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An assault being launched at that location, the industrial location not the second one thats going on. This is the location where the two kouachi brothers are believed to have been holding at least one hostage . Yes. And all im being told is that there has been an assault launched on there. The surrounding conditions militated is what im told. I dont know what that means but it goes along with what theyre hearing. The small amount of smoke were seeing from that industrial complex, thats the location of the printing shop . That seems to be the location from where all that took place. I cant see the smoke from here but i did also hear those two detonations and it could have been that something was set off. Its unclear whether or not the suspects that of course appear to be holed up there, whether or not they had explosives or whether or not the police itself is using some sort of stun or smoke grenades as part of a siege at some operation from the movement were seeing around here. Theres more cars moving more Police Officers moving around as well. It could be that some sort of siege has started but its impossible to confirm that from our position here. However if i were to describe the events we just heard, we heard one or two shots that were fired and several what appeared to be large and somewhat dampened detonations. They sound like they were coming from the inside of some sort of buildings. They didnt appear to be coming from out in the open. Of course we do know these two people there holed up in that printing center. As i said about 400 yards away from where i am. We also know the police over the past couple of hours has been evacuating the schools around here. This area has been on lockdown, the schools have been on lockdown. Theyve been bussing children out of here to try to evacuate that area. The actual print shop itself is inside a Business Park which is surrounded by a residential area. Theres people who live in the close proximity to that and that whole area is absolutely cordoned off by police. We know they were at least at the perimeter of that print shop. There were indications that perhaps they were going in and out of the Business Park so its unclear whether or not the siege has started but there are indications from what were hearing that it could be the case. Fred again, chris cuomo here. What are you were just talking to a source. The smoke, were being told, is from flash bangs, not a fire not a massive explosion but we know what they are, flash bangs are for deception to provide cover. There have been two rounds of fire so far between the men inside the terrorist suspects and forces outside. Its not over yet. Its in progress. And Atika Shubert joining us on the phone. Atika, you heard some of these blasts yes . Thats right. There were several volleys of what sounded like automatic weapons gunfire then at least three explosions two of them happening in the midst of the gunfire just a few seconds ago on its own we can not see inside to the area. We can see the Industrial Site but we cant see inside into the build building but it seems to be possibly an assault under way at this moment judging but the gunfire we heard earlier. And the location chris, obviously this is the printing shop that the kouachi brothers had apparently gone into earlier this morning, taken the owner, we believe hostage. Whats interesting, and i know youve been reporting this as well the suspect in the other hostage standoff has been demanding the release, the freedom, for the kouachi brothers. Of course now Law Enforcement will be dprnd this operation is under going if the hostage taker has had any contact with the kch brothers or aware that the operation is now under way up near the Charles De Gaulle airport whether or not thats going to have blowback whether or not thats going to have an impact on the hostage standoff taking place at the kosher supermarket. You raise the right issue. There are several variables weve had described to us. One is if they are in direct contact, the issue is as you present it. We have been told that the assets in place would allow communication only with authorities, jamming any other communication, that that is very well likely. However the third variable would be that they have access to media blond the particular cell phone. And they that may also be true at the standoff thats going on at the marketplace so even if the cell phone is primarily jammed they may be getting Media Information another way and that could create a complication. Were also being told about the operation in progress. One of the reasons the authorities liked this particular setup is not only its blind to the outside, but that there could be a chance for a multiple points of entry. And the flash bangs are obviously a telltale sign of a deceptive operation and you see men climbing around, there could be two different angles of assault. Im told its not over. Tom fuentes, obviously you would want as many entries as possible to try to come at this from as many different entries as possible. Yes, you would, anderson. Whats worrisome to me is the reports of gunshots preceding the loud noises. Normally the swat rescue operation, dynamic assault, those grenades are used because theyre so loud especially inside a building or confined room that they stunned the Central Nervous system of everybody, including the hostage taker, allowing the rescuers at least one second free time to run in and hopefully neutralize the hostage taker. If you heard gunshots first thats a possible sign this thing went bad and that the hostage takers shot first and they used the grenades afterward and did the rescue. So normally the loud bang should have preceded small gunfire. Simply we dont know at this point what the status of these two brothers is. This is new video taken from just moments ago. You can clearly see a greater amount of smoke than we have seen in other video. Were taking video from a number of different local media sources so this is why were seeing this for the first time. That would be from the flash bangs. You can clearly see, again, this is from a short time ago so this is not live pictures. Were not giving away operational details here. You can see individuals, it looks like Law Enforcement or Paramilitary Forces on