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Only represents Mesothelioma Victims and their families. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelial collis. Now you are in the cnn newsroom. I will flip sir, in washington. Thanks very much for joining us and we begin with Breaking News Sentencing Hearing for the parents ichigan school shooter, ethan crumbley. But before they learned their fate, they must also face their sons victims and their families james and Jennifer Crumbley were both found guilty of four counts of Involuntary Manslaughter qatar after their teenage sudden murder, four of his classmates back in 2021. This is a unique case with the crumbleys being the first parents to be held responsible for a School Shooting committed by their child cnns jean casarez has been covering this story from the very beginning. Shes joining us right now, live gene, whats happening . Being in court right now . Well, right now, the Victim Impact Statements have just begun in this Precedent Setting Sentencing Prosecution asking for 15 years, the defense asking for far, far less twoandahalf to maybe a little less than five. But the person speaking now, madison baldwins mother nicole abuse so les, shes talking about her daughter, who was not quite just about to graduate from Oxford High School when she was gunned down in November Of 2021 . Madison, she was a kind soul. She always had a smile on her face. She lit up the room when she walked in her laugh, i could listen to all day it, was infectious. Her big sister skills were undeniable and she took that role very seriously madison was smart, funny loving, passionate, determined and genuine. Her expectations were high. And at times we needed to let her fall she needed to be reminded that not everything is perfect. Even if she wanted it to be madison had an influence that most never achieved. Sometimes i would listen to a poem she wrote, or watched her create art with no tracing just pure talent she would talk about college and want major. She would like to do and what would be most helpful to society the passion that she had for everything and everyone was remarkable i would catch myself watching her and thinking to myself, how lucky am i im the one that gets to be her mom what did i do to deserve a perfect person . She will be the best thing to ever happen to me at such a young age, myself. I grew up because of her. We grew together i learned from her. I mattered because of her from the moment she was born, i promised myself that i would be there no matter what, through the falls, heartbreak, let downs and struggles. I would be there i would listen, learn, and love every moment. I wouldnt miss a thing i would always protect her november 30, 2021 exactly. 17 years, six months, and 13 days made me break my first promise. It will hurt for eternity as her mom, i didnt protect her first, id like to say thank you to the Prosecution Team i say thank you to you all saying thank you really doesnt seem enough anymore. The countless hours youve worked its time to from your family and always taking our feelings into consideration karen and mark the work youve put into getting all the facts speaking to let slip, speaking to us like we matter. And never wavering from your goal. It speaks volumes of the people you are and im proud to call you a part of madisons voice. Advocates and jen, im not sure where to start youve all see me hit points in this tragedy that some days i wasnt sure who it was. One minute. Im laughing next, some crying and sometimes im just silent. Either way. One thing stayed consistent you always listened. Jen youre not just a friend. You are family my mind keeps going back to something during the trials something that is almost on repeat like a broken record its something as a mother, i cant understand and honestly, i dont think any mother mother would understand it was when jennifer said it wouldnt do anything different im putting a little emphasis on different as i know, life, those things that are out of our control but life takes turns and eventually puts them back in our control like giving you a hint when something needs to change i want to compare a few things to see through my perspective as i know, things are different about the events and how we see them from the events on November 30th while your son was Hearing Voices and asking for help i was helping madison pick out or senior classes while you were perching seeing a gun for your son and leaving it a lot i was hoping are finished her College Essays well you dropped him off at school, upset that he was failing class i texted madison dr. Safe. Its slick outside. Have a good day. When you gotta call to me at the school about your son and how it interfered with your day i was rearranging my schedule so i could take madison to get her oil change for the first die when you left without hesitation and not taking him home i was worried it should be okay. Driving in the first snowfall this season. And as she brought a coal when you walked out of the office with a study bayes after hearing an active shooter i ran from my home and started driving. Try not to break the law when youre on the phone for ten minutes with each other trying to figure out where the gun was. I was on the phone with her fathers family trying to figure out where she was would you left a myers without knowing where your son was i was desperately trying to get there as soon as possible when you knew the gun was missing, you called the police knowing it was yours on who took it i was having family call every hospital describing what she looked like when you texted ethan, dont do it i was texting madison. I love