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Renegotiate nafta. Efforts to renegotiate nafta have been going on for over a year now in some form or fashion. This is about Bilateral Agreement between the u. S. And mexico. There have been talks over the last several weeks. We understand according to one u. S. Official the two countries have resolved a major stumbling block that has to do with aub automobiles and steels. It would increase the agreement to use north American Steel and how much of an automobile must be produced locally to qualify for zero tariffs. Nafta is a deal is a treaty between three countries, not just two. The idea here is that canada might rejoin the talks. These talks have been contentious at times. One official expressed optimism that canada would rejoin the talks. Theres skepticism that theres going to be any final deal in the near future. Athena jones lives from the white house. We will bring you that announcement as soon as we get it. Happening this morning, tributes pouring in for senator john mccain who lost his battle to brain cancer over the weekend. He is being remembered for his service and sacrifice. Above all, a devotion to his country and the best of its ideals. He endured nearly six years as a prisoner of war in north vietnam, then served six terms as a u. S. Senator. His Congressional Colleagues and even his wartime captor remember him as someone unwilling to compromise on his belief. This week, mccain journeys across a nation he so deeply loved. World leaders are praising the selfproclaimed maverick along with those who worked alongside him in washington. I have admired him my entire life. Its tough to imagine a Senate Without him. He had a joy about politics and a love for his country that was unmatched. We will really be missing such an important voice for national unity. Johns a man of significant intellect, deep conviction and unmatched character. Lets go live now to c thinn stephanie elam. What else do with e know about plans to honor john mccain . Reporter since he found out he had brain cancer a year ago, he spent that time being very much involved in the planning of how he wanted to be memorialized, how he wanted to be remembered. It will begin here in his beloved state of arizona in the capital of phoenix, where he will lay in state here in the capital on wednesday, which would have been his 82nd birthday. On thursday, there will be a Memorial Service at North Phoenix Baptist Church where joe biden will speak and remember the statesman here in the state. Then mccains body will make the last trip out of the state and travel to d. C. Where he will lay in state at the u. S. Capitol on friday. Then on saturday, there will be a funeral at the National Cathedral where former president s george w. Bush and barack obama are expected to eulogize the statesman here. Thats also really worth noting how much he believed in reaching across the aisle. You can see that playing out. Who he asked to speak, to give their memories about him coming up. Then on sunday, it will be less about the country and more about his Close Friends and family, with a private service happening there in annapolis at the u. S. Naval acadeacademy. He had that time to reflect on what his life was, what he wanted to do towards the end. Take a listen to him in his own words talking about what he wanted at the end of his days. I would like to go back to our valley and see the creek run after the rain and hear the cottonwoods whisper in the wind. I want to smellrosescented breeze. And then take my leave in the cemetery back where it began. His long lf time friend chuck larson, they were classmates together. Where he did pass away was up at that cabin that he loved so much. A beautiful part of the state and of the country. Stephanie elam, planning out exactly how senator mccain wanted it to, we appreciate that report. President trump is facing backlash for his tweet on senator mccain which made no mention of his four decade career in washington nor his sacrifice in vietnam. The president wrote, quote, my deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of john mccain. Our hearts and prayers are with you. Cnn learned the white house did draft a statement for President Trump specifically praising senator mccain. It was never released to the public. Lets get back to athena jones. Shes at the white house. Covering a lot of topics for us today. We appreciate it. What else do we know about the president s response to mccains death . Reporter as you mentioned, a person familiar says that white house aides drafted whats being described as a full statement for President Trump on senator john mccain. That statement went through the white houses internal review process. Several staffers thought that it would be released on saturday after senator mccains death. Thats not what happened. The Washington Post says that john kelly, president secretary Sarah Sanders and others had urged the president to release the statement calling mccain a hero, praising his extensive service. The president saidwanted to off tweet offering condolences to the family but saying nothing of his service. Others in the administration, secretary of defense jim mattis, secretary of state mike pompeo, the first lady, ivanka trump, mike pence also issued tweets or statements praising mccain for his service, for his decades of service in the military and