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His name is Jeffrey Epstein. Hes right now sitting behind bars in new york as he was picked up over the weekend when he landed back in the states on his private jet. Federal prosecutors are any moment expected to lay out the case they say they have against him. But the indictment thats been released already gives us an idea. Victims as young as 14 years old, abused for years and even paid to recruit earth underage victims. The indictment detailing, quote, that epstein created a vast network of underage victims for him to sexually exploit in locations including new york and palm beach. That is from the indictment. Epstein evaded similar charges a decade ago that focused only in florida. He avoided serious jail time, thanks to a secret plea deal then that he secured with federal prosecutors. Here is the kicker on that one. The lead federal prosecutor who negotiated that deal, President Trumps current labor secretary, Alexander Acosta. Cnn is in the room where this press conference is about to begin. National correspondent erica hill is here as well. Shimon, what are we learning already . The press conference is set to get underway in suft minutes. Well be learning more information. The u. S. Attorney here, Jeffrey Berman is going to take the podium. By his side will be the fbi, the head of the fbi new York Field Office and the prosecutors that have been investigating this for quite some time. And really what we learned today in this 14page indictment was this network that epstein had set up, a network of underage girls that he recruited, that he used other girls to recruit. Some as young as 14. We learned in this indictment that he had employees, associates, at least three employees, who would help him arrange these meetings, these encounters with some of these underage girls in florida and here at his Upper East Side mansion. All of this alleged in this 14page indictment took place between 2002 and 2005. A lot of questions are going to be asked as to why finally now did this Southern District of new york decide to go ahead and pursue this case. Other questions are going to be asked as to why he was arrested on saturday. We know that he wasnt supposed to be arrest until this morning. Something changed, and for some reason when he landed here in the new york area on saturday, the prosecutors moved in with the fbi and they chose to arrest him. The other things that we learned in the indictment, that these victims, the victims who he concentrated on were vulnerable to exploitation and he took advantage of that. And that is something that certainly prosecutors here are going to talk about. Theyre going to ask for the publics help. They want other victims to come forward. You see a sign behind me. Theres a phone number for those victims to call. This in no way is over, kate. Theres going to be more investigative steps that are going to take place and the fbi, with the u. S. Attorney here, is going to continue to investigate. This is the beginning. It looks like theyre about to get underway. Im going to bring in erica hill. Epstein is the only person named in the indictment but one thing lingering over the billionaire is his connections. He made money on wall street, but he is connected everyone from the president to the clintons, to Prince Andrew. Absolutely. You mentioned Prince Andrew. Also former president bill clinton who was reportedly on his plane several tiles, even went to his private island. And President Trump, who in fact in 2002 told new York Magazine about him. He known him for 15 years and called him a fantastic guy. Ill tell you more in a minute. Im going to hand it back to you. Lets listen in. Today we announce the unsaling of sex trafficking charges against Jeffrey Epstein. The charges allege that epstein sexually abused young girls by enticing them to engage in sex acts for money. Epstein was arrested this past saturday evening at Teterboro Airport aboard his private jet that had just landed from paris, france. Epstein was taken to the metropolitan Correction Center and today he will be before magistrate judge pitman and later before District Court judge berman. The United States Attorneys Office will take the position at that presentment and that conference that epstein should be detained pending trial. Epstein is charged in a twocount indictment. First conspiracy to commit sex trafficking, and second the substantive crime of sex trafficking of underage girls. Beginning in at least 2002 and continuing until 2005, epstein is alleged to have abused dozens of victims by causing them to engage in sex acts with him at his mansion in new york and at his estate in palm beach, florida. The victims, all underage girls at the time of the alleged conduct, were given hundreds of dollars in cash after each encounter, either by epstein or by one of epsteins employees. The underage girls were initially recruited to provide epstein with massages, and often did so nude or partially nude. These massages became increasingly sexual in nature and would typically include one or more sex acts as specified in the indictment. As alleged, epstein also paid certain victims to recruit additional girls to be similarly abused. This allowed