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Cancel the order for the new plane which is to replace some of the aging air force one fleet in operation now. Here is why according to the president elect this morning. Well, the plane is totally out of control. Its going to be over 4 billion for air force one program. And i think its ridiculous. I think boeing is doing a little bit of a number. We want boeing to make a lot of money but not that much money. Okay, thank you. But how much is too much money, really. Cnns Jessica Schneider is outside trump tower asking that very question. Do we know why the president elect is taking this issue on, air force one, why is he taking this on right now . We dont really know, kate. Weve been waiting for a press conference from the president elect. Perhaps this is the closest well get. Inside the lobby at trump tower this morning, donald trump being asked one question, giving one answer as to exactly what he meant and why he tweeted out at 8 52 this morning. Of course donald trump taking to his favorite mode of communication, twitter. He put out this message just before 9 00 this morning, saying boeing is building brandnew 747 air force one for future president s but costs are out of control. More than 4 billion. Then he demanded cancel order. Of course in the lobby of trump tower donald trump saying we want boeing to make money, we just dont want them to make that much money. To break down the numbers for you and to be clear, the air force has allocated 2. 9 billion through 2021 for a new fleet of air force ones. That includes two new air force ones. But the order actually hasnt been placed just yet. It would replace those 747200s with 7478s. This isnt unprecedented. When president obama took office, he did cancel an order for 28 new helicopters in the marine one fleet that was totaling about 20 billion. That order was later replaced and modified. Does donald trump actually mean what he says when he writes on his twitter cancel order . Weve seen trump spouting off on twitter before. It remains to be seen whether he actually means what he tweets. Kate and john. Or if this is the twinning of a negotiating point. What about the Incoming National security adviser . A lot of talk about his son right now and what role he may or may not have in the transition. His son had tweeted and sent around fake news stories. Also conspiracy theories. Including having to do with the pizza place that man with a gun was picked up in in washington the other day. A lot of uproar about the news stories that continue to be circulated. Flynns son is now at the center of this controversy. We understand that michael g. Flynn, the son, does have a government transition email address. But despite that, vpelect mike pence saying very firmly this morning he is not, in fact, involved in the transition process. Take a listen. Well, general flynns son has no involvement in the transition whatsoever. He has a transition email. Well, he has no involvement in the transition whatsoever. None at all . General flynn is let me ask you that again. I just want to underline that looking forward to working youre running the transition, right . I am, im chairing it. You are saying as head of the transition that flynns son is not involved at all in the transition . No, no, hes not. So now theres even some pushback against the nomination of Lieutenant General flynn as National Security adviser to trump because of what his son is tweeting and sayingp in fact, hes distributing and decimating some of those fake news stories. In particular, the one called pizza gate, that accuses a d. C. Pizza shop of actually running a sex ring that is connected to the clintons. Of course, all of that baseless. But michael g. Flynn, the son, did take to twitter recently, saying this, in fact, saying until pizza gate is proven false, these stories will continue. So this is a hot topic, one thats generated a lot of controversy. A lot of pushback as well, these fake news stories. John and kate. The transition clearly trying to make clear he is not part of the transition. Great to see you. Not now. Not at this moment. He no longer will be with it. Great to see you, jessica, thank you. Also new this morning, democrats are essentially asking, pleading their democratic colleagues, please dont go. Urging Democratic Senators from red states to turn down any offer that may come from donald trump to serve in his cabinet. Theres concern about an even bigger shift in the balance of power if Senate Democrats are picked for a trump administration. Lets bring in cnn senior political reporter manu raju with the latest on that. Good morning, guys. Absolutely, theres a lot of concern among top Senate Democrats. If joe manchin, West Virginia democrat, or the north dakota democrat would join donald trump, it would be harder for their party to keep the senate seats in their partys hand come the 2018 elections. When it will already be difficult for the Senate Democrats to regain the majority. For heidi hieitkamheitkamp, if to join the administration, there would be speculation within 90 days of that vacancy, very good chance there will be a republican pickup in that state. I spoke with dig durbin yesterday. He told me, i certainly hope they stay with us. We need them, America Needs them. Senate Incoming Democratic leader Chuck Schumer actually told his colleagues at a private lunch on thursday, said, if you guys are having discussions with donald trump, thats fine, but keep us apprised of where these discussions go. Heidi heitkamp is having further discussions. She told us yesterday she is speaking with reince priebus, Donald Trumps incoming chief of staff, about a possible