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Hello, everyone, im kate boldu bolduan. Thank you so much for joining me. Shock and surprise. You would think at this point it would be nearly impossible for a comment from the about the to shock or surprise anyone. But he did in a jarring oval office interview. President trump said hed welcome foreign interference in the upcoming election. Here he is with abc. Listen. Your campaign this time around, if foreigners, if russia, if china, if someone else offers you information on opponents, should they accept it or call the fbi . I think maybe you do board of health. I think you might want to listen. Theres nothing wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country, norway, we have information on your opponent. Oh, i think id want to hear it. You want that kind of Interfeesinte Interference on our elections . Its information. I think id take it. If i thought there was something wrong, id go maybe to the fbi if i thought there was something wrong. But when somebody comes up with research, they come up with op research, lets call the fbi, the fbi doesnt have enough agents to take care of it. But you go and talk honestly to congressmen, they all do it, they always have. And thats the way it is. Its called the oppo research. In the 12 hours after that, predictably democrats especially democratic president ial candidates, they have voiced Outrage Diming Dial dialing up calls for impeachment. Kamala harris saying that trump is a National Security threat. But also predictably, sadly, republicans are either ducking or dodging in large part the president s comments. Really criticckets save a couplf republicans. Sarah westwood is at the white house where the president is either doubling down or trying to clean things up now. And manu rajus on capitol hill. Lets get to it. Manu, you would think that my inbox, your inbox would be flooded with republicans speaking out in defense of free and fair elections, condemning the president s remarks. But no. You did hear from Lindsey Graham. Reporter yeah, he was one of the very few who have spoken out critically of what the president has been saying, saying that, no, you should in fact go to the fbi if there was as someone who was offering foreign dirt, someone Foreign Government, particularly a hostile Foreign Government coming to you and Offering Dirt on your political opponent and making it very clear, kate, that hes prepared to offer legislation to make it even clearer that this kind of activity is illegal. Thats not the right answer. If a Foreign Government comes to you as a public official and offers to help your campaign, giving you anything of value, whether it be money or information on your opponents, the right answer is no. Reporter what are the implications of hearing the president of the United States saying its okay to accept foreign dirt from about an opponent . I think its a mistake. I think its a mistake of law. I dont want to send a signal to encourage this. I hope my democrat colleagues will be equally offended by the fact that this actually did happen in 2016 where a Foreign Agent was paid for by a Political Party to gather Opposition Research. All those things are wrong. Reporter should there be legislation to make it expressly outlawed in this country . I think it already is, i think. But im willing to make it clear if we need to. But most republicans are taking a bit of an opposite tack saying they have not seen the comments that some joni ernst, republican from iowa, up in 2020 said. Marcia blackburn from tennessee, not familiar with what the president said. Some also defending the president , as well, including senator tom tillus of north carolina, said making it pointing at Hillary Clinton and her effort to try to get dirt on the russia the Trump Campaign by hiring the Opposition Research firm fusion gps which, of course, contracted with Christopher Steele, the former british agent, to try to look into potential ties between the Trump Campaign and russia. But those two situations, not entirely synonymous. Christopher steele was hired steele himself went to the fbi to discuss what he was learning, and the actual effort of trying to hack into foreign the dnc servers and get Podesta Emails and leak those out, thats much different than what was happening with the steele situation, with the steele dossier. Nevertheless, youre Hearing Republicans make that case as a lot of them try to defend what the president is doing, but Lindsey Graham making that opposite case just moments ago. Right, but but these two things, the dossier and what trump is talking about here, these things are not the same. And Lindsey Graham, he knows it. Lindsey graham has said as much. Hes set that he is the one who told john mccain when john mccain received the steele dossier, Lindsey Graham says has said hes the one that told john mccain to take the dossier to the fbi. Ive talked to him about that. Youve talked to him about that. He knows thats not the same thing, manu. Reporter thats right. In fact, he said that after the president had criticized the late senator mccain for going to the fbi with the information from the steele dossier, he said he encouraged him to go to the fbi. So yeah, this is not the exact same thing, but republicans are trying to a lot of them are trying to conflate these two issues to try to make it appear the same because they know how sensitive this is you know, im going to jump im going to jump in real quick. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, shes speaking, and im told she might be being asked about this right now. In terms of being to be held accountable to obey the law. We have a package that were putting forth in light of the mueller report. A package of legislation, duty report. If someone comes to you, if a mandating that campaigns report foreign offers of assistance. This shouldnt even its so selfevident as a matter of ethics, but well have to codify it, mandating a duty to report for campaigns reporting foreign interventions in our elections. Protecting our elections with paper ballot, thats our Election Security bill that zoe lofgren is working on. She is working with the senate, hoping to have bipartisan support in the house for our legislation to protect our electoral system. Closing foreign money loopholes, thats mr. Sarbanes bill post the mueller report. And mr. Thompson will be having a hearing in the Homeland Security committee about preventing foreign disinformation. That is just a sample of some of the things that will be out there. I believe were making Good Progress on oversight. Our our chairmen are doing a great job. Im so proud of them. The winning in the courts and winning documents from the Justice Department with the thought of contempt or following up on subpoenas. And were going to get the truth for the American People so that they can know what the attack is on our country, what the president refused to do about it, and what he engaged in to cover up what was done. Theres so many things happening, i just want to refer to one thing in hong kong. As many as of you know, some of you do anyway, the issue of china has been an important one for me since tiananmen square, even before, but there terms of Public Policy in the congress. Tiananmen square, june 4th, we celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the massacre in tiananmen square. At the same time, were observing that the Chinese Government is engaged in arresteding millions and putting them into education camps. They are diminishing the democracy in hong kong, trying to really just eliminate the culture, the language, the religion in tibet. The list goes on and on. But right now currently, as we gather here, in hong kong the last few days, hundreds of thousands if not a Million People gathered in the street to protest an Extradition Law that the Chinese Government wants the Hong Kong Government to pass. Its such a horrible horribly dangerous piece of legislation. Im very pleased to be supporting legislation that senator marco rubio and chris smith on the republican side, jim mcgovern and i on our side and others are putting forth to improve and modernize the u. S. Hong kong relations act, and that is going to be submitted today. Theyre just finalizing it. Its being submitted today. But this is so wrong, and i do hope that the president will speak about human rights in china and freedoms in china when he talks about trade with the chinese. I am pleased with secretary pompeos statement on whats happening in china in this regard. With that ill take any questions. Yes you always hit right there. Thats right. When it comes to the issue of Opposition Research, what will do if a House Democrat accepted assistance, Campaign Assistance from a foreign power . What pert its so against any sense of decency. But let me give you an example. Perhaps you dont know this or maybe you do, but to remiennd, 2000 when the races between senator gore and governor bush, tom downy, close friend of al gore was playing george bush in the debate prep. Somebody through over the transom, under the door, whatever place it came the plans for the Bush Campaign in the debates, in the debates. They got that to tom downy. He picked it up and sent it to the fbi. This isnt even Foreign Governments. Thats what you do. There is a sense of decency about fruit from the forbidden tree. Illgotten gain about what, again, how then governor bush would have conducted that debate. This is this is so and just by dent of your question, with all due respect, you make it sounds like it could be a common thing. It is not. What the president said last night shows clearly once again over and over again that he does not know the difference between right and wrong. And thats probably the nicest thing i can say about him. If he doesnt know the difference, it could explain some of this ridiculous behavior. And now to invite further involvement of Foreign Governments into our election there was an assault on our democracy, an assault on our country by the russians. That has been clearly documented by the Intelligence Community. And the president of the United States instead of coming to the defense of our our democracy has said its a hoax. This is this is beyond its really there is no sense of whats the word i wanted to find, the ethical sense that informs his comments and his thinking. Yes yeah . I want to make sure we understand what youre saying because youre going to be pushing for legislation here. Are you saying, is it clear now whether this is illegal, whether its wrong, is it illegal to take this kind of information and in addition one of your members at least do we have consider It Impeachable there is there is in the law that you cannot accept contributions, and that includes in kind from a Foreign Campaign cannot