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Hand the republicans are criticizing it saying the cbo is not a good indicator on how it will make its way through the american public. They are pointing to positive aspects of it, including 200 billion dlarls in deficit savings. That could be a carrot Mitch Mcconnell uses to get it back into the bill that may satisfy them. That is what we are looking for in this 1 00 meeting. What exactly can Mitch Mcconnell do to bring them together to come up with some sort of solution to the Health Care Problem and get it done by friday . You mentioned house speaker, paul ryan, skeptical of the cbo. One person he is not skeptical of is Mitch Mcconnell. Listen to what he said this morning. I would not bet against Mitch Mcconnell. He is very, very good at getting things done through the senate, even with this razor thin majority. I have every expectation that is gnat, i dont know what day, but every expectation they will move the bill. I believe they will get it done because they said they would get it done. One thing we didnt hear from paul ryan is the assessment of the substance of the bill. He is far away from making a comment on that. He is telling his members to do the same thing, stay away from comment. Let the senators do their work and, if and when they finish a bill, we will take it up. Of course, kate, we could end up with another big debate on the house side if it makes it out of the senate. Right now, making it out of the senate is a very big if. Kate . First things first. What does it mean for travel plans, recess plans for house members if it makes it through the senate. Lets just get through the lunch, how about that . Thank you so much. Lets go to pennsylvania avenue where the president is getting in on the game, getting in on the action and picking up the phone to win over no votes, try to get them to yes. Joe johns is live at the white house with much more on this. Joe, what are you hearing there . Reporter a bunch of things. The first thing we are hearing is, number one, this realization that in many ways, this is majority leader, Mitch Mcconnells rodeo, but the white house can assist in critical areas and, i think, the second thing we are hearing is that the president of the United States and people in the administration are certainly reaching out to senators on capitol hill who will listen, but, as one aide put it, the president is certainly not calling anybody who hates him, nonetheless, we know from one of our colleagues reporting on capitol hill, Senate Majority leader, Mitch Mcconnells samestate colleague, rand paul, is expected to meet with the president sometime today. Senator paul, of course, is one of those no votes in the event the bill is not changed. So, the administration is doing a variety of things right now. The president does have extra time on the schedule. No public events, so he can make telephone calls and talk to other senators, though its not clear who he might be speaking with. And there is also the issue of the policy luncheon, the tuesday luncheon on capitol hill, going to be attended by, among others, the Vice President making his case for the bill and another event this evening with the Vice President and a small group of senators to sit down and talk to. Among them, three senators who have not suggesting they are jumping ship, but its clear this Administration Needs to hold on to all of the support its got in the senate and persuade a few others to get to that magic number. We are watching here to see who comes to the white house to talk to the president. Also, certainly, asking the press office and others to tell us who the president is talking to at this time. Kate . A little different from the house negotiation and how that played out. We havent seen yet, at least, a large group of senators that were nos brought over to the white house to sit down with the president. We are hearing rand paul, a no vote right now, may be brought over. A different approach at this time. Reporter its very sensitive because the realization is that among the people the president really needs to reach out to are those senators who come from states that gave President Trump strong support in the election. Yeah. Reporter thats where hes most useful in reaching out to people but the other idea is to let Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell work his magic. Management to magic, if you will. Great to see you, joe. Thank you so much. Ill keep an eye on the white house and the comings and goings there. Also developing, President Trumps former campaign adviser, carter page has been interviewed by the fbi as far as meddling in the 2016 election. A series of meetings with the fbi and extensive investigating. We have more on this. What are you thinking . No surprise here, really. We know for quite some time, carter page has been under the eyes of the fbi. They have been monitoring him and under surveillance. Months ago, they reported there was concern with the fbi back in the campaign that the russians were somehow trying to use carter page to infiltrate the Donald Trump Campaign at the time. You know, they spent time going over conversations carter page had with the russians and monitoring other parts of his moves and travel to russia. Its not surprising that he would be interviewed here. The key here, really, kate, is we have not been given any indication carter page is a target of any investigation. Certainly, his conversations and his behavior is being skrud nized by the fbi and continues to be scrutinized by the fbi. As carter page himself said, he doesnt believe he is part of any investigation. He did tell us he