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Polantz at the federal court in washington, and this is cnn hello again, everyone. Thank you so much for joining me on for greek. A whitfield were following major developments on capitol oh, hell, right now, the House Of Representatives is in session for a rare saturday highstakes vote for the past several hours, lawmakers have been debating milk ill let terry aid bills for ukraine and israel and taiwan totaling 95 and at any moment now, lawmakers are expected to begin voting on the three laws. Longawaited Funding Bills to sweeten the deal for House Republicans, a fourth bill contains sanctions for iran, a seizure of Frozen Russian Assets thats plus a potential nationwide tiktok ban gop House Speaker mike johnson was able to advance the bipartisan bills through congress this week with the help of death democrats. Its a move that could cost him his job as some hardliners in his party have threatened to introduce a measure to remove him from his post and moments so go, House Minority leader Hakeem Jeffries had this to say about the process your message to your pocket, so enrage democrats have worked hard to bring about a moment where we are standing with our democratic allies throughout the world, including israel ukraine the pacific, as well as providing humanitarian assistance to palestinians, civilians in gaza and all this throughout the world who are suffering bring in theaters of conflict this is a moment where the congress has required to stand up for mokgweetsi, freedom and truth and pushback against aggression in a bipartisan way we will defeat the proputin obstructionist in the congress and do whats right . For Americas National security interests. Is that protecting the speaker of the house . We will have that conversation once the legislation has been past and make a determination as to what happens. On the other side of the out in my remarks on the house floor, i commended by name conditional, conservatives led by Speaker Mike Johnson for doing the right thing. Thank you are weve got a team of correspondents covering this big moment today. Cnns priscilla alvarez, i will have reaction from the white house. Shes joining us from washington, but lets begin on capitol hill there outside. I capitol hill mount raju, where do things stand right now . Yeah there are. Expected to take up this key vote or sexually several of them that theyll vote to the course of this afternoon probably in about an hour or so. Thats an hour i have thats when they will wrap up the final votes here. Now, what will eventually pass the United States house are four measures. Three of those dealing with aid to ukraine, to israel, taiwan and there will individual measures a separate bill that deals another issues, other issues including calling for the Chinese Company bytedance to divest from tiktok, if not face as possible its ability of Tiktok Being Ban on us app stores, all of that ultimately will be rolled into a larger package that we sent back to the United States senate, which will give final approval israeli is tuesday and then over to the president s desk after months of battling to try to get this aid, particularly for ukraine over the finish line amid these bitter gop it divisions. Now what will not be included in this plan . Border security provisions thats what speaker johnson had insisted must be tied to ukraine money also, a lot of those folks on the right who demand and a Border Security deal also did not want any more money to ukraine. But now that owe the money for ukraine will go over to the senate, get approved and not get any Border Security width that is why he is paying facing a threat to his speakership. A number of republicans, handful of them are supporting this motion to oust him from the speakership. Others are pushing back. Youll recall what happened last fall when mike john, Kevin Mccarthy became the first speaker and American History to be ousted by his own colleagues as a threat right now, from mike johnson, i asked one of those eight republicans voted to oust Kevin Mccarthy about what they gain from pushing them out from the speakership what would good came of getting rid of Kevin Mccarthy . Well, i think one of the best things that came on here a precedent has been set you cant just do whatever the hell you want, regardless of what the voters that sent us here, what they want, what they demand in what they deserve its time for these people to start trying to legislate and stop trying to be popular okay. So we have to make hard decisions that when your decision is solely based on whether or not someones going to talk bad about John Social Media youre not thinking right and that just shows you just a taste of the republican anger right now, the republican divisions at several of these members, like cod going the end of his bow, like Congresswoman Lauren Boebert called this vote a slap in the face to their voters. Others called it, quote surrender, thats what detractors are saying supporters saying that mike johnson is standing up for ukraine at this critical moment, or a plotting from four, thats including republicans. So how does a vote ultimately come down . And will be instructive, will be majority of the House Republican conference on ukraine aid in particular well be watching that very closely. And then after the votes will Marjorie Taylor greene tried to call for vogt, seeking Mike Johnsons ouster. She has declined to say all day long whether or not today would be the day what she tried to push that forward. So that is one thing to look for. And if she does, how quickly would that