job, as well as joe manchin, having the discussion later this week, with donald trump. We dont know what position, theyre in line for just yet. A lot of speculation, it could be a cabinet post, guys. Manu, at the same time, there seems to be maybe the first rift or signs a first rift emerging between the president elect and the republican congress. This over the 35 tariff that donald trump has threatened on companies that move jobs overseas. How many serious is this . What are you hearing . Well, theres not a lot of support among Top Republicans for this idea. Yesterday, House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy told me and other reporters that this could potentially start a trade war if this were to go forward. And i just had a chance to ask the House Speaker paul ryan about this idea. He really sidestepped the idea, whether or not he supports or opposes this. He said, we need to look at broader tax reform. Theyre talking about doing a broad rewrite of the tax code. Not something that would necessarily punish companies on a 35 tax. Really goes against republican orthodoxy to go that route. Thats why youre not hearing a lot support for that idea, guys. Its been an interesting position, thats for sure. Manu, thanks. Lets discuss. With us alex burns, cnn political analyst and National Political reporter for the New York Times. Dana bash is here, cnns chief political correspondent. Daniel hig by. Great to see all of you. Dana, to what manu was talking about just a second ago, democrat Chuck Schumer saying please stay here, dont leave us, dont hurt us, please. What is in it then for the ones having these meetings to stay or go . Well, in the minority for both of them, which gives them a lot more power than if they were a minority in the house. But its another thing to be the head a government agency. And if that is what donald trump ends up offering either or both of them, you know, depending on what they want to do with their lives ultimately, then that could be something that could be hard to pass up. So thats why its possible theyre considering it. Look, these are two of the most conservative democrats in the u. S. Senate so its not surprising if donald trump is following what really has been tradition over the past several presidencies to put one or two members of the other party in your cabinet, then its not surprising that hes looking at those two. It just happens that he also would have the sort of byproduct of making some mischief as Chuck Schumer made pretty clear for democrats. So can we talk tariffs . Whats going on in congress right now . How far paul ryan saying, well, you know, we want to look at corporate taxes. He doesnt want to talk about the 35 tax, you know, tariff. Neither did mike pence this morning on msnbc. How big of a rift is emerging . I think this is a rift weve seen from almost the first come the government in the economy. Fundamentally different place in the Republican Party as a conservative party has been for decades and republicans, you know, they admire the way trump won the election, they see his success in the rust belt, they see him doing these sort of trophy announcements like the carrier deal, maybe eventually some kind of deal with boeing and they like the idea of kind of grandstanding around these issues. But when it comes down to it, as a matter of broad democratic policy is folks like ryan and mccarthy i think clearly most of the Republican Senate would not be terribly comfortable with the idea of this kind of heavy handed, you know, this policy that could come from the aflcio in the 1980s. Carl, donald trump, he Needs Congress on this. I mean, if he really wants to put in place some punishing 35 tax on companies, to punish companies, he Needs Congress. What does he do here . Heres the thing. Donald trump knows that the chinese have been bending us over on trade for quite some time now. So whats going to happen is hes going to say this 35 chance. The chinese know if they go in a trade war with us, it is mutually destructive. The chinese economy cannot sustain as much as we can. They meeting stealing all our jobs but if we slap on these tar riches, its not good for both us. This is the guy who has literally written a book and lived a life of leverage. He understands china is going to work with us on this. Its all negotiating . I think so. You start over here. If you want to get to here. I mean, you have people on both sides. You start far. This is what the left has been doing. Thats how they got obamacare. They started far left. They came just a little bit and the republicans came all the way over on it. This is the first time ive heard a republican say the democrats came other on obamacare. Just a little bit. Didnt they just jam it through a partisan congress . Your thoughts on this . This is the thing, this is the challenge with donald trump, right, he vacillates between being this sort of typical republican, you can see that by a lot of his cabinet positions, people that are month more ideological than he is, in many ways much more conservative. Also talking about this 35 tax. Hillary clinton talked about this exit tax during her campaign. And obviously republicans werent going to be happy with that. So youre cool with this, democrats are cool with this . She talked about it. This was one of her Campaign Platform proposals. Talking about trying to keep jobs here in the u. S. And this is this triangulation . No, serious, is this to get in line with donald trump . In this current environment, you know, im not so sure. Id actually reserve my comment. In february, were electing a new dnc chair. I imagine theres going to be more conversations about how to push forward. So