The border raising the specter of a possible ground war. All 30,000 troops mobilized and 70,000 more on the way. As the situation he is escalate does the death toll. Now our Senior International correspondent has been in the middle of all the action in gaza city. Sarah, thanks for joining us. Whats happening there right now . Reporter thank you, gary. Yeah, we can hear right now drones over gaza. And that sound, it sounds very much like a lawnmower. Its been going on for hours and hours and hours. We know a lot about drones. Israel uses them quite often. They can stay up in the air. Theyre unmanned, obviously, for more than 20 hours depending on the payload. So if theyre just looking for targets, they can be in the air all night long. After the sound of drones, you start hearing the sound of planes flying and then the sounds of bombs dropping. And the result is usually a massive damage to buildings, a big plume of black smoke. Want to talk a little bit about we were talking about the rockets coming from here. We have seen several very close to us actually. Were in the center of gaza city. You know this is very densely populated place. One of the things that israel complains about is, look, were trying to hit very specific targets. But theyre blasting the rockets off from populated areas. So when they return fire, when they look and try to find those rocket launchers and they hit those areas, oftentimes civilians happen to be in that area as well. Hamas is a very different story. They believe theyre civilians are also along with the members of hamas and other militant groups. It doesnt really matter who is right or wrong. For the civilians, it feels like war here. Its dangerous situation. Nobody is really out on the streets. Only a few people trying to get a few things done like getting groceries. But most of the stores are shut. People are in their homes. People are mourning the 40 people who died and trying to deal with what really does feel like a full scale war and very worried about the fact there are so many soldiers on the Israeli Border waiting to possibly come in and start a ground war. Gary . It stands to reason that things will get worse at night. Its become night in the last hour there in the middle east. Is that what youre anticipating right now . Reporter yeah. I mean last night my partner and i went back to our hotel and after a few minutes, i mean it was just raining down the sounds of bombs were rattling the windows. You know, we tend to take cover when this happens. We there are big windows in that hotel. We try to get away from the windows. And thats what most residents do when they hear the sounds. In israel, they have the sound of sirens. Weve been seeing pictures and ive been talking to people there as well who have been hunkering down, grabbing their kids and trying to get under desks and those sorts of things. Here, there are no sirens. The thing that makes everyone nervous is the sound of the drones and the sound of the planes. As soon as they hear the planes, a lot of people will look up and they know that next there will be the sound of a loud bang or a boom. Sarah, take care of yourself and the crew. We look forward talking to you later. Protesters are taking to the streets in arab countries to show solidarity of the palestinians in gaza. Tens of thousands of demonstrators filled the streets of cairo to show their support for the palestinians. Egypts relations with hamas strengthened. But the new administration in that country. Protesters in turkey set an israeli flag and photo of Benjamin Netanyahu ablaze during a demonstration last night. Lets go now to the israeli side of the border as weve been reporting israeli tanks and troops have been taking up position theres. Cnns reporter joins us live from the border. Fred, thanks for joining us. What you are seeing in the terms of military activity where you are . Reporter hi, gary. There is a lot of military activity on this side of the border as well. A lot of it has to do with the big military buildup thats going on here. Look at the roads around the area of gaza, a lot of them have been blocked off. Theyre not accessible anymore to normal people that want go to go through there theyre a military operation zone. Youre seeing a lot of military hardware on the road, usually on the back of trucks. We see a lot of tanks being delivered here, a lot of armored personnel carriers. Whats going on is all this hardware is brought to collection area as well as a lot of the soldiers being brought into this area. Weve been seeing in the past couple days as the isies also mobilized a massive amount of reservists as well, tens of thousands who are now heading to this area as well. Certainly you can see how this military buildup is happening. At the same time, the Israeli Government is telling us thata t decision hasnt been made if there is going to be a Ground Invasionment they say it is a very real possibility if the air strikes that theyre conducting that sarah was just talking about do not achieve the objective they want to obtain. Of course, the object sieve simple. What they want to do is stop rockets coming out of gaza and threatening civilians in israel. Gary . A quick question for you, compared to last might when you were standsing there, does it feel to you, your sense that its more likely a Ground Invasion will happen . Reporter thats a very good question. One of the things that seems clear is the more troops build up here, it seems that an offensive is something that could be more likely. But it really is up to the fact whether or not the israelis are going to be able to achieve what they want to achieve through the air campaign thats going on now. There are several different steps of escalation that could come before a ground offense. There could be an expanded areal campaign, for