come to the floor . And well democrats come to Mike Johnsons defense. All major questions at this key moment on the house floor . Yeah. Ill big questions. And Hakeem Jeffries saying that the lac at our conversation is one that will come after the vote. All right. Mano. Ill get back to you in a moment. Lets now check in with priscilla alvarez, White House Correspondent joining us from washington. So what is the position of the white house as it to awaits of the results of todays votes will leading up to this bot, President Biden has thrown, had thrown his support behind these National Security bills. And of course, these are funds that the president asked for last year and the white house has maintained that they are urgent and necessary especially for ukraine and often over the course of the last few months when President Biden would speak about these funds to ukraine, he would frame this as a National Security priority, noting that they should not be ceding any ground to russia. Now, this week in a Wall Street Journal oped, the president said that this was quote, a Pivotal Moment and the ys, the White House Office of management and budget echo that in a statement just yesterday saying, quote, passing this legislation would send a powerful message about the strength of american leadership. I would a Pivotal Moment going on to say that the Administration Urges both chambers of congress to quickly send this supplemental funding package to the president s desk course the white house watching all of this very closely as they framed this as very, very urgent for ukraine the voting getting underway, and of course were going to continue to monitor monitor that on capitol hill. Thanks so much, priscilla alvarez, manu raju, appreciate it. What were right back Nick Paton Walsh reports on the growing turf war between humans and elephants in sri lanka feels bizarre to see just Frontline Mentality out here are these giant and invasive species, or are they fighting for their own survival the whole story with Anderson Cooper tomorrow at eight on cnn. We talking about cashback is hard, not again talking about cashback. We talking about cash back ever since not talking about bragg know. We talked about cash back and we talk about cash. 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My grandfathers thrown meyer the header for over 75 years now hes got so many Life Experiences that you can share finding the exact date on ancestry at that our Family Business this was founded was special to share grandfather when get that moment every day Opening Statements and the Trump Hush Money Trial start monday at nine all right this Breaking News right now, the the voting just began on capitol hill on the first of four foreign aid bills right now lawmakers are voting on the National Security bill that includes new sanctions against iran. The seizure of Frozen Russian Assets, and a measure that could lead to a nationwide ban on tiktok were continuing to monitor the developments there on capitol hill. I tab the tabulation of the votes underway, and well get back to that one and a moment. So as we await the vote count on this First Key House Measure also, it would include other measures that therell be voting on, including billions that would be allocated to aid to ukraine, to taiwan, and israel for israel, the aid would include 5 billion to restock its missile and raka Defense Systems and another 3 billion for other advanced weapons systems. The vote follows this week skirmish between israel and iran that rattled nerves around the world cnns senior diplomatic editor, theyve robertson is in jerusalem for nick. What what would this aid package mean for israel it would mean certainty in a surety that its going to have the weapons that it needs to defend itself. A huge amount of money estimates, click towards the billion figures spent just a whole building off that massive onslaught of missiles from iran last weekend. The Missile Defense system here that protects people that protects military sites as well involves the iron dome and involves that david saying, it involves the arrow multiple missile Defense Systems and they and most of them require munitions that are made in the United States or at least they the support for israel to manufacture them themselves so its going to be important militarily from the defenses war is costing the war in gaza, the war with hezbollah in the north. While with iran as well as costing this country a huge amount of money and spending an estimated half 1 billion a day. Additionally, the countrys Credit Rating has been downgraded recently, the Defense Minister has talked about the need to up Defense Spending Aid for the countrys only about 1 of the annual gdp. But if it doesnt come in, that gets passed onto the taxpayer, it may not be a lot, but it will hit people in the pocket. But primarily this is needed a fight, the fight and defend the country that israel is in the midst of doing. All right. Nic robertson in jerusalem. Thank you so much for check back with you. All right. Meantime, of voting is underway on capitol hill right now with us now, congressman josh gop meyer. He is a democrat from new jersey a member of the problemsolving for his caucus congressman use this voted good to see you. Did you just vote on this Security Package and proposal . I did. Obviously, were right in the middle of a vote series right now, critical. Weve been working on this for months this is essential as you know, overall to getting aid to ukraine humanitarian aid into gaza, Key Resources for israel and for their defense is just being im talking about, of