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Control. So has he already abandoned everything we heard in that Live Television bipartisan meet with talk of gun reform. After months of chatter, there may be a time frame to h. R. Mcmaster leaving his role. It could be the end of the month. With the full security clearance still in limbo, ivanka trump under fbi scrutiny. The fbi learning that counterintelligence officials are investigating one of her International Business deals. Cnns Kaitlan Collins is at the white house. The president this morning, kaitlan, facing bipartisan criticism on his tariffs announcement, but hes not backing down. Reporter hes certainly not backing down. He seems to be doubling down and he seems to be very dismissive of the criticism he stunned his own aides when he announced hes going to be imposing tariffs on the aluminum and steel imports and also shocking gop lawmakers and rattling the stock market but the president doesnt seem to be phased by any of that. He was tweeting this morning saying he believes that trade wars could be a good thing and easy to win and he said, for example, that when were down 100 billion, with a certain country, and, quote, they get cute, dont trade anymore and we win big. Its easy. The president seems to be very dismiss of, the criticism hes receiving, the blow back hes receiving from all of this, and what hes implying with his tweets this morning is that he seems to be just getting started. And, of course this is all coming on the heels of lots of other activity at the white house, a day after the president said he supported gun reforms, he met with the nras chief lobbyist who seems s ts to sug the president backing away from those proposals. Reporter thats a great question. White house aides are unable to articulate where the president stands on guns. You can see why. According to nra lobbyist who met with the president here at the white house in the oval office, last night, something we only found out about because the president tweeted about it, the nra lobbyist tweeted a message saying the president and the Vice President are strong supporters of the Second Amendment and due process and he said that they do not want gun control. Now that probably comes as a surprise to most people including the nra who watched the president on wednesday during that televised, very interesting meeting with lawmakers here at the white house, where the president showed a very strong, very surprising amount of support for these gun control measures, including expanding background checks, something that the nra has rejected, and including raising the age to purchase certain firearms, something that the nra has said that they do not like, and also throwing out that he wants to be able to take guns away from people who are mentally ill and saying that he doesnt know if there should always be due process in those situations. Something that certainly a lot of people probably would have paid to see the nras reaction to the president saying that during that meeting with lawmakers, but now you know, just less than a day after the president made those points, the nra seems to say the that the president is backing off of those, and that hes more in line with their views on what to do Going Forward in light of that Tragic School shooting in parkland, florida. So a lot of chaos and whiplash coming out of the white house here in washington. One thing that has been consistent, i should point out, in the middle of all of the stories here at the white house is that the National Security adviser, h. R. Mcmaster, seems to be on his way out the door and that they are planning an exit strategy. Someone we know that the president has disagreed with ever since he has been the National Security adviser. Safe to say it is a re chaotic day once again here at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. At least you can count on the chaos, though, right . There is that. Thank you. Some of the harshest critics are members of his own party, gop lawmakers warning of backlash as republicans are already facing a tough election year. Sunlen serfaty is on capitol hill with more of that reaction. Reporter essentially two words coming from Top Republicans up here on capitol hill. Big mistake. In a very short period of time, we have heard a whole lot of concern coming from members of the president s own party about this policy. Not only the way it happened, the fact that many of them were not given a heads up, many feel that they were not properly briefed, they were caught flat footed about this policy announcement, but mostly about the policy. The fact that many republicans are just flat out against it. And we heard warnings coming from them, warning that it could lead to a trade war, warning about potential retaliation coming from other countries. And warning, they say, that it could be americans that could be paying the final price of all of this. Top republican senator mike lee calling this flat out a tax to describe this tariff announcement, saying it is a huge job killing tax hike on american consumers, also senator orrin hatch, someone who is typically very much in lockstep with the administration, he said yesterday, quote, i dont believe in tariffs, they dont work well. Secondly, it creates a tariff war and i dont think thats the way to go. And many Top Republicans up here on capitol hill are urging the president to rethink, reconsider this policy announcement at least hold off before taking any formal action. As we know, even though there is widespread criticism and concern coming from