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Release. He also called for prayers for those involved in the search and rescue mission of a crashed u. S. Navy plane, but very little likely to divert attention from the president effectively endorsing his partys Embattled Senate candidate in alabama. The president batting away the accusations of several women who say roy moore pursued them as teenagers. Instead, the president is breaking ranks with leading republicans who have called on roy moore to step aside amid the myriad claims of sexual misconduct. The reason, moore says he did not sexually assault a 14yearold girl and said he did not ever try to seduce other women. Well, he denies it. Look, he denies it. He totally denies it. He says it didnt happen. He said 40 years ago, this did not happen. Let me just tell you, roy moore denies it. Thats all i can say. He denies it. And by the way, he totally denies it. Well, he denies. Roy moore denies it. And by the way, he gives a total denial. He totally denies it. I think you see the theme here. Deny being the key word. This is what the president is relying on. The word here of this accused predator, while also revealing a higher motive. The republican partys razorthin majority in the senate. His reasoning, quoting him, we dont need a liberal person in there. Lets get straight to it. Our white house crews are covering it all for us today. Lets begin, though, with jeremy diamond, here with me in new york. And jeremy diamond, the tweets talk about the tweets. Yes. Listen, the morning after the president , obviously, all but endorsing roy moore, the controversial alabama republican, whos been accused of sexual assault, sexual misconduct, molesting at least one 14yearold girl, the president is tweeting about everything but that. A kind of grab bag, as you were saying, of tweets here. We have him talking about lavar ball. This is one of the first tweets the president put out this morning, saying it wasnt the white house, it wasnt the state department, it wasnt father lavars socalled people on the grou ground, saying, its me. Its the president of the United States who secured their release by talking to chinese president xi jinping. And the president returning to this familiar controversy of what the nfl National Anthems protests. He says, the nfl is thinking about a new idea, keeping teams in the locker room during National Anthem next season. Thats almost as bad as kneeling. And then he asked, when will the highly paid commissioner finally get tough and smart . The issue is kill ying your league. I think we need to be clear here, brook, that these are obviously distractions. Thats not to say that the president doesnt want alabama Republican Voters to know what he said. He wants them to know what he said, to give them another reason to potentially believe roy moores denials and disbelieve the allegations of multiple women against roy moore. But what he doesnt want, perhaps he doesnt want the entire country focused on the fact that he all but endorsed an alleged child molester and sexual assaulter. Thats why were seeing these tweets coming out this morning. Thats where our focus was when it broke yesterday and thats where our focus continues. Because were going to talk in alabama now. Jeremy diamond, thank you so much for setup here. The white house has said that the fate of roy moore should be decided by alabamians, right . The voters in the great state of alabama. So thats where we have Kaitlan Collins standing by in montgomery. So in the wake of the big news from the president standing on the lawn, headed out of town, you know, how are alabamians feeling . Are any of them changing their minds . Well, this is certainly a highstakes race here, brook, in alabama. And the president came out and voiced his support for roy moor yesterd e yesterday, saying he seemingly accepts his denials of these multiple accusations made by multiple women against roy moore, accusing him of sexual assault. And while the president was making those remarks, he was also very critical of his democratic opponent here in alabama, doug jones. Now, the president among many things said that doug jones was soft on crime. Brook, as you know, jones is best known for helping successfully prosecute kkk members who bombed a black church in birmingham in 1963, that killed four very young girls. And heres how jones responded to the president s remarks. I believe their stories. Im not going to call names, okay . I believe their stories. Im not going to call names. Im not going to label people. I believe their stories. I feel like my record speaking for itself, and i dont have to have the president or anyone else to talk about it to trayy label it. My record speaks for itself. I know my record on crime and criminal justice issues. I know my record on everything else. So thats you know, weve got three weeks to go. People are going to make that judgment. Reporter now, this is certainly a boost for the Moore Campaign, brook. There have been multiple calls from Republican Leadership for them to drop