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I think last night was a referendum. I dont think theres any way you can look at it in any way, to be honest with you and be intellectually consistent. What does the president have to say about that . Essentially, dont look at me. Tweeting after the gillespie loss this, ed gillespie worked hard but did not embrace me or what i stand for. Lets break it down. What message were voters really trying to send . Cnn director David Chalian is joining me now with much more. So david, the votes, they tell us one thing, but the exit polls offered some really interesting insight last night, not much of it uplifting to republicans. What are you seeing . One of the first thing we look for, kate, is this trump factor that youre talking about. When we ask voters in virginia, do you approve or disapprove of the way donald trump is handling his job . Take a look, virginia voters, he had a 40 approval rating. 57 disapproval. 17 points underwater there. That is never a good sign if you are a candidate in the president s party and thats where his standing is. Of course, how did those votes split . As you might imagine. The 40 who approve of the president overwhelmingly went for gillespie, 91 to 8 . 87 , a much larger share that disaproofed went overwhelmingly for northam. We also asked, is he a factor in your vote choice at all . And take a look at this. Do you see that middle number there . 34 oppose trump in the reason why they went to go cast their vote. So while 47 of the electorate said, not a factor at all, by a two to one margin, if donald trump was a factor, it was a factor in the negative direction, overwhelmingly, those voters who oppose trump, 972, went for northam. So trump was an issue in this election. But beyond that, what were the issues that got voters to the polls in virginia . You know, i was quite surprised by this. Not that it would be a top issue, but by how much. Far and away, health care was the number one issue, some 39 perce39 of voters said it was their number one issue. The next closest issue was at 17 , and it was gun policy. But if health care was your number one issue, and for four in ten voters in virginia, kate, it was, you were overwhelmingly likely to be a northam voter. This was a vote against the idea of repealing protections on health care, looking to keep some of the protections in place from obamacare. So do you see there being a biggest Lesson Learned or should be learned for republicans today . I think the biggest warning sign, i dont know if it will be a Lesson Learned, but clearly, the biggest warning sign in the results is that democrats are enthused. This is not and we were just talking about virginia, but across the country, mayoral races, state legislative races, ballot initiatives, this was a Sweeping Democratic win last night, and it is because this is what it looks like when the quote unquote resistance shows up at the polls. Theres no other lesson to learn there. So seeing that democratic enthusiasm and turnout will give republicans quite a bit of pause as theyre turning the corner into an election year, where the house of representatives, control of it, is up for grabs. Fascinating stuff. Great to see you, david. Thank you. Joining me now to dive into this a little bit more, brian lanza, former Deputy Communications director for Donald Trumps campaign. Angela rye, former director of the congressional black caucus. Doug heye, all three fine cnn contributors. And then we have chris cillizza. First, doug, to you. Republicans wake up today. They get their political teams on the line. And they tell them what . Well, i think the first thing they do is they have a reckoning of what exactly happened. As david was talking about earlier, obviously, we know that ed gillespie lost in the marquise governor race, we lost the governors race in new jersey. But more importantly than that are these state and local races where we saw in the house of delegates a massive sweep for republicans. So we know theres an army out there coming out against republicans. But what we also see and hasnt been talked about as much has been the retirements from incumbent republican members of the house. We had two yesterday. One from a swing district in new jersey. What were hearing now is there are going to be more to come. This shouldnt be a surprise. Morale in the party is low. Doug, do you think this pushes more what happens last night pushes more to retire . I think if youre thinking about it, youve moved that needle just a little bit more. And part of it is because suburban Republican Voters who were uncomfortable with trump, but came out to vote against Hillary Clinton certainly stayed home in Northern Virginia yesterday. Thats something they need to be really concerned about. And also says, focus on these local issues, on these national issues, its not going well for you. If you can talk about local issues, how they matter to your constituents and what youve done for them, its a good step forward for you. Its so funny, because a virginia republican, someone you know pretty well, doug heye, dave brat, he just said on cnn to dave and poppy ive never met dave