epstein to create an everexpanding web of new victims. This conduct as alleged went on for years and it involved dozens of young girls, some as young as 14 years old at the time that they were allegedly abused. As alleged, epstein was well aware that many of his victims were minors and not surprisingly, om of the underage girls that epstein allegedly victimized were particularly vulnerable to exploitation. The alleged behavior shocks the conscience. And while the charged conduct is from a number of years ago, it is still profoundly important to the many alleged victims, now young women. They deserve their day in court and we are proud to be standing up for them by bringing this indictment. Combatting sex trafficking and exploitation of children is a priority for this office and for the department of justice as the sexual abuse of a minor can have devastating effects on victims, often lasting for years. That is why my office will not rest until perpetrators of these types of crimes are brought to justice, victims voices, including the many voices of epsteins alleged victims, must be heard. To that end, i want to say to anyone who is watching this or hearing about our prosecution, if you believe you are a victim of this man, Jeffrey Epstein, or you have evidence or information relating to the conduct alleged in the indictment unsealed today, we want to hear from you. Police called 1800callfbi. Thats 1800callfbi. The charges unsealed today reflect the hard work not only of this office, but by our Law Enforcement partners at the federal bureau of investigation. To my left is bill sweeney, the assistant director in charge of the new York Field Office of the fbi, and i wish to thank him and his him for their dedication and professionalism in seeing this investigation through. I also want to thank the new York City Police department represented here today by chief jason wilcox and customs and Border Patrol for their assistance in this investigation. And i want to thank and acknowledge the career prosecutors of my office handling the investigation and prosecution of this case. To my right, alex rosmiller, maurene comey, and their supervisors in the public corruption unit, russell capone. It is a privilege for me every day to work with these bright, talented and dedicated public servants. The talent is unbelievable. We will continue to devote significant resources to investigating these crimes and to protecting young people from sexual predators. And now i would like to invite bill sweeney up to the podium. Thanks, good morning. Preserving the innocence of children is one of the most important responsibilities we carry as adults. Purposefully chaling children is not on option. And yet thr some in society who blatantly disregard this and lur children into a life which she should never be exposed. As we allege today, Jeffrey Epstein is one of those people. At approximately 5 30 on saturday evening we arrest him at Teterboro Airport. Hes been charged with one count each of sex trafficking and sex trafficking with conspiracy. For at least a fouryear period covering the entirety of 2002 through 2005, he is alleged to have sexually exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his homes in new york city and in palm beach, florida. The girls were recruited in a variety of ways, usually by employees of epstein and sometimes by fellow victims. The victims typically received hundreds of dollars in cash. The estimated dozens of victims were as youngs 14 years old at time of recruitment. Children who provided epstein massages while they were nude or partially nude. Children who were asked to engage in direct and indirect sex acts for money. Children who were enticed to do all of these things at the hands of a man more than or nearly three times their age. Those who have been victimized by child sexual predators are frequently haunted by these crimes well into their adulthood. They bear the burden of someone elses criminal behavior. Too often, adults in our society have turned a blind eye to this type of criminal behavior alleged here. We have seen the excuses. The ignorance of many who didnt even bother to understand that this behavior is a persistent scourge and the blindness as to who the real villains are. The villains are the adult perpetrators, not the children. The victims of child sex trafficking come from all walks of life. They are our neighbors, our students, young adults looking for help, vulnerable foster children. The list goes on and on and on. To the victims who may be listening or get word of todays charges, the Team Standing here before you represents fbi special agents, nypd detectives, analysts, victim specialists, prosecutors who make it their mission to listen to every individual who has been exploited and to advocate for the most vulnerable among us. We are parents, Community Members and human beings. As the head of this office, i have the privilege to represent and stand among many who make it our mission to put predators behind bars where they belong, regardless of the predators power, evaluate or perceived connections. Today im asking everyone to take a good look at this man. If you have been victimized in any way or if you are somebody who has any Additional