from a Foreign Government. That is in the law. If it needs more clarity, then we will go the duty to report. Not that only you dont accept it but you report it to the fbi because this is its an invasion of our democracy. I dont have the language right here. But there is language in the law that prohibits any contribution. Again, contribution is inkind information or whatever that is. We want to make sure that it has more clarity and carries a responsibility to report. Uhhuh. If you discovered were already in campaign season. If you discover that this president in the course of the 2020 campaign accepted help from a Foreign Government as he suggested that he might, would you consider that grounds to launch Impeachment Proceedings . It has nothing to do with any campaign. I want you all to understand that. As we go down this path to seek the truth for the American People and to hold the president accountable, it has nothing to do with politics or any campaigns. It has everything to do, if i may, excuse me, to answer your question, it has everything to do with patriotism, not partisanship. So we as we collect the facts and it takes time because you have to do your research, make your request, if you go to court, you have to do the accommodation, you know what that is . It takes time to prove that you have tried to resolve the issue, and that takes time. And thats the path that we will be on. And it encompasses any and all of the comments that the president has made. Madam speaker to clarify, though all women in the front here. Im so excited about that. Im here. A couple of us guys here. Why if the president is inviting foreign interference, why is that not grounds to move toward impeachment . And what concrete steps will you take to try and prevent him from doing it . I didnt know i needed water, but i guess i do. The everybody in the country should be totally appalled by what the president said last night. Should be totally appalled. But he has a habit of making appalling statements. This one borders on so totally unethical that he doesnt even realize it. However, what we want to do is have a methodical approach to the path that we are on, and this will be included in that. But not any one issue is going to trigger, oh, now well go do this because its about investigating, its about litigating, its about getting the truth to hold everyone accountable, and no one is above the law. I want to get back to our our legislation because that is what the American People elected us to do. They elected us to, for the people agenda, to increase paychecks, Lower Health Care costs, have cleaner government, many of these pieces of legislation are in that. What is it about Mitch Mcconnell and the republicans in congress that they do not want to respond to what is so popular across the board in our country . What to take it back to your question, what is it about the republicans in congress, how much more can they bear of the president s unethical behavior that they think that they are honoring their Oath Of Office . And i believe these are all connected. I think its all about money. Connect the dots in all of this. Its all about money. And look at what the president is doing in terms of saudi arabia and the sale of perhaps Nuclear Technologies as well as planes to saudi arabia. Follow the money. Who benefits from that . Declare a National Emergency that he can bypass congress in terms. Those sales. Bypass the law in terms of transferring of any Nuclear Technology to a country. Follow the money. Madam secretary yes thank you, good morning. On this issue of a Cola Increase, is there, number one, a problem with the idea that people come here and because the pay isnt satisfactory, they go off capitol hill and go to k street and that entails corruption . And why is it so hard naturally to then take a vote on this because its so toxic for a regular pay raise or a Cola Increase . And is it appropriate at this time when people, you know, themselves back home in the midwest or out west are on the money . Its hard at any time. Its not a pay raise, its a Cola Increase. And whether that comes to be, i dont know. It would have to be a Bipartisan Initiative if it were to be the case. As you know, mr. Hoyer feels very strongly in support of strengthening this institution, that there could be a recognition of with a cola of the work that is done. Let me just say, listening to the members because its never a good time to bring up Something Like this, there is there is a sent meant in the country sentiment in the country that congress should not be just people who can afford to go to congress. It should be about everybody having the opportunity. Many more women, many more people of color and the rest. And that that is where some of the unease comes from that people say, well, it shouldnt be just for wealthy people. It isnt just for wealthy people. But there is that impression. And there is an impression among members that its hard to have two homes, raise a family, and all the rest. So thats part of what the discussion is. I dont see it as any what you did say . You related it to going to k street . No. I think what is an issue in our country is Revolving Door, largely spinning madly, and the Executive Branch as we see it now. Look at the people in the department the secretaries in the cabinet. Theyre all connected to the special interests. Submarine of them have left already in