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react to what happened overseas? the opening bell just 30 minutes aw away. and life-altering disease. jack osbourne diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. how he is coping. plus -- take a look at that. talk about a tennis tantrum. ow! taking out his frustration on the ad board but hitting the ump in the process. not only does he get kicked out of the tourney but the police are considering charges for that ornery tennis player. good morning, everyone. hi there. i'm ashley banfield. we want to begin with your wallet, your money. the reason stock markets around the world are bouncing around this morning because voters in greece are supporting the nation's controversial bailout. finally they're doing so. that's the kind of decision that could have sent that economy and, in fact, the world economy reeling. on wall street the sense of relief is kind of ho-ho so-so. 30 minutes before the opening bell and the markets are mixed. investors are skittish. our business correspondent are christine romans joining me now lo live. this is a critical moment not just for greece and not just for the eurozone but also for americans and sometimes, christine, americans aren't quite so sure why it's so important for us. >> reporter: look, it's so important because you have an election that now has closed the book here. 221 days now there hasn't been an elected government in greece. and so now it looks like it can try to form a coalition and begin to abide by the bailout rules and try to get more money under its bailout so it can keep going here. but even as the election is over, uncertainty isn't. that's what you're seeing in world markets. that rally we saw two, three, four hours ago is starting to fizzle here because everyone is looking forward to how much work greece has to do, looking forward to other problems, quite frankly, in the eurozone including spain and italy. let's talk about the lexicon, if you will, of the greek crisis. words you've been hearing like drachmageddon, people have said if that happened you would have the lehman moment. we would have a small player fail and that could take down the rest of europe. grexit is what you are hearing, too. now this vote, many people home, has thwart add grexit, greece exiting the eurozone. earlier this morning from harvard studied all of the financial crises, more than 3,000 of them, they never planned for something like this. that is the problem. even though there is a little bit -- you have an election under our belt, no one planned when they invented the eurozone and all of that comes at a time twh our own economy is pretty fat and fragile. that's why we care. >> so, christine, we have a winner with which helps with the uncertainty but in a parliamentary system, a winner isn't always a winner. there needs to be a coalition. they have three days to put together a coalition government to actually get this momentum goi going. so what if, what if that coalition is enforced? what happens with us and our global economy? >> reporter: i think you would have a terrible stock market reaction. global markets that would be reacting violently. so even this morning as we talk about a fizzling rally overseas, look, many people said that if you had -- if you didn't have a pro-bailout group winning, it would have been a terrible die day in the markets here. markets are trying to figure out what to do next even as greece isn't the only problem here. you and i have been talking about it. greece is the weakest link in the chain that is europe. for now that weak link stays in but there are other weak links, too, so this is the beginning of the end of the story for greece and its problems. it's not the end of the story. >> yeah, this is the for now part of your reporting. all right. further reporting from you as the bell goes off in about 25, 26 minutes or so. appreciate it. so the sputtering of the economy is the focus of president obama and other world leaders, all of them in mexico for the g-20 summit of the world's largest and emerging economies, looking for ways to ramp up a sluggish economy. the recovery around the world has been a problem but it is unl unlikely that the leaders can agree on any kind of a commitment to a single coordinated plan of attack. switching gears somewhat here, as early as the next hour, the united states supreme court could hand down some of the most important decisions in years. some might say even decades. looming for all americans, president obama's health care law. several issues are under the microscope. the one getting the most attention is the individual mandate. specifically whether it is constitution al to require healh coverage for almost all of us. the justices could also be hand down a decision on arizona's tough immigration law. the big question is whether the states have the authority to write their own immigration laws or only the feds have the power to do so. we'll keep an eye on that for you and we'll come in with breaking news if we do it, in fact, get those decisions today. today or thursday. also switching gears to this, in colorado huge wildfires, one big one in particular engulfing more than 56,000 acres and it's destroyed at least 181 homes. more than 1,700 people are fighting this fire. they're battling the flames which are fueled with very high temperatures and the worst part of it gusty, gusty winds. our cnn meteorologist rob marciano has been watching this fire. it's like a long form. we're into week three. they're having some success but not enough. >> we've been going from state to state. arizona, new mexico, now colorado getting into the act. overall we're below average as far as how much has burned. in colorado, don't tell those folks this. this is now the largest wildfire in kcolorado history. the axis is to the west of ft. collins and the roosevelt national forest there. all sorts of aerial, it's just become a massive, massive area just to the west of ft. collins and now the problem today is, the next couple of days, strong winds will be out of the west/northwest and that will fan the flames. in ft. collins, we continue to get a great deal of smoke from this thing. huge with 56,000 acres. that's bringing it to the largest in colorado history. that sounds like a lot of containment but a fire of this magnitude and size, it's really not that much. when you look at the big weather picture, things are not helping. 50 to 60-mile-an-hour winds all the way up to wyoming and this is the other issue, at least for today, we may not touch 100 but we're going to get pretty close here in denver. very low levels of humidity in that fire zone as well. 3% to 4% today and with winds gusting 50 to 60 miles an hour that's going to be quite the battle they will have on their hands not only today but tomorrow as well. >> just imagine how hard that is to fight the fires in that kind of heat. not with standing how dangerous the heat is for the fire spreading itself. that's really dangerous work after so long. >> backbreaking and dangerous. they are a lot tougher than i am. >> i'll say. keep an eye on things for us, rob marciano. by the way, this is a great piece of video to tail with you, rob. check out this video in south dakota. you may not believe this. ouch. that is the sound of rain pounding a windshield. severe storms hammering south dakota and western minimnesota. probably a little hail mixed in with that to make that sound. and then also look at these clou cloud formations in wheaton, minnesota. just remarkable. the beginnings of twisters. and you can see the lightning in between those funnels. hard to tell whether the funnels ended up touching down anywhere but those are not the kinds of cloud formations. you want to stick around and watch develop into anything bigger or worse. making news today as well, an autopsy is expected soon on rodney king. his body was found on sunday in a pool at his suburban los angeles home. it was king's beating by los angeles police back from 1991 and the acquittal of the officers involved that sparked a deadly riot 20 years ago. many people say they are saddened by king's death. >> i was shocked. because of who it was. i thought he was one of those persons that would always be around. he's one of the icons that you would look up to. with the l.a. riots, he really stopped them, i think, by telling everybody, can we all just get along? everybody just started getting along. >> one of the most famous comments ever, can we all just get along. live in los angeles now, the very latest. so bring me up to speed on whether the police are any closer to figuring out why rodney king drowned in his pool, miguel? >> reporter: it's not clear, ashley, the neighbors have told police or told the media outlets that they heard emotional conversations very early in the