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Newspaper about the Prime Minister and her handling of brexit. I think the deal that she is striking is not what the people voted on. It is a much different deal than the people voted on. It was not the deal that was in the referendum. That sounds like a criticism. But the president today now calls reporting of his own words on the record fake news. Here is more again on brexit. As far as the advice, i did give her a suggestion. I wouldnt say advice. And i think she found it maybe too brutal. But again, here is what he told the sun before that. I would have done it much differently. I actually told theresa may how do it, but she didnt agree she didnt listen to me. That sure sounds like advice and suggestion. Whatever it is, so what now . Kaitlan collins is in london and joining me right now. So the uk, the u. S. , both nations waking up today with in news from the sun. What are they doing about it right now . Well, it is essentially a case of diplomatic whiplash. We just saw the president slowly try to back away from that blistering criticism of theresa may that he said in and on the record interview with one of the biggest british tabloids that dropped about 12 hours or so ago after the president has just left a obama dinner with the Prime Minister and he is insisting that he didnt criticize her even though he did and it was clear in that interview. The president saying that he doesnt criticize her plans for brexit even though he very clearly did saying essentially she wasnt listening to what the people wanted. He said that his suggestion that Boris Johnson one of theresa mays biggest political rivals who could very well take her job, his suggestion that he would be a good Prime Minister was unrelated to theresa may the Prime Minister. And saying that he thinks she is doing a terrific job as the Prime Minister. Which is just simply not what the president said during that interview. Of course there has been ton of blowback in response to that interview since it dropped. It caught white house officials off guard. They thought it wasnt posting until today and then it posted last night. Creating a bit of an awkward moment there. But certainly the president simply trying to back away from something that he said on the record and just cant back away from. But right now the president is he just finished up that Prime Minister. You saw theresa may also trying to down play at tension between the two of them during this trip. He is now going to go and have tea with the queen. But he is taking a medical copter there we should note and he is avoiding a lot of widespread protests happeningcor there we should note and he is avoiding a lot of widespread protests happening before he does depart a little later on this evening. Seeing some of the images from the protests as weve been talking. Thank you so much. So the president this morning called at least part of miss on the recocellaneos his o interview fake news. Saying it failed to include all the good things that he said about the Prime Minister. Listen to this. Fortunately we tend to record stories now. So we have it for your enjoyment if youd like it. But we record when we deal with reporters. It is called fake news. We solve a lot of problems with the good old recording instrument. The good old recording instrument. Here is Brian Stelter with more on this. So brian, it seems that the president s what he calls fake news is evolving starting from Anonymous Sources that he didnt like to now on the record on tape interviews that he gives. Only thing fake is his use of the term fake news. There is such a thing as fake news. Real stories that are made up, designed to deceive people. But now the president is talking about a recorded interview claiming that is fake. And this is one his favorite newspapers owned by rupert murdoch. Murdoch of course which controls fox news also controls the sun. So the president might have thought he was finding a friendly audience in this 28 minute interview, but instead he made a lot of news and a lot of embarrassing ways. And i think in his comments, some of which were misleading, some false, it is showing again how hard it is to twrrust this president which is a problem as we head into the summit with the russian president. But here is the sun reporter describing the reaction to the interview heard round the world. It seems a tad discourteous to drop that hand gra nature to your guest when your guest has gone out of their way to if a i will is at a time 1u67such a gr show for you. That doesnt happen for many people. So a lot of british politicians who are angry with the president and accusing him of showing bad manners. Coup for the report, big win for the sun oig. They have the u. S. President on the record talking this way. And as you were saying there is a tape of this. The sun has not released the entire tape, so it is quite possible that other points in the interview President Trump said flattering things about the british Prime Minister. That doesnt undo what he said. No, if he said i love your dress and hate your dress, i think you will remember the ugly part nap is the thing about the contradictions that we hear. It makes it hard to know when he is telling the throughout the a truth and when hes not. And i do