Transcripts For CNNW At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20180802 15:00:00

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Kate Bolduan gives a fresh take on todays top stories. Letting him ask about obstruction but doing so in written answers and limiting inperson questions to questions that dealt with things that events that happened before President Trump was inaugurated, focus on the potential collusion questions and nothing about obstruction of justice. All of these debates over whether they will sit down are going on while giuliani is saying President Trump does want to sit down with him, he is expressing interest. Its the legal team that has the reservations about that. This is happening while the president is continuing to lash out at the Special Counsel. Thats because the president believes he can sway Public Opinion to agree with him that this is a witch hunt and be on board this investigation has gone on too long, that its a witch hunt. Whether or not that pans out is up to the president s twitter feed and whether he can convince his supporters. Stand by to stand by. Great to see you. Thank you so much. Joining me now for much to discussion, rob portman of ohio. Senator, thanks for coming in. It wasnt a surprise to me. I dont flow know if thats thet time he said it before. Not as explicitly is the point people are making. It wasnt surprising. I want to talk to you about trade. Its a very big deal for your state. Its a very big deal for you. The president is considering raising the stakes in the trade war with china even further. Here is what he said this week about that during a rally. Listen. China had others remember this have targeted our farmers. Not good. Not nice. You know what our farmers are saying . Its okay. We can take it. These are incredible people. We can take it. He is saying that farmers i dont know dont think its a big deal, farmers say they can take it. Thats not what im hearing from farmers we have interviewed. Do you agree with him . I think the community is split. I will be at the ag breakfast regard to mexico and canada in particular, because they are huge Trading Partners. Our two biggest Trading Partners in ohio. The 232 tariffs i talked about are causing us, in my view to have a more difficult time, not just with the tariffs being raised on our products and our consumers being hit by higher prices, but not getting to an agreement on nafta. It should be updated. We need to come to a resolution. The uncertainty this is causing is i think a headwind in an economy thats otherwise very strong. I would want to keep this momentum going on resolve some of the trade issues. I want to ask you about judge kavanau kavanaugh. Chuck schumer is saying republicans are concealing records about his past, about his record. They want to see more documents before anything happens with his confirmation process. Why is more information a bad thing whether n it comes to a lifetime tenure, an confirmation . Relevant information is a good thing. Its my understanding that chairman gas rassley, has offer up more documents by far than any other Supreme Court nominee has ever had, because he did serve in the administration as Associate Counsel of the president. He has a long record as a judge. Issuing over 200 opinions. Anything thats relevant to his legal thinking, how he goes about looking at some of the issues is appropriate. That will be there. The question whats schumer doing . What senator schumer is saying with regard to his role as staff secretary, which is basically you are the person the traffic cop for all information to the president , all information out, that is literally millions of documents. Its not a substantive document. Its him saying, i got this from the secretary of interior. I will send this to you, mr. President , and take out whatever the president writes on that. A lot would be subject to executive privilege. Its a fishing expedition. Yes, if its a document that he authored or a document that he was involved with as Associate Counsel, certainly, or certainly as a judge, thats totally appropriate. Again, more documents are being offered than any time in history. I think we thethere will be ple documents. I dont think thats the that Many Democrats have with kavanaugh. The issue is not the number of documents they will look at. They decided they will be against him. I think he would be a terrific justice. He is a good person. He is humble. He is a good listener. He is compassionate. My hope is he will have the opportunity to have his hearing soon. The American People will see that in him. Plenty of documents will be out there. We will have the opportunity to see what i think will be a nice performance by him and the opportunity for us to move together to a vote that i think will be bipartisan. I think he will be confirmed. It came out yesterday that urban meyer, one of the top coaches in all of College Football right now, he is on paid administrative leave as the school is investigating whether he is aware or turned a blind eye to Domestic Violence allegations against an assistant coach. I just wanted to ask you, because its rocking the College Football world, whats your reaction . Urban meyer is a friend. As you said, he is a legend, not just at ohio state, but florida and other places, just an incredible coach. I know him and his wife. They are good people, good character. We will see what happens. I dont know any of the details. Im learning as you are from the media. Ohio state takes these things seriously, as they should. We will see what happens. I have a lot of confidence in him, not just his football skills, but also him and his character. Senator portman, thanks for coming on. Thanks. Take care. Coming up, the battle over Paul Manaforts luxury closet. Prosecutors want to show these images of a python vest, a Python Jacket, im confused by all the flashy items. Its why how they were paid for and also today, what the judge is now saying about who can and will testify. Why on earth is the tsa considering removing screening for passengers at over 150 airports, when experts are blasting the idea as stupid . Details on that coming up. En wer auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to liberty mutual, you could save 782 on auto and home insurance. And still get great coverage for you and your family. Call for a free quote today. You could save 782. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Ostrich, an 18,000 Python Jacket as well. Those are some of the flashy details coming out of the trial of Paul Manafort, Donald Trumps former campaign chairman. His luxury style is not necessarily a crime. How he paid for it all is what is a big question here. Also, a very big question as they begin day three of this high stakes case brought by the Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who will the star witnesses be, who will take the stand . What are you hearing about rick gates and Paul Manafort and the stars of the show . Will they testify . Stars of the show, certainly. The clothing here taking center manaforts purchase of what appears to be 1980s style, tacky purchases, really the prosecutors here are using this to show how manafort hid money overseas, the money he used to pay for this came from overseas accounts. It was wired to these various vendors, this one suit company. The other thing that we are learning today is that rick gates is going to testify. Prosecutors making it clear this morning, first thing when they came into court to say, yes, we do plan on calling rick gates. There was confusion over that yesterday, because one of the prosecutors had mentioned the possibility rick gates wouldnt testify. The prosecutors felt the need to clarify that. We could see that happening tomorrow. That would be a big day. He is going to be a key witness. He was man affoaformanaforts d. He is cooperating with prosecutors. That could happen tomorrow. The other thing that came up today is whether or not the defense could ask witnesses if Paul Manafort had been audited by the irs. Then there was this question of whether or not Paul Manafort is going to take the stand. The judge said that he is not going to ask that of the defense team. He will wait until next week. Clearly, the defense wants to say that there was all these issues with manafort, then why wasnt he audited by the irs . The other thing here quickly is that this case is moving quickly. Yeah. We can see it wrapped up by the end of next week. Prosecutors ors intend to rest r case. We will see if there are witnesses who testify on behalf of manafort. Its moving really fast. Thanks so much. Lets talk about this with Defense Attorney who represented rick gates for a time and a former federal prosecutor, shan wu. You worked with gates for a while. If you were working with manafort, would you put him on the stand . Thats the Million Dollar question for defense counsel. I am reluctant to put a client on the stand. Its pressure for any witness, much less a criminal defendant. I would really have to kind of vet him to see how he comes across that way. It may be though the only chance they have to humanize him to the jury. Right now, actually, its very early in the trial. I think things are going well for the defense at the moment. I cant tell if its early or towards the end it. Its moving so fast. What do you think of the fact there was a question if gates was going to testify and they say they are going to bring rick gates to testify. Whats this about . I think that was actually the judges pressure affecting the prosecutor. Under pressure, he was trying to rush him on a particular document relevant to gates, why dont you just ask gates about this. The prosecutor is saying maybe wont testify. I think he misspoke. I think it would be devastating for the government if gates did not testify. It would allow manafort to say, theres the person to blame and they are afraid to put hum im o michael, let me bring you in. Trump clearly President Trump is bothered by how things are going with the trial so far. Look no further than his twitter feed. What do you think manafort testifying would then do . Trump sees both sides of the manafort coin. He wants everyone to know that what manafort is under trial for right now has nothing to do with the 2016 campaign and his relationship with trump, which is true. On the other side, he wants to use the manafort case as a way of further discrediting which has been a campaign for a while now the broader mueller investigation, which brought these indictments. There are stakes here for the president. If manafort gets off of these charges or if theres a hung jury, you can look to President Trumps twitter feed to say, you know, look, the whole game that Robert Mueller has been pushing here has been nothing from the beginning and this is proof of it. On the flip side, if manafort is convicted, trumgp will try to minimize this and say, he is just convicted for tax and bank claims. You saw the tweet yesterday about al capone. He was trying to make the case that Paul Manafort is not a hardened criminal or these allegations do not involve the sort of Criminal Activity of some of the countrys most notorious