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Reworking a rebuttal that they had written months ago. Jude yaen saying he doesnt think any of the redactions will be covered by executive privilege. Where things stand, where things down. Cara, what are you hearing about the reports release . Kate, i mean, washington is on the edge of its seat as we await bill barr to refeel the full Mueller Report nearly two weeks after this investigation began. The timing is still fluid, it could come any day this week. Bill barr testified last week on capitol hill that it would come this week, that he was in the final stretches of dealing with these redactions. The Big Questions remain how much is going to be redacted and what does the report say about the president s role in obstruction of justice and Robert Muellers investigation there. Bill barr said that the report from mueller did not conclude that trump had obstructed justice but it did not exonerate him, either. Rudy giuliani told our dana bash last night that they are preparing a rebuttal for this report, this he may come out with a short statement at first and then a more fullsome report theyve been working on for quite some time. I think we will see a lot of Rudy Giuliani in the days ahead after the report is released and it also comes as congress is out on recess, out this week for the holidays and so i dont think thats going to slow down their reaction coming from lawmakers, but they are expected to take this up again when they are back because they are pursuing their own investigations of the president and theres going to be a lot of review of this report to see what more they need to do on their investigative steps. Kate . Absolutely. Great to see you, kara, thank you. We have breaking news coming in just now. Lori loughlin is now entering a not guilty plea for her role in the College Admissions scandal. Lets get over to cnns brynn who has all the details. Youve been following this from the beginning. We were waiting to see what the move would be for Lori Loughlin and now you know. We were hearing that they werent ready to take the plea agreement with the government at this point and when i say they meaning her and her husband who are both accused. Now this is just a formal paperwork that has been filed in the courts in boston that she is going to lead not guilty. Shes saying that shes received the super seeding indictment as did 15 other parents saying theyve got that extra charge of Money Laundering against them now and now shes going to waive a formal arraignment and plead not guilty. Essentially she doesnt want to appear in court again to make that formal arraignment and make that formal not guilty plea. It does appear she is going to fight this. Again, the government has always said they can take a plea agreement at any point, but it does look like they are not ready to take this plea and theyre going to fight these charges. Can you remind folks because every every case, every accusation is different depending on each one of these parents, right . Right. Can you remind folks what Lori Loughlin and her husband are accused of, what they are accused of and charged with with regard to getting their kids into school. Yeah, essentially she and her husband Fashion Designer Mossimo Giannulli are accused of paying half a Million Dollars to get both of their daughters into usc by using this scheme, the mastermind behind it, rick singer. He basically helped them alter photos, get their daughters in as crew recruits, even though neither of them have ever road that sport. They basically have been at usc this entire time and the argument there is that they shouldnt be because they went through this side door of admissions without actually applying the way other students have. So of course theyve seen so much backlash, we even reported last week their youngest daughter who is sort of on social Media Influencer olivia jade, she is almost staying off social media at this point because shes receiving hateful comments on her posts because of all of this and really their fates are in question. We know that usc at this point in keeping their admissions into their school on hold while this is still being investigated on a case bycase basis. We also know the government may pass on more charges to some of these students. And that may also be a bargaining chip for some of these parents, again, 16 of them now entering not guilty pleas like love lin and giannulli, its possible their children could face more charges and that may be a bargaining chip for the government to say your kids will face these charges if you dont plea and make an agreement with us. This is their first step leading pleading not guilty officially in the boston courtroom. Let me bring in cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutors elie honig and Jennifer Rodgers on this. I want to get into the different application how different defendants, if you will, are handling these charges and accusations against them because there are so many parents wrapped up in this. Elie, first your reaction to Lori Loughlin and her husband, the Fashion Designer, pleading not guilty. I think its a big risk, kate, and i think its a big mistake. The evidence against Lori Loughlin looks very strong, including recorded conversations, and generally in federal court the rule is from the prosecutors perspective the best plea offer is going to be the first one and it only gets worse as you get closer and closer to trial because the prosecutor sinks more and more resources into the case t looks like what happened here is what pro kurts do and i handled a lot of large number of defendant cases, you tell the whole group, you say here is the deal, you can take your plea by april whatever, if you take the plea then we will give you this deal, if not were adding these additional charges, we saw the Money Laundering charges added and then youre going down a whole new