you. Please call mom when you found out about the lives through son took that day i was still waiting for my daughter in a parking lot when you question the reasoning why he would do this was questioning if i would was doing enough to find her when you got a chance to speak with your son seeing him alive and showing no support was watching families. Were your night. There are children waiting for my moment . When you asked him why i was waiting for the answer onto why the last bus never came when you the Police Showed up at your house, you didnt understand why they were there . Can i was asking police, have they checked every possible location . If i could go search to when you texted about not losing your job and you needed a lawyer i was still galling my daughter because she came first in all parts of my life when you could leave your house, i was still a prisoner and meyers when you worried about what people thought of you is feeling threatened i was learning your son threaten my daughter and feel fatally shot are bad when you drove to get your Burner Phones for communication i was laying on the floor and myers for hours crying because i forgot how to speak when you checked into your first hotel was telling madisons 11 yearold sister she was gone when you cared more about yourself and getting alcohol and supplies . I was identified my daughter at a medical office wishing i could take her place while you were hiding . I was planning her funeral and while you were running away from your son and your responsibilities i was forced to do the worst possible thing, apparent good. Do i was forced as they go by it why madison . We all see things different some prioritize and some dont accountability can only be given if you actually tried in place as a parent, we all make mistakes. This is a normal way of life usually when mistakes happen, we learned from them we tried to fix it or talk it over but continuing to make the same mistake over and over again is no longer a mistake. Its a choice that becomes a decision those decisions that you made ultimately took my my daughters life because you decided that you didnt want to parent and listen to your son you took the right away for me to be a mother you do not get to this side that you do not get those privileges. You are not above anyone i love being a mom. Its the one thing that im truly great at you cared more about your wellbeing then the one life that you should put above anyone, your child. And because of that, you took that you bought took four beautiful children away from those world being appearing is the best is the part of light that you should hold to the highest level. Its an honor to be a mother or father even when you think you have done your best, you continue to do more unfortunately youve never made it to level one you say you wouldnt do anything different . Well, that really says and what type of appearance you are because theres a lot of things i would do different but the one thing was i would have wanted to be different was to take that bullet that day so, she could continue to live the life she deserved you shall know where more so respect and compassion for our family the same traits that youve bestowed upon your son the traits that you have torn my family into pieces the lack of compassion that youve shown is outright disgust not only did your son killed my daughter, but you both did as well the words in voluntary should not be a part of your fence everything you did that day, months prior, in days after were voluntary acts of your son . Commit a murder . Not just one, but multiple shaking your head during a verdict is the utmost disrespectful thing i ever witnessed at that moment, you felt your life is more valuable than my daughters i will say that will never be true. You created a life that you took for granted you decided that parenting wasnt a priority putting your child first should be the only priority you didnt. And because of that, ive lost my daughter i had to get answers after her death watching the video, Hearing Testimony on your son executed my daughter, watching him put the gun to her head she covered her head and pulled the trigger see pictures of her laying in her own pool of blood knowing your body sat there for hours, that rigor mortis had already started to set in so that when i identified or her body, was this state, i couldnt imagine hearing her sister scream over and over again night after night, watching your family and her friends fall apart you created all of this. You graded your sons life, which then allowed this to be his path which should be yours as well. You dont get to look away. You dont get the cry. I didnt get that choice. You failed as beer. Its the palm is punishment that you face will never be enough. It will never bring her back. It will never be a lost that you have suffered, and it will never been because one day youre gonna be able to see your son visit hear his voice, possibly, lad, maybe see him grow. I will never see that again. Nicole was the socalled loss that you say you have suffered, does it even compared to the loss of a child your honor. Requests that the maximum sentence be enforced as it will never come close to the Life Sentence i was given like i. Said its that i didnt ask for it, but it choice that was made for me a life that i will suffer because of their Neglect Negligence thank you yes. Jill swati yes thank you. Honorable judge. Cheryl matthews, for your time on this case, i know it hasnt been easy on both thank you. Also to Karen Mcdonald and the entire Prosecution Team. We appreciate your efforts your honor. My trauma and devastation is hard to put two words what i have done