instance. There could be more air attacks as well. Perhaps there could be a political solution as well. Who knows . It does not look as though thats going to happen. Right now it doesnt look as though either side is backing down or either side is willing to take its foot off the gas. And one of the things that is definitely clear, as long as militants in gaza are able to launch rockets at places like tel aviv, and we just said there was an air alarm in tel aviv today, as long as thats going on, the israelis are not going to end their campaign. Our International December is being keepi international des keeping track of all the events in gaza as they happen. What is the latest information youre hearing . Not only are we in gaza and not only are we in israel but were monitoring the situation in gaza and israel from here in atlanta. I want to bring you to our international desk. This is a desk we created for ow viewers. This is where the latest editorial information comes through. This is the pipeline where it all happens. Our reporter is looking at and monitoring the latest video. Tell me what youre looking at here. What youre watching. What we watch is different tv channels, arab speaking tv channels. Were looking for news and updates that, and then we try to verify this with our teams on the ground. We have here, for example, the hamas tv channel which is located in gaza. And now they are broadcasting live pictures of the meeting of the arab league in cairo. Those are arab nation Foreign Ministers convening for an emergency meeting in cairo, egypt right now. Theyre closely monitoring what is happening in gaza and israel. You showed me video a little while ago that idf put on their youtube account. Why dont you take us through and show us what happened. Theyve been very active in trying to put out on the internet updates on the operations that are in gaza. They just posted this video about an hour ago. Its for one of the strikes on what they claim to be a house of the commander of hamas brigade. And you can see the video here. You see that bomb going in and taking out the target. Now, idf and hamas have both been very active in updating us and both very media savvy. Were monitoring all the latest information as it comes in to us. When we get more information, gary, as news breaks, well break it for you. Thats the latest now from the international desk. Nick and yousef, thank you very much. So israel will take this conflict one step further and launch a Ground Invasion of gaza . Ill talk to an Israeli Government spokesman. And what would do you if you were at the edge of the cliff . America is at a 7 trillion cliff. Part of a whole new line of tablets from dell. Its changing the conversation. How theyll live tomorrow. 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Embassy staff in bangkok. Then he is on to minima, a country that no u. S. President has visited before. Then hell head to cambodia for the east asia summit. Come new years day, america could face a 7 trillion nightmare. A series of tax increases and major spending cuts will go into effect unless the white house and capitol hill reach a deal. Cnns Political Editor paul ste steinhouser is gauging what the public is saying about the fiscal cliff. Paul . The clock is ticking on avoiding the fiscal cliff. The president , as he sat down at the white house friday with top congressional leaders from both parties. Americans agree in a poll that it is extremely or very important for the president and congress to reach a deal. I believe we can do this and avert the fiscal cliff. Reporter and thats what most people want. They say that republicans and democrats should compromise to prevent massive spending cuts and tax hikes from beginning to kick in at the beginning of the year. So what do they want in any deal . 45 say it should be about half spending cuts and half tax increases with four in ten saying it should be mostly or only spending cuts. And according to exit polls from election night, nearly half of voters said raising taxes on the wealthiest americans was okay. Taxes may be the biggest Sticking Point in reaching a deal. What im not going to do is to extend bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 that we cant afford and according to economists will have the least positive impact on our economy. Were in the dilemma were in not because we tax too little but because we spend too much. Reporter and that may be why about half of those questioned in a pugh poll say congress will fail to hammer out an agreement. And if theres no deal, who gets the blame . Well, according to that pugh poll, more than half say fingers will be pointed at Congressional Republicans with about one in three saying it will be the president s fault. Gary . Thank you very much. The excia director sex scandal. What kind of legal fallout, if any, could David Petraeus and the others involved face . Our legal guys are on the case. Theyll be here and theyll weigh in. [ male announcer ] citi turns 200 this year. In that time thereve been some good days. And some difficult ones. But, through it all, weve persevered, supporting some of the biggest ideas in modern history. So why should our anniversary matter to you . Because for 200 years, weve been helping ideas move from ambition to achievement. And the next great idea could be yours. [ man ] hello hello [ all ] ohh that is crazy are you kidding me . Let me see oh what thats insane noooo mr. Woodson . Oh hello hello [ whistles ] hello [ all ] hello [ coach ] caleb, ive got someone i want you to meet. Hello. [ male announcer ] at t. Thnations largest 4g network. Covering 3,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. Rethink possible. 