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Jacksonville beach to where she is now off cape hatteras, shes been exploring the coast, going in and out, near a lot of estuaries and river mouth. Shes moved from charleston, to myrtle beach, rounded cape fear, cape lookout, now at cape hatteras. Really expecting her to turn back south. Its a little bit too early for a snow shark to be heading north. Well feel like shell head south again. No one knows, this is the first time weve been able to do this ever. He named her after his mom, too. How adorable is that . Thanks for watching, everyone. Newsroom international starts right now. Welcome to newsroom international. Im suzanne malveaux. Take you around the world in 60 minutes. An important part of the inaugural festivities under way. President obama, Vice President biden, families, dignitaries worshipping together at a National Prayer service. Its held at the Washington National cathedral. Its inaugural tradition that dates back to president George Washington. You see them there. Lets tip in and take a listen. Well have a live report of the interfaith ceremony later. Plus, dissect the president s inaugural address. Youre going to hear reaction from all sides. But first, we are also covering a bloody hostage crisis felt around the world. Number of nationals killed in algeria risen sharply, officials saying 37 hostages from at least 6 countries were killed in that standoff with Islamic Militant that number could rise again because five foreign nationals are still missing. Also getting new details about the american victims. Just a short time ago, we heard from the family of Victor Lovelady, one of three american hostages who was killed in that standoff. And his daughter says that her father was a smart man who would have done anything to survive. If he could have done anything, if he could have gotten away, if he could have helped somebody, he would have. Thats who he would have been there. We thought he was coming home. To hear he was not going to come back to us was devastating. Loveladys daughter speaking from the familys home in texas. Ed lavanderas in dallas. Must be must be tough, must be really hard. I mean this was something that was so unexpected. Reporter completely unexpected according to Victor Loveladys family. They say this was the second time that Victor Lovelady had gone to work at that complex in algeria as a contractor. His brother says he had been in november on a twoweek stint and gone back january 7th. Theyre trying to figure out exactly what happened and how Victor Lovelady was killed in this terrorist attack on that natural gas facility in algeria. The family says that, in the days leading after the siege happen had happened they had gotten word, at some point, Victor Lovelady was okay but they think something went terribly wrong, obviously at some point. Theyre trying to figure out why. Victors brother says he wont stop until he finds out why. I dont know what was going on behind the scenes, how they knew he was alive but they knew he was alive. This is not the fbi. This is not the state department. This is me thinking that until the last attack, when they went in and stormed the plant, because its the people said they were going to blow up the plant, and the algerians took over and did what they did, they stormed it, what i understand they executed all of the hostages. Reporter suzanne the family says they spoke with victor a few days before the siege had actually taken place and that Victor Lovelady never expressed any concern about going to work there at this natural gas facility. He said that he assured his family many times everything was safe and that he wasnt worried. All of this very difficult for the family to handle, especially his daughter, erin, who with her older younger brother are mourning the death of their father now. Nothings happened there in so long and my we my friends have been doing it for so long. Its fine there its so safe, we have protection. He really truly felt safe there. Reporter suzanne, the family says that they dont know when Victor Loveladys body will be brought back to the United States. Theyre trying to work all of that out, which adds to stress and the horror of everything theyre going through now. Have you heard from any of the other families, as well . Reporter well, you know, as you mentioned, there are three americans killed but seven americans who survived the attack. Weve been trying to make contact with them to get their story of what it was like inside that compound when all of this took place. We havent been able to get those kinds of details just yet. But throughout all of this, you know, three americans that were killed we also are to remember there were seven americans that survived. It is still a situation thats in flux. Ed, thank you. The algerian forces are right now searching for the nationals still missing. Its been almost a week sense the militants link to al qaeda stormed that oil field in the Sahara Desert capturing hundreds of workers. Want to bring in nic robertson. Some hostages managed to escape during the standoff and for four days. Any reason to believe that maybe some of the folks who are unaccounted for might have gotten away or do we think that they might have been killed . Reporter theres always that possibility that they got out. We heard people hiding in the plant there and then they broke out, some with the help of algerian nationals who were being held there as well, cut their way through the wire, put on sort of local dress if you will, escaped into the desert. It was surrounded mostly by the Algerian Special forces, and they were rescued quickly. But it is possible, somebody missed that, stumbled off into the desert and is still lost out there. But the reality is that seems very, very unlikely and remote at this stage. The gunfire has obviously died down over the last few days, gone away, it would be clear to anyone hiding that is this is the time to come out. The outlook for the five doesnt look good but were hearing from hostages who had the former hostages who had been freed. Some have harrowing tales say theyre very lucky to be alive. Translator i feel lucky im still alive. The experience was too terrible. I heard the sounds of gunshots, bullets hitting doors. Thanks to the governmental forces timely rescue, they expelled the terrorists in the factory. I hear the governmental forces and terrorists fighting in the distance. Judging from the sounds of gunfire, fighting was very intense. Reporter we also know from the Prime Minister in algeria that one of the reasons that the jihadists were able to find their way to so many foreign nationals so quickly was that one among their number had been a bus driver at the facility, at the gas facility, and had provided them key strategic information about the site, making their attack that much more effective. Suzanne . Nick, do we know, theres been so much debate whether or not they acted too aggressively in trying to end the standoff. You had all of these folks killed in the midst of all of this. Are officials defending themselves . Is the government pushing back . Any new information on the controversial way this all went down. Reporter the biggest sort of controversy, if you will, came when that convoy of five vehicles left the gas facility, being driven away by the jihadists, hostages on board vehicles, four vehicles were destroyed, we understand the hostages inside killed as well. A couple of hostages able to escape. The way the Prime Minister put it we saw the vehicles leaving some of them overturned and burst into flames but it does seem that the Security Forces there did attack that convoy. But they may have had good reason, because what we have learned from security sources is that convoy was due to take those hostages out of al gearia, they were to be used as bargaining chips, if you will, by the jihadists to stop any further attacks on the gas facility so they could continue to hole out there and perhaps damage it and as well use these as hostages as these Al Qaeda Linked jihadists had in the region, try to make money out of them. There does seem to have been a real reason to target that convoy, clearly whatever happened didnt save the lives of a lot of hostages. Nic robertson, thank you. The inauguration over but the work for the second term is just beginning. Talk to our political players about what needs to come next. Plus we learned prince harry wrapped up a fourmonth military tour in afghanistan. He talks about his experience and how he killed taliban fighters. Civilians in syria, each day a fight for survival. Later, a report from damascus inside. Reporter these men believe theyre fighting terrorists. Rebels, a brutal dictator. In the middle, caught in the cross fire, syrians are running for their lives. [ female announcer ] what if the next big thing, isnt a thing at all . Its lots of things. All waking up. Connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. Its going to be amazing. And exciting. And maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. Were going to wake the world up. And watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. Cisco. Tomorrow starts here. [ male announcer ] dont just reject convention. Drown it out. Introducing the allnew 2013 lexus ls f sport. An entirely new pursuit. Begins with back pain and a choice. Take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. Or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. Good eye. Every time i hear the newborn baby cry or touch a leaf or see the sky then i absolutely beautiful. President obama taking part in a few more inaugural traditions, celebrations before getting down to business for