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For those refugees. Im George Howell. This is cnn newsroom. Good day to you. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. We begin this hour in jerusalem. The violence that broke out at the alaqsa just hours of the start of the jewish new year. Young arabs clashed with police after authorities received intelligence that people were start to go gather there. They threw rocks and fireworks at those who approached. Were covering this story. All of this happened just a few hours earlier in the morning there. Whats the latest . Reporter it is still happening on the streets of the old city, not as much where it began in the alaqsa mosque in the alaqsa complex. We have a producer in the old city and she sees these clashes between the police and Security Forces and protesters. All of this started a few hours ago, 7 00 local time, when police found out there were a number of protesters barericaded inside. The clashes have shifted to the streets of the old city. Dozens of palestinians have been injured. Police using what appears to be tear gas and stun grenades and batons to try to clear out protesters and to try to restore order in the alaqsa mosque, in the streets of the old city, but very much still clashes going on in the old city, george. Warren, is there any thought this might have been timed out to coinciden with the start of the jewish new year . Difficult to say at this point. Police are still working on these clashes are still happening but certainly protesters would have known that jews would have tried to pray at alaqsa mosque because of the holiness not only to muslims, but also to jews. That could have led to this. But at this point its difficult to say. A very sacred and important site both to muslims and jews. Can you give a little more context as to the significance of the alaqsa mosque . Absolutely. Its considered one of the holiest sites for the world. Its the holy site in the world for jews, who called it the temple mount. Its the flash point for these clashes that were seeing this morning. Warren, thank you so much for your reporting. Now on to our continuing coverage of the migrant crisis in europe. Hungary is speeding up construction of a barbed wire fence along its southern porder border with serbia. It is over 100 miles long. Human rights workers though fear it will create a log jam of people on the serbian side of the border. And hundreds try to get through to the macedonia border. Most plan to continue on toward austria and germany. Im going to continue my study. Im an engineer, so im going to continue studying and im seeking better life in europe, but actually everyone here is excited about europe. You know, its better life, better people. And you have rights. In our country, you dont have any rights. We have violence and get killed. Most are traveling from turkey into greece, then up into macedonia. Our ivan watson is following developments along the greek coast and joins us by phone. Macedonia really described as only a transit stop, very few people seeking asylum there. Can you explain why thats happening . Reporter well, every refugee and migrant that ive spoken with say that they want to go to countries like germany and sweden where either they have relatives or the social welfare system provides them more benefits and the government in fact has been far more welcoming, pledging to take in large numbers of migrants and refugees. I think that fits the plans and the agenda of the macedonian government which has been facilitating swift transfer of migrants across the greek border with macedonia, where i am right now, some three hours by road to the serbian border. This really has become a transit country, much as serbia has become one as well. Whats striking is the number of people passing through. According to the United Nations High Commission for refugees, more than 4,600 migrants and refugees have passed the greek Macedonian Border offer the course of the last 17 hours, george. They are met by u. N. H. C. R. Officials swl Macedonian Border guards. They are brought to a Transit Center, given water and food and a document that lets them stay in the country for 72 hours to apply for asylum, the vast majority of these people move as swiftly as possible, their own either rented taxis, buses or getting seats on trains to the serbian border. They are trying to move as swiftly as possible to Central Europe, george. Do you get a sense for those who travel either through macedonia or who choose to seek asylum there, are they getting a warm welcome in that country . Reporter you know, the first thing that migrants see when they pass from greece to macedonia, they are walking through what is not an official border crossing. They are walking along railroad tracks, through a hole in barbed wire and they are greeted by macedonian soldiers and border police, who instruct them where to go in groups toward a Transit Center and en route there, you see vendors trying to sell them cigarettes and various currency and what appear to be people offering them rides in vehicles. We might have lost the signal there. But ivan watson there along the greek coast. Thank you so much for your reporting describing the situation in macedonia as a transit stop for many migrants. And across europe there has been a popular outpouring of support for refugees and people demanding that their governments do more. [ chanting ] this is the scene in london where protesters held a march through the center of the city streets. They are demanding that they do with a rally outside the Prime Ministers residence. Protesters took to the streets in spain, austria and france. French minister francoise hollandee met with migrants on saturday in his country. One german official told cnn as many as 10,000 refugees are arriving in germany every day. The mayor of munich told a news agency he is concerned. He says his city doesnt know what to do with the influx of extra people. One syrian refugee says he and others still have been treated well in germany. So many people, they really welcome us too. They welcome us with food and they are so nice and kindness in austria and germany. The chancellor is applauding her countrys support for refugees. Those coming for economic reasons cannot receive the same residential rights as those fleeing the war in syria. She urged other european states to step up and help as well. Translator we took a decision in the past week during an emergency situation. I think it is the right decision. Im deeply convinced. People have done a great job and shown that germany take on its responsibility to help people seeking protection, civil war refugees, asylum seekers, but i have to say its not only the responsibility of germany. Its the responsibility of all Member States of the European Union and were going to stress that point. In a symbolic show of welcome and support Bayern Munich players brought young migrants on to the field. Each walk hand in hand with a migrant child on one side and german child on the one. The Team Announced it will donate 1. 1 million toward helping refugees that are arriving in the country of germany. If you will like to find out what you can do for refugees who are fleeing, you can check out our website. Impact your world. We have background on the desperate situations that many refugees are finding themselves in and links to trustworthy organizations that are helping. Just go to cnn. Com impact. Despite the devastating train crash at the grand mosque in mecca, the annual pilgrimage will go on. The accident killed 107 people and injured 238 others at the mosque just ten days before the gathering there. Millions of muslims around the world are expected in the city. Earlier, we spoke with ka lid alamena. He is the editor at large of the saudi gazette. He says the haj will continue as planned. The people coming from outside the country, i do not think there will be any change or let up in their plans because they take the visa, its not an easy process and they have saved for years. The people who live here might postpone it for another year, but by and large, all the people i spoke to yesterday, people are keen and bent on going and i dont think so its going to affect them. It begins september 20th and it will last for five days. Former u. S. Tennis star james blake says he wants action after he was tackled to the ground by new york police. Plus, we are just days away from cnns republican president ial debate and it looks like frontrunner donald trump has a new strategy this time around. And firefighters are battling a pair of wild fires that are rapidly spreading near californias capital. Well have a live weather update from Derek Van Damme who has been tracking the system. Thats right. The butte fire destroyed several instructions and well have more on that in 20 minutes. Welcome to fort green sheets. Welcome to castle bravestorm. Its full of cool stuff, like. My trusty bow. And free of stuff i dont like. We only eat chex cereal. No artificial flavors, and its glutenfree. Mom, brian threw a ball in the house bleeding gums . You may think its a result of brushing too hard. Its not. Its a sign of early gum disease. Which you can help reverse by using listerine r . Added to your brushing routine. Listerine r kills up to 99. 