love your dress. I felt like for your entire thing i was like oh, wait, no, i dont like you. Get off my set. Great to see you. Joining me is former British Ambassador to the United States. Thank you so much for coming in. My pleasure. Thanks for having me. I will not talk about your clothing choices. I do want to talk to you about in interview that the president gave with the sun. You cant undo or unsay what the president said in the sun interview, but you can always spin it. Is that what theresa may did today in the press conference . I think there was quite a lot of patching up going on. I think that trump and probably theresa may broke the ice between them with the beginning when he perhaps was surprised by the impact which the sun interview had had. Said im sorry about that i am sorry if it was hurtful and she dismissed it oh, well, that 1 just the media for you. And off they went and started discussing many of the issues that were on their agenda. But of course in his press conference with theresa may, he resaid in slightly more polite terms many of the things which he had said in that sun oig interview. So he is not particularly contrite about it and he didnt change his lines on immigration or the European Union or anything else or on Boris Johnson for Prime Minister about that but i think nevertheless that she will feel that the relationship was repaired, she will be pleased with how the press conference went. He praised her enormously for her job and how much they got to know each other and what a wonderful time he had with her over dinner the night before. So i think she will probably feel quite a lot of successful matchup givpatch up given that taken the position of not doing a love actually hugh grant moment and call him out saying this is not acceptable behavior from the head of state of my closest ally. I want to get to that one moment where you did see a real break between the two on immigration in a second. Let me add to the conversation cnns International Diplomatic editor nic robertson. Nic, this is though a kind of a consistent theme if you will that we see with President Trump. Walking in, shake things up, sometimes blowing things up when it comes to enter especially international meetings. And then when facetoface with another world leader, everything is great. What does that do to this relationship . Reporter you know, when you come in and you fire off so many barbs as he did, you cant pull them all back. They ricochet around and stick in people. There is immediate damage and there is a trail left after that that can have a damaging impact. I think what theresa may did was just lining out for us there essentially trying to patch it up, to staunch whatever damage had been caused to hold the political line, her political line, on brexit to try to continue to put that position forward. To try to continue to keep her party behind her, not to allow and give any momentum to the opposition in her party, which it seems very clear President Trump was trying to do. I find it hard to imagine a man who is both as familiar and knows the media as well as he does, a man who is widely believed when he was in the Property Development to have called up journalists and pretended to be a publicity person representing President Trump, he a very familiar with how journalism works. And for us to be asked essentially to believe that he was surprised at the way the headlines and lines of the sun chose, i think that is stretching too far for the Prime Minister as well. But she is focused on her own political survival that is in a fragile position this week. And so i think that is where we see the diplomatic high ground trying to patch things up. And at ambassador says, she will walk away from this today feeling that she is at least got things on track in the public domain. After all, it is the relationship between the two countries not between the two leaders right now that is most important. She wants to preserve that. This was always going to be a difficult visit. Thats what i was hearing from officials before, no one expected to be this rocky. So get it back on track, he will meet the queen shortly, he will go to scotland and play golf, he will leave and hopefully Collateral Damage or no more ricochets, no more damage, no more resonance that creates programs behind Boris Johnson and his supporters to put her off track for the brexit she is trying to deliver for the country. Rand bae and ambassador, the one issue where the leaders did offer in public their differences was immigration. Let me play for our viewers what donald trump told the sun that was why this was all brought up. I think what has happened to europe is a shame. I think the immigration allowing the immigration to take place in europe is a shame. I think it changed the fabric of europe. And unless you act very quickly, it is never going to be what it was. And i dont mean that in a positive way with. And he largely restated in a when asked about it at the press conference. But this is what theresa may said when asked directly about that quote today. The uk has a proud history of welcoming people who are fleeing persecution to our country. We have a proud history welcoming people who want to contribute to our country and contribute to our society. And over the years overall immigration