morning sunday morning at 5:30, his wife called police because she spotted him at the deep end of the pool on the bottom. police dove into the pool, pulled him out, started resuscitation there and he was pronounced dead sunday morning. a tumultuous life, a completely ordinary man who found himself in extraordinary circumstances who who can forget after all that rioting, all that death, all those arrests, all those injuries in 1991 when los angeles exploded, this man scared out of his mind came out and said the following -- >> can we all get along? can we get along? >> reporter: those words will remind people of this man's life. he changed certainly the los angeles police department, he changed race relations across the country, he changed so much by being there at that point in time and having that beating taped and the white officers being acquitted just an amazing history. he had a very difficult life. he had a lot of demons in his world. and he certainly died in the same way that he lived his life. >> it's a tragic story, and keep an eye on this because i know the investigation is continuing to see if there may have been any kind of drugs or alcohol involved. i know he told don he had yet to really fight off those demons and get that substance abuse. miguel, thank you. a new beginning in the jerry sandusky trial, so to speak. today his lawyers are beginning to present the defense in this case. and you might be surprised with what they are about to say. ♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? checking top stories for you. waiting to see how wall street will react to the greek election results. the victory by the new democracy party helped to ease worries greece might break away from the eurozone and while the greek news gave the european stocks an initial bounce there was a pullback over concerns about spain and italy. problems of their own in the eurozone. in money news, an anonymous bidder buying a 1976 apple one computer and paying, guess what, $375,000 for it. that winning bid at the sotheby's auction was more than twice the original estimate. i guess it's because there's only about six working apple one computers in the world. if you are wondering about performance, here you go. it has no monitor. it has no keyboard and it's believed to be 1,000 times slower than an iphone. but it's nice to have. chinese spacecraft launched saturday has docked with an orbiting space lab. china is now the third nation after the united states and russia to complete a man space docking. the three-person crew including china's first female astronaut is including scientific experiments in the space lab. today is set to be a turning point in the child rape trial of jerry sandusky. after a week of extraordinarily emotional and very graphic testimony from his accusers, the prosecution is expected to rest today and his defense lawyers will get their turn to tell his side of this case. our national correspondent susan candiotti is outside the courthouse in pennsylvania. susan, it always looks bad as a prosecution wraps up because that's what the prosecution is supposed to do, make this look very, very bad. but knowing that, there was something interesting that happened this weekend that may give us a clue as to where the defense is going with its case. can you explain? >> reporter: i sure can. it appears he has been examined by two psychologists, one for the prosecution and one for the defense. the prosecution's expert, evidently, examined him over the weekend. and so this is all part of the defense plan as they stated in court papers to say sajerry sandusky has been diagnosed with and suffers from a histrionic personality disorder and that explains the creepy letters that he wrote to his alleged victims in this case and in some of them, and we can show you an excerpt from one of them, it reads in part how he wrote about himself in these letters in the third person. he says, quote, jer may not be worthy but he needs a best friend. jer will not forget and always cares. so prosecutors have argued he used it techniques that would be used by any sexual predator. the defense will argue that's not the case. that he suffers from this personality dis0 order and it has nothing to do with him allegedly being a sexual predator. and, you know, i want to bring you up to date, ashleigh, on what's happening in court right now. outside the jury's presence, they're both discussing some motions and they said that they will get under way with one last prosecution witness. we don't know who this is and then the defense and the prosecution will rest and the defense will begin. also the defense attorney for jerry sandusky is saying that the prosecutors failed to adequately explain each count, and he's telling the judge this is a violation of due process. so he'll likely ask for doing this for a basis of a later appeal after the judge rules on th this. >> all right. getting on the record as they like to say. that's fascinating, susan. you say there's one more witness for the prosecution, who knows. there are still two of those accusers of the it ten who they haven't been able to find and it would be amazing to find 0 out if they had last minute tracked them down or maybe something else. not that we're not going to have big surprises in the defense case, too. i'll let you get back into court so you can bring us whatever transpires in court. thank you very much, susan candiotti live in pennsylvania for us this morning. two brothers hoping for olympic gold. here's the problem. only one of them can make the u.s. olympic team. imagine what it's like for that family. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, 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[ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] get used to that music. the london summer games just 39 days away and of course they will be kicked off in lavish fashion with an epic opening ceremony july 27th. this time around oscar winning director danny boyle is going to direct the cast of thousands. and we're hearing it includes a menagerie of animals. i'm just saying. siblings, speaking of olympics, siblings who are both trampolinists, both vying for one, just one, coveted spot on the u.s. olympic team. can you imagine thanksgiving dinner? it's a case of rivalry but also a case of brotherly love because both are aiming for gold. here is carol kocostello. >> reporter: steven and jeffrey need to jump 30 feet in the air to qualify for the olympic games but that's not compared to their greatest challenge, beating each other. >> sometimes they fight during the training so it's tough. you have to separate them a little. but sometimes when they have rough days they support each other a lot which makes it easier. >> reporter: world champ tatiana trains them both to face anyone but steven knows jeffrey is the one to beat. >> i'm concerned being with my brother, he has natural born talent. he hand so perfectly into the trampoline that if he -- if everything goes his way perfect, he could be the best in the world. >> reporter: yet 19-year-old jeffrey still looks up to steven. >> he has a very good work ethic. he comes into the gym. he trains his hardest and always puts his heart into it. >> reporter: when loretta gluckst gluckstein encouraged them to jump on a trampoline she never thought it would be an olympic sport and sibling rivalry. >> they are so close. they've been doing this together every -- i mean literally together every day for the past 12 years. >> reporter: steven has only lost to jeffrey once but it was big. he lost his national title to his baby brother last year. >> it's a feeling to beat a relative but it's a good feeling inside. >> reporter: steven became determined to beat him even as jeffrey remained more friend than foe. >> we spot for each other with a safety mat on the side of the trampoline. i watch his good trainings but he watches mine as well. you have to focus on yourself, your personal best. you are not worried about anybody else. >> reporter: even if that somebody else is literally your better half. carol costello, cnn, atlanta. >> carol, awesome story. i have a 5-year-old and 6-year-old that bounce together, too. maybe there's hope way down the line. okay. so dueling over deportation as immigration becomes the latest hot topic in the race for the white house. so will it be president obama or governor romney coming out on top on this argument? french fondue tex-mex fro-yo tapas puck chinese takeout taco truck free range chicken pancake stack baked alaska 5% cashback. signup for 5% cashback at restaurants through june. it pays to discover. [ female announcer ] weak, damaged hair needs new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. active naturals wheat formulas restore strength for up to 90% less breakage in three washes. for strong, healthy hair with life, new aveeno nourish+ strengthen. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ good morning. i'm ashleigh banfield in for carol costello and some of the stories we're following in the newsroom today, the defense is set to begin in its presentation of its case today in the jerry sandusky child rape trial. yesterday jerry sandusky underwent psychological testing. his lawyers plan to argue that he suffers a personality disorder. fears of a power struggle and more bloodshed as the muslim brotherhood claims victory in egypt's historic presidential election. the state media account shows the candidate mohamed morsi is leading but there are still a lot of votes that have yet to be counted. an autopsy is planned for rodney king today. los angeles police are treating his death as a drowning. the 47-year-old was found it at the bottom of his own swimming pool early yesterday morning. his 1991 beating by los angeles police officers was caught on camera, with riots breaking out after the officers were criminally acquitted of that beating. well, at first it seemed like the stock market was heading for a rally after the pro-bailout party won the election in greece. but now, i don't know, maybe not so much. so we've been wait iing for the opening bell. what's the deal? >> reporter: yeah, ashleigh, not so much. we have seen a bit of a rally in the futures markets overnight and in europe as well. that market now is flat. the reason being there was excitement over the fact that there was an election in greece that went pretty much how the market wanted, this new democracy party in favor of austerity. as they say, the devil is in the details and the formation of that coalition isn't coming together as well or as easily as people had hoped. all eyes also right now are on spain and the rising tide of bad loans. we're going to get a report on the 21st about the capitalization needs of those banks. people are more worried about spain. greece's xweconomy is a lot smaller. so that is where the focus is going to be in terms of today. the trading will be a churning. we are now down. it's not a huge sell-off by any means but there are so many questions, nothing that's going to lead the market higher necessarily, at least not for now. >> felicia, i get the argument that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and that makes sense, i guess, for the eurozone. i don't always understand how that chain skips over the atlantic to the united states. can you connect those links for me? >> absolutely and it's a valid question. why should americans care what's going on and what i mentioned before, they are our largest trading partners. so when you think about imports coming into this country, if those economies are having a tough time, that means those prices are going to be pushed higher. that means we are paying more for spanish products and greek products, whatever it may be. also, what is the exposure of american banks to spain. spanish bond yields rising to all-time record highs. that means frankly the economy there is so fragile that people are getting rid of spanish debt. they don't want to hold on to anything. now that has an effect in terms of american banks, who will mop up that mess might likely come back to the u.s. shores. ashleigh? >> i'm seeing between 55 and 56 down on the dow. is it expected to be a blood bath or a messy day? >> i think a messy day. the other thing people are going to be focused on is the if federal reserve meeting which happens tuesday and wednesday of this week and the hope is out there that there will be some kind of added stimulus into the marketplace and possibly even a global world bank coordination of putting stimulus back in the marketplace whether it's the uk, france, italy -- probably not italy but germany more than l e likely to add a little stimulus back. that's what the market will be focused on and looking for any kind of positive news out of the federal reserve on wednesday. ashleigh? >> all right, felicia, i knew you would explain it well. thank you, my friend. nice to see you. >> reporter: fwod good to see y. so loyal viewers got to know the guy named ozzy osbourne, the rocker, the family man, andist entire family but now there's a new reality for one family member. it's jack. jack osbourne is facing a shocking medical diagnosis. we're going to bring you up to speed in a moment. ♪ you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. yoo-hoo. hello. it's water from the drinking fountain at the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. the brita bottle with the filter inside. [ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] we created the luxury crossover and kept turning the page, writing the next chapter for the rx and lexus. see your lexus dealer. ♪ it's your birthday oh, yeah, happy birthday, paul. they say it's your birthday and it is. the big 7-0. i can't believe i just said you're 70, about but you are. london's "daily telegraph" saying paul mccartney spent the weekend in italy with his wife. he is supposed to be back in london tonight and he is still going strong at 70, folks. man, i could listen to that song all day. he is going to be the big closer act at the opening ceremony at the london summer games, so we're not through hearing from him. other news from the entertainment world and this is a surprise, rocker ozzy osbourne's son and reality star jack osbourne has made a very personal announcement. he's telling everyone now that he is actually suffering from multiple sclerosis. we are following the developments. this comes as a real surprise. has he known this for long? >> reporter: this is news that is just kind of coming out. i think they have had the diagnosis for a little bit and we' were dealing with it as a family. this news we learned on father's day, jack just had a daughter two weeks ago. he told britain's "hello magazine" doctors diagnosed the disease after he lost 60% of the vision in his right eye. now understandably he told the magazine that he was angry, he was upset about the diagnosis. but he also says that kind of attitude can only make things worse. his new motto, ashleigh, is adapt and overcome. i think that's a good attitude to have when he has this fight ahead of him. >> we wish him the best. i want to ask you about something that's been a big old deal here in new york city, this total throwdown in a nightclub. a lot of people making jokes about it but there were some serious injuries, the allegations two rappers went at it over rihanna, drake and chris brown, both of them importantlier boyfriendimportan former boyfriends, you could y say. >> throwdown is the right word that you used for this. this story keeps getting worse and worse. now this is the brawl that saw those two, drake and chris brown's entourages reportedly getting into this all out melee. now that club has been shut down by the new york city police department. now this brawl, no matter who was involved, left the club in shambles. there was broken glass everywhere. the fight included people throwing glass bottles around. reportedly one person there is planning to sue and there will probably be others lining up to follow suit. nba star tony parker was injured in that fight. he told reporters that he was with his friend, chris brown, and between the punches being thrown and the glass flying around, he suffered a scratch to his eye. now he's out of action for the next week. he's supposed to be preparing for the olympics with the french national team right now. and we also saw chris brown at the time tweet out a picture of his face with a big cut on it. what we don't know, ashleigh, at this stage is who started this fight and why. as for the club shut down, the violations are related to owner/ owner/operator, admission of patrons, activities inside the club and all of these violations were an issue before the fight. this brawl seems to have been just basically the final straw for the club which led to that being shut down. >> but you know what, there's another thing that's been spawned by this. i don't know if you in l.a. are following this, we had our big soda ban here that mayor bloomberg is trying to get snakted, weenacted, the woman w wants to be named blair, christine quinn, wants to ban bottles because they use them as weapons. >> reporter: that is going to have club owners and people in that industry just up in arms because if you know if you go to clubs especially in new york and here in l.a., bottle service is where those clubs make a lot of their money. you can go from anywhere to $1,500 on a slow night to $15,000. >> holy. >> reporter: for bottle service on a busy night. that's where they make a lot of their money. i see a big fight ahead if that becomes an issue. >> who knew we would be talking about a bottle ban because of weaponry rather than bad behavior and the use and drinking of it. thank you. you will be back next hour to join us with more headlines including why the creator of this "family guy" my favorite cartoon is not laughing when it comes to presidential politics. seth mcfarland's take on what's going on in the nation's capital is coming up. 