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The there. Im john berman. And im michaela pereira. I trust you beheyed while i was gone. We have those stories and so much more ahead. We are watching to see when nurse kaci hickox will be released from the hospital in new jersey. She returned from treating ebola patients in sierra leone, she was subjected to the states tough new controversial guidelines for ebola. The Governors Office in a statement said hickox had been similar free for 24 hours and in truth she never had ebola symptoms at all. She shad one test with a fever but every other test said she lad no fever. She will be sent home to maine by private carrier. Elizabeth cohen joins us to talk about this. Elizabeth, scientist say there was no reason to keep her inside the tent. Is there any development causing he ref lease . Its more of a political development. She never had any symptoms, she had apparently one high fever read with a thermal scanners but she was flushed, she was upset, the blood was going to her face and i was talking to a guy who investigated the thermometers who said yeah, its going to be high. This is simple stuff. Those thermometers are not as good as oral thermometer. Every oral thermometers shes had have been normal. She doesnt have symptoms of ebola. Time for her to go home. What more detail do we know. We read and know she will be transported via sort of private transport. Shes not going to be on mass transit. I think the point is being made there. What what else do we know . What we know now is that they proposed an ambulance perhaps taking her and she said no, i dont want an ambulance, i want something more comfortable. I dont know what that means. It seems like it would be an incredible waste of money to have an ambulance. She could take a rental toyota. Exactly. Why would you want to have an ambulance. Plus she lives i way up in northern maine at the canadian boarder. Are they ready for her there . Shell have to selfquarantine and monitor. Maine will have to decide what to do with her. They may just tell her to take her temperature twice a day and check her symptoms. They may have Health Workers visit her. Elizabeth. Theyve gone further with her than with most patients. She has been tested for ebola twice now with no signs. But does that mean that it couldnt develop a few days or week or two weeks. It could develop because shes probably had her last exposure a couple days ago. She has many days where she could develop the disease, thats why you want to watch these folks and tell them the second you feel ill to let someone know because you need to isolate yourself. In maines hands right now. Elizabeth cohen, thank you so much. To other developments on ebola, a short time ago the pentagon told cnn an Army Major General and ten other personnel are in something called controlled monitor iing in ital. They had been helping set up the u. S. Military smons in the region. Theres no evidence any one of them has the virus. Did something happen . Did they have exposure to patients that caused this extra concern . Barbara starr will have more detail this is hour. Were watching also the case of a fiveyearold little boy in new york city who is now in isolation at Bellevue Hospital. The similar medical facility where dr. Greg spencer is being monitored. This fiveyearold returned from his family from guinea saturday with a 103degree fever and had been vomiting before he was take on the the hospital. I had the opportunity to speak to a hospital official about this case earlier today on new day. We are at the present time evaluating a fiveyearold kid with travel history and fever at Bellevue Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department and hes undergoing an evaluation and we will be making decisions in the next few hours. Observation or being tested . We dont know yet. The evaluation is still going on. Lets bring in dr. Seema yasmin who joins us from texas and frank esper joins us as well, an Infectious Disease specialist. Seema, i want to start with nurse hickox here. She is said to be released. She is set to be transported to maine. What concerns do you have about her and whether she will develop ebola symptoms . Its reassuring that the policy is aligning. She does not have any symptoms so she can go through the procedure that was agreed between her and the Organization Doctors Without Borders which is that for 21 days after she returns home she should stay home and monoher her symptoms at least twice a day. We know from speaking to other doctors in reality theyre monitoring very many times in a day. Some take their temperature every hour, every two hours. She know she has to be checked for 21 days, perhaps stay at home. Theres a possibility that ebola could develop. We know it doesnt always develop and we hope she stays healthy. Its important about being able to stay at home, having dignity and selfmonitor and stay in contact with Health Officials is observed. Selfmonitor and this idea of dignity. We get that but one of the things from the outside view, dr. Esper, there may be people who say, look, do these home quarantines work . We saw what happened with dr. Spencer, he was going a meat ball shop, taking the subway and going for a job. We look at dr. Nancy snyderman who returned from west africa with her nbc team and didnt fulfill her quarantine obligations. I know those are two cases and i know the vast majority of medical professionals will say ill do what i need do and stay put. Do they work . The answer is yes. Nay do work and this has been used to control epidemics not just here in the United States when were dealing with very few amount of ebola exposure and ebola patients but all across in other areas around the world as well as in africa itself. You have to understand that the infectiousness of this germ grows as you get sicker. So while youre still up and about and Walking Around you dont have a lot of virus in you. You dont have a lot of virus to give to other people. You are not very