members of the president s own party, erica, the white house still intends to finalize this policy potentially next week. Sunlen serfaty, appreciate it, thank you. Republican lawmakers as you just heard warning of the tariffs unintended consequences. We want to dive deep we are the potential impact, both the political and the economic. Christine romans is cnns chief Business Correspondent and chris cillizza, cnn politics reporter and editor at large. One of the questions that has come up repeatedly this morning is what the president said. The president said very clearly, a trade war is good, and it is easy to win. Is a trade war good . Absolutely not. Nobody in history ever said a trade war is easy. Look back to the great depression, the trade war caused that, not the market crash but the trade war. If you look at the facts here too, this is supposed to probably hurt the chinese. Thats the rhetoric. The chinese send us about. 2 of their exports of steel and aluminum, not going to hurt them. It is going to hurt u. S. Consumers who are going to pay higher prices. Were already seeing potential threats of retaliatory measures by the eu, talking about, you know, putting tariffs in place on the u. S. Youre seeing eu Companies Like electrolux, a big company, saying were not going to open a factory in tennessee we had planned. The president said very clearly, look, i want to protect the country, the workers, i want to protect the Steel Industry. There say big difference between the Steel Industry and all of the industries in this country which use steel and the millions of jobs. Tied to that. It is true. Tariffs narrowly protect one part of the economy, say aluminum smelters. Ive seen estimates of hundreds to thousands of new jobs in smell thing. You look at Steel Production. Steel workers is make 140,000 of those. Look outside of that, manufacturing, 6. 5 million jobs by one estimate depend on using the raw material to make something else. This is something that the National Retail federation called a tax on american families, youll pay for it in cars, airplanes, appliances, construction equipment, house, cans, beer. Stop the presses. Beer. Beer is important. It is a friday. So it has been a rough week for people in washington. Lets not discount the impact on beer. In all seriousness, though, were just hearing wilbur ross in the last few moments pushing back to all the points youre making and saying it is not a big deal. He used the example of the car, 35,000 car, he said, if youre talking about a steel that is 700 a ton, and you add 125, it is not a big deal. I dont know f youre. It might be a big deal. There is a lot of collateral effects. You think about inflation, could be caused by higher consumer prices. That causes the fed to raise Interest Rates faster, makes everybodys debt get more expensive. There is lots of fallout. The only thing is going to do is create more political tension. If we get into a full blown trade war here, that could really derail the recovery that were seeing and politically it is just an amazing move. Here is the thing, the stock market is down 1 , 1 yesterday, if they really believe he were going to do this i think the market would be down further. Thats probably true. And i want to bring you in on that point, two things i want to pick on, on what you both said. Will he follow through, will he do this . Lets be clear, this plan is not flushed out. We dont know exactly what is in it. Thats an important part of the equation here. Number two, when we talk about trump voters, which you brought up, christine, this is also the president keeping a promise. This is the president doing exactly what he said he would do. On the will he follow through, i dont know. I mean, you know i love the gesture. Well make that into a gif. How could you at this point . You do the segment on guns, i say the same thing. Immigration, we have been down this road before. Past is prologue. The answer is probably not. Just because he does say things that his aides scramble to try to make policy behind that. It is not clear whether he usually doesnt necessarily stick to what he originally said. Asked whether it is keeping a promise. It is and it isnt. Christine touched on it. It is in that donald trump talked relentlessly on the campaign trail about we have president s and politicians who make bad trade deals for us. They make good trade deals for other countries, were going to renegotiate all of those trade deals, were going to renegotiate, were going to get better terms for us, were going to make sure other countries know that we come first. So, yes. The problem, of course, is that if you think that a car company is going to say, well, yeah, the tariff on steel means it will cost us more money to make this car, but well eat that cost, we wont pass it down to the consumer, like youre not familiar with the way in which business works, they will be like, yes, on one hand, no on the other hand in that it is going to impact people who may not even understand necessarily that that impact is coming from a thing that they support which is we need more american jobs, we need to stop making bad deals. And on the point about jobs, what kind of jobs would you be protecting here . You would be protecting, you know, a few very old line manufacturing jobs of a kind that are going away anyway. You look at, you know, in 2002, under the bush administration, when there were tariffs slapped briefly, the Steel Production it declined. The industry didnt recover. There were retaliatory measures in the wto. We need to be we need to be