so in my letter to you i would also like to mention justins brothers, nathan and clay they are now forced to live a life without their beloved middle brother, Justin My Son justin was the least deserving of his fate. He was the best son at any mother could pretty four justin was brave, spending his final moments protecting a fellow student he was hard working. A lettered athlete, a top Honor Student he was kind and inclusive to all he was full of love and joy. His future was so very bright and full of possibilities his passing has touched so many Family Members, friends, students, and the community in general the ripple effects of both jameson, jennifers failures to act have devastated us all this tragedy was completely preventable if only they had done something. Your honor. Anything . To shift the course of events on November 30th that are four angels would be here today. And justin would be getting ready to celebrate, celebrate his 20th birthday. The 18th of this if only, your honor, they had taken their son to get counseling instead of buying him a gun if only they had secured that guard if only they had spoken up that de him the Counseling Office if only they had checked his backpack if only they had taken them home were taking them to counseling instead of abandoning him at that school i wouldnt be standing here today your honor i dont know whats in their hearts. Im not a mind reader but i only know the facts of this case and the facts of this case. Both cases have been deeply disturbing what i would like to share with the shooters parents is an example of what love looks like between a mother and her son this is what justin wrote to me and one of the last birthdays that we celebrated together, your mom words cannot describe how thankful i am for you you have been nothing but an amazing mother for as long as i can remember thank you for being a role model. Thank you for showing me what its like to never give up you inspire me to do better each and every day. I love you so much, love justin it is devastating and heartbreaking that it doesnt appear that either of you cherished or even wanted your son but i wholeheartedly wanted and cherished mine you have failed your son and you have failed us all. This failure had deadly consequences that can never be undone, that can never be made, right . I am asking, your honor, for the maximum sentence aloud. Thank you good morning Craig Shilling doesnt man so honorable, judge matthews for the second time in six months i find myself standing in front of a packed courtroom a victim this time, im here to address a different judge and the parents of the Db Disturb Teenager Lab murdered my son this is my opportunity to try to describe this how much the horrific event that took place back in November 30 2021 has impacted my life its my belief that an impact statement should not just describe how this particular event and packed in i feel that i should also be impactful towards all who hear the new york case, judge, i hope these words impact you in a way that influence your decisions here today. As i look around and all the lawyers, police officers, media folks, and other victims i can help and ask myself what could i possibly say that this whole scenario doesnt already say this is my stop most people will never have to make a victim impact statement. The course of their minds and the fact that the victim speaking here today are doing so from second time in six months, should speak volumes in and of itself is not normal living a life like this is not normal so how does it affect the normal guy to be completely honest with you, it remains a rather difficult and uncomfortable question. The answer my previous impact statement, ive expressed many of my daytoday struggles from uncontrolled emotional outbreaks. This sleepless nights does not mean able to focus on the normal daily tasks yeah its fair to say that i live every day with pain, anger, heart ache, regret anxiety, stress. You name it. They are all there wreaking habit in my once normal life i say that time heals all moons while were were coming up on twoandahalf years now and i can assure you that the wounds are still as fresh as they were. Im not trying to say what this whole that has been left in my life. I spent the last 30 years of my life watching my budget support a family raise children, tried to set my cell phone personal season buying nolan years and but anything has happened and that peace and quiet and ive worked so hard for me, never come to be not that agree that ive always imagined that literally every single aspect of my life has been affected. Manage time and i just spent a long time describing in detail its just how it has impacted me but it seems like it would be way easier for me to just tell you how much track the hadnt impact because theres something behind that now that the verdict is how winning a mental case, i feel strongly that it has caught the attention that most parents across the country the overwhelming in this case, were all that was necessary to prove that james and Jennifer Crumbley, not only in the death of their son i feel and to get the necessary methyl care that was clearly than provided him the very tools necessary to carry out those acts of violence it was these very facts that allowed not just one, but two full juries. Design both of them guilty and now turn i will always maintain the opinion that the facts that were presented in these cases for Strong Enough to advance any jury of their health that the verdict was the same regardless of whether travels have maintained throughout the course of the past couple of years, being the parent of a murder child tends to cause