on capitol hill. That is not what the president chose to put out. Its interesting that people are getting they are paying attention to the fact that the president only issued that brief statement. Another sort of weird controversy in washington, i was at the white house where you are, yesterday, the flag above the white house at halfstaff. Its not today. What do we know about that . Reporter thats exactly right. We have been asking the white house early this morning for an answer to that question. We know and we have video to show that that flag was raised a couple of minutes after midnight. Very early this morning that flag went from halfstaff to fullstaff. We should note that the flag at the u. S. Capitol is still at halfstaff. Earlier today, the flags around the Washington Monument were at halfstaff. They have been raised. Were not clear why this is, why the flag was lowered for a little over a day. Something we need to iron out. Athena jones, appreciate your reporting. Thank you for that. Joining me now, becky tallon, a former chief of staff for senator mccain and a policy adviser on his president ial campaign, and doug hiah, former Communications Director for the Republican National committee. Doug, i want to start with you. President trump and john mccain had a contentious relationship. There have been relations of President Trump thawing with some of the feuds. He had a feud with mitt romney, ted cruz, someone he was critical of and has a Good Relationship with. There was never a thaw of the relationship with john mccain, even after his passing. What do you attribute that to . I attribute it to trump being trump. This has been one of his biggest feuds he has had ongoing. He still blames john mccain on the obamacare vote. Ultimately, its one of those things you talk to so many people, republican or democrat, they would tell you they are disappointed but not surprised. With the flag, my understanding is, its lowered for a day and a half typically and would require a proclamation which would come from the president to be lowered in an extended period. What were seeing with the statement that the white house is leaking against itself yet again, shows the difficulty that this president has and ultimately theres never a price for taking the high road. Thats why people were looking for the president this time to actually take the high road, which he so often fails to do. He did not. Becky, senator robert dole this weekend spoke to cnn and said this about how senator mccain felt about his staff. Take a listen. You are no better than your staff. He had a great staff. And he loved his staff. There was never any doubt about john mccains honesty or integrity. You didnt have to agree with him, but you would listen to him, because he made a lot of sense. Becky, senator dole is talking about you and many of your colleagues that worked with senator mccain. As a staffer, what is your response to his loss . How important was senator mccains staff to him . I mean, its hard to actually put into words. He inspired such loyalty and closeness and such a family atmosphere. If you look at the average tenure on capitol hill for congressional staffers, they tend to turn over not infrequently. Senator mccain inspired some of the most loyal longserving staff members, i believe, in probably the history of the u. S. Senate. People that served him 10, 15, 20 years, because we believed in what he was standing for. He gave us the opportunity to really stand right next to hip and fight with him on the most important battles of our time in some cases. He respected our opinion. He treated us like equals. He challenges us every single day to be better and to do better. Its hard to find that in Politics Today period. We were all just so, so lucky to be able to have that opportunity. Doug, at senator mccains request, the president s not going to be invited to his funeral on saturday. Obama and george w. Bush, they kept mccain from the presidency at different points, they are invited. They are giving the eulogy. What does it mean the sitting president of the United States will not be in attendance . He was told in advance he wouldnt be invited might have influenced how his statement came out. It speaks to the divided politics that we experience right now where if you are crossing the partisan divide, you may be doing so within your own party, depending on which side of the Republican Party you are on or which side of the Democratic Party you are on. It speaks to the fact that given obama and george w. Bush will be there, joe biden as well, speaks to what came from the Washington Post about john mccain being one of the last great legislators in the senate, willing to fight to get big things done. Having worked in republican leadership, there were times where john mccain would drive his own partys leadership crazy. Thats because he was fighting for what he believed in. He was working hard to enact what he was elected to do. Its one of the reasons that even in disagreement, so many of his fellow republicans and so Many Democrats are so sad today because they knew that he fought for what he believed in every day of his life. Leads me perfectly to this question im going to ask becky. Its about the political risks that senator mccain took in his career. One example is immigration. This was a topic you worked with him so closely on. Pull back the curtain and tell me