disgrace, dismay, or disappointment. But you see their connection other whether its epa, interior, you name the list, theres so much connection to the i want to say private sector, i dont want to paint everyone with the same brush. But to special interest, ill paint that in there. So this whole issue of this Revolving Door is a separate issue and something that has to be looked into. As we have inclusion and that is an important important value the house was in at 4. At 4 01 this morning, people say you dont get work done, that said, the public doesnt think that Congress Gets things done. And the house was in at 4 00 in the morning. The Deficit Markup was late as well not until 7 00 this morning. Thats my point. Why does the publicer is see this differently and thats why theyre opposed to a Cola Increase and members are afraid if they vote for that theyll get hammered. I dont think this is look, we have a president who is ignoring the law, not honoring his Oath Of Office, not honoring the office that he holds. We have a a Funding Challenge that we have which is something that must be done by the end of the fiscal year. We must pass the appropriations bills. Im an appropriator, hope it that in a bipartisan way can reach solutions. Were having the cap fight, the lifting of the debt ceiling. We had the president transferring Nuclear Technology as well as other weaponry to a country that is get ag ti in away with murder and has chosen to ignore it. Involved in a deadly war in yemen which the congress opposes. We have important policy matters to deal with. I think ive spent enough time on speculating as to whether there will be something or not which we dont know if there will be. Madam secretary yes, maam . On the appropriations, at the end of the month, the office says they are going to run out of money to house migrants at the border. There will be a bill marked up next week on the issue. Howe do think that the senate and the house can bridge the divide given the fact that they had to drop this off of the disaster aid bill just a couple of weeks ago because they couldnt find agreement . Theyre working on it. There are two paths. One is in the appropriations bill where we have the Homeland Security piece which is part of the 2020 appropriations. And then the supplemental. Well have to have a supplemental because of the needs are so great. But i have confidence that they will come to a conclusion on it. We have to. The humanitarian needs are very great there. And we care very much about that. And we dont want them to poison pill what were trying to do to alleviate that that humanitarian challenge. I mean, really, taking children out of the arms of their mother, separating families how could we as people of faith that believe in the spark of divinity in every person, that were all gods children, that we could treat people the way they do . But we will have to come to an agreement to get the bill passed and signed by the president. By the end of the month . I hope so. Were on that path. Yes . Budget cap legislation. Youll have to work with this president. I dont see going back to the meeting a few weeks ago, looking back, it was a good idea this that moment before we walked in to accuse the president of a criminal coverup before you were trying to get a deal done for the American Public . These are bills that have passed the house. I know. Yes. They have passed the house. We are not giving up on infrastructure. I say almost every day that the president is involved in a criminal coverup. He just chose to pick it up that day. There was nothing new about anything i said about the president that time. I think the president just didnt want to pay for it. The purpose of that meeting was were going to do infrastructure, build the fra infrastructure that i think he truly wants to do, build the infrastructure of our country in a green way im not sure about that to raise the paychecks of the american worker. And to do so in a way infrastructure is a National Security issue as president eisenhower beautifully demonstrated in the 50s when he instituted the the Interstate Highway System as a National Security issue to unify america. So i dont take any responsibility for the president s behavior except to say that were going to hold him accountable for it. Madam speaker yes. I wanted the white house is floating some new offer to democrats, they were going to review it. Have you seen that . Any comment on not i dont what that is. What are you referencing . Apparently mnuchin was in with Mcconnell Making Offers Lakefront Nig last night. What it is but ill tell you where i see things. We have to lift the budget caps, and we have to we have to avoid sequestration because thats not a good idea for our country. Have to avoid shutdown of government which is palatable. Some republicans who dont believe in governance. But we will not go down that path. And we are going to combine when we lift the caps, we can talk about lifting the debt ceiling. But that would have to come second or simultaneous but not before lifting the caps. I dont know what their proposal is. But i do know that when weve been engaged in conversation, mentioned leader mcconnell and Leader Schumer and mr. Mccarthy and i with the secretary of the treasury we were making some progress. But then they kinds of backed away from it. So well see what that one is. Im not usually, shall we say, when Mick Mulvaney