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Thank, you abby. That is it for me here on cnn prime time. Cnn tonight with laura coates starts right now. Great discussion, abby, as always. Good evening everyone, im laura, coates and welcome to cnn tonight. The man hunt is continuing. We are about to, weeks yes two weeks in and continuing to heat up even tonight. That is a prisoner now armed even more dangerous, so what is happening, tonight we have a live report with all the up to the minute development coming up. But i want to begin with Kevin Mccarthy, or should i say speaker mccarthy. Unilaterally ordering an Impeachment Inquiry into president joe biden. Even as republicans have yet to actually prove any allegation that he directly profited from his sons foreign Business Deals. It comes as the speaker is under enormous pressure from farright members of his own party, threatening to kick him out of the speakership if he does not move fast enough. These are allegations of abuse and power, obstruction, and corruption. They warrant further investigation by the house of representatives. That is why today, i am directing our House Committee to open a formal Impeachment Inquiry into president joe biden. This logical next step will give our committees the full power to gather all of the facts and answers for the american public. So first of, all i will the inquiry, period full stop. You can pronounce it however you would, like sir. You did not think mccarthys gavel was actually, safe did you . You couldnt have forgotten we were all up to the Crack Of Dawn watching him try to win the speakers gavel. After 15 rounds of course, he made it, and here we are everyone. We are nine months later, and it seems it is maybe time to pay the so how is it payback in the form of an impeachment . The question is, for what . I have not actually heard the exact reason, or the high misdemeanor that would be required there. Mccarthy says, they can open an Impeachment Inquiry anyway. We would have to move to an Impeachment Inquiry, which you know is the apex of power to congress when it comes to our Subpoena Power and others to get the documents we need. The bank statements, the credit card, statements and others. Show us where the money went. Show us, where are you taking money from outside sources . It took everything i had not to say show me the money. And just now, the question is of course, why . Why do you want an inquiry . To get information to see if you should ultimately consider impeachment . What kind of information are we talking about here . Lets not try to guess. It is the biden financial records. To me, it is more like a subpoena of sorts, isnt it . The real question everyone is asking of course, can you actually use the Impeachment Inquiry process as a vehicle to get that information . Is that the only way to get what you are trying to get . Lets ask the former republican congressman joe walsh. Joe is also the host of white flag, the podcast. Also Associate Counsel and cnn legal analyst and House Judiciary special counsel and trumps first Impeachment Trial of course norm eisen is here. Look, first of all, again, we are all old enough to remember, and young enough to remember a high crime freeze of the day for two impeachment and as many years. Now it is about the inquiry trying to get information alone. A lot of people think, isnt that what is the pinot is for . Another publicans will say we have tried a lot of ways to get, this and we are going this route, but can you use the impeachment process, norm, to do this . Number one, you cant unlock those special Impeachment Superpowers by Kevin Mccarthy having a Press Conference and declaring. That is like Donald Trumps magical Declassification Authority just by thinking it. Just by saying it, Kevin Mccarthy does not get that. It is black letter law that you have to have joe knows this from his time in the house. And, knows it from working in the trump white house. You have to have that vote. We in the impeachment i worked on or forced to do that. Number two, the problem is that they have, looked and it has gone on for, years we looked when were doing the impeachment hunter biden Business Dealings with ukraine. Theres absolutely no evidence after all of that looking of any so there is no legal basis, and there is no factual basis. I served with mccarthy. Listening to him, speak he does not believe a word he says. You dont think so . Not a word. He does not want to do this. He does not want to go down this road. They signal this when they got control of the house. They said these two years would be nothing but retribution for how they believe donald trump was treated. So we knew this was coming. Mccarthy has no choice. I know, laura, we go after hour Marjorie Taylor greene, the handful of crazies, it is bigger than that. The Republican Party base is demanding this impeachment. I dont think it is necessarily for the wrong reasons. I dont think that republicans have a desire for every single, year every single month, every single week for there to be an impeachment. I can tell, you republicans