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Join me, aarp, and Aarp Foundation in the drive to end hunger by visiting drivetoendhunger. Org. [ male announcer ] you build a reputation by not breaking down. Consider the silverado 1500 still the most dependable, longestlasting fullsize pickups on the road. And now weve also been recognized for lowest total cost of ownership based on important things, like depreciation, fuel, and maintenance costs. And now trade up to get a 2012 Chevy Silverado allstar edition with a total value of 9,000. From outstanding value to standing the test of time, chevy runs deep. Sex, lies, emails from the excia director. Sounds like a movie. The fallout from the David Petraeus fallout is real and widespread. What kind of legal issues if any could the players involve face . Lets bring in our legal guys. Avery friedman, a civil rights attorney and law professor is in cleveland, ohio. Richard herman, a new york criminal attorney joins us from las vegas, nevada. Gentlemen, thank you very much for joining us. Nice to see you. Of course. Now, the David Petraeus scandal legal fallout. Lets talk about the National Security breaches . Do you see breaches and do you see laws broken . I dont see breaches. I think what weve seen up to this point is some level of clearance on the issue both in terms of petraeus appearance and explanations from the cia. But the legal issue is bound here both from the standpoint of marital issues in, terms of the fact that petraeus, believe it or not, submitted an evidentiary statement in a child custody case involving jill kelleys sister. Then you have the cyber cat fight. So there are a multitude of issues. But at the end of the day, David Petraeus, i think, walks free. Richard, what about Paula Broadwell . I mean she says she has classified information. How did she get that . Could there be a crime there . She is a socialite hanging out with generals. Who are these socialites . Isnt paris hilton a socialite . What is going on here . Are we insane at this point . Who are who is broadwell . How does she get classified information . Who approved that . Thats what we should be addressing. Whether or not petraeus passed along classified information, thats the issue. He says no. She says she didnt get it from him. How are they going to prove he delivered it to her if there is any . I dont think so. I agree with avery. Petraeus, other than the humiliation hes feeling and the issue with his wife, hes going to walk away. Richard, these are broad philosophical issues. Are we insane here . I dont consider myself insane. Im getting there. Right. I do know that. Is there an issue of cyber stalking between Paula Broadwell and jill kelley . Its a cyber cat fight. I think David Petraeus has had communications hes a potential witness. Let me tell you something. He has bob ben nett as his lawyer. He didnt hire bob for the fun of it. This is a real thing. When you start hanging out with kardashian type women thats what this looks like, well educated ones, this is a problem. There is a practical reality and that is the cyberspace battle is going to continue on. I think david unfortunately is smack in the middle of it. Finally ask you, richard, the general admitted the affair is a violation of the uniform code of military justice. So what could happen . It does not rise to the level of a courtmartial. Dont even go. There nothing is really going o come of this. Look at our history. Look at our leaders. Look at what is going on in the world. This is not a party like berl xoe bett italy. The Supreme Court gentleman is going to review the constitutionality in the Voting Rights act. It still exists. The case concerns socalled section five of the law requires many state and local governments mostly in the south who gained permission from the Justice Department before making changes that affect voting. It applies to nine states. Alabama, alaska, georgia, louisiana, mississippi, south carolina, texas, and virginia. Do you think the Voting Rights act should stay . A lot of people say we have the black president of the united states. Therefore, it doesnt necessarily need to stay. Avery . Well, you know what . The fact with the president , i think that is absolutely nothing. If you think that slavery was outlawed and Voting Rights were became part of the constitution in the 1870s, it took congress 95 years to pass a law. The Voting Rights act of 1965. The congressional record shows that section five, that free clearance by the department of justice is still necessary. We have elements on the Supreme Court that dont understand that. And its up to the department of justice and the friends of the court to make this majority of the Supreme Court understand that section 5, free clearance, has to stay. Final question goes to you. On the Supreme Courts ruling expected by june, do you agree with avery . I agree with avery. Listen, this Voting Rights act came about in 1965 at the height of the Civil Rights Movement in the united states. Its important. All it says is that in these Southern States which have exhibited issues of prejudice when it comes to voting, they cannot change their voting laws without federal approval. I know they dont like big brother looking over them. But you know, it has to be done at this point. Look what happened in this election and some of the states. Look, its not that much of a burden imposed upon the states. I think the Supreme Court is going to continue it. Avery friedman and Richard Herman three federal appeals case said that the department of justice was right. That gives you a pretty good idea how important it is. It is an important topic. We should merngs thntion that b you gentlemen will be back for part two of our bungabunga party to talk about beyonce who is facing a lawsuit by a video game developer. Two people still missing following an explosion on an oil platform. The cause did not cause a major spill. The cause is under investigation. Possible legal trouble for the florida socialite embroiled in the David Petraeus scandal. A new york businessman says jill kelley asked him for an 80 Million Commission to win a south korean business contract. So far no comment from kelleys spokesman about. That. Tsz the end of an era. Its a sad day for twinkie lovers. Weve been talking about this the last two days. Hostess brand is seeking to close up shop blaming a strike by the twinkie bakers. Dont worry, hostess is sure to find a buyer for the iconic treat. See these and other stories trending on cnn. Com. The escalating conflict in the middle east. Im getting ready to talk to an Israeli Government spokesman. Im going to ask him what it would take to trigger an all out ground war in gaza city. [ lisa ] my names lisa, and chantix helped me quit. 