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the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn >> good morning. >> you were alive in the scene now newsroom, i'm jim acosta in washington. we begin with the fiery language coming from the white house over the senseless killing of aid workers bind israeli airstrike in gaza. seven members of the non-profit world central kitchen lost their lives while delivering food to starving civilians. in a statement, president biden said, he was heartbroken over their deaths. he also sharply criticized israel's leadership saying it has not done enough to protect gaza's most vulnerable people at some of the most blunt language we've heard from the president and the white house since the war began, israel says the strike was a grave mistake and has vowed to investigate. meanwhile, the world central kitchen shared the names of the seven lives lost, calling them beautiful souls and heroes. and cnn's melissa bell is live in jerusalem, flores with the latest melissa, what more we learning about the victims and this investigation that the israeli say they're going to conduct we've been hearing from jose andres, the man who set up that charity, the chef who set up the charity calling them angels. we now have a better idea of exactly who the seven were. they came from a wide variety of different countries, of course, amongst them, there were three british nationals that we now understand. jim we're there to provide a security. former military men who'd moved on to security. we've been hearing from the cousin of one of them, james kirby, who has been speaking to british television saying he was selfless. he would help anybody he knew the dangers. he was no fool in that regard, but he just knew that he had to help people and i think that's reminder of the kind and you people. these aid workers, war, world central kitchen has a particular place on the ground in places like gaza, but elsewhere around the world all the front lines, the disaster areas un agency's top heavy as they are bureaucratic, as they can be, may struggled to get places. world central kitchen gets there and false they're only aim twin pots and pans and food to people who desperately need it. and that's always been there strengthen in this case, sadly proved to be there great weakness. they were simply in a part of the world where it is so dangerous to work now, the israeli authorities, jim, taking it extremely seriously, we heard from not just benjamin netanyahu, but idf the defense ministry over the course of yesterday and culminated in the end in the statement that we had from the general chief of staff for the idf saying, not only that a preliminary investigation had found that this was a case of miss identification, but promising that there would be a full investigation. and i think most importantly, that that would be made transparent for the world to see exactly what the idf had fountain >> and melissa, there have been these protests in israel calling for new elections any chance of that happening and these protests have gotten pretty testy i think they've been really impressive, not just the figures we've seen out on the streets of jerusalem, but just a short while ago, inside the knesset, jim, >> those images of, and we're talking here about family members of some of the hostages still being held inside the gaza strip. they managed to breach the public gallery of the knesset with yellow on there and it's bringing chance of bring them home now. and at one point being joined by the opposition politicians in their chance of now the anger that we've seen these last four days here in jerusalem, the first time these mass anti-government protests have come here is to do with the fact that the knesset goes off on its recess and the point to these families is that nearly six months on they are still without words and increase tingly without hope. about what's happened to their loved ones. a great deal of anger out here about the way authorities have dealt with this war. and more specifically, their attempts to get their loved ones home gym all right melissa bell. thank you very much. i want to take a moment to read part of this powerful op-ed published today by the founder of world central kitchen chef jose andres he writes of the seven aid workers killed in his organization, put this up on screen for our viewers. their work was based on the simple belief that food is a universal human, right? it is not conditional on being good or bad, rich or poor, left or right. we do not ask what religion you belong to. we just ask how many meals you need. chef andres says his team has communicated extensively with the israeli military and civilian officials while doing their work key then writes israel is better than the way this war is being waged. it is better than blocking food and medicine to civilians. it is better than killing aid workers who had coordinated their movements with the israeli defense forces. the israeli government needs to open more land routes for food and medicine today, it needs to stop killing civilians and aid workers today. it needs to start the long journey to peace. >> today >> the words have chef jose andres and cnn military analysts, retired air force arnold cedric leighton joins us now kernel leighton. >> your response? to what chef jose andres is saying >> i know you >> have analyzed countless conflicts all over the world, but in every case and just about every case, there are humanitarian workers, aid workers, people like the heroes at the world central kitchen, people