what it was like to deliberate over those difficult positions, particularly the ones that doug is talking about, that bucked his own party. The one thing you can say about john mccain is that he knew in his heart what was right. He would continue to fight for that. It didnt matter if he was agreeing with the other party or disagrees with his own party, he had a very clear sense of right and wrong. What was good for this country and what was good for the party moving forward. He would go ahead and push everybody in that direction. Yeah, i got to engage in the immigration fights with him over several years. He continued, even when i wasnt working with him anymore, he continued that fight into 2013. I think probably one of the biggest issues and biggest disappointments for him is he didnt end up finishing that fight. He laid down the marker that will really define the immigration debate moving forward. Of course, everybody has been talking a lot about the close relationship that he had with senator kennedy and both of them joined hands and tried to do what was best for the country. I remember after the 2007 debate and the bill had fallen apart and we had been spending hours and hours behind closed doors to get to a deal with the democrats and with the Bush Administration. I walked into his office. He said, becky, i know you are disappointed, but were on the side of right and right eventually always wins. We just need to keep the fight up. Thats how i will remember john mccain. Theres talk i want both of you to answer this question for me if we have time. Its been presented by the democratic leader of the senate, chuck schumer. He called for the Russell Senate office bidding to bed by buildi for john mccain. Do you think this is something republicans will go along with . Its hard to tell. I know its an idea that senator schumer has put out there. I think does he it in sincerely to honor his good friend. I worked for senator mccain in that building for ten years. Every time i walk into it, im going to think of him. I think we will have to see kind of how this shakes out. I know that i believe he would be tremendously honored that senator schumer proposed this. Personally, i hope it happens. There are a lot of moving parts on this. Its probably more difficult than we are making it out to be. Do you think republicans should make the push to change it to the mccain Senate Office building . No question about it, theres not a single thing i would disagree with becky on on this. I would say as we know with moving parts in washington, my sense is this would happen rather quickly or it would slowly go away and we would stop talking about it in a few weeks as we get distracted by whatever tweets may come next. Right. Doug and becky, thank you for your perspective. We appreciate you being with us today. Any moment now, President Trump set to make an announcement on trade with mexico. We are monitoring the situation at the white house. When this announcement is made. We will bring it to you. Stay here. You are watching cnn. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. 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On his return from a visit to ireland, pope francis refused to say a single word about that accusation. Delia gallagher was with the pope on the plane ride back from rome. Delia, what are the allegations being made about the pope . What do you make of the popes nonresponse . Reporter ryan, the allegations made by his former envoy to the United States, so a high vatican official, are that pope francis and a number of other vatican officials knew about the allegations of abuse on the part of a cardinal and never did anything about it and in particular an archbishop said he spoke to the pope personally in 2013 about the cardinal. The pope responding on the papal plane said essentially that he was not going to engage in it. He said, you read it, study it carefully and maybe i will speak about it at a future date. Essentially, the pope saying he doesnt want to engage in it. Some people will be happy with that, because they will say, consider the source, the ar archbishop organized a meeting with kim davis and the pope. Some people are saying its politically motivated. He has an ax to grind with the pope. Others are saying theres detail that could be easily verified if pope francis and the vatican want ed to do that. We gathers steam. This is the real controversy the pope has been forced to deal with related to him. To a certain extent, we saw that reaction to this controversy on his trip to ireland that you were there for. Thats a heavily catholic country, but it seems as though the crowds, the Energy Around the pope was muted. What did you see from your perspective . Reporter i describe it as a somber visit. People turned out. But the overriding theme that i kept hearing was they had been living for decades with the sexual abuse crisis there. They are very disenchanted with the hierarchy of the catholic church. They are angry at the catholic church. They didnt want to just hear words from pope francis. Pope francis did speak a number of times. He met with sexual abuse survivors. He did what he has done on other trips and apologized and asked for forgiveness. People on the ground in ireland and in the United States and in australia and various other countries like chile want to see action from the vatican. They talk about action. They dont want words. The vatican is going to have to do more to prove to people that they really do have this under control, that they are holding bishops accountable. People dont feel satisfied that they have had that yet. Delia gallagher live from rome with that report. Thank you. All eyes on the white house where at any moment President Trump set to make an announcement on trade with mexico. Stay with us. [stomach gurgles] when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Girl, pepto ultra coating will treat your stomach right. 