takes the lead, Mick Mulvaney was one of the leaders in shutting down government when he was here, and voted to keep it closed. Voted to keep it closed. And that was when we were operating on the republican number that we said well agree to it. We dont like it, well agree to it. Dlant agree to their own they dont agree to their own number. Im hopeful always hopeful, always open. But i think left to our own devices we can get i keep using that phrase because there is bipartisanship in all of this. We know what we have to do. We can get it done. Its when they come in with Deal Breakers because they dont believe in governance. They dont believe in science which says evidence data, truth, fact of what we need to do for our country. So if you dont accept that and you dont believe in governance, then you have a different approach to all this. Okay. Are you ready for game time tonight . See my Yellow Jacket . Golden state warriors. Game time. You made a bet with Justin Trudeau . I did after it was 31. I didnt want to bring it up in normandy. It wasnt appropriate. Wasnt the time or the place. But the next day, the next day we made our bet. Cant wait to see what those goodies are from canada. The team say what . The team is that what theyll have . I think that it will be see my advantage, apart a from the golden state warriors, im the speaker of the house but my bet is from california. So walnuts and almonds and chocolate and wine. His advantage is hes the Prime Minister of canada. So he has to have a representative supply from i dont have to do the whole country. I can just do california. Im eager to see what he says. Game time. Thank you. Good luck. Thank you. Okay. And with that we have House Speaker nancy pelosi. The important line just to remind you is when House Speaker nancy pelosi said of the president s comments to abc, this is evidence he does not know right from wrong, and thats probably the nicest thing i could say about him. We have a lot to discuss here. I do want to bring in first evan perez, senior justice correspondent. We need to pick up on where the conversation was left with manu. Nancy pelosi calls it sad, she does not suggest that shes going to be moving this moves her any closer to impeachment. What she heard from the president in the interview with abc. What were hearing from republicans, quite a few of them, evan, is that trying to say that what donald trump is inviting or welcoming is the same as what the steele dossier was in 2016. You have done a lot of reporting on this. Please lay it out for us. Reporter well, thats right. And look, even Lindsey Graham, senator graham who told whos now put out a Statement Today sort of using the what aboutism excuse, saying what the Dossier Claims were made just a second here. I forgot to turn my phone off there. The comparison between the dossier and what the Trump Tower Meeting where russian operative was Offering Dirt on the Hillary Clinton campaign, that theyre the same thing. If you remember, back in 2017 when we first learned about the Trump Tower Meeting, Lindsey Graham himself said that that should never have happened. You should pick up the phone and call the fbi. Hes repeated the same statement. So hes trying to have it both ways. Lets compare the two things. On one hand, you have Christopher Steele whos a former spy for the British Intelligence services, one of the closest allies of the United States who was who again had a record of working with the fbi on investigations, and that information was used as part of a fisa application on carter page. But it wasnt the only evidence that the fbi says that they had. We dont know everything that was in there, but we do know that they had a massive amount of information that they asked, that they provided to the fisa court in order to get that surveillance warrant. Thats the first thing. Second thing is, you know, you you cannot say that just because the dossier was used that it equals what, you know, this meeting was, where clearly they were told that the russian government is offering to support the Trump Campaign. So thats where i think a lot of people today are now trying to move the goal post, especially on the republican side. The president s supporters, trying to move the goal posts a little bit. Previously they said what you should do is call the fbi if you get outreach like this. Right. Now they seem to be saying, well, you know, the dozessier. What we heard from the president to abc to your points, evan, is that when presented if Opposition Research if information on your opponent was brought to you by a foreign country, what would you do with it. Id take it, id listen to it, and i may or may not go to the fbi. What happened with the steele dossier from multiple fronts, the dossier went to the fbi, the fbi alerted donald trump that the contents of the dossier. That was that meeting that we know of between the intelligence leaders, james comey, and the president , if were asked about the dossier. Right. Exactly. And keep in mind, Lindsey Graham himself is one of the people who told john mccain he was aware of the Die Wdozens Way of the dossier early on. He told john mccain to take the dossier, take the document to the fbi, which the fbi already had possession of. They already had a version of these documents. And they were using it as part of their investigation. It was unverified intelligence, right. And youre right. I mean, look, i