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Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. With chantix and with the support system it worked. It worked for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. The situation along the border continues to deteriorate as night falls in the middle east. Israel aiming rockets at hamas headquarters. Israeli soldiers backed by tanks and Armored Vehicles are on the border. In all, 30,000 troops have been mobilized. 75,000 more israeli troops are on stand by. Palestinian militants are fire rockets deep into israel, targeting jerusalem and the largest city in the nation, tel aviv. A spokesman for the Israeli Government joins us now. Thank you very much for joining us. Tell us at this point what will it be that justifies Israeli Ground troops entering the gaza strip . Listen, weve had to do this because the terrorists in gaza have been shooting rockets at our people. And they haven been doing this not for a day, not for a week, theyve been doing it for months if not longer. You have an entire population in southern israel that for them the reality is incoming rockets fired by the terrorists in gaza, i was at a city a few days ago with the Prime Minister, netanyahu, and we met a high schoolgirl, a 12th grader. She said to us, you know, kids all around the world when they hear a bell, that means a lesson is starting or a lesson is ending. In southern israel, we have a whole generation of young people, schoolboys and schoolgirls when they hear a bell, thats a siren. They have 20 seconds to get to a bunker, to get to an air raid shelter, otherwise, that missile could land on them. Thats a reality we wont tolerate. Thats why were acting. We want to stop the rockets raining down on our people. My understand brg all this began last week, there were 750 rockets that hit southern israelment so few may argue the need to defend their country. Last time, which was four years ago when you went to war with hamas, nobody came out ahead. The results were ambiguous at best. You may differ with that. But how do you think this time will be any different . Well, this time we want to come out of this with a situation where the people in southern israel dont have to live in fear of an incoming rocket. We think thats possible. Were putting a lot of pressure on hamas. We targeted their command and control. Weve targeted their arsenals. Weve targeted their stockpiles of rockets, theyre launching centers. We think weve done a good job as hitting hamas targets. Look, ultimately, the terrorists in gaza have to understand that they cannot hit israeli targets with impunity. Well respond and well respond and find those who are responsible and take them out. If the border can be quiet, thats fine. And its important to understand our operation, strategically, is defensive. We dont want to take over more territory. We dont want to do anything aggressive. We just want our border to be quiet. We want an end to the rockets coming across the border. Still not sure how this will be different from four years ago. I know you wanted the same things and have the same goals four years ago. So if its top secret, tell me. But what is being done differently in 2012 than back in 2008 . I think we learned our lessons. I they we understand we have to put the pressure on hamas. And we also at the same time have to tell the palestinians in gaza that you are not our enemy. We have no quarrel with our gaza civilian population. Our problem is with the terrorist whos are shooting the rockets into israel. And in many ways, you know, we see the people of gaza also as a victim of this terrible, you know, taliban type regime, a regime that puts, you know, the people of gazas interests you think of governing gaza would be in better jobs and education. But, no, hamas government is a brutal dictatorship. They put the interests of the people in gaza at bay. They say lets do jihad against israel. That is not in anyones interest. A lot of us news people believe the key to a solution here could potentially, very potentially be the new government of egypt. Can you tell us about any possible contacts between your government and egypt and if you cant tell us specifically about that, can you at least tell us that is an important aspect to solving this problem . Obviously, egyptians have historically had a very important role. And obviously Diplomatic Communications continuing. The end result has to be acquired border in the south. That can be achieved one way or another. We prefer if its possible to do it immediately, we would like that. But i tell you what we wont agree to. We wont agree to some sort of quick fix and then a week from now, ten days from now you get more rockets on israeli cities. We want to know the border is going to be quiet. The people of southern israel get peace and quiet that they deserve. My problem is who were up against. Hamas is a foremidable go ahead, finish your thought. Hamas is a formidable enemy because theyre so