you to seek out the maximum penalties allow for each guilty verdict derived from any other criminal charges. I think the stance is completely justified. Hi would be so for any pairing. In the same position as mine however, this is a quarter von where Personas Assembly Proven Guilty and the defendant has the right to the speed of the charges against them. That being said during the course of both of these trials i did my best to capture everywhere and process all the facts this is important because theres value on these facts matches thousands and thousands of man hours invested in gathering, processing, and organizing the evidence. But also for being able to use that evidence though sandwich, the cold, hard truth of the situation that james and Jennifer Crumbley pale and parental responsibilities as they pertain to the shooters was their son cole truth . That show does that they did not take to address the obvious signs of a deteriorating mental State Of Mind clearly hasnt then theres of course, a very hard truth that show that they provided their son with exactly what he wanted to use. The do what he did and failed miserably sick. One would probably think you got an order for Something Like this or something of this magnitude that even happen at all they would have to be a ton of things that went wrong so there were some things that definitely went wrong that day. Or several of those things. I believe that if they had been handled correctly, we wouldnt be here right now in. James and Jennifer Crumbleys carry the whole of their responsibility the handle those things during their trials the overall similarities between the two, what happened. And i believe this is my liverpool numerous facts that were the same for all trials show unclear the met the parents pale their son, and ultimately the entire community with jennifer to think but it resonates most unless she stayed that even knowing what she knew now, shes still wouldnt have changed things i almost died, which it said four precious lives were lost at the hands of her son by the means. By means that she helped provide she saw the drawing of Murder Drawing with the hands of her son she said and heard the request of the cancer and then not and shes bill size or second as that she wouldnt have changed that i just dont understand how someone can be that purpose can make a Statement Like i the blood of our children is in your hands to this is about one reason why i feel that jennifer she received the maximum amount of her or her sentence the facts presented should be all the others that you should be with her distinct lack of remorse and overall understanding of the tragedy i feel at the maximum amount of Time Available as needed for her to be fully comprehend the grabbing for actions and the lack thereof with james there were a couple of things that jumped out at me able to take her, but one thing to have digest is the fact that when the verdict was being read he sat there and shook his head and total disagreement as if to suggest that the jury was wrong and that there were no grounds for a guilty verdict i was done out of the seem shake his head physically, an action that only suggests that he truly believes he did nothing wrong how could you possibly think that for precious lives . Loss at the hands of your son by means but my mean that he helped provide he saw the drawing of the murder drawn with the hands of the sign he sat and heard the request of the counselor and did nothing i just dont understand how someone console arrogantly tidal selfpaced were helping me say one thing to justify the blood are children because in your hands to but one reason why i feel like james, should we see the maximum amount of florida sentence the facts presented which should be all the others. That you need what does distinct lack of remorse and overall unethical understanding of the tragedy. I feel that the maximum amount of Time Available as needed for him to be able to fully comprehend the gravity of the actions in the last paragraph throughout the course of all this. And im talking way back. Beginning i just cant get over the fact that this tragedy was completely there were some pretty obvious signs that were completed overlap the bulk over of their responsibilities to address those sign glide in the parents and they failed across the board fail. They willfully ignore that hi, that their childs unselfishly put themselves before helping him. This type of blatant disregard is london is unacceptable large, reason why the eventual the events of that day were able or were allowed to happen. And another reason why i feel they need the maximum amount of time to be able to fully comprehend the passing of their actions in the land. There we all know that having children the big responsibility although extremely rewarding it starts out pretty scary i mean, lets face it. They dont to not become an instructions theres no means unfortunately, no pause or rewind button oh, yeah there are times in the beginning of places yep. You still have we still want that responsibility even though its not very clear what it on pails but. How can we accept that responsibility and not act responsibly towards that time it doesnt add up a. Child even fees and lucy child because theres the same amount of love, compassion, and compare that any other child a child deserve someone who was confident my example, because thats facing it wasnt match house twice to come into the portal. You made them in a Job Responsibility to teach them how to live its your responsibility. Again the set a good example payment symbol. Just like that is in china the sooner we can figure out figuring that out, the better