do not want to president kamala harris. But, i think there is this fear that if only democrats unlock the Impeachment Power for a way that we think was unwarranted, and there is never any response, republicans continue to say there should be a higher bar, they should be a higher bar. What you will always get is one side ringing the, impeachment never the other. So in order to end the madness, stop, raise the bar for everyone, there has to be recognition. You get the, mud we will get in the mud. Once we have the recognition, if you, do it we do, it then maybe, maybe the bar can be raised for everybody. I have to, say there is a lot of mud. The i will say, if it really is just purely thefortat, i want to focus on what was interesting about, it not just the idea of, whether an impeachment is retaliatory or, promise we knew that was going to happen. Frankly, democrats were concerned that if you have impeachment backtoback, you dilute a little bit of the power of that shock value of what is happening. But, using the inquiry for the purpose of getting information, is the issue to me. If there is warranted or not reasons, is this the only way you can get the info . He shot himself in the foot in court, because what is going to happen, now he wants to signal, he was by then family, records he wants personal bank, statements credit guards they, 20 want other documents. Maybe accounting, documents tax returns. There is going to be a fight over. That you are going to go to court, and this is where i disagree with my friend. We are both part of that wonderful family of white House Counsel graduates, but i have to disagree. Is there a reunion, or no . I actually agree with norm on his legal point. I think that if i am a republican seeking information, i have a, choice i can either say Impeachment Inquiry gave me the power, or i can say legislative purpose. Im trying to find out whether there is d. J. That is a valid legislative, purpose and you have a strong case for a subpoena in court. If you state majesty peter power with other vote, it is the trump doj that said no, you need, as i think this entire panel, agrees in order to unlock some sort of special power, you need the vote. Trump, you guys got, it the office of Legal Counsel, we are not a lawyer. s office of Legal Counsel if the counsels office, think, are they got this memo, that delineates this boundary. But mccarthy basically saying, i am doing the impeachment in order to get the records, instead of saying this is where i disagree, in the first impeachment you had donald trump shaking down the president of ukraine with hundreds of millions of dollars dangling, if you attacks opponent, you cannot compare that to zero evidence of biden wrongdoing. The second trump impeachment was the january six issues, where donald trump is now being criminally prosecuted, federally and state. So this is not afortat. You know who is doingfortat . Donald trump. He has tweeted, you guys need to impeach, because they are coming after me. You know what, you are saying no evidence. Part of what is the evidence seems to be out there. I spoke to my colleague abby philip, really listen to what he had to say about the nature of communications between hunter biden and respected Business Clients et cetera. That proximity to power. Who is calling into the meetings, are you actually tell your viewers that you dont believe joe biden was involved in hunter biden s it is not about what i believe, it is about whether there is evidence that President Biden is linked to the misdeeds that might be linked to hunter biden. That is the issue. I want to get back that is torture. Common, can you just acknowledge that no. When he calls into the dinners. You dont think that is involvement . So the issue here, think about the involvement of, it it sounds like congressman matt gaetz, i would not speak for him, he can articulate for himself. It sounds like his issue fundamentally is, i want to get information. The Impeachment Inquiry is a way to do so. Are you buying that . No. Because, they are starting with impeachment. And working backwards . Then lets go find the evidence. We have to impeach joe biden, now give me a minute, laura, we will go look for the evidence. They have an overly backwards. This is based, i believe, on a promise that the base is demanding, because of how trump was treated, and it, is it is nofortat, whether trump did was there. It happened, then you impeach. My thoughts always with president trumps, is he an evil genius trying to do ukraine policy in this very sneaky way, or is he just like rambling about. For me, it is always rambling about. That is trump. If we are talking about joe biden and im ready. Im ready. [laughter] with the joe biden situation, i know the statement is there is no evidence, maybe what people are looking for is an actual bank statement, like joe biden deposited and said for bribery. You will never, i dont think you will ever get that. So what you are going to have a lot of circumstantial evidence which is, evidence and where you do have 20 million coming to the biden family