Information about his alleged illegal behavior, we want to hear from you. Whatever age you are now, whatever age you were then, no matter where or when the incident or incidents took place. The number to call is 1800, callfbi. I would like to take a minute to speak to the victims who call that number. When you call that number you will receive a series of prompts. Youll be asked if this is representing a major case in the country. The answer is yes. Its number four. You will then be driven to the top of the list and the Jeffrey Epstein matter is number one on the major case list in the country. When you call that 1800fbi number. Your bravery might empower others to speak out about violence committed against them. Its important to remember there never was, nor will there be an excuse for this kind of behavior. We know that living these events can be brutal. We are here to work side by side with you as you go through this process. You should know that in the eyes of the fbi, you come first. Many thanks as always to our partners from is Southern District. Our partnership with the nypd on this case and so many others has been phenomenal. Thanks to the cbp and the authority Police Department who helped us with the arrest on saturday eevg eng. I want to extend my thanks to the Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking task force. The public should know to be on this task force you must volunteer. The work issing on nizeding, but it is one of the most Amazing Things we can engage in and we engage in it together. Were going to take some questions but let me preface it by saying theres been a lot of speculation in the media about individuals affiliated or associated with the defendant, Jeffrey Epstein. As you know, the Justice Department guidelines prohibit us from talking about such individuals, and so i just want to let you know that if that question comes up about any individual, my answer will be no comment and that will be across the board. No comment. And i urge you not to read anything into that one way or the other. Are there any questions . Could you give us any insight into why these charges are not covered by the immunity agreement that epstein reached with the u. S. Attorney in florida . Yes. Jeffrey epstein entered into a nonprosecution agreement with the Southern District of florida. That agreement only binds the Southern District of florida. The Southern District of new york is not bound by that agreement and is not a signatory to that agreement. Reporter [ inaudible question ] bl im not getting into the staffing decisions at the u. S. Attorneys office. I will say that i have confidence that the public corruption unit can ably handle this investigation and prosecution as it has so many other matters. I will again urge you not to read into the unit assignment anything one way or another with respect to the investigation. Reporter looking at the evidence, how confident are you that Jeffrey Epstein is going to spend the next few decades of his life behind bars . Im not going to comment on the evidence. I will say that we are going to request detention pending the trial in this case. Reporter i was just wondering, reading the indictment, one of the activities alleged is already on the dodge of justices radar back in 2008 who Alexander Acosta reached the plea bargain. Is this new information . Im not going into any dealings, and nor am i going to go into any aspects of how our investigation originated. I will say that they are assisted by some excellent investigative journalism. How important was it to get. [ inaudible question ] i wouldnt comment on getting back at anybody or anything. Thats not the way we work. We work with facts and the facts presented themselves as mr. Berman hinted at, through the investigative journalist work, we moved on it. You used the ex expression willful blindness. Is that directed at the government or the investigators no. Im talking about society as a whole. Weve seen sex trafficking all over the place. Its a busy task force and my opinion is often in society we ignore the vulnerable victims. [ inaudible question ] yes, contemporaneous with the arrest of epstein at Teterboro Airport, agents executed a search warrant on his mansion in new york city and recovered and seized and that was a search pursuant to a valid warrant. Agents seized evidence, including nude photographs of what appear to be underage girls. Yes. [ inaudible question ] im sorry, what was that . Did you reach out to Prince Andrew to see if he can provided information . No comment. [ inaudible question ] he flew into the jurisdiction and so we arrested him. [ inaudible question ] i have no comment with respect to the alleged victims. [ inaudible question ] we think hes a significant flight risk and that is why we are seeking detention pending trial. He has enormous wealth. The charges are very serious and they carry a maximum of 45 years in jail. Which to someone of epsteins age is basically a life sentence. So we think he has every incentive to try and flee the jurisdiction. And when you have two planes and you live much of the year abroad, we think thats a very real risk. [ inaudible question ] no comment. The victims that are underage, you refer to some