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[ female announcer ] get the travelocity guarantee any way you book, including our new app. you'll never roam alone. a colorado wildfire is now engulfed more than 56,000 acres and, get this, it has destroyed at least 181 homes. more than 1,700 firefighters are trying to get this thing under control, but the flames are fueled by very high temperatures and, worse yet, a lot of wind. the activists have certainly had their say, but now the health care law and several other key cases in this country are in the hands of the supreme court. keeping an eye on the court as a decision could come down at any moment today. in money, facebook paying up. it's going to have to pay $10 million to settle a lawsuit filed by five users. they claim that the company used part of their profiles in advertisements without giving them any money for doing so. the potential class action lawsuit could have resulted in billions of dollars in damages. a boston-area hockey mom took matters into her own hands and walked onto the ice saying that the referees were not doing enough to stop a fight involving her son. take a look at this. it's a youtube clip making the rounds. it was posted a few weeks ago. gina o'toole is her name, holding her purse, pink jacket and all. she explained what compelled her to do this. she showed up on abc's "good morning america" to explain herself. >>t( concussions are very prevalent thing in youth hockey and when i went on the ice, a lot of other parents were screaming, stop it, stop the fight. people were banging on the glass, what are you doing? when are you going to break this up? and i just found myself opening the gate and walking onto the ice and saying, hey, you need to get control of this game. what are you doing? and he turned around and he yelled at me and told me to get off the ice. i said, you need to do your job. >> well, there you go. you need to do your job, pink jacket, purse, and all. i think there might have been a few f-bombs in there with all the bleps. as soon as she got out there, both youth hockey teams actually stopped throwing the punches, probably out of sheer shock and amazement. shock and awe. way to go, mom. i like to hear that. nice work. scandal involving our catholic church and the vatican -- well, they've been front page news here in the united states. now we're going to go in-depth, take a look at what is going on behind the tensions between the vatican and american catholics. nuns are going on a bus tour. 12 nuns on a bus kicking off a 15-day tour in iowa. they are on a drive for faith, fairness and are speaking out against the house budget plan authored by paul ryan. they say that his proposed government spend iing cuts woul hurt poor people first. but the nuns are also duking it out with somebody else. the big guy. not god but next to him, the vatican, the pope. these days things have been tense. they've been strictly and sternly reprimanded for being, quote, too feminist from the vatican. seems to be a divide in the catholic church but some say it might actually be growing into an all-out political battle. all this week we're going in-depth on how this rift is affecting american catholics and their relationship with the church. cnn's senior vatican analyst is joining me live in rome right now. tell me a little bit about this rift between the nuns and the vatican. is it getting worse, better? this bus tour can't be too well received by although both sides in the stand off in the state, they're a major umbrella group. between that and the vatican, both sides are committed to continuing the conversation, and both sides are saying outloud they don't seem to be making a lot of progress in meeting of the minds of the substantive issues. a lot of people frankly not sure where this will end up. >> can you give me a feel for how america is being viewed? the catholic church in america is being viewed globally? are we gl in good standing with the vatican when it comes to the catholic church here? is there a divide in any way? >> let's start with the fact, ashley, there are 1.2 billion catholics in the world and 67 million in the united states. american catholics represent only 6%. so the vatican doesn't always get out of bed in the morning thinking about america. it is fair to say that in the old days they would see the united states over here as a culture they couldn't really trust and they fell back on their friends in europe. now because of secularization in europe, they think of europe as their best friend on the global stage. it also means they pay more attention to us which has positives and negatives. right now there are nonuns that could talk to you about the negatives. >> john, quickly i want to wrap this up, i don't know if you can answer this or not, pope benedict, how well does he know american catholics? >> in a interview, benedict the 16th confessed he doesn't know the united states very well. but there are americans that have his ear, like the man who is leading this crack down on american nuns. so, the pope would not fancy himself an expert, but he has plenty in his immediate neighborhood. >> john allen, looks like the weather it beautiful, good of you to join us, thank you, sir. >> live in rome for us this morning. okay, so a tv show pushing to win over academy award viewers and instead getting criticism. come calling this anti-semetic. seth macfarlene is firing back. , we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh? you should see november! oh, yeah? giving you more. now that's progressive. call or click today. you see us, at the start of the day. on the company phone list that's a few names longer. you see us bank on busier highways. on once empty fields. everyday you see all the ways all of us at us bank are helping grow our economy. lending more so companies and communities can expand, grow stronger and get back to work. everyday you see all of us serving you, around the country, around the corner. us bank. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] not everything powerful has to guzzle fuel. the 2012 e-class bluetec from mercedes-benz. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. i think we should see other people. in fact, i'm already seeing your best friend, justin. ♪ i would've appreciated a proactive update on the status of our relationship. who do you think i am, tim? quicken loans? at quicken loans, we provide you with proactive updates on the status of your home loan. and our innovative online tools ensure that you're always in the loop. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. -- c --icaptions by vitac -- you're a wwww.vitac.comop. >> does you hear about the government game? those official sports terms you use, i have to learn those. >> sports is just not my thing. >> lebron blames himself for losing last year. james driving to the basket, he finishes with 29 points. kevin durant was in foul trouble. he came through in crunch time. he held off a late okc rally. . they lead. webb simpson playing in his fifth major wins his first u.s. open. simpson and his wife watched on tv from the clubhouse as graham mcdowell missed a putt to make a playoff. >> i got off to a slow start, but i knew that -- i got off to a slow start, but i knew -- >> always something to spice things up. >> enjoy enjoy the jail cell. and bad behavior on the tennis course, david kicks and hits a judge, daus blood, and it's over. he is discall if ied. he was the winner back in january. he was abandoned for throwing water at an official. now he could be in more trouble. police are considering assault charges against him. >> i'm at a loss for words, i wish he was saying oh darn, i meant to get the board beside you -- >> how oblivious do you have to be to not see the person sitting there. >> you have your work to find out about the assault charges there. you do a very good job at that may i say. >> thank you, the next hour of "cnn news room" beginning now. and good morning, i'm ashley sitting in f. we have george zimmerman talking to his wife on the phone talking in code about how to hide their money from the courts. and heat emergency, record breaking temperatures across the country. nearly 100 degrees in colorado, and the poor firefighters battling that fire battling the heat and what that heat is doing to the state. it's the worst in the state's his zero. and seth macfarlane sent to the voters is anti-semetic. we'll have his reaction. good morning, i'm ashleigh vanfield. we're expecting