the roof. The color of that smoke anderson familiar to you, consistent with being a flash bang. Not that dark or acrid smoke that would be somewhat more symbolic of an actual fire thats going on. Were told that a medic helicopter is arriving on scene. The supposition there would be theres a need to evacuate wounded. Theres an early indication the operation may be finished because theyre moving in that helicopter. You clearly saw one of the flashes going off. Again, Atika Shubert saying shots before she heard some of the explosions the flash bangs, earlier local police local Law Enforcement said they had been in contact with that Law Enforcement had been in contact with one of the kouachi brothers who said they were willing to die and wanted to die. We dont know if what the status of these two suspects is at this point and we should point out there is still this other hostage standoff happening not all that far away about 25 or so miles away in a kosher supermarket at least one hostage taker holding what we believe may be as many as six hostages. There have been some wounded, some report ss of at least one or two fatalities during the day. N the start of that hostage taking incident but we dont know if we can not independently confirm whether or not there have been fatalities in that incident. That standoff though still ongoing but it seems like this standoff in this Industrial Park at this printing shop has ended or is very close to ending exactly the how its ended we dont know the details of that. You have to remember even though theyre dealing with two suspects and potentially a hostage, assuming theyre all located together, the flash bang provides good cover. Theres the flash of light, the smoke that will remain there for cover and it winds up complicating outcome in terms of assessing and understanding whats going on. That will be balanced with the fact that theyre dealing with two men and hopefully for the authorities they were together. That means somebody has done an assessment from inside communicating need and bringing in the helicopter. I dont know if thats what it is is. This is from earlier this morning. Again at least three blast ss at this magazine suspect these with the r the two suspects according to french law enforce who want were involved in the Charlie Hebdo attacks they now believe this third suspect does have relationship with the kouachi brothers, the third suspect Holding Hostages at the kosher supermarket. So the question there is as youve been raising the most important issue is are the two related to what happened and Charlie Hebdo . Its a much more complex situation going on in the marketplace because you have more hostages and theres a presumption there are children involved and theres been a threat of using those hostages to gain the release. So the main ingredients of the high risk operation is that the hospitals have hostages and theyre planning to use them. That is something that flies in the face of what the two people of the Industrial Park promised. That civilians werent supposed to be hurt. They wouldnt hurt women and children. And obviously makes that promise ring hollow given whats happening in the location closer to us here. And frankly the two brothers said they wouldnt shoot women in the office of Charlie Hebdo, at least one woman was killed in those office ss so theyve talked about a lot of Different Things that havent come to pass we are learning more about these two brothers and whether or not they are in custody or dead or still alive we dont know. They are also evacuating the other side has reached a point of fatality. And were waiting on more information now. You have kids being evacuated. Both indications that someone inside the building from the french authorities made the assessment that it was safe to move safe to call someone in. The question is what happened inside . Were waiting on that. If you are just joining us watching on Cnn International around the world or the United States i want to bring you up to date on these fast new developments. Jim sciutto is standing by. Jim, what are you hearing . Youre at the supermarket. Whats going on . Anderson, in the last 30 seconds we heard four possibly five large explosions. This is just over my right shoulder here. If you could see that blue blinking police light there beyond these two armed officers thats the scene where the kosher market is. We heard those explosions come in very fast succession and they were loud. They sounded louder than flashbang grenades they were very loud reverberating off the buildings around here. Now im hearing gun fire. Multiple shots. Automatic fire. Im going to stop speaking so you can hear it as well as i am its continuing. Another explosion this all happening about 300 yards from where we are. These officers are the ones who have been moving us back to a safer distance. You can understand why were taking the steps. Again, multiple explosions. As i were saying as we heard them often times you will hear flash bang grenades, thats designed to stun the attacker clear some space for them to go in and neutralize the attacker. We heard that gunfire, hard to distinguish whether gunfire was coming from the outside, Tactical Units moving in or the possibility, of course anderson and chris from the inside where we know that the hostage taker holding the hostages inside there, perhaps as many as six was heavily armed and is believed to be the same man who killed a female Police Officer yesterday. So this unfolding just in the last couple minutes here about 300, 400 yards away. We believe were at a safe distance but the gunfire continued for a bit. It has since stop and well be listening for more details as it goes on. Jim, how many explosions did you hear . Did you hear gunshots before the explosions or were the explosions first . It started with a pause of a couple minutes, gunfire, multiple shots, at least two dozen shots. Some of them were not single shots, the weapons were on automatic fire bursts of shots and then we heard a second round of explosions one or two that were smaller. Those first explosions were much bigger. They sounded to me like they were larger explosions than you might here with a flash bang grenade which is a typical method used by Tactical Units as they move to stun the attacker get space, they might even throw