of them as particularly vulnerable. Why is that . I cant go into the specifics with respect to any particular victim. [ inaudible question ] no comment. This is obviously a massive investigation. How compare this to other sex trafficking cases youve prosecuted in the past . Its extremely significant because of the number of years and the number of victims. There are dozens of victims, as alleged in the indictment in new york, and dozens in florida. And it maintained itself over several years. This is very significant. Our office has handled this year, in fact, many significant sex trafficking cases, and this is one of them. Where did he find these women and how [ inaudible ] as alleged in the indictment, the underage girls were sometimes recruited by current victims. And the current victims were given Cash Payments if they could bring other underage girls to be similarly abused. And thats how he continued to expand the number of new victims that he had and thats how it was able to maintain itself over several years. [ inaudible question ] the indictment indicates that there were phone calls and contacts made, not only with mr. Epstein, but his employees, between his employees and the alleged victims. [ inaudible question ] no comment. Why is the case coming back now . [ inaudible ] well, its still a very important case and it means a great deal to the alleged victims here that they have their day in court. And we want to ensure that they have their day in court by bringing these charges. There was reporting within the miami herald article that might have helped bring forward new victims. We are certainly aware of that reporting. Thank you. All right. You were listening right there to the u. S. Attorney of the Southern District of new york, Jeffrey Berman, as well as the head of the fbi. Here a lot to go over as the indictment and charges against Jeffrey Epstein have now been detailed and they lay it out. Here with me, i just want to get your take. What is the most important thing that you heard, caroline . Because when i was listening for the third time being asked what is new here, why bring this now, Jeffrey Berman said this case is still very important. Yes. To me this entire press conference was a very powerful rebuke of alex acosta and the whole debacle in 2008 and he was the United States attorney for the Southern District of florida. He let Jeffrey Epstein off with a slap on the wrist for huge federal charges. The charges that are detailed in this indictment essentially were what he was facing there and then. What acosta agreed to was a nonprosecution graem then for federal charges. Epstein pleaded guilty to low level state charges. He served 13 months in a county jail. The thing that drives me nuts, he also was able to leave six days a week for 12 hours to go to his office. Exactly. In this case, what i see in this press conference, justice delayed is not justice denied. I think thats what the Southern District is trying to say here. Too often people like this have gotten away with crimes like this, and i think what youre seeing here is the Southern District saying not on our watch. Ellie, this is a slap at any it sound like until we learn more, this was the case that was agreed to, yet were in a new district, being looked at again. If this had been any federal prosecutor who had entered that deal, they would be under scrutiny. The federal prosecutor who led that deal then is alex acosta. He is currently a cabinet secretary in this administration. How does he not face real questions . I dont know how he can survive this. Seriously . Yes. Ive seen thousands of plea deals given out and ive seen good plea deals and medium and bad. This is a whole nother level. The state charges, the fact that he was free to go work in an office. The fact that they did not vote fie victims. Even go beyond that. When julie brown had done that amazing reporting for the miami herald, this was discussed. And now you have the u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york saying these victims deserve their day in court. One hundred percent. I remember being trained on that day one. Within a few weeks of arriving in the u. S. Attorneys office, if you have a case with victims, you have to give them a heads up. The fact that they werent, that has to be intentional. Theres no way that alex acosta did not know he had to identify the victims. This reaches far beyond obviously far beyond epstein, but theres not a lot of detail in this indictment. Its not theres not a lot more that hasnt been seen in the miami herald reporting, i have to say, caroline. What do they need to show . Do they need to show anything more . Ellie and i were talking about this before the break. Typically Southern District indictments are a little more full sum than this. Dedid get a piece of interesting information. They simultaneously had a search warrant on his residence when they arrested him. They discovered evidence of photographs of naked underage girls, meaning they likely may have discovered evidence of new crimes. So they at least have something in their back pocket to use as leverage. I dont know if theyre going to offer him a deal, but if they would get to that step, they would have something. A lot