9 of germs. And helps reverse early gum disease in just two weeks. Listerine r . Power to your mouth™ also try listerine r floss. Formerly reach r floss. Welcome back, a former u. S. Tennis player who was tackle and body slammed and detained by police in a case of mistaken identity hes he wants a chance to change the Way Police Deal with the public. It shows james blake standing at a hotel in new york. A plain clothes officer rushes him and pulls him facedown in front of the sidewalk. That all happens in front of people in and out of hotel explaining that blake looked like the suspect police were look forring looking for in the credit card investigation. He says he appreciates the apology and it is not enough. He plans to meet with the department. The officer who tackled him has been accused of Excessive Force multiple times before. In an interview with don lemon, blake says he hasnt decided whether he will file a lawsuit against the city of new york. He wants to see what happens next. You got an apology from the Police Commissioner, from the highest, from the mayor of the city. Not everybody imagine the people that this happens to and we know it does happen to other people. They dont get that . Yeah. And i respect that gesture. I appreciate it. Its really nice of them, its nice to get a call from new york city looking to apologize to you. This guy has five civilian complaints against him as well. I think there needs to be an act of apology to all of those people who dont have the voice that i have and thats why i feel this is so necessary for me to talk about because i have this voice and so many people that this happens to, they dont get that and ive gotten emails and texts and people that have told me this happened to me, this is also something that happened to my friend, my father, my brother and none of them get public apologies like that. They all deserve to get the same treatment im getting. You said im determined to use my voice to turn this unfortunate incident into a catalyst for change between the police and the public they served. Is that not through a lawsuit or maybe it is, how does that work . Like i said. I want to see change. That was my first reaction, once i realized i needed to speak up about this. I cant imagine this happening to someone i care about and i dont want to go through it again. I dont want to go through it personally or see it happen to Anyone Around me. I know theres a lot of people that feel the same way. We need to find a way to stop this from happening. Im sure this wont happen overnight. I dont want to be brushed swept under the rug and said it happens once in a while but were going to move past it, with a onetime. I want i dont want a lawsuit that says heres 5 million and go away. Were not going to talk about this. I want to talk about this about Real Solutions and accountability, making sure sure this isnt going to happen and these types of Police Officers are no longer able to do that. What would you say so that officer . First thing i say is you took advantage of me in a very vulnerable situation and in doing so, you hurt my family and i want him to know that this isnt just hurting me and every time hes done this or would do this, it hurts a whole family and thats not fair. Thats not fair to use your badge to do that because you got that badge and you are supposed to treat that with respect and with honor the way were supposed to respect and honor and i dont think he deserves i would say to him that he doesnt deserve to have that badge again. You think he should lose his job . I dont think this is the right job for him. For him to take that kind of tone and that kind of an attitude toward this situation, a nonviolent criminal, if i had been in the criminal, i still think this is excessive and this shouldnt have happened the way it did, and i just dont think thats the right position for him to be in. Hes abusing that power that he has. The mayor and Police Commissioner said in a statement on friday that the incident was being investigated, quote, to determine what contributed to the errors made, who may be held accountable and what we can learn to present these mistakes from being repeated in the future. It was a busy day for politics in the United States as president ial candidates hit the campaign trail. Several republicans made the rounds in the key state of iowa four days before they take the stage at cnns primary debate. Cnn political reporter Jeremy Diamond caught up with donald trump and got his thoughts. It says you are expecting a bunch of sleep whers you get to the debate this week. What are you going to do . No sleepers. Everyone is capable, competent, and you do what you do. Ive been doing this for a long time and i want to make America Great again. I know how to do it. That sounds like a very different donald trump than what you said before. Im trying to be nice. Im trying to be nice with trumps poll numbers reaching a new high, his republican rivals are eager to knock him down a peg. A few candidates taking personal shots at the frontrunner hoping it will prove to be a winning debate formula. Its the question of the center at each candidates debate playbook to play offense or defense against donald trump. This week some have begin a preview of what could be their upcoming play. I think he believes he can insult his way to the presidency. Calibrating their message. He doesnt believe in anything but donald trump. Hes a nars isictist an eeg database ego maniac. Im done. We need to be much more hopeful and optimistic of our ideology. Hes seen his support plummet. By comparison, carly fiorina. I didnt get a call from bill clinton before i jumped in the race. Her strong debate performance earned a spot. They have to make a decision go negative on trump and take him down or introduce something positive and that might benefit you when eventually trump falters. A fresh spotlight on ben carson. Aides say he wont draw back from taking distinctions, but will not go after him in a personal way. The debate stage is unforgiving, creating a series of make or break moments for the candidates that can soar. I have as much experience in the congress as jack kennedy did when he sought the presidency. Senator, you are no jack kennedy. Or flop. I cant, the third one i cant. Sorry. Oops. Leaving a lasting memory tied to each candidate for better or for worse. Dont forget to tune in to cnn wednesday when the republican president ial candidates, they will faceoff in backtoback debates. You can watch live on september 16th starting at 6 00 p. M. Eastern time in the United States. Thats 11 00 p. M. London only on cnn. On to the democratic side of things, Hillary Clintons main rival Bernie Sanders headed to South Carolina on saturday to court voters at a historically africanamerican college. He gave a passionate speech hoping to rally support from africanamericans. We have more. Reporter senator Bernie Sanders here in columbia, South Carolina, at Benedict College today. He drew a crowd of mostly africanamericans. They very much know that they have inroads to make with africanamerican voters. So today they were here at this africanamerican school and the vermont senator who is also closing in on Hillary Clinton in some of these early states, said that he was on the move and he was going to win the presidency. Senator sanders has struggled to gain a traction with africanamerican voters, many of whom prefer at this point at least senator Hillary Clinton or former senator Hillary Clinton. Today, he talked about criminal justice reform, health care reform, and also talked about making college more affordable. All of this very much resonated with this crowd. They were very excited to see Bernie Sanders and we understand this is only the beginning. He will continue to do these kind of outreach efforts for this key block of voters who very much decide