course, resources and taiwan, all critical, important piece of legislation. And im optimistic. Were going to get it all done today. All right. So youre optimistic on all of those . Its measures because theres been a lot of consternation within the Republican Party and representation there in the hill as to whether ukraine is deserving of more aid there seems to be a consensus that israel is deserving of more aid. But if we could just kind of go down the list here on ukraine were talking about 60 that most of that money would go to us Weapons Manufacturer to build back depleted us Weapons Supplies help you know the underscoring important on. Okay. And are literally being out gotten ten to one right now by russia, by putin, china, March The Ukraine and theyre desperate right now, theyre defensive Missile Systems are depleted if we dont get these resources in now, who knows what could happen in the coming days and weeks . Thinks its already a dire situation. Theyre just like when youre looking at key us israel aid that has to go into making sure that israel has what it needs for defensive systems when youre the attacks from around the overwhelming on precedent attack from ran last week, the key was his defensive Missile Systems will get more resources into them as well. So youre looking at an axis of evil that it wants to attack the United States and our allies write a ran russia north korea, and china that are working together against democracy against our interests in the region, supporting terror in the region. So this, this package is key to protecting Americas National security. Your voting and favorite. But do you believe . It will see passage which piece of it overall on ukraine i do listen. Im going to im optimistic and been working on this for months im so i generally given where we walked into this, its going to take a lot of democratic support. All these bills are gonna take a lot of democratic support, but you know what . This is, how we solve problems, we do it in a bipartisan weve been working together, many of us for months to make this happen. So its going to take like it did yesterday, even get here democrats and republicans working together. Were going to lose some extremist the far right is, you know, this process, but weve got to keep moving forward for the good of our National Security. And of course, our allies i came jeffries earlier said, you know, this it is about getting this legislation passed and that is the level of importance any conversation about the House Speaker and support and hampton will come later however it is the elephant in the room, right . The House Speaker mike johnson did take some great risks by helping to push these items through and on ukraine, there was great reticence from him, fairly recently on more us aid to ukraine. And now an about face what, whats your position on the risks that he has taken to get more onboard for these foreign aid package which is including ukraine was, you know, there was also a fourth package added here, which on what the repeal act on repossessed russian assets. Also tougher sanctions on irans several bills which i helped write that are part of that package that our overall part of i think a very strong package. Im in terms of the speaker, what id say lets not put the cart before the horse. Lets actually get this across the finish line. And then as as leader, jeffrey said today that well consider whats next there. But as you said, its still tentative. Im optimistic. Now we got to go on that room and get it done together in a bipartisan way and put the country first. I think as you know, thats always the way i believe we we should govern and solve problems and do it together. And this is actually a huge test of that. Can we actually have common sense over extremism . This is literally a model pass, right now of commonsense over extremism going on in the House Chamber a few feet from me. All right. And as we were talking, congressmen, that timer the National Security measure that you did vote in favor of had now past i want to thank you for your time as well, because you have to get back in there to now vote on the i gotta right as it pertains ukraine and israel as well. Thank you so much for your time. Appreciate it. Thanks. I appreciate it. Wonderful. Again, if you are joining us, this Breaking News, the house just passed the first of four foreign aid bills. This is the National Security bill that includes new sanctions against iran, the seizure of Frozen Russian Assets, and a measure that could lead to a nationwide ban of tiktok. Right now, they are voting on the bill on aid to taiwan and indopacific allies. And well continue to monitor sure. That. 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A, two bills or a piece part of this for bill package would ultimately be pieced together and sent to the United States senate to what bill that just passed about 8. 