we all will be apparent as hard work. But if its done correctly, it can be the most rewarding work youve ever dated there is no one. And i can tell you how to do it because each child is so precious and unique. I mean, theres no other one lifetime in the entire world. And thats has cherish your one and always and never get them on the results of doing so can be catastrophic it can affect their lives of so many other people well, i asked you all go home today hundred kids and make sure they know you are there and make sure that they are all right and so crucial for the whole of arson yeah are 10yearold little brother. Had to learn how to write a eulogy for sure before he even learn how to write essays. November 30, 2021. All our parents did with some us off to school. Yet the next time they see hannah is to recognize her lifeless how do you in a medical Examiners Office i met up with hanikra during school that day when we split ways to go back to class, i just look back and smiled i didnt say to buy i never got to say goodbye. I never got to remind her that i love her, that shes my everything the person i want to walk through life with sidebyside i thought her feature was a given of course, you player First High School basketball game that night, get ready for all the other school dances, have our jv and varsity season for all the sports she played, get a drivers license player lacrosse season have a first date, Prom Graduation never got a chance for any of that. She didnt even get her 15th, 16th, 17th, or 18th birthday these are only some of the high school experiences. She never got to have. But it is absolutely nothing compared to the rest of everything you have going for future that list as Eternal Hamas life that only started to begin 12 51 p. M. November 30, 2021. That was a moment i became aware of the fragility of our mortality hannah, who is healthy, hanako was only 14, shot four times, 12. 5 of the bullets shot that de, were at her she took her last breath in her own full of blood in a school she hadnt even been in for three months alone for seven months, seven minutes while police pass by her bleeding out as a Security Guard failed to put a tourniquet on her, dying as ems took more than ten minutes after the shooter had been attained to even give aid to her our japanese grandma would often worry about anything bad happening to us because she knew how dangerous it is here compared to japan she told me when facetime that honnold responded to laugh saying, dont worry, im fast runner, a lot, run them it wasnt possible for hanikra around the bullets spot by you, Jennifer Crumbley which were fired by the nine Millimeter Sig Sauer that you james gifted to your son both used to murder hanna, justin tate, and madison the fact is no matter what you try to make yourself believe jennifer, are you did feel as a parent, both of you to love and to be loved. That is the human experience. It was up to you guys to show you some that instead of getting quality time and compassion, you give your son a gun, a gun you knew cause an extraordinary damage. Theres a reason your kid didnt use the other two firearms or the 0. 22 ammunition you own . I believe your actions can even be confined into the word failure. Your mistakes created our everlasting nightmare. So yes, you are still danger to society because even after serving two years, you have yet to admit to you the wrongdoings. And we know that when we did not learn from our mistakes, you repeat history you call yourself a victim the difference between you and honig just and tate and madison you and my family you and all the students there that day is that we didnt have a hand and causing this you caused the most cruel thing i could ever imagine you guys made loving hanako soul painful. That is not a narrative that is reality for that, unless you have a time machine or the ability to stop time, theres no existing punishment and rehabilitation that will ever be enough. Because there is no way that the one life i have, i now have to live without hanako, my little sister, my best friend, my other half to me that makes a maximum sentence being 15 years too short honda even have 15 years to live jennifer, you see that even after knowing everything, you know now, you wouldnt do anything different i cannot fathom that. I would do anything to hear her footsteps coming up the stairs you dont have to roll your eyes. Its on video that she said that now have an empty seat at the dining table to have her come into my room and ask which close to order to see her napping on the couch to laugh and share. Look when we accidentally say the same thing at the same time theres not a day that goes by that i wish i hadnt run out of that building. If i knew what i know, now, i would do everything differently in a heartbeat i hope time made you think differently one day, i hope you would have chosen to care for your son. Teach him how to love and to be loved that you would not choose to buy the bullets that enter childrens bodies that you would not choose to omit relevant, Important Information to the counselor, Shawn Hopkins and dina students, nicholas ii jr. But could help. Theyre incompetent brains and one shared bring, sell to decide to act and search a backpack that you wouldnt still choose to hide from accountability when youre the reason we had to hide for our lives but you would choose to save Hanako Justin take a medicine like my mother said, both of you should implore that youve done your worst days. Its the tomorrow honda doesnt get its tomorrows. You wanted to live so badly that tomorrow that she should have i can never do janiot just when talking about her. Shes all i want