like the folks at the red cross who go into these war zones. and they're supposed to be allowed access to do the work, the important work that they do that did not happen here without a high price for the world central kitchen organization, your response to what chef jose andres is saying this morning >> yeah, good morning, jim, one of the big things that was on dresses mentioned in his in his comments is the fact that they coordinated with the israelis, with the idf. and what that tells me is this tragedy could have been avoided by this tragedy could have been avoided if proper communication procedures had been in place within the israeli military. and if a new organization like world central kitchen gives you there, i january in essence, they are scheduled where there going to where they're driving too. which areas are going to be covering and at what time that's something that becomes a no strike zone from a targeting perspective. and not only should it be a no strike zone, but it should also be a protected entity. and the israelis could have not only done a better job with communicating, but they could have also helped to protect these aid workers this really compounds the tragedy >> yeah, i mean, kernel late. i mean, israel's military knows that everything that comes in and out of gaza, the aid workers, cars were marked with the words world central kitchen with the logo of the organization. how did the idf get this so wrong? >> well, there are several possibilities. one of the things the idf said jim was it's happened at night, but there are ways to look at things at night. using night vision capabilities. if this was a drone strike, you'd like it seems to be really identify the vehicles you take a look at them, you take pictures first and then you shoot. if it's deemed that there's a viable target, but the pictures will tell you even at night what the logos say and that's one of the things that really needs to be investigated. how this could have gone so wrong because there is no reasonable in the modern world at this point in time, there's really no reasonable way that this could have happened without there being some knowledge of where the world central kitchen folks were, where they were going, and at what time they would be doing that? >> yeah. and current late chef jose andres, he also posted a video of one of the aid workers who was killed in the strike it shows some of the work she's been doing out in the field. let's listen to a little bit of this and we can show it >> in pakistan where today we are serving the community gone back which are longus right side here i am where the chef yeah, currently me. >> this is just >> one of the lovely people i mean, just absolutely giving their lives, giving everything that they can possibly offered bring food to hungry people. this video was shot and pakistan i believe in jose andres posted this the israeli prime minister said this happens in war but i have to ask you currently israel doing enough to protect civilians, could they be doing more to protect aid workers and get humanitarian aid flowing and they're just making a choice not to do those things. >> i think the are making that choice, sadly, jim and i think what? yes, these things happen in war, but they don't have to happen to this degree. and that's really the big tragedy here. not only did it affect to the world central kitchen personnel less seven who were killed. but it also really it kind of put see a focus on what's been happening in gaza all this time. yes, they were going to be civilian casualties regardless of how careful the israelis work but 30,000 is 30,000 to many and that is something that really needs to be looked at from a targeting perspective, from an internet national law perspective. and these are the kinds of things that we really have to look at because the israelis are basically operating as if it's 1950 it's no longer 1950. we have far better targeting capabilities. we have far better chances of avoiding civilian casualties. and every country has an obligation to avail them solves of that kind of technology to avoid these kinds of incidents and these kinds of tragedies >> all right, kernel late and we did our team did reach out to the idf to see if they can make a spokesperson available, but that did not happen kernel leighton. thank you very much for your time. we appreciate it. now let's turn to taiwan where the death toll is rising from the most powerful earthquake to strike the island. and 25 years, nine people now confirmed dead more than 900 people injured the quake struck eastern taiwan during morning rush hour measured a magnitude of 7.4. look at that video right there. this dashcam video we can also show you captures the moment the quake struck, sharply rocking these cars in a bus, bringing traffic to a standstill. just unbelievable footage. i take a look at this video as well. >> the >> quake triggered landslides like the one you can see right here. rescuers have been working to free dozens of people still trapped in tunnels blocked by the degree. and cnn's i've and whiteness has just arrived at taiwan's capital five. and i know it's very late there. what's the latest on the rescue efforts? what are you seeing? >> right well i mean, this is an earthquake prone island, but it was still a staring morning for people here in taipei, for example, my colleagues on the other side of the camera, one of them woken up and trying to hold the bookshelves up as the as the ground shook, another rushing to gather up his children is as plates and glasses fell on the