pratt. Really . Well try to make that happen some day. Thats okay. He said, we didnt nationalize it enough. You can hear the backstory. Anyway, i digress. Republican scott taylor says this was a referendum on the president and he doesnt think theres any other way else to look at if youre being intellectually honest. If it was a referendum, what was the result . Ill say this. It was a referendum on an action that took place in congress and the president , some of that lands on the president , some of that lands on congress. We made promises and we made commitments and we have to move forward with that agenda. I hope that this is a wakeup call to the Republican Party in the house and the president that we need to do something. We need to put some lead on the target and start delivering on the promiolicies that we promis and stop playing games. Now, blue states went blue, that doesnt surprise me. But still, we would have like to have had won some of those seats. So virginia is officially a blue state in brian lanzas book now . They have two u. S. Senators and control all the statewides. That is a blue state by every measurement. We heard that from cory gardner, as well. Dems won expectedly dem seats, chris. The line from the New York Times overnight was, trumpism without trump doesnt work. Was gillespies mistake that he didnt run close enough to trump, didnt bear hug him enough or didnt create enough distance . I think its you have to do both of those things, kate, in order to win. Remember, ed gillespie almost lost the primary back in june to a guy named cory stewart who was involved with the Trump Campaign in virginia, although was let go from that job. No one thought that race was going to be close, including ed gillespie. He narrowly sneaks by. Why . Because the trump base doesnt see him as sufficiently loyal. Now, when it comes to the general election, gillespie tries to do trumpism without trump, we dont want donald trump the person here, but were going to talking about ms13 and sanctuary cities, even though there are none in virginia, were going to talk about keeping the confederate monuments up. That doesnt work, because in places like loudoun county, exurban d. C. , he gets swamped my so thats the question you ask doug, what are people waking up to . If youre a republican, youre waking up to the reality that to win a primary, you have to hug donald trump. To win a general election, you have to find a way to get away from him. I dont know how you square that circle. Its been you know, you run to the right in the primary, run to the center in the general. Thats been kind of the playbook for a long time. It seems that its just on steroids now, when youre looking specifically at donald trump. Angela, is democratic exuberance too much too soon . Is there a case to be made, these state elections, they dont translate to federal elections and we are a year out from midterms. We are definitely a year out, but i dont think the exuberance is without cause, right . I think its been a very challenging even for democrats with and i dont know how as party you would have sustained a substantial loss yesterday, frankly. There are a number of things in house that have to be addressed. I think we see that. A lot of that with Donna Braziles new book. That it didnt take the book for us to see that. There is a firm divide between a bernie camp and a hillary camp, and all of us in between that just want to get it right before 2018 and certainly before 2020. I think one other very important theme that we would be remiss if we did not address it, is that diversity and inclusion is not just a corporate concept. This is something that works as well in elections. We saw that with the lieutenant governors in both new jersey and virginia. The very same person who frankly Ralph Northam left off of Campaign Literature was justin fairfax, someone who weve seen as a rising star for some time. We also have seen mayoral races, all over the country, taken over by black and brown people, by an asian person, newly elected to a state legislature. In my home state of washington state, that senate now has flipped, because there was a woman of color on the ballot, who had a successful and wonderful story to tell. We can no longer look at dni like it is corporate alone. It is also time for us to incorporate those concepts. Not just as democrats, but republicans should, too. In elections. Doug, to brians point earlier of speaker ryan was asked for his reaction about the democratic wave today, as he focuses on tax reform. And he essentially says, as brian says, we need to get some points on the board. Listen to this. It just emphasizes my reading of the current moment, which is, we have a promise to keep. If anything, this just puts more pressure on making sure that we follow through. Follow through. We need to get a win. We need to get tax reform over the line. Does last night change today at all for republicans, when it comes to this now number one priority of their tax plan . I think what it does is it turns the pressure up. It turns the heat up for republicans to know that they have to it wasnt high already . You know, to use spinal tap, i think one