stream. You said in your interduction they fired a rocket at jerusalem. Jerusalem is a city that is so special for millions of people across this planet. And, yet, they fired a rocket at jerusalem. You know because you know the realities here. Jerusalem is a huge arab population. They could have killed arab people. In the end, the rocket overflew jerusalem and landed in the west bank. They could have killed palestinians. They dont care. Stle they have no regard for human life. Its amazing. Its a complicated history, complicated geography. Israel, the west bank, gaza strip, Golan Heights in the north. Mark, thank you very much for joining us. We appreciate your time. Coming up in our 2 00 eastern time hour, ill speak with hanan ashwari. Im going to ask her about the israeli response in gaza and the growing fears of an all out war. It really stinks not having power for three weeks, no lights, no heat, no hot water, nothing. That has been the reality for thousands of people in new york dealing with the aftermath of sandy. Why did they forget us . Why are we not part of the community thats getting the lights . Were still here and were freezing now. Thats the problem this hurricane came and the cold weather, so unusual. Even though long island power, the company, the authority that deals with the power restored power to 99 of customers, the company has come under fire for how long it has taken and poor communication, very poor communication with customers. Thats what they tell us. Two long island residents filed a Class Action Lawsuit against the utility and the operating Partner National grid. Our legal guys are back to talk about the legal ramifications. Avery friedman in cleveland, Richard Herman in las vegas. Gentlemen, lipa is the name of the authority. They allege the lawsuit alleges that lipa and National Grid were grossly negligent. That is the quote, in restoring power to the 945,000 customers, a suit filed tuesday in the state Supreme Court on long island. Charge thats lipa National Grid grossly neglected vital mate tennance, delayed replacing the outage Management System this is long, provided false information to rate payers and ignored a 2006 study that identified problems and could have minimized outages. The customers in the suit, gentlemen, are seeking unspecified money damages in review of lcipa regulations. Can they be liable . Absolutely. Shades of new orleans. Theyre going to be accountable here. All their policies and procedures are going to be uncovered. And this lawsuit is the real deal. Lip sachlt in big trouble here civilly and there may be criminal files charged by the attorney general when it gets said and done. We should tell you that the chief operating officer of long island power announced his resignation because of this. And cnn has contacted lipa about the suit and the lipa spokesman tells us, this is a quote, at this time were focusing on completing restoration for our customers. We also reached out to National Grid, a Multinational Company based in the united kingdom. They responded with a statement saying the workers are focusing on completing restoration and they continue to work with relief agencies to provide on going support to those communities and to be there for our customers. I heard laughter. What do you think of the statements, avery . Look, i wish i could agree that this is a big case that is going to be substantial liability. There will not be was Hurricane Sandy foreseeable . Were the circumstances foreseeable . No. According to this the highest court in new york, you have o show gross negligence. Let me tell you something, lip sachlt 7 billion in debt. Their debtincome ratio is 191. You no he what . Unless there is a rate hike, its an empty judgment. I dont believe the litigation will be successful. I understand. I mean i appreciate the suffering. But i dont think at the end of the day there will be liability. I think theyre going to slide out from under this thing. I dont think they can show gross negligence nor can they show fraud. Its on see leet. It needs a lot of work. It needs a lot of money. Gentlemaen, im going to go from lighting to a woman that lights up the stage. Beyonce is facing a lawsuit in new york from a Company Called gate 5 that alleges she helped to make a video game. Late last year backed out of the deal. Gate five is asking for huge damages, hundreds of millions of dollars that it could have made if she honored the agreement according to the lawsuit. Validity to this lawsuit, avery . I actually like i love beyonce and i like the lawsuit. The reason the court of appeals rule very shortly ago is that the judge took it away from a jury. That was a victory for beyonce. Now the jury will decide whether or not, number one, the gate five got sufficient financing. If they didnt, she could bolt. Secondly, whether or not beyonce engaged in activity that blew up the financing. So at the end of the day, we dont know the answer. The jury in new york is going to have to make that decision. What do you think, richard . It will fall on the term committed financing. The definition of committed financing will determine this case. What happened was beyonces attorney moved for Summary Judgment immediately. They tried to end the litigation. The judge says wrong. There are material questions. Its got to go to a jury. Wrongfully not wrongfully, but, you know, not thinking clearly. Her attorneys took an appeal which they had to lose the appeal anyway. They did lose it. Its going to go to a jury. Its going to fall down on the terms committed financing. Whether or not that was defined sufficiently in the agreement signed by them and if they can show that beyonce breached this agreement, theres going to be a settlement here. She wont get hit with a judgment. You guys are well versed on every topic under the sun. We should point out that we reached out to beyonce to a comment and we have not received an response. Our legal guys are here every saturday at this time and also at 4 00 eastern time to give us their take on the most intriguing legal cases of the day. Thank you, gentlemen. The cost of college does not come cheap these days. It comes with a very hefty pricetag. More than ever. Well take a look at smart ways to advance your education while fitting your finances. If youre planning a trip to the ski slopes, its not too late to find bargains. Im looking for them right now. We have some tips in this on the go report. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro. 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If youre looking to get a bargain on that ski vacation, really look at very early in the season or toward the tail end of ski season. The more expensive months will definitely be sort of middecember into latefebruary, very early march. When choosing a place to stay, its all about the location. If you travel early enough in the season, you can even stay at the more high end four or five star hotels right at the base of the mountain. After that, if you travel during peak travel seasons, the further you stay from the base of the mountain, the less expensive your hotel stay will be. And skip the rintal car. If youre really there just to enjoy the ski conditions, can you actually take advantage of Free Shuttle Service that gets you to the slope and back. Also consider leaving your ski equipment at home. Because of the potential having to pay more on the check baggage fees, it is worth considering renting the equipment on the other side of your trip. Its time to hit the slopes. College degree is essential in todays competitive job market. We all know the high cost of that education can affect a students and familys finances for decades. But there are ways of shrinking the college costs. Christine romans explain in this weeks smart is the new rich. Reporter at this college fair, High School Junior Veronica Wood sli exploring her options. Finding schools that had premed and i major in biology to become a dermatologist. It is also a minor in spanish. Reporter picking the right college is a high stakes decision with a high pricetag. Average tuition per year at a Public College is more than 22,000 for instate students. A private college more than 43,000. Community colleges cost 15,000 a year. Not all kids borrow for college. But those who do graduate with 27,000 in debt on average with a pricetag like that, College Choice is a careful investment. But depends on a students talents and finances. Most important, you have to graduate from school in four years. No more five years. And you have to pick the right school. If you havent saved any money, you cant pick the super Expensive School and graduate five years later. And you say there is a certain rule of thumb for paying for school. Heres the thing. If youre a parent saving, i dont know how and why you think you have to pay for the whole thing. Dont save the pull fris tag. Can you try to save a third. Then go for scholarships and grants for the other third. And borrow a third. Its much more manageable and can you do it. That means part of the burden is on the kid. Part of the burden is on the parents. A lot of people arent saving. Exactly. If you cant save, if things are too tight to save, i say take care of yourself first. Your child has a lot more time to pay off loans than you do. And stick with federal. More flexibility when it comes to repayment. If they cant pay, they have ways to go ahead and defer it, income based repayment. So look at those loans first. For students like ver on yak and her mom kathy, its an exciting time. And a lesson in high finance. Theyre crunching the numbers and considering all the options. I mean im scholarships Financial Aid and then i work. But my mom i feel like my mom will do most of the paying. But, i mean, i will help her out, of course. Christine romans, cnn, new york. Americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. Since Ameriprise Financial was founded back in 1894, theyve been committed to putting clients first. Helping generations through tough times. Good times. Never taking a bailout. There when you need them. Helping millions of americans over the centuries. The strength of a Global Financial leader. The heart of a onetoone relationship. Together for your future. Part of a whole new line of tablets from dell. Its changing the conversation. Its changing the conversation. When you take a closer look. At the best schools in the world. You see they all have something very interesting in common. They have teachers. With a deeper knowledge of their subjects. As a result, their students achieve at a higher level. Lets develop more stars in education. Lets invest in our teachers. So they can inspire our students. Lets solve this. Victims of the aurora, colorado shooting will soon get relief. The funds special master is deciding who gets how much . The fund was established by colorados governor and by a local charity. A missouri man is behind bars accused of planning a mass shooting like the one in aurora. Police say 20yearold blake lambers was plotting to shoot up a Movie Theater but then changed his mind and decided he would target a Walmart Store instead. Investigators say his mother called them concerned that her son was planning a copycat massacre. Police say he confessed to the plot. Coming up later this afternoon, well bring you all the late breaking developments out of israel and the palestinian territories as tensions are very high. And if youre not sure why this conflict came to be, well break it down for you. Washington still reeling over general David Petraeus, affair and fall from grace

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