spending money training at 21st century workforce, not trying to protect steel jobs. The retaliatory measure is important. Donald trump in his tweet seems to he acts as though were the lone player and other countries will do nothing in retaliation. Well, well just set this up and then theyll just have to pay us, boom, bam, we won. The other countries are going to retaliate. Well, well continue to stay on it. We have to leave it there. Appreciate it. Thank you, all. I want to get an update on breaking news following throughout the morning. Police now say two people have been shot and killed on the campus of Central Michigan university. Cnn National Correspondent Jason Carroll joins us now with more. Jason . Reporter we have updated information for you, erica. Those two people shot and killed apparently this according to Central Michigan University Police were not students at the university. And the suspect in all of this has been identified as well. Police looking for a man by the name of James Eric Davis jr. Hes about 19 years old, stands about 510, wearing a mustard colored jeans and possibly a blue hoodie, may have taken that hoodie off, just to recap, this all began around 9 00 a. M. , happening at once again Central Michigan university at campbell hall, a coed dorm at the university. The school immediately went on lockdown. Students requested to shelter in place and at this point the suspect is still at large. And, erica, in terms of a motive here, police are basically saying that they believe that this situation started from some sort of a domestic situation, the governor weighing in on this, thanking First Responders for their Quick Response and saying the main priority is the safety of the students there on campus. Erica . Jason with the latest there, thank you. Coming up, a cnn exclusive report, the fbi now probing a business deal involving ivanka trump. And it could be a big hurdle in her attempt to get a full security clearance. Those details next. Plus, millions of americans in the path of a powerful noreaster, slamming the east coast. More than a thousand flights already canceled, Hurricane Force winds hitting major cities, we are live in the center of the storm. Oh. So, that means no breakfast . I said there might be breakfast. I was really looking forward to breakfast. I know. Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. While nothing comparesating modeto the real thing. D. Experience the command performance sales event for yourself, now through april 2. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. The roasted core wrap. Belly fat. 3, 2, 1. Not cool. Freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting . Now thats cool coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. And no surgery. Results and Patient Experience may vary. Some rare side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. Ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit coolsculpting. Com today. For your chance to win a free treatment. Want us to do about what woulthis president . Fathers im tom steyer, and when those patriots wrote the constitution here in philadelphia, they had just repelled an invading foreign power. So they created the commander in chief to protect us from enemy attack. The Justice Department just indicted 13 russians for sabotaging our elections. An electronic attack on america that the chief investigator called warfare. So what did this president do . Nothing. And is he doing anything to prevent a future attack . The head of the fbi says no. This president has failed his most important responsibility protecting our country. The first question is why . What is in his and his familys business dealings with russia that he is so determined to hide, that hed betray our country . And the second question is why is he still president . Join us today. We have to do something. My ci can worry about it,ine. Or do something about it. Garlique® helps maintain healthy cholesterol naturally. And its odor free. And pharmacist recommended. Garlique. ® cnn has learned the fbi is taking a closer look at one of ivanka trumps foreign business deals. Sources say theyre zeroing this on the negotiations and the financing surrounding the Trump International hotel and tower in vancouver. The extra attention could make it harder for ivanka trump to get full security clearance she needs as an adviser to the president. Joining us now, cnn crime and justice reporter shimon prokupe prokupecz. Walk us through what we learned. Reporter what we learned is as part of her background check, as part of some of the security clearance work, the fbi has been going over some of the financial deals, some of the meetings she has had with foreign contacts. And for some reason this deal in vancouver has raised some issues. We dont exactly know why it raised these issues, but for some time now the fbi has been pouring over the details of it, some of the meetings that she has had surrounding that deal, the property, the hotel, the residents there opened in february 2017. And ever since then really the fbi has been focusing, zeroing in on some of the meetings, going over the financial records. We have to be clear shes not under investigation here or that she is a target of this, but as we have been reporting, there has been a lot of concern from the fbi from counterintelligence officials that foreigners foreign contacts, people who were having discussions with Jared Kushner, with ivanka trump, with other people in the trump orbit, were trying to exploit them for some of their financial issues, for some other issues