has been good for the uk. Ambassador, what do you make of that moment . Well, i think we saw a bit of Donald Trumps strong views on immigration into the United States being trance posed trans to european politics. He was very rough on Angela Merkel animmigration. And one of 9d moof the most dis parts was to wind up people to believe all immigrants are bad. But they are fundamental for a functioning of the entire Service Industry of the country. And the suggestion that somehow leaving the European Union meant they wouldnt be welcome august or they that we wouldnt need that is many of those tryin to wind people up in too believing in brexit were trying to argue that the immigration problems were related to the European Union and they arent. And i think that 1 one of tis o unpleasant legacies for the campaign for brooeexit. And donald trump was tapping into that. And theresa may said that was not helpful. Ambassador, nic, thank you. So this is happening. All happening. And so is this what you see on the screen right here. Protesters hitting the streets in london, thousands are protesting President Trumps visit to the United Kingdom mocking him even with that gooif ballo about gooif balloon of what they are calling a baby trump. Important to note though trump will get nowhere near the protests. Nick paton walsh is among the protesters. What do you see and hear there. Reporter the protests have begun to end here and gather in their final kind of stance. And you can see the shear volume of people who have turned up. Estimates certainly in the tens of thousand, quite saefr to sfe that it has been organized, respectful. People addressing the crowd saying donald trump is a threat to world peace. And you can see hope friday tfu the more profane ones, but trump is not welcome, nobody likes you. And you areunconscionable. Not sure what that means, but a lot of people expressing their letting in many different ways. Racism, sexism quite extraordinary really. Wed normally see if there was a u. S. President like we have in the early 2000s the usual left wing parts of British Society opposing military action, but this is a much broader spectrum of the british public. People simply taking time off work in the hot summer sun to express their loathing. And you have to remember too, this should be when barack obama came a place overtaken by celebrating the visit of a u. S. President or lock down to enable it. Here we have the complete opposite, he is as far away as he possibly could be from central london. Briefly touched the ground at the ambassador residence to spend the night and is now staying away from downing street, parliament, all down that road behind me. Instead we have this staggering display of british unity here in the multicultural cosmo poll tan hea of london and it is just beginning. One of reasons he said he wont go to the city center. He didnt feoesnt feel welcome. Coming up for us, we are awaiting the pretty conference that was announced from Rod Rosenstein. It will be happening this hour. Still working on details of what he will be announcing. Well bring you the details and bring to you live. You always pay your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper and up go your rates. What good is your insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Just for a shot. But why go back there when you can stay homefice with Neulasta Onpro . 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Is the meeting between theresa may if the meeting between theresa may and donald trump wasnt in a hot enough spotlight, wait until everyone gets to finland where President Trump will be meeting with Vladimir Putin. Trump told reporters this morning his focus will be on nuclear proliferation, syria, ukraine and he said this about russias interference in the 2016 election. I know youll ask will we be talking about meddling. And i will absolutely bring that up. I dont think you will have any, gee, i did it, i did it, you got me. There wont be a perry mason here i dont think, but you never know. But i will absolutely firmly ask the question. And hopefully well have a very Good Relationship with are russia. You know, i think and the Prime Minister would agree. Joining me now david cramer, and you thofr back uthor of bac pmt davi pmt. David, thanks for coming in. What do you make of his approach to his meeting with putin . I mean specifically on the russian meddling thing, im firmly going to ask the question. Is that what the president should be doing, firmly asking the question . He sounded like hes going to do it in a rather perfunctory manner. And the president needs to understand the Intelligence Community has made clear as congress has made clear that interference in our election is something that should be unacceptable and it should incur costs. There have been sanctions imposed as a result of the interference in the 2016 election. But Russian Hackers are still very active. Russian officials are very involved in trying to sow divisions on sensitive issues in the United States, whether sharlts charlottesville or nfl protests or other things. And the president i think needs to be pushing back very strongly. He was asked about dealing with putin and trusting putin as putin still occupying other countries, annexation of crimea. Let me play what