to talk about. And yeah, i would need a lifetime and still wouldnt have the right words to capture incandescents humerus, thoughtfulness, kindness, or loyalty. Shes always there for you helping without a second thought. Shes always sharing her smile, her food, her clothes, her crafts for joy shes funny so given she brings people together while theyre, its her contagious laughter or sarcastic wit, you will be laughing right along with shes noticing the small things, no shoes, new haircut, cute jewelry, but even more importantly, she makes you feel seen shes extremely spirited. Her energy is unmatched on or off the court she dresses up every holiday, every spirit day. The first one to put up Christmas Lights or for that matter, not even realizing she was a light for so many others shes the one who would not only playfully rolled her eyes and smile when i would say im taller than her as a look up to her not only do i look up to her physically, because yes, she was taller, but as a whole, as a human being she isnt perfect, but xis hanako into me. Thats as close as you can get. I can convey what losing hanako done to me. I mr. With every breath i tick i think Going Forward without her something ill never be able to fully navigate i believe the word status inappropriate to use because it doesnt nothing to capture the hurt or the way my soul shattered i didnt know ive never felt every atom of my body igniting from anger until hamas murder. I didnt know what it was like to stop. We camp in the morning until she wasnt here ive never known pain that is forever until seeing khan in a casket i didnt always possible to feel so isolated even when youre surrounded by people i didnt know how it feels, not know yourself at all. I have no idea who i am without hanna shes my happy. Shes my home i look for khan. Everyone i meet every place i go and its exhausting when i met with this appointment every time but its the world. Its all the people she would have met, agree for them to to have that chance of khan of being in your life taken away . For you is a tragedy in and of itself she is more shes more of a person than you should combine times 1 trillion could ever even hoped to be. But when the day comes that you Reenter Society and 13 ten years, i hope youll live more like hannah. I hope you live every moment to the fullest, like hannah. I hope you laugh every day like kanna. And i hope you love unconditionally thats it st. Juliana thank you find myself in other odd State Of Mind today rather emotionally blame great. Now part of that is having to do this. Again part. Of, that is, im mostly private person the idea of having to pour my heart again is irritating i cant match the eloquent words that have come before me. In the previous impact statements so limit my my words today the defendants to their choices to their indifference in Gross Negligence enabled the son their son to murder my daughter, hannah, and three other children they chose to stay quiet they chose to ignore the Warning Signs now as weve heard through all of the objections they continue to choose to blame everyone but themselves every single objection i think that the council said this morning put the blame somewhere else. Their son not them i stood before the court several months ago and spoke about the packed at khan, his murder. It on myself for my family nothing has changed since then its impossible for me to truly convey the complete impacted my daughters loss parlors murder has destroyed a large portion of my very soul. Ive said these words before its still the truth. I remain a shallow the person that used to be i think of her miss her constantly every day is a battle to attempt to move forward struggled to get out of bad, to go through the motions of everyday life simple, everyday sites and actions bring pain because i think what it should have been like with hannah there with us i, think of All The Good Times that weve shared together as a family and more on all the memories that will never be i will never think back fondly on her high school and college graduations. I will never walked her down the aisle that she begins the journey of starting her own family i am forever denied the chance to hold her or her future children. My arms a few words describing hannah, kidding, no way fully captured her truly the Beautiful Carrying Soul or import in part through unlimited potential anna was absolutely beautiful and thoughtful person she was always the first person to notice when someone had a problem and the first to go out over weight to offer help she was incredibly curious and talented she continually tried new things she crafted homemade jewelry tried cooking her own recipes and played several sports she was a Record Holder in track and a leader of risk the ball and basketball teams she also hope to join her older sister on the Lift Cross Team in the spring she had aspirations of her career dedicated to helping and people all of this is lost because of the defendants actions and choices my position regarding the defendants sentencing in their future has evolved through their trials at first, i was focused on the importance of getting up a guilty verdict. To have the message conveyed to the public that this type of behavior and choices are not acceptable i didnt have strong feelings about their sentencing it was just something that would be determined by the system my view, however has changed as the defendants level of defiance is grown instead of acknowledging any mistakes they continue to show no remorse. They take no accountability they and their lawyers continue to try to change the narrative and portray the defendants as victims of the