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South korea claim the neighbor is preparing to launch another intercontinental Ballistic Missile. Theyre saying this could be days away. And james mattis says any threat would be met with a massive military response. Donald trump is speaking out on twitter by accusing south korea after peas mebt and threatening to cut off any trade with any country doing business with pyongyang. A lot to get through. Lets get started with Kaitlyn Collins at the white house. We heard from nikki haley this morning. Strong words from the u. N. Ambassador. What are we hearing from the white house . We heard from treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin yesterday who said he was drafting this sanctions package to send to the president that would place economic pressure on north korea and the president essentially doubled down on that yesterday when he said on twitter that the United States was considering stopping all strayed wi trade with any country doing business with north korea. That would be significant, kate. China is north koreas biggest trading partner. And theyre the second largest economy in the world. Then we heard nikki haley, the ambassador to the United Nations really echo all of this calls for diplomatic means during that emergency session just a few minutes ago. Listen to what she said. We have kicked the can down the road long enough. There is no more road left. This crisis goes well beyond the u. N. , the United States will look at every country that does business with north korea as a country and the United States will look at every country that does business with north korea as a country that is giving aid to their reckless and Dangerous Nuclear intentions. And kate, the south korean government announced earlier this morning that president was scheduled to have a phone call with President Trump this morning. Well keep you updated on any calls we get from that call today . No readout from the call. Well be sticking to it. The first call since the nuclear test over the weekend and also the first since the president s tweet . Absolutely. Yes. It would. We know he spoke to the president of south korea on friday. But this phone call this morning would be the first one that hes had since that launch of that missile. The white house has not provided any details. They dont typically confirm the phone calls until after they already happened. Well see what comes from that. Thank you so much. We really appreciate it. So that from the white house. Lets head overseas now. Reaction is coming in, of course, will rippley was in north korea last week. He is joining me from tokyo with more reaction. What are you hearing from there tonight over there . Lots to unpack, kate. Certainly that shot across the bough aimed at china saying anyone that trades with north korea is trading with a nuclear pariah. The ambassador saying that they will never accept chaos and war on the korean peninsula. China has said via state media editorials they would step in if the u. S. Launched a preemptive attack. That wasnt an official statement, of course. But it was a statement throughout global times which often reveals some of the opinions, the hawkish opinionsst Chinese Government here in japan, continued messages in sync with the United States even though japan is a passivist country. The ambassador on cnns new day was talking about appreciating that the United States has japans back and is willing to keep the military option on the table. And then in south korea, theres a lot of nervousness because it took more than 30 hours for President Trump to call the president and even though he had two conversations over that same period with shinzo abe and then you have north korea with more threats, threatening to launch attacks against the United States, threatening to launch missiles toward the u. S. Territory of guam. So you have escalating tensions, escalating rhetoric. Just right after north koreas most powerful nuclear test to date. The chance they could launch another mistoll coincide with the Major National holiday, their Foundation Day coming up on saturday. Will, youve been in north korea more than almost any other reporter. Do you get a sense from your time there do you get a sense of the end game right now . Everyone seems to have a take on it. Well, a lot of people are wondering why north koreas leader would now be apparently preparing to launch another Ballistic Missile possibly an icbm just after his nations Largest Nuclear test to date. And the only thing i can think of is if you have to look at the messaging from north korea. So last week there was an editorial calling on the United States to change its view on north korea, to accept north korea as a nuclear power. Something north korea wanted for a very long time. Ambassador haley saying thats not going to happen. Then you saw that picture release of kim jongun standing in front of a Hydrogen Bomb that they can put on an icbm and then they blow up a Hydrogen Bomb underground, the largest artificial explosion that some seismologists have ever detected. Magnitude 6. 