of chris favorite movies, we were at 10, it now has to go to 11. And republicans have to look at it like this. Because what happened in the state legislative races could happen nationally. That bodes very poorly for redistricting moving forward. And we know theres not going to be any fan tasmagoric uniting o republicans. Thats split in two. Brian, challenge to you, what movie reference are you now going to use . Trump used the same playbook, brian, here, as he did in alabama. And this is what i mean. He endorses a candidate and when that candidate loses, he turns his paback as fast as he can. What should Republican Voters take from that . Should they trust a donald trump endorsement . Listen, if were doing movie rem references, i think the reference is, you need him on that wall. I think republicans need to understand, to win, they need to embrace the president and push forward the agenda in a unified message. What you dont want is division between these two camps. They need to know that the 2018 elections are critical, theyre critical for moving the agenda forward, and they all need to be on the same page. And when you look at of what the poll kacame out last week that showed that the public was unsatisfied with the goals that weve tried to achieve, thats where we need to focus. Come together. Come together, brian, says. Fight together. Fight together. There you go, chris. Kaite, one of the problems here is that the only person that could unite the Republican Party after the 2008 election was barack obama. And he did so. And they scored huge gains in 2010 and 2014. But who is that now . Well, what virginia suggests is that democrats now have a uniting person. And its donald trump. The problem is, republicans dont still have barack obama or Hillary Clinton or back in the day, teddy kennedy, someone nancy pelosi. Nancy pelosi, theoretically, but in my opinion, not as big a figure. Thats whats hard, particularly in midterm elections and off year elections, a lot of times voters are voting against something or someone rather than for something or for someone. That was definitely true in 2010 and 2014 and republican gains were largely about a desire to rein in obama and democrats and that agenda. I think yesterday, particularly in virginia, was about saying, we dont want what donald trump is selling. Im not sure, and angela mentioned this, im not sure it was a, we want what this democrat or democrats more broadly are selling. But that might be enough. You may not need that with donald trump and the white house, if youre democrat. Lets flip the script. Angela, play along with me. Can you find the Glass Half Full moment for republicans after last night . Um, thougno. Can you try . I really i really cant. I think whats interesting and you just asked this question about this tax reform plan, whats interesting to me is after 60 plus attempts to repeal obamacare and then donald trump trying to find his little small thing he could do to tear it apart, Via Executive order, i think its interesting that their plan is still to go forward with tax reform. If virginia exit polls are right, as david mentioned, and folks were overwhelmingly voting about health care, it seems like you would really try to resolve this and make this work, because access to health care should be a bipartisanbased solution. Everybody needs health care. Everybody gets sick. On both sides of the aisle. Everybody needs preventative care. So that is whats interesting to me. The tax reform plan seems a little tone deaf. I somehow, for some reason, got on a mailing for a republican member of congress and they sent this email out saying, dont you just want to fill out your tax returns on this little node ca note card. Yeah, but at what cost . If youre going to get rid of all of the deductions and all the things that makes taxes palatable in this country, probably not. I think the breaking news of this segment is that angela rye is potentially a persuadable voter. What the hell do we have to lose . Uh, everything. Keep trying, brian. A wish and prayer, man. Thanks, guys, so much. Thank you. This morning, beijing is rolling out the president for President Trump. And despite trashing china quite often during the election, the president now has some big asks for chinas leader. Whats at stake in this krauscr stop in his overseas trip. And the president told me i should talk to you. Thats what the cia correctdire said when meeting a man that was a conspiracy theorist. Does the president still think that russia meddled in the 2016 election, as the Intelligence Community has said. A new report, coming up. Thats right. Tmobiles got your Netflix Subscription covered. 