Prosecution Team they blame everyone, but themselves and make tracks of retribution the facts have already been presented. The jury has found them guilty multiple juries have found them guilty. Hello, madison tate and justin are the ones who have lost everything, not the defendants as such, i asked that this Court Dissent the defendants, the maximum allowable penalty of ten to 15 years in prison thank you. Thank you all right, those were really, really emotional, are very powerful statements impact statements from two mothers, two fathers, and one sister of these teenagers who were shot and killed back in november 30, 2021 by ethan crumbley, who was 15 years old at the time in oakland county, michigan jean casarez is with us. Whos been covering this from the very beginning. I got to tell you how emotional and sad and heartbreaking it is to hear these Family Members speak about their loved ones the way they have asking that these parents james or Jennifer Crumbley, be given the maximum sentence, which is what, up to 15 years in prison. That is correct. And the judge has to take into consideration these words from these Victim Impact Statements. There are Pivotal Moment in this court and the judge will look at it for consideration the way madison baldwin, the very first victim impact statement, her mother gave it was a timeline and it was a timeline of that morning and went what she was doing and what jennifer and james crumbley. Were doing at the same time. And i think it set the stage for the emotion, the presence, and those that follow. Craig shilling, the father really gave a moment for parents of uplifting to cherish your child, to nurture your child and they all are speaking directly to james and Jennifer Crumbley. If you notice in these Victim Impact Statements talking about how it was so obvious they didnt even want their child and so of course, the defense will counter that, but that is the feeling i think of moos in that courtroom today and they face up to 15 years in prison for Involuntary Manslaughter, both convicted in separate trials, but theyre being sentenced that together their attorneys are asking for their clients three sentenced to less than five years in prison. Each. Or Jennifer Crumbley has also asked the judge to allow her to replace under house arrest where she can be supervised. But these statements from these Family Members are so powerful and they clearly make it clear that these parents were derelict in their responsibilities to protect others by allowing their son to have access to a gun and eventually, despite all of his problems, go into that school and murder these these Forest Fellow students and he also shot six others, including a teacher in the process. So its really, its really an awful actuation. And i take a gene, this will be the first time. This is the first time that parents of a shooter of a child who committed a crime like this are being charged and have been convicted in this Involuntary Manslaughter charge. And so this is a sentencing of precedentsetting nature, never before has there been a sentencing like this . And so the judge must consider all of the facts and circumstances because they did not pull the trigger. And the defense has argued from the beginning that ethan came in and was that intervening and hold hold on for one moment. Hold off for one more. Jennifer crumbleys is now speaking the mother of the shooter, ethan crumbley, lets listen to just as i know, theres no say its going to ease the Pain Suffering of the victims and the families i heard about, right. Ensure grief those of you understand no explanation is needed and for those of us who do not know description as possible well, ive taken countless Knife Momentum over the english and shane, i know what my son did the hierarchy but and who how Oxford Community i probably awesome victims are divided of gods mercy and peace, and that he he heals your broken spirits when i was on the stand i was asked if i would have done anything good french i was horrified to learn the answer. I would not have was completely misunderstood the answer is true because my thoughts my son does seem some or all i didnt have a reason to do what do you think that this was not something i foresaw that was the on my answer. And how i interpreted the question with the benefit of hindsight and information i have now my answer would be drastically different by even thought crimes like these things. Vendor even worse when i learned going Police Investigation that he had been planning a School Shooting before november get he was not the sign. I woke up he was not some idea of why he woke up on November 30th either i knew it was a goodbye kid. He loved his past, Family Vacations my husband, it used to say we have the perfect kid we believe that and thats where i saw him followed him as a details are emerging during discovery, i was horrified to learn concerning behaviors by song as reported doing at School Reviews and take a makeup test. He told us he took sleeping in Class Drawing Picture of guns on his assignments writing quote, my family has mistake watching a video in class of a mass shooting that fateful day along with internal communications that took place between his teachers and counselors, mr. Hopkins he was called on my radar and he seems to be having a rough time, was never disclosed to us as parents the school playing. This does not i dont all behavior because of the pandemic and actually being a quote, Gang Community to say, i was furious when i learned this information, isnt understood this is not rogue behavior to us and very different than what eight to believe he was happening at school not only were you in