gangsters. Not compared to al capone, sure. Michael, also, theres reporting in your paper that the mueller team is now open to limiting questions when it comes to a trump interview, allowing some answers from trump to come in the form of writing, reporting inthe New York Times to push for this. Does it seem to you like this is becoming more of a reality . The likelihood of it an interview . Its hard to tell. Theres two legal strategies going on here. One is the actual legal strategy to protect the president. The other is a Public Relations strategy to protect the president politically. On that latter one, the president is clearly making the case publically that this report that he wants to give an interview. We heard that before for many months. He has done nothing wrong, he feels like he is an innocent man. Theres a lot of on the actual legal case against the president , lawyers for a long time have been advising him not to sit down. Very often in these cases, the crime that comes out is misleading the fbi or misleading investigators in an interview. A number of the indictments have been along these lines. There is real legal jeopardy in submitting to the interviews. What we know about President Trump is he has a hard time sticking to a script or sticking to the truth when he speaks. Theres a real danger. As i said, the dance continues for now. Thanks so much. Coming up, do you want to get on a plane if you knew that fellow passengers and their bags had not gone through any Security Screening . That may be the future at some u. S. Airports. Why . Thats coming up. Truecar is great for finding new cars. Youre smart, you already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. My mom washes the dishes. Before she puts them in the dishwasher. So what does the dishwasher do . 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Lawmakers want to know the same thing. Whats this all about . I got a copy of a letter from Senator Markie who is preparing to send a details letter to the tsa asking a number of questions about this potential proposal, that letter going out shortly. There are lawmakers vowing to keep this from becoming a reality. Flight attendants are calling this a Huge National security mistake. What do we know . A document that cnn obtained is recent. From june and july. They say tsa is considering allowing thousands of passengers to board commercial airplanes at small and some mediumsize airports without being screened. They estimate the move would save 115 million. They could use that to bolster security at larger airports. The Proposal Doesnt Say which airports would be impacted. We do know that it would be more than 150 airports. For perspective, Tsa Currently screens at 440 airports. The trend though has always been towards more screening. 311 and more restrictions on what you can use and how. Why is tsa now okay with the idea of less . Right. That is the key question. A lot of people are wondering why now. From everything we have seen within the documents, its clear that there is certainly a consideration about cost savings. The issue of cost savings and the 115 million that would be saved annually is something that we saw in the proposal as part of the reasoning here. That is one factor. Of course, many are wondering, is that cost savings at the end of the day worth the potential risk. Whats tsa saying . We took this question to him. We asked them about the Decision Making process. We do know that they have told us that this is not a new issue, which we have reported. This idea was floated back in 2011. However, it gained no traction. Tsa telling us that right now, this is just in the discussion phase. Again, no decision has been made. They are not denying that this is under consideration. Great reporting. Thanks for bringing it to us. Up next, former President Obama puts out his first big list of candidates that he is endorsing in the midterms. How much impact will he have . Will he be hitting the campaign trail later this fall . So many questions. Lets get some answers. The day after chemo shouldnt mean going back to the doctor just for a shot. With Neulasta Onpro patients get their day back to be with family, or just to sleep in. Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to it or Neupogen Filgrastim . An incomplete dose could increase infection risk. 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Does that surprise you, about ocasiocortez didnt make the list . Not really. President obama has a wide range of support from around the country and he is sporting a number of candidates. You will see the diversity on that list. We have so many wonderful candidates running around the country on the democratic side her win was amazing. Shes in a great place. She will most likely win the general. I dont want her to yell at me for saying that. I think with a president ial endorsement, this elevates other folks around the country who are running great races but need to break through and be a little more noticed maybe. Whether it comes to the fall, we heard President Trump say that he is going to go out there he is thinking about going out there six or seven days a week, stumping for candidates. Do you think obama going out there stumping six or seven days a week will be a good count counterweight . It will help in certain districts. President trump wont be able to go every place and campaign. I think it will depend on their staff figuring out where they can go to help. I think there are a lot of candidates who would be welcome President Obama with open arms. In looking at the statement he put