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County, about 80 miles east of nashville. Take a look at the images were showing you here. 45 buildings damaged or collapsed and, again, as we see with some of the worst tornadoes, you dont know where one building begins and another one ends. This is the nashville area alone. Were standing by, and when that begins we will bring it to you, were going to bring you the updates as you can be sure more updates are coming in. Cnn correspondent amara walker is on the ground. What is the latest . Reporter i do want to update you on two of those deaths. Metro Nashville Police tweeted that two people who were killed an adult female and adult male were killed when they were hit by debris here in nashville. Im going to tell you, being here all morning, talking to the people, theyre telling me theyre utterly devastated. Those are the words that one woman used when she told me about her experience and also seeing the damage here in five points, which is like the social hub of east nashville. Look at what were seeing. These businesses, once juiceries, ice cream stores, architectural firms, they have been completely hollowed out. The windows crashed in. The window frames mangled. Just a complete mess inside these stores and if you look across the street here, the power lines a complete mess, power poles on the ground, mangled medal. To the right, that use the to be an in line skate shop. You see the walls have caved in. Right to the left there is another business, actually this is a Disability Office and you can see the shingles from the roof just blew off when this tornado ripped through. I did speak to some people, a woman who works not too far from here, and she works at a local Convenience Store and she was telling me she was still shaken up, that she and her husband were in their bedroom when they heard the swirling of the wind, they knew something wasnt right. They ran downstairs to the basement as quick as they could and they got there in the nick of time, they said as soon as they got there, the tornado basically pulled the foundation of the house off from the ground. Obviously thankfully theyre okay, but shes saying shes extremely she was extremely terrified by the situation. But, again, search and rescue teams as you were saying are on the ground now. Were in east nashville, search and rescue teams on the ground in some of the neighborhoods here with firefighters as well, hoping to find some people who may have survived. Back to you. Yeah, absolutely hoping, but with reality of they have got a long way to go when you see the extent of that damage. Saw some images of really extensive damage, amara, of a local middle school and also then an additional, i guess you call it a complicating factor in all of this is tennessee is voting today. Tennessee is a super tuesday state. Tennesseans are expecting planning to go to the polls to vote, which obviously it is small in comparison when you talk about the lives at stake here, but there is a lot going on. Reporter yeah, i mean, obviously this is going to be a major disruption to people who may have lost their homes or loved ones and voting is probably not on their mind, in general, it seems like voting is going on. I did talk to another woman who said that she was not impacted so much by the tornado and she did call her polling precinct and she said she will be voting today. But the secretary of state is providing the resources that these polling stations need. Were hearing that generators are being brought to the precincts that need power and also additional polling stations are being set up as well. Because as you said, some of these schools have been damaged, a lot of the schools are closed because of the damage from the tornado and we know that a lot of the voting happens at these sites. And so additional polling sites are being made available. And the polling time, it was delayed by an hour, so instead of starting at 7 00 a. M. , it began at 8 00. Yeah, amara is on the ground, thank you so much. Were going to be waiting for the News Conference, by the Putnam County sheriffs office, breaking news is there is a clear picture coming out of tennessee after these devastating storms coming out as 19 people are killed. Were watching further breaking news happening this morning. The Federal Reserve is taking an extraordinary step this morning, slashing Interest Rates by half a percentage point. The surprise move to the surprise move coming in response to the coronavirus outbreak and the impact on the u. S. Economy. It is first time the fed has made an emergency rate cut like this, since the 2008 financial crisis. And it has been a wild ride on wall street already this morning as you can see, the dow down right now, 120 points. Joining me now is christine romans, cnn chief business correspondent, coanchor of early start. What does this mean . This is a really big deal. This is an emergency rate cut, you dont see that unless there is a crisis. The fed is saying that the coronavirus is hurting tourism, hurting travel, the fed chair is having a press conference as we speak, saying the coronavirus is weighing on economic activity, travel and tourism, and it is the feds congressional mandate to get in there and stabilize things when they need to half a point cut, thats a big cut. You have the fed funds rate 1 to 1. 