and perhaps to have some kind of leverage over them and thats what this whole investigation could be about for the fbi certainly and for u. S. Counterintelligence officials. Well continue to follow that. Shimon, thank you. Joining me now, michael zeldin, cnn legal analyst and former special assistant to the Justice Department. Should the white house, should ivanka trump be concerned at this point . Im not sure she should be concerned from a legal liability standpoint from what we have seen. But from an appearance standpoint, theyre having the same problems that Jared Kushner is having, they have buildings that are populated by a lot of foreign investors. Either as investors or participants of the property. A lot of people, like in panama and in this case, they have links to government or organized crime and that creates a lot of problems potentially for them from a leverage, blackmailing standpoint. So, yeah, they should be concerned reputationally, not yet legally, but, you know, in the positions that they hold, reputation is as important as legal liability. And what about Robert Mueller at some point speaking to ivanka trump . I told shimon in the article he wrote last night, you were somewhat surprise ed he hasnt been. Why . She sits in an important place in many of the key meetings. The air force one memo that was misleading statements about what happened on the june 9th meeting between donald jr. And the russians, she seems to have her fathers ear throughout, not only the campaign, but the transition and that went into the white house. Mueller is investigating all different phases of that timeline. So she has to have information in the same way that hope hicks had to have information and we know that he has an interest, mueller does, in hope hicks because hes interviewed her for two days and we know congress isnt just interested in her, because they interviewed her for ten hours. I just dont understand why ivanka has yet to be brought in. I expect she will, but probably that mueller is biding his time, waiting for the appropriate time when he was all the evidence he needs just like with the president to bring her in, and examine what she has to say. Michael stay with me. Wasnt to bring in jamil javer. When you take all this in and where we stand, lets pretend youre back in the white house now in that role, in the trump white house. How are you advising him with all of the headlines coming up, with all the questions popping up . The real challenge is that this is getting in the way of the president s agenda, making it hard for him to operate, the clearances, all the questions of foreign influence, even if theyre not true, it is making it hard for the white house to get the job done. In some ways you want to say if we can clear the issues off the deck, put the people in a position of doing something else, we can focus our agenda, tax cuts, regulatory reform, thats the hard part. In terms of the security clearances, again, it is tough to know where we stand, the white house refuses to comment on any of the security clearances at this point, but we cant ignore the fact that jared and ivanka are a package deal because theyre a married couple. What one spouse does and how that impacts their application, how theyre going through the process for their security clearance, it can directly affect the other one as well. Do you see in the future this downgrade we saw for Jared Kushner could come back to haunt ivanka . Well, certainly in the sense that people always the fbi looks into the question of whether foreigners can influence the spouse of an individual and if they can, that can put pressure on the individual who has access. Youre right, even if only one of them maintains access to the president or to highly classified information, if their spouse has a security clearance problem, thats going to be an issue. Im sorry, michael, go ahead. Thats exactly correct. Thats why we we are agreeing this package is such a problem for the president that he really has to mack a decision about whether or not it is in his best interest to keep them on. There is also the separate issue about the leaks in the white house and the frustration with the president. As were bringing in devin nunes into the conversation, as we look at all of this, michael, are we seeing a total breakdown of congressional ethics at this point . Well, on the House Intelligence Committee side, there are things going on that are just incomprehensible to me from a Law Enforcement intelligence standpoint. This fbi memo that the memo nunes wrote that the fbi opposed his release gets released with the president s blessing, unbelievable to me. The fact that nunes goes to the white house and has meetings about the drafting of that memo, and about other counterintelligence information, just undermines the separation of powers that is so important in the intelligence space. I just dont understand what it is that congress, particularly this committee and this individual congressman is thinking when they have to step back and look at their real role, which is to protect america from counterintelligence threats. Just doesnt make sense to me. Do you think there is a chance that Robert Mueller could look at devin nunes . I doubt it. Devin nunes is protected by the constitution, the speech and debate clause. I wouldnt worry about that. I think michael is right, you know, congressional oversight is important to making sure the Intelligence Community is doing the right thing. Whether that takes place in a partisan way, and hear about members leaking stuff, if it is true, thats