of this is the result of the miami herald bringing this story to the forefront last november. And this came up at the press conference saying they were assisted by excellent investigative journalism. It seems that the heralds interviews of the girls made a big difference here. You interviewed the journalist. Her pursuit of the truth, not letting it go, it cannot be ignored. She was about to fly to interview another accuser today. She was continuing on this story for many months, even as it started to fade off the radar. When it came out in november, there were calls for acosta to resign. The white house basically kicked the can down the road. She continued to stay on the story and clearly these prosecutors stayed on the case as well. Let me just confirm for you brian, and kate, and for any investigative journalists that are out there. Prosecutors do read the newspaper every day. Investigative journalists do really important work. You take a lead wherever you can get it. Obviously you do your own Due Diligence and make sure its all checked out. Investigative journalism does really move the needle. The fallout here is potentially great beyond i mean, Alexander Acosta is one really big question, but epstein ran in big circles. He was close to trump, he was close to the clintons and royals as well. His legal team at the time that helped him ink this deal included some of the boldest names in the legal. If i say ken starr, the layman knows these peoples names. Yes. And there has got to be some examination and self se flexion and outside examination about the powerful circles that epstein was traveling in for many years. As you mentioned, in a way its nonpartisan because there are political figures on the left and on the right and all around that were friendly with epstein. He was at mar lag oe. He was on a private jet with clinton years ago. That doesnt necessarily mean anything criminal, but its worth reflecting on how money and power and influence can shield someone, it seems, for a very long time. Thats what this story is about. And i love that sweeney at the press conference said no matter how well connected you are, the law is going to catch up. We all kind of collectively picked up on around the table, a few of the things that the fbi mentioned at the press conference was platantly ignoring, ignorance, willful blindness. Talk to me about using that terminology in a press conference, i dont want to read too far into it, but to me that is a criticism of what hasnt been done in the past or how something had been handled, though he was asked and said he was speaking about society. Of course theyre not going to go on the record saying that this is specifically about alex acosta. I agree, the silence on that part was deafening. I thought you could really tell that the Southern District wants to send a message, no only to the victims, but to society at large that this kind of behavior is no longer going to be turned a blind eye to as it was in the past. Things are changing and this isnt going to stand. Berman said the villains are the adult perpetrators. He used plural. You cant run a sex trafficking ring by yourself. By yourself. There is employee one, two, and three and theres minor victim one, two and three. That is all thats listed in the indictment. You can see from what you heard from Jeffrey Berman, theyre looking for victims to come forward. Theyre laying out in that poster behind him, laying out the number to call because they want to offer more help. Theyre looking for assistance from more victim. Let me go back inside the room. Shimon was there for us throughout. What stuck out to you . So certainly when the prosecutor, Jeffrey Berman, the u. S. Attorney here stepped off the podium and walked towards the photo of Jeffrey Epstein, point to the photo and discussed saying if you know this man, if you know anything about him, call us. I think that was a signal that they want victims, obviously. But it was more. Its him saying you know what, enough is enough, of people in power getting away with stuff, getting away with things. Its time for people to come forward and for us to bring justice. The other things i want people to keep in mind is that this u. S. Attorneys office is the same u. S. Attorneys office that prosecuted michael cohen, that is investigating the trump association, that is investigating other issues associated with the president. So we know that this office, theyre not afraid. If they see something is wrong, if they see that there may be something going on here thats illegal, certainly thats going to affect victims that is in any way going to give people an advantage and some people a disadvantage because of power, they are going to go after them. And i think that was what was so significant, is how they turned this into about the victims. So many of the victims that weve heard from in the miami herald from all of their great reporting said that they were stunned at this plea agreement that he ultimately got and how they never thought that they would be able to get a chance to go into court, to have their voices heard. Well, now its very clear that that is going to happen. And finally, its very, very clear that this investigation is not over. They want more