very contagious. When you become bedbound is when you become the most contagious to other individuals which is why when we look at the individuals who have ebola here that weve been treating for the United States returning missionaries and physicians or nurses in direct contact with individuals who are very, very sick with ebola. Those are the people you worry about developing the disease, not the casual contacts of individual individuals. Dr. Yasmin, there is a debate about how to treat the Public Health professionals who come back through the three west african nations. What happened in new jersey, though, even if you fall on the side of these peemt need to be quarantined for 21 days, is a tent with no shower and a portable toilet the way to do it . This sent a message to the Public Health community and the medical community that they can be quite frightened when they return home from west africa that this is how they could be treated and nurse kaci hickox was outspoken about how she felt being in this tent, she hasnt been able to shower since she landed. She asked for showering facilities and hay gave her a basin of warm water so the Public Health community in new york said its important they have a heads up. So if there is a policy where you want to quarantine returning troops or Health Care Personnel you can do so in an appropriate manner. Treat them with respect and dignity and make sure theyre comfortable. That helps people maintain the quarantine situation if you give them provisions and make them comfortable. I want to turn, dr. Esper, to the fiveyearold at bellevue. The little one that returned with his family from guinea. Developed a fever 103. We know now the child has been tested. Can you help us understand why testing isnt done almost immediately . Is it painful, risky, expensive . It seems to me the first thing you would want to do is to say okay, we have a negative here, carry on. The answer is its not risky, painful or expensive. The problem, though, that you need do it right. And in order to make sure that we want to have the most effective as well as accurate testing, theres only certain ways we will test. That we have already made sure they are accurate, that they are valid and very sensitive. Sometimes that requires those tests to be done. Some will be on site at the actual Emergency Departments and at the hospitals but also to be ensure they are confirmed by the state labs or the centers for Disease Control themselves. Most of the tests they would do is i dont want to go half latin but it will be a pcr, which is looking for the virus itself and tells douse you have any of this virus in your blood or not. If you have any of the antibodies to that virus in your blood or not. Those are very, very sensitive tests, but only but anything can be negative. So they have to make sure that they are accurate and that they are sensitive enough in addition to the symptoms. I will tell you a fiveyearold with fever and vomiting, well, welcome to my world. Exactly come to my house on tuesday, any tuesday. You make a very good point. You make a very good point. I love this team with us, you guys get to the bottom of so many questions that nag at both john and i. We appreciate it. Dr. Esper and dr. Yasmin, thanks so much. Ahead at this hour, she is being released. Was quarantining kaci hickox legal . Her lawyer said hes filing a civil suit against the state. Should states quarantine those traveling from ebola hot zones . Theres confidence. Then theres trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. Our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. Its no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. And during the big tire event, get up to 140 in mailin rebates on four select tires. We givecold symptoms. Om your you give them the giggles. Tylenol® cold helps relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms. But for everything we do, we know you do so much more. Tylenol® ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. 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New Jersey Governor Chris Christie talking about the nurse kaci hickox whos now being discharged from the hospital in new jersey and heading to maine. Talking about the fact that likely she didnt want to be there, he understands that but he had to protect the public of new jersey. This, though, as an attorney for nurse hickox says hes going to take the matter to court claiming new jerseys mandatory quart teen guidelines are unconstitutional. Take a listen. We believe that medically speaking theres no reason for the state of new jersey to keep her quarantined. We believe that that policy infringes on the constitutional liberty interests of ms. Hickox and we think that the policy is overly broad and i mean by that it sweeps in, people who who do not meet the criteria for being quarantined. So what does the law say about this . Paige peyton is an expert on constitutional law. Is the law clear . A governor can take actions for the Public Health, cant he . New jersey like other states and the federal government has a law that authorizes their Health Department or director of Public Health to institute a quarantine but the problem is when does he do it. The law allows them to do it wherever he deems it necessary. So youre creating a huge lack of uniformity and the ability to arbitrarily determine a quarantine. And thats what this lawyer is going to challenge. I guess its the whole conversation, page, that weve been thinking about since ebola first broke here in the United States. And well see probably more of this than rights of the individual versus the rights of the public, right . Thats exactly right. In the past we havent had anybody challenge these quarantine laws. If you read them from the books you can tell that although theres a lot of Authority Vested in these state Health Officials, theres no guidance given to them. They have to make their individual determination that this person is too sick to go anywhere so well lock them