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Israel lloyd congresswoman oh mar and tlaib to visit. He goes on to make more inflammatory attacks against those sitting members of congress. Now it looks like israel is listening. Cnns orren joins me and first to you. Youve been following this. There were rumors. What do you have now . Now the decision is official according to a spokesman for isra Israels Deputy foreign minister. They have decided to bar entry to congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and ihlan omar. Lets not forget these are two muslim congresswomen and tlaib herself is the first congresswoman of palestinian origin. Israel will bar them entry and not allow them in. It was the Deputy Foreign minister who first made the comments on the radio and he was the first to acknowledge the decision had been made. There were no details about who made the final decision and when it was made. We do know it came just minutes after President Donald Trump tweeted that israel would be showing great weakness by allowing them in and that may have forced netanyahus hand. He has never disagreed with President Trump and it didnt seem like he was about to start now. We know from the Deputy Foreign minister just a short time ago, the announcement. Why did israel do this . Congresswoman tlaib and omar are vocal critics of the supporters of israel. Israel passed a bar saying they can bar entry to anyone who supports the boycott of israel. It has never been used in a high profile case, especially on the tail of the bipartisan congressmen, both democrats and republicans being here. And some are still here. Here israel reversing a policy. Israels ambassador to the u. S. Had said they would be allowed entry because of israels respect for the u. S. Congress, but now this decision reversing that, they will be barred entry according to israeli officials. I just want to put a fine point. You alerted this earlier, flagged this quote from ron durmer earlier, for our viewers, just last month this is what he said, out of respect for the u. S. Congress and the Great Alliance between israel and america, we would not deny entry to any member of congress into israel. Hes considered one of the closest one of the closest advisers, i guess you would say, to netanyahu and now we see this reversal. Orren, stick with me if you could for just a wekd. Let me get over to sarah west wood. Thats what were hearing from the israeli side. What are you hearing from the white house, if anything, right now . Reporter kate, this morning you read part of the president s tweet, he weighed in on the decision israel had before it to admit these two members of congress. But we should just stress we really cant stress enough how unusual and unprez dented it is for the president of the United States to pressure an ally to reject the admission of sitting members of congress. And in that tweet that President Trump fired off this morning he seemed to tie his Pressure Campaign on israel to an explicitly political motivation after raising those allegations against the women, he said nothing can be done or said to change their minds. Minnesota and michigan will have a hard time putting them back in office. Hes directly tying it to their reelection prospects in two states in which his Reelection Campaign hopes to be competitive. He has often attacked these two women before and the other two freshmen House Democrats that make up the group known as the squad and hes create a lot of backlash after saying some racist things about these women, including encouraging them to go back to where they came from are before they criticize the United States government. So obviously the president s intervention is going to get a lot of scrutiny as we sort this out. I want to bring in cnn Global Affairs analyst, david miller. Hes kind enough to jump on the phone. This is an area of the world that you have worked on for most of your career, the mid east peace process. What is your reaction to israel barring these members of congress from entry, and also President Trumps involvement . Caller look, this visit was never going to be have Israeli Palestinian peace making. The representatives omar and tlaib have very strong views. Thats their right. My concern with this is on two levels. Number one, ive watched republican and democratic administrations in politics before, and never have i seen an administration so determined to intervene in any way it can in the affairs of another nation. The president of the United States has worked to try to reelect Benjamin Netanyahu. This tweet to actually push, encourage and enable an israeli president has probably headed in that direction before to ban these two women for personal and political reasons, to ban two sitting members of congress, that is virtually unprecedented. It certainly contradicts anything that i would see as rational politics. For the state of israel, congress is an endurning reality. And congress, particularly in in administration has become incredibly political. The president wants to paint the democrats divided and hostile and i think the israelis have created a selfinflicted wound. Donald trump will pass from the presidency, if not in a year and a half, then in four. He is in many respects a speed bump for israel. Congress is an enduring reality and i think the israelis have made a serious mistake, understanding all of the sentiment of how bias these two representatives may or may not be. I think this is a mistake and frankly a disaster all around. You mentioned congress, but we could be talking about politics in the United States, but also theres a heavy dose of politics thats going on in israel right now. How much do you think netanyahus tough reelection bid right now is a part of this . Nobody on earth right now, kate, can predict the outcome of september 17th. Whether this is going to help or hurt, virtually i would say in the end its going to be a wash. The president accused him of being weak and bending to the president s will, i think its demonstrated hes acting as a derivative of the United States. This doesnt make Benjamin Netanyahu look like a strong and willful leader. This is an unprecedented moment. I feel like weve witnessed a lot of unprecedented moments when it comes to the relationships here and abroad and this is yet another one, aaron. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Thank you, kate. So were going to keep an eye on that. Were going to return to that breaking news throughout the hour but i want to get back to sarah west wood who is following a lot of other goings on. President trump is keeping and the white house on the economy right now and warning signs in the economy, not just the markets, the trade war with china, markets overseas. What are you hearing from the white house about the roller coaster . How worried are they about the flashing lights that are the warning lights that are flashing right now when it comes to the economy . Well, kate, there are some in the white house who are worried, but one person who doesnt seem to be that worried about the longterm implications of the turbulence weve seen in the market this week is President Trump. Hes still maintaining optimism about striking some kind of trade deal with china and publicly hes blaming the market selloff and the fierce about an economic downterm on the Federal Reserve. Hes accused the fed of raising Interest Rates too much and too quickly. But privately sources familiar with the talks to do cnn that President Trump has vented his frustration with the team that hes tasked with negotiating this trade agreement with china is not doing enough to get there on an agreement. Many saw his administrations designation of china as a currency manipulator last week that the talks are deadlock. Theres not a lot of indications that weve seen progress. And meanwhile there are real fears about a recession because Economic Growth under President Trump, thats seen as one of the greatest underlying trends working in favor of the president s reelection. Theres fares that a recession could really jeopardize the president s chances of winning a second term in office. The president receives his highest marks and highest Approval Ratings when it comes to his handling of the economy. So there are fears, kate, that if this economic down turn proves to be longterm that could hurt the president s chances. Theres one thing right now that could decide whether President Trump is reelected, it is the economy. Thank you so much. Joining me right now the rick newman, columnist for Yahoo Finance and author of how winners pivot from setback. Great to see you. Hi. The market will go up and down. What are you watching, though, as recession fears grow . Certainly watching consumers, how our consumer is behaving, are they starting to loose confidence and how businesses are behaving. Businesses are slowing down in terms of spending. Those are the worrisome signs. Consumers, however, are doing fine. We still have a very low unemployment rate, weve got retail Sales Numbers this morning that show people are spending money. So if consumers are hearing people talk about recession theyre not very worried. Theyre still going to the mall and ordering stuff online and those packages keep coming. The president s reaction to this is everything is fine and, as sarah was pointing out, blaming the fed. Heres one tweet of his. China is not our problem, though hong kong is not helping. Our problem is with the fed, raise too much and too fast, now too slow to cut. The fed is holding us back. Peter navarro is saying basically the same thing. Listen to this. This is basically the Federal Reserves problem, volatility. They are causing this because when jay powell got in as chairman he proceeded to raise Interest Rates by 100 basis points, too far too fast. And even though the trump economy is rock solid, it slowed us down a bit because of the higher Interest Rates. Are they right, are they wrong . Are they a little of both . We know trump never blames himself for anything so hes got to find somebody to pin this on. Hes been blaming the Federal Reserve for everything bad happening in the economy for the last year. Were pointing out in 2016 when he was a candidate he criticized the Federal Reserve for keeping too rates too low to help obama. Back then he said the fed was politicized and that sabres were getting creamed. Now he wants the Federal Reserve to do exactly that, push Interest Rates back down. The fed has been raising rates slowly. It raised rates starting in 2015 during the Obama Presidency and it raised them through 2018 and it stopped and now it has cut by one quarter of a point. So Interest Rates are still low. Its possible that the fed did go a little bit too far in raising rates but mortgages are still very cheap and car loans are cheap. And if we have a real recession the fed does not have much room to cut rates, which is what they normally do. Thats what i was going to ask you. If the fed is cutting, what are the tools left when the economy turns south . So during recessions the average has been the fed cuts rates by about five percentage points. Right now shortterm Interest Rates are only two and a quarter, so the fed can only cut two and a quarter and then they have to start figuring out more create things to do. The quantitative easing, unconventional sim lis measures have kind of worked but it remains unchartered territory and were not out of the woods so we dont know the longterm ramifications. When it comes to china, you said something that maybe it was a tweet or you said it, but i found it really interesting. The tariffs that the president has delayed at this point, you dont think that theyre ever actually going to go into effect. Why is that . First of all, the tariffs are a tax on American Consumers. Americans would see the prices go up overnight. Maybe not by the whole 10 but some portion. There would be lots of stories about how prices are going up. So for the president to say were going to put this off until after christmas, i just dont think that having identified this whole list of products, cell phones, laptops, i just think having said those are so important, were not going to raise taxes on those before christmas, but were going to raise taxes after christmas. 