for what. Why is hunter biden getting paid why was joe biden calling into these things. Maybe that is evidence linked, but it is not nothing. Where you get the evidence, you know where you get that evidence . With Donald Trumps unconstitutional payments from foreign governments, millions of dollars in monuments that poured into, him Jared Kushner still is collecting, he is doing Business Deals with the saudi. I talked to matt gaetz all the time when he was council, and he was a member of the House Judiciary committee. So, the naked hypocrisy here, is when after years of, looking when did we do the ukraine impeachment, 2019, 2023, and a single penny heritage or bidens bank account, and it is the base, saying it is revenge. You know what it is, it is time for a break. I mean, i do have some popcorn in the green, room pop that for me when we are right back. Joe walsh, thank, you thank you so much. And for everyone knew tonight, Fulton County d. A. Fani willis has made another push to hold one trial next month, for all 19 defendants in the Georgia Election subversion case. And the judge in the case is still weighing a proposal, an expecting a decision in the coming days, the last time he did at that very day. With the same hold true here . He has already expressed heavy skepticism over holding one joint trial, and i repeat, next month and october. Up next, he is armed, and he is dangerous, and he is on the run, everyone. We will go live to pennsylvania for the latest on the manhunt for that escaped murder. G to somewhere, anywhere. A beach house, a treehouse, honestly i dont care find t the perfect Vacation Rental for you booking. Com, booking. Yeah. Thursday night football on prime. Its on. Thursday night football returns, as the vikings take on the eagles. Stream thursday night football. Only on prime. upbeat music constant contacts advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. constant contact. Helping the small stand tall. Ive always had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep you know, insomnia. 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Quviviq may cause sleepiness during the day. Quviviq may lead to doing activities while not fully awake that you dont remember the next day, like walking, driving and making or eating food. Worsening depression, including suicidal thoughts, may occur. Most common side effects are headaches and sleepiness. Its quviviq. Ask your doctor if its right for you. Little did i know, when we first heard about a prison break in pennsylvania, nearly two weeks later he would still be on the run. A man who we already knew was extremely dangerous is now armed and dangerous. The question is not just where is he, im also asking, how in the world we got here . For example, why wasnt undocumented Brazilian National wanted for murder in brazil still here . Why was he still at that facility instead of being transferred maybe to a state prison to serve his Life Sentence . We all thought a crowd, block remember that parkour moment that wasnt even tested, seeing us that he knew exactly what he was, doing i see that i know a tower guard was, fired but was he the only and last line of defense at this facility . And it is now known prone to escapes, and protecting the victims family. I know this woman, she was killed in front of her own two little children. Now actually try to find, out how many prison escapes they have been in this year nationwide, but there is no centralized database. A source that information. So, no real way of knowing how many times this has happened throughout the country, unless maim you get a reverse 911 call in your area. Is there a Staffing Issue . Should we solve that problem . Can we solve that problem . I mean they absolutely have to find this man. But then, they have to find out the answers to the rest of the questions. I want to bring in brian todd, he is live for us right now in pennsylvania tonight. Ryan, he is now armed, and dangerous. There are new developments tonight as well. What is going on . Well, laura, i can tell you that if he is on the move right now, then this is usually the time of night when he is on the move. He is carrying a 22 caliber rifle with a scope and flashlight on it. And, that gives him possibly an advantage. He could set up an ambush, these teams behind me are combing through this area of the Search Perimeter behind me. He could be not far away from, here trying to find his next target. This entire sequence of him getting this rifle has changed at the game in this manner. It began this new sequence began at about eight pm eastern time last night, when a motorist drove past on a road not far from here, saw him crouching by the side of the road as she drove past. She doubled back to try and get another look at, him he had vanished. About two hours, later ten pm eastern, time police got a call about shots fired. He had gone to a garage, wilted in, picked up the, rifle and a box of i munition. The owner was right, there fired several shots at, him but did not get him. He was not injured, he got away. That sequence, laura, has