up or keep them in a tent or whatever it may be. And in the past, no one has challenged that because i dont think weve seen it applied as broadly as were about to see in the ebola situation. You said quarantine them, keep them in a tent, whatever may be. But is it really whatever may be . Is there any kind of legal guidance on what you can do with them and where you can put these them . Is this tent with no shower and a portable toilet, is that lawful . Theres absolutely no legal guidance on how you can set somebody apart, isolate them, quarantine them. Its left up to the discretion of the public Health Officials. So were going to see a lot of different states and even the military has a different policy about how we treat people who have ebola and are suspected to have ebola so i think guidance from the federal government would be very helpful here. They have the authority to step in and create some uniformity because if we have one quarantine policy in new jersey, a totally different one in new york, and then none in maine at all we dont have any quarantine policy at all. And also you just brought up a good point because things will have started overseas then come to new jersey where she was quarantined, this nurse im speaking of. Now shes going to maine, who knows how things will be handled there but it does talk about the cross boarder and state border issues. Im curious how you think this is going to end . Will they drop to suit or carry on . I think theyll drop the suit because now that that shes out of new jersey, shes no longer subject to the new jersey quarantine protocol. I think this lawyer and perhaps other civil rights lawyers will be looking if r the next case because you have to have someone with standing. Someone whos aggrieved by the this particular protocol, someone in the feint for them to be able to have a viable lawsuit. So. So people like that would be for instance the people in dallas kept in that house or locked into an apartment first and then put into a house . Someone in the moment . Exactly. To have the base case Going Forward you need someone suffering from a quarantine restriction. For them to bring a claim in court saying hey, i immediate to get out of here, theyre holding me against my will and doing it unlawfully. That needs to be the best challenge. Page patriot, always good to have a conversation with you. Thank you. Ahead for us at this hour, he shot his own cousins and his friends. New details about the Washington School shooter and the teacher being hailed as a hero. We do have breaking news. Cnn has learned that the joint chiefs of staff are considering a recommendation about all troops that return from those three west african countries, the ebola hot zone. Theyre considering whether to recommend that all the returning troops get quarantine for 21 days. That reporting is from our Barbara Starr who is at the pentagon. She joins us right now. Barbara, were talking when all is said and done thousands of troops. Several thousand troops. Theyre considering quarantining all of them for 21 days . Well, this is what the pentagon is struggling with. They have made a commitment to send up to 4,000 troops to help with the ebola situation in west africa. There are already more than 700 on the ground. What do you do about those troops coming home . Some of them are going back to their home bases in europe, most of them are coming back to the United States. Their families are concerned, their communities are concerned. The way it had been working right now is there is a 21day period of monitoring. Taking your temperature as we have talked about all of this for so many weeks now, taking your temperature twice a day and if youre asystematic being able to return to work, return to your home, return to your families. But the joint chiefs now looking at this, we are told, are expanding their thinking a bit and thinking at least no final decision about whether to recommend a mandatory quarantine. That is going to be massive disruption for hundreds if not thousands of military families. An awful lot of concern about where all of this is headed. This was one of the very conversation wes had initially when they were talking about deploying those troops there in terms of monitoring after the fact. Also news, barbara, of 10 other military personnel in socalled controlled monitored situation in italy. And i think we are beginning to see the very beginning of this debate now about military troops. The pentagon wants to call it controlled monitoring. I think the rest of us would understand it as a quarantine. What you are talking about now, Daryl Williams and about 10 of his team came back from west africa after a 30day deployment this weekend. They were met on the ground in italy, their home base by italian authorities in protection, in Infection Control gear and they are now at a separate place, separate building in vincenza italy. They will remain there for 21 days. We are told at this point they can not go home, they can not see their families, have direct contact with their families at this point, they will stay in this building. Theyll do work but this is not anywhere near normal routine which is what the military procedure calls for if no one has any symptoms. No reason to believe at this point general williams who has been all over west africa in the last 30 days in h this team, no reason to believe any of them have any symptoms. The pentagon calling it abundance of caution but, look, theres some military politics, small p in all of this. The italians are very concerned. There are other countries taking u. S. Troops back, spain and germany and they are also very concerned. The u. S. Has to make sure it can get all these troops home. One thing is clear from this reporting from you right now, Barbara Starr, is that the military now involved in very serious highlevel discussions about what to do with all of these people who are trying to help in africa fight ebola but some decisions could be coming soon. Barbara starr, great