1 billion dollars in aid to American Allies in the indopacific region, namely taiwan, that had been tied up as part of this larger foreign aid debate. Theres also a separate packers that included a whole host of some new policy measures, one of which would actually call for the Chinese Company bytedance to divest from tiktok. If not fisker that very popular social media app from being banned in us app stores. So thats gonna be part of this underlying bill. Now, were gonna move on to a number of amendments that republicans in some members want to push to try to change to ukraine piece of that bill. Remember that ukraine provision includes 61 billion in aid to ukraine once they get for the Amendment Process and then they will move to final passage of that ukraine bill. And then after that, then we go into 26 billion in aid for israel. Now the eu brain asked by david, this is going to be very instructive and how this will come down because republicans have been so badly divided over this topic from months. This is why this has been held up. This larger built because of a real split. Im a republicans who are aligned with donald trump who say that there should not be a dime more money to spend for ukraine. But there are many republicans who are aligned with the National Security wake of their party is saying ukraines war against russia is an extra crisis, something that could threaten the United States and are essentially have one over mike johnson and speaker of the house, who decided to push ahead on this measure. Now, this all comes as there are still questions about what will happen to mike johnson and his future because of this decision to move forward on this foreign aid package and not included Border Security is part of it. That is why he is facing this revolt on the far right, an effort to push them out from the speakership. So right now, it appears he does not have the votes among republicans to stay as speaker if their vote to oust him does come to pass. So the question is, what will democrats do . Will they come to his defense . Thats a question i just put to Hakeem Jeffries, democratic leader, and he still is saying waiting to see how these votes come out before we make a decision oh, i thought were going to have that sound bite of that. Jeffrey. Well, when we get it, ill pass it onto so real quick. Oh, we do have it. All right. Lets roll it now is because of johnsons actions as award saving his job. And were working right now to get them National Security legislation over the finish line. Once that is completed, well take up any other matters to vote to vacate. Johnson comes up. Are you still thinking about youd vote to table this or youre undecided and my priority right now is getting these four bills through and doing what is our responsibility as lawmakers . I went this place to function gen. In any future votes, i take will be related to my desire to see this Bass Function and theres some others who are not yet on that same page. But as you can see, there are some democrats are saying that they would essentially vote to keep mike johnson in speakership. So the question this is how Many Democrats will come down on that sayyed and what the Democratic Leaders ultimately decide to do if and when this ukraine package does pass, which we expect to happen the next maybe 15, 20 minutes or so. So a significant moment for the house, for the war in ukraine, as well as Mike Johnsons speakership on the line here as he pushes ahead on this package amid this outrage on his farright, but support among members on both sides of the aisle for this major package making his way get to the house. Well, the voting is taking place very rapidly for these four foreign aid bills. And so far checkmarks on two of them done. All right. Manu raju. Thank you so much. And of course, dont forget. You can catch manu tomorrow morning on since id politics at 8 00 a. M. Eastern right here on cnn. We have a lot from capitol hill, right up to this live from the nations capital, one of the most unforgettable nights in dc, the sworn will read back here again, President Biden and comedian Collin Joseph headline the white house i was correspondents dinner, live next saturday at seven eastern on cnn some Migraine Attacks catch you off guard. But for me, a stressful de can trigger Migraine Attacks. 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The vote follows this week skirmish between israel and iran rattled nerves around the world with us now to talk more on this is Behnam Ben Taleblu he is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation For Defense Of Democracies good to see you. So its. Been a real battle, right . In the house to get at the aid packages through to fine tune to amend. And apparently there might be some more amendments taking place now before there is final passage of any 26 for israel. So in your view, if passed how will that funding be dispense and how important will it be well, its a pleasure being with you. I think if indeed past as you mentioned, it would send a strong deterrent message to the government of the Islamic Republic, which just last weekend made history with its willingness not to engage in proxy warfare, but in an overt direct its territory to territory attack, employing ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones and some of the smaller acts and measures that were put into hr eight, the one that just passed at least from the house, sayyed does contain human rights sanctions, reporting requirements importantly, a strategy to counter irans illicit oil exports so china, because for over a decade where theyre listed or elicit china has been the biggest source of revenue for iranian oil. And as we saw, those are revenue is going towards the military program, the drone program, the missile program. And even yes, indeed, the nuclear program. And then critically more aid, of course, to israel now, in terms of both supporting the existing missile and air defense architecture, israel has some of the most layered air and Missile Defense in the region. Strengthening this can deter a perspective or future iranian attack as well as by its proxies well, let me ask you your thoughts about these tensions between israel and iran on full display this week. Yet at the same time, there has been a real reluctance for specificity from israel