out, but now that they enjoy the backing of the white house, its not likely that theyre even considering that anymore. And we actually heard from several people from the Moore Campaign here in montgomery yesterday, during a press conference where they took no questions from reporters, but they attempted to refute these allegations made by multiple women. And just to give you a sense of how in the detail, in the nittygritty they were truly getting, one of the accusers, Beverly Nelson said she met moore when she was just 15 years old as a waitress at a restaurant in gadston, alabama, and he said at one point, he had her in his car and drove her to the back of the restaurant where he said he assaulted her. And the Moore Campaign is trying to refute those allegations by saying that in her story, the dumpsters were on the back of the restaurant but in fact they were on the side of the restaurant and she said it was a poorly lit area, and they said its a welllit area. And we actually heard from the candidate himself, moore, last night in an interview, where he continued to deny these allegations and he said he believes that brooke, more information is going to come out soon, that will prove him right. But certainly, a race where the white house is hoping to keep this senate seat in republican hands for now, brooke. Kaitlan collins, thank you. I was listening yesterday down to dumpster locations and who had a phone in their childhood bedroom, right . Those are some of the details. But lets talk politics here. Let me bring in my panel. Rebecca berg is a cnn political reporter, David Mallory is a political consultant in alabama whos worked on both republican and democratic campaigns in the state. So, welcome, welcome. Good morning to both of you. Rebecca, just first to you on the politics of this and the president. I mean, obviously, he is going against by what he said at the white house, he is going against all so many of the Republican Leadership in congress and in his defense of moore. Why do you think hes doing this . Well, you mentioned politics, brooke, and thats a big part of this, obviously. The president recognizes and he has had some of his allies reminding him over the past few days that his political base, his most enthusiastic supporters in alabama and even elsewhere are people who are still supporting roy moore. You look at the polling on this race and i know its kind of been all over the place, but roy moore, even in the worst polls, is maintaining 40something percent support in this race. And those supporters are donald trump voters. Those are enthusiastic trump supporters. And donald trump recognizes that he cant get on the wrong side of those people. He doesnt want to betray his base on this. But the other side of this, barrack, brooke, is personal for the president. He sees some key parallels in what roy moore is facing right now to his own president ial election when he was facing multiple allegations by women of sexual misconduct. You, of course, remember the access Hollywood Tape and how republicans, many of them abandoned the president after that. So he sees what roy moore is going through and he sees himself to an extent, in that in this controversy. Now, thats the president. Lets talk alabama. David, i was reading that strategists on both sides believe the race will really come down to whether the democrat in this race, doug jones, can convince suburban republican women from the states larger cities that moore is unacceptable. Reading the daily beast this morning, saying that the republican women in alabama have been shaken against the accusations against roy moore and some of them have now been going doortodoor, canvassing for the democrat. Are you hearing stories like that . Anecdotally, yeah, but it doesnt seem like theyre moving en masse. I think the question is, do they vote at all. Zpr do they, the republican women who had been supporting moore, they may just withhold their votes . Exactly. I think theres a conflict and they really want a republican to win that seat. They want republican control. They support trumps agenda. But they dont really like roy moore, so the easiest thing to do there is just not vote and let the chips fall where they may. Wow. Rebecca, we know that, you know, some senators have warned, if roy moore is elected, they may try to expel him. I realize theres a high bar for that. But doesnt that make President Trump support here and i know youre say, its all about playing to the base, but isnt that risky politics for him . Sure, it would make him laoo like he supported someone who doesnt meet the threshold for serving in the senate, but in a way, expelling roy moore from the senate might be the bestcase scenario for republicans when were looking at this politically. Why . Because it would give them the opportunity to elect a republican and then say, he the take, essentially, a moral stand, to say that he doesnt meet our criteria. He doesnt meet this moral threshold for serving in the senate. Were going to take a stand against him. And then you would have an open seat, a