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Made a lot of errors, but served his country. And i hope we could add honorably. That, of course, john mccain telling cnn how he would like to be remembered. He is being recognized by colleagues and International Leaders as a great state stateso was a friend to foreign allies. He was a Foreign Policy hawk who helped shape strategy during his more than three decades on the hill. A headline says, john mccains death leaves a Foreign Policy void. Joining me now to discuss mccains influence on the u. S. World view, two senior Foreign Policy advisers to his 2008 president ial campaign. Max, i want to start with you. We have seen this outpouring of tributes from all these foreign entities in particular. What does this say about the role that john mccain played in american Foreign Policy around the world . What it says is that john mccain was hugely influential, more so than a lot of secretaries of state and some president s. He was a presence who devoted most of his Senate Career to advancing freedom around the world. He believed in visiting u. S. Allies, making sure they knew that america stood behind them, even when we had a president as we have today who doesnt actually stand behind them. He also believed not just in working with allies, but also in championing the cause of dissidents. John mccain was somebody who knew from his personal experience what it was like to be denied freedom. It was a visceral, personal thing to stand up to dfor dissis whether in russia, burma, other countries, he was championing people who were the victims of oppression. Thats the mark that he wanted to make. Thats the legacy he will leave behind. Senator mccain was often an advocate for the opposition in russia, which automatically him a constant critic of the putin regime. He said when george w. Bush said he could see in putins soul, mccain said he saw kgb. Russian state television announcing the news without any tribute. They called mccain an inplack ab inplackable person. I can hear john cackling. He not only loved that he had called putin out and that line about seeing in his eyes and the letters kgb, he cackled delightedly about it ever afterwards. John welcomed this. He always felt as max said, he felt so deeply associated with the cause of people working for freedom. Max, there has been some level of criticism for his approach to Foreign Policy, how hawkish he could be. He seemed to jokingly talk about a military action with iran. He suggested that u. S. Troops may have to stay in iraq for 100 years or so. How will history judge his hawkish tendencies . Theres no question that senator mccain did not get everything right. I didnt get everything right. Nobody gets everything right. He was very as always, he was very big about owning up to his mistakes and learning from them. For example, just in the last year or so he talked about his regret for supporting the war in iraq. What we need to understand is that he was not some kind of mindless super hawk who just wanted to bomb countries for the fun of it. He was somebody deeply knowledgeable about u. S. Foreign policy. I think he deserves kudos for the stance he took on Foreign Policy, even when it wasnt popular to do so. In 2006 and 2007, he was very critical of the Bush Administration for the policy they were following in iraq, but unlike most of the people in u. S. Politics, he did not say we need to withdraw, which would been the expeexpedient paneth f. I would not reduce him to some kind of caricature hawk. He understood the cost of war very deeply in a way that few of us do. He supported the cause of freedom. He supported the armed forces. He supported an expansion of an american role abroad. One other criticism is his decision to select sarah palin as his running mate. You wrote about that decision in an interesting take. Let me read part of what you wrote. Let us also recall the message he sent that many did not want to hear, the revolution is coming, and republicans need to find ways to address the concerns of voters who supported sarah palin and would eventually bring donald trump to the white house. What do you mean by that . I have seen a lot of criticism that mccain created the phenomenon that made donald trump president. I think that has it exactly wrong. The kind of criticism piled on governor palin and granted she proved herself inadequate to the task, but its also true that the way people were talking about her and about johns choice and even now, the kind of disrespect for their fellow americans and for the concerns and anxieties of their fellow americans is something that john always struggled against. He always tried to pull fellow americans together and to reach across the divide. I think he doesnt get nearly enough credit for that from the people that objected to the choice of