reporting. Thanks for being with us. Goes back to that conversation, who do you quarantine . Who do you monitor . Whos selfmonitored . Whos monotord under more stringent circumstances . Well be right back. From fashion retailers to healthcare providers, jewelers to Sporting Good stores, we provide Financing Solutions for all sorts of businesses. Banking. Loyalty. Analytics. Synchrony financial. Engage with us. Alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. And aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. So why am i still thinking about this . How are ya . Good. Aleve. Proven better on pain. A Community Already in mourning has been slammed with yet another loss. 14yearold girl gia soriano, wounded in the School Shooting in washington state, she has died. The death of gia brings the death toll now in fridays shooting to two, three other students, 14 and 15yearolds, remain hospitalized. People trying to figure out why freshman Jaylen Fryberg opened fire in the School Cafeteria targeting, apparently, his two cousins. He seemed to be a popular kid, he was named the freshman class homecoming prince. So one question that may never get answered is what happened. Our dan simon joins us from marysville in washington. Dan, whats the latest . No one really has an understanding of why Jaylen Fryberg did this. But the prevailing theory is and its just a theory is that he was upset over a breakup with a girlfriend or that he may have been rejected by a girl. But it still doesnt explain what happened. He targeted his closest friends and he targeted his cousins. No one can understand why he would do that. Were also getting some information about what happened in those final moments, john. We understand that the gun used was. 40 caliber beretta handgun and at one point the gunman tried to reload the weapon but he was having trouble because his hands were shaking. John . Remember what a young man he was himself. The whole thing is so terribly tragic. Were also hearing a little bit of this young teacher, dan, a teacher who instead of running away like most people understandably were ran towards the attack. Tell us what happened here. Right, well, this teacher, megan silberger, she was in a nearby office and she ran into the cafeteria. She sees the shooter and confronts anymore some fashion and what from what we understand from student witnesses she placed her hand on his arm and then moments later he turned the gun on himself. Obviously her account would be would obviously be very compelling to hear but as you can understand right now megan is not talking. Dan, whats the status at school right now . When might they come back to school . What are they doing with those kids there now . Last night there was a Community Meeting and hundreds of people attended. It was sort of the first step to bring this Community Together and begin the healing process but for from what we understand, school will open a week from today and its not clear if theyll ever use that cafeteria again. The question has been asked, are the kids going to eat lunch there . You have the bloodshed and at this point the school hasnt decided what theyre going do. That community is going to need our prayers, our support, sadly, like so many other communities that have been through this kind of thing. Dan simon, thanks so much for bringing that to us. At this hour, perhaps a measure of closure for Hannah Grahams parents. Their daughters remains have been identified. What this could mean for the case being built against suspect Jesse Matthew. Then, he quit his job, moved to syria to fight isis. Were talking about an American Veteran right now breaking the law. Our ivan watson went inside syria to meet him. Could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know you that former pro Football Player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything . Unhuh. Number 44. Whoooo fortyfour, thats me get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts. Get some cold cuts whooo gimme some geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Whoo fortyfour ladies, thats me whoo. Gonna get some cold cuts today wifi access in more places then ever before. All your favorites in the cloud and on every device. A home you control with the touch of a finger. News and entertainment that informs and delights in ways you never thought possible. Comcast nbcuniversal bringing media and Technology Together for you. Investigators are doing forensic testing on Human Remains Found on an abandon property found near charlottesville, virginia. We found out last week that the remains are those of missing College Student hannah graham. She disappeared last month after she was seen on Surveillance Video leaving a bar followed by Jesse Matthew who is now suspected in her disappearance and death. We want to bring in jack levin, youve seen him on our show before, hes a professor of sociology and criminology at Northeastern University in boston. We want to talk to you about the importance of this Surveillance Video. In this case, would police have been led to Jesse Matthew if it werent for the video . Probably not. You know, most serial killers are the cream of the crop. They can stay on the loose for long period of times. Keep in mind now that there have been five women who went missing over the last five years and they werent connected by the authorities. Now possibly because of this suspect it may be one killer whos responsible for all five of these victims. Now, the surveillance camera, being caught by eyewitnesses, being caught on camera is a terrible mistake on the part of a serial killer. And this is usually how theyre caught. They are a great challenge to Law Enforcement and but they make a mistake by which they are finally apprehended. So what is Law Enforcement doing now . They have this body. They say theyve tested it, they are the remains of hannah graham. They have will this video. What business do they have to do . I could be wrong but i do not believe that the body will