troubling, something we need to be focused on as an american public. At the end of the day, russian interference, in our political system, and if we cant get it together and Work Together in a bipartisan way, were going to have real problems as a country. Appreciate it, thank you, both. Coming up, millions across the northeast are bracing for a storm, some of them in it at this point. Hurricane force winds, the noreaster has already led to the cancellation of more than a thousand flights. Experts warning this has the potential to create chaos across several states. Stay with us. Your heart doesnt only belong to you. Bye grandpa. And if you have Heart Failure, entrusting your heart to entresto may help. Entresto is a Heart Failure medicine that helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital compared to a leading Heart Failure medicine. Dont take entresto if pregnant. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. 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We already know a power outage in some areas, expected to be an issue as is travel into and out of the northeast. Some 1500 flights have been canceled already today, as a precaution in washington, federal offices, museums, the zoo are closed today. In new england, many are bracing for severe coastal flooding and thats where cnns Pablo Sandoval is. He joins us from boston. Reporter you got rain, wind, and you got flooding. As far as precipitation, were just beginning to see some of that here in boston. Used to be able to see the air Traffic Control tower at Logan International airport. Flooding that is the main issue here in boston. Folks have been through this before, just happened in january where we did see some of the water flood the areas around the harbor. What makes it a little more difficult this time, though, were expecting three high tides in the next 36 hours or so. Even after low tide it may not be so low after all because the winds will continue to push some of the water into some of these regions. You can see what is usually a fairly busy area here, a lot of people walking along this harbor clearly folks are staying away at this point, heeding some warnings from officials. Were past the preparation stage. Now it is about hunkering down here in the city of boston. Schools still happening. But as far as businesses, some attractions along the water, those are going to be closing up shop for the day. Erica . All right, thank you. The Trump Administration is considering military action against north korea if it succeeds in building a Nuclear Missile that can hit the united states. Multiple sources telling cnn National Security officials are also concerned that north korea could spread nuclear and Missile Technology to other countries including iran, pakistan, libya, and even terror groups. Already this week, the u. N. Reported pyongyang was helping syria with chemical weapons, north korea denies that. Barbara starr joins me now with more. What else do we know . Well, hi, erica. Scary stuff on a good day of the week. Right now, one of the Major Concerns is if north korea really can put a Nuclear Warhead on an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile that could reach out and hit the united states. The general thinking is north korea has some of the pieces, but it cant put it all together just yet. It doesnt have that advanced targeting guidance capability. It cant really assure that a warhead could hit a target. But the question for the president , the question now if there is going to be a new National Security adviser, do they wait. Do they wait until north korea demonstrates that full capability . And with the u. S. Intelligence community is saying, that capability could be just a few months away. So we are looking at 2018, the second year of Trump Administration in which decisions are going to have to be made one way or the other. How long do you stick with sanctions, with High Pressure diplomacy, do you have to turn towards a combat option. And here at the pentagon, i have to tell you, defense secretary james mattis and the chairman of the joint chiefs, very cautious about that, warning that war would lead to massive casualties, be a catastrophe in the region, it could have a tremendous impact on the World Economy and financial markets. So no surprise to anybody, there are no Good Solutions here, it is why the white house is pressing north korea so hard to give up its weapons. That clock is ticking. Thank you. Well, in terms of washington, what is happening inside that building on your screen, talk about a wild ride over the last 72 hours. If your head is spinning, you are not alone. Were going to do our best to make sense of it all next. 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Just some of the highlights, fbi counterintelligence as we learned now investigating one of ivanka trumps business deals. National security adviser h. R. Mcmaster could leave his position bit end of the month. The confidante and White House Communications director hope hicks resigned. There is also senior white house adviser and the president s soninlaw Jared Kushner who could be a potential target for foreign manipulation due to overseas contacts, security clearance downgraded. And the 31,000 dining room furniture debacle courtesy of the department of housing and urban development. And that is, you know, just in no particular order a quick look at some of the things we have talked about. Cnn political commentator paul begala and Alice Stewart joining me to make sense of all of it. Alice, as we look at this, there is