think theres a theres a gulf of difference between the two things. Right now theres an investigation by the Justice Department to see whether or not the fbi did everything right. It may be they made mistakes, and they should have done other things. We dont know that yet. But i do think that one of the things thats happening at this moment is theres a moving of the goal posts, theres a bit of what aboutism because i think the president and his supporters want to make sure that people remember that the dossier existed even though, again, it wasnt the only piece of evidence that the fbi had. And guess what, what were talking about today are words from the president. His own mouth on what he would do even Going Forward. That is an important part about this. Words that cannot be denied, that as far as we know right now, these things were not edited. Question and answer on the same clip. The president s own words today. Weve established that with the dossier, thanks to you, evan. Thank you so much. We have much more to discuss. Exactly what this means, what the president said, and what are republicans saying maybe not publicly but maybe privately. Run with us. On a john deere z500 series mower. Built to mow better, faster. Because sometimes. When you take a look around. You notice. Your grass is long. Your time is short. And theres no turning back. Nothing runs like a deere™. Run with us. Visit your john deere dealer today, to test drive a z500 or z700 series ztrak™ mower. They feel like they have to drink a lot of water. Patients that i see that complain about dry mouth, medications seem to be the number one cause for dry mouth. Dry mouth can cause increased cavities, bad breath, oral irritation. I like to recommend biotene. Biotene has a full array of products that replenishes the moisture in your mouth. Biotene definitely works. It makes patients so much happier. 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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as you saw moments ago really slam could President Trump for saying that slamming President Trump for saying that he would still Going Forward and today accept intelligence from Foreign Governments in the upcoming election about his opponents. She said that he, quote, does not know the difference between right and wrong. Joining me now, ann mil good gram, former new jersey Attorney General and cnn legal analyst, special correspondent jamie gengel, and robert anderson, former fbi Assistant Director of counterintelligence. Ly testified yesterday in front of the House Intel Committee about the threat of foreign interference in our elections. So appropriate that you are here. Jamie, let me start with you. One big question is why are our inboxes not so flooded with republicans, freedomloving republicans who dont like russia so much, speaking out to say this is wrong, full stop, and nothing more. What are you hearing from just when they thought it was safe to come out, theyre looking for a bigger desk to hide under. But there is we are Hearing Things on background which means theyre willing to talk to us, but they dont want to attach their names to it. Right. I spoke to a senior republican who said to me today honestly, bottom line, its really bad. Its really, really bad. He shouldnt say it. And if he were to do it, it would be impeachable. That from a republican . Thats from a republican. So you know, i think what were going to see is Lindsey Graham came out so far, but i think most republicans on the record are still for whatever their reason, theyre not going to go up against him. I do want to give one last hold on one second. On the issue of republicans, lets get over to Kevin Mccarthy, Top Republican in the house. He is speaking now. I watched in the last campaign the democrat president ial campaign spend 6 million to a foreign entity to travel the world to try to find something when they could not find it, they made false accusations, salacious accusations at that. Drove this country into a special counsel lasting more than 22 months. Using this false information, sending it to the fbi that went and got a fisa court. Then to spy upon americans and took us lou something we should never have to live again. I did not hear the speaker be appalled at that. Or to have a chair of the House Intel Committee think that hes knowingly speaking on a phone to a foreign entity, to supply some other false allegations. And what action did he take . Those are the things im appalled about that actually did happen. John mccain gave the steele dossier to the fbi. Who paid what im talking about is the Clinton Campaign and the dnc spending 6 million creating a false dossier. Youre saying that the dnc made up the Entire Steele dossier . Did they pay a foreign entity to go around and create it . I believe they did. Yes sir, is it right for the president to say that he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on his political opponents . Is that the kind of help that you would do . I think we all see youre talking about a hypothetical. Everybody in america, we do not want a Foreign Government interfere in any of our elections and we should stand on that. Jon stewart got attention this week with his visit to capitol hill. How do you see the 9 11 fund issue playing out . Is it a sunset, is there a way to make sure that everybody well see there kevin mckarkty, Top Republican in the house, answering