the president said. What is your thinking about improving relations with russia while they continue to ilg leley occupy another country . Yes, they do, if you are talking about crimea. But again, president obama failed very badly with crimea. I dont think he would have done that if i were president. President trump has done this before, blaming obama when asked about crimea and at relationship with putin. What is the impact of not calling the spade a spade . Putin is the one who ordered the invasion of crimea, peninsula and ukraine. He also invade eastern ukraine. The president needs to express very clearly that the United States will never recognize the illegal and forcible annexation of crimea by russia and the sanctions by the United States as well as the europeans and others should stay in place unless and until putin agrees to return crimea to ukraine. The president i think also gets it wrong it would be great if russia and the United States got along. I dont think anyone would disagree. Buts about t it is the wrong qu ask. The right question is can the United States get along with russia as long as Vladimir Putin is in power without sacrificing or values and interests. And the answer to that question i think is unfortunately no. But everything youve seen from him publicly when it comes to when he talks about crimea and occupation of eastern ukraine, do you havefully confidence that he will bring it up anymore, i dont know, anymore in anymore forceful fashion . He has indicated ambiguity. He has been asked will he recognize it and he said well have to see. I think the president should be we have clear, he should not recognize the annexation of crimea. Whether on its own or in exchange for pputins. Putin doesnt live up to his promises. He didnt abide by cease fire agreements. He says they didnt interfere in our elections. Why anyone would believe what Vladimir Putin says is a mystery to me. Trump also yesterday said about the meeting that he almost seemed like he was trying to manage expectations saying it is a loose meeting, not a big schedule, shouldnt take a along period of time. You have written a piece. What do you think . I think putin will recognize that flattering plays well with President Trump. Weve seen other leaders do it, saudi, chinese and others. He will extoll his victory in 2016. I think he will also try he, putin, will blame president obama for the current state of relations, recognizing President Trump does like to point the finger at obama and blame him for the current states of affairs. And i also fear that he will encourage President Trump to look at institutions such as nato, the European Union, recognize that the you European Union was created to try to take advantage of the United States. The wto, the g7. Basically say to trump we should start over, we should create a new foundation, forget these institutions. Cold war era institutions. And i hope the president will recognize thoo these institutions somewhere largely kept the peace in the International World for the past seven plus decades. David cramer, thanks for coming in. Interesting to get your take whatever we learn coming out of this meeting. Coming up for us, it was a marathon hearing but it immediately went from hearing to chaos. And then the chaos part lasted for hours. And hours. In the middle of it, a question about bruce 13wri7k stespringst. The congressman who asked that question joins me next. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. Join tmobile. And get netflix included for the whole family. So you can get lost in space in your own backyard. Or get pumped up for your grand entrance. Only tmobile lets you watch your favorite movies and shows in more places, without paying more. 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You have embarrassed them, youve embarrassed yourself and i cant help but wonder when i see you looking there with a little smirk how many times did you look so innocent into your wifes eye and lie to her about mr. Chairman this, is outrageous. Shame on you. Mr. Chairman, please. Have you no this is intolerable harassment. You need your medication. Bananas. And that was just one moment. Congressman gohmert also mentioned lisa page there. That is strzoks former colleague with whom he had an extra marital affair. Today she is going to be on the hill. She will face some of the very same lawmakers in the House Committee behind closed doors for an interview. Page changed those antitrump Text Messages that have gotten so much attention. Strzok said yesterday again and again that nub of the personal opinions in the Text Messages had any impact on his work on either the clinton email investigation or the early part russia investigation. So what did we learn yesterday . Joini joining me now, one of the congressmen asking questions yesterday. So democratic congressman one of your colleagues called it a waste of time. And you called it during the hearing a Kangaroo Court. What do you call it today . Well, it was a Kangaroo Court and it was a disgrace and embarrassment certainly to the Republican Party and unfortunately i think to the whole institution. Look, we didnt enneed to have that hearing because the Inspector General department of justice has already determined that there was no bias of any kind, no partisan