Republican president ial candidate ben carson is slamming cnn. An investigation that this network did which questioned the validity of claims about his own path. Carson said that he is a violent was a violent teen, and he claimed that religion transformed him. Several childhood friends told cnn they have no recollection of the incident thats carson described. On friday, carson called the report a witchhunts. He defended his claim of being offered a full scholarship to west Point Military academy. Listen. There was an offer to me. It was specifically made was it i interpreted it as an offer. I made it very clear i dont remember the names of the people. Its almost 50 years ago. I bet you dont remember all the people you talked to 50 years ago. Anyway, they told me this was available because of my accomplishment. Mr. Carson said that he turned the offer down to become a doctor. In any case, dr. Ben carson is no stranger to making controversial comments heres more. Reporter im ben carson and candidate for president. Reporter from his first steps on the campaign trail, carson has fearlessly admitted there are a lot of policies that i lack knowledge of. Its a false narrative that you have to know everything. Reporter some of these past statements about what he does know are startling. On Health Care Reform obamacare is is really the worst thing to happen to the nation since slavery. Reporter on religion i would not advocate that we put a muslim in charge of this nation. Reporter on how people should respond to a rampaging gunman i would not just stand there and let him shoot me. I would say, guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he cant get us all. Reporter even on the holocaust i think the likelihood of hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed. Reporter some of his statements are rooted in his faith and fly in the face of science. Dismissing the Big Bang Theory as pure fantasy, speculating about an alternative use for the great pyramids, long considered burial chambers. My own personal theory is thatgees ever built the that joseph built the pyramids in order to store grain. Reporter and his comment about homosexuality and incarceration much more explosive. A lot of people who go into prison go in straight, and when they come out theyre gay. Did something happen while they were in there . Reporter carson backed off within hours and apologized saying, i do not pretend to know how every individual came to their sexual orientation. Tom foreman reporting. Dr. Carson has repeatedly argued that his words are being deliberately misunderstood. Carson and his fans often suggest that critics are overlooking the context and nuance in his statement. Carson defends his description of his life story. He is seeing his poll numbers rise in the key nominating state of iowa. A cnn orc poll shows carson has the support of 23 of likely republican iowa caucusgoers. A jump of 14 in august. He trails donald trump who has 25 and senator marco rubio rounds out the top three at 13 . Among likely Democratic Caucuses, Hillary Clinton leads with 55 . Senator Bernie Sanders has 37 . Be sure to join cnn this weekend for the return of the great show political man with our own Jonathan Mann. A show that brings you the latest on the u. S. President ial race from the candidates platforms to their political missteps. Catch it all at 11 30 p. M. Tonight, london time. Were also looking for your questions about u. S. Politics. Tweet them to politicalman or use the hash tag answerman. Jonathan mann will get to some of the questions and answers. We move to the u. S. State of louisiana. Two Police Officers have been arrested in the Fatal Shooting of a 6yearold boy this week. Investigators say the boy was killed as these officers pursued his fathers car on tuesday. The father is hospitalized. Police officils had some harrowing words about the incident. Listen. Tonight is about the death of jeremy morris. Jeremy morris, 6 years old. He didnt deserve to die like that. Thats whats unfortunate. We took some of the body camera footage. Let me tell you something im going to tell you this it is most disturb thing ive seen. I will leave it at that. 6yearold boy shot and killed. The two officers are charged with seconddegree murder. Youre watching cnn newsroom. The oath of office has been sworn. And the new leader gets down to work. We will introduce you to that other canadian named justin, now the most powerful man in the northern country. Diabetes, steady is exciting. Only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. So you stay steady ahead. Well, right now you can get 15 gigs for the price of 10. Thats 5 extra gigs for the same price. So five more gigs for the same price . Yea, allow me to demonstrate. Do you like your pretzel . Yea. Okay, uh, may i . 