road. Jennifer, what do you think of what brynn was saying of the possibility that the prosecutors have held out there that there could be charges against some of these kids, some of these students, and what that would mean when it comes to their parents . Thats only, of course, going to apply to the students who knew about the scheme and who voluntarily participated in the scheme. Right. It may not actually apply for all of these families, but for those who actually have kids who are chargeable, i think its going to be a huge factor. I mean, i cant imagine allowing a child of mine to plead to a charge or be charged with a criminal offense for something that i did. I know. It should be a big deal for them. And so if we just look at and obviously there are many, many parents that have been charged in this. If you just look at lets see the different kind of approach, if you will, elie, between Lori Loughlin and her husband and Felicity Huffman, the other actress. Felicity huffman when she was facing these charges she took that deal, she took a plea deal, then she put out this statement and i remember it saying i am in full acceptance of my guilt and with deep regret and shame over what i have done. She went that she went one route for sure and it looks like Lori Loughlin and her husband are taking an entirely different route. Its also two different situations of how they went about they are accused of going about getting their kids into college, one went we are going to pretend they were playing a sport they werent and Felicity Huffman allegedly paid 15,000 to an organization to facilitate her daughter kmeegt on the sats. I think Felicity Huffman is going the full contrition route and i think thats the smart play here. Anytime you have a case come in from the defense point of view you have to think is this a trial case or a sentencing case where we are not going to be able to overcome the charges we are flying to minimize the damage on sentencing. Ive talked to other defense lawyers who say this is a sentencing case. I think Felicity Huffman has a realistic chance to avoid prison as a result. Her sentencing range under the federal guidelines which is advisory not mandatory but its important is four to ten months. When you get it down to that level you have a reasonable chance to convince a judge to spare your client any prison time. And i think were going to see a big difference in the end results for huffman and love lin. Jefr inn, just a final thought of what the next steps are here. I mean, this is a huge batch of cases and theyre all playing out. I mean, its going to be for some its a fast track, right, theyre pleading guilty and are going to be sentenced and for others, i mean, this looks like for Lori Loughlin this is going to play out over a long period of time. Thats right, kate. I mean, when you charge this many defendants at once what youre trying to do at the beginning as prosecutors is to thin the herd, youre trying to get a bunch of those folks out of the case so you can focus on those remaining. What they will be doing with Lori Loughlin and the others who dont plead is continuing to gather evidence, maybe adding charges in order to persuade them that they dont want to take this to trial and preparing for trial for those who dont want to plead guilty. It is at the beginning stages and prosecutors will keep on working and getting people out of the case as they can with guilty pleas. Jennifer, he will joe, thanks so much. Really appreciate it. Breaking news coming in just this hour. Right now President Trump is on his way to minnesota where hes going to land in the home district of democratic congresswoman ilhan omar. Omar said last night she is receiving Death Threats after the president tweeted out a video that combines comments that omar made about the 9 11 attacks with images of Lower Manhattan burning. Omar says that many of the threats she is receiving now are directly referencing the president s video. Speaker pelosi has said she is worried about omars safety and has the Capital Police getting involved now to give her another Security Risk assessment. Cnn is on capitol hill. We have been following this. Sunlen, this is an extraordinary situation that i hope is not lost in the chaos of every day. A sitting member of congress now is getting a new security assessment because of something basically of something that the president of the United States tweeted out about them. What are you learning . Reporter thats right, its so significant, kate, an important story to stay on. Ilhan omar is one of the first two Muslim American women in congress, she has already been receiving Death Threats, her office is clear she has faced Death Threats in the past but they do say in light of the president s video he posted on his twitter account on friday night that there has been a sharp increase in the number of threats to her life and i want to highlight what you said is they said maybe of those Death Threats directly refer to or reply to the president s video themselves. So clearly there is some correlation here and thats the point that ilhan omars office is saying and they of course say that they are also referring all of these Death Threats to the Capitol Hill Police and they work of course in conjunction with the fbi on the investigation, but rightfully so the speaker of the house coming forward and trying to take control of this narrative. She has spoken to the house sergeantatarms, has ordered a security assessment to be conducted to keep ilhan omars family and as well as the congresswoman safe when she is here in d. C. And pelosi saying in part in a statement the president s words weigh a ton and his hateful and inflammatory rhetoric creates real danger and she has called for President Trump to take down that tweet and that video. We will see if that happens. Sunlen, really appreciate it. Thank you so much. Coming up for us, we have surging in the polls and in in money right now, mayor Pete Buttigieg officially entering the 2020 race yesterday. Can he continue to defy expectations Going Forward . And it is tax day, you likely do not need that reminder. No tax returns coming from President Trump. Why is that . The white house says congress, here is a new reason, congress isnt smart enough to understand them. What democrats have to say about that next. Woman 1 this is my body of proof. 