25 . Thats the rate that banks charge for shortterm loans, thats good for if youre in the market for a mortgage, refinancing, if youre a saver, thats not good. Helps borrowers, doesnt help savers, and it is a lot of economists are saying, look, fed rate cut doesnt fix a virus. It doesnt improve the governments response to a virus. It doesnt prepare a country for a virus. And so that seems to be part of the problem here. Also, youre hearing economists say they like to see more coordinated action. Australian Central Bank Cut Interest Rates, but Kevin Hassett who used to advise this white house, he would like to see more fiscal policy changes, not necessarily monetary policy. And other economists have said before this rate cut, they would like to see a big spending package in washington, is washington too broken for that at the moment and maybe thats why the fed is moving . We shall see. Thank you, christine. Another wild ride, again today after a wild week, wild day. Stand by, christine is all over it. The coronavirus continues to spread as Health Officials have warned would happen. A second case confirmed in new york. Throughout the country the cdc is listing 100 cases in 12 states. Brynn gingras is here with more on this new development here in new york. What are you learning about this case . This case is a 50yearold man who lives in westchester county, new york. He commutes into the city, an attorney in manhattan. And he is actually being hospitalized right now. He has underlying respiratory illness, that the governor alluded to. So he is in the hospital right now being cared for. The thing here though is that he does not have direct connection to any of the high risk countries, china, south korea, parts of italy. So this likely, you know, is the First Community spread here in the state of new york. So super alarming obviously. We know in response to this, this man has children, two of the schools that these kids attend in one in bronx, one in westchester, they have canceled school for the day. The governor really, though, i want to make a point, he made it in this News Conference, juxtaposing the two cases were seeing in new york, the 39yearold Healthcare Worker who travelled to iran who is at home, because she is doing okay. And then we have this man who had underlying respiratory issues and hes being hospitalized. He said, you know, 80 of us could get this virus, we might not know we have this virus, so hes trying to calm fears here. But it is concerning when we learn it is likely the First Community spread here. Urgency and vigilance, getting more information out there, trying to not panic and thats what the governor was trying to get across this morning, but more to come. Thanks, brynn. Appreciate it. So to more on the coronavirus, six people have died in the United States from coronavirus. All of those deaths happening in washington state. Most of them tragically linked to a nursing home in a suburb of seattle. One of the local officials who is helping coordinate the response is joining me now, the executive of king county, washington. Thank you so much for being h e here. Thanks for having me. You are 18 cases of the virus in your state. Five in king county. Are there any new cases this morning . Well be announcing any updates later in the morning. As of yesterday there were 14 cases in our county. Unfortunately five deaths, yes. Do you expect the number to rise in this announcement later today . I think it is intestify taevr the days and weeks the number of confirmed cases and deaths will increase. Yeah. About the nursing home, that has gotten so much focus, do you know yet how this virus got to the nursing home . We dont know that. There is considerable speculation that the virus has been circulating in the community for a while. And eventually it found this location where there are a lot of vulnerable people. Older adults, people with compromised immune systems and thats why we recognize that it was present in our community. Yeah. This is just coming in from washington, the senator from washington, patty murray, a hearing going on, Senate Hearing going on the coronavirus, and senator murray had some very strong words to say, regarding the concern over the spread of this virus. She said that people in this state, and these are her words, are im hearing from people who are sick. Who want to get tested, are being told not being told where to go. Im hearing that even when people get tested, and it is very few so far, that results are taking way longer to get back to them. It is unacceptable that people in my state and nationwide cant even get an answer as to whether or not they are infected. She says folks are really scared. Is that what is happening . I talked with senator murray yesterday and shes doing great work for us in washington, d. C. On this. The cdc had very narrow criteria about who could be tested and originally the kits the state received from the federal government were faulty. Now were expanding to do local testing at the