questions about this issue. Jamie is here, robert anderson, former fbi is with me, as well. Give me your take on this gets to exactly what we were talking about. What republicans are saying publicly versus what they are saying privately to you. What you hear from Kevin Mccarthy is hes putting this all on democrats. He doesnt want to talk about what could happen in the future. He says i want to talk about what happened in the past. Right. Well, lets start at the point that the president described what happened in 2016 as opposition rensearch. It wasnt Opposition Research it was criminal activity. A number of people have been charged with computer hacking. To make any equivalency between what happened when russia was essentially hacking into the american election, both through social media and by stealing emails is completely different than what most of us would think about as traditional Opposition Research which is not criminal. And anne, take it bradley. We dont even have to go through episode by episode, broadly, the what im getting is dont believe i dont want to talk about whats going on Going Forwards, i dont want to deal with the hypothetical even though its not hypothetical because donald trump answered the question. Were talking about what donald trump said on tape. Instead, i want to talk about almost trying to get us to not believe what the Intelligence Community said about what happened in the election in 2016. It feels like were back at the beginning again. Yes. Were hes trying to relitigate everything for the past two years. Also when it comings to what he said when it comes to what he said, this is remarkable and should be deeply upsetting to all americans, he would take it tomorrow. He would take information from a Foreign Government even knowing it is a violation of Campaign Finance laws, even knowing that russia has been charged with a crime. Its not hypothetical. Right. Its not hypothetical. And Kevin Mccarthy, one thing that perked up in all of our ears, he said when the Dossier Information he said in sending it to the fbi. This is one of the operative issues here. If donald trump not only would listen to it, take it, would he report it to the fbi . Robert, i got to bring you in on this. If you were you were just testifying about this. If you were in your old post, what are you thinking right now . Well, first of all, its clear this is a bad move. It shouldnt happen. It should immediately come to the fbi. And as you said, kate, for a little over three hours yesterday i told the house permanent select committee on this the same thing. People need to understand russia, china, iran, every Hostile Intelligence Service in the world listened to his comments yesterday. And the number one, number, two and number three priority for every one of those Intelligence Services is the United States. If you throw out the steele dossier and you throw out the mueller report, just go back to the social media tampering with the president ial election and all the email hacking that was done by the gru, their military intelligence, and i think it lets you know right where were at. Its deeply troubling to hear all of this. I have to say. And while folks might say dont listen to what the president s saying because he hasnt done it yet, what im hearing from you, robert, is damage is already being done by these words. Well, its not only being done i said this yesterday, im telling you, these attacks started in 2014. And theyve never stopped. Mark my words. Just because were having hearings, just because this is out in the public domain, it doesnt mean that the Intelligence Services in russia, which by the way the president was a former kgb officer for years. One of the most violent intelligence organizations in the world. They disbanded it. And then he went into politics. This stuff is going on right now, theres no doubt in my mind. Heres the thing that im confounded today. Today is kates unfounded is this we have seen in rare circumstances the republicans standing up and saying its wrong, full stop, theres no, you know, no asterisks to it, take tariffs, take china trade, take china trade war. Weve seen this before. Even when it comes to the saudi arms deal. You have republicans standing up. Not here, though, jamie. Not here. And im i dont know why. And we dont know why, but im just so not yet. Lets see if anything changes over the next 24 hours. Just to go back to what robert said for one second. To his point, in last two years what is the one thing we have known that every intelligence service has told us the russians were meddling. The one thing not that is not debatable. What did donald trump do in this interview . He opened it back up again and said, come on in. Not as a candidate in a campaign, but as president weigh in on that, thats an operative difference. There is not july, 2016, hey, russia, are you listening . This is june, 2019, president of the United States saying, hey, ill take a meeting and listen, and i might not even tell the fbi about it. What is the legal obligation and difference with that . So legally both are deeply problematic. But there is a difference which is that the president could curry favor for those Foreign Governments. Hes sitting in the chair where he could do favors or theres a quid pro quo with Foreign Governments where before he was running and hoping to be in that position of power. Hes in that position of power