smoke grenades to conceal their movement. You can hear over my voice now a siren heading closer to the scene and just throughout this ill remind our viewers theres been a helicopter often over the top and its been equipped with a video that allows them to give a live stream from the air of the situation on the ground anderson. Jim, i want to bring in chris cuomo. Chris, youre hearing from your sources . That both of these assaults were simultaneous. They were launched as operations at about the same time. Jim, do you have something you need us to know . I just want to say, weve been seeing across the bridge, theres a bridge going over the highway and you might be able to see them on camera dark silhouettes of men, Tactical Units, advancing towards the kosher market these are then we saw staging before. All in black, body armor, black ski masks, heavily armed. They were the ones we saw staging before. Just after this gunfire and these explosions weve seen them streaming across this bridge going over this highway there. Again towards the kosher market. Thanks jim. So what we understand from sources close to the investigation is that both of these assaults were contemporaneous. They went off at the same time, they obviously used similar deceptive methods. I am being told the one in paris, the marketplace, was a very violent assault. Im asking for followup who was hurt and how waiting for that information. I was told it was a cleaner operation at the Industrial Center but were waiting on more details and why they decided to do them at the same time would be for a hundred reasons that dont matter to us right now. Its about the outcome and hopefully that the hostages certainly in the marketplace and the woman in the Industrial Center are all okay. And we dont know the status of the hostages both in the supermarket do not know. Nor in the Industrial Center. As chris pointed out, there were as many as six hostages believed to be held in the supermarket. One hostage believed to be held. Jim, what are you seeing now . I just wanted to make a point there was actually some time between the operation that took place northeast of paris and the operation here. At least five or ten minutes because we heard those reports, we heard our colleagues reporting northeast of paris before we heard the gunfire here. Not far apart, but there was a few minutes between them but i would expect as chris is hearing that they would do these in conjunction, at least, particularly mindful of the fact that the shooter here had demanded the freedom of the two gunmen held northeast of paris. They would, of course be concerned if american to hear news reports, see something, get a call from a friend or a contact that that raid was underway that he might do something here. There was some daylight between them. If i could add, anderson and chris, in these last few minutes we see the black silhouettes of the Tactical Police crossing the bridge there flooding the zone around this hostage standoff. The tension here incredible. The sound of those booms when the explosions first happened here they were big. They sounded bigger to our ears than flash bang grenades and a number of shots, perhaps two dozen shot automatic gun fire. Jim sciutto, we should point out Jim Bitterman telling me or saying hes gotten a report that people civilians, have been seen leaving the scene of the store we dont know the status of what was believed to be as many as six hostages. Atika shubert is standing by at the Industrial Park near the Charles De Gaulle wrarpt the two kouachi brothers had been holed up. Atika, what are you seeing there now . We have heard explosions now that started with the volley of gunfire. Weve heard two explosions and the initial explosions were quite loud. [ inaudible ] were having a problem with Atika Shuberts and then a solitary explosion. Since then there we can see a little bit of smoke. I did see a [ inaudible ] and im seeing another helicopter take off quite close to the Industrial Park. It looks like a police helicopter. Doesnt look like a medical helicopter that i can see at this point. I dont know if theyre evacuating people or if theyre just getting a better look at aerial for the site but there are helicopters in the area. I also spoke to a resident whose home is right behind the building. He did not see it. The police have told him to shutter all the window draw his curtains. He said it was very scary, very loud explosions all around everyone hunkering dun hoping the assaults will end soon. We obviously lost contact there with akita shubert. On the timing of these assaults clearly the assault on the Industrial Park is the one that took place first that jim sciutto pointed out. Was it a planned assault. Were they responding to something that was taking place inside this printing shop . Do they feel that they have to go in at that particular time. Tommen if test raised concerns were there gunshots that police felt they had to go in and was the followup operation, the other operation at the supermarket, was that because the operation at the Industrial Park had undertaken and they were afraid of what the ramifications of that might be in the supermarket . Were staying away from the reporting until we can get it right. Sources have been told both operations were being called satisfactory we dont know what that means in terms of hostages. Hopefully well learn more about the details of this. Clearly, though both situations seem to be resolved. Seem to be well lets wait on that actually. Jim sciutto is standing by. Jim, any more developments youre hearing . Just some more anderson. Of course this is happening unfolding. Weve just seen one, two, three ambulances and youve heard that gunshot just there as well. Weve seen those ambulances cross that bridge you can see behind me where the blue blinking slight of the police van. Weve also seen those Tactical Units that we saw go in before some of them moving back still with their weapons drawn. Of course most concerning development is just in these last few seconds here are those three ambulances going in there indicateing the possiblies of casualties on the scene. I reported earlier in the day a couple of hours ago we saw other ambulances leaving. I saw someone put on a stretcher because there were early reports of casualties. Signs here that