ground, as smashing there's still a hospital here in taipei that is offline, at least seven hospitals reported some kind of damage to their ceilings and some glasses broken. the epicenter is on the eastern coast in this rugged, mountainous area that's popular for tourists to want to go and hike in these mountains. and that's where some of the buildings have collapsed, where you had dozens of people, scores of people trapped in tunnels at least nine people killed, mostly by falling rocks. that fell either on highways or on some of those hiking trails. and there are still more than 100 people that the authority say they're working to try to rescue. we don't know how dire the situation is right now. take a listen to what several women in that area. it to say about the earthquake it was. very strong. it felt as if the whole house was going to topple all the things fellow improve things damaged now those women are from that remote town of ede, the kind of tourists >> place that people, many people traveled to surprisingly, people there right now are saying that the electricity's on, that people are kind of going around doing their business shopping. it's the eve of a holiday, the tumor sweeping holiday that said there are collapsed buildings there and rescue workers working. and finally, jim, there are a lot of aftershocks right now, dozens of them and some of them are very powerful, at least five, six orders of magnitude back to you. yeah, >> i've in the video is just astonishing. all right. i've been watson and taipei for us, keep us posted if there are any new developments. so we'll bring you back. thanks so much this morning, we should also note a plane that was meant to take secretary of state tony blinken to brussels for a nato meeting was grounded in pairs due to a mechanical issue. instead, blinken and the rest of the us delegation were forced to travel to a brussels by car we're telling you this not because it's been an inconvenience to the secretary of state, but kylie atwood joins me now at the state department. kindly, this is the second time the secretary of state's plane had an issue and this is a boeing plane that we're talking about here. what more can you tell us? >> yeah, that's right. so the secretary flies on planes that are part of the air force's slate and this specific plane is a version of the boeing's seven, for 7307 aircraft. it had mechanical issues and therefore, as you said, jim, the secretary and those traveling with him according to the press pool, that's traveling with him, had to dr. from paris to brussels for that nato ministerial meeting, instead of flying, will watch to see where this goes. but as you said, there was a similar incident in january when another boeing flight that the secretary was traveling on had issues. and so they couldn't fly on that plane either so it's an interesting development. it's lucky for the secretary frankly that he was able to drive to his next stop and this didn't really upend his schedule, but we'll have to watch and see what happens with this specific aircraft given the challenges that is created for the secretary on this diplomatic visit of course, all the questions are swirling around boeing right now as well. our colleague outward. thank you very much. i still had donald trump tells us supporters it's b or the end of the country as we know it what we'll talk about that next your life you see an image >> already sold the carbonic go to carvone in track your cars value today upon his first day of retirement, marquez rogers made a contract with themselves. i will never again work for another man or woman >> oh, todd >> especially >> i lay down my badge abandoned my corporate phone plan, and i'll get a new plan with consumers selling without a contract, without sacrificing comfort >> let's go >> when freedom 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deportation in american history that not yemen's tonight yemen's their animals. i'll use the word animal because that's what they are. we don't want them coming into our country with contagious diseases and they haven't trump >> also issued a dire warning illustrating and stark terms what he sees as the price of his losing reelection back to the white house. >> if we don't win in november 5th, i think our country is going to cease to exist. it could be the last election we ever have. i actually mean that let's discuss with reihan, can strategist and former rnc communications director doug hi and former special assistant to president biden, making hayes. >> doug uri >> reaction to that language, we just heard their nothing that we haven't heard in previous weeks, months, and years. this is stock language for donald trump. it both works forum and works against him but what we've seen, i think if you get outside of dc, if you get out of the way bubble with your in midtown manhattan or matthews, north carolina, you hear serious anger at the situation at the border. they see the same same images and videos that we do. and they're willing to give donald trump a little leeway on the office for rhetoric he uses because they want the problem fixed and until the problems fixed, donald trump won't be blamed by a lot of independent voters because of what they see and what they're seeing in their communities. it's a very real problem for the biden administration, as long as this problem is not fixed biden because he's the incumbent president gets the blame for that. >> is there a danger in talking about migrants, even migrants who accused of crimes as animals? >> well, it's terrible obviously. >> is >> there a danger to a politically i don't think there's much of a danger because of independent voters who just more raw for the country isn't the absolute well, that's a different issue and yeah, that's that's a real problem in trump, whether it's on this issue or other issues, takes us to very dark places, but we're also operating in a political campaign atmosphere where there's going to be one of these two people presumably who's, who's going to win. and if trump doesn't get blamed for it then he's in an advantageous situation. it also allows him essentially to act like a matador when donald trump waves the red cape of this kind of language, it means we're not focusing on all those other things where he's really vulnerable with voters well, there's certainly a lot of bull but megan, how does the president handle this? >> so i disagree with you on to a couple of points here. i think that it's using a type of rhetoric is horrible. i don't think dehumanizing to people. i think that if you take a look at women and children who are coming thousands of miles across the border. they're coming here for a hope of a better life does something need to be done? yes, the joebiden work with the senate to have a bipartisan bill. yet the donald trump and his house republicans kill that. yes, they did so where he is trying to blame president for this, this is not the president's process calling out republicans enough. do you think on that? >> i think he's trying to call them out, but i also think that 95% of the people have made up their mind sign of who they're going to vote for. and we know time and time again that this hateful language is energizing donald trump space, but it's turning off swing voters and those are the voters that the, he needs to convince a vote for him. and i just don't think they're going to turn out in november if he continues to use hateful language and i worked on immigration legislation in the house of representatives we never could have gotten this deal. this was a very good deal that republicans should have accepted. but we're, republicans are the party of trump. trump said no, that flips less. that's the reality. and trump also claimed the country will quote, cease to exist if he does not get put back on the white house, ceased to exist. >> well, it's obviously one untrue and too crazy but again, it distracts from all those things were donald trump is real vulnerability with voters, whether he can pay his own, own bills with the courts everything that he's in this quarter. that court on he uses this language. we all follow it and trump knows that he does this on purpose >> and people are sharing this. they're cheering it on. >> well, i think he's basis sharing it on, but i don't think that those are the voters that he needs to convince in november. he it's time and time again that issues like abortion our winning issues for democrats and losing issues for republicans. but he can't seem to understand that this is not a strategy and using hateful language is not going to convince swing voters or the biden people worried that there could be another january 6, there could be another spasm of political violence around this upcoming election i mean, it's i think it's definitely something to be concerned about. this language is terrible. it creates hate. it, it's unnecessary to use and our democracy. >> i do want to talk about this wall street journal poll. we know we love to talk about polls, close match up between trump and biden key battleground states megan, i mean, here, here are the numbers right here and, you know, there's lots of different ways to slice and dice this obviously, this is where we're talking about a march poll. and it's barely april >> but when you look at michigan, when you look at pennsylvania, i mean, if if the president does not win those states lights out >> sure. yeah. so other day one staffer from the primary in 2019, you can't live and die by the polls or we would have never made it to iowa. so i mean, when there are good polls, they say, well, look at the polls. >> sure. you yeah, live and die with them >> i do think that there's a >> tremendous amount that undecided voters here are the ones that are going to make the election. i mean, these are all within the model margin of error. yes, it's concerning, yes, we should the campaign should take note and act accordingly, but i don't think that this is a determination of who's going to win a nobel. >> doug, i did want to show north carolina. you are from the great state carolina carolina blue runs through your veins. we can put that back on screen, plus six trump, but democrats think that that state is very much i can play. >> and we >> don't have florida on the screen either because this poll was done probably before this abortion decision came down from the state supreme court. but democrats think florida might possibly be in play is yeah, the greyzone is that my sound to a lot of republican north carolina was the closest state that joe biden lost the lawsuit by one yeah points. we have a democratic governor traditionally have democratic governors traditionally have mostly republican senators. it's a very purple state that because republicans have won three times in a row and obama barely want it in 2018 we just sort of assume it's red, given are gubernatorial candidate who's going to draw a lot of negative attention. now in education, secretary kennedy is going to draw and his drawing a lot of negative national attention. the state is in play, but the polls that you show on state-by-state, if you