state labs, the university of washington. Were in the next couple of days going to have dramatically increased capacity to test suspected cases of coronavirus. Mr. Constantine, if im sick, and i want to get tested to make sure im not endangering my family or those around me and i walk into the hospital right now in washington state, am i going to be able to get tested . If youre showing symptoms of coronavirus, youll be able to get tested. We dont have the capacity to test everyone who might be fearful that they have been infected. But that Testing Capacity is going to continue to increase. What we want to emphasize is everyone taking personal responsibility, wash your hands obviously, keep distance, and keep those who are most vulnerable away from Group Settings and the possibility of being infected. In the short period of time auto your county has become something of an epicenter for this outbreak in the northwest, is there anything that you have learned . Is there anything you say that you have learned that you think could help other county managers, other local officials, that they need to know, because this is not a you know, well write a report and you can get it in six weeks. This is a tomorrow necessity. Thats right. Well, one of the things that has become clear is that while we all may be susceptible to becoming infected, it is a very small group of people who will show serious symptoms. And that means that we need to very, very diligently protect the older population and people with compromised immune. In my own workforce, in my own office, we have someone who is working from home now, because theyre in a vulnerable population. We think that each Employer Needs to make a decision based on business needs, and on the conditions in their work setting about letting people work remotely if possible. Along that vain, the governor said last night hes not yet made a decision to use his authority to force cancellation of large events in the state. Though he said that folks should start reconsidering going. Do you think he should order cancellations . I think those decisions need to be driven by science. And by our Public Health authorities. Our Public Health director has the authority to cancel events, they are working with the state to identify clear triggers. Youre comfortable with their decisions right now . Youve been on the dwrouground. Youre comfortable would you be comfortable going to a large scale event right now . I would go to a large scale event right now. One needs to recognize there is a chance that you would come across someone who has been infected. But the fact is that we have to have our decisions driven by science and not by politics. And that we need to have this be a Community Wide effort, the only way to deal with this kind of a challenge is everyone participating in slowing the spread of the virus. Tough job ahead of you. Thank you so much for coming in. I appreciate your time. Thank you. Coming up for us, it is super tuesday, and today could reshape the democratic race for president. Will Bernie Sanders keep his momentum, will a flood of new endorsements boost joe bidens campaign . Much more on that. And we are awaiting a News Conference in tennessee after the sharp jump in the death toll from these devastating tornadoes overnight. Just look at the pictures that are coming in. Were going to bring you those updates when they begin. The amount of Student Loan Debt i have im embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free we have no debt, we dont owe anybody anything, and its fantastic [ siren ] doug give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Today is super tuesday. It is super because it could set the course for the rest of the democratic primary. Voters in 14 states are at the polls right now with more than 1300 delegates up for grabs. Thats about a third of all pledged delegates. Heres a look at where the candidates stand to date. Bernie sanders, joe biden, out in front, very clearly. But those numbers are going to change in a big way tonight. And the race is already changed dramatically in just the last 48 hours. Joe biden riding a wave of endorsements including from his former rivals. Im delighted to endorse and support joe biden for president. We have someone who in fact is the antithesis of donald trump, joe biden is decent. Hes kind. Hes caring. Hes empathetic. What i want all of you to do is vote for joe. Bernie sanders, who just cast his ballot in vermont last hour, says hes neither surprised nor worried about moderates consolidating around biden. The establishment is getting very, very nervous. They know that people are coming together to demand that we have a government and an economy that works for all, not just for a few. And dont forget about the wild card in the race, for first time, Mike Bloomberg he is on the ballot. Cnn has reporters all across the country, of course. Lets start with jessica dean, in oakland, california. Jessica, biden has big expectations for today following his big win in South Carolina and the wave of endorsements. What are you hearing from his campaign . Yeah, kate, i talked to a Campaign Aide after the endorsements and they are