2020 is an election year. What president has ever raised taxes on American Consumers and gotten reelected . I think the answer is none. President bush raised taxes in the 1990s and thats why he lost. And by the way, trump has never made that case. He has never said this trade war is worth. Theres no hit thats happening at all to anybody. He keeps saying theres no pain and ask farmers about that. Great to see you, rick. I appreciate it. Coming up for us, an hours long standoff in philadelphia leaves Six Police Officers recovering from gunshot wounds. Official say they cant wait any longer for action on gun control. The governor is going to join us. Plus, he invited the entire El Paso Community to his wifes funeral after losing her in the el paso mass shooting. Now theyre having to move her Funeral Services to a larger venue because of the outpouring of support that is coming in. This grieving husband joins us next. Be right back. With moderate to severe Crohns Disease, i was there, just not always where i needed to be. Is she alright . I hope so. So i talked to my doctor about humira. 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Six officers are now recovering from gunshot wounds this morning after a man opened fire on police who were attempting to serve a warrant. The suspect held up inside a home for hours, firing at police from inside. The gun fight even trapping some of the officers inside for a time. Ultimately, the man surrendered around midnight last night. The mayor of philadelphia outraged that this man has even capable of pulling this off. He had this to say at a press conference. If the state and federal government dont want to stand up to the nra, let us police ourselves. Our officers deserve to be protected and they dont deserve to be shot at by a gun for hours with an unlimited supply of weapons and bullets. Joining me right now is the democratic governor of pennsylvania, tom wolf. Governor, thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. First, i just want to ask you what youre hearing, if anything, from the philadelphia Police Officers, the officers that were injured and shot. How are they doing today . Well, thats the first stop i made in philadelphia, i went to the 39th district and went around and met the Police Officers. Some of whom were actually here last night. I even met one of the officers who was injured and i asked him how theyre doing, i thanked them. These folks, they run toward the fire, not away from it, and we really owe them a lot. And so i thanked them and asked them what they thought we should be doing, what more could we do to help. I agree with the mayor of philadelphia, he said it exactly right. We make it too easy for people to get the kinds of guns that shoot at the Police Officers who were trying to maintain the peace. If you can, would you share what you heard from the officers . Yeah, i mean, i think there was a desire to have a broader understanding of the reality of their job, that theyre facing a jerk like this guy who had a rifle, has a list of offenses thats as long as your arm. How did he get the gun that was firing on Police Officers that injured six of them . And i think theres a frustration that thats happening. Yir i think theres a frustration that theres a lack of awareness that these are the folks in blue who are actually standing to protect and make our communities safer. Theyre the ones who actually went toward the line of fire last night. And i think just a general frustration. And i was there to understand, try to understand that and to listen, and also to say thank you for what you did. Were all so thankful for what they did. Do you know yet this went on for hours. Do you know yet how many guns, if it was multiple guns this guy had . How much ammunition he had in there . I dont know, but he had a lot, enough to keep officers at bay for eight hours and injure six officers. So he had a lot. And it just gets back to the point that ive been trying to make in harrisburg and i think other governors around the country are trying to make and senators and congresspeople are trying to make in washington, that they need to make sure that we do everything we can to keep guns out of the hands of jerks like this who are going to use it illegally to hurt the very people who are trying to protect our communities. The Police Commissioner said that this guy had an extensive criminal history and that is what the president is actually pointing to this morning when he weighed in on the shootings. Im not sure if youve seen what he wrote on twitter but i would like to read it. He wrote the philadelphia shooter should never have been allowed to be on the streets. He had a long and dangerous criminal record. Looked like he was having a good time after his capture and after wounding so many police. Long sentence, must get much tougher on street crime. What do you say to the president . Yeah, i think there are a lot of things that we can do, but we need to start with really good gun legislation. Lets take guns out of the hands of people like this. Then they dont have the means to do the things that this jerk did last night. We can argue for a long time about all the Different Things that we need to do and we could make a lot of different arguments, but lets start with reasonable responsible gun safety legislation to get guns out of hands of people like this. He has a long criminal history. Do we know that he legally should have had those guns at all . I dont know, but i cant imagine that he got these guns legally. But somebody did and somebody gave him those guns and we have a system that allows all those things that to take place. We need to stop