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It is tax day and that seems a perfect opportunity for the Trump Administration to lay out in detail why the president does not want to release his tax returns. Weve heard the same reason effectively since the 2016 campaign, that the audit which has never been confirmed and doesnt prevent him from releasing them any way, but regardless of that its because of the audit that the president wouldnt release his rrns. This time the white house tried a new excuse on for size. Listen to sara sand sneers i dont think so congress particularly not this group of congressmen and women are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that i would assume that President Trumps taxes will be. My guess is most of them dont do their own taxes and i certainly dont trust them to look through the decades of success that the president has and determine anything. For what its worth, the Congressional Research service says there are actually ten accountants in congress including two senators and eight members of the house, not to put too fine a point on it, i cant help myself, if theyre qualified to write tax law shouldnt they be qualified to read a tax return . At the same time House Democrats arent giving up their fight setting a new deadline for the treasury secretary to turn over the president s returns, that deadline is april 23rd. With me is david kate johnson. David has won a pulitzer for his coverage of tax law for the new york times. Great to see you, david. Good to be here. Can i just get your thoughts on that latest reasoning coming from the white house, Sarah Sanders of why he shouldnt be turning over his taxes, they arent smart enough to understand them. The Congressional Joint Committee on taxation employs about 70 tax lawyers and Tax Accountants who are among the very best experts on this in the country. Furthermore, they can bring in, if necessary, consultants from the tax avoidance world to help them if over the returns. This is just typical trumpian nonsense. It has no basis in fact, kate. And there has been a lot of analysis over how the law is pretty clear and pretty clearly states the tax returns need to be turned over. This 1924 law we have talked a lot about it in the last couple weeks. You have written about it, you also say that that very same law offers very little wiggle room that if the treasury secretary and the irs commissioner they dont turn them over, then they shall be removed from office. Can you explain . Well, this is another provision of the tax code to ensure integrity and it says that any employee of the federal government who impedes or who does not do his or her duty in enforcing the tax law shall be removed from office and can be prosecuted, sent to prison on conviction for five years and fined 10,000. So not only does the 1924 anticorruption law not have wiggle room about turning it over, theres an enforcement mechanism here and of course in addition congress can hold Charles Reddick the irs commissioner and Steven Mnuchin the treasury secretary in contempt if they dont comply by april 23rd, which is the extended deadline to turn over the requested documents for some of trumps business returns as well as his returns. How many people in the administration do you think could have exposure here beyond mnuchin and the irs commissioner as youre talking about . Well, in theory anybody who was not acting as a lawyer giving advice for the government and who touched this could be in trouble, but as a practical matter its reddick who is Donald Trumps handpicked tax commissioner, a man who was a specialist in helping very wealthy people when they got caught cheating get out of the more severe penalties for having done so, and doing it behind closed doors. Thats why i call april 15th tax secrecy day. You also wrote this and i want to read part of it, this is in the piece that you put together on this, you wrote this about the treasury secretary and the deadlines that congress has set. Mnuchin cant stall forever. If he and reddick the irs commissioner try endless inaction forcing democrats to sue the failure to act could result in the same painful result as outright refusal to comply. Do you have any sense of how long is too long . Well, chairman neal of the house ways and Means Committee has extended the deadline ten days to the 23rd. So that would be next week. Right. At that point i would expect then that the house will hold hearings, seek perhaps a contempt citation, this he may for may not go to federal court and if they do go to federal court we should all hope that this is an expedited mart that doesnt drag out forever. There is absolutely no legal basis for withholding these returns. We created our constitution specifically to tax us and congress has the power here about tax, not the executive, the sole role of the executive is to faithfully execute the laws that Congress Passes and donald trump, mick mulvaney, mnuchin and reddick all are in a position if they dont comply with defeating the laws of the United States. And just to make sure i understood it so clearly, david, if i say to you, david, you just arent smart enough to understand, that doesnt mean i dont have to give them over to you. No. You think its partisan when, in fact, ets oversight. Theres no i go well room, the law simply says that upon written request of the chairman of ways and means Senate Finance or the congressional employee who is chief of staff at the joint committee on taxation, the