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Gives you better taste and better nutrition in so many varieties. Classic. Cage free. And organic. Only egglands best. Do not underestimate us. And do not try us. We will defend our common security, our shared prosperity, and our sacred liberty. We will not allow American Cities to be threatened with destruction. We will not be intimidated. President trumps stern warning to north korea, while standing before the south korean parliament, before trump even spoke, north korea, they had something to say and they called the president a mad dog and said they dont care what he has to say. It is all of this against it is against that backdrop that President Trump arrives in china now for maybe the most crucial stop in his fivenation tour to meet quhoochinas leader. Cnns jeff zeleny is traveling with the president and joins me now from beijing. So jeff, what is the white house saying going into what is absolutely a crucial day . Reporter it is, indeed, kate. No question. This is the most sequential stop of all the president s travels through asia, largely because of just the growing tension over Economic Issues and also certainly north korea, front and center. The president , of course, has had the red carpet rolled out for him here. President xi jinping is trying to flatter President Trump, no question. He invited he and the first lady to have dinner at the forbidden city. The first u. S. Leader in modern china history to do that. But no question here, President Trump is asking china to step up and increase its efforts to help rein in the north Korean Nuclear program here. But, china is in a position of strength here. President xi jinping, of course, is newly kpo lly empowered in a historic fashion the Congress Just giving him more power here. President trump, of course, on weaker footing. But it is the these sanctions that President Trump will be asking for when they have their meetings. Theres no expectation of anything immediate to come from this, but it is building the argument for how china needs to be a part of this confrontation of north korea. Absolutely. And jeff, there was so much conversation before trump even went overseas about, was the president going to visit the Demilitarized Zone when he was in south korea . What happened with that attempt, that surprise visit . Well, turnout yesterday, the president was going to try to do a surprise unannounced visit to the dmz, of course, the border between south korea and north korea. And he was going to meet there with president moon jaein of south korea. Well, the south korean president made it, President Trump did not because of heavy fog. He was unable to fly his helicopter there. So, the white house ended up being disappointed by this. The president was going to, obviously, try for a major photo op there. Interestingly, just a week ago, the white house said he was not going. He views it as something that most president s do, but it was not very substantiative. But in the end, that photo op was foiled by fog in south korea. But here in beijing, the president scheduled to meet tomorrow with president xi jinping again for serious bilateral meetings. Again, this meeting, the biggest stop in his asia trip. Absolutely. Great to see you. Jeff, thank you so much. Joining me now to discuss, retired rear admiral, john kirby, a cnn military and diplomatic analyst. Elise labott, cnns Global Affairs correspondent. Great to see both of you. John, what is your expectation at this point of what President Trump will be leaving beijing, after all of this pomp and circumstance and a busy day of meetings ahead . I dont know that hes going to be leaving with a whole lot, tangibly, to be honest with you. Kate, i think he obviously wants to talk about trade issues and get the trade imbalance settled. Certainly, north korea is going to be on the plate in the object. I guess, im sure, actually is to get china to do more. To implement the sanctions a little bit more strongly. But i also hope that he takes a little time to talk about the south china sea. And chinas militarization in that part of the Asia Pacific Region pb and maand make clear chinese that we are a pacific power. I dont know if hell come away with tangible benefits, necessarily, buttic this i this an opportunity for them to hold some lines and try to get them to do more with pyongyang. I am seeing some reporting that President Trump will be asking china to cut off oil exports to north korea, even temporarily. Close down bank accounts, send home eten etens of thousands ofh koreans who work in china. Is there an incentive for china to agree with this . Theres an incentive for china to do as little as possible, kate, but also look like its doing something. Clearly, china has not done enough. The u. S. And the International Community know that china has a lot more influence on north korea. But that said, china has been continuing to do more. It started under president obama, but certainly, under President Trump, is doing more than it ever did. It has cut off some banking relationships between chinese banks and north korean banks. And it, you know, did stop coal shipments. Obviously, that fuel, cutting off fuel would be the big thing that china could do, but china thinks thats not going to help them in any way. That could destabilize the regime. And certainly, thats not something they want to see. You know, north korea is really a buffer against a unified korean peninsula. They dont want to see this all go to pot. They certainly dont want to see north korea use a nuclear weapon, but there is some kind of benefit for china in the status quo. I think youll see china continue to