who wins the democratic primary. You are watching cnn newsroom and still to come this hour, two wild fires are quickly spreading near californias capital city. Up next, we have a look at the weather conditions that firefighters will face battling the fires there. Plus the passionate appeal helton john is making to politicians and Business Leaders in ukraine. Oh, look. We have a bunch of. Announcer babies who are talked to from the time theyre born are more likely to have a successful future. Talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. The fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. Talk. Read. Sing. Your words have the power to shape their world. Learn more at first5california. Com parents a warm welcome back to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. You are watching cnn newsroom. Good to have you with us. Im George Howell. The headlines were following. Demonstrators threw rocks and fireworks at Israeli Security officials on sunday outside the alaqsa mosque. Young arabs clashed with police after officers received intelligence that people were starting to gather in that area. The mosque is considered a holy site for both muslims and jews. In munich, they say their city is fully book. More than 12,000 migrants arrived on saturday. They are organizing migrants to transport them to other cities. More than 400,000 migrants have crashed the mediterranean into europe so far this year. Britains Opposition Labor Party has elected Jeremy Corbny as its new leader. Japanese prime inister shinzo abe visited areas inundated by heavy flooding this week. The death toll has risen to 5 and many others are still missing. A wildfire has now burned 25,000 acres or thats about more than 10,000 hectares in california. Four firefighters were injured battling the valley fire, which spread west of the capital city of sacramento. Crews are fighting another major wildfire east of the sacramento that has scorched more than 26,000 hectares. For more, our meteorologist joins us now. This fire doubled in size so quickly. In fact, the fire started, were talking about the valley fire just west of sacramento. It started at 1 30 in the afternoon on saturday and by 10 00 p. M. In the evening, it had grown to over 25,000 acres. This is a significant fire. Its highly erratic and very variable because of the wind and the terrain across that area. Take a look at this unfortunate image coming out of the middletown region in lake county, california, where the valley fire is ongoing at the moment, and, you know, george, my heart really breaks for these individuals because this could be your community or this could be my community, but we felt like showing this image was appropriate just to give a sense of what is happening in the u. S. State of california as we speak and these fires continue to rage out of control. Unfortunate,ly, the valley fire at 0 containment and new numbers come in to cnn. Several structures have been burned, but several structures are threatened at the moment and those numbers have not quite yet been confirmed just yet. Thats why we have several on there at the moment. 0 containment. This has a long way to go before that fire is handled correctly. Take a look at this. Over the western half of the u. S. , 34 active large fires and thats covering about 8. 6 million acres burnt so far this fire season, so its not only the valley fire that were concerned about at this moment in time. Its also the butte fire. This is something weve been covering for the past two days or so, continues to burn across two counties. This again is just south and east of the sacramento region. 65,000 acres burned so far. That containment has gone up from 5 , about 12 hours ago to now 15 but still over 6,400 structures currently threatened from this particular fire. Now, electra is a city in and around the butte fire region. This is the Weather Forecast for the area. What i want you to note is that temperatures are starting to go down and that means the humidity is going to go up. Forecast does look promising not in the short term but more in the median term its all thanks to the remnants of Tropical Storm linda. Thats going to pick up some moisture and bring in the possibility of rainfall across southern california. Take a look at those temperatures. You can see why they are starting to fall in los angeles and san diego region. This is indicative of this approaching low pressure that could bring up to an inch of muchneeded rain to this droughtstricken state. That would be helpful. The ukrainian Prime Minister is making an emotional appeal to world leaders. He wants pressure put on russian president Vladimir Putin to bring stability to the region. Hes calling on western leaders not to lift sanctions on moscow until it pulls out of Eastern Ukraine and crimea. And please, i want to send a very clear message to our western friends. If you sent mixed signals to putin. For example if we contemplate an idea to lift sanctions in case something minor happens, this is the weakness. This is the how actually to under pin and support put no one his aggression against ukraine. This is not the language he understands. Stanctions could be lifted only in one case. If minsk is fully implemented, and luhansk and donetsk is fully back. Translator thats the most important thing today, that there is the cessation of the shelling in Eastern Ukraine from the side of the armed forces as well as the socalled volunteer battalions of ukraine. There is no shelling today. I think today this is the main achievement. There is no alternative way to establish calm and peace on this territory in my opinion and the most important thing is to establish direct contact between kiev authorities and authorities in donetsk and luhansk republics. Youll remember fierce fighting unlarybed in april of 2004 this is after russia annexed crimea. The u. N. Says 8,000 people have been killed in that conflict. Sir elton john is asking the ukrainian politicians to protect the rights of the countrys gay community. He met with the president petro poroshenko. He also took the stage at a political conference condemning intolerance to the lgbt community. Today, several countries make being gay is a crime. Its hard to believe something to key so ones very essence could be criminalized. Its beyond inhumane that such qualities exist and are a complete disgrace. The people in this room are the most powerful in ukraine and in some cases the most powerful in the world. You have the power to help bring about this new auto era. Im asking you to use the power wisely. To seize the opportunity and guarantee human rights for all. Elton john has long advocated for gay rights. Last year criticizing russias ban on homosexual propaganda. Cuba issues mass pards pardons and wants and gets ready for the pope. And a new human ses ter ancestor. Cnn newsroom continues right after this. So. Last drop of gogurt, where ya living now . A tube check this place out. So come on out, sign the papers, and this little gem, its all yours gogurt. Whatever it takes to get it all. Go to ziprecruiter. Com and post your job to over one hundred of the webs leading job boards with a single click. Then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. And now you can use zip recruiter for free. Go to ziprecruiter. Com. Announcer babies who are talked to from the time theyre born. Are more likely to have a successful future. Talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. The fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. Talk. Read. Sing. Your words have the power to shape their world. Learn more at first5california. Com parents cuba says it will free more than 3500 visitors ahead of its week before the visit of pope francis. The arch by shop bishop of havana says the latest inmates released are over 60. These are the factors that are always considered and not the type of crimes. Dissident groups are disappointed because no political prisonsers are included in this list. The rush comes as pope francis comes to visit. We are in havanas Cathedral Square, and this is one of the places the pope visits on his first stop on his trip to kawb and the United States. They are getting everything ready at a furious pace. Still lots of things being done. This is a big deal for cubans. You can see they are repairing the facade of this centurys old cathedral. Why is it so important . This is the first pope from this hemisphere, latin american pope and he will be able to address cubans in native spanish. He improved a key role in improving relations between the United States and