governor palin. I would say i do think that the choice of palin was a may skr it was a major mistake. It was something he admitted that before his death. A degr i would not blame the direction of the Republican Party on the fact that he selected palin. This was a blip into the kind of party and others of us no longer recognize. By the way, john mccain struggled to right. Would you say he was trumps critic. Would you make the argument his goal was to unify the disspirited factions, not drive them apart, which may be an argument as to how donald trump conducted himself . To aboutddress their concern treat them with respect, make clear we have common endeavors we need to get to work on. Thats what john devoted his Political Energy to. Thats his most beautiful legacy. It shows why both obama and george w. Bush, the two people who defeated him for the presidency, are the people that he wanted speaking at his funeral. Because he wanted to send a message of unifying the country. Thank you so much for sharing your memories of your former boss. We appreciate you being on. Any moment now, President Trump set to make an announcement on trade with mexico. The president actually has spoke in the oval office. As soon as we get that tape to provide you, we will bring it to you on the air. Stay here. Take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. Here. Or, here. Kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. As moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. And we dont want Something Like meningitis b getting in their way. Meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. 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Didnt see that on the website. Hes been acting more and more like his dad. Come on, guys jump in the waters fine its a big day for trade. Big day for our country. A lot of people thought we would never get here because we all negotiate tough. We do. So does mexico. This is a tremendous thing. This has to do they used to call it nafta. Were going to call it the United States mexico trade agreement. We will get rid of the name nafta. Has a bad connotation because the United States was hurt very badly by nafta for many years. Now its a really good deal for both countries. We look very much forward to it. I believe the president is on the phone. Enriq enrique . You can hook him up. Tell me when. Are we in . Its a big thing. A lot of people waiting. Hello. You want to put that on this phone, please . Hello. Be helpful. Thank you. Translator President Trump, how are you . Congratulations. Its a fantastic thing. We have all worked very hard. Your brilliant representatives are sitting right in front of me. I thought we would congratulate each other before it got out. I know we will have a formal News Conference in the not too distant future. Translator thank you very much, President Trump. I think this is something very positive for the United States and mexico. The reason for this call, mr. President , is first of all to celebrate the understanding we have had between both negotiating teams. On nafta. Its an interest we have had for quite a few months now. To renew it, to modernize it, to update it. And to generate a framework that will boost productivity in north america. It sois our wish, mr. President that now canada will also be able to be incorporated in all this. And i assume that they are going to carry out negotiations of the sensitive bilateral issues between mexico rather, between canada and the United States. And i am really grateful, mr. President. I want to say that i greatly recognize and acknowledge your political will and your participation in this. And i want to bear my testimony, mr. President , and my acknowledgement to both negotiating teams. Especially the team that is headed and led by mr. Robert lightheiter. And also the accompaniment and the support we get from the white house through jared kushner. And i also extend this recognition to the mexican team. They are listening to you. The foreign minister and the secretary of the economy. Yes, this has been a negotiation that has taken months. Its been difficult and a very hard negotiation all together with difficult moments, of course. But i truly acknowledge now the fact that we have been able to reach an agreement that we are about to make public. And this is the result of good understanding and good work. And i, of course, i am quite hopeful that now canada will start discussing with the United States the sensitive bilateral issues. Congratulations. Im very grateful and i am attentive to your comments. Well, mr. President , thank you very much. Its an honor. You have been my friend. Its been a long time since i traveled to mexico where we got to know each other quite well. We actually had a good meeting. Some people werent sure if it was a good meeting, but i was. I have a lot of good meetings that a lot of people arent sure if they were good or not. Its been a long time. This is something thats very special for our manufacturers and for our farmers, from both countries, for all of the people that work for jobs. Its also great trade. It makes it a much more fair bill. We are very, very excited about it. We have worked long and hard. Your representatives have been terrific. My representatives have been fantastic, too. Theyve gotten along very well and they have worked late into the night for months. Extremely complex