out with the endorsements that struck me that i have seen previously people know it President Obama doesnt mention trump. He never mentions him by name. You can tell clearly when he is talking about him in his speeches. He never says his name. Why not do you think . Well, i think, you know, yes, trump is our president right now. I think theres so much more at stake in these elections and coming forward. We have redistricting in so many of the states. I know thats an issue thats near and dear to President Obamas heart. He is looking at candidates that will be able to help affect that change. I think thats really important for the future of our country. Its not only about the president we have to focus. Its not about trump. Its about the folks running for in the great races in so many of the states around the country. Lets jump ahead. Forget 2018. Talk about 2020 for a second. Do not forget 2018, people. Not what i meant. Lets do it anyway. A lot of contenders, democratic, are in new orleans right now for the conference. I know you know your quote. I would say you have to have a path to raising at least 15 million or 20 million in the first quarter, which would end in march of 2019. I think there may be four or five who will be able to do that. Why is that . I mean, the good thing is we have so many great possible candidates, i think, for our 2020 election. There are so many primaries leading up to who our final on the democratic side, who our final candidate would be. Frankly, at built to be able to raise money is an important one. The republicans are going to have all kinds of money to try to keep trump in office. I will say that having money early on, i think its important to have a plan, a road map. I will put out a pitch for my finance staff. They it can help firsttime candidates at the National Stage to map out a plan and be viable and get going. Not lose before they even get into the race, if you will. That is raising big Dollar Donors, big donors, direct mail and online contributions from small donors. Who do you think can pull that off . Well, you never can tell. I think a lot are already doing such great work. Give me some names. Harris is thats one. I would think it would have to be biden and sanders, because of their stature. Exactly. They have obviously the name i. D. And vicepresident biden has a lot of large Dollar Donors that he has connections with. Senator sanders did a great job in doing i will say, just last night though, act blue surpassed 1 billion in online contribution. Its the platform through which you give money to candidates, causes, Democratic Candidates and causes, raised over 1 billion as of last night. Compared to 781 last cycle. Theres an enthusiasm with small Dollar Donors and online contributors that it does leave the field wide open for being able to tell a story through online fundraising. Other than harris, who do you think can meet that mark . I think Elizabeth Warren is doing a good job raising the money online. I think there are a lot of senators who have thought about running. Then you have Howard Schultz in Washington State who probably has a lot of connections and can raise the money. I dont know if he would write his own check. There are a number of really talented, great people who can do this and be viable. Its a matter of doing the plan. Figuring out your plan and working the plan. A huge field at this point. Exactly. Thank you for coming in. Lets see what happens in 2018 and see what it means. 2018 first. Cart before the horse. Thats what i do all the time. Every week this woman must nearly die before she can receive treatment for a chronic illness that she faces. Why is that . S sanjay gupta is here to explain. Were in a small room. What . welcome. [ gasps ] a bigger room . how many of you use Car Insurance . Oh. Well, what if i showed you this . [ laughing ] hohoho wow. Its a computer. We compare rates to help you get the price and coverage thats right for you. Thats amazing the only thing that would make this better is if my mom were here. What . an unexpected ending about to die before you can get medical treatment that you need. It seems impossible. But thats the reality for some, undocumented immigrants in the u. S. Illegally but in need of lifesaving care. What do you do . You have been following one womans battle with this. I have. I think it provides real insight into what happens in certain parts of our medical system, what happens with immigration and what happens when these two things collide. I will tell you as you watch this, a lot of what you are about to see surprised me. I hadnt seen how the system actually evolved. Take a look. To really understan Whats Going On here, you need to suspend disbelief. This woman is dieing. Her lungs drowning in fluid. Her heart is close to shutting down. This 51yearold mother and undocumented immigrant has end stage renal disease. Fullon kidney failure. Sg the function of the kidneys is to filter blood when both kidneys stop working, People On Average will live anywhere from 10 to 14 days. So to continue living, you need some process to filter blood, which is a dialysis machine. For most people, that treats the problem. But heres the thing. Lucia is allowed treatment only when she essentially arrives at deaths door. The Emergency Medical Treatment Act of 1986 says hospitals in the United States must care for anyone with a medical emergency, regardless of their citizenship or ability to pay. But theyre not obligated to prevent that emergency from happening in the first place. What is happening inside the body . For these patients, because