cuba, urging the president s to make the deal that really ended 50 years of cold war animosity. So this will be the first opportunity to come to cuba following this landmark deal. He says he wants to meet regular cubanss, reach out to them, talk to them. Theres a lot of expectation of what the pope will say when he meets raul castro and whether he will meet fidel castro and whether he will be push forward to improve the reconciliation between these two countries. Right now, its a race to get everything ready. We brought you the story of scientists in south africa uncovering a new species of human an ses tor of hoe mow new hey lady. Earlier, we spoke with a man who led the team that made that amazing find. Listen here. Can you walk us through how significant, how big of a find this is . Well, every time we find even a small fragment of one of these human relatives, its a big deal. They are well, until recently, perhaps the rarest sought after objects in earth. In this country in this discovery, we discovered the largest assemblage of primitive human relatives ever discovered on continent of africa. Its a new species. We named is homo naledi on the 10th of september and as you said we believe that they are deliberately disposing of their dead in this chamber, thats why theres so many there. This was found in a crack through a cave. Some people were splunking through caves. They saw some bones. You guys went through really a rigorous two years of very dangerous work trying to remove all of these bones. What was the piece of the puzzle, professor, that told you aha, this is huge . We knew almost from the beginning. Firstly, you are quite right. The crack to get into these, you got to remember the beginning of what we call the chute is already 60feet under ground. The crack is 7 1 2 inches wide. Our explorers had to be very small and very skilled to get down that crack. They went down 60 feet. As soon as materials started coming back, way in back november of 2013, we knew we had something very special. By end of the week, we found more individual fos sills of these early human relatives that had been discovered at the richest sites in africa. Were astounded by the abundance. We had a new spees business about may of last year. Can we talk about what this means for the theories of Human Evolution, what this changes and what stays the same . Well, i actually one of them here. This is a cast of one of them. Wow. What it actually and you can actually see how small they are, how small the head is, but what it tells us is that Human Evolution is a lot more complex than what we thought. We thought we had it figured it out 15 years ago. It was a simple ordered origin from one species to the next to the next, then we thought it was a little bit pushy. Now we know its incredible and complex. We need more explorers in the field making discoveries. I think we certainly do. Thank you to you and your team for this which will change the way we all learn about revolution for quite a long time. Thank you so much. My pleasure. It is a fascinating find. You are watching cnn newsroom and still to come how a syrian satirist hads turned a classical video game using humor to explain a very serious issue. That story is ahead. Welcome back to cnn newsroom. Im George Howell. As cnn continues to cover the may grant crisis that is expanding across europe, we have seen many stories of people desperate to try to flee the war and conflict, hoping to find better lives. Migrants like these who arrived in greece on a dinghey after crossing from toirk, their faces showing relief of surviving the trip. Cnns ivan watson is one of our correspondents covering it. He was on that island when he got a sense of that relief firsthand in a very unexpected way. Take a look. Some 50 boats land on this greek island a day. Thats one to three thousand people coming and using this place as an unofficial back door to europe. Welcome. Welcome. When where are you from . And as you can see theres imminence relief that people have after they land here. This is just another step in what is likely to be a very long journey. Ivan didnt miss a beat there, but certainly people happy to be on shore and out of that actress. Film actress salma hayek is calling for action to help the refugees. The actress and other big name including hugh jackman are hosting the global citizens festival at the end of september in new york. Similar to last year, the event will bring attention to the refugee crisis and will focus on goals to end extreme poverty. According to u. N. H. C. R. , the burden and cost for caring for refugees falls on poor communities who can least afford it. Im joining my fellow global citizens, im calling on Prime Minister David Cameron and president francoise hollandee to act quickly and protect Vulnerable Children and families by welcoming a fair share of them into the u. K. And france. Pearl jam, beyonce and cold play and others, many others will be performing at the global citizens festival to be held in the city of new york in central park on september 26th. In a pop culture twist on the refugee kroises, super mario brothers has gone political thanks to a syrian satirist. You remember this game . Mario, an Italian American plummer makes his way through a hostile world to save a princess scm in a parody video, a syrian refugee runs into smugglers and border police. The game paralyze the path that reallife refugees take along the mediterranean into europe. But with so many syrians and others dying in a desperate attempt to reach europe, it is hard to see any amusement in that video. Cnn spoke with the creator, samir, who wore a mask in order to talk with us to represent wa he calls the faceless, nameless syrians who are working and struggling to survive. He explained why he chose this particular game to represent the plight of refugees. Super mario is one of the most popular games in the world, that everyone has ever played it, heard of it or came across the game. Its a very iconic game with an iconic hero. The protagonist mario. Therefore, trying to convey the concept through this game was kind of easy. I didnt really need to translate anything since it is an already popular game and everyone understands it. Many mario is a bit different. He is now jewish. However, we need to consider that every time a life is lost in the game, a life is lost in reality. It could be an elder, a woman or even a child. A child. Game over in super mario, its not the same in reality. Game over it meenls your life is over and you dont have any chance again to come back. So i want to show the people, all the people around the world, what refugees are suffering until they arrive to europe. A parody of super mario but makes a very powerful point. We thank you for watching cnn newsroom. More news after the break. You are watching cnn, the worlds news leader. Violence breaks out at Jerusalems Alaqsa mosque just ahead of the jewish new year. We have that story. Latest, wild fires scorch california. And later celebrating a super anniversary, one of the most beloved video games in the world, the character turns 30. Im George Howell in atlanta. This is cnn newsroom. Good day to you and welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. We start this hour in jerusalem. The violence that broke out at the alaqsa mosque just hours before the start of the jewish new year. Israeli Security Officials say young arabs clashed with police after authorities received some intelligence that people were starting to gather there. Our Orin Lieberman is covering this story. Good to have you with us. All of this started just a few hours ago in the morning. Whats the latest . The old city of jerusalem is finally quieting down after hours of protests and clashes between protesters and police. They began at the alaqsa mosque at approximately 6 45 this morning, they spilled over into the streets of the old city. Police say they learn early this morning that there were a number of protesters barricaded inside the alaqsa mosque with fire bombs, pipe bombs and stones. Police moved in early this morning and thats when the clashes erupted. They spilled over into the streets of the old city where they continued, police using tear gas and what appear to be stun grenades and batons to deal with these clashes and protesters. They left dozens of palestinians injured but again start to go quiet down now. Weve spoken with police. They say there were 650 visitors to this holy site known to muslims as the noble cherry and known nobody sanctuary. And jews holy site. Could you give us some context