50 more data for the same price. I like this metaphor. Oh, its even better with funnel cakes. But very sticky. Now get 15 gigs for the price of 10. Welcome back. Canadas new Prime Minister took the oath of office this week. Justin trudeau is young, 43 years old. Some say inexperienced. Hes from a powerful family and dpu up steeped in canadian politics. Cnns Global Affairs correspondent filed this introduction. Reporter Justin Trudeau is a relatively new face in canadian politics. One with a very popular last name. With a stunning victory in canadas recent general election trudeau ended a decade of conservative rule in canada. He was born in 1971 while his father, pierre, was Prime Minister. His popularity was so great it was dubbed trudeau mania, compared even to john f. Kennedy. When justin delivered a powerful eulogy at his fathers funeral, it sparked talk of a political dynasty. He took his time getting into politics. Trying his hand at acting, charity poxing, and even coaching bungee jumpers. After his fathers death, he became more politically active, winning a seat in parliament in 2008. Skeptics said he was too young and inexperienced to become Prime Minister. By all accounts, he ran a very Impressive Campaign sweeping the liberals to victory. For years, the Prime Minister kept the government running smoothly. Kept taxes low and ran a robust Foreign Policy aimed at taking on terrorists. By contrast, trudeau is promising to pull out of counterterrorism in the middle east, restore ties with iran, and wants to bring 25,000 Syrian Refugees to canada. Back home, the father of three intends to raise taxes on the wealthy and double spending on public infrastructure. He also plans to legalize marijuana and push a very aggressive Climate Change agenda. Trudeau has shown he has the star power of his father. Now he has to prove he has the political chops and ride the new wave of trudeau mania into opportunities for canada. That was our elise laughin reporting from washington. A risky space walk outside the International Space station took nearly eight hours to complete. Two u. S. Astronauts worked to repair a leaky ammonia cooling system on friday. Its been having problems since 2012. After restoring the system to its original configuration and refilling those ammonia tanks, they then inspected their spacesuit for toxic ammonia flakes. Fortunately, they did not find any. Nasa scientists have revealed some exciting news about the planet mars including what they believe led to drastic changes there over billions of years. Cnns rachel crane breaks it down for us. Reporter thanks to the space probe maven, we now have clues in the mystery of mars shift from a warmer, wetter environment to the cold, dry desert it is today. Maven has been exploring mars atmosphere since 2014. One of its main goals is to figure out how and why it got so thin. This low High Pressure atmosphere is comprised mostly of Carbon Dioxide will prevent fresh water from being present. It will boil at ten degrees celsius or 50 degrees fahrenheit on. Earth, it boils at 212 degrees fahrenheit. And now, nasa scientists think they know the culprit solar winds. They observed a massive amount of ions and gases escaping during solar bursts like corrownal mass ejections. The prevalence and strength of bursts could have had a tremendous influence in the evolution of the martian environment and the thinning of the atmosphere. Scientists also observed a unique type of aurora called the diffuse aurora in the northern hemisphere. Particles collide with a planetary atmosphere along electroMagnetic Fields. Theyre not uncommon. In fact, theyve been observed above all plan wets a substantial atmosphere planets with a substantial atmosphere, even moons. The aurora seen on mars was at the lowest altitude observed on any planet. The nuke characteristics of this aurora the unique cakes of this aurora may be determined by the different Magnetic Field configurations of the planet. As nasa gears up to send astronauts to mars in the 2030s, they hope to gain insights into the paths to give further information into the missions. Are you watching cnn newsroom. Ahead, live from new york, u. S. President ial candidate donald trump will host saturday night live in the coming hours. His huge personality is no stranger to the show. Well show you some of the parodies he was inspired by as we continue. Woman my mom and i have the same hands. Same eyes. Same laugh. And since shes had moderate alzheimers disease, ive discovered we have the same fighting spirit, too. Thats why i asked her doctor about new onceaday namzaric™. Vo new namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimers disease in patients who are currently taking, and can continue to take certain doses of both namenda and donepezil. New namzaric is the first and only treatment to combine 2 proven alzheimers medicines into a single onceaday capsule that works 2 ways to fight the symptoms of moderate to severe alzheimers disease. Onceaday namzaric may improve cognition and overall function and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. Namzaric does not change how the disease progresses. It shouldnt be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine or any of the ingredients in namzaric. Before starting treatment, tell the doctor about any medical conditions they have. Including heart or lung problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, bladder, kidney, or liver problems. Tell the doctor if the patient will have any procedures involving anesthesia, which may cause muscle problems. Other serious side effects may occur, including