they only come in once a week instead of the three times per week, excess fluid stays in their body and goes into their lungs, into their legs. Separate from that, the toxins build up. One of the most important toxins being potassium, which at high levels can make the heart stop. This is no way to live. About as close to death as you can get. Whats more, Research Shows that treating patients with emergency dialysis versus standard dialysis is nearly four times more expensive because these patients are so much sicker when they come in for treatment. Theyre literally pushing themselves to the brink of death. They are. To get this treatment. Am i overstating that . No, not at all. There is no question it works. Just look at lucia now. After dialysis removed ten liters of fluid from her body. How are you feeling . Translator right now i feel good. Still, lucia is always worried. Mostly about her family, especially her son alex. He watches his mother steadily decline every single week. This is their life. How hard has this been on your family . Translator its been really hard. Its been really hard for my family. The worst is for my son. He worries about me. Because just a few days from now, like clockwork, lucia will once again go to the precipice of death just so that she can live. Kate, ill tell you again, even among my medical colleagues, sharing with them this story, theres not a lot about this that makes sense, medically, morally, financially. Why have a system that operates like this . Ill tell you as well, she is not eligible for a kidney transplant. Thats not going to be covered. But she can donate other organs at the time of her death. Thats what this law sort of allowser allows for her to do as well. In stark relief, just showing how two systems, immigration and Whats Going On in the medical community, the systems are broken, sanjay. Thank you for bringing this story. You got it. Thank you. Really appreciate it. Wow. Coming up, we know what her father and her boss thinks, but what is ivanka trumps view on the media . And what shes saying was a low point of her time at the white house so far. The answer to this may surprise you. Thats next. Theres also a lot to know. Part a thats your hospital coverage, part b is all the doctor stuff. The most important thing to know . Medicare doesnt pay for everything. And guess what that means. Yep. Youre on the hook for the rest. Thats why its important to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. A plan like this helps pay for some of what medicare doesnt. So you could end up paying less out of your own pocket. Thats nice. And these are the only Medicare Supplement plans endorsed by aarp. Selected for meeting their high standards of quality and service. It feels good to have someone looking out for you. Want to find out more . 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Thats the icing on the cake. I love cake. Finding the right aarp Medicare Supplement plan for you could be just a quick call away. So. Call. If President Trump is consistent on one thing, it is his view on the media. Just days ago, the president repeating his the press is the enemy of the people line, which he repeats at every turn, which makes this answer from his daughter and special assistant, ivanka, all the more surprising. This is just this morning, ivanka trump speaking to mike allen of axios. Do you think that were the enemy of the people . Sorry . Do you think the media is the enemy of the people . No, i do not. Thats not a view thats shared in your family . Are you looking for me to elaborate . No, i do not feel the media is the enemy of the people. Joining me right now, cnns ka cate bennett. Directly contradicting her father there. I was also wondering how is ivanka trump surprised she was going to get that question. I mean, just the general surprise. You can hear the laughter from the audience as she tries to understand what the question even is, as though this huge issue with the First Amendment and the president Isnt Top Of Mind or isnt something shes aware of. Certainly its a huge break from her dad and his feelings about the media. Certainly her response was somewhat unusual in terms of surprise and shock. Yeah, absolutely. Of course everyone wonders, is this a discussion shes having with maybe her father. Yeah, and clearly this is something that they must have talked about, one would expect. Shes a Senior Adviser to her father, not just a daughter. They talk on all sorts of issues. Kate, another way that she broke from her dad today in this interesting interview this morning was a topic that again has affected the entire country that everyone is talking about. Thats Family Separation, the Zero Tolerance policy at the border that the trump administration, of which she is a Senior Member of, has enforced. I want to take a listen to her again talking to mike allen this morning about the Immigration Issue and another vast divide from the president of the United States. The kids at the border issue. What is your view of that . Yes, that was a low point for me as well. I feel very strongly about that, and i am very vehemently against Family Separation and the separation of parents and children. You know, she talks about this and her feelings about it. We havent really heard the president discuss his feelings that much, but certainly it was interesting to hear from ivanka on how deeply it seems to have affected her, this Family Separation. And the break is notable, but it is all the more fascinating she you do wonder what the

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