on the alaqsa mosque . Its very important and a sacred site for both muslims and jews. It is one of the holiest sites in the world for muslims, its the holiest site for you couldnt see. That is the jews. Its known as the temple mount. Its the source of these tensions that lead to an escalation and clashes. We saw a very similar situation about six weeks ago at the end of july where it was a very similar story. Police say they learned there were a number of protesters barricading themselves in alaqsa and it led to these same sorts of clashes. This alaqsa very much a flash point for tensions here and escalation here. Thank you so much for your reporting there and we will continue to stay in touch with you but again things are more peaceful now compared to what we saw earlier. Thank you. Now to our continuing coverage of the migrant crisis in europe. Officials in munich, germany, says its city has reached capacity and cannot accommodate more asylum seekers. On saturday more than 12,000 arrived in munich and this was the scene at the greek Macedonian Border as hundreds of migrants lined up. 4,600 people eventually crossed the border on saturday. In agoens, these refugees mostly from afghanistan, camped out on the sidewalks. They cant afford to travel further into europe. Ivan watson is covering this story for us on the greek Macedonian Border. Ivan, good to have you with us. So macedonia is described as a transit stop for many. Its not where people really stop to seek asylum. Very few do that. Can you explain why thats the case . It seems from all the refugees and migrants that ive talked to that their end destination is either germany or sweden. Nobody ive talked to say they want to stay here in macedonia or later in serbia which is another stop on this unofficial migrant trail into Central Europe or into hungary for that matter. These are all kind of viewed by the migrants as transit countries. The macedonian government views the thousands of people who have been crossing in the last 24 hours, the tens of thousands who have crossed through macedonia in the past months as Illegal Immigrants basically, but they have established a defacto system. This Transit Center which is just a couple hundred yards from the border with greece, the people are brought here. Its a very orderly situation that weve seen saturday and now sunday. They are brought here in groups of several dozen at a time. They are given some food and water. A bit of rest. And then they are given documents that allow them to stay in macedonia for 72 hours to apply for asylum. The macedonian government says only a couple dozen out of tens of thousands of people who passed through have requested asylum in macedonia. The rest either board trains or they hire taxis or buses and they move on quite quickly to neighboring syria which is the next stop on this very strange journey and route that has developed in recent months for this human migration. Ivan, as people arrive though, in macedonia, whether they seek asylum there or whether they decide to continue on with their journey, do you get a sense that they are getting a warm reception there . Well, there are people here that are greeting them with food and with water, with articles of clothing as well. The macedonian army, the police are on the scene, and they are cordial with the new arrivals. There are signs of an economy that has grown up around this and there are warnings about extortionary prices whether its for ba in as or waters or taxis to the serbian border. You have warnings for making this journey. Weve spoken to some activists here who feel there are some stereotypes, and discrimination among some of the macedonian population toward these people, but the fact of the matter is most of them will only stay in macedonia for a few hours before moving on. Now, who are these migrants and refugees . 80 of them are refugees from syria and from the people ive talked to, many of them come from parts of syria that are still controlled by the regime of syrian president ba shirt al assad. Many of them have left within the last couple of days or week. That is a new migration. The millions of people who have been living in refugee camps they tend to be areas from regime has lost control of. This is a different kind of refugee that weve seen from syria. The remaining 20 of the people that have been coming through, were told that they are either from afghanistan, from pakistan, from iraq and i saw several what appears subsaharan africans mixed in with the crowd here today. Its likely that population will grow more diverse as more and more people see this as a real unofficial entry point into europe, parts of europe with better social welfare, with stronger economy, and better access to jobs. So not only for refugees from conflict but also for economic migrants seeking a better source of living. Ivan watson live for us at the macedonian greek border. Thank you so much for your reporting there. The german chancellor is applauding refugee supporters inside her country but she stressed that people coming for economic reasons cannot receive the same residential rights as those fleeing the war in syria. She called on other european states to help and step up as well. Translator we took a decision in the past week during an emergency situation. I think it is the right decision. Im deeply convinced. People have done a great job and shown that germany takes on its responsibility to help people seeking protection, civil war refugees, asylum seekers, but i have to say its not only the responsibility of germany. Its the responsibility of all Member States of the European Union and were going to stress that point. Many, many other people feel the same nx london thousands of demonstrators marched through the har of the city and rallied in front of Prime Ministers residence. David cameron announced plans to accept 20,000 refugees, but the protesters say that does not go far enough. Cnn was with the demonstrators as they expressed their anger and disappointment. They want to put pressure on the British Government who they say isnt doing enough in the syrian refugee crisis. The Prime Minister earlier this week pledge to take 20,000 syrian rfgses over the refugees over the next five years and people are saying simply more must be done. I do want the British Government to do more about syria. I think that we, as a worldwide community, owe it to the people of syria to try to save their lives. I think they are being massacred from both sides and i think its terrifying for them. Europe is facing the biggest refugee crisis since world war ii. As you can see from the tens of thousands of people who are here, they say there is room here, that more can be done. We want the u. K. Government to take an active role and engage with europe in the response to the refugee crisis and not take a backseat. We need to create a comprehensive action plan as part of europe and respond to this crisis. I think its ridiculous that were taking in such a tiny amount of people here when other countries in the e. U. Are taking and jordan and lebanon are taking millions and millions of refugees. Were so much more able. People are dying over there. Its ridiculous. I think the whole crisis over the last few months has been building and building and building and people are depletely horrified by the images they are seeing and everything thats going on. Its a war thats going on there and youve got to open the borders. Who wouldnt do that . I think the u. K. Government is probably doing as much as other parts of the e. U. , germany has taken in a lot more refugees than the u. K. For the timing of this march, its taken place just ahead of a e. U. Emergency meeting taking place next week. People want to put pressure on the government of britain but on eu leaders to step up and do more in this crisis. There are also some anti migrant rallies but in smaller numbers in europe. You can help at kbct you can help more to aid the refugees. Saudi Arabia King Salman visited the site of a crane collapse. Millions of muslims from around the world to the city and the haj is expected to head to that city. These are set dates and people are coming from outside the country, i do not think there will be any change or let up in their plans because they have saved for years and they take the visa. Its not an easy process. There are maybe those that are within the country, the sauds or the people who live here, might postpone it for another year, but by and large all the people i spoke to, and i went yesterday to a transport stand that takes pilgrims, people are keen and bent on going and i dont think its going to affect them. The haj begins next weekend and will last for five days. You are watching cnn newsroom. U. S. President ial hopefuls were out in full force on saturday woog voters on the campaign trail and with days just before cnns republican debate, it looks like a new side of donald trump could be emerging. Well hear that. Plus, a look at weather conditions in the state of california. Planes from a pair of wild fires are quickly spreading near the States Capital city. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Yothats lactaid®. K right. 100 real milk, just without the lactose. So, no discomfort . Exactly. Try some. Mmm, it is real milk. Lactaid®. 100 real milk. No discomfort. I work on the cheerios team. And when i found out that my daughterinlaw, joyce, cant eat gluten, we found a way to remove the grains that contain gluten, from the naturally gluten free oats that cheerios are made of. So now we can have cheerios together, anytime. You cant breathed. Through your nose. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right go to ziprecruiter. Com and post your job to over one hundred of the webs leading job boards with a single click. Then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. And now you can use zip recruiter for free. Go to ziprecruiter. Com. It was a big day in u. S. Politics. President ial hopefuls in both parties hit the campaign trail. Ben carson held a meet and greet in South Carolina on saturday. He posted bigger gains than party frontrunner donald trump. And Bernie Sanders gave a passionate speech hoping to rally support from africanamericans. We have this story. Senator bs here Bernie Sanders here at Benedict College today. He drew a crowd of mostly africanamericans. They very much know that they have inroads to make with africanamerican voters. So today they were here at this africanamerican school and the vermont senator who is also closing in on Hillary Clinton in some of these early states, said that he was on the move and he was going to win the presidency. Senator sanders has struggled to gain a traction with africanamerican voters, many of whom prefer at this point at least senator Hillary Clinton or former senator Hillary Clinton. Today, he talked about criminal justice reform, health care reform, and also talked about making college more affordable. All of this very much resonated with this crowd. They were very excited to see Bernie Sanders and we understand this is only the beginning. He will continue to do these kind of outreach efforts for this key bloc of voters that very much decide who wins the democratic primary. Several republicans made the rounds in the key state of iowa just four days before they could take the stage on the cnn republican primary debate. Some white house hopefuls such as marco rubio seen here made appearances at football watch parties, meeting voters and posing for a selfie or two there. Cnn reporter Jeremy Diamond caught up with donald trump in iowa and got the latest on his thoughts about the upcoming debate. Listen. Mr. Trump, you were side, you met with the president. What did you talk about . Just education. Did you get any policy ideas out of the meeting . We really focused on education. They have done a great job in iowa, and he has some great ideas. When you see this kind of reception, what does it make you think about your chances in iowa . Well, im honored by it. Youve seen it. Its been amazing and we came out with a great poll from iowa where were far and away in first place and you understand why. You said that it sounds like you are expecting a bunch of sleep whers you get to the debate this week. What are you going to do . No sleepers. Everyone is capable, competent, and you do what you do. Ive been doing this for a long time and i want to make America Great again. I know how to do it. That sounds like a very different donald trump than what you said before. Capable, competent, talk about your opponents that way . Thats a different donald trump. Im trying to be nice. Carly feen rene in a spent the day rallying support in dover, new hampshire. When asked about Donald Trumps comments about her looks, she said the media is not focused on the issues that really matter. I think donald trump is an entertainer and i think im a leader. So what i do is talk to the American People about the issues they care about, and i think they hear what im talking about. Do you want to double down in response to Donald Trumps comments . Its interesting. Lets see. Weve been at this now, six minutes, half the questions have been about donald trump. Voters never ask me about donald trump. They dont ask me about donald trump. So you all should think about that. What voters care about. This is all very entertaining, but the truth is these are serious times and voters are concerned. They are frustrated. They are angry, in some cases they are afraid. What they want to talk about are the issues that concern them and frustrate them and anger them and scare them. Thats what they want to talk about. Dont forget to tune in to cnn next wednesday. Thats when the republican president ial candidates will faceoff in backtoback debates. You can watch on september 16th starting at 6 00 p. M. Eastern time here in the United States. 11 00 p. M. In london only on cnn. A wildfire that started saturday has now doubled in size in california. Four firefighters were injured battling that fire. The valley fire, the flames are forcing evacuations in several towns west of the capital city of sacramento. Everything behind the gas station is gone. The school is gone. The store is gone. A lot of people have dogs stuck up there and they wont let them go get them, so im just kind of waiting. It is hot. You can just feel it like a furnace or a heat are or something. It was very hot, and, you know, embers going like this and tree branchescology down that were all lit up, you know, but it came on down. We couldnt stay there. Thats for sure. You made t. Yep, we made it. Thats great. So did a lot of other people, yeah. Thankfully. And then east of sacramento, another major wildfire. Official say the butte fire has destroyed at least 80 homes and is threatening more than 6,000 others. Lets get the very latest on these fires. Our meteorologist Derek Van Damme is here with us to talk about whats happening. Derek, these fires just developed and grew so quickly. The valley fire started at 1 30 in the afternoon on saturday and it grew to roughly about 25,000 acres in a period of nine hours, so it went from 10,000 to 25,000 and this thing is spreading very quickly. Take a look at some of the footage coming out of that region. This is an image from one of the towns that has been unfortunately threatened. Some of the fire sweeping through middletown, and my heart really, really breaks for these people, because i just know that this could be my community, this could be your community. It could be georges community. So when seeing images just like this, you know, the picture says a thousand words on its own, so i will leave it at that, but heres the latest. 25,000 acres burned currently. 0 containment. This particular fire has just exploded in veracity over the fer rossity over the past nine or ten hours. We continue to monitor this one very closely. Several structures have been burned. The number has not been confirmed just yet, thats why we cant pass that along that to you. There are 54 active fires. So far this season, 8. 6 million acres have burned so far. Its not only the valley fire that were concern about, its the butte fire now burning across two separate counties. 65,000 acres burn so far. Good news here is that the containment has gone from 5 to 15 overnight. Still, however, several thousand structures threatened from this particular fire. This is a city or a town very close to the butte fire and conditions not looking too good today. Still very hot. Still very dry. But notice the gradual decrease in our temperatures by monday and certainly into tuesday of this coming week, and i point this out because we actually have a cooldown with increases in humidity and even the possibility of some muchneeded rainfall. Look at this low pressure system just churning off the west coast of california. This is an area of low pressure thats combining with the remnants of Tropical Storm linda that will potentially bring up to an inch of rain into the Greater Los Angeles county. Look at these visual coming out of the area and you can see some of the structures that have burnt from the butte fire. Terrifying to see this and also to hear about the injuries from the four firefighters as well, george. Derek, you make the good point. We see these images and as News Reporters we cover so many of these tragic situations, but you make the point very poignantly it could be your or my neighborhood. Theres empathy there because it could be any of us in that situation. Exactly. Thank you so much for your reporting. In japan, heavy flooding and landslides have killed five people. 