3 earthquake. It would collapse underground as a result of this massive explosion. So they have proven now that they have the Largest Nuclear weapon theyve ever created. And then if they launch an icbm toward the pacific potentially in the direction of the u. S. Territory of guam, theyre sending the message that they have the warhead, they tested the warhead. Now they have the missile. Theyre testing the missile. Theyre trying to tell the United States they need to change their view because north korea is trying to move thprove have this weapon in their arsenal much they may be trying to do it to get some discussions going before these sanctions really start to take effect. Because eventually if the round after round of sanctions is imposed, it is going to start hurting. When i was in pyongyang last week, i didnt see any visible impact of the sanctions. Cars are still on the roads. Lights are still on. People are still dining out at restaurants. We know that sanctions take a while to take effect. Hopefully this is a blitz that leads to talks. The tone from the United States from nikki haley within the last hour doesnt seem to indicate. That the u. S. Still wants to punish north korea and put pressure on them. Notal all. If you hear nikki haley, thats not going to happen any time soon. Great to see you, will. Here with me to discuss, Georgetown Professor of asian politics and also Senior Adviser to former u. S. Ambassador to north korea, christopher hill. We have the former spokesman to the pentagon. Jim walsh is an m. T. I. Researcher and the former staff member of the National Security council under president clinton. Great to you have here. Jamie, we played a couple bits of what we heard from nikki haley, u. S. Oms. We kicked can the down the road enough. There is no more road left. Nikki haley wants stronger sanctions. The next step in sanctions would be what . Well, there will be more sanctions. There will be stronger secondary sanctions. Those sanctions will effect Chinese Companies and other companies that have been doing business with north korea. Do you get the indication that china is ready to sign on to those sanctions . Theyll sign on to stronger sanctions. Theyre not going to sign on to sanctions or an embargo that is so strong that it threatens to undermine the sta biflt tbility north korean regime. Theyre making three big bets, one, the u. S. Doesnt have a realistic military option. Two, the china is going to feel ultimately that its better off even with a Nuclear Armed north korea than it is with korean reunification and reunified allies with the United States. And three, theyre betting on the effectiveness of the Trump Administration. And all three of those are good bets. In light of this, speaking about china, the Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations, the Security Council meeting has been going on this morning. And china said, the ambassador said that china will never allow chaos and war on the peninsula. What does that mean at this point . Thats a very clear articulation that china will not do what it takes to destabilize and the regime. It is not simply to punish yourself. There are target sanctions to further the development of these weapons and delivery systems. And speaking about the missiles, jim, you now have south korea saying that they see north korea preparing for another Missile Launch, a Missile Launch it could perhaps be less than a week since this nuclear test that happened just yesterday. What does that do . Whats your take on that . Well, i think youre right. It may be saturday which is north koreas founders day. We may be back here in the studio then for that. Well, you know, i know most of our conversation focuses on sanctions. My colleague at harvard and i did a study of sanctions. We interviewed North Koreans whose job it was to get around sanctions. And theyre very good at it. And we sort of keep doing the same thing. It seems to me that theres a real disconnect here. They can build missiles faster and Test Nuclear Weapons faster than we can impose sanctions that would matter. We spend all the time talking about sanctions and they keep testing away. You keep doing the same thing over and over and over again and it fails, you should do something differently n particular, small steps, it would be great, for example, if we had an ambassador, u. S. Ambassador in south korea. Its just astonishing that we have a rolling crisis here. It could get very dicey and we dont have the president s representative in seoul to help, you know, to help with our allies. Sanctions are important but we spend too much time talking about that and not enough about the other things we need to be doing today to deal with this situation. Part of that, of course, colonel, was jeff blake said over the weekend that its become cliche because there is no good military option and thats what people keep saying over and over again. The last word we heard from the administration though before this u. N. Meeting before nikki haley was from defense secretary james mattis. It was a pretty important moment when he came out yesterday to speak. This is what he said. Any threat to the United States or its territories including guam or our allies will be met with a massive military response. Were not looking to a total ani lafgs north korea. But we have many options to do so. Colonel, as many people noted since he came out this is not a man that seeks out the spotlight. And who wants to be the face on Something Like this. He is just not that thats not his personality. You know him. You heard that from james