there may have been casualties in this attack as well. Again, whether or not the casualties in the final operation were of hostages or were, in fact of the hostage taker not clear at this point. We want to be very careful in the reporting on this. Jim, as far as you can tell, have you seen any we got a report earlier from that civilians were seen leaving the supermarket. Have you heard any reports on that . From where we are here its too far to distinguish among toes t silhouettes were seeing as they cross that bridge as nightfall comes to paris whether they were civilians. Several were clearly Tactical Units because we could see their weapons drawn, we could see their body armor. We havent been able to make out civilians. Doesnt mean they didnt escape safely but we havent seen them from here. All right. I want to bring you up to date on the situation again. Its about 5 25 here in paris. For the last several hours two simultaneous hostage standoffs have been taking place. Just in the last several minutes. An operation in the town of Dammartinen Goele here in the Charles De Gaulle airport where the two brothers suspects in the Charlie Hebdo attack had been holed up for the last several hours with one hostage shots rang out, flash bang grenades going off, smoke rising from that central park from a printing shop where the two brothers had been holed up with what is believed to be the printing shop owner. That operation appears to be over the exact status of the brothers and the hostage, we dont know. According to our source that chris cuomo is close to in france, some of the officers said the operation was satisfactory. How to determine that we leave that up to you. Well try to gather more information on that. The other operation thats been taking place, the supermarket standoff going on for several hours, a kosher supermarket in the east of paris that operation, that standoff also now appears to have been resolved resolved. Jim sciutto reported hearing a number of explosions blasts gunshots also at that supermarket site. One report of civilians leaving that supermarket the status of the hostage taker we dont know. There is a female suspect involved according to french Law Enforcement in the shooting death of a french policewoman yesterday morning. If she is believed to be still at large. Police have not said they apprehended her in any other location so she would still be at large. Questions remain if in fact these hostage takers have been either apprehended or killed those are the only two options at this point if the situation with these three male hostage takers has been resolved one way or the other, the question for now enforcement is are there other members of this cell, what is believed to be some sort of a cell, are there other members of the cell out there . Are there more people involved in the attack on Charlie Hebdo . Where is the female suspect whose photo we have been showing . Those these two standoffs may have been resolved and exactly how they were resolved and the full details we dont yet have but is this this operational cell is there more to come from this group . We dont know chris. That will be a difficult question to answer, thats for sure because it seemed to have extended itself just from what we thought we knew from the beginning of what happened here at Charlie Hebdo. This cell grew in its number and intentionality. Im hearing that at the Industrial Park that both what theyre saying is both terrorists are accounted for and that the hostage is accounted for for. They said obviously the terrorists did not escape. The hostages okay theyre saying its an initial assessment. Theyre going back in now and there have been wounded involved with both operations. The breakdown of where that happened is still unclear. There were special forces who were wounded in this but in which assault and how many that information is still coming. Youre getting this from a source who has good connections to french Law Enforcement so youre hearing from this source that the hostage is still alive. The Industrial Park hostage has been accounted for. They did not say that they are dead and that they said it was a satisfactory result. If youre confused by suddenly seeing a fancy French Television studio, were taking these images from french tell sfrigs a variety of different sources as well as our own cameras this are on the scene thats why occasionally youll see other reporters who may not identify or actually be hearing from the smoke has cleared at the Industrial Park a printing shop which really was as far as we could tell some place the kouachi brothers ended up. This was not any predetermined plan on their part they have been it seems, on the run and reacting to events allegedly robbing a gas station to try to get some gas, try to get some food and supplies stealing another vehicle this morning. More unclear, though, is what the other two systems in the shooting of the french policewoman have been up to over the last 24 hours. Something hala gorani raised earlier. This massive manhunt thats been under way. Where have they been for the last 24 hours . What have they been doing . Was this supermarket that they ended up in a kosher supermarket near a jewish neighborhood was that a target of opportunity . Was that something that was on a list of potential targets . Clearly the kouachi brothers and perhaps this other gunman whos been linked to them if the other terrorist was involved in the Charlie Hebdo attack they clearly wanted to remain operational after the Charlie Hebdo attack. They had an escape plan in place. Did they have a list of other targets . A list of other potential targets and perhaps was this supermarket one of them or was it simply a target of opportunity that they that this gunman picked just in the wake of being on the run . The Authorities Say that they believe that the two brothers had been moving out of necessity not out of plan. That theyd been scrambling essentially. That thats how they wound up where they are right now. The word theyre using to describe the status is down. To that both terrorists in the Industrial Park are down. What theyre not saying is whether down means under arrest injured, or dead. But they do say they are both down right now. In terms of whats going on at the marketplace, lets get to jim sciutto, he has the