bias affecting the Hillary Clinton investigation end of story. It is basically over. But in order to buy their whole paranoid Conspiracy Theory nesis, you would have to assume that all of these republican prosecutors got together to try to help Hillary Clinton and hurt donald trump. You are talking about republican prosecutors comey and mueller and rosenstein and Jeff Sessions all big time republicans. It skn it didnt make any sense. This gets to a bit 6 your line of questioning. I want to play this. Watch this. In the spring of 2016, senator ted cruz called donald trump a, quote, sniffling coward, a pathological liar and a serial philanderer. Was this attack on trump by senator ted cruz a coordinated part of a deep state conspiracy that you organized . No. On april 8, august 8, 2018, senator marco rubio said donald trump was, quote, unworthy of being our president. Was this attack part of a deep state 13ir that conspiracy tha organized . No. And Speaker Paul Ryan said i wont defend donald trump not now and not in the future. Was this fleeting outburst of moral courage something you organize onned . No. Rex tillerson called donald trump a moron. Steve bannon said he is like an 11yearold child. Were these negative characteristics of donald trump part of a deep state gop conspiracy engineered by you and your friends . No. Balance compels me to ask you about bruce springsteen. He is a democrat and he said the republic is under siege by a moron. Did you tell him to say that . No. Was it part of a deep state conspiracy to criticize the president . No. So clear the point you were trying to make. But why were the past statements of republicans against trump important for you to highlight in the midst of this food fight playing out . That you think you for ask g thank you for asking. I was trying to point out the obvious that the only thing that they have on strzok and his paramour is the fact that they called donald trump an idiot and a couple other choice negative names. That is it. The ig found that there was no bias in the and they never lea it. If they wanted to harm donald trump in any way, they would have leaked that, but they didnt. So all they have is a couple of late night texts good boyfriend and girlfriend about howidiot. And i said then large numbers of people in the Republican Party are guilty of the deep state conspiracy too. But they werent Law Enforcement involved in an investigation. But that is precisely my point. There was an investigation into whether there was any official bias in the investigation and Inspector General said no. So all they have is a private statement and we have the same private statements on ted cruz and marco rubio and hatlf the Trump Administration which called him a moron, jerk, et cetera. There a republican member of our committee yesterday who was participated who had called the president an ahole himself. You may as well a reiarrest him. Congressman, im getting some direction in my ear. If you could stick with me. I need to head back to london. Let me see these pictures with you. Were going to windsor, this is t arrival of President Trump to heat with the queen of england. This is a ceremony that will be playing out. I think we should listen in for a second. Were watching the guard of honor greeting the president as he arrives at Windsor Castle. Let me bring in max foster. This is the guard of honor. They are preparing to meet President Trump. This is a standard format really because this is where the queen is most of the time. But she also uses it for visits from foreign dignitaries. So you have the guards lined up there. When the president arrives, you will note and hear the band of the guarard uards playing out t National Anthems. And then the president will be entered into that courtyard you will see there. This is the private quarters of the royal family. So the public dont get to see in normally. And you will see there the dais. The queen will invite him up to the dais and they will inspect the guard there. And then he will be invited in for tea. It will all be quite brief. But the pomp and ceremony that he hasnt seen much of the rest of the trip and im sure he will enjoy. Absolutely. And just the view Windsor Castle is quite a sight in and of itself. And quite a focal point in recent months. The queen of course has received i think is the appropriate term other u. S. President s at windsor cass is he wit castle. Bush, obama and reagan. So this is a special moment and something that weve been told the president is very much looking forward to. That was definitely conveyed in that Sun Newspaper interview. He was looking forward to that moment. Well, ive traveled the world with the queen and she does have this affect on foreign leaders partly because she is the longest serving head of state in the world. But also she is in this position as head of state unlike the president who is out of politics, she is expected to remain out of politics as well. And shes done so over more than 60 years before and part of history for so many heads of state, so she has met 11 out of 12 heads of state during her reign. Donald trump will be the 12th. There will be a photo, fairly standard picture, but it goes down in history. And you can probably hear behind me demonstrators but also a wedding. So chanting at one