mattis and thought what . Well, secretary mattis set out two very important stakes in the ground. I think we shouldnt ignore. Stake number one is to remind the north core evens that there is a military action. Dont forget who youre dealing with here. Sure, none of the military options are g but the military options exist. And then i think the second important mistake that he laid out was that we are not interested in annihilating north korea. So he put a left and right limit on what sort of how he see this is beginning to develop. And this was very important. Kind of a sober, thoughtful statesman like statement coming out of the secretary of defense that i think kind of frames up where the North Koreans can now move around. I think its a very important message. Where does that land on the statesman like scale . You have one where he accuses south korea of appeasement with north korea and another one saying were going to stop threatening to stop and considering to stop all trade with any country doing business with north korea. That, of course, is china. What does this do to the conversation . Thats a setup question. The lack of statesmanship about it president of the United States is a major destabilizing factor in world affairs. Do his words destabilize . Absolutely, yes. The words and the actions. What does the president do . He assumes office. One, he limits our influence in the region by getting out of the partnership by continually even more recently attacking our allies when we really need to be focusing on our adversaries. Contradicting his top cabinet officials. These tweets are so dangerous and doing so much damage to the United States and allies at a time when we need to be standing together. So now there is this additional variable of donald trump and nobody knows what donald trump is going to do. That is making matters worse. I know jamie you would like to debate me on at any moment at any time. I for one am interested what comes from this phone call with the south korean president and President Trump. Hopefully well get a read out. Where is he headed. Where does this take the country . Where does it take the Republican Party if he does . Plus, President Trumps eps says 13 toxic waste sites were hit by Hurricane Harvey. How theyre handling the threat and what it means for folks on the ground. Thats ahead. Nce grandma you dont let anything keep you sidelined. Come on thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. Ensure, always be you. To make something original. Has grown into an enterprise. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. 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Its a very, very sensitive subject. Were going to deal with them with hope. We lot of dreamers. We love everybody. There you have it. President trumps changing statement. And socalled dreamers over time. Some 800,000 undocumented immigrants that came to United States as children. Sources tell cnn the following. Tomorrow the president is expected to terminate the obama era program. That protects dreamers from being deported. His plan if, this is what is announced, is to give congress six months to pass legislation to essentially replace the program with something else. Hes already facing criticism from democrats and from members of his own party on this. For different reasons. Republican congressman steve king, hes an immigration hawk to sat least, he thinks the six month time frame that the president would put in place is too long. He said ending daca now gives a chance to restore rule of law. They can push amnesty is republican suicide. On the other end of the republican spectrum, a congresswoman of florida says. This after teasing dreamers for months with talk of his great heart, the president slams the door on them. There is criticism coming from the left. There is one of the ugliest decisions ever made by a president in our modern history. All righty. Lets dus. Joining me now, cnn political commentator and republican strategist and former Communications Director for ted cruzs campaign. The cnn opinion writer, steve rogers, a member of President Trumps Advisory Board and Lieutenant Commander of u. S. Navy reserve and bill press, the host of the bill press show. I know, its amazing. It is called the bill press show. Im going to come up with something more catchy some time soon. Well work on that. Yes. We got nothing but time. Alice, if this is the decision that the president announces with regard to daca, then it throws it over to congress. What does that do . It really forces them to take action. Look, its interesting to hear members of congress on both sides of the aisle, as you just read, being critical about this when if you really look at it, were in the situation because of congress inaction. 