as well as an acknowledgment from iran why do you suppose that is let me go one step further. Actually, theres a third party thats been relatively quiet as well, which is washington. So from jerusalem, tehran, and washington, youve had relative silence in the aftermath of what was a friday mornings strike at least tehran time targeting a Radar Installation that is believed to be providing coverage for one of iran sensitive nuclear sites. Initially, it was thought that it was a drone attack, but now it seems that it was a daring air raid where aircraft stopped just outside iranian territory and fired air to ground missiles at this target. It was indeed a gamechanging kind of operation. All three sides, i think want to turn the page. Theyve all tried to press each other on the way those six month war in the region has been going on but in particular, the iranians may want to take this as a deescalate tori step because they know that they cannot win an Escalation Spiral i get, or at least conventionally or directly as the israelis just proved against israel. But it doesnt mean at all that there is peace breaking down the region. It just means that the most overt, dangerous kind of conflict was just sidestepped are you concerned about a a regional conflict. Or if this could be representative of a beginning stages of such i think unfortunately there is a newfound Risk Tolerance within the ultra hardline political and military elite and the government of the Islamic Republic. That ultra Hard Line Ascendancy does things like massive domestic suppression at home and massive foreign aggression abroad. You saw that with the way they 2022, 2023 mass so many protests were repressed across iran, across 150 different cities, towns, and even villagers. And you saw that with the backing, they gave prior to october 7, to the Terrorist Group Hamas as well as in this daring Missile Barrage that israel was able to draw a stark contrast to and do a precision strikes to deter against. So just because for Tat Territorially seems to be kept off, doesnt mean again, that piece is breaking down in the region because of that lingering kind of risk tolerant approach by tech runs leaders and hopefully some of those House Measures can begin to gut at that risk tolerant approach. And today as the House Of Representatives is poised to vote on this 26 billion for israel within that package, there would be a 9 allocation to humanitarian aid for gaza and else i swear do you believe thats going to be enough air do you have concerns about how that will be put to use there are massive questions about oversight for any kind of humanitarian aid going to gaza, given some of the stories that have been breaking out about unrwa. But just in general, the ability to give a provide legitimate oversight to who this will go to where and if there is a hamas role in this, but more broadly about humanitarian aid and about the changing us presence in the region. We have to make sure that the Islamic Republic of iran narrative does not have ascendancy. And when it does have ascendancy is when there are downtrodden and dispossessed and marginalized populations across a series of failed states in middle east. Just look at the places where iran has proxy so hes today, iraq, syria, lebanon, gaza, yemen these places are not Success Stories like the arab states of the persian gulf or even israel they are failed states. So in general, the us does need almost like a Marshall Plan approach to all the populations in all these jurisdictions this humanitarian dividend could have a security one in the medium to long term then im ben taleblu. Thanks for your time. Thank you. I still to come russia gains on the front lines are highlighting ukraines desperate need for military aid. We go live to capitol hill and q four the details. After a quick break, youre watching the Cnn Newsroom Sanity needs a safe space you have a show. 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And in particular, we are still waiting for News Packages from the United States american support has been in question for too long, ever seen that is questioned for the defense of freedom is a precise answer for putin. Hes tempted to act when the west slows down and just this week, cia director bill burns also warning ukraine could lose the war with russia by the end of the year without more us help. Cnns Fred Pleitgen is in the ukrainian capital of kyiv. So fred out what will be the most . Immediate impact of this aid if indeed the package passes today are there for rico, first of all, i think pretty much everybody in the Ukrainian Government right now at this very moment is at the edge of their seats because the us military aid, if indeed it does go through, would be so very important for the ukrainians. And i think its for a lot of reasons. Firstly, so while i think that the us aid, if it gets approved, notch scores by the house, but the senate as well, well hit the battlefield pretty quickly and theres several areas where the ukrainian seed and say they are inverted very desperate need at this point in time. First and foremost right now is replenishing some of those Air Defense Missiles that have been so important to keeping cities like the one that im in right now, safe. But of course course also to help the ukrainians on the front line because fredricka, one of the things thats been happening, especially over the past couple of months, is that the russians have gotten a lot better at using their air force course. They found a way to make their bombs fly further, which means that the ukrainians need more, longer range Air Defense Missiles