republican governor could appoint a replacement in the meantime. And then you have another special election. So that, i mean, for republicans, that would be the way out of this pickle, without having a democrat take the seat. And without having roy moore serving as a u. S. Senator. So, does President Trump, david, go to alabama, when he was talking yesterday to media, he didnt rule it out, right . The notion of going to alabama, being on the ground, stumping for roy moore. How much do you think, a couple more weeks left until the december 12th special election, how much does that help roy moore . I think it definitely helps him. And i think that theyre going to make that assessment based on poll numbers and based on where they think that where they think the race is at the time. If they feel that he needs it to get over the line, it would not shock me at all to see him come. And it wouldnt shock me at all to see that either move or motivate voters that werent going to vote, to go to the polls, especially his base of the white working class, white men, i think, would go stronger for roy moore at that point. I think that that would be that would be an indicator that the race is closer than even we all think it is. We know that doug jones is capitalizing on some of this, depending on how you look at it, bad press, right, for roy moore. How whats his Winning Strategy . 30 seconds. Winning strategy in these waning weeks . Winning strategy is drive home the fact that he is that hes a tough federal prosecutor. That he has the type of background that most alabamians identify with. And that roy moore is just is morally not fit for the job. And that the republicans will throw him out, even if they elect him. David and rebecca, thank you both so much. Thanks. Appreciate you. Happy early thanksgiving. You, too. Happening right now here, this surrogate search furgent s people missing after a navy plane crashed overnight. Eight military personnel onboard. They have been rescued and are said to be okay but the other three are still unaccounted for. President trump tweeting earlier that the mirpgs administration watching the situation very, very closely and offering up prayers for all involved. So to Barbara Starr we go at the pentagon. So barbara, do we know anything about the condition of the eight and what about the other three . Were told that all eleven that were onboard this small fixed wing aircraft that was going to land aboard the carrier Ronald Reagan, all 11 were u. S. Navy personnel. Eight rescued, now aboard the reagan and said to be if good condition. It is, of course, nighttime out there. The search does continue by u. S. And japanese authorities. Still for three missing americans on this holiday weekend. So they will keep looking for them. And that, of course, is an urgent priority. The plane that landed, this is a workhorse of the u. S. Navy carrier fleet. It goes back and forth, shutting people on and off the decks of Aircraft Carriers. Its an old model plane, but its got a pretty good Safety Record of reliability. We dont hear about a lot of crashes of this, so there will be an investigation certainly into what happened here. It has been a very tough and deadly year for the seventh fleet, out in the pacific. Of course, youll recall that two of the Navy Warships had crashes, collisions with other ships earlier this year, the mccain and fitzgerald, 17 sailors killed in those incidents and a total of five ship incidents out in the Pacific Fleet where all of this is happening. The aircraft accident, no indication it had any relationship to some of the causes of these background causes of these ship incidents, but clearly, right now, the main priority is to find the three missing. Brooke . Barbara, thank you. Lets talk this over more with cnn military and analyst john kirby. Admiral, i was just on this plane three, four weeks ago, on the flight from i was going from the air base down in southern, you know, south korea over to the uss Ronald Reagan and heres my picture. I just wanted to put a face on this story. These were the two young pilots who were flying when our crew was on it, heading the to go report on the sailors and i felt entirely safe. Obviously, at the time, we were head gear because of the catch on the Aircraft Carrier and strapped in six ways. How rare are crashes like these . For this particular aircraft, brooke, theyre extremely rare. Since 1980, the navy has only recorded three crashes of a c2 greyhound. The most recent was back in 2012. This was an aircraft, though its an old model, weve been flying it for more than 50 years, its got an extraordinarily good Safety Record. And you just dont hear much at all of mishaps with these things. Just to take people inside of a c2, youre strapped in there, youre actually flying backwards in the body of the plane, and then you have the pilots obviously up in the front. Youve got six different seat belts on and a helmet because of the way in which you land in a jarring fashion on an Aircraft Carrier. But that said, and actually, heres our video from