15 people are still missing there. Japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe visited disaster areas on saturday to acease the situation. Flood waters are resaiding but rescue operations continue and authorities advise residents to prepare for possible evacuation. You are watching cnn newsroom and still to come this hour from allies to rivals, the leader of al qaeda had some harsh words to say about his isis counterpart. Details on that ahead. Plus, an afghan interpreter struggled to make it into britain, a country he works alongside. This and more on Cnn International and cnn usa. Sitcoms, while you sit on those. And even fargo, in fargo binge, while you lose weight and enjoy a good cliffhanger while you hang from a. Why am i yelling . The revolution will not only be televised. The revolution will be mobilized. Introducing the all in one plan. Only from directv and at t. Bleeding gums . You may think its a result of brushing too hard. Its not. Its a sign of early gum disease. Which you can help reverse by using listerine r . Added to your brushing routine. Listerine r kills up to 99. 9 of germs. And helps reverse early gum disease in just two weeks. Listerine r . Power to your mouth™ also try listerine r floss. Formerly reach r floss. To show your roots with roots touchup from nicen easy. Seamlessly blends with leading shades, even salon shades in just 10 minutes. No roots. No grays. Just the most shade choices for natural looking color as real as you are. So go ahead, show the world your roots with americas 1 root touchup. Without the internet i would probably be like a c student. Internet essentials from comcast has brought lowcost high Speed Internet into the homes of hundreds of thousands of lowincome families. It lets students do homework and study at home. So far more than two Million People across america have benefitted. Internet essentials is going to transform the lives of families. I see myself as maybe an entrepreneur. Internet essentials from comcast. Helping to bridge the digital divide. You are watching cnn newsroom. Good to hav you with us. Im George Howell. The headlines this hour. Demonstrators threw rocks and firework at Israeli Security officials on sunday outside the alaqsa mosque. Israeli Security Officials say young arabs clashed with police after officers received some intelligence that people were starting to gather there. The mosque is considered a holy site for both muslims and you couldnt see. Hundreds of migrants queued up on greeces border with macedonia on saturday. They are waiting to get to austria and germany. More than 430,000 migrants have crossed the mediterranean into europe so far this year. Saudi arabias king visited survivors of a crane collapse in mecca saturday. 107 people died and 238 others were injured after Officials Say a bad storm knocked the crane over. It happened just ten days before the handle haj pilgrimage. Reuters News Agency Says nine villages have been liberated from isis. In a newly released audio, the candidate al qaeda chief is blasting isis as well as its leader. The two groups have gone from allies to bitter rivals. One analyst likens this to a turf battle between drug gangs. They famously split. Are competing for recruits and now its personal. For the first time, we hear al qaeda leader openly attack abu bakr al baghdadi. This is pure frustration analysts say over isis heavily recruiting jihadists and stealing al qaedas propaganda thunder. A u. S. Intelligence official tells cnn this could reflect zawahiris bitterness. They hate each other a lot. He sees baghdadi as a disobedient upstart. Baghdadi sees zawahiris as meddlesome in other peoples affairs. It brings a strong warning from congresss top Homeland Security leaders that al qaeda and isis will ramp up efforts to outdo each other. If you see that kind of competition, i worry they are going to up the ante to be the winning game in town and attack the United States. The competition has already started. Taking a page from isis playbook, al qaeda has taken up call for lone wolf attacks. Pleading for asass nations of Business Leaders. He does not want to take all of his cards off the table. Because if the Islamic State begins to gain more momentum and becomes even more stronger than it is now over al qaeda and it is, then zawahiris wants to leave his options off. They cannot rule out some cooperation between isis and al qaeda, but he says the level of end mitty and distrust between these two leaders could heighten security concerns in the u. S. We have this report from cairo. It was a surprise for many. There was talk of a potential reshuffle of the cabinet but not its resignation. Just last week a shadow was cast when the minister of agriculture resigned and was arrested over allegations of corruption. No reason was given for the cabinets resignation. There had been growing dissatisfaction with the cabinet since the scandal broke. The president has asked the former minister of petroleum to form a new cabinet. Until then, sisi has requested the ministers to remain at their posts as caretakers. This comes as egypt prepares for parliamentary elections starting next month going through nov. There have been a number of cabinet resignations since the september 2011. Police in central india have launched a manhunt in connection with a building explosion that killed 89 people. They are looking for the owner of explosives stored in the building. The mining contractor had a valid license for the explosives but he wasnt authorized to store them in what was a part residential, part commercial building. About 100 other people were injured in saturdays explosion. After a long journey across the middle east, an afghan man is struggling to make it to britain. He worked closely with British Forces as an interpreter. Now he says he cant go back without fear of being killed. He wonders why the people he helped left him behind. Reporter on the outskirts of this town, hes one more lone figure, a long way from his homeland. Exhausted and desperate, after traveling eight months from afghanistan, hes now stranded here among the tents and squalor of whats known as the jungle, a camp for thousands of people who believe they will have a better life in the United Kingdom. He tells me hes different from emples in the camp. Hes here because of his connection to the u. K. He says his work has an interpreter nor the british army in afghanistan has made him a taliban target. Is it safe for you to be in afghanistan anywhere . No. He says he fled after the taliban came looking for him and killed his older brother. How did they kill him . They shoot him in the chest. These men became friends through war. George tiledsly worked with him. George says he shared the risks and saved british lives. Probably the most trusted guy we had. He saw very much himself as one of guys. He loved the british army. In afghanistan, he says he applied officially for permission to move to the u. K. Because of taliban threats. Says he would have to told to wait indefinitely while his application was processed. It shams me that we dont have to know that we dont support the people who helped us. The British Government says it has people and processes on the ground assessing threats. Of the former afghan interpreters who claimed intimidation, not one has been given permission to travel to the United Kingdom for safety. The British Government says its Second Program for helping afghan staff, those specifically still working with front line forces in december 2012 has resulted in hundreds of interprelt ters and their families moving to the u. K. The government says its not aware of any interpreters being killed for their work. London lawyer rosa curling says shes got evidence that some have been murdered. The scheme available to former afghan interpreters is much less favorable than what was available to the iraqi interpreters. The government argues the security situation in both countries is different and says its being selective about which afghans to leave because it doesnt want to to take the brightest. If the brains are going to be killed by the taliban