go issue by issue, especially on immigration and the border and on the economy biden is massively underwater. the only real bright spot form is as megan mentioned, abortion, everything else. he's underwater to trump on. he has to fix that. he has to stem that bleeding. >> and we're not even talking about the third party factory. we have to we have to go time is tight, but if you put in rfk junior cornell west some of these states, it just is going to be sort of edge of the seat stuff on election night. i would have to assume in some of these states. >> absolutely. and i think that the third party kmt is just like it did in 2016, are going to play a factor, but i also think the one advantage that the president biden has is the cash on hand. and that's going to really helpful in a lot of these battleground states. >> absolutely are dug, megan, thanks very much. nauta was development in foreign president trump's classified documents, case special counsel, jack smith is blasting judge aileen cannon saying her jury instruction requests reflected a quote fundamentally flawed understanding of the case that has no basis in law or fact, cnn's zachary cohen joins us now zach, i mean, this is a pretty big admonishment from the special counsel, and i mean, typically you don't go after the judge handling your case. that that doesn't always work out taking a bit of a riskier, what's going on a little bit, but there has been this simmering frustration on jack smith's side with aileen cannon for several months now, i think we're seeing some of that come to the surface in this filing and look at issue here is sort of an unusual order from cannon that she issued last month and she wanted prosecutors and defense attorneys to respond to these two scenarios for jury instructions. the first one deals with having the jury assess if records fell into the category of personal or presidential as are laid out in the president records act. this is an issue that trump's attorneys have argued as one of their defenses, and that prosecutors have argued have no basis in the wall or fact as they say here. but aileen cannon wants again, the jury instructions is hypothetical to be dressed by both sides. so that's a point of frustration from jack smith. and the second category is assuming trump had complete authority to take these documents from the white house. again, that's something jack smith's team has argued repeatedly that is has no basis in law. in fact, in aileen cannon still seems to be entertaining that idea. so ultimately, look, jack smith's team says as a result of both of the court's scenarios are fundamentally flawed and any jury instruction that reflect those scenarios would be error. he goes on to say that if allowed to be presented to the jury, that it would distort a trial scenario trial that we still don't know if and when it will actually happen. so definitely some frustration coming to the surface reduction. >> it almost sounds as though we should anticipate the special counsel trying to have the judge removed from the case so i mean, you typically would not see these types of boos by special counsel or prosecutor in this kind of circumstance, unless they were thinking, okay, we want a different judge. >> so there's explicit in here that says that that's where he's headed, but this is another example of jack smith documenting for the records hey, look, we are going to threaten to take this to the appellate court if these are the two scenarios that you want presented to a jury, we've seen that happen before, and usually, if you do that enough times, you kick things up to the appellate court enough times. you can argue look, this judge should not be overseeing this case. >> all right. zach cohen. thank you very much. we appreciate it. are coming up. severe storms tearing a path of destruction through several states, multiple tornadoes reported. we'll bring you the latest from the ground next >> the lead with jake tapper to the four on cnn one aleve works all day. i can keep working to take just one 12 hours of uninterrupted pain-related who do you take it for and for fast topical pain relief to try to leave x now at t >> professionally installed, google nest products, you're all set are in the system we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence legends of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt its parent? >> yeah. let me nice going though. nothing like a little confidence boost to help easy you back into the dating scene that includes having a smile. you feel good about >> fortunately, aspen dental >> specializes in dentures and 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during lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. 3636. that's 18050, 3636. call now spatial colombia, the final flight, premier sunday at nine on cnn awesome very dangerous weather is weaving across a big section of the country. take a look >> at university of kentucky student knock right off of his feet by the powerful winds in lexington roofs ripped off homes, big rigs tossed around like toys near louisville the mayor of nearby jefferson bill, indiana says ten people were hurt. and yesterday's storm in an elementary school left in shambles and procter ville, ohio african apparent tornado there, joining me now from hard-hit ohio is cnn's athena jones. what are you seeing on the brown? what's happening >> high gmos that have you mentioned that ohio valley has been struck by two damaging storms back-to-back starting tuesday morning and continuing into the night. i want you to look at some of the