talked to them willingly, issued a statement confirming that. He spent a lot of time with them. It gave them confidence. Hes been critical about the fbi and other folks behaved in this investigation. Interestingly enough, in his statement to us, he said he has more confidence in the fbi and the questions they asked him. That, obviously, the fbi continues their investigation and capitol hill conducting their investigations as well. Carter hill will see if he will be a witness this as well. Thank you. Thank you. Joining me from capitol hill, congresswoman jackie spear sits on the committees with the russian probe, house intelligence committee. I gave you a promotion. Great to see you. Thank you so much. On the fbi investigation, does house intel want to speak to carter page as part of the investigation . That has not happened, has it . No. Certainly someone i want to hear from. He is a significant person in the probe, i believe, because he was on Donald Trumps campaign as a foreign adviser. He also has a firm that has only one other member, an Investment Firm and it is a former executive of the state owned company in russia. There is speculation as to why he made that trip back in july, 2016, when he gave the address to the new Economic School for the graduation class. Russia is very good at luring americans and others to come to the country, to receive honorary like Michael Flynn did. I wouldnt be surprised if he is an unwitting agent or witting agency. Thats all something we have to explore in the months ahead. But, to this day, still, you have not sat down, he has not been a witness to the committee. A lot of those questions you need to ask. Another potential witness, rogers reporting john podesta, Campaign Chairman for Hillary Clintons campaign, he will be interviewed by your campaign as early as today. What can you tell me about that . Well with, i can tell you that he is on the list and will be one of the witnesses. Im not at liberty to tell who we will be interviewing today. It would not be incorrect to say he will be interviewed by the committee in the coming days . Yes, it would not be incorrect. What questions do you have for john podesta . I dont have any questions for john podesta. This is, yet again, an effort by my republican colleagues to divert the investigation into areas that are not going to be necessarily helpful in determining whether or not the russians infiltrated into our election and whether or not Trump Campaign operatives were wittingly or unwittingly involved with russia in that infiltration. But you dont think its important to find out exactly how the hack happened and to what extent the Clinton Campaign did or did not cooperate with efforts to try to that the fbi had to try to get in and help them out as dhs secretary, jay johnson said they had trouble doing . Well, actually, jay johnson said that he was not privy early on to the hacking going on. It was much later in the process. I would say that that has some value, but it is not critical to the investigation, in my view. Lets move to Something Else that is very critical on capitol hill and far beyond. The Health Care Bill. Republicans are trying to work through their version of the Health Care Bill in the senate right now. If they would, its a big if right now, if they get something through, are you prepared to stay in town over the weekend or through the recess to work through whatever they send over to the house side . Im prepared to stay in town to vote against it. I am not going to be part of an effort to unwind 22 million americans who presently have Health Insurance. The tens of thousands of children with disabilities that have access to Health Care Resources because of medicaid. The 15 million americans who are cancer survivors that, you know, rely on Health Insurance that is affordable in order to pursue their care. Im here to make sure that they are protected. This is more than a mean bill, this is a distrucktive bill. This is, um, a bill without being hyper bollic that will guarantee that people will die. What are you going to do, kick these people out thats not hyperbolic . They will not be able to Access Health care. If you cannot Access Health care and you are in an emergency situation, you will not get that health care and likely die. But, guaranteeing someone will die under the Republican Senate Health Care Plan is not going over the line . No, theres no question that will happen. Well make sure we get a republican response on that. You are about to head home unless you are asked to stay here by the house speaker. Say a constituent comes up and says no matter what republicans are doing, what bill they are putting together, i have real problems with obamacare. Obamacare is hurting me, this constituent says to you, why arent you working to fix it rather than say no . I would say they are absolutely right. There are a lot of amendments we have to make to obamacare, like there were a lot of amendments made to medicare after it first became law in this country. We need to fix the cost elements in the Affordable Care act. We need to create more cost containment. I am with them in wanting to do that. We have to have a willing participant in doing that and the republicans, 65 times have been interested in nothing more than putting a bill on the floor to repeal it. That is not constructive. Here is the thing about repeal and the word and the actual policy of repeal. Senator schumer said something similar, the democrats were ready to work with the republicans when they take repeal off the table. If you ask any conservative, congresswoman, they will say this isnt repeal at all, what you are looking at in the