yield very much very much evidence. Its not the killers dna, it may be the victims dna. And that may be found at the killers residence, in his car. You see many serial killers do not leave a crime scene and thats where most of the physical evidence resides. The dump sites, very smartly the killer will carry the body sometimes hundreds of miles. In this case it may have been ten miles to a desolate area so that nobody even has the body until its entirely decomposed and lacking in evidence and lucky if they can identify victim let alone the killer. But the killer may very well have jewelry or a Jeffrey Dammer had body parts. But most serial killers would have jewelry or underwear, clothing of the victims in order to reminisce about the good times and that evidence is critical and its found the house or the car of the killer and thats probably where theyre looking. Its interesting because i was going to turn you quickly to the situation in lake county indiana, weve been watching the story of this alleged sill yall killer and the coroner there is asking people to help identify victims to their jewelry and clothing. Is that an unusual step for the coroner specifically to take . It is unusual. You know, i think weve learned a tremendous amount over the last 20 years about how serial killers operate and i started studying serial murder 30 years ago. And at that time it had reached its peak but we didnt know very much about it. There are for fewer serial killers 234 society now than there were 20 years ago or 30 years ago and part of the reason is that we understand their modus operandi. We have dna, we have other technological means of getting them like surveillance cameras and as a result i think were apprehending them before they can amass a large body count and that may be whats happening in indiana. Jack levin, we appreciate your expertise. Thanks so much. Coming up, an american in the middle of the battle against isis. An american breaking the law to go inside syria to fight isis. Our reporter crossed the boarder to get his amazing story. Theres confidence. Then theres trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. Our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. Its no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. And during the big tire event, get up to 140 in mailin rebates on four select tires. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. If it doesnt work fast. Youre on to the next thing. 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By the way, the isolation word at bellevue was created to address the aids crisis and created to address a tuberculosis outbreak related to the aids crisis and that was a disease that was air born and dangerous for that reason. This is not an air born disease, this is an a disease that can only be passed by intimate contact with bodily fluids which is why you have not seen it grow in any meaningful way here. Go ahead. Reporter mr. Mayor, can we get an update on the childs mother . Is she with him . Yes. Reporter will she be subject to any quarantine . And i also think this raises the question of people that are coming back from these countries that arent medical professionals but have had some sort of contact with people with this virus. Is there any question about quarantining these people and how would you conduct something well, courtney, thats what the new state rules do, so lets go over this. A couple of different pieces. The mother is with the child being treated in a similar manner as a precaution. No symptoms. But by definition we want her with the child because we want the child to have the support of his mother. Well have more to say at the end of the afternoon. In terms of whats happening now, the cdc mandated that starting today there would be monitoring of anyone who returned, whose information was gathered by the screening process put in place at the airports roughly two weeks ago. Weve been provided by with most of those names, not all, but were continuing to get additional names. The city of new york is monitoring each and every one of those returnees, and these are people who reported no contact with the disease or anyone with the disease but cdc rules, which we respect, mandate local Health Authorities to monitor, were in daily touch with these individuals as we make contact with them and we will be for a 21day period. Meaning someone arrives today, had had no contact with anyone with ebola but they arrived from one of those three countries, well stay in touch with them daily for 1 days. If someone arrived with them ten days ago well stay in touch with them for the next 11 days. Once you pass 21 days, if theres no symptoms, thats the considered the end of the sequence. The new quarantine rules fish kuwaited by the state, details still being determined. The two health commissioners, in terms of new york city mary basset will work with howard zucker, her state counterpart to work out how to implement the details in the city with flights coming into jfk. The Broad Strokes are this. Anyone who did not come in contact with an individual with ebola either as an individual citizen or as a medical professional, they go home as normal but theyre subject to the monitoring, t cdc has mandated. And, again, we will perform that. City of new york will perform that monitoring. But the someone has been in contact with someone with ebola, of course the first thing that will happen is they will be checked for any immediate symptoms. If there are immediate symptoms they will be taken immediately to the emergency room. If there are no symptoms, the state is implementing a quarantine at home as the governor described last night. But that is a quarantine in which there will be monitoring twice a day by health professionals, but its a quarantine that allows family members and friends to visit with the returning health care we need to have the ability to contact the person and keep in touch with their health care daily. But were respecting the fact that these are heroes