the second term. The president s attending, right now you see it there, it is glor russ, a Prayer Service at the National Cathedral in washington. I want to bring in our white house correspondent, dan lothian. Dan, you know this is atradition that goes back to George Washington. Obviously its evolved. Gorgeous, gorgeous voice of that singer there. Tell us what the family is doing, the first family, and how they are responding after a big, big day of celebrations and the inauguration. Reporter well, thats right. This is tradition on the day after inauguration, the swearing in, all of the pomp and circumstance to head to church here at the National Cathedral and the president , the first lady, Vice President and mrs. Biden, seated in the front row, other members of the president s cabinet here. Attorney general eric holder is here. Hhs secretary sebelius as well, several others. It has been a mix of bible readings and spiritual readings as well as choirs singing here. Just wrapped up the sermon with reverend Adam Hamilton, a Senior Pastor of the United States Methodist Church at resurrection in kansas. He talked about the partisanship here in washington and the need for the president and lawmakers to find one or two things, as he called them, dreams or visions, where they can find agreement in order to move this country forward. And so even here in church the realization that theres been a lot of partisanship here in washington and that in order to move forward lawmakers have to Work Together as he pointed out, those on both sides of the aisle need to find areas of agreement. This is a rich tradition of coming here the day after inauguration. Dating back to 1933 was the first time that it happened here at this location. Fdr at the beginning of his inauguration. So continues the only person who hasnt been here, you know who it is . No. Tell me. Reporter president bill clinton. Former president bill clinton. He attended an historically africanamerican church in washington, d. C. , for both of his services. Im not good with the trivia there, dan. I want to talk about the president s agenda, because obviously very ambitious when we heard his inaugural speech. Today youve got folks fighting back say 15iing well draw the in the sand we have disagreements and theyre going to talk to the president about that. Heres what some of the Senate Leaders said. Democrats will hold fast to the guiding principle that a strong middle class an opportunity for every american to enter the middle class is the key to the nations success. Democrats will stand strong, strong for that standard of balance will remain resolute in pursuit of fairness for all americans. Start with spending and debt because if we dont get a handle on that, nothing else matters. If we dont Work Together t strengthen our entitlement programs they will go bankrupt. Automatic cuts will be forced on seniors already receiving benefits, rendering worthless the promises that they built their retirements around. So, dan, it certainly looks like theyre not in the mood for compromise. Looks like theres a fight on their hands regarding debt and spending and the budget here. How does the president does he have a different kind of approach moving forward in the Second Administration . Reporter well, i think so. I mean what you will see from the president is reaching out to the public to get them engaged. Youve heard the white house talk about this, the president wants to use pressure from the outside to apply pressure on members of congress to push his agenda forward. In addition weve seen how the president s Grassroots Campaign operation has been brought back to life to sort of fuel this public pressure from the outside. And then one other point we have heard, that the first lady also will play a bigger role in pushing the president s agenda forward in this second term. I think all of that applying pressure from the outside will be a strategy that well see from the president as he tried to get some tough things through congress when it comes to Immigration Reform or gun policies that the president has been putting together. All right. Dan, thanks. I know its really, really frigidly cold there, well let you foe. Appreciate it. Reporter yes. Gun rights to gun control. Immigration, environment, president obama charting an ambition course for the next four years in office. A tall order. Joining us to talk about all of this the agenda, the road ahead, cnn contributor, former white house official, van jones with anna navarro. Both of you guys, fantastic. This weekend was chockfull i know you went to a couple of balls, a the of events taking place. But you know, ceremonial stuff aside, serious work to be done. Van, i know you, being the Climate Change guy, very important to you. You must have been jumping up and down when you heard the president talk about this. Watch. We will respond to the threat of Climate Change. Knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and more powerful storms. So, van, youve been talking about this for years. And it sounds like, you know, the president is now making it a priority in his second term. Whats the most important thing hes going to vo to have to do addressing Climate Change. First, hurricane sandy, the superstorm, wait it hit new York New Jersey that put it back on the map. It wasnt talked about by either candidate in the last round. I was totally thrilled, not just that, he spoke to every stripe in his rainbow coalition, historic statement with regard to lesbians, gays, the entire, new emerging majority. All of that i think is in jeopardy if we dont do anything about Climate Change. He can do a lot of things with executive orders, the existing coal plants could be made more clean with executive authority. Also he should do a bilateral with the leadership of china. Chinas having a horrible environmental crisis, air qualitys going down. An opportunity for both superpowers to sit down. The president s unleashed, unchained, willing to speak from his heart. Youll see a very different second term. Anna, youre always unleashed and unchained, anna. You are never a wallflower about any of these things. Talk about the tone here because fellow republicans not happy about it. They didnt think it was genuine reaching across the group. They called it, quote, a harshly ideological aggressively partisan speech, more appropriate for the campaign trail than for the solemn occasion of his inaugural ceremony. How did it come across to you . It came across that way. You know i was with him at the beginning, talking about the constitution, about all men being created equal, about togetherness. But then came this entire second which was about some of the most divisive and controversial issues that we face as a country today. I think van is right. He did speak to every stripe of his rainbow coalition. The problem is he didnt peek to the folks that didnt vote for him. An inaugural address is an a unique opportunity to do that, unite the country, present a united vision, invite the other people who didnt vote for you, to work with you, and i think republicans didnt hear that from him. What we heard was a very defiant tonight. What we heard was a president obama saying, im not invite you to work with me. Im going to make you do these things. Look, suzanne, i am a progay rights, proImmigration Reform republican who believes in Climate Change. And i found it a divisive speech. I can only imagine what all of those americans who dont share those beliefs heard when they heard that speech. Well, van, i want to ask you this question because, you know, the president really called to people to action, to task here. Really saying, look, we have to actively get involved to help him carry out his agenda. But valerie jarrett, one of his top advisers, got a chance to catch up with her, she said this is really important because you cant get it done without the grassroots, people he won over the first go round. Heres how she put it. He made it very clear at the end of his first term that Immigration Reform is a top priority, were beginning to see glimmers of hope that the republicans might be willing to engage with us on that. We have to create jobs and that means investing in manufacturing, new, clean energy, infrastructure, all of that is important. Education. And as he and the Vice President announced last week, reducing gun violence, particularly for our children as a priority. So all of the legislation to do that will be going up to congress but we also need the American People involved in that. Everyone has a responsibility, everyone has a role to play on everything on his agenda. So it is a robust agenda. Its an ambitious agenda. But our country can do great things, big things. So, van, im curious here, the last go round when he won everybody United States excited they had registry, information all of all the people they dropped the ball. The campaign was over and all of these people faded away in the distance. How do you get people engaged . How do you get them to stick around, say were engaged, we want to figure out how to move the ball forward and get policies n. Place . The president s calling for a new movement and a new patriot. On the Movement Side you already see this new entity called organizing for action. The campaign that everybody, it stunned everybody. People thought it was going to be very close. It wasnt close. Why . An apparatus out there that was built, strong, able to deliver. That apparatus is being turned over and unleashed to move the agenda forward. Thats a game changer for people who are used to things happening in d. C. The heartland will have a say. But more importantly, to some of annas points he was answering