interesting stuff in the george zimmerman case. prosecutors about to release tapes made between george zimmerman, the shooter, and his wife. the recordings show that the couple was trying to speak in code about concealed finances, it landed both of them in jail. george howell is following the case, what can we expect to hear? >> prosecutors point out that gz had a lot of money, at least $135,000 in an account that he raised through supporters online. prosecutors allege that he deceived the judge in order to get bond, and now we're seeing the prosecution's motion to revoke bond. we're getting discovery from that. it includes lists of witnesses, and also these phone conversations between george zimmerman and his wife shelly. we're expecting to get the audio here within the hour. we node with these phone conversations, they were speaking in code and george zimmerman telling her what to do with the money. >> do you know exactly what kind of conversation -- if they're speaking in code do we know what exactly was being said? >> we have the transcriptions, and i want to show you just what we have. we're waiting to get the audio, but let's take a look at a sample of these conversations. shellie going to the bank today take out more money. and also what was in the box. >> or do you want me to leave it there? it's up to you, ken was saying i should have as much cash as possible. it's okay, i feel safer with the gift cards, i don't want you having touch on you. it's a safety issue you know. >> the two were talking about what to do with the money they had. and again they told the judge they didn't have any money. and that's how george initially got bond. >> that the doesn't look good, does it? so we can only assume that his defense attorney will have to make hay of that. there's more discovery, so i'll let you get back to that because you're going to do a lot of reading today. >> it's always a bummer, but it always provides very interesting insight into a case. george howell for us live, thank you. today is a turning point from one case to another. the child rape trial of jerry sandusky. we had very graphic testimony from his victims. the lawyers should begin presented their case right afterwards. one witness may be an expert that is that jerry sandusky has a personality disorder and may suffer from it still. and now we want to turn to your wallet, and the stock markets are bouncing around because the voters in greece are voting for a bailout. it could have given real problems, but it didn't. the sense of relief is a bit tempered. just 30 minutes or so after the market opens, it's mostly down. i heard we were up, and then down -- >> the election is over, but the uncertainty isn't. now greece has to form a coalition government. it has to figure out how to quality for more more bailout loans. the country is paying it's bills from money coming from the bailout of it's neighbors. this all is not about greece. greece is the weakest link in the chain, and europe is the biggest destination for american exports. the euro zone is a big trading partner for us. so this is why ken rogoff says it matters. >> now, we might be hit by another hammer blow coming from europe, coming from china, and already, from europe, there is a lot of uncertainty. so even if you don't know that the meteor will hit, you're hiding and worrying about it. >> yeah, a meteor. and that's what it is. a meteor. this is what investors in the u.s. are so worried about. europe is a very concerns situation. greece is an economy smaller than new jersey, but it means so much to what happens. >> here is what i don't understand. we have been talking about this story for a long time. greece has been the word over and over again. but often times you will say to me that traders are trading on headlines as they change day today. today we have a great headline, and three days they have to form a coalition. why are they not capitalizing today. >> we all that headline risk. stock markets are predictors, they're leading indicators not lagging. the stock market was telling us last week they thought the probailout conservatives would get more traction and they did. so the market was anticipating this outcome. they got it, and now meetly start looking forward to the next meteor. >> let's hope they can get their stuff together, another word for it. >> that's right if you start to see things really falling in line in europe that would be a good thing for the united states and our market. >> it's hard for americans to understand that everything has to get along, so do we, just a different way of doing it. have you slept at all? it's a busier time for you, my friend. thank you. so the sputtering international economy is focused on president obama and other world leaders today. they're in mexico for the g 20 summit of the world's largest economies. greece is a big deal for them. they're looking for ways to ramp up the sluggish economy. here is the bad news. it's unlikely the leader wills be able to agree on any kind of a commitment to a single coordinated plan of attack. a power struggle with the muslim brotherhood. their candidate is leading, but hold your horses. a lot of votes yet to be counted. that is not a final story as of yet. an autopsy is expected soon on rod any king. his fiance found him at the bottom of their swimming pool. it was king's beating in 1991 and the subsequent acquittal of the officers after ward that sparked this deadly riot 20 years ago. the pictures were unbelievable. people saying they're saddened by his death. >> i was shocked because of who it was. i thought he was one of those persons that you know, would always be around. he is one of the icons you look up to because with the l.a. riots, he's the one that stopped them i think by telling everybody can we just get along and everybody started getting along. >> we're live in los angeles with the latest on the investigation into rod any king's death and his life. so that was a neighbor named bob carlberg, and another neighbor made reports about noises in the neighborhood before he was found dead, can you enlighten us? >> it seems they were up for most of the night and perhaps somebody else was at that house as well. authorities say they do not suspect foul play at the moment, but they will run a toxicology to see if drugs or alcohol played any part at how he ended up at the bottom of the pool. mr. king was an admitted user of alcohol and drugs, and he called himself a recovering addict even though he continued to drink. you typically take a matter of weeks to get toxicology reports back. his fiance heard a noise around 5:30 in the morning, walked outside, saw him at the bottom of the pool, called 911, the police jumped into the pool, pulled him out, but he was pronounced dead at 6:11. >> you know, our colleague don lemon did such a great interview with rodney king leading up to the 20th anniversary of the riots. he seemed like he had it together and was a very good guy. so yesterday as the news was breaking, it seemed early on there was no outward appearance of foul play. are they still on that tact? >> yeah, they still are on that fact. they're saying there is no indication of foul play, there was no drugs or alcohol in the immediate area, but they do want to conduct that toxicology before they make a final ruling on this. it sounds like there was apparently an emotional conversation around 3:00 a.m. sunday morning, and then around 5:30 his fiance heard a splash in the pool, even though he had his life together, he had a legion of problems. he had substance problems, financial problems, legal problems. this is a guy who found himself in an extraordinary situation and he was a very ordinary guy. >> an average guy that never wanted that spotlight to begin with. she was a juror in the civil case. >> amazing history. >> thank you. appreciate it. so here is a computer with no monitor, no keyboard, no power fly. what a piece of junk, right? someone thought it was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. 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you will now. he is the winner of the u.s. open. he finished with a final round 68 in the tournament at one over par. 15 different players have won the last different majors. overall the day went well for him. nothing like the sound of that. he is a happy guy. a chinese spacecraft that launched on sand has docked with a space lab. china is now the third nation to complete a manned space docking. the three person crew, including china's first female astronaut. congratulations. going to do a lot of scientific experiments in the space lab. a critical fire risk is in place in six western states. a fire has now burned 5600 acres. 