when we were walking to the cod a couple of weeks ago in korea. The seventh fleet, admiral. This just adds to the list of bad headlines. What is going on . Well, again, i think to barbaras reporting, we need to be careful drawing too many parallels between this particular aircraft mishap and all the other issues, particularly ship handling issues in the seventh fleet. So, and theyll investigate this and theyll find out what happened for sure. The Naval Aviation is really good at that. That said, you make a good point, brook. Obviously, this is a very busy fleet. This is the fleet thats on the spearhead there in the asia pacific, the western pacific. And they have had a rash of mishaps and incidents. I think that it will be prudent and i think the navy will do this. Theyll take a look at this mishap in the larger context to see if there is any kix connections to resources and training and readiness issue. Theyll take a look at that, but right now the focus needs to be on recovering those remaining three personnel, investigating this completely, and then let the facts sort of take them where they may. Just lastly, in terms of the investigation, i imagine theyre looking into potential human error. One maintained, the navy does a good job keeping those aircraft flying, but you never know. There could have been something mechanical or technical twhaent wro that went wrong with it. Our thoughts with the navy, especially around the holidays, especially with those family members wondering about their loved ones. Appreciate you. Now to this, running away from a brutal dictator. A north korean soldier attemp d attempteds to escape to north korea. Weve got the video, our con rads firing at them as they run to safety. The whole thing caught on camera. Coming up, well walk you through exactly wlahat happened. Plus, senator rand pauls wife giving exclusive new details to cnn on the attack that broke six of her husbands riches. She said their neighbor blindsided her husband. She also said the senator is still struggling to breathe. Those details into cnn, next. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a medication, this is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further irreversible damage. This is humira helping me reach for more. Humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. 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His fellow soldiers equipped with body armor and highpowered weapons, run toward him. Moments later, the defector ditches the vehicle and makes a run for it. His own comrades firing more than 40 shots from pistols and an ak47, as he struggles to reach south korea. Doctors say he was hit at least four times before he ultimately reached freedom, making him just the third member of the north Korean Armed Forces to escape this year. You could see there, just how he was dragged across the border. That video, by the way, marks the first time the u. N. Command has released security footage of a defection across the Demilitarized Zone or the dmz. Officials say the north korean troops violated the ceasefire agreement by firing across the military demarcation line, but that agreement remains in place and a key place from gordon chang is that north korea doesnt care about that rm citi armistice. Well get into that in a second. But i was just at the dmz a couple of weeks ago. They tell you to keep your hands by your side because of all the guards and the guns and the cameras. Why try to defect, a, there. How rare is it that you actually see Something Like this . Its really rare to defect across the dmz. It is so heavily fortified. So you have many north korean troops there. They will fire. So most people when they defect, they go across the border into china. There are two rivers and an active volcano, but they just bribe the north korean guards. The chinese have not heavily patrolled their side of that border, so its basically very easy for them to get across into china. The other interesting piece of this is the fact that there actually is video. We know that there have been defections, but the sheer fact that the u. N. Command actually released this for the first time. Why do you think theyre doing that now . I dont know. But it could very well be a change that comes all the way from the white house, basically, saying, were going to try to undermine north korea. If we show this video, people in china will see it, people in north korea will see it, and so, therefore, theyll understand that the regime is weak. But thats just pure speculation on my part. And this korean war armistice, right, where, you know, one side is saying its violated, the north korean soldiers ran across the line and fired across the line. You say north korea doesnt care. Yeah, three times last decade, they formally renounced the armistice. Also in september, north koreas foreign minister in new york actually talked about how north korea has the right to shoot down planes in american air space. Thats completely inconsistent with the armistice. And all of these violations, what we call violation, its that north korea is conducting basically war. Were saying, oh, theres an armistice in place. No, there isnt. If you have an agreement of that type and one side says it doesnt exist, it doesnt exist. And this puts our troops into some jeopardy, because, you know, the North Koreans fire at us, we dont fire back. And thats a real problem. The more were learning, also, about this north korean soldi soldier, weve heard about how malnourished the North Koreans are, but put down your breakfast, because this is the detail were getting. That the north korean soldier has dozens of parasites that were actually extracted out of him because he ruptured his intestines and doctors say one of the parasites was nearly a foot in length. 