victims to come forward and that is going to happen. And with the fbi now behind this case, it tells you that this investigation will go wherever it needs to go, whether its in the u. S. , whether its outside the u. S. But things are going to rev up here pretty quickly and i think its really a day for the victims. So many of them who never thought that they would be able to have their day can now finally say, you know what, this u. S. Attorney and fbi decided to go ahead and pursue this case and now have their day. Some of the things that we heard in the press conference, Jeffrey Berman saying the alleged behavior shocks the conscienceness. In this indictment the vast network of underage victims for him to sexually exploit, he worked and conspired with others, including employees and associates who facilitated his conduct, and also so he could maintain a steady supply of new victims to exploit. In the press conference, caroline, he said and this line, so many things shock the consciousness these days. But everexpanding web of new victims. We can talk about the wild political connections here to what we cover every day, but at its core is this appalling acts, allegations of appalling acts committed against dozens of girls, as young as the age of 14. This was a sophisticated criminal enterprise and you read that line by line. Not only would he pay hundreds of dollars for the victims but then he would turn the victims into recruiters. Thats how he perpetrated this massive scheme. At one point i just want to make that we heard at the press conference, its about the victims. One of the reasons floated for this sweetheart deal back in april, was that they had issues with victims credibility, victim blaming and shaming. I dont even know what the thought process is there. Thats not going to cut it anymore. I think what you heard the Southern District saying is these victims are victims. Regardless of whatever was going on in their lives, they were particularly vulnerable to abuse. You know the judge that is assigned. Judge berman no relation to the u. S. Attorney Jeffrey Berman. Ive tried cases in front of him. He is very fair. He will give the defendant a fair trial. He has a good meter for right and wrong. Hes a tough sentencer. Hes not interested in sob stories. If you commit horrific acts like epstein allegedly has, you are in for a world of hurt. This is the beginning of a very long legal process, but the fallout i feel like could reach much further. The two words that were mentioned, willful blindless, who did turn a behind eye . And how different is the world than the 2000s . Hes not talking about 1950. Exactly, this is something hafs happening a decade ago. 2008 when barack obama became president. This was not when we were not an evolved society. Exactly. I would like to say that in this me too generation that something has changed tharks something is evolving, but its not as if we dont know these things were crime a decade ago. There are a lot of people who need to answer for this. Hopefully they will. Hopefully theyre not going to hide in the shadows. It shocked me, but i always value your perspective. Do you think it is impossible that the labor secretary could survive Something Like this. What kind of answers does he need to provide now . Look, i think Congress Needs to look deeper into this plea agreement. I just think there is no way he can defend it. Weve seen the clips of him at his confirmation trying to defend it. It is weak. Nonprosecution agreement made sense, have you met anyone . The Justice Department. Theyve defended it. It completely trampled the rights of the victims. Even the detail that they immunized the coconspirators. Ive never heard of that. Thats not a thing. Why are you covering up for the coconspirators . There are some serious questions here. I dont think he has good answers. Congress needs to dig in. But this is a stubborn administration, i think hes going to have to be forced out. Unbelievable. Much more to come. Number one, im very thankful for investigative journalists today. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for helping us walk through that. An amazing morning. Still ahead for us, the president is not backing down from his battle to add a Citizenship Question to the 2020 census. How attorney bill barr is helping him keep up this fight. Thats ahead. Stay with us. Why go with anybody else . 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This ts after last weeks ladies and gentlemen of the jury setback when the Supreme Court rejected the administrations reasoning behind wanting to add a Citizenship Question to the survey. As we have seen as of last week, the president is not backing down, saying this just yesterday. Theyre spending 15 to 20 billion and theyre asking everyone, except are you a citizen of the United States. How ridiculous is that . So we are moving forward. We have a couple of avenues. We can do a memorandum. There are other alternatives. Joining me now is a former secretary of congress, he oversaw the 2010 census, and he has been appointed by ja inslee to monitor how the census in his home state is being conduct. Senator, thank you for being here. My pleasure. You have ran and directed a census before, the 