slowly, slowly dial it up, but i dont think its going to be the big ticket cutoff of all fuel. At least right now, if you continue to see some north Korean Nuclear tests, more provocation than china is going to have more difficult choices to make. But i agree with john, that i dont think President Trump is going to go away with everything that he wants on this trip. John, let me ask you this. Last night in south korea, the president spoke, he gave, you know, a 35minute speech. He spoke directly to north korea in arts. Heres one of things he said. Listen to this. I also have come here to this peninsula to deliver a message directly to the leader of the north korean dictatorship. The weapons you are acquiring are not making you safer. They are putting your regime in grave danger. Every step you take down this dark path increases the peril you face. North korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned. It is a hell that no person deserves. John, did donald trump once and for all, with that speech, lay out the u. S. Policy towards north korea . I think theres a lot of people that are hoping exactly that, kate. The way i looked at the speech, i though it was adequate to the task. And the way i looked at it, he finally now is aligned with the rest of his National Security team, which i think has been a doing a commendable job with trying to deal with a much more urgent problem and working together as an inner agency. And hes been out there sort of on his own tweeting and undermining the diplomatic efforts. I saw this as him finally in alignment with his team. What needs to happen now, for months to come, he needs to now stay consistent, he needs to continue to deliver those same messages time and time again, and stay aligned with his team. That might be the biggest question of all, the consistency. Great to see you both. Thank you so much. Still ahead for us, i knew that was going to be my last day to live. That is a harrowing first account of what happened inside that texas church the moment the gunman entered and opened fire indiscriminately. Just as were also learning more about the killer, that he once escaped from a Mental Health facility. How does that weave into all of this . Thats coming up next. Patrick woke up with back pain. But he has work to do. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. Ththe next energyngs toto power our dreams,re will be american energy. Is time you make for yourself. Aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with active naturals® oat. Locks in moisture to improve skin wellness in just one day. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. 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He was going through the aisles all around, with his with his it wasnt a handgun, it was a pistol or a he was looking all around and shooting at everybody, just going through the rows, shooting at everybody. I just saw his feet. So i didnt havent want to move. I knew that was going to be my last day to live. I did not even want to look at his you know, i was hiding under the bench. I did not want to breathe, look, nothing. Unbelievable. This, of course, as were learning that the dpgunman escad from a Mental Health facility back in 2012, and Vice President mike pence, hes going to be heading to texas today to meet with survivors and attend a prayer vigil for the victims. And of course, be with their families, as well. Cnns Diane Gallagher is live from sutherland springs, texas, with much more on all of this. What can you tell us about this escape, the killer was still in the air force . This happened a couple months after the air force had charged him with assaulting his then wife and infant stepson. According to a Police Report kind of dilting this escape from the Mental Health facility in new mexico, he had also recently threatened his military commanders and attempted to sneak guns on to the air force base. They described him as, quote, suffering from a Mental Health disorder and said that he could pose a danger to himself and others around him. Now, the local authorities there were able to find him at a bus stop. They took him in without any sort of incident. But this is just another situation that sort of illustrates the series of red flags in his past, kate. Were looking at things that go all the way back to his High School Records that show this troubled life. Animal cruelty charges. Hes been investigated before, but not charged with sexual assault. And of course, those assault charges, which were pretty harrowing when we learned the details of his exwife and his infant son. Now, authorities have been looking at his online footprint, talking to people who knew him, who said that he had been posting much darker and angrier things online. They say according to investigators that he seemed obsessed with Mass Shootings and violence. But kate, the key is trying to get into his cell phone. At this point, the fbi says they have a warrant, the phone is at quantico, but they cant get into it because of encryption technology. So were looking at the same thing weve seen in other past hayprofile mass shooting cases. They cant get into it, but thats the key for them