slow heartbeat and fainting; increased stomach acid, which may raise the chance of ulcers and bleeding; nausea and vomiting; difficulty passing urine, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. The most common side effects associated with namzaric are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. Woman mom and i share a lot of moments. And were making the most of each one. Vo ask your doctor if new namzaric is right for your loved one. The james bond movie spectre is now out in wide release in much of the world. It is the most extensive film of the series. One of the reasons for that, its the cars in the movie. Besides 007s astin martin, it features dangerous looking jaguars. Cnn checked them out. Reporter forget about sleek, sexy, and heroic. This car was designed to look menacing. This car is for a villain. Meet jaguar cx75, the car used to chase down james bond in the film spectre. Jaguar isnt normally known for super cars, but it convinced director sam mendez that this bad boy concept car was the best choice for racing around rome. David fairbaren was in charge of delivering vehicles to the set and kept them looking pristine. These cars must have gotten really beat up when they were on the shoot. Tell me how you made sure they were in Good Condition for all six weeks. For six weeks it was 24 7. We had a nighttime shift supporting the cars. Then we had a daytime Mechanics Team that were repairing the cars when we came out and the Production Team went to bed. I would love to say we had so many cars come back damaged. We designed the vehicle to take various action scenes. We got them back in Good Condition. Just a Little Service on them. We keep them and show them to the public. Reporter this particular model is called a hero. Looks nice but doesnt move. Its just for closeup shots. The stunt cars do the action shots. The jaguar cx75 was used to generate buzz around france, but you wont find it in a dealership. This is the first time jaguar has manufactured a car for a James Bond Film that will not go into regular production. Same thing for 007s astin martin. Both Companies Say these will remain as concept cars only. But insists that other vehicles on the market will incorporate some of their design features. Cnn money, u. K. Man, that is a slick car. All right. Live from new york, u. S. President ial candidate donald trump is set to host the comedy sketch show saturday night live. Some people are not laughing. They in fact are calling for a boycot of the broadcast because of trumps controversial comments on immigration. Mr. Trump first hosted snl in 2004 when he launched his Reality Tv Show, the apprentice. His huge personality has inspired many parodies. Youre fired. And live from new york, its saturday night. You just watch what i do, and i think youll be blown away. I think youre wearing more on your back than most people make in a year. Isnt that weird . I just learned yesterday that my own taj mahal in Atlantic City wasnt the first taj mahal. But i guarantee you its the best. Doesnt everyone show on television what you see every week by five billion people . I have a really great replacement. Ladies and gentlemen, mr. Darrell hammond. [ applause ] the keyboard huge. Huge, huge. Its huge. Its huge. The ratings for tonights debate are going to be huge. If i turn away from the camera, your ratings will drop five points. Watch. [ laughter ] and boom, theyre back. Most of you know who i am already because im rich and handsome. First, nobody puts me on the spot. Second, i could buy and sell you and your little freak show dog and pony act, whatever this is. I wont rule out a run, greta. Especially the party that nominates a joke candidate. I might run as an independent. I could beat all them. Theres a Great American movie called citizen cane. Its about a man who kicks [ bleep ] to make a ton of movie. I havent seen the ending, but i assume it ends with him happy and president. I want to be your citizen trump. I dont say outrageous things just for poll numbers. I speak from my heart. Really . Okay, i hear your numbers go down a little this week. Mexicans are stealing our children. Whatever you say doesnt matter because im gold and youre losers. Reporter the many, many faces of donald trump. And we thank you for watching this hour. Im George Howell at the cnn center here in atlanta. For viewers in the United States, new day is next. For other viewers around the world, amanpour starts in a moment. Thank you for watching cnn, the worlds news leader. Its the final countdown the final countdown if youre the band europe, you love a final countdown. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. It is the most disturbing thing ive seen. I will leave it at. That. Emotional reaction to the Fatal Police Shooting of a sixyearold boy, shot while still buckled in the front seat of his fathers car. Now, two officers are charged with murder. New this morning, a disturbing incident involving a british plane now t. Pilot says the jet came within 1,000 feet of a rocket as it approached the same airport where metro jet 9268 took off from. And ben carson gets agitated with the mediave

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