because of the results they did for the u. K. Government, i find that argument extremely unconvincing. He doesnt understand why those he risked his life to help have left him behind. Phil black, cnn, northern france. Drivers in the u. S. State of arizona are on edge after a series of shootings along a busy highway. We have the latest. Plus, cuba announces mass pardons and havana wants to make a good impression when the pope visits next week. We take you to the cuban capital we take you to the cuban capital next on cnn newsroom. I wish i was in school. [overlapping chatter] if only i had a math test today. Ill stay after class. Ill clean the chalkboard. I wish i was in school. Man school ends, but free lunches for your kids dont have to. Find your local feeding America Food Bank for help. I was going to the library to do my homework. It was a little bit of a walk to get to the bus stop. I had to wait in line to use the computer. Took a lot of juggling to keep it all together. Whats possible when you have highSpeed Internet at home . The Library Never closes. It makes it so much better to do homework when youre at home. Internet essentials from comcast. Helping to bridge the digital divide. Welcome back to cnn newsroom. Im George Howell. In the u. S. State of kentucky, the county clerk who refused to issue samesex marriage licenses returns to work on monday. Kim davis was released from jail in kentucky this past tuesday and has been ordered not to interfere with deputy clerks providing marriage licenses to same sex couples. If she does, the judge says that he will send her right back to prison, behind bars. Davis says giving the licenses would violate her conscience and go against her religion. In arizona, theres been a potential break in a shooting spree along a busy highway in phoenix. Investigators are questioning the man they detained on friday calling him a person of interest as cnn reports, shootings like these are not uncommon in the United States. The headlines can send a chilling feeling through drivers along any roadway a series of mystery shootings around interstate 10 phoenix, arizona, the shots seemingly coming out of nowhere. Any time that you have multiple shootings against american citizens on a highway, thats terrorism. They are trying to frighten or kill somebody. Reporter so far, only one person, a 13yearold girl has been injured. Highway shootings are not uncommon. The most notorious in recent memory was the d. C. Sniper attacks in 2002. A threeweek ramp age that paralyzed and drove a stake of fear along the nations capital. Its terrifying right now. You dont know which way are going, who is going to shoot. Reporter ten people were killed, three critically wounded. The attacks carried out by john Alan Mohammed and lee boyd malvo. And a year later, Charles Mccoy unleashed a series of attacks in columbus, ohio. One person was killed. Just because you are in your car and moving at a decent speed, you are a sitting target. Any time you are in a vehicle, you are trapped. Chief craig miller has spent more than 30 years in law enforcement. He investigated hundreds of murder cases and at least a dozen different highway shootings for the Dallas Police department. He says each shooters motive may be different but they all have one thing in common. They are not going to stop they are not going to stop shooting until they are captured. I think that these people are going to be taking more chances because i think right now they are getting off on what it is that they are doing. Last year, a gunman shot nine cars on the highways of kansas city over the course of a month. Just glass shattered in the back and hit us in the back of the head. We didnt know what was going on. After intense policework, a 27yearold was charge with carrying out attack. Serial highway shootings are some of the hardest crimes to investigate. You just dont know whether you are looking for one single suspect or multiple suspects. You just dont know whether or not the individuals are shooting from a platform, from a vehicle, much like the beltway sniper. Are they shooting from a building . In arizona whrk a shooter could be out there lurking, theres no such thing as a peaceful drive down the highway. Cnn, dallas. On to cuba now. The nation says that it will free more than 3,500 print ners ahead of this weeks visit by pope francis. Its one more indication of warming relations between havana and the vatican. Dissident groups say they are disappointed because no Political Prisoners are included on that list. It does include people over 60 and inmates in poor health. The mass pardons come as cuba rushes to make final preparations for a historic visit there. Pope francis will be the first pontiff to address cubans in their native language. We are in havanas Cathedral Square and this is one the places the pope visits on his first stop of his trip to cuba and the United States. You are getting everything ready at a furious pace. Still lots of work being done. Streets being fixed up. Buildings being painted. Across the country because this is a big deal for cubans. You can see they are still repairing a lot of facade of this centurys old cathedral. And why is it to important for cuba . Several reasons. This is the first pope who will be able to address cubans in native spanish and beyond that, this is a pope that played a key role in improving relations between the United States and cuba urging president S Barack Obama and raul castro to make the deal that really ended 50 years of cold war animosity, so this will be the first opportunity to come to cuba following this landmark deal. He says he wants to meet regular cubans, reach out to them, talk to them and theres a lot of expectation about what the pope will say when he meets raul castro, whether he will meet former cuban leader fidel castro. Whether he will be able to push forward the efforts to improve reconciliation between these two countries, right now its just a race to get everything ready. One of most famous plumbers in the world is celebrating a big anniversary. Ahead here on newsroom, we will show you whats so special about a little man named mario. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . I work on the cheerios team. And when i found out that my daughterinlaw, joyce, cant eat gluten, we found a way to remove the grains that contain gluten, from the naturally gluten free oats that cheerios are made of. So now we can have cheerios together, anytime. D yby aggravated nerves . D new aspercreme® with lidocaine desensitizes aggravated nerves with no odor. New aspercreme® with lidocaine. Relieve the nerves. Stop the pain. Remember mario the plummer, he is celebrating 30 years on the job. Even if you never played super mario brothers, the game before, youve probably seen him dodge turtle shells and in this latest video game release, super mario maker, he jumps through the worlds created by the player themselves. We have more on nintendos plucky plummer. Remember this . Super mario brothers is one of the first platform games to get players to explore the open air, under ground and even under water. It was released in japan in september of 1985 for the nes. The gaming industry in the u. S. Was recovering from a crash just two years earlier. A super mario brothers and nintendo struck another video game boom. Mario adventures were not limited to running and jumping. Today, it includes cart racing, fighting games and sports like tennis and golf all starring nintendos famous plumb ber. He wears a hat because miamoto couldnt animate air. He was a mustache because there wasnt enough space to draw a mouth. 30 years on this incredibly simple character has become an enduring icon for the video game industry. And we have been doing some digging into super mario trivia for you. If you like that this day, so you may know mario has a plu plumbber. You can add film star to the resume too. Crazy. Mario, i got a feeling were not in brooklyn no more. Are you going to tell us, you are going to arrest the guy. Get out of here. There you have it, 1993 super mario brothers was the first hollywood movie based on a video game rather than the other way around which is not to say that it worked exactly. Heres a review from rotten tomatoes, the site goes on to say this film was trash is an under statement. The movie may have been a flop but his games have been huge hits. This is marios Guinness World record page for bestselling video game series of all time with more than half a billion games sold. We thank you for watching. 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