that prop to clarify, this pertains to people who are Health Care Workers as well as regular citizens who went to a wedding . Im glad you asked the question. An individual citizen or a Health Care Worker who says i have been in contact with someone with ebola while in one of the three countries is immediately checked for symptoms. If there are symptoms, immediately taken to care. If there are not symptoms, home for kwarn tee. If theyre not going to home, well find an alternative facility thats appropriate. But if someone has not been in direct contact, they go about their lives but we, the city of new york, will monitor them daily. Reporter going back to the fiveyearold, what was thank you. What led somebody to make a 911 call to get an ambulance there in the first place, and were there symptoms involved . Was the boy showing some sort of symptoms initially . Again, we have to respect the privacy of all patients. Im going to speak in very Broad Strokes. The child was having some difficulties but its not clear that they were the kinds of symptoms that would be related to ebola. Very recently returned family, the child was showing some signs of an illness, not clear what the illness was, we did the cautious thing and brought the child in under the full protocol. Were know at the end of the day. It may turn out we have something here or it may turn out that the child was sick is something totally different. Reporter whats going on in the bronx in determine of dec e decontamination. You mean on this case . We dont have evidence that we have a case of ebola so it would not be appropriate to do any further decontamination until you know that. What were doing is taking care of the child and mother, may be a total Different Health care challenge. The folks at bellevue are going to address the mother and the childs needs. Were retracing the steps so well have that ready. And then upon determining if theres something more well act. Thats something we should know in the course of this afternoon. What was your second question . Reporter the cost of the city for all of the additional monito monitors. In a crisis were focussed on doing what we have to do to keep kour people safe. Cost is something we dont worry about when it comes to keeping our people safe. Most of what were doing in monitoring we can cowith our existing department of health staff. They can be augmented with our office of Emergency Management staff. Weve gotten a lot of cooperation not only from our thats mayor bill de blasio. He of course has been critical of the more extreme quarantine policies that were put in place last friday. Since then theyve been relaxeding with saying that the workers who come back from africa, can self quarantine in their own homes. Hes been out there saying that we should snot be care of the wrong things here. He mentioned that the mother of the young child, as you would expect is with that little one. A fiveyearold shouldnt be on their own in the hospital. So obviously that parent obviously being monitored as well. They did test the child earlier today. They expect the results of that later on today. Again well be following that. Just watching our local officials and state officials reacting to the quarantine news and the discussions. Not always with the same message. No, certainly not. Were going the take a short break. Be right back. From synchrony bank. Service. Security. Savings. Synchrony bank engage with us. Alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours but aleve can last 12 hours. And aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. So why am i still thinking about this . How are ya . Good. Aleve. Proven better on pain. There was no question she reminds you every day. But your erectile dysfunctionthat could be a question of blood flow. Cialis for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. 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I think the regulations on behalf of the state of new jersey have been consistent. They have always said if you come from one of these three countries and you were treating ebola patients and you came in contact with ebola and show signs of a fooer or some kind of disease when you land, then you have to go to koorn teen. Thats what happened with this woman. She had a fever when he landed. She may think she had a fever for other reasons. If you had a fever and you were treating ebola patients in one of those three countries, the rule is consistent. You need to be kwarn tquarantin thats not what he said. The quarantine goes far beyond that. Thats why its being pulled back because its unpopular and ill advised. There are no Public Officials who i could find that say that this is a good idea. Were putting good politics ahead of good Public Health response. We need to do whats right, not just whats going to win an election. Should this be a political conversation at all. This is america, unfortunately it it is. And you have politicians using it to make a point. Rand paul leading the charge say we cant trust the science on ebola and we should be scared about how it is transmitted. Just to be clear, do you think it is not wise policy to quarantine somebody shows signs of ebola coming from an ebola stricken country. The quarantine policy as its been spread is far broader than anyone showing symptoms and it says we should be afraid of arks symptomatic people that went there. This is the debate happening right now. It will continue. It certainly will. Legal view with Ashley Banfield starts right now. Hello, everyone. Well come to legal view. We begin this hour with this breaking news. Cnn learning that the joint chiefs of staff now considering mandatory quarantines for all u. S. Troops returning from west africa. And the fear, you guessed it, ebola. And our pentagon concerned Barbara Starr joins me with the details. Perhaps not as surprising or as difficult as the other kwoorn teens weve been talking about. Give me the rundown. The adminis

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