owing to going back to the conversation about democrats and Chuck Schumer, there has to be a conversation about where we go from here. Not being obstructists but talking about smart policy. Id hate to see those two senators go. We need them to sort of continue this conversation especially on taxation. Dana, you want to jump in . Its important to be working towards bipartisan policy and not obstruction. That would be nice. I mean, look, one of the democrats of if youre a democrat of donald trump not being as rigid on conservative policies across the board whether its social or more importantly in this instant fiscal is use it, right. I mean, democrats never could have gotten this 35 tax done with barack obama in the white house because republicans would block it. But with a republican in the white house, maybe they can work with him and do it. I mean, i think this is a perfect example of how democrats probably sort approach a President Trump administration and how he wants to do things. Which is if you want to put a label on it, just as a populist, you know, own it, do it, go for it. Embrace it. Why not. So, carl, can i ask you about mike flynn . Actually mike flynn jr. , mike g. Flynn, the son. Did he get fired from the trump transition . We know he was doing work from the trump transition, doing some scheduling and whatnot. Today were told hes not working for them. Did he get fired over his tweeting and comments about the pizza gate thing . I dont know if he got fired. I know he has been deeply involved with flynn sr. , his consulting firm, for quite some time. He was a very trusted at vacate of mike flynn sr. This is something thats been kind of beaten down in the media a little bit. I dont know if he got fired. Im not privy to that information. Hes gone. Yes, hes gone. He is gone. Do you think i mean, do you think hes a problem for his dad now . I dont think so. I mean, look, people have their twitter accounts, let them do what they want. Its not having your twitter account though, if your father is National Security adviser and hes dealing with intelligence and what is a priority and should be a priority for the president of the United States, and youre pushing baseless conspiracy theories on twitter and continuing to, as weve checked his twitter feed is that a problem . Heres the thing, hes been separated from this for whatever reason, whether he quit or let, dont know, pushed out. I would say its not an issue anymore. If he wants to tweet things, its not relevant to Michael Flynn sr. Alex burns, yesterday, we learned what we suspected for many days, he will be nominated to lead up hud. The democratic backlash on this has been loud. It really has. In some ways ben cars be seems like one of the least controversial just personalities that youve seen out there in the trump transition. Look, this is a case a guy being appointed to run a department where his resume doesnt directly link him to it. Its not like ben carson being nominated to lead the department of health and Human Services or something, right . If youre going to watch one person in their confirmation hearing to see whether they can really demonstrate issue expertise under sustained questioning, its ben carson. The other folks who are more controversial appointees, someone like tom price, theres no question they know their area. I want to get your take because when democrats are screaming they guy doesnt have a resume to run it, thats why people elected donald trump because he doesnt have a resume to run the government but they love that about him. But this nomination is a little dangerous for a slightly different reason which is that the department of housing and urban development, a lot their programs have what we would consider to be some clear civil rights mandates. In his previous comments, dr. Carson has been very derisive about the role in which government can play in creating equity in communities. Thats why this is concerning. Because hes referred to some of these programs, particularly with respect to housing, as social engineering. And thats the problem. He did not actually retweeted out that correction overnight. His mother worked hard, he said, many years, many jobs, to keep them out of Public Housing thats a concern because understandable thats the concern here because its more than just whether or not he has the resume. Because i think management as a skill set can be transferable. Its how hes approached these issues. Sure to up in the confirmation hearing as alex was talking about. 4 billion for a new air force one. No thank you, says donald trump. Cancel that order. What does the plane manufacture boeing have to say about that . Plus, president obama is set to give donald trump some very public advice today in his final speech on National Security. New information about what the president tends to focus on. And new concerns this morning out of los angeles. After a new Terror Threat surfaces against the citys subway system. Be surprised where that tip came from. Will your business be ready when growth presents itself . American express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. Find out how American Express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open. Com. Find out how American Express cards and services you tell your inthey made a mistake. The check they sent isnt enough to replace your totaled new car. 