11 inches long. And this is the result of north korea not using chemical fertilizer. What they use is human excrement as fertilizer. And that is the reason why North Koreans have parasites in their intestines. Thats another indication of how weak the regime is. Youve got to remember that troops close to the border on the north side, theyre the bestfed, bestequipped because of the possibility they dont want these guys defecting. When you have one of them defect across the border, it shows that there are problems in the north carolinaen military. And still those on the border, those arent huge guys. Those on the huge guys. I saw them with my own eyes. Lastly, how do you think this affects any of the relations between the two countries and ours . It isnt going to help because i released the video, but that i think is a good thing. The kim regime is unalterably oppose to the United States, to south korea. It is absolutely determined to build the worlds most destructive weapons, and perhaps use them or threaten to use them. And so weve got to deal with this. And we havent been. Over the course of decades, the North Koreans always get the better of us, and that is weve got to just change our way of thinking, which means, i think we need to rethink the armistice. Okay. Stunning to have this conversation, stunning to see the actual video. Gord gordon chang, it is a pleasure. Thank you for all your expertise. Tonight, join will ripley for a look inside north korea. Please tune in, 9 00 eastern, right here on cnn. This was not a scuffle. It wasnt a fight or an altercation. Those are strong words from senator rand pauls wife in this new, exclusive piece to cnn. She talks about how their neighbor attacked her husband, breaking six of his ribs. Her new details that she is sharing with cnn, ahead. Today, the new new york is sparking innovation. You see it in the Southern Tier with companies that are developing powerful batteries that make everything from cell phones to rail cars more efficient. Which helps improve every aspect of advanced rail technology. All with support from a highlyeducated workforce and vocational job training. Across new york state, were building the new new york. To grow your business with us in new york state, visit esd. Ny. Gov. To grow your business with us in new york state, was supposed to be a wake reup call for our government . Sh people all across the country lost their savings, their pensions and their jobs. Im tom steyer and it turned out that the system that had benefited people like me who are well off, was, in fact, stacked against everyone else. Its why i left my Investment Firm and resolved to use my savings for the public good. But here we are nine years later and this president and the Republican Congress are making a bad situation even worse. They wont tell you that their so called tax reform plan is really for the wealthy and big corporations, while hurting the middle class. It blows up the deficit and that means fewer investments in education, health care and job creation. Its up to all of us to stand up to this president. Not just for impeachable offenses, but also to demand a country where everyone has a real chance to succeed. Join us. Your voice matters. Witness katy perry. Witness katy perry become a legal witness. Witness katy perry and left shark. Or a card shark. Grandma . Witness katy perry work. Witness katy perry firework. Witness katy perry swish. Witness katy perry. Aaaaaaw look at that dog katy perry with music videos and behind the scenes footage, xfinity lets you witness all things me. Before the sun came up, the gauntlet came down. President trump unleashing a barrage of tweets on a wide variety of topics. His ongoing feuds made for some more colorful assaults. He ripped the nfl, saying the players protests during the National Anthem are, quote, killing your league, and he hammered the father of that ucla basketball player who refuses to thank the president for securing his sobs release from that chinese detention center. He compared the trashtalking dad to a flamboyant fight promoter, saying, quote, lavar ball is a poor mans don king. In a followup tweet, he then called him an ungrateful fool. Lets start there. Doug heye is a former Communications Director for the rnc. Jake mcaby is a former adviser to the Hillary Clinton campaign, and ying ma with