returns and related information shall be turned over. We shall have you on much more because this is not over. Thanks, david, i appreciate t man. Thanks for your expertise. Thank you, kate. Coming up for us, can the young mayor of a small indiana city become the next president of the United States . Mayor Pete Buttigieg now officially in the race, his hometown announcement already paying off in a big way thats next. Now at tmobile buy any Samsung Galaxy s10 and get a galaxy s10e free i couldnt catch my breath. It was the last song of the night. It felt like my heart was skipping beats. They said i had afib. Whats afib . I knew that meant i was at a greater risk of stroke. I needed answers. My doctor and i chose xarelto®. To help keep me protected from a stroke. Oncedaily xarelto®, a latestgeneration blood thinner. Significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. In a clinical study, over 96 of people taking xarelto® remained strokefree. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily or take longer for bleeding to stop. 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Aveeno® positively radiant get skin happy™ from midwestern mayor to holding down third place in some democratic president ial polls and now hes made it official. South bend, indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg returning home over the weekend after months of acting like hes running for president he announced that hes doing just that. My name is Pete Buttigieg. They call me mayor pete. Im a proud son of south bend, indiana, and im running for president of the United States. Thats why im here today, to tell a different story than make America Great again. Because theres a myth being sold to industrial and rural communities, the myth that we can stop the clock and return it back. It is time to walk away from the politics of the past and towards something totally different. And it is an announcement that is paying off already for the mayor. His campaign saying that in the hours after he took the stage they brought in a Million Dollars in donations. What does this momentum mean this early on in the race right now . Cnns senior washington correspondent jeff zeleny is here and david chalian. David, he has been running for months now, there was really no question when i had interviewed him back at the beginning of february after he had launched and exploratory committee, but now raising a Million Dollars in the hours after making it official, what does that say about where his campaign is right now . First i will just say this is why candidates like to have a couple bites at the apple, why they sit down with an interview but then have an announcement speech so they can raise money off of that. That much accomplished, i guess. Using that moment correctly, but to your point there is no doubt by any metric that Pete Buttigieg had a surge of momentum over the course of the last six weeks from now many people knowing who he was at all to just talking about how to pronounce his name to being squarely in the pack of that second tier of contenders, not joe biden and bernie sanders, very well known, former president ial candidates, but he is right there now with beto orourke and Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren and others and so doing that is no small feat. The big question now is how does he now take this and catapult himself even further in this race . Yeah. And his pitch, jeff, in the draw to this point has been young, fresh, positive and a change agent. That is also a lot of what a lot of democrats saw in beto orourke. Are you hearing from folks that the buttigieg momentum is stealing the thunder from orourke . There is no question that there are so many candidates in the race, one lane, if you will, is a generational lane of change. There is a wide variety of ages here, Pete Buttigieg is 37, the youngest candidate in the race, so he is campaigning on a mantle of change, he basically says, look, em embodying the fresh face of in new era. Of course, beto orourke at the, you know at the old age of 46 is not the youngest person in the race, but, look, he also was campaigning on a different and is campaigning on a generational moment, a different kind of politics. Look, there are more than one of everything in this race, the race is so big, the field is so big, there are sort of jumping out of the arc two by two here, if you will, but for now there is no question that Pete Buttigieg has at least if not stolen some thunder, is borrowing some thunder for beto orourke and we will see how this plays out. Theres also a risk of sort of striking too hot too early, so we will see how Pete Buttigieg actual lly is going to confront some adversity. Theres always challenges in races and that always says the most, kate, how you respond to crises, something that sort of goes wrong, but for right now april is his month, its his moment. Yeah, and today is the filing day for q1, youve got the Trump Campaign, david, announcing that its raised more than 30 million in the first quarter. Can you just remind folks because its always important, why these filings in q1 are so important and so much more than just what we get from the top line from a press release we get from campaigns. First of all, youve got to remember just a truism of politics, money begets money. Being able to put up a number that shows you have real financial support, whether from large donors or small donors, in this race that you can go the distance here, that tends to bring more money into the coffers down the road. It is also really important when you look at President Trumps number here, kate, part of the norm busting that President Trump did along with many other things since he has been in the oval office is that on Inauguration Day he opened his reelection account. It seems to be a shrewd political move thats paying off because he is amassing a war chest, while there are so Many