certainly hoping that this wave of endorsements, the big three headlining ones you just outlined, but also a number of congressional endorsements with this infusion of cash that they raised over the last few days, since South Carolina, is going to be good for them, is going to lead to big things tonight. Were certainly hear in california, the biggest prize on super tuesday is the most delegates up for grabs, just over 400. Joe biden will be here in oakland later today and in los angeles. Bernie sanders hoping to really run up the score here in california. Joe biden certainly hoping to keep it very close. Well see if that plays out. But the campaign hoping that this message of unity from last night will matter to voters out there, that they will see that so many people are coalescing around joe biden and that will impact their vote. But, kate, it is ultimately up to the voters and we had a lot of people early vote here in the state of california and across the country, how will that impact the totals tonight . Thats something well be keeping an eye on. Kate . Good to see you. Athena jones is in burlington, vermont, where Bernie Sanders just voted. What are you hearing from sanders today . Reporter sanders was here half an hour ago with his wife, on his way into the polls, he said hes feeling good about today and talked with reporters for just a newts on his way out of the polls. Listen to some of what he had to say. If were going to defeat donald trump, our campaign is the campaign to do that. We have the grassroots movement, all over this country, up to now we have knocked on i believe some 2 million doors, all across this country. So sanders making the argument that he is building a Winning Coalition of working people, of all ages, and all races. Those two million doors he knocked on, he mentions, about half of those, a million, in california alone. But the Sanders Campaign is feeling good about today, feeling about good about his home state of vermont. Theyre feeling good moving forward as well because they say that they have the energy and the enthusiasm and the campaign to win. Now, on this question of the moderates who are coalescing around joe biden, sanders says, look, theyre worried that working people are stepping up and fighting for things, like decent wages and healthcare for all. He doesnt mention the fact that a lot of moderate democrats are concerned about the impact his candidacy would have on democrats down ballot, particularly in house rates and some moderate districts that democrats were able to flip in 2018 to gain control of the house. Sanders not expressing any concern about that. He believes he has the coalition to win and that hes going to start doing that by doing very well today. Great to see you, thank you, athena. Over to cristina alesci, in florida where Michael Bloomberg is this morning. Bloomberg just spoke. Florida not voting today. What is he saying in florida . Reporter the fact hes here is sending a clear signal to the other competitors in this race that Michael Bloomberg intends to stay even past super tuesday, even past tonight, if he doesnt meet his expectations. In fact, he was followed by the press here in miami, and they kept pressing him, including me, about whether hes worried about fracturing the moderate vote, especially as joe biden gains that momentum with these endorsements and the fundraising coming in, Michael Bloomberg defiant about that saying, maybe joe biden is pulling votes away from me. I also asked him about his expectations for tonight. Listen. Mayor bloomberg, how do you expect to do tonight . I think were going to do very well. Looking forward to it. What are your expectations . Would a third place finish be good . If there are only three candidates. Well, there is Elizabeth Warren too. I didnt realize she was still in. A lot on the line, the Bloomberg Campaign has to have a strong finish to justify being in the race. Remember, Michael Bloomberg said when he bought in, he was in because joe biden was weak. Now that biden is stronger, he has to perform and tonight will be a testament as to whether his 500 Million Investment has paid off. Big number and big question. Thanks, great to see you. Thanks so much. Cnns special live coverage of super tuesday begins this afternoon, 4 00 p. M. Eastern, right here on cnn. Coming up, Healthcare Workers on the front lines of the defense in the coronavirus outbreak. Do they have the resources they need to handle more patients if the numbers continue to spike . Were going to talk to i doctor who has been treating coronavirus patients. Vo there are talkers and there are doers. We need a president who gets big things done. Thats Mike Bloomberg. Who built a Global Company from scratch. Ran the largest and most diverse city in america. Expanding health care for 700,000. As president , hell make sure everyone has access to affordable care. And hell protect and strengthen medicare. And beat the one big thing standing in our way. Mike will get it done. Bloomberg im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. The business of hard work. Hustle. And high fives. Modernized comfort inns and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. Get the lowest price guaranteed on all Choice Hotels when you book direct at choicehotels. Com. For everything that i give, i get so much in return. Join our family of home instead caregivers and help make a world of difference. Home instead senior care. Apply today. Home instead senior care. Where you can find games, news and highlights. All in one place, right on your tv. The new xfinity sports zone. Use your voice to search every stat and score. Follow the teams you love. And get notifications when the games about to start, with the xfinity sports zone, everybody wins. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Say xfinity sports zone into your voice remote today. There is new concerns about the impact from the coronavirus outbreak and how it could reach far and wide around the globe. This morning, japans official in charge of the olympics said the tokyo games scheduled for this summer could be postponed until later this year. This as the number of coronavirus cases continues to rise around the world and the United States. At least 12 states now have confirmed cases. That is on top of the americans who contracted the disease aboard the diamond princess cruise ship in japan that we talked so much about at the very beginning of all of this. Some of those patients from the cruise ship remain under quarantine at a facility that specializes in the treatment of Infectious Diseases. Joining me now is the medical director and Infection Control chief for Infectious Diseases at the university of nebraska medical center. Dr. Mark rupp. Thank you for your time. My pleasure. You have a unique perspective here. You and your team are some of the relatively few doctors in the country right now who have treated coronavirus patients. You had 13 of the diamond princess passengers tested positive in your care. Can you give people some window into what the treatments have been like . Currently there is no approved vaccine or treatment for coronavirus and therefore it is really important that with these initial patients that we try to learn as much as we can from them. And so were proud of the fact that we have a Clinical Trial up and running here testing an antiviral agent. It is being led by one of our faculty, dr. Andre khalil. Were trying to find out if this medication works. Any clue on that front . Dr. Anthony fauci of nih talked about the promises of these Clinical Trials on these treatments. Any clue yet on how promising the treatment might be. It is months out before you have the results. This is a drug that was developed and tested initially against ebola. It was found to be safe, but not very effective against ebola. Additional tests it was showing efficacy against mers and sars, other coronaviruses. Were hopeful it will have activity against the covid19 agent. Again, this is a very important trial, it is being done hopefully in multiple centers. We were the first to come online. And were hoping that were going to gain some very useful information initially as this outbreak continues. And be able to hopefully offer people a medication that will help them. What is your if you could, best guess on timing for a conclusive conclusion on this, on the trials . Well, this trial has been really nicely designed so that it is an adaptive trial, where it will go under evaluation at multiple points during the trial, additional agents could be potentially added to the trial if there appears to be Something Else that is coming online that is effective. So were hopeful well be able to get some very, very useful information. That is really promising. Ill tell you, obviously we have been getting i can only imagine the questions you get but we have been getting a flood of questions from just people who are concerned about what the coronavirus means for them and for the families. Can you help us as a doctor who has been treating patients with coronavirus, what are the range of symptoms that these patients have exhibited . Well, i think Everybody Needs to take a deep breath and realize this is not some sort of existential threat against human kind. That in the next year, you know, a quarter, a third of us are not going to die like the black death. We node eed to take it seriousld be prepared for it. The symptoms range from mild disease, simple coldlike illness, upper respiratory infection to lower respiratory infection, pneumonia and as your viewers know, even death. We are finding that more people have the very mild disease rather than the severe aspects of the disease and those that seem to have worse outcome are those who are a little older in age and those with underlying comorbid events, the things that people are used to thinking about as predictive of poor outcome with influenza. Very much the same with this coronavirus. You and your team, thank you so much for the work youve done and the work and the risks you take every day in your treatments and in your work. We really appreciate youming y on. Still ahead, were following developments in tennessee after the deadly tornadoes ripped through the state overnight. Were getting an update coming in. Be right back with that. Allergies with sinus congestion and pressure . 