reagan. Obama is in a conversation thats been going on in our country for a very long time. If you look at reagans second inaugural, it was also defiant, talking about his principles but rooted those principles in deep american values. The president did that. I think he spoke to his base but spoke in terms resonant with the best principles of the country. Its a new patriotism. Not just a libertyonly patriotism which were hearing from paul ryans but liberty and justice for all, more includ ine realistic. Fast forward 2016, right . You and i were talking about this, both at kennedy center, latino sale ccelebration. Vice President Biden made an impression. What makes you think hes trying to vie for the latino votes . First of all i know joe biden and i think hes on Campaign Mode already. We saw a joe biden sprinting through the parade route yesterday. I think he was trying to show us hes a very spry, fit, 70yearold who will be in very good shape in four years. He became the first Vice President to get sworn in by ay ays a latina justice. First Vice President to do that. Its a matter of time before we hear joe biden singing or in spanish or reciting irish poetry in spanish because i think joe biden is a very smart politician. Realizes how important the latino vote was to this victory. And i think hes prepping himself for a 2016 run. Look, he said it at the latina ball the head of the new pack, a hispanic democrat super pac founded and that includes eva longoria and others said those people have been over his house so many times the last three daze theyre probably tired of seeing him. I dont think its coincidence. One day well take a break and then start and start covering 2016. Anna, van, good to see you. Are you kidding . Weve been in 2016 mode for two months, suzanne. We cant get a break. Bidens sincere about it. They have dozens of political parties, vying for the votes. Israelis heading to the polls which Prime Minister netanyahu set to return. What kind of government is he going to be leading . For over 60,000 california foster children, nights can feel long and lonely. I miss my sister. I miss my old school. I miss my room. I dont want special treatment. I just wanna feel normal. To help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. Bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a Foster Childs night a little cozier. Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton promising a full and accurate accounting of the attack on the u. S. Consulate in benghazi, libya tomorrow, four months after the attack. She gets her chance. Secretary clinton questioned by the both Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs committee. Her testimony was delayed because she was traveling and then because she got sick. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, americans, died in that benghazi attack. Now to israel where it is election day. This is going to sound familiar. A lot of people say the economy, of course, is the biggest concern. Most polls show that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister, scoring a third term win. But conservative likud party lose seats in the parliament. Atika shubert watching it from washington. Give us a sense, first of all, are people interested . Are they passionate . Showing up at the polls . Reporter they are showing up at the polls. We were at three different polling stations today, saw a good turnout. Predicting high voter turnout this year, about an hour ago the official number was more than 55 of eligible voters had cast their vote. And thats more than 5 since the last election. And there is expected to be a late surge with about a half hour left to go before the polls close. So, people are coming out. The question is, who are they voting for . And its important to remember that the last poll on friday said that 15 of voters were still undecided. So theres still a few surprises, even if netanyahu is forecast to still become the next Prime Minister, it doesnt mean he may not lose some seats and have to rely on some Coalition Partners to form a government. Atika, you bring up a very good point, of course the need to form a Coalition Government been but youve got these more hard lined religious parties in the parliament. What does that mean ultimately for the Peace Process when you are still very much at loggerheads between the palestinians and the israelis . Reporter yeah, the Peace Process has been in a deep freeze for years now. And what some analysts are saying we could see netanyahu being pushed further to the right by elections. Basically weve seen the rise of the extreme right parties like jewish home led by rising star bennett and this is a man who has advocated expansion of the settlements and even annexation of most of the west bank. That is clearly something that would lead the Peace Process in tatters. And if they gain more seats it may mean that netanyahu has to rely on them for the coalition. And thats a frightening prospect, especially for palestinians. In fact, tack a listen to what two voters said to me at the same polling station. One a palestinian voter with israeli citizenship, the other a settler. Take a listen. Things are going from bad to worse and i expect also that the next government will be more to the right wing, not trying as the previous one to solve the palestinian issue, the issue of occupation. Thats why i say im frightened. As citizen of israel im frightened. As palestinian living in jerusalem, im frightened. To sell the land, the land is not ours. I dont trust Benjamin Netanyahu he can say one thing today and hes done other things in the past. Reporter so fears there that netanyahu will be forced further to the right, each as more pressure is put on him. All right. Atika shubert, thank you. The reviews are in. Covering the inauguration, reaction to yesterdays address and also well bring my interview with senator Bernie Sanders next. I have the flu. I took theraflu, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] truth is theraflu doesnt treat your cough. What . [ male announcer ] alkaseltzer plus severe cold and flu fights your worst flu symptoms, plus that cough. [ sighs ] thanks . [ male announcer ] youre welcome. Thats the cold truth [ weve decided to. Were all having such a great year in the gulf, put aside our rivalry. cause all our states are great. And now is when the gulf gets even better. The beaches and waters couldnt be more beautiful. Take a boat ride or just lay in the sun. Enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. And dont forget our amazing seafood. So come to the gulf, youll have a great time. Especially in alabama. You mean mississippi. Thats florida. Say louisiana or theres no dessert. Brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. train horn vo wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. Norfolk southern. One line, infinite possibilities. Moving forward with the second term, president obama laid out his agenda during yesterdays inaugural address. But talking to heavy hitters here in washington about the president s message, time magazines Political Columnist joe klein weighed in. I thought it was a really good, strong speech. But it was kind of the opposite of the first inaugural address i remember which was john f. Kennedys in that kennedy was announcing the beginning of a new era, new generation of leadership. The president was talking about the winding down of a terrible tenyear period in the history of the country. The economy is turning around after the crash, the wars are ending, and so it was a very different sort of speech. Did he strike the right tone . I thought that he struck a pretty good tone but there was one thing to my mind, completely missing. He talked an awful lot and passionately, and rightfully so, about rights, about civil rights. He didnt talk at all about civic responsibilities. And the thing i remember best about kennedys speech is ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. Thats one of the things really missing in our country now and its gone away over the last 15 years. Were trying to have democracy without citizenship. Also had a chance to talk vermont senator Bernie Sanders at the american legions inaugural ball. Hes the longestserving independent in congressional history. Hes also chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and hes talking about how concerned he is there are cuts to social program will hurt the military and families. I asked how does he plan to work with republicans to bring him closer to his side. I think republicans will be getting are beginning to catch on. Theyre beginning to understand the American People do not think that it makes sense to cut back on programs like social security, medicare, medicaid, veterans needs and say, oh, yeah, we shouldnt ask the wealthiest people, we shouldnt ask billionaires to pay a little bit more in taxes. The American People have been very clear on that. Thats what the American People want. They do not want to see disabled veterans or widows of men who lost their lives in iraq and afghanistan cut, they dont want to see those programs cut. Also brandnew member of congress, tammy duckworth, an iraq war veteran, double amputee and served as president obamas assistant second for veteran as fairs. I askeder whher what she thinks the president should do. Bring our troops home from afghanistan but in a way we dont have to send them back. We need to have that good transition from the d. O. D. To the v. A. When they leave the military they know where theyre going they dont go home and sit in their house, they know im going to go to school or in a Job Training Program or they have a job lined up or serve in some other way. We need to do a better job of providing that. Because what happens, if thats not there they can spiral into homelessness, cant find a job, unemployed, they run out of money and it adds up. Slippery slopes in davos, were not talking about scenery. Some of the biggest names in business are there to tackle the worlds economic problems. Worlds economic problems. Live report straight ahead. Eplae with a machine. What . Customers didnt like it. So why do banks do it . Hello . Hello . if your bank doesnt let you talk to a real person 24 7, you need an ally. Hello . Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. The World Economic forum happening in davos, switzerland. Forget about the 1 , talking about ultrarich, talk in the leaders, occasional celebrity. Davos, referred to as davos. If theres elite, that means richard quest. Reporter good afternoon. Good evening. From the top of the Magic Mountain here in davos, where we are just a short while away from the official opening. About 250,000 participants. This is the biggest mistake people make about davos. It has a very broad agenda. Yes, indeed, it talks about banking and finance. But it also talks about labor reform, industrial relations, poverty, hiv, aids. All of the other issues that people come here. And they come here, suzanne, im not sort of being an apologist. Everybody else is here, and the value is you get a discussion and dialogue in chilly environments. Well, you know, the superrich, people, you know, the rich come there and of course there are big ideas and broad case base of things. Maybe you have a little fun, too, it is gorgeous out there. Tell us a little bit what people are focused on. Youve got the economy on the upswing, euro survived the big crisis. Is there some optimism there . Reporter well, schwab, head of the World Economic forum, optimistic smiling, says the euro didnt collapse, europe didnt fall apart, theres Economic Growth in the United States, theres room for optimism. I can tell you if you talk to the ceos, most of the people are ceos and in business, they are not optimistic. There is a deficit of confidence, and thats because you have budgetary problems in the United States, you have the eurozone problem, you have china, india slowing down. These other issues are very much on their agenda. So, you and i, as the week will go on, will distill this into what really theyre talking. At the moment, the one word to keep in mind, risk. Where it lies at the moment. And if they think that its risky, Business People and theyre trying to get a sense of where we are with the economy if they think its risky, how is that impacting us . Everyday folks here who are looking at their, you know, paychecks and homes and wondering if its going to change, if its going to get better. Reporter well, this is a fascinating part because the pwc, consulting company, brought out a survey which talks about risks and the crucial parties, the businesses, are brilliant at adapting, being diverse. They are used to these socalled black swan risks that come out. And to answerer your blunt question, what happens, companies dont invest, they dont take on extra employees, they dont put more into capital expenditure, and what they do is what we see exactly at the moment. There are trillions of dollars sitting on Balance Sheets waiting to find a home somewhere. And thats what people will be talking about here. When is it time to turn the tables and start investing. Already. Good discussion. Let us know what comes of it, richard. Have a good time, too. Looks gorgeous. Get a little skiing as well, if you can. It is rare that we get to see reports inside syria, media restricted there. But one reporters on the front lines of the civil war. Reporter for control of damascus hinges on a few battlegrounds like this where rebels in one strong hole and they are around that corner, are trying to link up with others just a mile away. If they break through, then the battle is taken to the very center. Connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. Its going to be amazing. And exciting. And maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. Were going to wake the world up. And watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. Cisco. Tomorrow starts here. Visit washington dc every year. Some come to witness. Some to be heard. We come to make an impact. To learn from leaders. And to lead others. To create. And create change. 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Tens of thousands of russians live in syria. But not everyone can leave. Many sear dwryrians are caught middle of the fighting. Women and children risk their lives to get food. Bill neily is there with the firsthand account of the battle in the syrian capital. Reporter they are about to risk their lives. To run a gauntlet of gunfire. Theyre at a front line in syrias capital and theyre ready to cross it. Coming the other way, a group thats taken the same gamble. They all live in a rebelheld district where food is scarce. So they run back and forth to get some. They wait for gaps in the gunfire. But you can feel their fear. And they are weary. Theyve endured this every day for six weeks. Then its time to go. They head for the dead ground hugging the wall, clutching their bread. Once they cross, the battle begins again. The regimes men and rebels at close quarters, very close. For control of damascus hinges on a few crucial battlegrounds leak this one where the rebels in one stronghold, and they are just around that corner are trying to link up with others a mile away. If they break through the battle is taken to the very center of this city. But these men are not regular soldiers. Theyre locals, trained for a month, and given weapons by the army. Some are students living through history, if theyre lucky. This is deadly. Its a war across wasteland for an entire suburb. Hundreds of thousands used to live here but backstreets are deserted now, exodus in the middle east. Taken to another front line position, through holes, smashedin walls, to a war of snipers and single shots. Rebels are just across the street. From the regimes sniper position, they see a rebel gunman use a mirror to spot his enemy. Its a fight for survival. At the bakery the demand is intense. People fear flour may run out soon. Back they go to brave the gunfire again to feed their families. Do you believe it will end soon . We pray it will, he says. God willing. But on the streets of damascus, people are dying every day in a war that has now claimed close to 70,000 lives. These men believe theyre fighting terrorists. Rebels, a brutal dictator and in the middle, caught in the cross fire, syrians are running for their lives. Britains prince harry just left afghanistan. The British Ministry of defense revealed he had been there on a fourmonth deployment. Acted as a helicopter gunner in helman prove convince, served in afghanistan before in 2006. But that tour was cut short after his position in the country was revealed publicly while still there. Max foster visited harry at the base at camp bastion. Reporter combat ready, captain wales of the british army making final checks to his helicopter before a mission. This is prince harry, third in line to the british throne, serving his country in camp bastion, afghanistan. This is the flight line, where the aircraft operate from, including the apache attack helicopter. This is what captain wales has been flying. Our job here is to make sure guys are safe on the ground. If that means shooting somebody, shooting at them, well do it. Reporter no ones saying how many insurgents harry might have killed during his 19week deployment but sitting in the front seat means it was harry in charge of the apache weapon system. We know exactly whats going on. My targeting system. Reporter other bits of kit meant more basic requirements. In our bag we have travel bags if youre in the aircraft for 3 1 2, 4 hours i try not if i can hold on, i will. But once youre out here for two, three weeks you master the art while sitting down like this. Reporter away from his helicopter, captain wales mixed free on on base. Hes not treated any differently. My interaction with him is the same with any officers. Reporter down time, video games with the crew. Its mainly banter that happens, thats the way he likes to be treated in work. Reporter back on the flight line, it was all about the job and the wider, strategic aim building the role of the Afghan National army, ana, so it can eventually take over. Great to see the a. N. A. Taking more of a lead in things as well, and the professionalism is showing through. Reporter thats something his superiors in the army might say of the prince himself. Max foster, cnn, camp bastion, afghanistan. It was an act of heroism, the video that you have got to see. Ooh baby, can i do for you today . [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance . Align can help. Only align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. Try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. Try the 1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. Align. Overmany discounts to thine customers [old english accent] safe driver, multicar, paid in full a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. Thou cometh and we thy saveth what are you doing . We doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. Oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts . Here we go. Thank you. He took my shield, my lady. These are troubling times in the kingdom. More discounts than we knoweth what to do with. Now thats progressive. Finally, a look closely at this video from madrid. This is a woman waiting for a subway train, faints, falls onto the tracks. My god, look at that. Happened while the train was actually entering the station. A Police Officer jumped down to get her out safely, you see him there just taking her away. Just in time as the train stopped. Unbelievable. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com im suzanne malveaux. Want to get right to it here. President obama taking part in a few more inaugural traditions and celebration before getting down to the business of doing second herm work. President and first laid attended a Prayer Service at National Cathedral in washington. A lighter moment when the reverend Adam Hamilton talked directly to the president. Lets listen. God has given you a unique gift, mr. President , unlikefully other president we had, you have the ability to cast vision and inspire people. You should have been a preacher. Vice President Biden and the second lady also attended as a tradition that dates back to George Washington. Want to talk about the president s agenda and where were going from here. There were some republicans who say, of course, theyre trying to find Common Ground with the president during his second term but also some criticizing him for his speech saying he was too partisan. Want to bring in republican senator who was there at the ceremony, charles grassley, joining us on the phone. Senator, what did you make of the inaugural address . Suzanne, ill give you a very positive and then a little detraction from the positive comment i make. Number one, i really praise the president for speaking about one nation, not divided, weve got to be unified, we have to move ahead. But at the same time, i think its wrong for him when he gives some speeches, because he is the bully pulpit, hes got public opinion, the best place to inform public opinion. He, in too many speeches, divides the country into republican and democrats or rich and poor, and thats not the way you carry out what you say is what you want the nation to be. One nation under god, one nation unified. And, senator, what do you make of the fact that he really did talk about some struggles. He linked a lot of struggles together. One of them was gay rights with civil rights and with womens rights. Did you think that that was a message that was a positive one, a good one, for americans . Well, its a positive one, but it also speaks to a president that wants to pander to the left wing of the party. And we a republican would probably pander the right wing of the republican party, but when youre trying to unify the nation, i think that that detracts from that effort. On the other hand, those are issues that congress is going to have to deal with in some instances, the courts are dealing with them. But there are issues out there that come up at my town meetings all the time. Senator grassley, what do you hope is the first thing that republicans and white house sit down and get together and sort out and work out to get through some of the partisan gridlock . Yes, well, between now and march 27th, theres going to be three fiscal issues that ought to have top priority because our deficit is such a big problem and its a damper on the economy and its going to keep us from creating jobs. So i talk about the fiscal cliff, march 2nd, the continuing resolution for the funding of the rest of the fiscal year, march 27th. And somewhere in between there will be the debt limit. I believe we the house will take action that ought to get us over the debt limit issue. So the issue of spending would be solved in those other two issues, the fiscal cliff, march 2nd, continuing resolution, march 27th, and i think we get through those then we get to various gun issues and we ought to get to some trade issues because trades very important for our nation. Hopefully we will be able to do something about social security, medicare, medicaid because thats 44 of the budget. And we havent touched that at all. And, senator, you think you think one thing that you will be able to accomplish as well as Immigration Reform, there seems to be, at least both hearing from republicans and democrats theres a good possibility that something will get done along those lines . In yeah. And im sorry, suzanne, that i didnt mention that because that ought to be right after the gun issues. I think its going to be immigration. And i do believe that on a lot of the subsets of immigration, its going to be real easy to get a bipartisan agreement. But on the earn issue of the 10 million, 11 million, 12ful people here in the country already, some people wont settle for anything less than them being made citizens now and the other end of the continuum is that you got people that say, well, they ought to be shipped out of the country. Weve got to be able to find middle ground there and thats going to be very difficult to do but if that can be found, and i think were going to have good immigration law. The president extended really an olive branch, if you will, before the inaugural address to republicans saying that hes going to try to reach out more, perhaps invite people over to the white house, whether or not he kind of joked about playing cards and golf and that type of thing. If the president were to reach out to you more in the second term, would you take him up on it . Would you be a part of a group that would really try to break through some of the nastiness that weve seen in washington . Of course i would. And i would give an example of my doing that as i tried to work very closely with republican and democrats in the congress and with the president the first nine months of obama care, trying to reach a bipartisan agreement. But we werent moving fast enough for the president. He decided to go ahead on a part dan basis. So i got nine months there of working very closely. I can tell you, more recently, theres an inaugural lunch after his speech and i was invited to that, and he came up and shook hands with a lot of members of congress, but he specifically said, i hope we can Work Together. And i said back to him, i hope we can. All right. Good, thats a good sign. A little bit of hope there. Senator Chuck Grassley, thank you very much. Really appreciate it. Want to bring in our own Jessica Yellin to talk about the agenda here. Spent a good part of the weekend, balls, ceremonies, back to reality, people tired but were back to reality here. They got to get some stuff done. What is top . What do you think is top on the agenda here . The president outlined a pretty aggressive, ambitious plan for the next four years. Reporter well, in terms of where do they move first, i think that theyll take quick action on Immigration Reform and also act quickly because they have to on trying to forge some sort of deal on debt and deficit because of the coming fight over the sequester massive spending cuts that are going to kick in and theyll have to find some compromise with republicans. Those are the nearterm goals. Both major battles. But that leaves open the question of the legacy issue for the president. One of the major topics he talked about yesterday was Climate Change. His commitment to that. And we have a little bit of news today, which is that during his first term the Keystone Pipeline was a major point of contention. Many environmentalists, as you recall, opposed this pipeline that was supposed to go from canada through the u. S. , carrying gas from the sand shales and now the president put off a decision on it until after the election. Now one of the opponents of the Keystone Pipeline has come out and said they now support it. Thats nebraskas governor, supports the reroute of the Keystone Pipeline bringing them at least politically a step closer to being able to approve this move, something that will not please environmentalists. Now, i dont want to overstate that this is a Major Development in moving that toward approval, but politically somewhat probably uncomfortable for the administration that the day after the president gives a speech in which he promises Climate Change and major olive branch to environmentalists, this, something they dont like, is theres progress on that front. And, jess, we heard senator Chuck Grassley saying hes going to take the president up and try to get along with him a little bit better. Is the white house, is the president , do they feel like they are a little bit more optimistic as well, that maybe theres a little bit more of a good mood, if you will, after the day of the inauguration . Reporter theres a good mood because there was a nice sense of ceremony and reminder that everybody in washington serves because they believe in service. So that always creates sort of a sense of goodwill. It doesnt last long, suzanne. I dont want to be the Debbie Downer here, but you know, they are realistic, and know that when it comes to fighting over policy battles theyre still going to have to get in the muck and fight it out the way they have been lately, which is taking their case out to the American People, thats their strategy now, using the American People to Lobby Congress on their behalf a lot more. A lot of muck. Were in the muck, jess. Were washington, thats where it is. Maybe a little bit of goodwill will last a bit longer. Coming up, speaking with the granddaughter of author earn rn hemingw hemingway. Mariel hemingway talks about the familys curse and running from crazy talking live at Sundance Film Festival in utah later this hour. Three american hostages killed in a standoff with an Islamic Militant in algeria. The family of one of the victims is now speaking out. We had a really great christmas, i got to spend about five days with him. Youre go to hear more from Victor Loveladys family. [ male announcer ] how do you turn an entrepreneurs dream. Into