best eyes on that situation. Jim, do you know anything more . Ill tell you what ive seen chris, and anderson, in the last couple minutes. Yet another ambulance rushing across that bridge there behind me up to the scene of this kosher market. By my count thats five ambulances that have rushed in. Weve also seen a stream of what looked to be what we would call in the states ems workers, Emergency Services workers in those recognizable florez sent vests rushing across the bridge as well. I know other hostages were seen leaving the market safely but we have seen a number of Health Emergency workers moving in as well. Jim, chris is getting more information. The mayor is telling cnn that the two brothers at the Industrial Park are dead. That theyve been killed as a result of the assault. So this is the mayor of the local town where this attack where this standoff was taking place. So the two brothers youre seeing on the screen Cherif Kouachi and his older brother said kouachi, 34yearold said kouachi, 32yearold Cherif Kouachi, they are dead. These are the two suspects who Police Believe were involved in the attack on Charlie Hebdo. The i. D. For said kouachi had been found in one of the getaway vehicles that was used. Clearly a huge mistake on the part of these attackers who wanted to remain operational, who wanted to escape from the Charlie Hebdo attack in order to continue creating mayhem in paris and possibly in other locations throughout france. Another indication of the completeness of the operation, the assault at the Grocery Stores. The local lighting had been turned off and kept off so there was more cover for authorities so now theyre turning on the lighting there, another sign it ended. Were waiting on details of those hostages especially if they were kids involve. Were waiting on details of the status of the hostage taker in the kosher supermarket attack. Whether that suspect is dead or alive but it seems that standoff has been resolved one way or the other. Theres not a lot of ways it can have been resolved. Either way that suspect is alive or dead. Much trickier operation, too. The Industrial Park is big, different ingress. Two men, one hostage. In the marketplace the Grocery Store, its tight. They believe there was only one in one delivery door in the back that gave very limited options, a lot of advantage to who was inside as a terrorist and there were many lives to be accounted for then especially having children involved who arent going to move as quickly or as well in their own defense. That was a hard operation and thats why its been described as having been more violent and maybe that is why there were injuries to the authorities. Theres still a lot of Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Community wants to know about these two brothers. Weve been using their names. Lets hope history does not, in fact remember their names. Lets hope history remembers the names of those who lost their lives at the offices of Charlie Hebdo. Again, the hostage taker, we dont know whether he is alive or dead from the supermarket, police will be assessing both these operations. There are a lot of questions, of course about how these guys were able to drop off the radar of french intelligence. The here is number of suspects that french intelligence have to deal with and has to try to monitor as overwhelming their extensive capabilities. Tom fuentes, i believe, is still with us. Tom, what do you make of the operation . What do you make of the operations . Clearly they have both been resolved and weve gotten word that the magazine attack suspects, the two brothers, are dead. Well anderson ill be very curious to hear from the police whether they initiated this because they decided it was time or whether the hostage takers did something, maybe opened fire or did something that indicated that they had to initiate the rescue attempt. And take them on at the time they did. Much was made the the last couple days that they wanted to live they could have died in the Suicide Attack when they attacked Charlie Hebdo and maybe they really want to live. I think now it shows they wanted to better choose when where, and how they died. I dont think they had an intention ever of surviving this. They just wanted to exend this for as long as they could, extend the Media Coverage as long as they could and just not end it immediately when they did the attack on the magazine. Tom fuentes, obviously the question remains whether there are more members of i dont know if its appropriate to call this a cell but whether there shall more colleagues of theirs linked to these guys. Theres the female suspect that police have released the photo of. Her location seems to be a question for french Law Enforcement or whether there are more members who had a hand in the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Thats a big concern and will be a concern for a while. Where did they get these weapons . Where did they store them . What safe houses did they have . Where did they train once they returned to france . Who else might be involved . Not only that not only the cell that they might have been a part of when this whole thing started but now fan club unfortunately, that theyve generated. The supporters out there that have watched this unfold for a couple days and may want to join in ornish their initiate their own. Tom, i have to break in here. I want to go to jim sciutto. Jim, im told theres activity by the market. Theress more more activity. You can probably make out these light over my shoulder. Ive counted six ambulance ss going to the site of this kosher market as well as a couple dozen emergency workers, looked like ems workers rushing in there as those tactical teams moved out. Indications there were casualties in this attack and but we dont have those numbers confirmed by french authorities at this point. And also just to be clear, after that initial burst of gunfire and explosions there was another round of gunfire that we heard just a few minutes ago so a sign that this operation did not end as quickly, perhaps, as the operation we saw taking place in the northeast of paris, an indication perhaps, that it was more difficult but clear signs here that there may have been casualties in this attack. Jim, where are you getting that indication that this one took longer . Well just from witnessing it here anderson because we heard and we were here at present as those first round of explosions happened and a few minutes later you had another explosion, another burst of gunfire indicating the operation was continuing continuing. So it went on for several minutes. No question id say at least ten minutes. Even after that second round of gunfire we heard, we still saw the tactical teams in that recognizable telltale all black uniforms including the black masks and body armors and their automatic weapons drawn. We saw additional teams running across that bridge of this highway behind me towards the kosher market as if there was still something to respond to. Then sadly trailing them were those ambulances going in and then leaving it appeared taking wounded away. And youre still hearing a siren there i can imagine as well as they continue to head in. Tom fuentes, again, to have an operation that takes several minutes in a hostage situation like this thats obviously worrying. You have multiple hostages involved here at least one hostage taker, we dont know if the female suspect was involved in this hostage taking incident. But the this operation did take several minutes once Tactical Units started going in thats obviously of concern. A great concern. It makes you wonder whether there was more than one person in there as a hostage taker. Maybe one of the other persons with the gun went into a closet or back room or storage area outside and encountered the second person. It may indicate more than one person was in there. Now, you recognized an issue, anderson, that winds up to be bearing fruit right now. The source close to the investigation said they detached special assets in the area where the brothers are from and there are real and actionable concerns about what may be going on with other people related to these brothers. Remember there were some nine arrests or detentions done in connection to this. Authorities are not sure how extensive a web of association there is here and it is a continuing concern. They see what happened at the Grocery Store as an outgrowth at that kosher Grocery Store as an outgrowth of the distress of the two brothers and theyre worried that word of these assaults may lead to another wave of violent or more terrorist actions so they have sent assets into that area. Thats happening right now as well. Again, the question is are there other members if this was, in fact, a cell, if one can call it that was it just a three or four person sell or were there more people involved . Thats something we dont know the answer to but something which french intelligence is looking at close lyly as they try to piece together the whereabouts of these other suspects over the last 24 48 hours but also in the weeks and months previous to this. We are looking more and paul cruickshank, terrorism analyst is joining us as well. We know more than we did 24 hours ago about the movements of these two brothers at least internationally. Movements to yemen and there are reports of recent movements of the younger brother to syria as well that we havent been able to confirm. Thats right. Anderson. Theres more certainty about the travel to yemen of one of the brothers that he trained with al qaeda in yemen in 2011. Now al qaeda in yemen wouldnt train somebody unless they were recruited into the terrorist organization unless they also swore allegiance to the leader of al qaeda in yemen so i think we may see that al qaeda and yemen is a stake holder to some degree in this terribly spectacular attack that weve seen unfold in europe and arguably the most spectacular terrorist attack in the west since 9 11 and if al qaeda in yemen was indeed involved in that i think their reputation in the global jihadist community is going to go up theyre going to get more recruits more fundraising opportunities. This attack weve seen play out in paris has electrified the global jihadist movement. Paul, two things, can you, one, clarify what involvement means, when youre talking about al qaeda in yemen, if one of the brother there is went there and got some training that helped him hold the weapon straight when he shoots and gave him somewhat of a Comfort Level with violence couldnt that be the only involvement of al qaeda and the rest is just boasting . Also when you say this will be a recruitment tool how is this type of cowardice and haphazard running around and desperation of being taken out by french force an effective recruiting snool can tool . Can you address those two please . It could be that they got training one of the brothers in yemen and years later decided to launch an attack of their own volition. But one of the brothers was there in yemen in 2011 when Anwar Al Awlaki was very much operational looking for europeans to send back to europe to launch attacks. So if one french recruit sort of suddenly turned up on their doorstep, this would be manna for heaven from al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. Kld al qaeda was looking to do exactly this. Al awlaki had called several times for attacks on cartoonists. This group in yemen was also looking to launch attacks in france. In fact, in 2010 saudi intelligence warned the french that this group were looking to plot attacks in france. Well, then in 2011 you have this french recruit come into the group and get training. He would have had to swear loyalty to the group to get access to that training in yemen. That would have given him the skills to launch this attack and perhaps recruit others. Paul that you can very much. Were getting information from the mayor saying the hostage was released. The information about who the hostage is female as it had been assumed or male and the name and their status has not been there but they have been released. So theres good news especially for that person and their family. Its a good time to reset now. Theres been a lot of activity here. Anderson cooper has been guiding us through a flurry of events involving two separate standoffs between french authorities and terrorist suspects. One, the Industrial Park. Thats where the two terrorists who massacred members of the staff here at the Charlie Hebdo offices wound up after an intensive manhunt over the last two days. They got cornered in an industrial building. Eventually there was an assault