today. Governments who want to help him could hack into the election on behalf of his opponent and hopefully get something in exchange. Thats corruption. Theres an expression in the intelligence world they own him. When you open yourself up to it, they own him. And for him to do this as president , having gone through the last two years, he does know the difference between what is okay and what is not okay. And he doesnt seem to care. Guys. Guys, thank you so much. This has been a wild little bit of a show. Anne, jamie, robert, thank you very, very much. An important, important conversation that were having. We also have an important update coming up next. An explosion and a fire in a Critical International Shipping Lane. The u. S. Navy having to come to the rescue of two oil tankers after what appears to be an attack. Now the hunt is on to figure out who or maybe what country was behind it. Are we there yet . You dont always use your smartphone for directions. Hey guys up there or, to laugh out loud. Youre in the middle. But when it matters most, you count on tracfone to keep you connected, for less. Our Smartphone Plan gives you talk text and data with unlimited carryover starting at 15 a month, no contract. All with nationwide 4g lte coverage. Get top smartphones or bring your own phone. Tracfone. For moments that matter. Plaque psoriasis get clearer. With moderate to severe get top smartphones or bring your own phone. And stay clearer. Most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Dont use if youre allergic to tremfya®. 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This is the Second Attack in a month in this very same waterway. Raising a lot of alarm around the world. What exactly does it mean, and who could be behind it . Here with me is ray mavis, secretary of of the navy under president obama. Secretary, thank you for being here. Thanks for having me. This is the same waterway four other commercial ships, where they were hit. They were in port when that happened. Something like a month ago. What what are you you see this and hear these very few details were getting, what do you think happened . Well, it looks like its part of a pattern because four ships a month ago, not a lot of damage. This time the ships were at sea, looks like a bit more damage. Looks like sending a message because both ships were carrying japanese cargo at the same time that the japanese Prime Ministers meeting with the leadership in iran. And so this is beginning to look like not coincidences. Thats what i was going to ask. When you see the images, you see the video coming in, is there another explanation other than it would be a deliberate attack . When you see the pattern . No. Because too many ships go through the straits of hormuz, too many do this safely day after day after day. They just dont blow up by accident. These are all commercial ships. U. S. Navy thankfully has not been a target as far as we know. If you were in your old post, if you were sitting sitting in washington, what would you be doing right now knowing that something something is going on. Well, the concern here is that its going to escalate, and its going to spiral out of control. And you are going to see much more conflict, youre going to see open conflict from the beginning how do you figure out, how do they figure out who did it . No ones claiming responsibility. Everyones denying responsibility now. You look at iran, russia we have our intel people looking at it now. You know, suspicion has to fall on iran because theyre under a lot of pressure, this administration walked away from the iranian deal. They put quote, maximum pressure on iran. To think that iran wouldnt strike back is just sort of foolish. To think that they wouldnt do something to to do this, and youre seeing the effects immediately because oil prices have spiked. Yeah. So youre going to pay more for gasoline. You see this as, you know, its escalating in the in these targets, in these attacks. You think that its to send a message, not necessarily to take the tanker out, to take the oil tanker out, its to scare and send a message . Oil is a global commodity. Its traded on fear, rumor, speculation. And yeah, its to send a message. And if it does spiral out of control, if there is a mistake, if there is a miscalculation, then you could crash the World Economy here just by doing things like this. And thats the real risk here. You not only had these attacks on different ships, youve got, you know, the rebels from yemen, shot a rocket into abha, saudi arabia, into the airport. All all unconnected and connected when it comes to this when it comes to this conversation. Thank you for being here. Well see what happens next unfortunately. Appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up, the 2020 democratic contenders are foishlg officially out of time to qualify for the first debate. Who has made the cut . , first, a lifechanging program that helps children learn to read. Watch this. In 2017 only 22 of students from disadvantaged backgrounds were reading on grade level. Reading partners is an organization that provides oneonone tutoring for children to help them build their Reading Skills from kindergarten to fifth grade. That is the critical moment in time for learning to read. Step on every crack i can see him growing. I can see him doing much better. 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