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Were told the big focus of the speech is going to be on enhanced interrogation tactics, torture, water boarding, something Donald Trumps pick for defense secretary has said he is against. Moments ago, we learned that general james madsen will join the president elect on stage as he kicks off his thank you tour in north carolina. We want to bring in correspondent jim sciutto. Were going to get a very good sense of these mens different world views today. Thats right, so obamas speech is going to be really a broad defense of his counterterror and military strategy over the last eight years, and the Administration Says this was planned before donald trump was elect and im sure he was going to have some sort of, you know, exit interview in effect on Foreign Policy here but when you look at the positions hes going to push out, many of them are ones where he has sharp differences with donald trump. Guantanamo, hes going to make a case for closing it. Donald trump has said he wants to fill it with some bad dudes in his words. On torture, thats something where obama and trump have disagreed. Trump has said he wants to bring it back. As you noted, his choice for defense secretary has told him he believes its uneffective. The Iran Nuclear Deal. Obamas going to make a case for that. Saying diplomacy can work in some of these issues. Donald trump of course has said at a minimum hes going to renegotiate that deal. There is one area of agreement possibly here. Obama making a case for surgical special forces strikes as opposed to broad military invasions, occupations. That might be something because donald trump of course has said he opposed the iraq war. But big picture of course donald trump has said hes going to be tougher than obama virtually everywhere, although he really hasnt specified how thats going to be. One area of interest, jim, irans president rouhani said hes not going to let the United States go back on a nuclear deal. Donald trump wants to renegotiate it. What options does he have . The Iran Nuclear Deal remember was not just between the u. S. And iran. You had several partners. Some of them are close a lies. France, the uk, et cetera, the other permanent members of the u. N. Security council. But also others who arent that easy for the u. S. To bring to the table, china and russia. So the u. S. Could try to negotiate or say it wants to renegotiate parts of it, but how does it get china and russia on board . Frankly, our allies in europe, you have European Countries who are already signing very lucrative business deals in iran. Are they going to want to renegotiate. I dont see how you do that. Interesting to see. Jim sciutto, great to see you, thanks so much. Thank you. We should note that Fareed Zakaria talks with president obama about the triumphs and struggles during his years in the white house. A cnn special report, the legacy of barack obama, it airs tomorrow night at 9 p. M. Now, donald trump will be flying in the air force one old enough to be the one that Harrison Ford used to flight off terrorists. Its that old. Still a great movie. What about the order for a new movie . Cancel it says the president elect. Find out why. Plus, a new threat this morning against the subway system in los angeles. The plot and where the tip came from. If youre on medicare, remember, the open Enrollment Period is here. The time to choose your Medicare Coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. So call unitedhealthcare to enroll. In a plan that could give you the benefits and stability youre looking for, an aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare. What makes it complete . It can combine medicare parts a and b, which is your hospital and doctor coverage with part d Prescription Drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan for a low monthly premium or in some areas, no plan premium at all. 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The fbi says a warning about a potential bombing of the Universal City station came in on an international tip line leading officials to increase security across the entire Los Angeles County transit system. Joining us now for more on the details is cnns National Correspondent kyung lah. What are you picking up . Good morning, john and kate. Were getting more information from the mayor of los angeles. He says this anonymous tip, which was phoned in from overseas, that the caller was actually reporting something that that caller had heard from somebody else. Well that information was then handed over to l. A. Authorities and they decided to respond by holding this press conference. Why make this information public . The mayor says they get these kinds of tips all the time but whats concerning to them is it was very specific about a time and a place. The time being today. The place being the red line and Universal City stop. They decided to make this something the public should Pay Attention to. They do point out, they dont know if this is real or if this is a hoax. But what youre seeing today on the red line across the city of los angeles is heightened police presence. There are zigzag security lines like you might see at tsa at some of the stops. And there are Homeland Security off certains. But in a sign that everything is normal, that there has been nothing verified, john and kate, the mayor of los angeles did board the train and is riding the red line as we speak. John, kate. Well, all right, kyung, interesting, thank you so much. So donald trump this morning coming out strongly against the governments contract for a new air force one. He says 4 billionplus price tag from boeing is ridiculous. Cancel order is what he says. Want to bring in cnn aviation correspondent richard quest. Hes editor at large for cnn money, hospitt of cnn internationals quest means business. Too many titles. This is an aviation story, a business story and a government story. So let me ask you a question. I was going to ask you but go ahead. Im