right now, figuring out exactly what was going through his mind leading up to this. The same problem they ran into after san bernardino. They eventually were able to get in, but now theyre up against it right now. Diane, appreciate it. Lets discuss more about this with let me bring in democratic congressman, donald mckichen of virginia. Thanks so much for coming in. Thank you for having me. And let me first say that our hearts and prayers are not only with the victims in las vegas, but also the victims in texas. I cant imagine anything more honorable than praying to your god and having someone interrupt that with gun violence. So our hearts and our prayers go out to them. Absolutely. One of the elements of all of this, as weve been as folks have been trying to learn how this happened and more about this shooter is that the air force did not report his Domestic Violence conviction, did not report that to the National Database that would have prevented him from getting a gun. In the senate now, john cornyn, number two republican, hes looking to put together a measure to improve reporting to the background check system, to make sure this doesnt happen again. In the house, though, speaker ryan, he says that no new measures are needed president that t, that the laws currently on the books just need to be enforced, because he shouldnt have been able to get a gun. Which is it . I think the senator is wrong, and i think from my assessment, i am not convinced that the air force nor its Sister Services actually have a charge of Domestic Violence like we do in civil court or civilian court. They sort of lump it all under assault and if its not clear to the person or the clerk thats putting into the database which type of assault it is, which it can easily be misunderstood or los lost in that sort of a snacenar, thats how these things happen. So i think we need to go into the militarys code of uniform justice and actually have a Domestic Violence charge. Let me ask you a little bit more kind of about the militarys response to this. The v. A. Secretary, he was asked about this shooter in an interview today. Heres what he said about him. Listen to this. I do not consider him a veteran. I consider him a criminal. And, frankly, people who have worn the uniform dont want to be associated with people like that. And secretary schulkin says the va has nothing to do with this. But someone dropped the ball. Should people at the pentagon lose their jobs over this . I think we should have more of an investigation before we say, heads should roll at the pentagon. Im not prepared to answer that question today. But i will say this, that i would hope that we would also have Mental Services available for folks, whether theyre discharged honorably or dishonorably. If folks need Mental Health treatment, they need to get it, they need to be in a secure facility while theyre getting that. So im not sure where the secretary is coming from with that comment. Its not in context mofor me, b its too early to say whether heads should roll at the pentagon or not. Definitely more investigation, though. Let me ask you, though, on a very different topic, but a very different topic, but an important one today, as you, of course, are from virginia, a big night in your state of virginia. Big democratic wins. A democratic wave, pretty much, crashed through. What do you think was behind the wins last night . Well, you know, we did a lot of things right last night. We had a terrific ticket and Ralph Northam, justin fairfax, and mark erring. We ran more candidates for the house of delegates than weve ever had before. I think we had 88 candidates in the field. Its a 100member chamber. I think thats twice as many as weve ever run before. So we decided to compete everywhere. And the results showed. We spoke to people about issues, but also, we cant forget the trump effect. You know, donald trump cons to be the gift that keeps on giving. A lot of people came out, because they were shocked at what happened at last november. And they were determined not to let it happen again in virginia. Last night, virginia decided to reject hate, to reject divisiveness, and affirm inclusiveness. Im so proud of my commonwealth. You told politico last night after the wins, were beginning to win the house of representatives p representatives. I mean, maybe that was just in the heat of the moment, but that seems a pretty bold claim one year out from the midterm. Do you still stand by that today . I still say when 2019 comes, the democrats will be in charge of the house of representatives. We have the same things we see happening, the dccc has spoken to more candidates in this cycle than it has in the last two cycles. The energy is there. The pentup frustration with the Trump Administration is there. All the same ingredients that we saw play out last night in virginia, from having good candidates, from fielding candidates across the board in all sorts of different districts will play out in 2018. So you heard it here first. All right. Congressman, well have you on and keep the tape. Appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Thank you. Coming up for us still, a highly unusual