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The death toll this morning from the severe storm system that struck overnight, jumping to 19 people. 19 People Killed and at least 14 of those killed were in Putnam County. About 80 miles east of nashville. You can see the devastation and the images that have been coming in all morning. Lets get the latest, joining me now is chief william swan, director of the National Office of fire and emergency manage. Can you hear me . I can. Thank you for jumping on. I appreciate it. We hear the death toll rose to 19 this morning. Is that the latest or do you expect it to rise more . Well, and let me be clear that 19 is throughout the state of tennessee to where our head count now is. Davison county, we have got two confirmed personnel that lost their lives. We have one critical. At this moment, were still actually were still actually making assessments, urban search and rescue teams are going into highly debrised areas where a lot of damage was done to make door to door assessments. We did aerial view and mapped out where the devastation and the line of the tornado went through. Were still making assessments. But davison county, we have two confirmed. From what youre hearing coordination with all of the other Emergency Management across the state, what is the status of search and rescue . I can only imagine with the devastation im seeing just from images coming in that youre in the beginnings of it, not the end. Absolutely. And once the storm actually hit, we immediately had our teams out trying to make we operate off of the life safety, and we do it in that order. So once the storm nrblly hit in, it was dark, we early hours of the morning, it was trying to get people that we knew that was trapped out of these harms way and put a temporary shelter in place. Now that were getting a little bit of more arms wrapped around of the actual damage, we can make more assessment of what areas we need to really concentrate on, make sure we have shelters in place for people that dont have a place to stay, and it is a long process, but one that takes a collective effort from everybody in the city. And we activated our office of Emergency Management, which is the eoc and we have all the parties here to be able to collectively together make a sound decision in order to make the city still be able to go on as a daily journey. Of course, todays voting day, so we got a lot of things that were sort of challenged against. But, again, were working hard to keep everybody safe and still move forward. I mean what is your message to folks in your county and beyond right now and theyre looking at this kind of devastation, theyre dealing with devastation in their own home and own family, talking about election day, what is your message to folks now. Well, our message is pretty simple. If youre at home and it is a safe environment, thats where you need to stay. We know our local state and nonessential personnel for metropolitan government, they have a day off, and others, if you have to go to work or just to make sure that you check the path of entry in and out of the city because at this point, we have so much debris, Power Outages and we have a lot of downed trees, downed power lines, and then we have a lot of people that want to volunteer so were trying to establish and we do have those outlets where people can volunteer their time in a collective effort in more of a structured way to go out into the communities and actually help move debris. We just dont want anyone doing that independently. Again, we have got these things established through our city, we were putting it out on all the social Media Outlets and local news where they can call in to voluntary their time, because it is much need ed. Do you fear that the death toll is going to rise . It stands at two. Do you fear it is going to go up . Im an optimistic type person. Im praying and hoping it doesnt. But, again, were just making those assessments, as we speak right now. So we just got through the aerial view to get a birdseye view of our county, were actually putting the map together now. We got teams that is going to be going out to certain areas that we know that maybe there was no communication. There may be somebody trapped or displaced, so we just going to hope that the number doesnt increase. But, again, were just hoping that with everybodys effort and working as one unit, well be able to make this a little bit more fluent. Yeah, director, thank you for jumping on and really appreciate the time in such a busy day for you. Appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you so much. Well be right back. The amount of Student Loan Debt i have im embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free we have no debt, we dont owe anybody anything, and its fantastic Danafarber Cancer Institute discovered the pdl1 pathway. Pdl1. They changed how the world fights cancer. Blocking the pdl1 protein, lets the immune system attack, attack, attack cancer. Pdl1 transformed, revolutionized, immunotherapy. Pdl1 saved my life. Saved my life. Saved my life. What we do here at danafaber, changes lives everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere. VoMike