by french police. It started with flash bangs. It looked like smoke coming from the building but those are just for purposes of diversion. There was a successful attack in which both terrorist suspects, the two brothers were killed and we are now told from the mayor that the hostage has been released and thats why that operation was obviously called satisfactory early on by sources close to that investigation. Separately there has been a second standoff and the terrorist suspect involved there is the same people same person according to police responsible for shooting two Police Officers and killing one, a female officer, yesterday in a separate attack separate from Charlie Hebdo. He and his girlfriend on your screen right now, were identified as suspected by french authorities. Subsequent to that the man on your right and maybe the woman on the left of your screen were not sure but the man on your right certainly wound up taking multiple hostages in a Kosher Grocery nearby to where we are right now in east paris. There was a smault oimultaneous offensive on both standoff sites at the same time using similar diversion tactics and this assault on the Grocery Store was called much more violent. Were hearing that that was also satisfactory in its conclusion but the details there are lighter. That about, anderson, someums up how we got to where we are right now. Youre looking at live picture of the Grocery Store. The lights have been turned on in the surrounding area. Again, a little bit of a demonstration that whatever was going on there is now over. Now we have kim dozier on the phone phone. She is with cnn doing shes live with us right now doing Global Analysis obviously, for us. Kim dozier, youve seen a lot of situations like this, however, not exactly like this right . Two different standoffs, simultaneous assaults two different sets of hostages. What do you make of it . Not a situation exactly like this before but this is exactly what u. S. Counterterrorism officials have warned was in the offing. Theyve intercepted communications between leaders in al qaeda in yemen and the Islamic State group in iraq and syria where theyve debated how do we capture world attention when counterterrorism officials across the world are able to stop some of these complex 9 11 attacks. So the decision has been go for these smaller attacks that capture Media Attention but dont take a lot of skill to carry out. When you think about the original attack on Charlie Hebdo, essentially those are the same skills you need to knock off a bank, to commit a bank robbery. Everybody who watches a crime show knows wear gloves wear a mask. You can give someone the kind of training they need to fire and kill at close range in about a day. You choose brothers they have communications with each other because theyre family so thats hard to track. It just were going to see this proliferation of this kind of smallscale attack over and over worldwide. Kimberly not just here in france but potentially in the United States as well. Reporter absolutely. Thats one of the reasons u. S. And french intelligence increased their operation. It started, there was a real forging of cooperation when French Military went into mali around 2013 to attack there. U. S. Elite military officials worked with french intelligence to feed them what they needed to attack targets on the ground. That kind of cooperation has continued through u. S. And france over hostages held in syria, for instance. What u. S. Officials tell me they have noticed french intelligence seems to have the same issues that the u. S. Had pre9 11. They will be sitting down with domestic French Intelligence Service and then later with French Intelligence Service that concentrates on foreign intelligence and realize that the two sides have different sets of information that they dont seem to be sharing with each other. Its likely after this incident theres going to be a lot of looking back among French Security agencies to ask the same kind of things we asking here after 9 11. Who knew what when did they know it. Was there some sort of wall that kept information from getting from one agency to another that could have said these guys are getting close to staging an attack. Kimberly whats also a grave concern to the United States and people in the United States, and i think a thelot of people do not realize the reliance people have on u. S. Intelligence and french intelligence as well. If french intelligence which has a very good track record at kind of trying to keep abreast with problems in france and they are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of potential suspects inside this country as are british officials as well that has blowback on u. S. Intelligence capabilities as well. It does indeed. I have to say u. S. Officials ive sat down with have seen this coming. They have talked about the orders ability to travel from turkey europe. There are only so many intelligence offices kimberly ive got to jump in. Our viewers are looking at live pictures here. Clearly these are civilians. This is from the supermarket area. These pictures are on a slight delay. Those are hostages from the grocery. We dont know if everybody got out. We dont know the composition of the hostages if they are kids we dont know. You just saw the reality, a bunch of hostages making it out. We also know people lost their lives there. Was it the terror suspect, was it his accomplice or was it a hostage, that is unknown. We also know s. W. A. T. Member definitely took injuries there. Were told no fatalities but there are injuries. There are people down and injured. This footage is not live but its just from moments ago. So there is at least some good news coming out of this situation. French ambassador im told has said that the supermarket was stormed, the hostagetaker is dead and hostages are alive. I cant verify whether that means all hostages but i believe it means all hostages who are currently held. There have been reports earlier of fatalities at the start of the hostage taking incident. Again, we havent been able to confirm that. You still see officers there. This is on a tape delay. Officers with guns drawn. You just saw you can see there, actually the top of the screen by the blinking lights. Definitely seem to be treating someone on the ground there. It