Democrats dividing up no he is democratic collars between the rnc and Trump Campaign what the power of inn couple bansy looks like, money is not everything in politics but it is a thing. Bernie sanders, jeff, Democratic Front runner right now, i mean, he is making his big reveal releasing ten years of his tax returns. Does this release put concern or speculation about whats in there to rest for sanders . What do you think of it . Well certainly find out. It has been odd because he has not been releasing his tax returns. He was able to sort of get away with this in 2016 by just releasing one year. Hes been saying theyre coming soon. That day is now coming. We do expect to get a look at them this afternoon. It just matters exactly what is in there. He has already popped the balloon a little bit to say, look, i am a millionaire. Thats not surprising, he has been buying up some property and things. The things specifically this it there, perhaps the wealth of his wife who was a big presence in 20167, is not as big of a deference at least publicly, recently. Im not sure his hard core supporters will be swayed either way by this. I guess the question is how he reacts. Sometimes he reacts angrily, as he did over the weekend, he said lets talk about the problems in gary, indiana, not my wealth. Its checking the box for him because its been awkward that he has not been releasing his tax returns when the entire democratic party, certainly House Democrats are trying to make the point that President Trump should release his as well. Thanks so much. Just coming into cnn right now, House Democrats are issuing a new ask of the white house, demanding documents related to President Trumps threat to start dumping my grants seeking asylum into sanctuary cities across the United States as a form of political retribution against democrats who are against his border wall. Lets get more on this, what this means. Priscilla alvarez is getting the details. What are you learning . What were learning now is that three house chairmen will requesting documents relating to this proposal to move immigrants to socalled sanctuary cities. In a letter the chairman of the house judiciary, House Oversight and House Homeland Security Committee Call the reports, quote, alarming. In it theyre asking for several things, theyre asking for emails and correspondents between white house officials and department of Homeland Security officials, as well as documents and memoranda, all of which related to this matter and their deadline for these documents is no matter than may 3rd, 2019. The core of it is that they are concerned about what the administration has been floating and they want the documents to see exactly what that correspondents looked like through november of 2018 through april of 2019. Are you also learning at all or hearing anything about why President Trump is still saying this could actually happen when all the reporting is that and even the white house confirmed that dhs had already shot this proposal and this idea down . What we know is that a dhs legal analysis showed that this is not a legally viable option, but the president has put it on the table again. He has tweeted about it, he has talked about it at White House Events last friday and so far he seems to think that he could move forward with this plan and find a way of making it viable, but that undercuts denials late last week of the white house and the department of Homeland Security that this is not a plan that they can move forward on. Thats exactly right. It seems like that would be the beginning and end of it. Freight to see you. Into u. For that reporting. Coming up still for us, you can definitely call it a come back. Tiger woods wins his first major title in almost 11 years, overcoming a series of personal setbacks and serious injuries that could have very well ended his career. The new masters champion talks to cnn about it all. Turning one street when you barely clip a passing car. Minor accident no big deal, right . Wrong. Your Insurance Company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. 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Corey calls it her new normal because a lot has changed, but a lot hasnt. Ask your doctor about ibrance. The 1 prescribed fdaapproved oral Combination Treatment for hr her2 mbc. Surgeries and too many tap lloyd headlines to count, tiger woods is back on top in a major way, winning his 15th major title yesterday. Just watch. The golf icon picking up another green jacket at augusta national, the last time he put on that jacket, 2005. A come back many thought would never happen. That moment kills me, seeing him with his son every time, as does to anyone to looks at it. In a one on one interview with cnn after all of that woods says its hard for him even him to believe that it happened, though he did think he had it in him. I did think it would come, just because of what i did last year, you know, i had a chance to win the open championship, i led going into the back nine on sunday, i gave brooksy a little bit of a run at the pga, finishing second there. I knew it was in me. Now, did i know it was going to be this week, no, but i had a good feeling the way i was shaping the golf ball that i was going to be in the mix. You joked before that your kids think of you as the video game golfer because they had never seen you win a major. Your kids, mom, girlfriend were there waiting for you on 18. What was that moment like when your son charlie jumped into your arms . Surreal. I did the same thing to my dad and now im the dad with my son doing the same thing. So its amazing how life evolves, it changes. That was 22 years ago when my dad was there and now my son is there, my daughter was there, my mom was there. My mom was there 22 years ago and the fact that shes still around, still kicking, still fighting goes to show you her resiliency. Its just its hard to comprehend right now, i