20 years ago we were trying to figure out how to deal with dreamers and what to do. And as time moved on, president obama became frustrated with the inaction in congress and he used his pen and phone as he promised and used executive action to provide protections for these people. Now here we are years later. Congress still hasnt provided some type of immigration plan to deal with them. And President Trump is doing exactly what he campaigned on, exactly what he won on. He is working to have better immigration in this country and also he also promised to do away with the president obamas illegal executive action. So he is saying he will do the same thing if congress doesnt act. It is a little squishy. You heard it in the sound. He was definitely going to get rid of it and then he started saying he was going to have heart. I guess you could try to say will is somewhere in between that those things are the same thing. Im not entirely sure. Stand by for that. But, bill, as alice is laying out this is not new. Daca, dreamers, dream act this is the discussion from that has been going on for years. A failed discussion on the part of congress. Do you see an appetite right now for congress to move ahead on some sort of plan for dreamers. Real li realistically . No. This is one of the cruellest decisions or most cold hearted decisions any president could make. Lets remember who these people are. These are kids that did not choose to come their parents brought them here. And there are 800,000 of them. They are in school or in the military. They got jobs. Theyre paying taxes. They are the future of this country. And donald trump said over and over again, im just interested in the criminals. Those who commit crimes not the dreamers. Now i think hes trying to have it both ways. It is really a chicken move that he wont get away with. He will be remembered if, he does this, as the person who ended the dreamers program. Can you not count on congress to do anything. Hell if, they couldnt rereal obama care after talking about it for seven years, theyre not going to do anything on the dreamers. Stop stealing any questions for later, bill. Stand by. Steve, if six months expires and congress has not done anything on this, who is this on . Can the does the president protect himself from responsibility or blame if he pass this is off to them now . First of all, the president is a father. Hes a grand father and im sure when he says hes going to be moving from his heart, he is. That is number one. Number two, kate, the fact that parents, there are consequences for their actions. I just heard last guest say that thighs children are here as a result of the acts of their parents and they shouldnt be blamed. To some degree hes right. But remember this as parents, there is something called accountability and responsibility. They should have known long ago when they did this that they may come a time when the law is going to be enforced. So the point is this. The president , i believe the six smoz months is a good idea. And my view is that if the congress does not act and will they, i dont know. They dont seem to be able to fix anything. But if they do not act, its on them. Its on the congress. Do you see it that way . Number because when he was on his way back from paris, the president specifically stated that he would make the decision on daca. It would be his decision. This notion of trying to put it off on congress or to say that Jeff Sessions said he wouldnt defend it that, is just deflection. In fact, the discussion is that were already seeing about whether congress can do it. That advocates him on this issue. And i understand what youre talking about from a theoretical point of view. What will happen . They will likely lose their status. As they lose their status, they will be eligible for deportation. We know under Donald Trumps administration arrests of noncriminals are up 150 this year. That means these young people right now who are medical students, who are teachers, they will be deported to countries in Central America . Its not five people. Its like 800,000 people. My question to you is this. What about the people i have friends and relatives that came to this country legally. They work hard. They paid a lot of money to get lawyers. Theyre in support of the president. And what about American Students . I talked to combat veterans who fought for the country their whole life here. Their kids couldnt get into college because there are quota systems set up. Thats not nonsense. Let me put it this way. The immigration issue if, it was easy, it would be done. It wasnt hugely personal. Its a dreamers. This is a segment of the population where there is bipartisan support to find a way to help them out. And james languageford to your point. He put out a statement saying that there are consequences for people who come here illegally. However, we as americans do not hold children legally accountable for the actions of their parents. I understand what youre saying. I understand you have come across anecdotally for the concerns. And there are Many Americans who have that anecdotal evidence. But when we look at the data, most americans support keeping daca. For a political poll, 75 of trump voters favor keeping daca. The same thing for this president should be to leave it in place. He never had to act on this deadline that we can have daca. Bill go, ahead. This is often lost in this discussion. This is an arbitrary deadline. He could say, guess what . Im not ready to make a decision. Im not forced into making a decision. Im a little surprised the president seems forced to announce this decision because of a threat from states attorneys generallies, threat or actual lawsuits being filed have not moved the president in the past, bill. No. I agree. If the president really believes in this he ought to say go ahead. File the lawsuit. Well meet you on the supreme court. Well fight for what we believe