really changed the game here. It has intensified this man hunt. We have now got upwards of around 500 Law Enforcement officers on the ground, again, combing this area right behind, me that is more long officers than we have ever had during this man hunt. And again, it is intensifying. The first 911 calls have gone out, residents are being told stay, in lock your doors, be mindful, just please be eventual and keep an eye out. Do not approach this man. He is extremely dangerous. He could be on the move at this hour again. Ryan, todd so important. And, the box of ammunition, just adds that much more of a layer of concern to what is happening now. Thank you so much. I want to turn now to j. J. Cleaver. He is a former fbi supervisor and Special Agent who worked in the bureau of philadelphia office. He actually is an expert on this area where the manhunt is underway. J. J. , first of all, the game has changed now. A 22 caliber rifles scope, a flashlight, that is very significant. If you are talking about dark areas, dense, not being able to see, him now he can see those looking for him. Yes, absolutely. I mean, he has always been, dangerous and he is convicted of, murder now he is armed, he is going to get more and more desperate as time goes on. Hes going to try to continue to find water, food, more clothing, i think he is going to try and steal a vehicle. I think has school at this point is to distance between himself and Law Enforcement officers, and 500 plus Law Enforcement looking for him. He does not want to be caught, he is going to get more desperate, i think he wants to get more distant with himself and this area. The only way to do that is to get a vehicle. It will be easier to get if equal now that he is armed, but you, know people need to be a lot more careful about security, their belongings, securing vehicles, but now we run the risk of trying to carjack i wanted to push back onto the screen for the audience, we are showing a picture of the area. It shows you the proximity to new jersey, of course, where philadelphia, is where the Chester County prison, is the South Coventry township, and this current search area. It appears to be dance, there appear to be a number of, trees hidden in the, area one, who has the advantage . Were talking about a man hunt in this way, when you have this well, it is definitely a challenge for the is moving primarily, the reporting has said. He is using the cover of darkness. He is pretty adept at this. He has been a fugitive before. He fled brazil. Looking at the video of the president , he did not seem very difficult pretty agile, pretty adept, he has shown that he has the skill to hide himself, to obtain what he, needs and to get, why so i think he has an advantage here. You know, as they start to close down on the sightings, or the tips, or reports, the public Law Enforcement focus their Search Efforts to exactly where he is, it is not just the proximity to jersey, delaware, maryland, he could easily with a vehicle fleed to other states. I dont know if that changes the scope of the manhunt as much, where police are in charge of the man hunt, but also other agencies in federal states supporting, going back to changing the estates, but the commitment to catch him is not going to, change no matter where. Here we are nearly two weeks tomorrow from when he escaped. It is unbelievable. J. J. Cleaver, thank you so, much following what is going on. I want to bring in martin, killing he is the representative from a district near this very search area. I have to ask you, representative, what has it been like for the people in your state, and your community. I mean, we are talking about this man hunt, people are terrified, they are getting information on the ring doorbells, there is, sightings now he is armed and has taken a box of ammunition as well. Are you hearing anything from your constituents about what this experience has been like for them particularly . Well, it is terrorizing them. And, people are constantly going to their window. Once they get inside their house, theyre locking their doors. I have a it is a substantially rural area, and is just a the activity where he was last seen. I had one child come just a week to me, and i think this is probably startling and expresses that i am now locking the door to my treehouse. People are being very vigilant. This is a place where you leave your, keys your, car you dont lock your doors. The whole paradigm has changed. I look at this through the window of a former Correctional Officer. The commonwealth of pennsylvania. And as a leader and Community Chair in Emergency Preparedness as well as veterans affairs. And a former University Police officer of 30 year emergency medical technician. So as i look at it through these different windows, i understand exactly why people are afraid. You think about all the Different Levels and areas of expertise you have to get those very moments. One additional point to consider, you wouldnt a bed about this notion, is that you blame our weak u. S. Immigration policies for failing to keep this escaped murder, number