senate. How is it not an opportunity to get this right . If you take 22 Million People out of health care, its being repealed for 22 million americans. So, if the interest is making sure those 22 million americans get health care and get Health Insurance, but find ways to reduce the cost, then im in. If you are saying that its not repeal and 22 Million People are going to lose their Health Insurance, many more are going to have their costs skyrocket because they have a preexisting condition, in this case, cancer and they will be able to get Health Insurance. The cost is going to skyrocket. You cannot have a tax cut for millions of americans. Anyone making over 300,000, thats what this bill does, lets be clear. This is a huge tax cut for anyone making over 300,000 a year. You cant have that go into effect and also still provide health care for americans. The tax now on the table for republicans to figure out. Can i ask one quick, a final question on a different topic because it is tapped today and you sit on Armed Services as well. We have a statement from the white house warning of, here is the wording, potential preparations of a chemical attack by the assad regime in syria. It warned assad will pay a heavy price if they go through with another chemical attack. As a member of intel and Armed Services, do you know what the white house is talking about here . Do you have information that another attack is coming . We dont have any information, kate. Here is the problem. If, in fact, this information was given out by the president and is exposing now a source of intelligence, that is very dangerous because well lose that source of intelligence. It is not coupled with any strategy or plan, which is another problem and we need to authorize military force and you cant use a 2001 law that gave the president the authority to use force in iraq and afghanistan against al qaeda against assad in syria. We need a new aumf. I really am very concerned that this has been done without consultation with with the department of defense, without consultation with the intelligence community. Again, he is operating without the benefit of all the resources in this country that are there, precisely, to give him the kind of information so he can make sound judgments. We are going get a report from the pentagon, exactly what the pentagon knew and when in terms when it comes out from the white house. I appreciate your perspective. Thank you so much. Thank you. Coming up for us, a protrump Group Targeting lawmakers not on board with the Health Care Bill, not democrats, republicans. What will that do . A plea for cooperation from two governors that sit on different sides of the aisle. Why they say its time to come to believe. What a novel idea to fix the health care system. Well be right back. Be the youo shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. 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Megans smile is getting a lot because she uses act® mouthwash. Act® strengthens enamel, protects teeth from harmful acids, and helps prevent cavities. Go beyond brushing with act®. A warning from the white house to syrian leader, bashar al assad, stop plans for a chemical attack or else. Here is a statement. The United States identified preparations for a chemical weapons attack that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children. The warning, last night, came as a surprise to many. The white house is explaining what prompted this. Cnn correspondent, Barbara Starr has more on this. What is the pentagon saying today . Reporter what we know, kate, is they have been watching this intelligence on the air base for some days. Its the same base the syrians used to launch their chemical attack this killed so many. Now, they are seeing more activity and intelligence in the last 24 hours. A lot of concern was growing. They saw and aircraft near the shelter and chemical weapons capability ammunitions at the air base. They began to put the pieces together, believing it was all leading up to the possibility of syria launching another chemical attack. The warning comes out last night just as that, a warning. A warning to the syrians. We see what you are doing, dont do it and a warning to moscow to use its influence to try to persuade assad to back off and not to do it. You know, the russians were said by the u. S. To have known about the last attack back in april, so this time, the Trump Administration really trying to send that message to moscow, use your influence, dont let assad do this at all. Kate . Well have to see you have a read, yet, if they have seen activity stop since this warning came out . Reporter thats what we are looking for. Right now, we dont have that read. Its a really good point. If you put out this warning, you know, then what do you do if assads planes start taking off . Do you launch a preemptive strike in President Trump may have set himself up in a minired line, dont do it. Then he has to be ready to do something if assad calls his bluff and moves ahead with an attack. That is what everybody is watching now. Right now, theres no answers on what assads next move might be. Great to see you, thank you so much. Joining me now, cnn military analyst, Lieutenant General who served in iraq. Great to see you, general. Good to see you, kate. As barbara said, do you see this statement, i have a lot of questions for you. The statement coming from the white house that ended with, if mr. Assad conducts another attack using chemical weapons, they will pay a heavy price. Is that a red line . It certainly is a red line. Its an unclassified red line put out through a press release, as opposed to diplomatic