bill. Its something that i think will be talked about for many years to come. Just good for both countries. As far as canada is concerned, we havent started with canada yet. We wanted to do mexico and see if that was possible to do. And it wasnt from any standpoint something that most people thought was doable when we started, if you look at it. You remember at the beginning many people thought that this was something that just couldnt happen because of all of the different factions, all of the different sides and the complexity. We made it much simpler, much better, much better for both countries. Canada will start negotiations shortly. I will be calling the Prime Minister very soon. We will start negotiation. If they would like to negotiate fairly, well do that. They have tariffs of almost 300 on some of our dairy products. So we cant have that. Were not going to stand for that. I think with canada, frankly, the easiest thing we can do is tariff their cars coming in. Its a tremendous amount of money and its a simple negotiation. It could end in one day. We take in a lot of money the following day. I think we will give them a chance to probably have a separate deal. We can have a separate deal that we can put into this deal. I like to call this deal the United States mexico trade agreement. I think its an elegant name. I think nafta has a lot of bad connotations for the United States because it was a ripoff. It was a deal that was a horrible deal for our country. I think its got a lot of bad connotations to a lot of people. So we will probably you and i will agree to the name. We will see whether or not we decide to put up canada or just do a separate deal with canada if they want to make the deal. The simple exdest deal is more less made. It will be simple to do and execute. I will tell you working with you has been a pleasure. Speaking with and working with president elect lopez has been absolutely a very, very special time. You both came together for your country. You worked together. I think thats important for the media to know. We have a small amount of media in our presence like everybody. Ed immediathe media should know president and president elect worked closely together. The president felt it was important the president elect liked what he was seeing. Our teams worked together. Our teams were really well unified. And your team was very well unified. I was very impressed with the fact that the two president s came together and worked out something mutually agreeable. Its an incredible deal. Its an incredible deal for both parties. Most importantly, its an incredible deal for the workers and citizens of both countries. Our farmers are going to be so happy. My farmers, the farmers have stuck with me. I said we were going to do this. Mexico promised to immediately start purchasing as much farm product as they can. Theyre going to work on that very hard. As you know, were working unrelated to this. Were working very much with other countries. China is one. They want to talk. Its not the right time to talk right now, to be honest with china. Its two onesided for too many years for too many decades. Its not the right time to talk. Eventually, im in the meantime were doing very well with china. Our economy is up, its never been this good before, and i think its only going to get better. But, mr. President , youve been my friend and you have been somebody thats been very special in a lot of ways. We talk a lot. We talked a lot about this deal. Id like to congratulate you and mexican people. Translator thank you very much, mr. President. I highly recognize this, especially because of the point of understanding we are now reaching on this deal. And i really hope and i wish the part with canada will be materializing in a very concrete fashion. That we can have an agreement the way we proposed it from initiation of this renegotiating process. But today i celebrate the agreement between the United States and mexico because we are reaching a final point of understandi understanding,. And i hope that in the following days we can finalize the formalization of this agreement. Something additional, mr. President , you have already mentioned it, it has to do with an involved and committed participation of the administration and the president elect of mexico. As you know, we are now going through a period of transition and it has been possible to create a highly unified front between the negotiating team of this administration and the people appointed by the president elect of mexico. To be of service and to participate in this agreement in this understanding, to reach the point we are now reaching. The president elect has been aware of everything that has been happening, and i have also had the opportunity of talking to him directly and personally on the progress being made. You have also had direct conversations with president elect. The things that we have to do, i hope we have the space to do it, would be to sign, to toast a good toast with tequila, of course, to celebrate this understanding. Enrique, i think thats exactly right. And you know the Good Relationship that ive already established with the president elect. I was very impressed with him, i must tell you. He was terrific in every way and he wants you know, he loves your country like you love your country, you want to do the right thing. Were really doing the right thing for