81 homes are gone. 77 firefighters are trying to battle this and it's getting hotter and windier, and that is a bad cocktail. rob marciano has been watching it. is there anything better than hot weather and wind out there? >> it's not really the season for rain out there. there are gusty winds and lightning that doesn't necessarily help. this is now the largest fire in colorado history with 88 square miles burned. here is fort collins, and that's how much of this fire has been engulfed by flames. 45% containment at the moment. it is already costing almost 11 million in damage. look at the weather pattern setting up. south california and parts of eastern wyoming we have critical fire danger. not only today, but tomorrow, and you couple in what is building and that is heat. yesterday in denver we had temperatures in the upper 90s, we may hit 100 in denver today, that's in the fire zone, and lower relative humidity levels into the single digits. we cool it down a little bit into thursday, but not a lot of rain with this. we have severe weather yesterday that will be heading into the plains through parts of wisconsin. i want to show you some of this weather. this is a thunderstorm that developed and storm chasers followed it. this was on the border. they got this amazing picture of a super cell from start to finish. a rain shoft, a little hail in there. isn't that gorgeous? a funnel there that eventually touched down. we had two reports of tornadoes right on the south dakota and minnesota border. didn't do much damage. but incredible cloud formations. that's what's going on in the northern plains and moving to the upper great lakes. >> twin funnel formations. i could not figure out if they touched down, but if you're driving and you see that, what do you do? >> depends on what side of the storm you are, it's all relative, the safest bet is typically to stay in your car if one is heading your way. but if that doesn't look to be a safe spot, get low, unlike a ditch. >> there is never a shortage of people that say no, do something else, but there's no way to survive those things, but just try to get out of the way. >> stay in your car, keep your head down and buckle up. >> i like the pictures, but i want to to get a move on. so "family guy" one of my favorite shows. some off color humor. the show's creator wants to be taken seriously for a minute. he is being criticized for some tough thoughts. you will hear his thoughts on politics in hollywood in just a moment. great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? 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[ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can come from any faucet anywhere. the brita bottle with the filter inside. i can't sleep unless i watch "family guy." that's my secret. that and "the daily show" but the creator is getting serious. seth macfarlane getting series. let's start with presidential politics because he is stepping into it. >> yeah, lots to talk about on the seth macfarlane tip. we sat down with him to talk about the movie "ted." he said had is concerned about the battle with mitt romney, and about the amount of money that has raised. he said that hollywood is still behind the president and they have high hopes for his second term in office. >> oh, sorry, i thought there was a soundbyte coming on. >> is he dead serious or was he laughing his way through it? >> he was pretty serious. he's such a funny -- his comedy is very dry sometimes, so you just don't know, but he is serious on these fronts. he also talked about this issue of the emmy controversy that he is in the midst of. "family guy" has never won, only been nominated for best comedy once. many think it's an injustice, but the show has been cam pawning for the emmy in an unusual way. here is what it said, come on blooted under -- bloated under privileged brentwood jews, let us in. >> it's making fun of rich guys with nice houses and beautiful cars. really, like -- it kind of drove me crazy a few weeks ago when ricky gervais hosted the golden globes, they have everything going for them, and nobody could take a joke. >> this is not the first time he has been outrageous with the came pain. he sent out a campaign before that said vote for us or you're ray sis. he is probably right, peter griffin probably would say that, but people don't think seth macfarlane should say that voters. >> peta is a equal opportunity offender, very funny stuff in not serious as well. michelle turner, thank you. by the way, if necessary wants information on everything breaking in the world of entertainment, there is your man. a.j. hammer and the show biz tonight team. i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula improves skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] only from aveeno. in your car. now count the number of buttons on your tablet. isn't it time the automobile advanced? introducing cue in the all-new cadillac xts. the simplicity of a tablet has come to your car. ♪ the all-new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. ♪... ♪... ♪... choose the perfect hotel well, more and more people are bundling their home and auto insurance with progressive. sure seems and why that way. wouldn't you? you can save on both your home and auto policies. yep. we talked about this. [meow!] [meow!] bundling and saving. now, that's progressive. play rocket cat adventures at good morning, everyone, i'm ashleigh sitting in today. the defense beginning it's case in the jerry sandusky child rape trial. he underwent psychological testing yesterday. fears of a power struggle and more bloodshed as the muslim brotherhood claims victory in egypt. and autopsy planned for rodney king as they're treating his death as a drowning. it was his 1991 beating by los angeles police officers caught on videotape that spawned vie yac -- riots. the officers were acquitted in the criminal portion of his case. political buzz is your rapid fire look at fes of the day. playing today is maria cardona, and will cain. president obama advisor david plouff sticking with the white house saying the plan to stop deporting young illegal immigrants was in no to help the election. >> this is not a political move. >> you could have done it last year, the year before that, the year before that. >> we have been trying to get the dream act done, get immigration done. this builds on a series. this gives our law enforcement personnel an area to focus, and our deportation numbers -- >> you can't say it was not done with some political consideration. >> it was not. >> he said it flat out, it was not, so if it wasn't done for political consideration, why not the year before? why not the year before that? maria, defend this one. >> look, the reason he couldn't get it done last year or the year before it there were absolutely zero republicans in congress to help him with the permanent solution that would have been comprehensive reform or in this case the dream act. they called several republican senators to help him do it. guess how many voting for it? only three. it's never the wrong time to do the right thing. if congress will be obstructionist on this, on a piece of legs that th -- legislation that a majority of americans agree on. >> so mr. cain, if a politician or president legislates during his term and it happens to be an election year, he is dammed if he does and damned if he doesn't. is this a political calculation? that's yeah. it's part of an election year strategy. the economy is an issue for most voters and he doesn't have a strong footing to stand there. it was the war on women, the gay marriage issue. you can support the dream act and still look at this and go what? the democratic process wasn't working to your satisfaction. you don't like how it was working in congress or not working. so you put it by executive decision that you will not enforce the law should give anybody pause. and starts to set a precedent i think we will all look back on. >> we could go on and on, but let's go to chris christie. he told "news week" he wasn't pining to be president. might september an off for vp. he says i don't know how i'll react if the call comes, i suspect i'll say i would rather stay here. a lot of peoplple asking, has chris christie missed his moment? >> are we talking about a moment to be vice president? because i don't think there was ever really a moment for that? i don't think he was a serious consideration. another guy from the northeast -- >> no, big, big, big personality. >> that's the problem. that's a negative on his ledger. i think mitt romney's criteria is borning. i don't want someone to outshine me. go safe, go boring, someone that can deliver a state i need, i don't think chris christie fits those. >> does he need to sdo the vp thing or does he have a shot on his own? >>ly agree with will on this. i don't know if chris christie was ever going to have a moment. you have mitt romney who is a perceived liberal to moderate