the committee for american sovereignty, a super pac formed for the trump president ial campaign. So welcome to all of you. Ying, if i may just begin with you. Hearing the quote from the president of the United States, an ungrateful fool. Is that helpful . Well, i think its high comedy. Its great theater. I think people are sort of always reacting in such odd ways to donald trump talking the way that donald trump talks. Hes different from other president s. But why do we want theater from the president . Because this is how the president this particular president is. This is the person that the American People elected. And the father of that basketball player is ungrateful. I happen to know a little bit about china. I happen to know a little bit about their criminal system. And in fact, it does require the help of somebody like President Trump to extract his son out of prison and President Trump, this is not the first time hes done this for an american. He also extracted a charity worker, who was jailed in egypt for three years out of prison in part because of his relationship with president seal cici there. So i think it doesnt hurt to actually express some gratitude toward president in this instance. Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but i had a reporter here on set, jake, to you basically saying, these tweets from the president , these are his attempts of bright, shiny objects to keep people away from the news he made, essentially endorsing roy moore, this accused child molester in the Senate Campaign in alabama. You listened to ying, how do you see it . It certainly could be about deflecting from yesterdays comments. That was absolutely an ugly moment. It is i think one of the really troubling parts about it, in addition to just the fact of standing up and supporting an alleged child molester is the fact that now youre going to have children who have been victims of assault, who have been victims of molestation seeing the president of the United States essentially say what their attacker usually says, which is, if you speak out, no one will believe you. We will believe your attacker. And that is a deeply problematic thing to say. And deeply harmful to millions of people around the country. And the tweets, doug heye . Should he be talking about tax reform, you know, the news with lisa murkowski, saying that she would support the bills repeal of the Obamacare Mandate . I mean, that is a step in the right direction for republicans. It sure is. I think what were hearing is american getting stupider, one click at a time. Every time the president tweets Something Like this, frankly, every time lavar ball tweets back, these are both what weve been told time and time again that Donald Trumps a counterpuncher. So is lavar ball. And this is where america is probably tired of winning on this. We would like to move on to other topics. And heres why strategically its important for the president. One, it distracts from t things he doesnt want to talk about, whether its roy moore or jared kushner, and hadnt been as much of a topic this week as were talking about other things. But takes your eye off the ball of tax reform. If you want to do something with this government and have accomplishments that this administration can rack up and tout, tax reform needs the president fully behind it. And as long as were talking about these circus issues, were not focusing on the things that we need to. Thats unfortunate for the president and his legacy. Let me turn the page and the conversation, doug, its brooke, i know we have the same last name. We just heard some sound from interview last hour, he claimed that the white house director of National Economic counsel, gary cohn, essentially faked a bad connection with the president to get him off the phone during a meeting on tax reform. So heres the senators story. Gary gets up and takes the call on his cell phone, comes back into the room and says, we have somebody calling in from asia, and it was the president , which is nice, nice of him to do that. 15 minutes later, the president is still talking. And i said to gary, it was a room where were all sitting around this big table, and i said, gary, why dont you just take the phone from your cell phone back and just say, mr. President , youre brilliant but were losing contact and i think were going to lose you now, so goodbye. And thats what he did and he hung up. And we went back to having the kind of conversation where we needed to, where they ask good questions, looking for consensus and Common Ground and i think weve identified a little bit. Are you saying that gary cone faked a bad connection to get the president off the phone . Im sorry . Say again . Are you saying gary cohn faked a bad connection to get the president off the phone . Well, i wouldnt i dont want to throw him under the bus, but, yes. I think you just did. Thats the bus. I think the bus just the bus is passed. They want to make sure they have have the kind of conversation. And thats what we need to do. Theres areas where we can agree on stuff, but