one out, and that he remained in the country anyway to be able to commit this heinous act right here, and harm that woman in front of her children and kill her. When you look at the fact that he is a Brazilian National. Apparently he traveled to puerto rico, and then came here and documented. He was tried in our Justice System here in this country, although there was a pending upstanding warrant for him in brazil. And, another homicide, what goes through your mind about the intersection of this man hunt, and our Immigration Policy . Well, i think our Immigration Policy at the federal level is deeply flawed. This is not about legal immigration. My grandparents came from italy, hungary, and ireland. We are certainly a very welcoming country. You look at a tenyear window in texas, 2011 to 2021. There are over 700 illegals charged with murder. This is not an anomaly. This is been happening on a regular basis. This invasion must and. The man who is wanted for murder in another country, he found a way to get in this, country and get settled. I understand that there was some illegal documents that he used, forged paperwork, we had to get better at every level. Tsa, borders, detecting when somebody is using forged documents. You know, the data given the breadth of the number of people that this country versus those who are undocumented or are illegal immigrants, that it is american to commit the overwhelming percentage of crimes in this country, of course you realize, that but the larger point you are raising, one thing people might not realize, you have been a Correctional Officer and described your expertise already. One of the ways our Justice System and immigration system works, is that they paying a deportation order, or an order of some kind to let the person needs to be looked out for that reason. Only once there is a contact with our criminal Justice System, otherwise the breath of those who are in this country could obviously not be looked out on a daytoday basis. Is that something that you believe needs to change because in your oped, you have stated that Deborah Brandao who is the woman who was murdered by this man, would be alive today if our policies were working. Clearly, if we tighten things, up she would be alive today, and hundreds of other americans would be alive as well. Even if you look to new york city, and the mayor of new york city, mayor adams, he is clearly indicated it is a city in distress. They are in crisis, and you take in over 100,000 immigrants and try to absorb them even a city the size of new york, it is impossible. This is a federal responsibility, we have been let down by the federal government, and you notice in my oped piece, im not naming names. I think this goes across many administrations. And, unless you get this right, our country is headed for deeper and darker waters. You head for the spending, hundreds of Law Enforcement doing a tremendous flaw, trying to locate one criminal alien. You are right to suggest this is not a squirrelly democrat or republican, issue this is something that is eluded many too needs to be addressed in a way. I want to draw distinction between those who are seeking to shutter laws across the country, and those who have committed these heinous acts like this person who is on the run. So dont they hope the resources will be able to get this person and brought to justice. I cant imagine what the family of the victims are thinking. Mark, thank you so much, representative. Thank you for having me, laura. Well, from impeachment in washington, to impeachment in wisconsin. Republicans there are threatening to impeach an elected Supreme Court judge. Why the, way that is before shes even heard a single case. That is next. Before and bath fitter. Nows the time to call bath fitter to get a beautiful after. With our unique tub over tub process, theres no mess or stress. Bath fitter, it just fits. Visit bathfitter. Com to book your free consultation. 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Republicans are threatening to impeach the recently sworn in liberal justice john it over comments that she made calling the states legislative maps rate, and unfair, while on the campaign trail, as she mentioned. There are states partisan gerrymander has been called one of the worst in the country, i might, add it was a major issue along with abortion during Supreme Court election the spring. It gave liberals a 4 to 3 majority after 15 years of conservative control. Now State Republicans say if she refuses to recuse on cases related to the gerrymander issue, that would be grounds for an impeachment. Joining now to discuss as Wisconsin Democratic party chair been way, clear thank you for joining us today, ben, this is a story we have been following, and just extraordinary to think about whether calls to impeach a president in washington d. C. , lets not forget about the power to impeach at the state level, talking about ken paxton of course in texas, now a Supreme Court justice in the State Of Wisconsin. The comments they are talking about about impeaching the judge, they were