governor, the last thing you need is a liberal to moderate governor on your ticket. so unlike my friend will that pet a year ago that rick perry will be the next president of the united states,ly not vet that chris christie will be the next vp, i will suspect he will not. let's move on to issue number three. yesterday was father's day, so we'll let you begin on this one will cain. president obama celebrated it as playing the 100th round of golf as president. and mitt romney said this was unsensitive. mitt romney suggesting that obama do the same. is this just nasty? or is it fair? will? >> it's stupid. that's what it is. bickering over who plays golf at what time is stupid. no, there is nothing more to see here. that's what you say, right? move along here. he can play golf when he wants. >> we're in the afterglow of father's day, and i think maria will agree with you again. >> you would be right on that. it's ridiculous for mitt romney to talk about being insensitive to the ploit of the unemployed when he is getting an addition to his second, third, or fourth home, i can't keep track, and it has a car elevator. >> i had 20 seconds to fill. >> the father's day glow is gone. maria cardona, will cain, i love seeing you. greek election results may be reassuring to world leaders, but what can they do about the euro zone crisis. honestly. how did they get together if no countries can get together. do you have any idea where you're going ? 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>> i think they're looking for signals from euro gozone countries. they're playing down concrete decisions that will come out of this. they're saying really they want them to know they need to get something done, but this is more of a prelude to the eu summit that we will see later this month in brussels. so of the four nations you have key ones. germany is here, france is here, and president obama will be meeting shortly in the next couple hours with the leader of germany who is key to finding a solution to the euro zone crisis. >> i know our president arrived there, and i hear they will have face to face time with vladamir putin. this is serious, with the issues in syria, the weapons crisis, and having to do with the attack helicopters, do we know what's on the agenda? >> they will be talking about iran. we know that according to white house officials, but the u.s. and russia are on the same page here. russia is overall suspicious of the u.s. russia has financial and military interest. they operate on the mediterranean sea in syria, and there are two warships coming to the area now. there comes at a time with a lot of attention. there has been a snub between president obama and vladamir putin. he didn't come to the summit. and president obama waited days to congratulate president pugh tin, and you saw that president pugh tin won't be going to the asia-pacific summit in russia. so we'll look for signs of awkwardness this meeting. >> i'll go on the record predicting this, there will not be an open mic moment this time. how did you score that assignment, by the way? going down to mexico. >> i wish i could say i lobbied for it, but i just got it, and i'm all right with it. >> luck of the draw, thanks. so a colorado wildfire leaving a bigger trail of destruction and people calling this dire and frightening. we imagined a vehicle that can increase emergency braking power when you need it most. and we imagined it looking like nothing else on the road today. then...we built it. the 2012 glk. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. for exceptional offers everyone has goals. take the steps to reach yours with us. with real advice for real goals. a u.s bank wealth management advisor can help you every step of the way. from big steps, to little steps. since 1863 we've helped guide our clients. so they can take the steps to help grow, preserve, and pass along there wealth. so there footsteps can help the next generation find there own path. all of us serving you. usbank ♪ hello...rings ♪ what the... what the... what the... ♪ ♪ are you seein' this? 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break this up, and i just found myself opening the gate, walking on to the ice, and saying get control of this game. i said you need to do your job. >> good for you, it worked. finger pointed and all. once she got out there, both of the teams stopped throwing punches. we make a lot of jokes in hockey about going to a fight and a hockey game breaks out. in pros, that's okay, but maybe not youth. facebook made billions in the initial public offering, and now they're paying out millions to some of it's users. find out why. [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, "what's next?" introducing the all-new rx f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection. the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us. there hasn't been a whole lot lately to like about facebook. there were some serious glitches that botched the ipo and then the shares took a tank. now they're paying serious money to settle a user lawsuit. so what does it mean for the company? >> have you ever clicked like on a company's page? >> no, i don't have time. >> millions of people have, but just because you like something does not mean you want to be a pitchman for the company, and that's what happening with facebook reposting your like along with your profile picture on friend's pages. five users got upset, sued said they were not paid to do this and didn't have a chance to opt up. facebook agreed to settle and it will pay $10 million to a charity, but it's not clear if facebook will change those sponsor ad policy everywhere, or just in california where this suit happened. >> if i'm going to like anything, i'll like you on facebook. >> thank you my dear, like wise. a new fda report says america's children are taking fewer antibiotics than ten years ago. overusing antibiotics makes diseases more resistant. news will continue after a quick break. 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, Little , Challenge , Being , Steven , Brother , Jeffrey , Anyone , Talent , World Champ Tatiana , Everything , Trampoline , Best , Work Ethic , 19 , Heart , Gym , Loretta Gluckst Gluckstein , Sibling Rivalry , Olympic Sport , 12 , Feeling , Baby Brother , Title , Friend , Mother , Foe , Safety Mat , Trainings , Line , Hope , Somebody , Anybody Else , Half , Bounce , Carol Costello , Atlanta , 6 , Argument , Romney , Hot Topic , White House , Immigration , Deportation , Race , French , Cashback , Weak , Chicken Pancake , Taco Truck , Fondue , Aveeno Nourish , Chinese Takeout , Signup , Tex Mex , Tapas Puck , Weight , Naturals Wheat Formulas , Breakage , Washes , Strength , Strong , Doctor , 90 , Help , Shakes , Diabetes , Weight Loss Plans , Carbs , Sugars , Carb , Blood Sugar Spikes , Glucerna Hunger Smart , Hunger , Protein , Fifteen , Personality Disorder , Presentation , Newsroom Today , Psychological Testing , Power Struggle , Mohamed Morsi , Fears , Bloodshed , Muslim Brotherhood , State Media Account , Egypt , Swimming Pool , Votes , Drowning , 47 , Riots , Police Officers , Camera , Stock Market , Party , I Don T Know , Wait Iing , Market , Futures Markets , Excitement , Formation , Democracy , Favor , Devil , Austerity , Details , Eyes , Coalition Isn T , American Banks , Report , Loans , Capitalization , Tide , Xweconomy , 21 , Trading , Terms , Churning , Questions , Felicia , Question , Chain Skips , Atlantic , Time , What S Going On , Trading Partners , Prices , Imports , Bond , Products , Exposure , Highs , Spanish , Mess , Shores , Debt , Effect , Dow , Blood Bath , 55 , 56 , Meeting , Marketplace , Stimulus , World Bank , Coordination , Federal Reserve , Germany , Uk , Reserve , Guy , Ozzy Osbourne , Rocker , Viewers , Fwod Good , Y , Andist , Diagnosis , Reality , Family Member , Speed , Car Insurance , Insurance , Place , Motorcycle Insurance , It Mate , New York , Jaw , Fuggedaboud , Water , Tasting Tap Water , Mall , Drinking Fountain , Geico , Yoo Hoo , Faucet , Rx , Bottle , Page , Filter , Engine , Crossover , Brita , The Next Chapter , Lexus , Dealer , Birthday , Big 7 0 , Paul Mccartney , 7 , Song , Daily Telegraph , 70 , Star , Son , Entertainment , Surprise , Big Closer Act At The Opening Ceremony , Summer Games , Announcement , Developments , Father S Day , Attitude , Jack , Doctors , Daughter , Vision , Magazine , Hello Magazine , Fight , Adapt , Motto , Chris Brown , Jokes , Nightclub , Allegations , Drake , Rappers , Say , Brawl , Saw , Boyfriends , Throwdown , Importantlier Boyfriendimportan , Matter , Club , Entourages , Melee , New York City Police Department , Tony Parker , Nba , Glass , Everywhere , Planning , Reporters , Suit , Shambles , Others , Face , Punches , Picture , Team , Action , Scratch , Tweet , Cut , Stage , Owner , Violations , We Don T Know , Shut Down , Activities , Straw , Admission , Patrons , Led , Operator , Big Soda Ban , Woman , Mayor , Bloomberg , Snakted , Weenacted , Blair , Bottle Service , Clubs , Bottles , Club Owners , Weapons , Industry , Arms , Night , Holy , 5000 , 15000 , 500 , 1500 , Behavior , Use , Drinking , Weaponry , Bottle Ban , Creator , Politics , Family Guy , Headlines , Capital , Cartoon , Seth Mcfarland , Skin , Damage , Aveeno , Spots , Level , Soy , Radiance , Blotchiness , Daily Scrub , Healthier , Spf , Skin Brightening , Music Plays , Law , Dreams , Business , Matters , Legalzoom Com , Facts , Social Security , On Medicare , Washington , Earnedasay Org , Reservation , Hotel , Guarantee , Guaranteed , App , Travelocity , Ooo No , Firefighters , Wind , Control , Facebook , Activists , Cases , Several , Hands Of The Supreme Court , Users , Lawsuit , Advertisements , Profiles , 00 Million , 10 Million , Five , Ice , Mom , Billions , Hands , Damages , Class Action Lawsuit , Referees , Boston , Name , Gina O Toole , Purse , Jacket , Rounds , Clip , Youtube , Youth Hockey , Concussions , Good Morning America , Abc , Gate , Parents , Stop It , Screaming , Saying , Walking , Game , Job , Youth Hockey Teams , Amazement , Shock , F Bombs , Bleps , Shock And Awe , Catholic Church , Vatican , Scandal , American Catholics , Tensions , Nuns , Bus , Bus Kicking , Tour , Drive , Faith , Fairness , Iowa , Paul Ryan , House Budget Plan Authored , 15 , Pope , Somebody Else , God , People First , Spend Iing , Divide , Rift , Political Battle , Can T , Relationship , Church , Senior Vatican , Analyst , Rome , Sides , Conversation , Umbrella Group , Progress , Minds , Feel , Standing , Catholic Church In America , 1 2 Billion , 67 Million , Doesn T , Bed , Friends , Secularization , Culture , Negatives , Nonuns , Positives , John Allen , Interview , Benedict The 16th , Ear , Crack , 16 , Sir , Weather , Neighborhood , Tv Show , Anti Semetic , Criticism , Academy Award , Firing , Genius , Loyalty Program , Huh , Tom , Progressive , Mercedes Benz , Everything Powerful , Guzzle Fuel , Bluetec , 2012 , Justin , Financial Services , Status , Home Loan , Update , Tools , Updates , Quicken Loans , Tim , Amaze , The Loop , Vitac , Icaptions , Wwww Vitac Comop , Lebron , Sports , Sports Terms , Kevin Durant , James , Points , Driving , Basket , 29 , Trouble , Late Okc Rally , Webb Simpson , Playing , Clubhouse , Tv , Wins , U S Open , Graham Mcdowell , Start , Playoff , Putt , Jail Cell , Tennis Course , David Kicks , Official , Daus Blood , Ied , Assault Charges , A Loss For Words , May , Cnn News Room , Code , George Zimmerman , Courts , Phone , Heat Emergency , F , Worst , Zero , Reaction , Ashleigh Vanfield , Stuff , Recordings , Shooter , Tapes , George Howell , Finances , Couple , Jail , Gz , Supporters , Account , 35000 , 135000 , Phone Conversations , Discovery , Shelly , Lists , Witnesses , Motion , Audio , We Node , Transcriptions , Take A Look , Sample , Shellie , Cash , Box , Ken Rogoff , Safety Issue , Cards , Gift , Hay , Doesn T Look Good , Reading , Bummer , Insight , Another , Voting , Market Opens , Bills , Bailout Loans , Uncertainty Isn T , Destination , Exports , Euro Zone , Trading Partner , Uncertainty , Hit , Hammer Blow , Meteor , Hiding , Meteor Will Hit , Situation , New Jersey , Traders , Headline , Headline Risk , Indicators , Predictors , Conservatives , Outcome , Traction , Probailout , Mexico , Leader Wills , Rod , Fiance , Candidate , Horses , Award , Pictures , Latest , Neighbor , Bob Carlberg , Noises , Toxicology , Play , Authorities , Most , Dead , Mr , User , Toxicology Reports , Walked Outside , Recovering Addict , Him , 911 , Don Lemon , 11 , Foul Play , Appearance , Tact , 20th Anniversary , Indication , Splash , Ruling , 00 , Substance Problems , Legion , Spotlight , Juror , Power Fly , Someone , Thousands , Match , Dollars , Junk , Worth Hundreds , Skin Heaven , Moisture , Blades , Help Lock , Goddess , Venus Olay , Olay , Road , Adventure , Subaru , Wow , Wouldn T , Lawyer , Option , Technology , Documents , Services , Satisfaction Guarantee , Customer Support , Elections , Optimism , Hur , It Work , A Thousand , Players , Tournament , Ground , 68 , Majors , Sand , Space Docking , Person Crew , Risk , Congratulations , Windier , 5600 , 77 , 81 , Rain Out There , Cocktail , Season , 88 , Fort Collins , 11 Million , 45 , Parts , California , Fire Danger , Weather Pattern Setting , Eastern Wyoming , Building , Rain , Digits , Border , Thunderstorm , Plains , Storm Chasers , Wisconsin , Rain Shoft , Funnel , Cell , Tornadoes , Incredible Cloud Formations , Northern Plains , Twin Funnel Formations , Great Lakes , Car , Storm , Relative , Bet , Get Low , Head , Ditch , Stay , Move On , Shows , The Show , Off Color Humor , Shot , Hollywood , Thoughts , Planet , League , Fans , Replays , Cisco , Berlin , Intelligent Network , Beijing , Around The World , Nice , Shot Kid , Physics Teacher , Math , High School , Science , Davies , Interest , Electronics , Guitar , Engineering , Boards , Physics , Career , Engineer , Passion , Secret , The Daily Show , Series , Lots , Movie , Ted , Tip , Amount , Office , Term , Soundbyte , Comedy , Funny , Fronts , Don T Know , Emmy Controversy , Think , Show , Injustice , Emmy , Cam Pawning , Privileged , Brentwood Jews , Blooted Under , Houses , Guys , Fun , Cars , Golden Globes , Ricky Gervais , Nobody , Joke , Outrageous , Campaign , Ray Sis , Peter Griffin , Opportunity , Peta , Offender , Michelle Turner , Information , Hammer , Show Biz Tonight Team , A J , Health , Oatmeal Formula , Moisturizer , Improvement , Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion , 2 , Number , Cadillac Xts , Tablet , Cue , Buttons , Automobile Advanced , Simplicity , Forward , Hotel Well , More , Policies , Auto Insurance , Yep , Meow , Saving , Play Rocket Cat Adventures , Bundling , Progressive Com , Testing , Videotape , Vie Yac , Rapid Fire Look , Portion , Playing Today Is Maria Cardona , Will Cain , Fes , Plan , Deporting , David Plouff , Immigrants , Move , Law Enforcement Personnel , Dream Act Done , Consideration , Deportation Numbers , Wasn T , Republicans , Solution , Senators , Reform , Republican , Congress , Legs , President , Politician , Majority , Legislation , Legislates , Calculation , He Doesn T , Strategy , Gay Marriage Issue , Democratic Process Wasn T , Footing , Women , War , Executive Decision , Satisfaction , Chris Christie , On And , Let S Go , Precedent , News Week , Anybody Pause , He Wasn T Pining , Vp , Call , Vice President , Peoplple Asking , Criteria , Negative , Big Personality , Northeast , Ledger , Big , Borning , Go Safe , Go Boring , Liberal , Fly , Governor , President Of The United States , Ticket , Pet , Rick Perry , Father , Yesterday , Golf , 100th Round , Same , Bickering , Unsensitive , Afterglow , Ploit , Addition , Second , Track , Car Elevator , Glow , Euro Zone Crisis , Countries , Idea , Nature , Calorie Brownie , Gasps , Brownie , Thanks , Moist , Deliciousness You Desire , Chewy , Possum , Dad , Puppy , Thexpensive , Sfx , Solutions , Expenses , Aspects , Cash Flow , Wells Fargo , Business Owners , Customers , Small Business Lender , Nine , Hotel Leaders , Nations , Leader , All Around The World , Pipe , Weaknesses , Summit , Signals , Prelude , Euro Gozone , Eu , Ones , Brussels , Attack Helicopters , Weapons Crisis , Face To , This Is Serious , Vladamir Putin , Syria , Officials , Agenda , Iran , Snub , Warships , Mediterranean Sea , Pugh Tin Won T , Pugh Tin , Signs , Awkwardness , Asia Pacific Summit , Mic , Assignment , Trail , Destruction , Luck Of The Draw , Emergency Braking Power , Vehicle , On The Road , Then , Glk , Steps , Goals , Advisor , Advice , Wealth Management , Preserve , Footsteps , Step , Wealth , Clients , Generation , 1863 , Path , Usbank Hello Rings , Kinda , Uh Huh , Couldn T , Micro Loan , Microphone , Credit Score , Score , Rhyme , Dot Com , Offer , Enrollment , Narrator , Freecreditscore Com , Colorado Wild Fire , Land , Working Apple , Hockey , Reves , Jeana O Toole , Cup , Hockey Game , Teams , Throwing Punches , Pros , Youth , Initial Public Offering , Okay , Trophies , What S Next , Sport , Pursuit , Perfection , Teacher , High School Math Teacher , College , Phone Number , Gilmore , Many , There Hasn T , User Lawsuit , Glitches , Shares , Tank , Ipo , Pages , Profile Picture , Pitchman , Upset , Sponsor Ad Policy , Charity , Chance , Dear , Wise , Fda , Children , Antibiotics , Overusing Antibiotics , Break , Diseases , Smile , Teeth , Mouth , Listerine , Whitening Plus Restoring , Shades , Fiber , Favorite , Newsroom , End Point , Chocolate Bacon , Chaz Bono , Breakfast , Uh , Jack S Cereal , Um ,

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