in. Donald trumps unwilling to do. That the only point i want to make in response to your guest there in studio is that, look, we should not be our goal is not to punish these parents for doing something they shouldnt have done 20, 25 years ago. Our goal should whab is best for this country. And these 800,000 people who are making a great contribution to this country and can even do even more, theyre the people its our its in our interest to give them status and leave them stay here. Its our interest to enforce the law of the land. We must be a land of law. You say its nonsense. I think the majority of americans believe we should enforce the laws. This the thing where the president has the problem. There are a lot of republicans support for trying to figure out a way. Paul ryan says the president should not do this. Republicans need to Congress Needs to figure out figure this out from their standpoint. Maybe the real shrewed thing is giving congress a deadline. That is the only way they get anything done. So maybe that is the true political move in all of this which is a hugely motional issue. Dont go away. Please dont go away. Much more discussion including what is Congress Going to do . Theyre brutal to do list on capitol hill. The debt ceiling, border security, zafdisaster relief aln the docket and add on top of that, tax reform. How are they going to do it all . They head back tomorrow. Well be right back. Davenport,. 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The laundry list includes avoiding a government shutdown, raising the debt ceiling, Getting Started on tax reform, none chf are easy. Now add to that emergency aid for Hurricane Harvey victims and potentially some kind of action on dreamers as we were just discussing. So welcome back, boys and girls. Welcome back boys and girls on the panel. Alice, to you, with everything on their plate and as we were already discussing, the affinity for not coming together on a bipartisan basis these days. What do they do first . Clearly the top priority would be funding relief for Hurricane Harvey victims. That is the top of everyones mind and as were speaking, people are still cleaning up the mess and going through the debris. I that i is first and foremost. Based on all indications, it sounds as though theyre going to tie that in with raising the debt ceiling which is important. Look, we got a 20 trillion debt limit that needs to be increased by the end of the month. Its important so we dont default on loans that we tie in the Harvey Relief on. That the administration is asking for 8 billion. That is just a down payment. Well need more money down the road. I think from a priority standpoint that, should be first and foremost. And then the administration is pretty clear they want to tackle tax reform. At least get that ball rolling. Simplifying the tax code, reducing the Corporate Tax rate and eliminating loopholes on wealthy. And then certainly if all goes as expected with daca, they need to Congress Really needs to roll up their sleeves and figure out what to do with dreamers. And i think its important we do it with heart and the correct way. I think we give those people the peace of mind that right now they simply dont have. Right. But with everything on their plate, bill, as we were just as we have been discussing, this is, recall, everyone the republican controlled house and Republican Controlled Senate who could not come together on agreement on how to repeal and replace obama care even though they all agree in replacing obama care. Has a month changed this . No. I agree with alice. I think the First Priority has to be raising the debt ceiling and linking emergency relief funding for Hurricane Harvey to that. But thats easier said than done too. Thats going to happen in the senate. Its not going to be so easy in the house where you still have people who are against raising the debt ceiling period. And the emergency relief fund. And then will is also, donald trump wants the wall. And to what extent is the wall going to be tide into that . There is no tax reform bill. I dont see any way theres no bill. That they could get anything done on tax reform. There is infrastructure and there is health care already. This is going to be a do nothing year. Infrastructure . Health care, that is so two weeks ago. Were done with that and were on to the next one. But in a strange and very sad way could Hurricane Harvey be the one thing that breaks through and gets congress to come together and get things done on two major priorities . The debt ceiling for one and also hearing folks say because of Hurricane Harvey, we cannot allow the government to shut down. You have read my mind, kate. I would hope that theyre going to the american spirit in these political leaders is going to rise above the political spirit. I believe Hurricane Harvey as we talked about moved the heart and soul of every american including our congressmen. So as a priority, if they start off by quickly brigade to the Hurricane Harvey victims, i think theyre going to realize and hope to god that lets get together and lets pull it through for all of the other topics. So with all this laundry list, adding daca to the list, dream toertz list, does it make it easier or harder to get something done . On daca . It makes it enormously harder. I mean and i say this as someone that believes