a scooter that talks to the cloud . Or turn 30million artifacts. Into a hightech masterpiece . Whatever your business challenge, dell has the technology and services to help you solve it. I wish my patients could see what i see. That over time, having high cholesterol and any of these risk factors can put them at increased risk for plaque buildup in their arteries. So its even more important to lower their cholesterol, and thats why, when diet and exercise alone arent enough, i prescribe crestor. In a Clinical Trial versus lipitor, crestor got more highrisk patients bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. [ female announcer ] crestor is not right for everyone. Like people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor about other medicines youre taking. Call your doctor right away if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of rare but serious side effects. Is your cholesterol at goal . Talk to your doctor about crestor. [ female announcer ] if you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Algerian forces are right now searching for five foreign nationals who are still missing. After militants linked to al qaeda stormed a sprawling oil field in the Sahara Desert last week. Captured hundreds of workers. The standoff came to a bloody end on saturday. Officials say 37 hostages from at least six countries were killed. New details about the american victims. Just a short time ago we heard from the family of Victor Lovelady. He was one of three american hostages killed in that standoff. His daughter and brother spoke at the familys home in texas. Want to bring in ed lavandera in dallas. You know, it had to be shocking what had happened here, theyre working, nothing ever anticipated that there was going to be a problem and then youve got this what almost seems just massacre by the time this is all over. Reporter theres no question. And the family of Victor Lovelady says that victor had given them no indication during his time there that he was in fear or worried about the security situation around there. In fact he had told family members that everything was safe. This was his second stint, actually worked in this area two weeks back in november and just returned from a monthlong stay at that complex in algeria and he was in the middle of doing that. The family struggling with trying to figure out and get information. What is interesting about all of this that is they were actually told, just i think a day or so after the siege started, from the state department they had gotten information that Victor Lovelady was still alive and then it was 3 00 in the morning on saturday, this weekend, they were called by fbi officials and told that indeed they believed that Victor Lovelady had been killed by the militant theres at that complex in algeria. The family struggling to get answers at this point. They say they will continue to fight to get answers until they figure out exactly how Victor Lovelady was killed. I feel 100 comfortable going there. He wanted that. I mean we didnt it was never about money. It was never never about that. He was going it retire early. You know sorry. I want to know how my brother died. Its just as important to me because we will always with terrorism you dont think of it hitting us. Like i said earlier i want to know how my brother died. It means a lot to me. They told us that they dont think he suffered. They did tell us that. And i want to know. Reporter the family says they were able to speak with Victor Lovelady last sunday, the last time that victor was able to speak with his two children and his wife. They werent able to, at least theyre not exactly sure, what kind of communications Victor Lovelady might have had with u. S. Authorities while the siege was going on and before he was killed. They hope to get answers like that in the coming days. On tonight of what the familys dealing with now, they still have no idea when they will be able to get his body back here to the United States that they can have a funeral. Suzanne . That is tough not to know when your loved one can come home for a proper burial. Other families expressing concerns . Reporter actually, you know, three families, as you mentioned off the top, American Families killed in the siege. Seven other americans that were inside that facility who survived. We still have not heard from them and what their stories might detail as to what exactly happened and how all of this unfolded and what it must have been like inside the facility while all of this was going on. Ed lavandera, thank you. 40 years ago today the Supreme Court legalized abortion but abortion rights fight goes on at the state level. So. Howd it go . Well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. Youve mastered monkeystyle kung fu . No. Priceline is different now. You dont even have to bid. Master hahn taught you all that . Oh, and he says to say translated from cantonese you still owe him five bucks. Your accent needs a little work. Prego . but ive bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices ive made . I choose date number 2 whooo [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. Choose prego. Starts with arthritis pain and a choice. Take tylenol or take aleve, the 1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. Just two aleve can keep pain away all day. Back to the news. Todays the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Courts roe vs. Wade decision which legalized abortion. In the decades since that decision was handed down, the issues gotten even more contested. Antiabortion activists taking their fight now to the states. In the last year alone, 19 states enacted 43 provisions to restrict abortion. Arizona put the most restrictions into effect, seven, and Elizabeth Cohen went back to texas where roe vs. Wade, well, the decision began. Well learn more about the decision fight today. Reporter roe vs. Wade originated in texas and 40 years later the situation here and in much of the u. S. Is complex. On the one hand, the governor has made this vow my goal and the goal of many of those joining me here today is to make abortion at any stage a thing of the past. Reporter on the other hand, this is the reality hi, its elizabeth at cnn. Great. Come on in, maam. Im at the whole Womans Health clinic austin where seven women will have abortions today. Any more ultrasounds . I dont think we have any more. Rorter amy started whole Womens Health ten years ago, and her business has grown. She has five clinics in texas, offering gynecology care that includes providing abortions to 9,000 women a year. My main goal is provide an oasis for her where she feels safe, comfortable, at peace. Reporter the entire state 27,470 women received abortions in 2011. In the u. S. Nearly 1 in 3 women will have an abortion before the age of 45, according to the nonpartisan guttmacher institute. You have more work to do. We do have more work to do because we continue to miss this many women in texas and other places, we redouble our efforts. Reporter antiabortion groups like hers have been hard at work. Texas has cut off funding to planned parenthood and women in texas have to see a doctor and wait 24 hours before having an abortion. Plus before a woman is allowed to have an abortion, she has to come here to the ultrasound room. The doctor has to ask her, do you want to see the image . Do you want to hear the heartbeat . She can say no, but she does have to listen to the doctor describe the image, are there internal organs, are there arms and legs, is there a heartbeat . These restrictions havent people like amy who provide abortions. The Antiabortion Movement here is so huge, theyre so strong, have they won . I dont think so. Weve had all of these attacks from the outside and were still able to manage to provide not only access but really good care for women. Reporter like in many other states antiabortion groups in texas are working to pass legislation to make it harder to have abortion which means a new fight in a state where both sides have vowed to never rest. Elizabeth cohen, cnn, austin, texas. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton is promising a full and accurate accounting of the attack on the u. S. Consulate in benghazi, libya. Tomorrow, four months after the attack, she gets her chance. Secretary clinton will be questioned by both the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs committee. You might remember her testimony was delayed first because she was traveling and then because she got sick. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other americans died in that benghazi attack. And the cinderella story of the inaugural ball. Is the prettiest dress ive ever had. Feel like cinderella. If we cant go its going to break both of our hearts. How a minnesota soldier and his wife made it happen in time with the help of their community. Staff sergeant dan and his wife karen up next. You can watch cnn live on your computer while at work. Cnn. Com tv. Humans. Even when we cross our ts and dot our is, we still run into problems. Namely, other humans. At Liberty Mutual insurance, we understand. Thats why our auto policies come with accident forgiveness if you qualify, where your rates wont go up due to your first accident, and new car replacement, where, if you total your new car, we give you the money for a new one. Call. To talk to an Insurance Expert about Everything Else that comes standard with our base auto policy. And if you get into an accident and use one of our certified repair shops, your repairs are guaranteed for life. Call. To switch, and you could save hundreds. Born to make mistakes Liberty Mutual insurance. Responsibility. Whats your policy . Its awesome. Its really kind of like a cinderella story of the inaugural balls. A minnesota soldier somewhere his wife dreamed of coming to the commander in chiefs ball but with seven kids and a tight budget it did not look like they would actually make it to washington. But thanks to some folks in their hometown of minnesota, well, it looks like it all came together. The sergeant and carrey joining us here. You are smiling. Look at you. You have a huge smile on your face. I guess you are cinderella, youre the cinderella in the story. Tell us how it happened. Well, we about a week and a half ago got an email asking who would like to come to the ball. Its not going to happen. So i talked to my wife, we sent an email back and said go ahead, hadnt heard anything for over a week. Pretty much gave up all hopes, the odds were slim. There was 180 soldiers in the National Guard allowed to come and out of thousands upon thousands, in minnesota alone the odds were very slim. So on thursday of this last week we got a call, an hour before a deadline of letting them know, they said were going. My wife was screaming and so was i. Just an amazement of it. And we didnt know how it was going to happen. We started booking hotel with no money with the help of our my motherinlaw, her mom, and got a gown for her. Found out there wasnt any funding unless we got help from somewhere. The people in our community helped out greatly. Pick it up from there. What happened . How did people in the Community Find out that it was just going to be too hard to afford this . Its very expensive, talking about, i mean, washington, the hotels were like 500 a night and we know how much the gown and the shoes and all of that costs. So how did your neighbors, how did they fiend out that you needed help . Our local news station, my mom emails the local news station and they did a story on us and aired it on the 5 00 news on friday night and within an hour we had donations coming in for air fare and hotel and travel expenses and people pulled together to borrow me jewelry. It was just amazing. We got firstclass service all the way out here from the ceo of Sun Country Airlines and viewers gave their marriott points so we could stay in this Amazing Hotel room. And once we got to the hotel, they found out our story and they gave us rooftop seats to the parade yesterday. No way i couldnt even get those. We were greeted at the airport. They gave us they knew our name. We were greeted at the hotel. Its just been amazing. It is a cinderella story. You are cinderella, are you kidding me . Dan, tell us what it was like. Your life is incredible. You served in kosovo, iraq, twice. You have given and served this country. What did this mean just to get a break and to be treated well . Oh, its its a dream. Its a chance of a lifetime. I came from a spot in my life where i never seen so much support at all for the military and realized when my wife, shes the led or of the familiy readiness unit, she stayed behind to lead families there. The support, overwhelming support of my wife, my beautiful wife and families and community that just, Yellow Ribbon cities and all of the people that care, the whole minnesota, its really real. People are great and amazing. We blessed them all. Weve been so blessed ourselves. Absolutely amazing. You guys are such a nice couple. So glad you had a great weekend. A great time to be here in washington. And, yeah, carrie you are special, to take care of seven kids. Shes amazing. Dan, carrie, good to meet you both. Congratulations. Either soldier was able to come to the ball as well. Donations came in to cover his wifes air fare and expenses as well. A great, great story. You have a Good Community as well. Thank you. Of course, all eyes last night on the dress. Talking about the gorgeous red gown worn by the first lady at last nights inaugural ball. She close to go with Designer Jason Wu once again. You might remember back in 2009 her selection of wus white gown design made him a household name. We asked him what he was thinking about when he set out to dress the first lady one more time for an inaugural ball. I just had mrs. Obama in mind. You couldnt really think about everything that comes with it, being so nervous or start secondguessing yourself. My first image was red. I felt like red was confident and it was, you know, its commanding and its beautiful, passionate. And all of those things describe michelle obama. And the stars have gathered in park city, utah for the acclaimed Sundance Film Festival including actress Mariel Hemingway opening up about her familys illness. History of Mental Illness and her new documentary, running from crazy. Well talk to her coming up. But first, want to turn to finances. A lot of americans dont pay off credit cards every month but letting a balance build up over time can cost you thousands, cripple finances. Ali velshi and Christine Romans explain. Two things to show you. First, the new study from ohio state university. Shows that kids in their 20s and 30s, our age, they have more late 20s, early 30s, more Credit Card Debt than older consumers and repaying it closlowly. 8,000 more than their grandparents did. Younger card holders will die owing money. Which means they should pay that off. If you owe money by the time youre dying youve paid a lot of interest in your life. Most people i think dont understand how much youre paying when paying cards off and letting them roll up. Transunion, average debt is five grand. Look at this map. Making minimum Monthly Payments 200 a month, 15 interest rate, tip years to pay off five grand. In the end paying off 2200 in interest. That 5,000 bill is 7,000. If youre paying 15 interest you are doubling your debt every five years. So be careful about there is. You cant pay the minimum when running that interest. At the same time, while paying more than the minimum, bringing that debt down, you should be saving. If youre a young person working for a company that offers a 401 k , particularly one that offers a match on the donations, the contribution you make, you should do that at the same time. It seems counterintuitive to have debt youre paying interest on and savings but i think you should do both. This is 100,000. We asked total strangers to watch it for us. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Ill be right back. They didnt take a dime. How much in fees does your bank take to watch your money . If your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. Constipated . Yeah. Mm. Some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps. But phillips caplets dont. They have magnesium. 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Theres no one outside of yourself that can help you or love you the way you need except you. You know this is what i talk about to people. I know a lot about how to how people can live a better life. How they can be happy. How they cannot fear stuff that ive feared my whole life. But sometimes its such a misunderstanding of the being i really am. You know, i get that. I often say it, ill speak to people, yeah i know you think you know me, tall blond, no problems, what does she have to say to me . Ooh i say that, of course, i get it. I would think the same thing. Guess what . A bunch of funky [ bleep ] in my family, im scared, too. Mariel hemingway, shes joining us from park city, utah. So nice to see you. Really such a pleasure here. Lets talk a little bit about your film. Congratulations on the documentary there. It is its very serious and you delve into some things that take a lot of courage. You talk about and acknowledge, you say there have been at least seven suicides in your family that you know about, including your grandfather, famous Ernest Hemingway, and your sister margo. Why talk about it . Why examine it . Why was that important to you . Well, you know, for me, ive been ive been on a search my whole life to, you know, i actually jokingly said ive been running from crazy my whole life which ended up being the title of my movie. I was always on the search for things outside of myself to understand more about me. And i think part of this journey is really being able to look at look at my family and just be able to say, you know, this i have ways that are not outside of myself but within myself that have helped me get better and healthier and happier. So im really excited to share this. Also i dont think its just my story. I think its everybodys story. I think that everybody comes from a certain amount of dysfunction or craziness in their family or at least knows somebody. And this, if this does anything, i hope it inspires people to get help, talk about Mental Health and mentalwellness and Mental Illness and get the message out there so we can all make a change in this environment. How do you do that . I know theres so much in some ways stigma still, amazingly so, attached to Mental Illness. How do you make people understand if they dont if they havent experienced that themselves . Well, you know, if you havent experienced it yourself, its like i think the film is really poignant at showing this journey of miy sister, my grandfather, myself, trying to bring out the layers. But i mean, even if you dont suffer from Mental Illness or depression, everybody understands a family dynamic and i think you can understand that. And my honesty and my ability to share with you my real feelings about my sister, about my father, about my mother, all of these things, i think it just helps to give people an understanding of what it must be like to suffer from depression. I suffered from depression most of my life until a few years ago and its been my lifestyle and the lifestyle i promote