channels. Mr. Tillerson talked to mr. Lavrov the day before and im sure it was discussed if there was evidence there is potential use of chemical weapons. The u. N. Came to be the and told assad not to use chemical weapons. He promised to destroy and he did not. This kind of open communication on a press release, released by mr. Sispicer seems odd. This is not the way normal diplomatic procedures normally transpires. If you take the impact of it, if assad was conducting a chemical attack on his people back in april, yes, he did pay a price. President trump did send tomahawk missiles over. What does a public warning now do . Do you think it could, albeit not normal, could it stop assad from what he may be looking to do . I dont know. Thats up to the intend of mr. Assad. What it has the implication of doing is telling the rest of the world, this is what we are thinking about doing. When i say the rest of the world, im talking, specifically about iran and russia. Remember, this press release went out in the late hours last night, between 10 00 and 11 00. It was Early Morning in syria and russia. They had all day to think about their response, prepare for a response, if it did come, while most of washington was sleeping. Yeah, its not quite the right way, in my view, in my humble opinion of doing these kinds of warnings. It should be done through the diplomatic channels. You have to realize the repercussions of this. It allows your enemy to know what you are thinking about. It allows your enemy to turn on air Defense Systems and telegraphs your moves, which is something mr. Trump said he didnt want to do on the campaign trail. One of the things that was successful about his campaign and what people loved about his message is he would not telegraph his moves to adversaries. Is the administration laying the ground work for a u. S. Military operation in syria . Its interesting. Secretary of defense said some things in munich that seem to indicate he understands that as the weeks go by, the situation in syria is getting more complicated, not less as forces come together and as raqqah is put on the verge of defeat from an isis perspective. What you are seeing is the turks, syrians all becoming more amessed in kind of a conflict, if you will. Its more important now than ever before to watch the coordination and the collaboration. These kinds of announcements, which run somewhat contrary to what the secretary of defense said in germany, are not helpful in terms of the forces on the ground, trying to get that coordination and collaboration. You also take into account the things that happened over the last few weeks in terms of shootdowns and increase between russia and the United States, increased tensions. It is all within that same context. There is much more. There is a definite increase in tension all around in that region now. Great to see you general. Thank you very much. Well see what the white house has to say. President trump called it a watered down version and politically correct. Thats not stopping him from celebrating the Supreme Court decision, he calls it a victory. We will tell you whats next for the president s travel ban. Plus, democratic lawmaker, jackie spere told us the bill negotiated in the senate will make people die. What do republicans say about that . We are going to ask one. Thats ahead. And youre not goit anything keep you sidelined. Come on thats why you drink ensure. With nutritious calories 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals. That was the best one ever giving you the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. And finish from the number one doctor recommended brand. Ensure, always be you. Sorry about the holdup, folks. We have some congestion on the runway and im being told itll be another 15, maybe 20 minutes, and we will have you on your way. Runway models on the runway . 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Are you concerned this is about to fall apart . This is the legislative process. This is similar to what happened in the house when we didnt call a vote the first time. We got together, worked the legislative process through the entirety and we were able to pass the bill. The senate is going to be able to do the same. We will see how long it takes. How long that takes is a big question. Do you think the deadline here is a problem . I think it could be, but thats ha the senators are going to have to do what we did in the house and work the legislative process. Jackie, a colleague of yours, a democratic colleague, had her on earlier and she had this to say, listen to this. This is, um, a bill, without being hyperbolic that will guarantee that people will die. What are you going to do, kick thats not hyperbolic, congresswoman . How can you say people are guaranteed to die . They will not be able to Access Health care. If you are not able to Access Health care and you are in an emergency situation, you will not get that health care and you will likely die. Your reaction to that . You know, its sad to hear. You know, we could go, i stood here in this same hallway in a baseball practice uniform, asking all of us in congress and the media to tone down the hateful rhetoric. Jackie, of all people understands what its like to go through the terror many of us did a few short weeks ago. I would hope, instead of using that, lets talk about our policy differences. We have 60 Million People in this country right now, who done have health care insurance, or who have Health Care Coverage they cant afford to use. I think her point was i think her point was people are going to be pushed off medicaid. If they have Serious Health issues, they