2010 census. If you were in the middle of printing the survey, which is happening now, in the midst of a legal battle over adding a question and the governments legal team arguing this in court is taken off the case, what do you think is going on . Well, just mass confusion. And if i were in the Commerce Department right now, i wouldnt know what to do. The Customers Department t Justice Department, the white house has said all along they need to start printing it july 1. Im hoping that theyre telling the truth. But if you delay the printing of the census forms, it will throw off the entire schedule of the census, and there are laws that require the results to be in by a certain time. And so the administration is going to miss that deadline and violate the law. When you see that the legal team is being swapped ou, do you think that is in way the attorney general trying to help the president or are the Justice Department attorneys on the case saying we cant argue this, we cant defend this . I think some of those lawyers are in a very difficult position, having told the judge that the administration was going to accept the results of the Supreme Court, that they were giving up the fight, they had no legal reason by which she could somehow continue to fight the ruling. And that the census would be printed. For them to now go back into court and say, sorry, we made a mistake or we have now instructions, their credibility and their own integrity has been undermined. So im not surprised that theyre putting in a new legal team. The president has listed out options a couple of times of what he says he thinks is Still Available for them. An addendum to the census or an executive order. What do you think of those options . Well, i dont know exactly what an addendum would be. Are we sending two forms, two pieces of paper, two forms in the house . Will they get lost . Is it a second mailing thats going to go out . Thats very, very hard to understand. But the most important thing is that having it included in the census, 2020 census that all households receive is completely unnecessary. Weve not had the Citizenship Question for all households since 1950. The Commerce Department sends out different surveys every single year in which they ask the Citizenship Question, along with questions like where did you go to college, did you graduate from college, do you own a home, do you rent, whats your commute time . A huge questionnaire that goes out to about 3 million households, which really gets you at about gets you to almost 9 Million People answering it or covering 9 Million People in america. And its about all the information that helps determine the profile of america. So having the Citizenship Question, for whatever reason, the administration wants, is not necessary to be included in the 2020 census. They get that information by other means without impacting the quality or the accuracy of the 2020 census. And secretary, that is important, because that is not what the president is saying. He has said multiple times now, and he made i would say the clearest case yet he made last week, saying basically if were spending 20 billion to, and the way he put it, to fine out everything about everybody with the census, why wouldnt you ask the question are you a citizen. And you say thats wrong . We ask the question in a different type of survey that is very, very accurate, and the census the Commerce Departments own census people say that if you include this in the 2020 census, people are going to be so afraid to answer it youre going to have an inaccurate count. And so if youre really looking for accuracy, including this question on the 2020 census going out to every household is the wrong way to go. So if you really want accuracy, there are other ways to do it. Secretary, governor, ambassador, youve got a long resume and youve been around politics a long time. At the end of the day do you think this is more asking the question about citizenship, or do you think this is just about a fight over which the president thinks is beneficial to him . Well, his own advisers and people who are close to the campaign as he came into office were urging the administration to include this on the 2020 census, the Citizenship Question, with the express purpose of suppressing responses and reducing the number of hispanics that would respond and people primarily in the urban districts, urban parts of the country so that they would not respond, and that would definitely benefit republicans. So there was a clear political motive for doing so. The second thing is that some people want this question so that they can actually draw congressional boundaries based on the number of citizens, not the total number of People Living in the community. Some even argue and some of the republicans have been saying that the congressional districts and districts for state legislature should be based only on the number of voting age u. S. Citizens, and the president has even said why shouldnt we know how many illegals are in the country. The Citizenship Question doesnt distinguish between legal and illegal. In fact, there are more nonu. S. Citizens who are eligible to be citizens. They are permanent residents, green card