Bloomberg has a recordgue of doing something. As mayor, he protected womens reproductive rights. Expanded Health Coverage to 700,000 new yorkers. And decreased infantmortality rates to historic lows. As president , hell build on obamacare, cap medical costs, and will always protect a womans right to choose. Mike bloomberg a record on Health Care Nobody can argue about. Mike im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. For Mike Bloomberg, it all comes down to today. Hes appearing on the ballot for the first time after skipping over early voting states, and hes betting on the whole thing, spending more than 2 billion in ads in two key states. Will that investment pay off . Joining us, former mayor michael nutter. Thank you for coming in, mayor. Thank you, kate. Michael bloomberg has spent big, so much money, millions and millions of dollars in ads in the super tuesday states. What will that money get him tonight . It certainly has raised not only his name recognition, but also a whole lot more people know about his record as mayor of new york, three times successful mayor, the building of his company after being fired from his previous employee, as well as a philanthropist who has given millions and millions of dollars to all kinds of causes that democrats and republicans care about. When you start a race like this one, not that many people actually know a great deal about whoever is the mayor of new york at any point in time, so we play a bit of catchup. A lot of people know who Mike Bloomberg is today. Well have, i think, a very successful super tuesday. Its our first time on the ballot, as you mentioned, and before you know it, it will be march 10th and all the other races in april, may and june. And on it goes. The reporting from the Bloomberg Campaign this morning is they expect a strong finish in virginia, in north carolina, in arkansas, in kansas. What is a strong finish, though . Well, we do expect to win some contests today, and this is two things going on, as you well know, kate. There is the vote certainly by the citizens, but there also is the delegate count which gets a little more complicated than just a straightout vote. So youre trying to maximize your vote in the respective states that were running in, all states and democrats abroad. At the same time youre trying to accumulate delegates. At the end of the day, it is about the big 1,191 delegates you need to become the nominee. There are two races going on literally at the same time. But with as much money as bloomberg has spent on super tuesday, one question is, how do you make the case that bloomberg is the only one who can beat donald trump if you dont come up with a big delegate haul after today, forgetting the multiple super tuesdays we have coming up after this month . Im sure the rest of the states would not like us to forget all those other super tuesdays and the contests to come. So thats why, you know, you run in as many states as possible. The race for us has literally just begun, and it is about accumulating those delegates, so today will be the day, and before you know it, it will be march 10th. But if things turn out poorly, do you need to reassess after today if you dont pull off a big delegate haul . I think every campaign reassesses and assesses and reassesses every tuesday or whenever there is a contest for those that may be voting on saturday or Something Like that. You see where you are, the new or additional change, tactical strategy for the next contest coming up. So this is you know sports as well as i do. You dont completely figure out the game in the first quart either quarter or the first few minutes. At least after today. Mayor, thanks for coming in. Good luck today. We have a sad piece of news to pass on to you. Former cnn anchor bobbie b battista has passed away at age 67. She had a career at cnn spanning two decades. She also hosted the First Interactive cnn talk show, talkback live. Well start again. Youre welcome to talk back live. America speaks out. She passed away this morning after a fouryear battle with cervical cancer. Ou our thoughts and prayers go out to her family at this sad time. She will be sorely missed. Bobbie battista was 67 years old. Well be back. Al customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Officially hitting the us. Virus man the markets are plunging for a second straight day. Vo Health Experts warn the us is underprepared. Managing a crisis is what Mike Bloomberg does. In the aftermath of 911, he steadied and rebuilt americas largest city. Oversaw Emergency Response to natural disasters. Upgraded hospital preparedness to manage health crises. And hes funding Cutting Edge Research to contain epidemics. Tested. Ready. Mike im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. howling wind howling wind the most reliableou are, xfinwireless network you to connect you with those who matter most. Thats because its the network that gives you the best coverage and more flexible data that you can share, mix with unlimited and switch at any time. Youll save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. 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