end and chaerg at t cha dheeri cheering at the other end of the street. So just to point out to you these ceremonial guards that you will see there are also engaged in missions. So the ones with the white plumes are actually working or deployed under u. S. Control in wrak fighting tiraq fightingf dash o dash o daesh. And they want to remind people that these are members of the military. And crucially a lot of lobbying is behind the scenes asking me to remind americans of the Close Military ties between the two countries. Huge amount of concern that that might be weakened because the other thing we saw in fnato, al the tensions between candidate and theresa may, so a big reminder that there is great unity and the queen will do what she can to enhance that special relationship which is so crucial to brits and their security. And there is no way of knowing of course, but what is discussed during a tea with the queen . I venture to guess if the president talks about his electoral win, what does the queen do . Well, there is a lot of etiquette things to look out for. First of all, there is the greeting. Traditionally the queen but she is up against another head of state, so it is flexible. The queen would speak first. She would put her hand out first. It would be a very brief hand shake. She would speak first. Shes are all the rules that people are used to engaging with. Foreign heads of state are told they can do what they wish, but they can bow if they like. President obama did bow on one occasion. And he called her her majesty. And he would get the briefings if he wanted to have them, but he is not expected to go through with any of them. When he gets in to tea, these can be fraught with nightmares along with americans who dont understand it either. But the queen allege serveways. There have various rules about how you hold the cup. You often here about the little firng being held up. You cant slurp. You cant dip your biscuit. But, you no, she always tries to make sure her guests feel comfortable. One of the great skills she has not picking up on the awkward things guests do. And you describe it as anxiety inducing for even the most proper of proper people. And were talking about the man who prides himself and known for, if known for one thing, his unpredictability and breaking of norms at least in politics. He is also known to be a pinnicky eater. So im very, very curious if questiwe could get behind closed doors on this one. And im handed what President Trump said to the sun about the queen. And talk about a glowing review going in. She is a tremendous woman. Inreally like forward to meeting her. I think she represents her country so well. If you think of it, she has really never made a mistake. You dont see like anything embarrassing. She is just an incredible woman. My wife is a tremendous fan of hers. I found that fascinating. It is fascinating. And also donald trump refers to how much his mother was into the queen. So she would make him watch the queen when she came up on television. And it is interesting that the Prime Minister gave a map of the area in scotland where his mother was from. So trying to emphasize those ties. We also know that there was a big reference yesterday to another figure that President Trump is fascinated by and that was churchill. But if you think about it, the queen is a direct reference to churchill because her first Prime Minister was Winston Churchill when she was in her mid20s. So that might come up as conversation. And he might be fascinated by all of the history that she represents. And also this direct channel to Winston Churchill who initially wasnt a fan of the queen, felt she was a young immature monarch who became a great fan of her. So there is a lot for donald trump to talk about with the queen. He might mention Meghan Markell as well who of course was married here. And she is not a fan of donald trump. She is on record for saying that, saying she would move to canada if he was voted in which of course she didnt. She moved to the uk instead but in terms of he had kit, he wi offended if he talks about what they discussed. All right. Max, well get back to you in a moment. We have breaking news to get to. I want to get over to washington where evan perez is with a press conference we were waiting for with regard to Rod Rosenstein. Thats right, we expect the Deputy Attorney general to be here in the skfrns room here at the Justice Department to give a press conference. He will achnswer some questions. They will not said what the subject is, but just a few minutes ago, prosecutors from the special counsels Office Robert muellers office as well as National Security division were at the federal magistrates courtroom at the courthouse a few blocks away to return an indictment according to a notice that our lawyer who is at the courthouse, she saw this notice that was opposed there. So that is what were exhibiting r expecting Rod Rosenstein will be talking about. They have only said that it is a Law Enforcement matter. However Laura Robinson saw the prosecutors from the special counsels office there at the federal magistrate where they according to a notice posted there, they are returning an indictments. We havent heard much from Rod Rosenstein at any public setting really very much. We know that a few