the chaos, we talk about it being wild, the whiplash, all of that is true and accurate. But is it also just time for us to accept that this is simply the way this white house works . Well, everyone knew whether you voted for President Trump or not he was not going to be your ordinary president. Hes uncharacteristic of others, unlike any others we had. We knew this was not going to be typical presidency. All those things you mentioned, with staff departures and others possibly on the way, and as well as questions about financial ties and furniture purchases, and let me add to that the mean tweets against the attorney general Jeff Sessions as well as alec baldwin, those are things that have been discussed widely here on television and in the media, but i can assure you, ive spoken at two big gop events this week, and those arent subjects that they talk about. And those are things that is a lot of palace intrigue, yes, it causes disruption and distraction in the white house and as paul knows, when youre dealing with things like that, it is difficult to drive your agenda. But i think it is good also to look at some of the positive things that he has actually done this week, really continuing the debate on gun violence, whether or not were all on the same page with that, remains to be seen. But also working to protect the Steel Industry with regard to the tariff announcement that he had. So certainly a lot of noise, but im going to focus on the positive progress we had this week. So youre focusing on some of that progress. From a strategic perspective, you look at this, when you flood the zone with information and developments in the way that this white house does, and when you keep everyone guessing, is that, in fact, a win for the president or is it more of a distraction because alice wants to talk about two things that the white house sees as a win those are are not certainly getting the attention in that way, because of all of the other distractions. Right. The president doesnt have a communications strategy. Jeb bush said if he makes this guy president , the chaos president , he said chaos candidate, a chaos president. Governor bush was right. But i think alice makes a great point, the American People knew that when they voted for him. 62 Million People voted for trump, want a wrecking ball, got a wrecking ball. Here is the problem with wrecking balls. Sometimes they hit your house. Even the policy stuff that alice talks about, the president s position on guns is now hes going to confiscate them without due process. Thats beyond any left winger. Thats way past Nancy Pelosis position. But nobody takes it seriously because it is only the president. On live tv meeting with members of congress. Analogous situation with steel and aluminum, which seems to come out of not a disciplined policy process, but just a sort of president ial fit of peak. The problem with that, is tying it back to barbara starrs report from the pentagon. America has adversaries around the world and those sense chaos, weakness, disorder, and theyre going to move whether it is north korea, whether it is iran, whether it is china, whether it is russia, thats the problem is that we have real enemies in the world. Even i as a democrat, i dont like to see my president tied down by all this chaos because hes still my president , hes still supposed to be defending america against all the threats. Alice, youre pointing out a couple of things. We have to say there is no Real Movement here. We dont have an exact plan on what the steel tariff will look like, how it will be rolled out. We have a couple of numbers. We mo it wasnt fully flushed out before it came to be. We know the president keeps changing his position on what we hear on gun control and both parties are asking for this president to lead when it comes to some sort of discussion about guns. So the question comes back to are the American People losing out . How much of that has been a discussion for you and republican circles that the work itself, legislation is not moving through . I would imagine that the rate they would like . Thats the an excellent point. One of the key points with regard to this tariff, it was not a very good rollout. It wasnt a rollout. Just him saying, im going to impose a tariff on steel and aluminum industry on imports and it wasnt any details. Thats why were seeing such a dive in the market. Thats why there is talk of trade wars. I think in hindsight, would have backed up and rolled out a full policy like they did with tax reform, we would be in a much different space. He wanted to get that out there and begin the conversation. With regard to gun violence, all options are on the table. Look, a lot of people are saying the president is changing his mind. Hes having every option on the table. We heard about expanding background checks, which is critical. We heard about hardening schools, possibly arming teachers, talking about one of the big issues you messengere m taking guns away and answering questions later, a lot of people have issues with that. I think it is really premature to nail the president down on any one of these components of this, because hes still in the listening phase. Hes still taking down ideas, talking with the nra last night. They told me that theyre pushing hard for him to stand firm on Second Amendment rights. Thats their number one objective is to make sure to protect Second Amendment rights for their 5 million members and tens of millions of Second Amendment supporters across this country. I think were very, very far from a concrete proposal