made while she was on the campaign trail, and of course voters still chose her my 11 percentage, points so what is the impact for the voters now . Well it is the most fundamental American Value that voters choose their politicians. But politicians in the Republican State Legislature in wisconsin voters who have a clear choice in the election to lock in their power that comes from the gerrymander maps, and that is totally unconstitutional. I mean the constitution is very clear, and nationally the impeachment is things like high crimes, misdemeanors, it was because crimes and misdemeanors, but a single case and nullify the election in order to i might add Pre Civil War that is in criminalizing abortion. That is not how democracy is supposed to, work and My Dearest Hope is that the republicans here, and back off from the threat. What made my ears perk up was while in office. For that criteria. We talk about impeachment, while in office. The statements were made on the campaign trail. One of the issues of course is, when youre talking about elected justices or judges, same thing frankly with prosecutors at times, theyre often criticize in terms of what they are saying, does it mean they have political axe to grind, it is a politically elected position, so there is a bit of a double edged sword between campaigning for what you want on a platform, and being held to account for impeachment later on. But what is the and game here . The idea that they are challenging her, others who have had this position have had campaigning issues of course. We talked about the campaign funding, they obviously spoken about issues to get elected. So is there a larger and game, the people are missing in wisconsin as to why go after her now . Is it about these gerrymandered districts . Well, The Big Picture here is that the u. S. Supreme court actually considered the question of whether justices and judges who have to campaign for office are allowed to talk about issues, as opposed to committing rules and specific cases. And the conservative icon wrote the opinion that said, you cannot force Campaigning Judges were justices to recuse themselves if they talk about issues on the campaign trail. Voters deserve to know the values of those candidates. That is the u. S. Supreme court talking. So while republicans are talking about in wisconsin is essentially, creating a world where anytime they think of a judge might do something they do not like, they can impeach and remove them. That is a dangerous idea for democracy. Now republicans could they have said several times, they havent reached a federal decision, they could go to the constitution and announce that although they do not like whatever decision the justices make, that it does not meet the constitutional bar for impeachment. I hope they do that. If they go forward with impeachment, it will create a political firestorm the likes of which i dont think the State Of Wisconsin has ever seen. We are Tracking Republicans position in the website, defend justice dot com. Most of them are undecided and this is the time the public has to weigh in before they crossed a line that i think no legislature should ever cross, purely political impeachment to remove a charge from office, stop them from doing their job. Look, this is going to have to be a course of impeachment is, days it seems we talk about it so often. Everyone is going to become an expert. Ben, thank, you thank you so much. Look, he made a 75 Million Dollar deal. Then, an injury take them out of season just literally minutes into the first game. So is this the and for the man you see there . Aaron rodgers. We will talk about it after this. aidyl hi, im aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. I struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. With all the yoyo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. In one year, ive lost five sizes, and im on my way to lose another three. With golo, i can do it. announcer change your life at golo. Com. Thats golo. Com. With new scope squeez mouthwash concentrate, just add water. Squeez to control the strength of your mouthwash. And find a zone all your own. Scope squeez. 39 year old Aaron Rodgers is now out with a torn achilles for the entire season everyone. The fourtime nfl mvp had nearly 110 Million Bucks left on his contract with the green bay packers, but decided to take a pick up and sign on to a new york deal with the new york jets. Hes got guaranteed money, 75 Million Bucks to be exact here. And, until of course 2025. But, for jets fans, they are probably not thinking about 2025. They are thinking about 1977 the year that joe namath led the team, to their of course only super bowl, and fans think that the socalled jet curse began. If you think about not 2025 but 1999 when testa verdie tore his achilles, or maybe 2000 51 child pennington went down with a shoulder injury, or 2008 when brett favre, Who By The Way used to be a green bay packer, tore his bicep. So what is now for his team . Into the latest in a string of surprise in a season thats not even week old yet, so maybe