ask the right questions and be a good listener. Ying, to you. You know i actually thought that was quite comicical, too, my first question was, was the senator faking a fake connection so that he could delay answering the questions from your colleagues earlier this morning. I think what the president is doing and what his team is doing is that they are focusing on tax reform, theyve got big issues, and the president likes to talk. Everybody knows that. But ying, but ying, heres what the other camp would say. You know the reports of his own secretary of state were calling him a moron and now you have this senator, and a dear friend and, you know, in gary cohn, working on tax reform but its an important issue faking a bad connection why doesnt the president have better control over the people who are so, so key in his administration . Well, we dont know that. Actually, that is not true. I think that, in fact, he just came back from a very effective trip in asia. Weve got a lot of things done over there. Different people manage their staff differently. So do i prefer a barack obama who kind of lectures everybody and tries to prove that hes smarter than everyone else . Im not so sure thats the preferred way to go. But actually, let me also comment on something. I think its quite rich for jake to sit there and talk about Donald Trumps comments. I mean, where were you when Hillary Clinton threatened juanita broderick, someone who accused bill clinton of rape. Oh, boy okay. I think we actually do need to take another look at the context of all of this thats going on. Okay, okay, weve gone there, weve covered those accusations extensively. Lets stay on were talking about the president and were going to stay on the president. Well say goodbye for now, ying and jake and doug. Thank you all very much for that this morning. We are hearing more about that bizarre attack on kentucky senator rand paul that left him with six broken ribs and left a lot of people wondering, what happened in his yard earlier this month. The pauls neighbor has pleaded not guilty to assault. New details are coming in from the senators wife, kelley, in a column she penned for cnn. Com, she said her husband hasnt taken a single breath without pain since the attack and some nights he has had so much trouble breathing that she has been terrified and was at the ready to call 20911. She also wanted to clarify what she says is misinformation about the attack. She writes that thecht spoky ha spoken to the neighbor in ten years and have barely seen him. As to reports that they had a feud over lawn care, she writes, the only dispute was in the attackers troubled mind. Quote, this was not a scuffle, a fight, or altercation, as many in the media falsely describe it. It was a deliberate blindside attack. This has been a terrible experience, made worse by the medias gleeful attempts to blame rand for it, ridiculing him for everything from mowing his own lawn to composting. So thats part of kelley pauls defense of her husband and what exactly went down. You can read the whole piece. Go to cnn. Com. By the way, the lawyer for the neighbor says his client regrets the incident and would have handled things more diplomatically if he could have the moment back. Still ahead here on cnn, uber is catching heat this morning after waiting a year to reveal a major data breach. And now new questions over whether the company paid the hackers a whole lot of money to keep quiet. vo the best gifts come with a special box. Purchase 999 or more at helzberg diamonds and get an xbox one s, with 3 months of Xbox Game Pass and xbox live gold. At helzberg diamonds. While supplies last. Fl[ gasps, laughs ]c, progressive gives you options based on your budget. You ever feel like. Cliche foil characters scheming against a top insurer for no reason . Nah. So, why dont we like flo . She has the name your price tool, and we want it. But why . Why dont we actually do any work . Why do you only own one suit . Its just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. Youre right. Thanks, bill. No, youre bill. Im tom. You know what . No one cares. An alarming coverup here. Uber admits it paid hackers 100,000 to delete stolen information and keep quite about it. Hackers stole the personal data of more than 57 Million People and uber executives took deliberate steps to conceal the cyber attack for more than a year. Samuel burke is live on this, which is kind of frightening. What kind of information are we talking about . Reporter brooke, this is unlike any other hack that i have ever covered. If you lack at it on the surface, if we put up a list of what was taken, you might think it was like some of the other hacks that weve had here on cnn that weve reported on. Names, email addresses, phone numbers, 600,000 drivers licenses stolen, thats a bit different. But this is completely different from any of the other hacks for two reasons. Number one, uber did not disclose as soon as they found out about this hack. Theyre supposed to do with that with pretty much every state in the United