wind damage we've seen in spots across the county. this is a historic bridge, the currchar bridge. it dates to the 19th century and so this storm last night, this bridge had a roof, but as you can see, a lot of that roof has fallen down, blown around. it's going to take a lot of work to get this bridge looking like it once did you can see part of the roof here blown into the creek and over here on the other side, we see some of the broken tree branches and prelims, the kinds of things that are leading to so many power outages in the region. we know 18, 19,000 customers are without power in kentucky and ohio, more than 100,000 people remain without power in west virginia. we've seen this high water levels begin to go down to flooding was also an issue. now, there were reports of tornadoes overnight touching down here here in adams county where we are right now. we don't have confirmation of that yet. national weather service teams are gonna be out today assessing the damage. and so we'll have to wait to hear from them for confirmation of weather. tornadoes did touchdown as of right now, one good thing is that while some injuries have been reported from incidents across the region, no deaths i've been reported so far. but still a very strong system that is lead to damages, damage in various places across the state of ohio here in adams county. the schools or want to be closed because of the extensive damage and again, many businesses remain without power. so folks beginning to get a sense of the damage morning and thankful that at least so far, no no deaths reported. jim >> all right. athena jones, keep us posted. thank you very much for that reporting live on the ground and western union, ohio, just ahead in the cnn newsroom from the world of artificial intelligence, imagine technology that can mimic your voice when startling accuracy. i hope they don't do that to me. that's going to be troubled. >> we'll talk about that >> get your viewing glasses ready. it flips across america live monday at one from 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the applications offers reading assistance to children and non-readers what you're about to hear is a real human speaking. take a listen force is a push or pull that can make an object move, stop, or change direction >> all right, now listen to the ai generated replica of that person's voice some of the most amazing habitats on earth are found in the rain forest, a rainforest is a place with a lot of precipitation and it has many kinds of animals, trees, and other plants not much of a difference let's bring in a cnn digital producer, jon sarlin, jian. i mean, that was that was very close. tell us more about this voice engine. the good it can do. and i guess obviously there's going to be a downside to all of this stuff. so tell us about that as well. >> that's right. so this is voice engine, this is from openai, the company behind chatgpt. this is not a product that the releasing to the public yet they saved them and working on it since 2022. now, what does it do? as you said, from only 15 seconds of a source audio, it can build a voice synthesis and ai hi model of someone's voice. they can say anything in any language that you type into it. now this is something that other companies have out there. there's 11 labs, google pretty much anyone working in the ai space has some kind of model on it. what's different here is that 15 second input are really small amount of input you need to build a powerful voice and now, obviously there are concerns that come along with us and he's already some kind of theoretical concerns about how it can be misused in the future. we're already seeing how voice deepfakes can be misused, right now with joe biden, the robocall and new hampshire that happened that wasn't his voice scammers are using this technology. >> openai >> said there were aware of those. they're not really using this to the public, yet, but they say there's good this technology can do as well one thing they say is, as you mentioned, reading to children are reading assistance tool. another way, building someone's voice who lost their voice, due to an accident. they posted a clip of a girl who lost her voice due to a tumor rebuilt her voice using a previous voice, using this technology, take a listen >> hi, everyone this is what my voice i was open i lose hacks to spit smile clause was 11 >> hi, everyone. this is what my voice sounds like using openai's new text to speech model called voice engine john, your back >> yeah >> yeah. tell us about that. what we just listened to there right. >> so that is a girl lost her voice due to, uh, brain toobin tumor opening. i took a sample of her voice before the accident and built that. so she can type in using her natural voice yeah. >> john, i mean, you know, there's obviously going to be a downside to some of those. one has to think, i mean, if you could just take a clip of somebody whose voice, like we saw with the biden robocall and replicated there. >> i >> mean, they're obvious implications here for a lot of political mischief right? >> and she no, this is not a theoretical concern, as i mentioned before. and when you look at other ai generation models like photo, like video, voice right now is the most accurate in that you can create something that is imperceptible to a human ear. this is really powerful technology already. so on that note opening it says they're not comfortable releasing to the public at large it like they've done with chatgpt, they say they're cautioning people about where this technology