its your Fantasy Football League that is nothing that is entirely cursed. Rachel nichols who headlines and hosts headline with Rachel Nichols on showtime, that is a great title i think. Now, how is your Fantasy Football League . Is it over now . I think a lot of people are not very happy right now across america. Look, this is such a big deal. There is no overstating the importance of the nfl to americans. If you look at the top 100 broadcasts on tv last, year and that includes everything, sports, entertainment, news, yellowstone, football was in two of the top 100 and here you have Aaron Rodgers, and the p, super bowl champion, star of stars, future hall of famer, dater of movie stars, and he goes into the new york media market into the jets, as you said, had a don quixoteesque history and was poised as their savior. Ive never seen the hype going into a regular season game as much as it did last night. You had billy joel hyping him up, Carmelo Anthony saying he brought the jets the super bowl, they should put a statue from right next to the statue of liberty. And, the hype lived up to viewership. Last nights broadcast was the biggest audience ever in history of monday night football. That is no slouch, and the fact that four plays in he pops his achilles. Peyton manning was doing a broadcast at the time and you could just see all the color drain out of his face and he said holy cow, i can tell you that cow was not the first thing to come into his mind there, at that was. A lot of americans on the coach were saying the other word. They were watching the hard knocks training camp, i mean the hype continued. There was a lot of investment, the entire team could be built around him. Theyve got a Backup Quarterback as well and that might be promising, but this was someone who left green bay, who is considering whether he should retire, who did i think some sort of an indepth, i dont think it was even a think tank or retreat. Who doesnt . Who among us have not done a Darkness Thing . It is cold sleep. That is different, i guess. But you think about that and this was all part of it and then the achilles heel. But, now there are questions about the safety. What could have caused it . Was it the turf . Was there an issue with Something Else there . What do you . Say look, one of his former teammates made a tweet that was very accusatory at the nfl, he criticize the fact that they have turf down, theyre taking the turf out for Soccer Players at the world cup because it was a considered safety issue for them, so what is the nfl still playing on turf . Its hard to say. If you talk to experts that kind of say it was more likely the fact that he is nearing 40 years old and it is a freak injury and it can happen. Now we have Big Questions about his future because this is a guy that, as you said, the darkness retreat, im going to say that again on tv as possible. He went into that saying he did know he is going to retire. He came out saying that he had a vision and thought that he should play more and its what led to him come into new york. Now hes facing down the barrel of a very long and grueling rehabilitation. This is about 9 to 12 months, even if everything goes great you have to say okay, if athletes typically come back at about 30 less strength after this injury than they had, you had dan marino who had this injury, he was able to come back but he was never able to move the same way on the field again. Kobe bryant, most famously, had this injury. He was able to come back but nba fans will tell you that he was never the same after it. Both of those guys who are 34. Aaron is turning 40 when this happens, so i can see him maybe thinking that this was a sign because its something that aaron has said about things in the past and that maybe he shouldnt be playing but, on the other, hand Aaron Rodgers is not married, he doesnt have kids, there isnt someone waiting for him to spend a time with after his retirement and so football is the backbone of his life and i think that he will at least consider whether he wants to come back. Dmz might be all over that last comment all tell you that right now. Rachel nichols, im so glad that you are here today. Thank you so much, good to have you in person. Every, one, next tomorrows news tonight. The headlines that everyone else will hear tomorrow were going to tell you about it tonight and get you ready for what is going on. [stomach growling] its nothing. Sounds like something. When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion upset stomach, diarrhea pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. To give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. Start with a round brush head. Add power. And youve got oralb. Round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100 more plaque. For a superior clean. Oralb. Brush like a pro. upbeat music constant contacts advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. constant contact. Helping the small stand tall. Now, before we leave, you here is tomorrows news tonight. 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