with my company, the willing way, my partner bobby williams, the willing way. Its will making simple choices in your life so you can live the best life that you want to live. Its not about me. Its about inspiring others to find their best health and wellness and in mind, body and spirit. You know i dont how to tell somebody who it must be like but this film will. I want to play a clip to have our audience get a sense a little bit about whether you do and explore it. This is particularly talk about the only time that you feel really normal when youre outdoors and celebrating nature. Okay. The only time i ever felt comfort was just out in the elements looking up at a mountain, listenening to a river, all that time i felt sane. And in the house, everything felt dead. I spent a lot of time swimming in icy, cole rivers. I would often crack ice to jump in cold water. Id like anything that made me feel alive. Its very touching portion of the documentary there. What do you think is the most important thing thats helped you to feel alive, to get over the sense of loss and the tragedy in your family . Well, throughout my childhood, i really i expressed it in that clip nature was my solace, its where i found my kind of myself. But you know, i mean theres so many things. I think the more we get this message out there, the more we talk about it, thats helpful. Being honest about it, honest about your feelings thats hugely important. I believe that lifestyle choices that you make are hugely important, the food you drink, the food you eat, water you drink, whether you get out in nature, things that are important to me and they can help other people. Also just that awareness, this is this movie brings awareness to the subject and i think its been taboo for a long, long time. We need to speak more about it. I mean years ago, you know, nobody wanted to talk about aids and nobody wanted to talk about alcohol addiction. Now lets just talk about it so we can get it out there. I wish we had more time to talk about it. Its a great documentary. Thank you for bringing it to our attention and everyone. Its a very, very important topic there. And congratulations, too, to you. Your strength and your courage and your recovery. Stunning look at the church of scientology from one of the most famous defectors, the book, the names, and the details up next. 15 under 15 nu oh my goodness. Oh my gosh, this looks amazing. [ male announcer ] 15 entrees under 15 its our new maine stays seafood, chicken, and more ooh the tilapia with roasted vegetables. Im actually looking at the wood grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. That pork chop was great. No more fast food fridays. Were going to go to red lobster. [ male announcer ] come try our new menu and sea food differently. And introducing 7 lunch choices for just 7. 99 salad, sandwiches and more. Can your moisturizer do that . [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. Thats healthy skin for life. Only from aveeno. Its lots of things. All waking up. Connecting to the global phenomenon we call the internet of everything. Its going to be amazing. And exciting. And maybe, most remarkably, not that far away. Were going to wake the world up. And watch, with eyes wide, as it gets to work. Cisco. Tomorrow starts here. Cisco. Do you guys ride . Well. No. Sometimes, yeah. Yes. Well, if you know anybody else who also rides, send them here we got great coverage. Its not like bikers love their bikes more than life itself. I doubt anyone will even notice. Leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. Now, thats progressive. Call or click today. Aarrggh a new book claims to give an inside look at scientology from the perspective of one of its most famous defectors. Miguel marquez explains how. You are a being, an intelligence, a consciousness. Reporter going clear in scientology is reaching a higher level of consciousness and clearing ones self of past subconshuns event. Going cleared gives them access to life force, o. T. S. You have a body, you have a mind. You are a thing. Reporter Lawrence Wright in his new book going clear, scientology, hollywood, the prison of belief putting sigh to scientology under a microscope. Scientologys obsessions with celebrities, its most famous defector, writer director paul hagas. He left the church after his daughters coming out as lesbian forced him to take a hard look at scientology, he discovered accounts on antiscientologist websites about children, working for hours on end, from nbcs rock center. Horrible treatment these kids had, terrible. Made to work so often and all day long and terrible conditions. [ bleep ] them for that. Yeah, they should be taken down for that. Reporter in a statement the church says it diligently followed, and continues to follow, all child labor laws in every state or country in which it operates. The church says complaints about children being forced to perform chores for long hours are unfounded. In wrights book, he found himself in trouble with the church when he crossed its biggest celebrity, tom cruise who worked for years to recruit director Steven Spielberg into the church. He says cruise blamed him for foiling his efforts. The book delves into the tight relationship between cruise and david mischavage, the leader. He awarded the Freedom Medal of valor. These are the times now, people, okay, these are the times we will all remember. Were you there . What did you do . Reporter Karen Presley worked in the Celebrity Center in 1980s and part of scientologys vanguard. When david took over the leadership of the church, he decided to focus on celebrities because the name of scientology had lost so much power. He felt that bringing big names into scientology was the way to build credibility back. Reporter before cruise, John Travolta was scientologys biggest star. Welcome back reporter joining the church before his barbarino. You made that up. Reporter in the 1970s sitcom welcome back kotter. Researching and writing the book over three years, wright found travolta had a troubled relationship with the church, threatening to be outed as gay if he didnt fall into line. In the book, david is quoted as using a gay slur when speaking privately of travolta. The church calls that a scurrilous lie from an unreliable source. Travolta has never publicly addressed his sexual orientation. Hes been married to Kelly Preston since 1991. The churchs lawyer told cnn it adamantly denies it has or would ever disclose or threaten to disclose a members private information. But presley says she experienced the abuse herself. She left the church in 1998 after being deemed sp or suppressive person. She says she had been sent for punishment in 1990 at the churchs sprawling gold base in the desert east of los angeles. We were made to do hard labor, half of every day, and then the other half of the day we were spent on our Rehabilitation Program where we were to confront our treasonous actions to scientology. Reporter in its statement, the church said the rehabilitation workforce is a completely voluntary program of spiritual rehabilitation, and the claims of abuse while participating in the program are false. It even included a waiver that Karen Presley, then karen schess signed in ed ied in 1990. She said she signed the document under duress. Miscavich is portrayed as a ruthless and cruel leader. Claims that Church Leaders deny in the book and to cnn in 2009. The allegations are untrue. There was nothing of the sort as theyre describing by david has never kicked somebody. Absolutely not. Never punched somebody. Absolutely not. Never strangled somebody. Never, never, never, never. Reporter they say wrights book is full of many mistakes, unfounded statements and utt uty false facts. It is evaluating all its legal options. Publishers have shied away from publishing the book. Church launched this website, a rebuttal to each chapter. Still, sales are soaring. Going clear is in its second printing. Miguel marquez, cnn, los angeles. Anderson cooper will have more on scientology tonight on Anderson Cooper 360, joined by the books author Lawrence Wright at 8 00 p. M. Eastern here on cnn. Following a breaking news story, could be, looks like, another shooting at a college this time. What were watching here this is our affiliate, kprc, which is now reporting that there were shots fired at the lone star college. This is in north harris county. This is just north of houston, texas. The affiliate there reporting that they are hearing now that multiple people were shot, regarding this college campus, lone star college. Were looking at aerials you see on left send side there are people who are walking who are trying to sort things out, getting out of the vehicles, walking at that campus in the area. On the righthand side were getting a sense of where this is located, not far from houston. But, again, this is breaking news. Dont have a lot of information yet. But our affiliate is now reporting that this shooting has taken place on this college campus. And that there were multiple people who have been shot. Were going to try to get more information as this story develops. And were going to take a quick break as we follow this news. [ slap ] [ male announcer ] your Favorite Foods fighting you . Fight back fast with tums. Calciumrich tums starts working so fast youll forget you had heartburn. Tum tum tum tum tums freezing cold temperatures. Were talking about freezing. Creeping across northern and midwest states. Were talking about dropping to 51 degrees below zero, with windchill in north dakota, yes, 51 below. Cnn newsroom continues more with Brooke Baldwin after the break

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