holders, theyve been living here for 20, 30 years. They far outnumber the illegal noncitizens that are here. So having a Citizenship Question does not actually get you the answer as to how many people are here illegally. Second of all, it makes an inaccurate count, and that is contrary to what the census is all about since 1790 when George Washington asked the question. Right. And for everyone, this coming from the man who ran the last census in 2010. Just so were all clear. Secretary, thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate your perspective. Coming up for us, from apologize for what to im sorry, joe biden apologizes for his comments about working with segregationists in the senate in the past. Is this the end of the issue . Sun care is self care. I used to not love wearing an spf just because i felt like it was so oily and greasy. But with Olay Regenerist whip spf 25, its so lightweight. I love it. Im busy philipps, and im fearless to face anything. We like drip coffee, layovers and waiting on hold. What we dont like is relying on fancy technology for help. Snail mail we were invited to a y2k party. Uh, didnt that happen, like, 20 years ago . Oh, look, karolyn, weve got a mathematician on our hands check it out now you can schedule a callback or reschedule an appointment, even on nights and weekends. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Id rather not. The question this morning, is it ever too late to say im sorry . For weeks joe biden has been facing criticism from his democratic rivals about his comments that hes made about working with segregationists in the senate in years past, decades past. This weekend at a Campaign Event in South Carolina, he said this. Was i wrong a few weeks ago . To somehow give the impression to people that i was praising those men who i successfully opposed time and again . Yes, i was. I regret it. Im sorry for any of the pain or misconception that may have caused anybody. You heard the applause there. So why now . Joining me now is Arlette Saenz whos following the biden campaign. What are you hearing . Why now . Why is he saying that this weekend . This apology was about three weeks in the making. Yesterday i had the chance to ask the former Vice President what changed and why did he wait three weeks for this apology . If any comments i made were taken in a way that people took offense from them, then i am truly sorry for that. This is about the future, its not about the past. Im proud of my past. Have i made mistakes . Yes. Do we grow . Yes. But the fact of the matter is thats why i chose here in South Carolina and chose an audience that in fact would be the most likely to have been offended by anything that was said. So bidens apology came before a group of mostly black voters. S also worth noting that biden had been in South Carolina just a few days after he initially made those comments. Cory booker is one of those who criticized him, calling on him to apologize. He said that he was hurt by those initial comments but hes grateful that the former Vice President has said im sorry. Kamala harris also has said she was hurt by those comments and she stopped short of fully accepting the former Vice President s apology, saying that he cant rewrite history and also pointing out that they still have some major differences. Biden was asked about that yesterday and he said they do have differences between him and Kamala Harris. He said on health care. So its clear that biden is ready to turn the page from this and also willing to make some distinct differences between himself and opponents like Kamala Harris. Arlette, thank you so much. Lets see where the campaign trail takes us next, really appreciate it. Also this Important Note for all of you, dont miss the next democratic debates happening in just three weeks, july 30th and 31st. Cnn will be broadcasting those live from detroit. Youll see it right here on cnn. Also will be broadcast all around the world. The debates are hosted by dana bash, don lemon and jake tapper. 20 candidates vying for the white house will be able to participate with ten taking the stage each night to face off against each other, answer questions from our moderators of course. Before that, cnn will also be conducting a drawing to determine which night each candidate will be appearing. The drawing will happen will air live on thursday, july 18th, in the 8 00 hour right here on cnn. Its something that has definitely not been done and its very exciting cnn is doing this. Well see the drawing live on what night each candidate will be placed and well be airing that for full transparency so everyone will get to see it all for themselves. Well be right back. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. 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Get published now, call for your free publisher kit today welcome to inside politics. Im john king. Thank you for sharing your day with us. Joe biden says he is sorry for taking favorably about his past work with segregationists. The apology comes as Kamala Harris and others see an opening to make inroads with africanamericans critical in democratic primary. Plus the president wants to open

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