and longer range air Defense Systems to try and help their troops on the front line in survive. But at the same time, weve also seen a lot of cities here in this country over the past couple of weeks, especially have the Energy Infrastructure theyre hit by the russians, so theyre saying one of the reasons why so difficult for them to defend that is a lack of Air Defense Missiles. And then in general ammunition is a big problem for the ukrainians especially 155 million one artillery ammunition, which is something that theyre getting from european nato partners as well. But of course that aid from the us so much more so much more important in general, when you go to the Frontline Areas here in this country, you do see a lot of american gear thats in use. Of course, a lot of that gear needs to be replenished. A lot of that gear there needs to be serviced. So for the ukrainians, this aid package, just for the volume of it more than 60 so very important to the ukrainians fredricka that voting is underway quite right now in deed, Fred Pleitgen, well check back with you. Thank you so much in kyiv, lets bring in cnns manu raju. So that 60,000,000,000 ukraine aid package, voting is underway. House looking yeah. Right now just builds on the track for approval in the United States house after months of bitter republican in fighting over this very issue, the speaker of the house siding with the need for more ukraine aid. This bill on track for passage is not done yet, but the roll vote is making a very clear. The votes are there, in fact, right now, there are 306 votes in the affirmative. Remember they just, you know, majority of this full house, in order to pass this go well over a majority. But the question is, how did the republicans come down . And at the moment, mike johnson this is losing more republicans, then gaining them on the final bill, there are 110 no votes, republican votes. And counting her 99 republican yes votes. And counting all democrats who are present have voted for this measure. Thats 210. Theres still a handful of members who have not yet already had. Theres about a minute and a half or so, a little bit over that left in this vote. So well see how the ultimate vote shakes out. Of course, you can change your vote anytime before that actual gavel comes down. But were not expecting major changes to this final tally here right now it stands 310 to 111. Thats where theres vote is set suggesting that this is well on its way to final passage here in the senate. Now, after this, there will be a vote on the ukraine piece of this that will be proved as well. Well see how the democrats come down that weve prepped more democratic defections over concerns that this bill and did not do enough for good, put conditions on how israel is prosecuting. Its war. But some republicans are going to be our upset at that plan as well because it does provide some humanitarian assistance some of which would go to gaza. So expect some folks on the right flank of my jobs to vote against israel portion of this. But the vote right now on ukraine still stands about less than a minute left in the as vogue fred, 310 to 111 right now is where it stands. Well on his way to passage and mike johnson has lost 111. Republicans are hundred voting for it the rule in the republican conference to get a majority of the majority to support any legislation coming forward that did not happen here. Again, a second time in the matter of weeks mike johnson has lost a majority of support that could be a political problem for him as those folks on the right are trying to push him from the speakership. But johnson believing that ukrainian this monday now, willing to take on this fight with the right Franklin Flank of his conference, so that this fight only bound to intensify in the aftermath of this bills passage, fred, right . Now, just five seconds to go, three, ten to 112, 310 in favor of the passage of this 61 billion ukraine aid bill. And you see there as its happening, lets listen as some members are actually waving ukrainian the flags. Mondo, lets listen and watch it is flags on the floor. The chair has said, at the speakers are voted on this vote, the asia 311 and the nets are 112. The bill is passed one voting present i miss it. Thank you okay the house will be in order the house will. Be in order the chair would remind my colleagues, you observe proper decorum, flagwaving on the floor is not is not appropriate the house will be in order without objection a motion to reconsider sitters laid on the table for what purpose does the gentleman from florida rise i said, no the gentlewoman from florida the gentleman does not recognized colleagues. Now, im going to the house will be in order her show all members our reminded you observed a Quorum Speakers speakers are reminded to address the chair and pursuant to clause eight of rule 20, the Unfinished Business this is the vote on the passage of ajr 8034 on which the ayes and nazer ordered the clerk will report the title of the bill. Hr at 34 Avail Making Emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the situation in israel and for related expenses for the fiscal year ending September 30th to an interesting moment there youve got the passage of the 61 billion ukraine aid bill, but youve got an interesting confluence of events there. You heard rousing applause on one end, you saw some flagwaving of the ukrainian flag, only to hear the admonishment that thats not allowed on the floor. And then you also heard some yelling. Theyre very difficult for me to understand what was being said. But its been a contentious day. Its been a