would not be able to get health care and that would guarantee they die. Medicaid is an issue in the state of illinois where we have the Expansion Program and have 44 of all those who are on the Medicaid Expansion in illinois that are ages 1934, able bodied adults. We have to work to get them off medicaid and get them a job. Those are the types of issues we have to face to strengthen the system we have that helps those who need it the most, the aged and disabled. I would urge my colleagues, my democratic colleagues, come to the table with your solutions. Dont just stand back and complain about a process you may or may not like. Offer solutions. The solution of keeping the status quo where we have 20 of the population that are uninsured or cant afford to use their insurance. The prop is not democrats, its an intraparty fight, its republicans. One objection from fellow republicans in the senate is this bill they are negotiating is just moving too fast. Listen to lisa murkowski, congressman. This is big stuff. And, so, making sure that we get it right is something that i have said is an imperative. I dont think its asking too much to say give us the time to fairly and critically analyze these numbers. These numbers that we are talking about. These are men and women. These are our families that are being impacted. Lets please get it right. She wants more tichl. Is that an unreasonable request . Its not an unreasonable request. I hope senator murkowski continues to let her feelings known with leader mcconnell. We have time in the house to address many of our concerns. One of mine is making sure we have multiple layers of protection. My wife is an 18year cancer survivor. I want to make sure anyone who goes through that, any family that goes through cancer or fights a disease gets those layers of protection. That allowed the extra time. Well see if they get that extra time. Thats an issue on the senate side. While i have you, the president confirmed on sunday, he considers the house bill, the house Health Care Bill to be mean. What is your reaction to that . You know, its frustrating because i sat in a room with the president numerous times after the first version was not called for a vote to address many of the concerns the administration had and colleagues had. I have to give the administration credit, they opened their doors to our ideas and opened their doors to listening to changes. When you have the democrats, both in the house and the senate not participating at all, trying to actually help legislate, then, of course, republicans are going to have to Work Together to pass a bill with only republican votes, which is what we had to do. What democrats had to do with obamacare. Well see if republicans will be able to do it in the senate side right now. Right now, they are having issues. Congressman, its great to have you. I appreciate your time. Thank you. Coming up, the protrump superpac is targeting the republican senators who say they are a no on the senate Health Care Bill. Is this how to get them to yes, by threatening them with ads in their districts in their home states when they might be in tough reelection battles. Well discuss. So there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. We believe in real food. Whole foods market. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Your only worry. Ty Customer First guarantee. Will be that one. Rogue. 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We will see. Could this groups effort potentially backfire, harden the already opposition that these senators are offering to this bill . Lets discuss. The panel, Ron Brownstein is a cnn analyst and editor for the atlantic. Tara is an analyst and white house correspondent. Alice is here, a commentator and a Communications Director for ted cruzs campaign. All right, friends. Let us begin. Ron, what is your best guess, im putting you on the spot right now. What is your best guess on what the sentiment is going to be when senators come out of their weekly lunch today . Misery. You know, look, they are caught between a rock and a very hard place. On one hand, they promised for seven years to repeal and replace the Affordable Care act. They are left with a bill, more than any single bill i have covered in washington going back to the early 1980s, imposes the heaviest cost on the partys own voters. That is the core reason why this is so difficult. The biggest losers in this bill are older and lower middle income adults. In many states that were critical for Donald Trumps victories, they were predominantly white. If you are talking West Virginia, kentucky, ohio, michigan, iowa, wisconsin, all those places, the big losers in the medicaid changes and private exchanges are the core of their coalition. The Kaiser Family foundation has an incredible website where you can go county by county to see the premiums. Look at West Virginia or Southeast Ohio or macomb and st. Claire counties outside of detroit. The blue collar counties, key trump victories would all see enormous problems. Talk about nevada. The superpac is threatening dean heller or other republicans, if you dont get on board, we are going to put money against you. Does this help heller get to a yes . Absolutely not. It may end up helping him and hurting mcconnell and trump. He is not going to be persuaded by ads on the television. He is beholden to the people of nevada. He is beholden to his constituents. This is a state that was for voted for hillary and they benefit from the medicaid part of obamacare. The governor sandoval is supportive of obamacare, the medicaid they receive in that state. He is not for the measure that is on the