mean, honestly im just a few hours out of winning the tournament, i will still trying to enjoy and figure out that i won t i know i have the green jacket on, but still i think its going to take a little bit of time for it to sink in. A great interview by andy scholes. Joining me is Jeff Benedict the coauthor of the biography on woods called tiger woods. Thank you for being here. I see that final putt and i wonder youve studied him the highs and lows, the ins and outs of tiger woods for so long, what did you think when you saw that moment . Well, you know, tiger said himself life evolves and life changes, and he has certainly evolved and changed particularly over the last ten years. But the one thing thats always been a constant with tiger woods is grit. He has been gritty since the time he was a child and i think we really saw that on display yesterday, but if you look at how hes responded to all of the setbacks, both the physical ones, the injuries that really crippled him for a number of years, the personal problems that played out in such a public way, his grittiness to come back from stuff like that and do what he did yesterday, weve really never seen anything leek that in sports before. I mean, did you did you see him winning another major after all of that . Well, armin and i arent great prognosticators and i dont like making predictions, but we did say at the end of our book, really in the last chapter of the book which came out last year that we hinted that we thought he could do it again, because the thing is when you really look at his life and how hes built and how hes made, if anybody could come back and do it again it would be him. One of the things i think that separates him from every other golfer is that one thing you cant teach a person, which is determination. He really i think hes always had that, i dont know if he inherited it from his parents, but he has a level of determination that really surpasses anyone. When he was at the pinnacle of his sport, this is a guy who is number one in the world, who would run on golf courses by himself with a backpack on that had weights in it and he would wear boots because he was just trying to push himself that much further. There are professional Football Players and try athletes that dont work out like that. So i think what we saw yesterday was a culmination of his grittiness and determination to get back to the top. Yet he was on top and, what was it, less than two years ago he was ranked 1,199th and now this. Yeah. I mean, really, it almost goes beyond golf like what were watching. Right. I mean, were looking at Something Like secretariat. I mean, its just something that you think you know you will never see again. I have to say that as a biographer my favorite moment of that whole thing yesterday was when the camera shifted to his mother and then the two of them came together because it really brought us its the 22year circle of when he won the masters in 97 and there was the long embrace with his father which is an epic moment in sports history, and then yesterday it was his mother who is much older now, who has been through all of this with him and who had been always overshadowed when earl was on the scene, but her role in helping make tiger what he is is just as big and just as important as his dads. So since youve acknowledged you are an amazing prognosticator do you see him going on to continue taking on more or do you think this is a last hoorah, a final chapter were seeing play out right here . Look, Jack Nicklaus was 46 when he won his last masters. Tiger is 43 and i will tell you you dont need me to tell you, he is in way better condition than Jack Nicklaus ever was. He is in he is in great shape right now to continue winning and playing and theres Something Else thats different right now that i think really makes it scary if you are the other guys on the tour, hes happy right now. Like he is loving life and hes loving the game, hes engaged with fans and the media and his fellow golfers in ways that he never was back in his prime. I think the sky is the limit on what he could do in the next couple years if he stays healthy. Thats really fascinating. Great to have you on and have your perspective, jeff. Thank you so much. Thank you. Coming up for us, President Trump says hes still considering dumping undocumented migrants in sanctuary cities across the country and he says and he says hes got the legal right to do so. Again, we will go back and figure out if he does, thats next. Plaintiff. In tntry. 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When it first came out that the president had personally lobbied dhs to make migrants from the border who were claiming and asking for asylum and dumping them in sanctuary cities as political retribution, the white house called it only a suggestion that was declined and said that was the end of discussion, but apparently not for President Trump who now says this. Just how the, the usa has the absolute legal right to have apprehended Illegal Immigrants transferred to sanctuary cities. Here is the thing. Mayors of some of those sanctuary cities are essentially saying bring it on, that they welcome having having those migrants come to their cities and democrats in congress, well, they are taking the fight to the president. Moments ago House Democrats have demanded documents related to the president s threat, communication between the white house and the dhs about this suggestion or idea. Joining me is a former acting direct orf immigration and Customs Enforcement and former acting general counsel for homeland secretary under president barack obama. John, thanks for having you back. Thanks for having me. Maybe we can say once and for all, i hope it is, fact checked, the statement from the president there. Do you think that that move by the president would be, as he would say, absolutely legal . No, no, kate. I think it would actually be unlawful