all of us. So i really enjoyed that. Please send him my regards and i will speak to him very shortly, but this was great that you were able to do it together. I think doing it mutually as opposed to just you doing it or even just him doing it, i think a mutual agreement between your two administrations was a fantastic thing. I suggested that early on, and i think it was immediately embraced and i think it was a fantastic thing that you were able to do it, and with great spirit. It was great coordination and spirit, so i think that is really just great. You know, one of the things that im excited about is youre going to be helping us at the border. Youre going to be working together with us on agriculture. Youre going to be working in many different ways and well be working with you in many different ways. Its a very comprehensive agreement. Enrique, i will see you soon. I think were going to have a very formal ceremony. This is one of the largest trade deals ever made, maybe the largest trade deal ever made. Its really something very special the two countries were able to come together and get it done. I just want to thank all of my people, bob and jared and, gentlemen, you have been really great the way youve worked so long. I know youve been going up until 3 00, 4 00 in the morning and then getting in at 8 00, so i just want to on behalf of the United States, i want to thank you very much. I can say that mexico is very proud of you, very proud of you. Thank you all very much. Enrique, ill see you soon, ill talk to you soon, and congratulations and job well done. Translator thank you, and congratulations to you. And to the negotiating team. We will be waiting for canada to be integrated into this process. I send you affectionate hug and all my greetings to you and all my regards. A hug from you would be very nice. Thank you. So long. Thanks. Goodbye, enrique. Okay. So weve made the deal with canada theyre starting. We made the deal with mexico and i think its a very good deal. Were starting negotiations with canada pretty much immediately. I cant tell you where those negotiations have gone. Its going to be its a smaller segment, as you know. Mexico is a very large trading partner. But we weve now concluded our deal and its being finalized and, bob, when would you say it would be signed, actually formally signed . Well, it would likely be signed at the end of november because its a 90day layover period because of our statute. But we expect to submit our letter beginning to congress on friday. And so that starts the process. 90 days later it will be signed. We have an agreement where both with canada and with mexico, i will terminate the existing deal. When that happens, i cant quite tell you, it depends on what the timetable is with congress, but ill be terminating the existing deal and going into this deal. Well start negotiating with canada relatively soon. They want to start they want to negotiate very badly. But one way or the other, we have a deal with canada. It will either be a tariff on cars or a negotiated deal. Frankly a tariff on cars is a much easier way to go. But perhaps the other would be much better for canada. Were looking to help you know, were looking to help our neighbors too. If we can help our neighbors, thats a good thing, not a bad thing, so were going to start that negotiation imminently. Ill be speaking with Prime Minister trudeau in a little while. So i want to thank everybody. I want to thank you, what a great job youve all done, and its been its been a long one, but a lot of people thought this was not a doable transaction. Its going to be great for our people. And again, i want to thank you, folks. Well see you at the signing and many times before that, im sure. So congratulations to the people of mexico, great job. Thank you very much, everybody. Mr. President , any thoughts on john mccain . Mr. President , any thoughts on john mccain, sir . Thanks, everybody. Lets go this way. Come on, lets go. Youve been watching the president inside the oval office highlight what he is calling a renegotiated trade agreement between the u. S. And mexico. The mexican president , enrique peno nieto, was on the phone there. The president claims this deal will be better for u. S. Manufacturers, something he campaigned very hard on, also American Farmers. I want to go straight to cnns christina lesci and Stephen Moore who are both joining me now. Christina, let me start with you. Lets get a little bit of context, a lot of context when it comes to what the president did, what he can do without congress, first of all, and where canada is in all this because nafta, of course, is in agreement with mexico and canada. Thats right, those are the two major questions, what will congress do and will canada also sign on, which is also very important. Look, this News Conference or this conference, whatever it was, it was a lot of congratulations, light on details so far. The administration needed a win on a trade deal. Essentially this administration and trump promised American Workers that they would get better trade deals and so far the only thing the administration has done is impose tariffs, and thats done two things. One, created a lot of uncertainty for a lot of american businesses and workers and in the worstcase scenario some layoffs. Two, American Farmers have been

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