table. So, he would be a fool if he were to flip his vote based on this ad that may or may not hit the air. Them doing this is not putting pressure on him. He is going to campaign and won on repealing and replacing obamacare, but doing it right, meaning lower premiums and greater access to care. Talk about the process. You have been in the weeds when they pushed through obamacare and passed it so many years ago. Hanging by a thread. Its about to fall apart. These are things you remember hearing when you were negotiating . Yes . Absolutely. It was a long and tortured process but we never had a cbo score that looked like what landed yesterday. When we got it, we saw tons of people gaining coverage. We saw peoples premiums going down. We saw huge deficit reduction. Add this into it. Paul ryan today saying do not bet against Mitch Mcconnell. You know who else said that, max baucus, your former boss. Hes a smart guy. He thinks mcconnell is going to get the votes, theres no doubt about it. I have so much respect for max baucus and i learned so much from him. I agree with his sentiment, leader mcconnell knows what he is doing. Look, hes very good at shoving his members into votes that they dont want to take. Thats what a talented leader does in the senate. Democrat or republican, lets be honest. Absolutely. But, you know, this is a really hard sell, kate. This is a dismal piece of legislation. As alice talked about, look at dean heller. How does he go home and says he is for a bill that is going to gut medicaid . Tara, the president is making calls, rand paul is heading to the white house to meet with the president. The Vice President is hosting republicans for a dinner tonight. Is more white house, more president ial involvement what could shape this thing loose . What do you think . I think it helps to get high level interactions and pressure from the president. I think he is overstating his hand and the kind of power that he really has. With this protrump superpac that is going on the attack against heller and other senate republicans, you have to remember, the person who is leading that superpac used to be the deputy chief of staff to the chief of staff in the white house, reince priebus. This is someone who is very connected to the administration. This is a clear sign that trump is not playing hes not playing loose with this. He wants a win and if you dont vote with him, you are crossing him. Hes bringing a new level of tribalism and many republicans are saying this is a stunning level of political retaliation. When you see trump getting involved, you are seeing a lot more aggression and hard selling that people in washington arent used to. Give arent even used to. They dont want to move forward to debate. Process but an important thing. Somethings got to give. The math doesnt work right now. Ispolicy or process . Which one . People dont care about the process but the policy. The administration would be better off with a carrot approach mike pence will do with these people. He knows many of these people, heller. Its not like 200 billion to deal with in terms of deficit reduction. They want to get there. Its how they get there. Stand by. See how the faces look when they leave the senate lunch today. Gra great to see you all. At crowne plaza we know Business Travel isnt just business. Theres this. a bit of this. Why not . Your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. Which is what we do. Crowne plaza. Were all business, mostly. You myour joints. Thing for your heart. Or your digestion. So why wouldnt you take something for the most important part of you. Your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. After the Supreme Court handed down a partial victory to the white house and the president s travel ban, parts of the ban could go into effect as early as thursday. The Supreme Court also agreed a reminder to hear oral arguments on the overall ban of the case against it this fall. Joining me, cnn justice reporter on much more of this. Parts of the ban could go into effect thursday. How does this work . What are you hearing . Kate, there are many questions coming out of yesterdays decision, but the most pressing is this who exactly from those six predominantly muslim countries will be allowed . The court says a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the u. S. Advocates i spoke with yesterday say this creates a bit of a murky picture. Especially for refugees who might not have family here in the u. S. Or an established relationship with a resettlement organization. So there are just many, many Unanswered Questions right now, and i think its safe to expect further litigation on all of this. Where do the first questions go, though . Laura, first questions to state department and Homeland Security come thursday . Or do you think where do people go first . The first happens when you show up at the airport and can or cannot board your plane. But if there are disputes, be sure theyll go back to the District Court where all of these odors originated from. Those are the judges to decide in the first instance. Great to see you. Thank you for the update. Looking for that thursday. Much more after a quick break. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. 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Replacing obamacare, on the brink of collapse. A gop plan was to pass the bill this week. Theyre short stroets pavotes t they head into a lunch short to even debate. Absent changes, defight leadership and vote no on a proposal motion necessary to start the debate. Before and ideological mix funder scoring a big debate

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