in daca. When we have the laundry list of congress to do, were saying what are we going to do about a group of people who are noncitizens . Trying to prioritize that over a texas which suffered this catastrophic storm. Thats going to be an extremely heavy legislative lift. And the problem is this president has very little Political Capital with these group of lawmakers including some within his own party. And i believe, you know, Hurricane Harvey relief effort will go smoothly at first. But we dont even know how much money they will need. And its going to thats when it will start getting messy when texas needs more money and we may see some push back from states. And in all of this, i did want to mention weve seen this devastation, this daca decision certainly enflames tensions that we did not need right now. One of the victims of Hurricane Harvey, one of the last missing respond serz a daca recipient who died while he was a volunteer rescuing other people exdied. He was a daca grantee. I see there were 126,000 Daca Recipients in texas and louisiana. So there are a lot of those affected and being affected even more. Bill press, i love you but you get it next time. All right. Ill save it. You save it. Its a good one. About it way, i enjoyed being here. Thank you. Cnn, thank you. I really had a good time here. Thanks for coming together. Great to see you. Thank you so much. Coming up, the toxic threat lingering in harveys wake. How President Trumps epa is responding to toxic waste sites hit by the hurricane. No splashing wait so you got rid of verizon, just like that . Uhhuh. 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And with the 25 cent event, Office Depot Officemax takes care of mom now, all this just 25 cents each taking care of business does your sleep aid leave you groggy . Switch to drugfree midnite®. Its specially formulated to work with the bodys sleep mechanism to promote natural sleep. Try midnite® tonight. Now more than a week later, some victims of Hurricane Harvey are returning to see what is left of their home. Thousands more are still in shelters, still unable to reach their homes because of floodwaters that havent yet receded. It will take years and billions of dollars for texas to recover from this historic storm, historic damage that it brought with it. During the visit to texas over the weekend, President Trump promised fast action on getting aid to texas to start he is asking congress to approve an initial aid package of nearly 8 billion. Texas Governor Greg Abbott says thats just a fraction of what his state will really need. We have over five Million People who are affected by this. Its not just the people in houston. Its the hurricane swamp from Corpus Christi over to bow monlt. And so its going to beaumont. So its going to require more than what was funded for katrina which was about 120 billion. Just astounding. Compounding the already massive recovery effort that is just now getting under way, concerns over environmental hazards, the number of toxic waste sites that have been affected by the hurricane. The epa says at least 13 sites were flooded or damaged from the storm. Joining me now is a former epa administrator jury george w. Bush, Christine Todd whitman. Great to see you. Thank you. Pleasure. When you see the images, it is so startling. And theyre dealing with so many problems on so many fronts. Just two of them with regard to the water is some places do not have running water. Other places are dealing with the potential toxic water. You see all of this and what are you most concerned about . You also have to add mold. What the water has done to the hous houses, once you ghaet black mold in that, is extremely dangerous to human health. You talk about the flooding and the super fund sites. It depends on what stage the sites were in the recovery. If they were capped and cement, then theyre probably okay. But the other sites you got to be worried about what is going into the water system. And there are some Water Systems that have been compromised. You have sanitary sewer overflows. You have some really nasty stuff that is in that water. Now is it making its way into the Drinking Water or not . Thats what the state and the city has got to be on top of. In fact, all the cities they are are the primary responders. The federal government has a role to play and epa has a role to play. If youre back at your old post, what do you focus on first . First of all, if i were at my old post, i would have a regional administrator. They dont have one. They dont have the staffing that they need in the agency to be able to respond in the way they normally wochlt they have career staff. You have Emergency Response personnel. They know their jobs. They will have been out there. It is hampering their work. You need somebody to be there encouraging them, telling them where to go, placing them. They know their jobs. But they need someone who setting out that policy for them without a question. But they will do a certain amount. They do know what to do. And they will be testing the air. Theyll be testing the water where they can. And they will be sharing that hopefully in real time with the responsible officials. Do you you have been critical of the president and of the administration of his proposed cuts to the epa and among other things. With regard to this, are you