that. We need to figure out what kinds of legislation we need to pass to make sure that people like that, however they did it, dont have access to these guns. And timing is pretty remarkable. You Just Announced executive actions that you were going to be taking to combat gun violence ahead of when the shooting happened. You also have acknowledged and i think youre saying here that those actions are unlikely to be enough. In light of this shooting happening in philadelphia, what more are you looking to do or what more specifically as a governor of pennsylvania do you want to see congress do or your state assembly do . Well, as i say, we need to start with real gun legislation. We need to have pass the red flag legislation, we need to make sure that straw purchases dont take place. We need to go after people who illegally sell guns to people like the jerk who was doing what he did here last night for eight hours. We also need to address issues of equity, fairness, civil rights. We need to address the issue fully on poverty. There are a lot of things. Mental health. The list goes on and on. The point is weve got to start by making sure people who shouldnt have guns dont have those guns and cant arent in a position to do the terrible things that this guy did last night. Just so thankful and its almost remarkable that six officers shot and thankfully they are doing okay and we know that one was even grazed in the head and thats a matter of centimeters or millimeters before it would be a very different conversation we would be having today. Governor, thank you for coming on. Thank you for having me. Coming up for us, beto orourke is returning to the campaign trail after taking time off to mourn with the victims, mourn the victims and mourn with the families of the mass shooting in his hometown of el paso, texas. It also comes amid growing calls for him to fight for a different office. What is he saying . Thats ahead. They give us excellent customer otservice, every time. E. Our 18 year old was in an accident. Usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. 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They are still healing after the mass shooting that took place 12 days ago and left 22 people dead. So orourke kind of paused his campaign when that happened and now hes saying i am hitting the campaign trail again and hes going strong not only on his rhetoric against President Donald Trump, but hes also really calling for strict gun reform, specifically he is now taking it one step further and saying he needs more than universal background checks, red flag laws, bans on assault weapons, but hes saying he also wants to call for a buyback of assault weapons. Now, again, he spoke here probably 20 minutes or so and the big aim was against President Donald Trump, racism and white supremacy. Let me let you listen. We absolutely need to tell it, to face it, to acknowledge it if were ever going to change it. But we have always tried, until now, to change that. Until this president , who so openly speaks in racist terms, who so openly favors one race, one religion, one kind of people in this country over every other kind of people in this country. Reporter and kate, some perspective here, i was with orourke the day he announced that he was running for president. Back then he said the exist essential crisis and threat was climate change. Today he says that is still very important to him, but he said the greatest threat right now in the immediate future, he said that was President Donald Trump. So hes really, really focusing on that right now. Now, what does that change in this reset . Hes saying that right now hes not going to focus so much on those early states, still visits them, iowa, nevada, new hampshire, but hes going to a lot of the places that he considers places that are vulnerable that were made vulnerable by President Donald Trump. Hes going to mississippi and arkansas. And one more point. A lot of people are calling for him to get out of the president ial race and one in the senate race against cornyn. He doubled down today on that and he says he will stay in the president ial race. Leyla, thank you so much. Lets see what and how, if this has an impact on where things go for beto orourke. Thanks so much. Leyla. Theres beto orourke and then there were 23. The record democratic president ial field will be shrinking by one as sources tell cnn that John Hickenlooper will be ending his candidacy. He was never able to gain traction in the crowded field with his moderate message. He was not going to qualify for the next round of debates and now he is expected to make this announcement through a video today. That answers one question, but also raises many more. One specifically. What does that mean for all of the calls for him to instead, just like leyla was talking about, instead of running for president , run for senate in his home state. Joining me the cnn political director david chalian. Hickenlooper bowing out that the next phase of the campaign weve talked about so much, its kind of upon us. But what does it mean and why didnt he gain traction . It is upon us. We are just now less than two weeks away from that cutoff qualification deadline for the third debate you were talking about. In the next two weeks we will learn who will make the debate stage and who wont. And it looks like maybe 10 or 11 candidates will make it. Thats half as many candidates that were on the debate stage in miami and detroit. So a pretty significant whittling of the field is upon us and governor hickenlooper obviously saw the writing on the wall, he had gotten no traction. The answer why, my best theory of the case as to why is because the case he was making that Bernie Sanders running embracing his democratic socialist label or elizabeth warren, too progressive of a candidate in hickenloopers mind, that argument for a more centrist democrat, a lot of the voters who might find that argument appealing i think with parked with joe