addressing gun violence. I think it is premature to nail him to the wall on any one issue. And maybe premature to nail him to the wall, we were told we would have at least some thoughts by yesterday, which we dont have, those apparently getting pushed aside to move forward with the plan when it comes to steel. This could be a real moment for the president , though, if he can lead both parties here who want to see something done who are far apart, but have to start the discussion somewhere. Were not seeing as much of that in terms of moving forward, not something that happens overnight, not one fix to this. We are seeing movement in the corporate space. Still seeing the American People speak up and hear what they want. How much is thinks about gun control, even though he campaigned, big for the nra, he sat there and said, were going to confiscate weapons first and then do due process second. Well, even im not even im a gun owner myself, im not for that. We have to have due perfect cess. He doesnt know what this is the problem, though, when for the first time in american history, we elected a president with no Prior Experience in government or in the military. And this is what you get, america. Look, i hope youre happy. I dont mean to sound mean on friday, but he wasnt hiding this from anybody. Lunatic on the campaign, lunatic in the white house and hell be a lunatic in his post president ial phase. As you point out, it is friday. The president was tweeting, also an obvious fact there. That will happen too whether it is friday or any other day. This is catching a lot of attention, not solely for the fact that initially the tweet said alex baldwin, referencing alec baldwin. Dying mediocre career saved by his terrible impersonation of me on snl saying now playing me was agony. It was agony for those who were forced to watch. I think alec baldwin has too much fun. With that tweet right there, erica, that is red meat for the base. Thats exactly what the president is doing, having a little fun, throwing out something, bashing not just the media, but saturday night live and their portrayal of them, they love it, gives them something to nibble on for the weekend. The gift the president is serving up on a friday. Paul, your take . Get spell check. First, dying, it is a five letter word, dying. Dying. This is the word nerd in me. Hes an embarrassment. The person happiest is alec baldwin and lorne michaels, it will boost their ratings. Thats fine if youre a private citizen at the top of your golddrenched penthouse in manhattan. Hes my president. And we have real threats and real problems. We have just barely buried all the children and teachers murdered in florida and thats what i want him focused on is our economy. Our security. And not picking fights with movie stars. Paul begala, alice, appreciate it, good to see you both. And well pick up that discussion on monday. Thank you. Were keeping a close watch on the markets. At this hour, you see down just about a percentage point, triple ditht digits, the president announcing upcoming tariffs and declaring trade wars are good. More details ahead. But first, in just two weeks we begin a new season of cnn heroes. Everyday people changing the world. So where and how do we find these remarkable individuals . Well, we do a lot of it with your help. Today, we want to introduce you it a woman who successfully nominated her personal hero to be a cnn hero. Thanks to her, sister Theresa Fitzgerald was honored for offering thousands of incourse rated women and their children a fresh start. I met her at the correctional facility. It was through her love and if you know someone who deserves to be a cnn hero, please nominate them. You can do it right now at cnnheroes. Com. The first couple today in North Carolina to attend the funeral of reverend billy graham. At any moment President Trump and the first lady will be seated at the service. Diane gallagher joins us live from cheyenne. Diane . Reporter erica, we expect that to happen any moment now. Both the Vice President , the first lady, the second lady and President Trump will be escorted by the reverend Billy Grahams grandson. After that his casket will be brought in. The Funeral Services will begin. Erica, this is something that the reverend billy graham actually planned himself about a decade ago, his own funeral, so theyre going through exactly what his last wishes were, the way he wanted to be remembered here at his library in charlotte, North Carolina. His childhood home where he was born is on these grounds here. Hes been called the president s pastor. Hes been called the protestant pope by some. President trump will be the 13th president to pay honor to him a little bit later this afternoon. Hes not expected to speak, but his attendance here, were told, is very, very appreciated, especially by son grant. Words you dont expect to hear from a sitting u. S. President. Trade wars are good. Thats what President Trump declared this morning on twitter, defending his announcement of new tariffs. More on the global reaction, coming up. Vibranium secured. Well done my king. Is my ride ready . Of course, big brother. But you have to hurry. Show off experience luxury performance that takes the crown. Presenting the allnew lexus ls 500. Long live the king. If yorheumatoid arthritisevere and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a medication, this is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further irreversible damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. 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