saying that there is something or anything that the Trump Administration has already done that made this disaster worse . Well, i think its what theyve not done. Its by not appointing people to fill those jobs in the regions. Those are the ones that are closest to what is going on in that region. Theyre the ones that know the players. Theyre the ones that deal with them and have the most direct contact. Very hard to organize that kind of a thing through from washington remotely without having somebody there who is really in charge on the ground. And thats what youre regional administrators do. And to my understanding, i dont know that theyve even nominated people for the positions yet. Which really points out and there are ten of them. There are ten regions around the country. There is no immediate quick fix that you are putting forth. This will be a long time problem anyway. Governor, always great to see you. Really appreciate it. Laying out the huge task ahead for all of them. Coming up for us, utah nurse put in handcuffs after refusing to draw blood from unconscious patient patient. She is now speaking out to cnn. Why she stood her ground in the face of an aggressive officer would would not take no for an answer. Please, sir youre hurting me. Then walk. No. This is a stop, youre hurting me and its also a story about people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you [and her new business i do, to jeanetgo. Jeanette was excellent at marrying people. But had trouble getting paid. Not a good time, jeanette. Even worse. Now im uncomfortable. But heres the good news, jeanette got quickbooks. Send that invoice, jeanette. Looks like they viewed it. And, tada paid twice as fast. Oh, shes an efficient officiant. Way to grow, jeanette. New. Get paid twice as fast for free. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Im proud to make dog chow in vodavenport, iowa. An. Dog chows been a part of my familys life for over 40 years. My grandfather made it and now im making it. 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In july, how this all happened in july a crash victim admitted to the university of utahs burn unit. Not a suspect but police asked for his blood to be drawn, and this is what happened when the nurse says she could not, because it was against hospital policy. Ah [ screaming ] ah stop stop so thats what happened. As i said, Salt Lake City police apologized but not be enough how this will end up. Joining me now, a lot of people talking about this. The video, of course, what really brought it to light. Quite startling. Where does this go . Where does this go . Shes speaking out. People need to understand watching that particular video and need to take into account, the nurse, alex waublubbels was following hospital policy and following the policy agreed upon by police more than a year ago and her Attorney Says also following the law. Now, what you dont see in that video there is before the screaming took place. Right. She was calmly trying to explain to the officer in question, Salt Lake Police detective jeff hain, what the hospital policy was. He was not having any of it and placed her under arrest. University police and University Security watched as she was handcuffed, you can see there, put in the police cruiser. Earlier today on new day, she described what that experience felt like. I was obviously very frightened. And i think since this has happened ive been able to sort of surmise i feel betrayed. Betrayed by the police officers. I feel betrayed by my University Police and security. He was aggressive from the beginning. As a nurse, its my job to assess a situation, to assess a patient, and my assessment skills led me to believe that officer payne was already agitated. Well, there were pro tetests over the weekend calling for the officer to be fired. Wubbels received an apology from the Salt Lake City Police Department and the mayor. Payne made the arrest after he called a supervisor who advised him to arrest wubbels if she refused to let him draw that blood sample. The department opened an internal affairs investigation. Payne and another employee are on full administrative leave pending outcome of that investigation. I know your question. Its going to be, lawsuit. Look, shez reading my mind. She is considering obviously a lawsuit and feels as though security didnt do enough. Feels as though the university didnt do enough to protect her and waiting for the outcome of that investigation. Well watch this video. Make your own judgment. Great to see, jason. Thank you for joining me. Coming up, Harvey Relief border security, the debt creaming and much moand ceiling and much more. Tax reform. Thats coming up. Welcome to inside politics. Im john king. Thanks for sharing your day with us. An emergency meeting at the United Nations. Tough talk from the Trump White House after north korea escalates and already dangerous showdown with a Massive Nuclear test. Kim jonguns action cannot be seen as defensive. His abusive use of missiles and Nuclear Threats show that he is begging for war. Plus, Congress Gets back to work this week. A down payment on a giant package, agenda item one. We have over 5 Million People affected by this. Its not just the flooding in houston. Its the hurricane swath from Corpus Christi over to

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