seems to be a triage. Treating someone or getting equipment. I cant tell Somebody Just lifted something away from there. They are dealing with something on the ground. It looked like they brought a person out there. Again, we are seeing these images as you are seeing them for the first time. There seems to be a small group. Jim sciutto is joining us as well. One officer has a gun raised. Clearly somebody on the ground there. Looks like some sort of bandage has been put on the person white bandage by the blinking car. You see about two or three tactical officers dealing with that person. And then in the foreground you see at least one officer with a gun drawn, rifle drawn. Trained on the entryway of the marketplace. We saw the hostages get out. Again, we still dont know who the two dead are. One were hearing from the ambassador is a hostagetaker. The other is it an accomplice hostage, we do not know. Loading into the ambulance. Jim, we wonder if youre hearing something from the scene. All along, we were clear there was one hostagetaker. Unclear whether the female accomplice of the hostagetaker was there with him. Youre seeing her picture. That picture had been released by french authorities probably about two or three hours ago. Jim. Well, anderson, i think we can say with some confidence the situation is here as wechlt the french ambassador announcing the terrorist here as he said has been neutralized, has been killed. We as weve been watching the movements here have seen a marked change just in the last several minutes. Youve seen more of those emergency workers moving closer to the site assigned. Its safer for them to go there. Weve seen more Tactical Units moving away. Still a lot of activity with emergency workers. The sounds of the sirens of ambulances moving in and many of them rushing away from here as weve seen in those other pictures signs of images of people being treated at the scene. This seems to make sense to us. After we heard those initial rounds of gunfire and explosion, a second round of gunfire a few moments later very quickly we saw ambulances moving in responding to something on the ground. It is then when those pictures you were just showing our viewers a few moments ago when those pictures were shot showing someone being treated on the ground. Thats the sad news. The good news based on what the french ambassador is saying also a change in the tenor of things on the scene. The moving in and freer movement of emergency workers around the sides and the scene of this kosher market and moving away of those Tactical Units. It looks like this hostage standoffs has been resolved as well. Thats certainly good news indeed. A lot of details yet to be learned. Were getting those images from French Television which youre seeing there. Again, just to bring you up to date. Right now youre looking at slightly delayed video were getting from friends on French Television. The back of the picture by blinking lights of that small vehicle, there was someone treated there. They have since been moved. Youre watching that group of men move them. Youre looking at the hostages that were released from the Grocery Store. This happened. Was it all of them . Were any injured . We dont know the details yet but certainly many of them made it out okay. Were also being told as you see on your screen three hostage takers dead. That calculus as far as we know at this point, are the two brothers taken out in separate assault, separate standoff in an Industrial Area and the africanamerican man who had been pictured in a separate picture yesterday. Not africanamerican. Thank you. Who was the other man . We dont know. We know theres been injuries to authorities, s. W. A. T. Members. We dont know the extent. We did see from this video a s. W. A. T. Member triaged by some of his own, so we dont know the extent of the injuries. Obviously as you pointed out, and your sourcing on this has been very accurate all throughout this the operation obviously in the supermarket a lot more complex than the operation in the Industrial Park. The operation in the supermarket involving multiple hostages as well as at least one hostagetaker. We dont know if there were any more. There is this female suspect. We do not know whether she was involved in the hostage taking incident. The operation with the brothers. There was one hostage. That hostage has been freed according to the local mayor in town and the two brothers themselves are dead. That operation in a more isolated area Industrial Park in a printing shop with multiple entrances that Tactical Units could use. Again, there you see from moments ago hostages running out under the protection of Tactical Units. Right. So that was the good news. Did all of the hostages make it out. That we dont know. Were waiting to learn. Simultaneously as this was going on there is a separate not operation but a movement of assets into the area where they believe these brothers and maybe the man of african descent clear were connected if not conjoined in what happened here at the magazine. They went to that neighborhood. They are worried about the threat of what weve been loosely calling a cell could be. Could there be another wave of attack as a result of this. Its not hysteria. Its based on their reasoning that what they think happened here was that in this space of time since the shooting where the woman Police Officer was killed that man and his girlfriend, who are identified by authorities aspects, had an ability to flee. They were off the radar. They came back the authorities believe, and their reckoning is at this point maybe they came back because of what was happening with the brothers. If so, might someone else try to take up action because of what went on with those two terrorists. They are also taking action in that area right now. Reportedly police union spokeswoman just said the female suspect is still on the loose. The female suspect whose image weve been showing for the last several hours, she is still on the loose. That is her picture. Obviously Law Enforcement released her picture because they wanted people to be on the lookout for this woman who was last seen in the city of paris believed to be a suspect in the shooting death of the female Police Officer thursday morning as well as

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