and frankly operationally unfeasible. The illegality of it. You have to look at why are you doing this . Does this promote Border Security in any way and the reality is no. Nothing about this move is going to deter additional people from coming across the United States and nothing is going to make our border more secure and our countries safer. The opposite is true. Youll be pulling officers who would otherwise be arresting individuals or processing them or taking planes that would otherwise be flying people back to central america. Were going to have i vermont all these resources to move these people from the border area where they would otherwise be released to drop them off in San Francisco so when you look at the diversion of funds and what congress has financed the agency for which is to promote Border Security and enforce the immigration laws and start diverting them instead to send messages to places like San Francisco and chicago, that runs afoul of the law. So sorry to interrupt. We do have breaking news on details on the Mueller Report and when it will be released. Cnns Laura Jarrett is in washington for us. Laura, what are you hearing . Reporter we finally have a date. The longawaited report is expected to come out thursday morning the Justice Department has just informed reporters that the report will go to congress and the public on thursday morning. Of course, this is going to be the redacted report as attorney general bill barr has explained. Its being redacted for grand jury information, ongoing investigations among other things, but we finally have a date, thursday morning. So at least one of the laundry list of questions that weve had forever, laura, youve now put to rest. Reporter yes. Thursday morning, the congress and we assume the public at the same time will get to see as much of the report as the attorney general is allowing us to see. Reporter thats right. We dont know exactly what time. We dont know whether cook will get it first, so i dont think we just assume its coming on thursday morning and not go any murt than that, but at least we do have a date as everyone has been wondering and speculating when exactly it will come out. Obviously members of congress are all over this, all eyes are on the report. They want to see the full report, but to be clear this will be the redacted report as the attorney general has explained and laid out what exactly we see. A rainbow color of redactions for everything from grand jury information to highly classified information. Laura, great reporting for me. Shimon prokupecz who has done great reporting on the russia investigation joins me as well. One question answered and so many more now. How much will be redacted . That we dont know yet. Reporter we dont know, and thats the key in all of this. How much will we be able to see . Especially on the obstruction investigation side because when you remember theres so much controversy surrounding that, and were in the great area with that investigation and exactly how much is the attorney general going to allow us to see. Will we see the people interviewed for the obstruction investigation. Are we going to see exactly what points did mueller make as to why he didnt reach certain conclusions, as to why he may have reached conclusions on certain points and then ultimately left it up to the department of justice. The attorney general and the Deputy Attorney general to make the decision on whether to bring charges related to that investigation. So all of that, you know, is what were trying to see if were going to get a window into this part of the investigation, and, of course, the other part is the collusion investigation. How much are we going to learn about the reachout and the context, what more are we going to learn about the russians and Trump Campaign . Certainly still a lot of unanswered questions. Its supposed to be 400 pages and a lot of redactions as laura said and colorcoded which is going to explain to us why they redacted certain parts of this report. But nonetheless we should get a good read perhaps into what mueller was doing for the last two years, who he was interviewing and what conclusions he drew and as to why he drew these conclusions. Laura, one more quick question for you kind of on the timing. I mean, it was always coming, coming, coming. Is there any reason why thursday in particular . Is there something significant. Are they still working through things as we speak and its wrapped and its just finally going to be released in a few days . Reporter well still trying to get some information on that, kate, and trite to get a peak behind the curtain in the process, but all we know its ready to be released to the public and congress on thursday. Friday is good friday and so its religious holiday. Right. Reporter for many people, and so all we know its coming on thursday, and thats it for right now. Shimon. I was wondering someone going to ask our legal panel, what will you hear from folks . Do you start at the end or beginning of the report when it comes out . Whats the smart money . I think most folks will be looking towards the obstruction investigation because that is that gray area, a lot of the conclusion investigate has been out in public documents and indictments. You look at all the russians indicted and other people that were indicted and charges brought in terms of the collusion investigation so a lot is out there. Weve really yet to hear a lot about the obstruction investigation. And if you recall from the bar letter when the Mueller Report came out. There was a lot of gray area so well see. Thats where i think the focus is going to be on. Absolutely. Great to see you. Breaking news, finally a date certain on when the Mueller Report will be released and thats thursday morning. Shimon, laura, thank you guys so much. Much more on this breaking news after a quick break. 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