evan, i have to jump in. So sorry. Were bouncing between divergent topics. We go back now to United Kingdom where Queen Elizabeth is standing by for the arrival of President Trump. Max foster, jeff zeleny joining me as we listen in. Snoetsz as we continue to watch these amazing pictures, jeff zeleny, white house correspondent, is joining me now. Jeff, what do we know about the president s perspective heading into this meeting . Well, kate, theres no question this is one of the marquee moments in the president s european trip here. Of course, hes spent the day with Prime Minister theresa may, but make no mistake, Queen Elizabeth of course controls the military. She is the reigning figure here and steeped in so much history today, as you and max were talking about. Met every president really for more than a half century, every u. S. President , except linden johnson. So President Trump going into this, he actually had kind words for the queen during that very controversial interview with the Sun Newspaper that is on the streets here today. But he praised the queen, said she never has an embarrassing moment. You know, he praised her stature. So certainly he and mrs. Trump are holding this out as a key part of the trip. And certainly, he appreciates at least this part of history and other history here. So this is one of those rites of passage for a queen to meet a new american president. This meeting was scheduled to happen last year. This trip has been canceled and rescheduled. So of course, this is a signature stop, much more for pomp and circumstance than anything else. But as max was saying before, these conversations held privately, a president never discloses what he discusses with the queen. Well see if President Trump holds on to that. But he does relish these moments of the office as well. So these pictures, of course, extraordinary, watching them here. This is the final stop here before the president and First Lady Melania Trump head to scotland for his weekend at his golf course, kate. All right, jeff. Max foster, i think, is back with us too. Max, do we know how long tea with the queen lasts . Were not at liberty to talk about timings because of security concerns. Of course. But its not going to be a huge amount of time. Youll hear the u. S. National anthem. Youll see the president. Then youll see them inspecting the guard there. That will be quite a brief moment. As youve just been hearing, donald trump does enjoy these moments. He can quite easily set the timings out. I think theyll go based on what he wants to do. So hell be able to spend some time there. Its a beautiful setting, as you can see. These guards have all come in from foreign deployments to be part of this. Its a big moment for them as well, a big showcase for them. As we were hearing as well, the number of president s shes met over the years is something worth of note. Its almost like something a foreign head of state wants to tick off when they come to the uk, to meet the queen to have as part of the album. Shes met 11 of the 12 heads of state in america during her reign. Harry truman was one she also met, but she wasnt actually queen at that point. She was princess. So over the years, all the president s going back to Winston Churchills time, who was her first Prime Minister. So that will be part of the conversation. Youll also hear various pieces of music that the guards have put together for this special occasion as well. Very keen for me to mention how the queen gave them special permission to play the American National anthem just after 9 11 all those years ago. It was a big moment for them, a big moment for americans living in the uk as well. Max, this is not a state visit, albeit with a lot of pomp and circumstance still, what is the difference . Well, they come up with this term working visit, which basically isnt a state visit. Its somewhere in between. It has taken a format over the decades. A state visit is the carriage, the cavalry, the banquet of buckingham palace. This is the format thats really formed into something that isnt that. Its a working visit. Its tea with the queen. Its working meetings with the Prime Minister in london and checkers. So this is a sort of format thats developed over the years. The protesters here are putting the message out. I had a bit of a todo with them on my show yesterday, actually. The state visit has been canceled here in the uk because the Prime Minister didnt want a state visit, the queen didnt want the state visit. Very clearly thats not the case. The offer of a state visit is there. The white house can choose whether or not they want to instigate that. They can come here at any point pretty much as long as theres the planning in place and the queens available. The state visit is going to happen. Donald trumps most welcome to come for that, but this is a working visit, something they could do in the meantime, really, because they wanted these two key allies to come together in the United Kingdom. Do we know whats happening right there . Whos under the tent with the queen right now, max . Well, these are the senior figures in the guard. Also a couple palace officials and a footman you can see there at the base of the steps. Theyve got a pretty interesting insight. Effectively, theyre killing time waiting for the