States, and to different countries. Already, tu already, the uk regulators have said they are supposed to know. Perhaps even more worrisome is the fact that uber actually told me they paid the two hackers 100,000. Youre not supposed to pay the criminals. That only gives them a reason to do it again, to more people, to the same company, possibly. This all happened under the old ceo. But the new ceo, dara hoshrashari put out a statement saying, none of this should have happened. And i will not make excuses for it. While i cant erase the past, we will learn from our mistakes. Those mistakes may turn into big legal headaches. Youre not supposed to pay criminals. Smartest thing ive heard all day. Samuel burke, thanks so much. Quick break. Were back after this. Youre a criminal. You always get caught. Actually, i almost never get caught. For so many girls maybe some boys too who grew up in the 1970s, David Cassidy was their crush, their love, the guy on the record player and their tv on their wall and in their heart. The news of his death on tuesday of organ failure brought back a flood of memories about his life and career. Here is stephanie elam. Its one of those nights David Cassidy was the ultimate teenage idol. Known for his role as keith in the hit tv series the Partridge Family, his fresh face, wideeyed charm captured the hearts of millions of girls worldwide. Youre taking is auto shop. Me, too. The parred ridge family, a musical sitcom about a family and a rock n roll band gave him a National Audience for his own music. I think i love you i think i love you, the shows first single, topped the billboard 100 in 1907 and sold over 5 million copies. I was always a musician but i never pursued my career as a musician. It was just fate the way the stars aligned themselves. Reporter cassidys wispy voice and wholesome persona broke out from the small screen into sold out arenas around the globe. His fan club at one time reportedly had had more members than elvis or the beatles. In 1972, at the height of his Partridge Family fame, he began to shift away from his squeaky clean image appearing naked on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine and in the article, admitted using drugs and alcohol. It marked a turning point in his career and his life. Four years after the Partridge Family hit the air, his teenage fan base had moved on. And so had cassidy. His rear row worship was so great, i had to leave it. I couldnt sustain it any longer. I woke up too son stardom long behind him, he turned to broadway. In 1993, he starred in the musical bloodbrothers. Three years later he mov to vegas where he headlined the mg ms efx show, at the time the largest theatrical production in the world. In private though, he struggled with alcoholism, a battle that would soon take a very public turn. In his 60s, cassidy faced multiple charges of driving under the influence and went through the rehab. Its very humbling and its also humiliating. Reporter but his biggest battle was yet to come. In 2017 it, cassidy revealed that he suffered from dementia. His mother had died of complications from alzheimers disease only a few years before. To watch someone that raised you and was so vibrant start to lose their mind and disappear is arguably the most paveful thing ive ever experienced. Reporter looking back on his own life, there is one memory cassidy hopes will never fade. His 1972 concert in Madison Square garden. Cassidy leaped onto the stage in his signature white sequinned jumpsuit. Thousands of adoring fans screamed his name. His own family among them. It was just so emotional for me, and i just felt so blessed to have that moment with them. I mean, its the highlight of my life. And just to update you here, a couple minutes ago we brought you the sound from senator tom carper, democrat, delaware on cnn talking about a meeting that Democratic Senators had with the president s economic adviser gary cohn which included a phone call from the president. So the white house is now disputing senator carpers account that the call ended because he faked a bad connection. Instead, a white house spokesman just sent us a statement. Let me read it right now. Senator carpers claim system completely false. Gary cohn left the room and continued to speak with the president privately for several minutes before they concluded that call. So there you have it. The side from the white house. Well be right back. My digestive system used to make me feel sluggish but now, i take metamucil every day. It traps and removes the waste that weighs me down, so i feel lighter. Try metamucil, and begin to feel what lighter feels like. [and her new business i do, to jeanetgo. 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He wants judge roy moore despite allegations he once molested a teenager. Roy moore denies it. What about the women . And by the way. What about the nine women. He gives a toejts denial. 40 years is a long time. Hes run eight races and this has never come up. So 40 years is a long time

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