is heading making specific recommendations like banks should move away from voice voice authentication in a statement, they say they're taking a cautious and informed approach to a broader release. please due to the potential for synthetic voice misuse, we hope to start a dialogue. i'm responsible deployment of synthetic voices and how society can adapt to these new capabilities. we recognize that generating speech that resembles people's voices have serious risks, which are especially top of mind in an election year, we are engaging with us and international partners from across let's government media, entertainment, education, civil society, and beyond to ensure we are incorporating their feedback as we build >> all right very interesting stuff are jon sarlin. thank you so much, really appreciate it. will stay on top of that artificial intelligence story. it's, it's going to take a lot of twists and turns. i think john thanks so much coming out. what you need to know about monday's solar eclipse did have you heard about this is coming? the like it or not? you cannot stop this happening how millions of americans will be plunged into darkness during midday and what you can do to witness, which will be really something special coming up on monday. so stay tuned for that right back >> the greatest stage this is what dreams are made up. full mix. they talk about for a lifetime, we will see you in phoenix your record label is taking off, but so is your sound 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i'm not going to start looking at my weather forecasts at dc because there's always terrible in dc this time in year. so i wonder if i'm going to even see it, but tell us about this eclipse and how much or how many of us are going to see it >> okay, well the eclipse path to totality, as you mentioned, is going to run from mexico through texas, and then just draw a line on him to the northeastern united states millions of people in the path this time as you suggested, clouds are gonna, are looking like they may be a problem in many parts of the country, but we're hoping that's going to clear up but in that path of totality, just expect if you can see totality, one of the most magnificent, spectacular things you can ever possibly imagine. >> yeah it's gonna be amazing and let's talk about how rare this is because people will say, oh, i've seen this before, what's the big deal? i know not to look up at the sun, but this one is rare. this one's really rare >> they're all total eclipses are rare. >> give you an idea. on average, any given spot on earth will see it total eclipse about every 350 years so they do not happen very often. and that's one thing we were very lucky to have two eclipses and just a few years over the united states, it's gonna be another 20 plus years before we have one. again. >> and you know, i've seen when i've seen these before, you see folks, i mean, you're kind of tempted to look up there. you're not supposed to do that. what's give us a some tips here >> yeah, safety is definitely a top priority. you need eclipse glasses unless you were in totality during totality, you can remove those eclipse glasses. then even, even with coverage of 99.9% of the sun is too bright, it can still damage your retina can still do, could cause permanent blindness. so you've gotta be very careful with how you reviewing the sun. and there are other ways of doing it indirectly, if you don't i have eclipse glasses >> and this is going to be one of those events where you just have i mean, so many people across the country watching this. i mean that it's one of those events that just sort of brings people together i have to imagine schools are going to enough for the kids who are watching at home. you're going to be able to miss out on a couple of classes. i would think on monday because everybody's if your teachers mega you stay in the classroom during a total eclipse. man, please report that teacher to the principle. everybody should be outside watching this, right >> it's >> absolutely something that you will >> never forget. the again, totality if you can get to that path and find a clear place, the difference between 99% and 100% literally is night and day and pictures, words cannot describe a total eclipse yeah, it's gonna be really, really something special to see. and you can see all the folks on screen there were showing file pictures of folks with a special glasses, please do not forget those special glasses. mark lancaster. thank you so much of the firm, bank science center. great place there in atlanta. if you're ever in atlanta stopped by there, mark, thanks so much. and make sure you are prepared as mark was just saying a few moments ago, the best way to view the solar eclipse safely is through iso compliant glasses. i think i said that right yesterday, but i'm saying it right today. i'm told for expert tested eclipse glasses, go to cnn, underscored for a list of products that are stin stock and hand-picked by editors and cnn, we'll have live coverage, of course, of the solar eclipse our cameras will be looking up into the sun. i think that that's okay for the cameras. that's going toto happen at mondays starting at 1:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. or you can stream it on cnn max. and thank you very much for joining us this morning. i'm jim acosta, our next our newsroom with wolf blitzer starts after have a great day this is the big gaffe >> came through that do no one town, we move >> after kill, it can 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