request by any president. Send the head of the cia to meet a former nsa conspiracy theorist who says the dnc email hack was an inside job. A new report. Youll want to hear it. Thats next. For my medicare . Im open to that. Lower premiums . Extra benefits . Its open enrollment. Time to open the laptop. And compare Medicare Health plans. Why . Because plans change, so can your health needs. So, be openminded. Look at everythinglike Prescription Drug plans. And Medicare Advantage plans from private insurers. Use the tools at medicare. Gov. Or call 1800medicare. Open to Something Better . Start today. Accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president , then what has our government become . Im tom steyer, and like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. Yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger whos mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. And they do nothing. Join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing whats political and start doing whats right. Our country depends on it. Hey, its me, your dry skin. Im craving something were missing. The ceramides in cerave. They help restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture and keep us protected. Weve got to have each others backs and fronts. Cerave. What your skin craves. And fronts. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. The cia director sitting down with a known spear theorist. Sound like a spy novel, right. Well, that is what what happened, it appears. According to sources, mike pompeo sat down with a former nsa whistle ploer who believes the dnc email hack in the election was an inside job, despite, of course, the assessment by the entire intelligence apparatus in this country, including the cia, which mike pompeo is director of. How did this happen . And why . Cnn chief National Security correspondent, jim sciutto, has the story. Multiple sources tell cnn that cia director mike pompeo met at the president s urging with one of the principle deniers of russian interference in the u. S. Election. As first reported by the intercept, pompeo met october 24 tth with william binney, a former National Security agency employee, who has theorized that the theft and release of thousands of Democratic National committee emails was actually an inside job, carried out not by russia, but a dnc employee. Binney tells cnn that pompeo began the meeting, which lasted an hour, by saying, quote, the president told me i should talk to you. Regarding the meeting, the cia refused to comment. But it said that director pompeo, quote, stands by and has always stood by the january 2017 Intelligence Community assessment that russia interfered in the 2016 president ial election the president himself has repeatedly questioned russias involvement, both during the campaign i dont think anybody knows it was russia that broke into the dnc. Shes saying russia, russia, russia. Reporter and since his election, as well. If you dont catch a hacker, okay, in the act, its very hard to say who did the hacking. With that being said, ill go along with russia. Could have been china. Could have been a lot of different groups. Reporter in october, director pompeo prompted a clarification from the cia when he said in a speech that the u. S. Intelligence community determined that russian meddling in the 2016 election did not affect its outcome. Intelligence communitys assessment is that the russian meddling that took place did not affect the outcome of the election. Reporter soon after the speech, the cia issued a statement saying, quote, the intelligence assessment with regard to Russian Election meddling has not changed and the director did not intend to suggest that it had. Jim sciutto, cnn, washington. Our thanks to jim. Joining me now to discuss, cnn legal and National Security analyst, asha ringhappena, a former fbi special agent. Asha, great to see you. What do uh you make of this . Well, with i think we need to go back to the intelligence assessment in january and understand the significance of that. That report, which concluded that russian meddling and hacking happened was issued by three agencies, the fbi, the cia, and the nsa. These agencies do different things. Nsa does signals intelligence, cia does human intelligence, the fbi does counterintelligence within the United States and the idea here is the promote some friendly Competition Among these agencies before they come to conclusions. And part of their job is actually to poke holes in each other others intelligence and for what they come up with. For them to unanimously agree that this happened is highly significant. This is not something that would be done lightly. It would not be done physical all of their different kinds of intelligence werent corroborated. So, i think we need to use that as a starting point before we go to, these conspiracy theories that are refuting that assessment. Well, and, on the most basic level, im sure heads of agencies take a lot of meetings, of course, they do. And some of them, courtesy meetings, and some of them, because the president says, please do this. But does it pose a problem for mike pompeo, amongst his rank