the dark about craze concerning behavior, but in the Counselors Office that morning . Not at those previous issues. Were brought to our attention i cant stop thinking had they are bad the conversation that morning would have been much different taken a deep dive. And whats really been going out with my son i wonder happens in egypt capital same regrets to instead, were left with believe not only from happens in asia, but even as well that this was an isolated event when he confident and trust in the professionals advice flattened same school that day he did not he is not pose a threat to himself or others it was suggested that hadnt being around here would probably be good we agree we were never asked to take him home that day that was discussed as the best course of action. We would have obliged hes saying you didnt give them the picture that morning and the Counselors Office. But what they failed to acknowledge is a bigger picture. The school did not get lost im not the same person i was prior. Numbers are we have 2021 this tragedy has changed who i am you very valuable lessons it suddenly stopped bring beginning with ive also gained god in the quiet hours in myself sorry to have about the impact. This tragedy has had on the families and the endless pain no one should ever have to feel for his got a hold to cheer, understand okay. For pain involves alarms depend on him for pizza strike alone. Im strong i learned that we cannot tell her predict what happen to us lets play one day you wake up and everything can change. When you kind of how her decide what happens in us, how easy it what we do and thats what really matters again, the test of living is how unimaginable those tragedies thrall hardships that made them a thing for compute also learned a thing to never think. This can not have them do a stereotype. The bad kids come from bad parents the prosecution strike the mole those type of parents. Society wants to believe are so horrible only a school or mass shooter could be bred from this is a very assumption to have we work appearance we were the average family. We werent perfect. So you loved our sign any job . Under tremendously everything we strive for was to make sure are sometimes the best light so graca tradition experiences we had neither the best person he could be i always get hurt us love. I have for our sun makes a free breath for not seeing but was it . Your child . Your knees your brother, your sister your child, make a fateful decision, not just what the gun here in town ashley, or unintentionally theres anything the general public can take away from this, is that this could happen to you too the trash how intermediate, Unconditional Love as they watched my parents still loving care for any wholeheartedly, no matter what is happening and theres nothing else i can do. I use the look. My sunday conditionally perhaps as my purpose your honor. I dont envy the decision we have to make today now case. And crash the patients are high, not just one of the prosecutions from all those affected as well the heartbreaking journeys families having doors it back up im just important and most valid hes a little again, the Power Forgiveness forgive to prosetion for thi lander. Hate me and my husband mr. Keith, i have hated you a deep anger, but hey, justin, have either acrostic, airy and youd be set free that burden. Recognize that you are people just like me and perfect but i know he wants the things that happened to you. And if any conflict when already circumstances, use their living both sides the drums, and families standard de, not to ask for your forgiveness, as i know it up arms reach. But my sincerest apologies for the pain that has been caused decision we have to make today i understand the Passion Exitation are high from from all sides this heartbreaking jury of families more 91 should have to bear announcements hold up my five. It hasnt bill with the Remorse Regret well Emily Harding angry if i feel for the families of Justin Madison take off the asked myself over my sons public shame, those of our old parent pain. The a terrible. Person but the worst how here is my on selfchosen that femoris and deep regret ive been criticized by gonna show emotion. Im sympathetic. I got prior along, i agree and if youre looking to me and for a moment to do five, and the and i will be in my own internal person for the rest of my life your honor, im asking consideration that i have been lacking yourself 23 hours a day, essentially Solitary Confinement for over 28 months in that the court finds a fair and just somethings going yes your honor. Pointed out when he lost his orders. Here are a winters here. Every single person, those who agree theres also no limit on the amount of sadness, grief and horrific emotions that particles across the board in this case when mrs. Commonly does is far as nurse heres a tendency internationalist would be for people to say shes shifting from Sadness Victims and putting yourself she abundance of status. Theres enough sadness to run for all of the times for are everyone involved in this case its not surprising that the victims have come in and obviously the maximum sentence your has the narrative dropped his case, that they believe is true this court knows that there are is other information that was not a part of this case and i leave this court knows the defense was hugely hamstrung and i think that purpose pains at times what to do. I guess im talking about not being able to call her medical professionals not equal to the call for shooters to stands happening, able to cross examine juries about convince the sure those

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