biden. The very well known former vice president. If you look at his makeup of support, moderates are clearly a part of that. And so hickenlooper wasnt able to take a slice of the biden support right now. This also could have senate implications, but its not clear if hickenlooper is interested in running for senate. Beto orourke made kind of clear how he feels right now, i guess we should say. What does this all mean for the democrats quest to win back the Senate Majority . I would love to see hickenloopers phone and how many calls from Chuck Schumer are listed on the phone because the minority leader has clearly been trying to recruit the former governor into the senate race. They see cory gardner the republican there as a toptier target. But that is why some of these president ial contenders, Steve Bullock in montana, schumer sees them as people that could really help put the senate in play for democrats. But as you know, you see the map there. That would still even be an uphill battle even if those president ial contenders were in the race. They may be the democrats best chances, but the idea that texas is definitely going to turn blue in the senate race in a president ial year i think is not entirely accurate just yet. I dont think weve seen the proof of that. The democrats need three seats if they win the presidency to take over the senate, they need four if they dont win the presidency, and clearly some of these states, schumer feels, would be better in play if these president ial candidates would get out of the president ial race and into the senate race. But again Chuck Schumer is not running their campaign. Great to see you, thank you so much. Thanks, kate. Coming up for us, hes a man who lost his wife in the el paso shooting and he, because he says he lost the only living relative that he had, he extended the invitation to her funeral to the entire community. Now, after a flood of support came pouring in, that funeral now needs to be moved to a bigger facility to accommodate everyone. The funeral director putting all of this together joins us next. Check out Bass Pro Shops and cabelas for the latest equipment and camo during the fall hunting classic sale and event. Its your chance to gear up for the Upcoming Season at big savings. Your adventure starts here. And its now on sale fors and just 59. Ories. It can lead you on an unexpected journey. To discover your heritage. Get your dna kit now for just 59 at ancestry. Com. A book that youre ready to share with the world . Get published now, call for your free publisher kit today those are some of the moments from a Memorial Service in el paso last night. The Community Coming together to honor the 22 People Killed in the mass shooting just two weeks ago. The mayor speaking during the memorial said its up to us to not let the world forget who they are. At the same time, funerals for the 22 killed at the walmart are beginning. That includes the Funeral Service tomorrow more 63yearold margie reckard. She was at walmart that saturday morning to get groceries and margie is not just one of the 22 lives lost. She was the only family that her husband, Antonio Basco had. Images of basco grieving at the makeshift memorial have gone viral. And this invitation ahead of her funeral has ignited love and outpouring. A Facebook Post from the fun wal home says mr. Antonio bass skoe was married for 22 years to his wife. He had no other family. He welcomes anyone to attend his wifes services. Here with me now is the funeral director at perch funeral home, harrison johnson. Thank you for being here. Thank you so much for having us. Youve been really helping mr. Basco through this over the past two weeks. How is he doing as the funeral approaches tomorrow . Mr. Basco, i guess hes doing right now as well as can be. Hes still distraught and very, very much hurt. Whenever i speak to him and he has to talk about it, im pretty sure its very painful to him. Ive been reading that now after that open invitation, hundreds are planning to attend now. What has the response been like to this open invitation . Oh, it has been amazing, the response that weve had in the community here in el paso and across the country. Weve had people call from north, south, east, west, from california, new york, canada. These are people that are saying that, hey, we want to come and we want to attend the services. Why do you think people this has touched so many people . Antonio bascos story, his grief and this invitation, why do you think its touched so many people . I believe its touched so many people because of the fact that its a great tragedy. Its just a great tragedy, these things thats been happening like this, these Mass Shootings thats been going on. And then oftentimes people do lose loved ones, they lose loved ones in these cases, and a lot of times these are the only people that they have in their lives. And so whenever people find that out, they want to come and they want to be supportive. They want to be loving, they want to be there and caring for those people to help them through the most trying and tragic time. This cant be the only family that youre helping through their grief during this time. What kind of message do you think this sends or do you hope this sends that in this moment of grief so many people are coming to comfort someone that theyve most of them probably have never met . Right, right. I think thats amazing. I think thats a show of people that there are still some good people in this world. There are still some good people in our community, some great people in our community that come to comfort people during this time. And its an awful time, and really words cannot express really oftentimes when things like this happen, just being there most of the time and just being there, lending an ear to hear what the people are saying, the victims, family members and friends, just listening most time is the most healing part of the entire process, because thats what ive been doing with mr. Antonio basco is just kind of listening to him, because hes expressing how hes, she pretty much was his soul mate and was the person that handled all of the family affairs. His little business that he had washing cars. And so hes kind of thinking what am i going to do, where do i go from here, because i feel like that im going to be all alone. I think the outpour of support and the people around the country, around the nation and our city of el paso has been amazing and tremendous, and i think that hes very, very appreciate to it. Im sure. And as you said, words are never words are so inadequate in times like this. Thank you for the kindness and support youre offering mr. Bass skoe. I know youre doing all of these services for free for him. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Margie reckards Funeral Service will be tomorrow. Well be right back. It was like that feeling when you pull your green sock out of the dryer and then the very next sock is the other green one. And then you pull out two blue ones. And you keep going till youve matched every single sock in perfect order. 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Talk to your doctor about chantix. One of President Trumps targets for 2020 is the state of minnesota. A state he barely lost to mc Hillary Clinton in 2016 so with key issues like race, guns and the economy on voters minds, does he have a better chance four years later . That may come down to a key voting bloc, women who live in the suburbs. Martin savidge went to minneapolis to find out the state of the race there. Reporter hey, kate. Minnesota was one of the very few midwestern states that donald trump didnt win. Hes out to change that. President trump has his sights set on winning minnesota in 2020. This is supposed to be a democrat state. I dont think so. I dont think so. I dont think so. They have a very big surprise coming, dont you think . Very big surprise. Reporter the reason hes so focused is because he barely lost the state to Hillary Clinton in 2016 and because minnesota is home to squad member representative ilhan omar, who trump has repeatedly attacked. In order to win, trump needs a strong showing from his base and to hold on to his support in the suburbs with voters like kelly meyers. Who would you vote for again in 2020 . Still donald trump. No misgivings, no doubts. None. No change of mind . No. Reporter Amber Griffin still supports trump despite his hateful speech and tweets against people of color. You heard the terrible things that he said . Yeah. I think hes just probably ignorant and he says whatever hes a product of his environment, how he was raised. Reporter neither woman blames the president for the backtoback Mass Shootings in el paso and dayton or for a lack of swift gun control leadership in the aftermath. Yet political experts say there are signs trumps appeal to suburban women voters in minnesota is shifting, based on the 2018 midterms. We certainly saw some of the cracks in support among republican swing voters or even some republican women voters coming over to the democrats because of dissatisfaction with donald trump. The clearest sign of that was in state house races and in congressional races. Reporter polling suggests trumps struggles in the suburbs arent just limited to minnesota. A Washington Post abc poll found the president s Approval Rating with suburban men was 51 . Among suburban women it was much lower at 37 . I talked to several women trump voters here who have grown tired of the twitter rants of images of children separated from their parents at the border and irchli. C. E. Raids and who worry about the economy. They arent sure if theyll vote for the president again. All declined an interview. When it comes to talking about a political change of heart, many of the women i spoke to just arent comfortable about going on camera in front of a national audience. I had just about given up when i met mary jo anderson. She gladly voted for trump in 2016 and still likes many of his policies, but she cant bear to see families separated and has grown increasingly bothered by his bitter battles without reason. He opens his mouth and says things and has to retract them. I dont like that. I think you should know what youre going to say and say it the proper way. Reporter shes not certain shell vote for him again. Oh, no. No, no, im going to look at everything. But theres too many running on the other side, so im not looking now. Id rather wait. Reporter she says she knows other women having second thoughts, suggesting for trumps reelection hopes in minnesota and beyond, theres trouble in the suburbs. Despite the erosion of some voter support in the suburbs, President Trump remains very popular in the rural areas of the state and political experts say it is quite possible he could flip the state republican for the First Time Since richard nixon. The only thing they say might possibly stand in the way, a significant downturn in the economy. Kate. Martin, thank you so much. Great to have you on the ground there, really appreciate it. Coming up next, israel just blocked two sitting members of congress from visiting the country. The announcement from israel coming minutes after President Trump said israel should do just that. That is really unheard of. More right after this. R 18year was in an accident. When i called usaa, it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok . Thats where i felt relief. Were the rivera family and we plan to be with usaa for life. See how much you can save with usaa insurance. With sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. And get your Interest Rate right. So you can save big. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. To the wait did frowe just winners. Prouders everyone uses their phone differently. 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The former colorado governor, John Hickenlooper, is bowing out and may

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