and file, his own people, when the meeting that he took is directly questioning the assessment of his own people . Yes, in this instance, there are several problems with this. Kate, one of the basic premises of producing intelligence is that it needs to be unbiased. You produce what you say what you see, regardless of what policymakers or people above you want to see. And they can make they can take action based on it however they want. But your job is to produce an unbiased report. And we saw some of the consequences of not doing that under george w. Bush with the wmd in iraq where that got politicized. So in this case, kate, where the president has a vested interest in basically not establishing a tie between russia and the hacking you know wi, i think th in this case, pompeo should have respectfully said, you know, i need to consult with my own agency and make that decision of whether to look into this further, independently of this request. And that does not seem to be what happened, at least this time. Great to see you, asha, thank you so much. Coming up for us, the republican tax bill. Where do things stand . Well, one place is not sitting well with some republicans. Why some now worry the current plan could now do what it said it would not, raise taxes on the middle class. Well get to it in one second. We are the driven. The dedicated. The overachievers. We know our best investment is in ourselves. We dont take no for an answer. We fight for what we want. Even for the things that were once a given. Going to college. Buying a home. And not being in debt for it for the rest of our lives. But were only as strong as our community. Who inspires and pushes us to go further than we could ever go alone. Sofi. Get there sooner. Theres breaking news. The Congressional Budget Office the score keep ker of all things congressional, all new legislation has bad news right now on the gop tax bill. In a letter just released saying the current plan the republicans put forward would increase deficits by more than they thought lets get to the details. Sun la is your faddy is joining me with more. This letter just out by the Congressional Budget Office. They say the tax bill as it stands right now would add 1. 7 trillion to the National Debt over the next decade. This number is so important because republicans, they had to hit the target of 1. 5 trillion in this tax bill to be able to pass it through something weve been talking about known as reconciliation, being able to pass it in their budget with only republican votes. So thats significant. Thats important. Certainly another stumbling block ahead especially because you have a lot of budget hawks you here on capitol hill who are nervous about the additions to the deficit and certainly this make them even more nervous going forward. Today up here on capitol hill, the house ways and Means Committee continue working through their markup of their bill and certainly leadership is trying to project some confidence. They say theyre moving in the right direction, but there are considerable sticking points still left on the table. Theyre going through the nitty gritty sticking points over as always the elimination of a state and local tax deduction, exice taxes, socalled passthroughs for businesses and corporations, a lot of issues still on the table. That over in the house, now over here on the senate side theyre working on their own bill. The finance committee is set to debut that bill tomorrow. Theyll begin marking up their bill next week. A lot of things have to come together to make these bills go forward. But as of now, leadership certainly is projecting some confidence. Some confidence but this is no headline that any republican wants to see especially if theyre a deficit hawk that their plan will add more to the deficit than they planned. Have you seen any reaction from any of the leaders to the number . No reaction just yet. This number did come out in the last few minutes before we went on air. Certainly we know in the moments and hours ahead up here on the hill, well certainly be getting that reaction. Senate republicans especially, this was a big, the deficit number is a big issue for them. Lets see where this goes and how this moves it. Great to see you, sunlen. I appreciate it. Were following breaking news ahead including this. A blue wave energizing democrats giving some republicans second thoughts. Were going to have much more on the big wins last night. What do they mean for the 2018 midterms . Is a wave coming or can republicans make up ground in a year . A lot to discuss. Coming up. Theres nothing more important than your health. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. You might want to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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Duck quack call to request your free decision guide now. Because the time to think about tomorrow is today. Welcome to inside politics. Im john king. Thank you for sharing your day with us. Reject, repudiate, you pick the word. Voters delivered giant wins for democrats and diversity. Along the way, send preside

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