president. The queen is waiting, which you dont often see. I didnt want to point it out, but shes doing this because this is such a crucial visit. The Prime Minister and the government have made it very clear to the palace that this is a priority visit. So this is when the queen steps up, really, and will do whatever she can to make sure this works. Jeff, what i hope jeff zeleny is still with me. Jeff, what are you hearing from your end on the import for President Trump and meeting the queen and what this interaction means . Well, kate, of all the rites of passage an american has, one is indeed meeting Queen Elizabeth. The thought that shes still in her reign after so many powerful years, her longevity certainly is something that President Trump was eager to meet with her. No question about it. This is something he and Melania Trump also have been studying. There are protocols. They will bring a gift and present that on the side of this. Of course, not in the moment there. This is something President Trump certainly likes, a ceremony. He loves a red carpet moment. Something that distinguishes, you know, the u. S. President s job from many others in the world. This is one of those such moments. Yes, a lot of attention here is focusing on his trip, that helsinki summit with Vladimir Putin, very important, but this is important to him as well, largely because of these pictures and the song. President trump, we know, from seeing him in a variety of foreign capitals all over the world during his first year and a half in office certainly loves this moment of the job. This is probably almost a year after he was in paris for bastille day walking along the cha champselysees. After having government meetings for the last several days, this is a social moment but also very important here having tea with the queen. As max said, theyre not expected to linger very long at all. This is a quick meeting. One thing that will be different, of course, the last time an american president was here barack obama and michelle. This is an interesting historical moment. We do not know if hell be the last american president to meet with her. We have no idea about that. But certainly he is happy he is here and meeting with the Queen Elizabeth. All right. Jeff, stand by for me. Cnns kate bennett is inside. I want to go in there right now. What are you seeing . Well, im actually on top of Windsor Castle on one of the upper levels. They walked us up many, many steps here. Looking down over the quadrangle as the band plays and the queen watches from this tented area, shes there with the comptroller, Lieutenant Colonel sir andrew ford. Obviously we dont see prince philip. We dont expect him to attend. At any moment, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will drive through the castle gates into the quadrangle. Theyll come around the corner and stop in front of the queen. Again, more pomp and circumstance. Its not a large crowd thats gathered. A bit of press, but certainly this moment feels very important. Here at Windsor Castle we drove here from the press conference. It took about 45 minutes. Of course, the president flew back via helicopter to london then will fly via helicopter here again to windsor. Certainly right now the queen is standing and just waiting for the trumps to arrive. Shes been doing so for the past several minutes. So were all anticipating the big meet and greet with the queen of england. Its questionable what how this is going to go. Theres a certain amount of protocol, as jeff was saying. Certainly waiting until the queen extends her hand before you shake her hand. And those sorts of things. At any moment, they should drive through. All right. Well be watching it. Our continuing coverage of President Trump at Windsor Castle. Tea with the queen continues. Inside politics with wolf blitzer will start right now. Thanks very much, kate. This is our special cnn coverage were following right now. Im wolf blitzer in washington. Take a look at this. Were showing you live pictures from Windsor Castle, where President Trump is set to meet with the queen of england and then have tea with her majesty. Lets go to our cnn royal correspondent max foster. Hes in windsor for us right now. Looks like at least one vehicle is arriving there. Max, set the scene for us. Yeah, i think theyre pretty much on time. Just had a note from the palace saying this was the time theyre due to arrive. The queen wanted to come out early to greet the president. She will do so personally, as you can see. Shes there in the quadrangle of windsor. This is the private quarters of the castle where the public dont normally get in to see. So the president will be welcomed. Theres a guard of honor there. The National Anthem for the United States will be played. He will be invited to inspect the guard of honor. He can spend as much time as he likes doing that. We dont expect it to be terribly long. Then theyll go inside and have tea, wolf. A big moment for the United Kingdom, but arguably also for the president of the United States because this is the 12th president of the United States that the queen will actually be meeting and greeting. Sometimes in america, sometimes here. But shes a huge historic figure. We know hes a big fan. Certa

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