contentious weeks leading up to this manu raju back with this outside there on capitol hill mondo while there is the passage of the ukraine bill and now theyre about to vote on the 26,000,000,000 and israel of built this doesnt come without some consternation some some real animosity as well as applause coming for the passage here yeah, exposing real fault lines within the Republican Party over really americas place in the world amid this debate about whether or not there should be an effort to try to help United States allies overseas, whether or not United States should be he worried about other issues as well. But right now, a major moment here from mike Johnson Siding with the National Security wing of his party over those folks, were more aligned with donald trump on the issue of ukraine as republicans about 100, 101 republicans voted with 210 democrats to get this bill over the finish line, 311 to 112. The final vote in overwhelming bipartisan would jordi voting to push this ahead, that were still a minority of republicans who ultimately voted for this 112 majority of republicans voted against as according to these the tally, right . As this vote was called, that could be a political problem for my johnson, who has been willing to, as he said, let the chips fall where they may and thats the question. What will that mean . What will that mean for those folks . Weve been trying to oust mike johnson over this this this this isnt on ukraine aid. Mike johnsons evolution on this issue is really something to note because he came, he was actually oppose the spending more money for ukraine while he was a rank and member of the house. But the way he was elevated into the speakership amid the chaotic and messy aftermath of the ouster of Kevin Mccarthy last fall, he came in, he had classified briefings theres pressure by a lot of folks who have been calling for more ukraine aid. Then he decided that it was time for himself to change his view and evolution of sorts, something you dont really see too much in American Politics these days, but thats exactly what he did and even though his critics will say he waited too long, this ultimate bill thats going to go to the president says, in just a matter of days is very similar to the bill that was passed the senate two months ago. It took mike johnson a little more time as he evaluated his options, as he discussed his with his colleagues and as he said, he prayed about it as well. Hes a devout christian all the these things coming together and theres key moment for the speaker of the house pushing this over a bipartisan majority, despite having a minority of republicans supporting this, assigning, it was worth it. Anyways, as now, we see the israel aid going to be passed through and in a matter of minutes here in the house, ultimately sending this over the United States senate for final approval. For friday i wonder manu, when you talk about a speaker, johnson and his kind of about phase, if he felt like there was a bit of a compromise, perhaps in this bill that might appease those who so were so reluctant to support ukraine aid by having in this package that there would be this, you know, 20 of that money would be in the form of a loan to ukraine. Even though the view at the sitting us president would be able to forgive that debt after November 15th was was it his hope that perhaps that would bring more republicans on board with him for this ukraine assistance well of course it was donald trump who first floated that idea of a loan and suddenly you saw more republicans starting to get behind that idea end it was mike johnson who went and down to maralago just a couple of weeks ago. And talked to donald trump about this issue. He was urge mike johnson was to get Donald Trumps buyin behind this package. Whats been notable is that trump didnt tried to kill this the way he did with the Border Security plan that was bipartisan deal that was cut by the senate a few weeks or a couple of months ago. That was different. He came out and tried to kill it and eventually mike johnson aligned himself with that. But because mike johnson decision to listen to him on that idea of pushing forward alone and getting Donald Trumps buyin on that specific provision. Yes. But even though that loan could be forgiven and even though people will say that is just is just Window Dressing is actually what does it even mean anything because they dont think ukraine actually pay that back with us president you could forgive it, but still having that language in there, perhaps placated trump enough to not try to kill this bill at this key moment on the house floor. So that will was one interesting thing. There are some other Policy Provisions that were added to it, including allowing the seizing of Frozen Russian Assets to deliver those frozen in russian assets to ukraine to help us part of that aid. That was one other policy measure, but by enlarge though fred, this is very similar to what the outlines of that bipartisan bill that passed the senate about two months ago. But nevertheless, the way he handled it was not good. I hit republicans a priestess over the hate to interrupt because everything you say is relevant and pertinent. But right now, it looks like the clock as ended on the voting for this israel aid package in the form of 26 billion. Of course, were waiting to hear it officially said, oh, if we look at the totals right now, three, 60 six to fit, two, in favor of passage here. A couple cheers. Theyre taking place, but we have not heard officially lets listen to it. Right now

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