scared of you right now. Why on a random tuesday in december does the president elect choose to tweet this . Opening negotiating bid. For what . This is a decision that the pentagon, the department of defense, has been looking at for a very long time. They put out a specific spec a couple years ago requiring a particular type of aircraft with four engines that could do a certain structure in a certain way. There are only two aircraft on the market that were available or potentially opportunistic. One was the air bus a380. The other was the boeing 7478 intercontinental. The president of the United States is never going to fly in an air bus plane. Therefore boeing got the nod. But the contracts not been signed yet. Theres no contract in place yet. Theyve decided it will be the 7478 right, no negotiation. What purpose he wants it cheaper. But hes already said cancel order. May i remind you, by the way, hes not even president yet taking literally on things why do they need new planes . The existing 747, a military version of the jumbo jet, came into service in 1990. Its been going for a good 20 or 30 years. Now this plane obviously is in immaculate mint condition and could fly until ive long since gone and you as well. However, however, it becomes more expensive on parts. Its a 747200 which is even before the 747400. Its an old plane. Its an old plane thats done marvelous service and could keep flying but frankly it needs to be updated. Look, the fact of the matter is you cannot have the president flying on a plane that isnt safe. Theyre either going to have to keep up the plane or build a new one. You just simply cannot and that is the fact of the matter. Bearing in mind no other airlines are flying well, one or two maybe, are flying the 747200. Everybody moved on from that to the 744 and the 748. What does boeing say . Not much. Heres another reason, the seriousness of what took place today. Boeing stock dipped 1 immediately after the tweet. Its come back quite a bit. But thats not the point. Ive come back to my first question. A random tuesday in december when you get this tweet. Im going to step aside from your attack on tuesdays and talk more about boeing. In addition to this contract, this deal as it were, boeings got a lot riding on this president. Boeings got a lot riding on trade right now. Theres one company, one wellknown company that has a lot riding on the u. S. Relationship with china which has come into question recently. It is boeing. Unbelievably important that relationship, which is why boeing has a manufacturing plant in tianging and elsewhere in china which is why, if you look at the forecast, that boeing comes up with frequently, all the big sales in the future are going to be in china. And in addition, youve got the exem bank, the export bank, which it was a huge row over the authorization of before it was finally allowed, crucial to boeings sales. Youve got boeing with its factories across the United States, its headquarters in chicago. Boeing is one of those rare companies where you can actually see boeings effect in the National Statistics on trade numbers. Donald trump said the plane is totally out of control. Its going to be over 4 billion for this air force one program. I think its ridiculous. I think boeing is doing a little bit of a number here. We want boeing to make money but not that much money. Thats the tweet. I just read what he said to reporters this morning. Is 4 billion too much . Its not 4 billion. We dont know what the number is. It hasnt been published yet. Is it conceivable stop yelling at me. The list price is 379 million. Its got some extra gadgets. Lets say the extras take it to 500 million. Ive seen 2. Something billion. For two planes . Yes. So thats 1 billion each. Yes. The American People have to make a decision, do they wish their president , your president , to have the very best, the very safest, the most modern and sophisticated communications in the time of massive crisis or war. Thats what youre buying. Youre not buying a plane to get him to a Campaign Rally in indiana or in the western states. Youre buying a plane that will keep him aloft in a 9 11 situation. Youre buying a plane that will keep him in command in the event of war. Thats what youre buying. Now, if 2. 2 billion is too much for that, then please find a substitute. Richard quest, great to have you here. Richard quest just did this he just dropped the pen. Dropped the mic. Just dropped it. Vice president elect pence will be live on the lead at 4 p. M. Eastern time, do not miss that. Ahead for us, prosecutors say the fight for justice is not over after the judge declared a mistrial in the Michael Slager murder trial. But our next guest says it has left her hopeless. Thats ahead. Plus, the manager of the ghostship warehouse, the site of that deadly fire in oakland, says hes sorry but he refuses to answer questions about People Living illegally in that building. You tell your inthey made a mistake. The check they sent isnt enough to replace your totaled new car. The guy says they didnt make the mistake. You made the mistake. I beg your pardon . He says, you should have chosen fullcar replacement. Excuse me . Let me be frank, he says. You picked the wrong insurance plan. No. I picked the wrong insurance company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Call and if you have more than one Liberty Mutual policy, you qualify for a multipolicy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today. At thats liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance. 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist. This is humira at work. South carolina prosecutor vowed she will retry the former Police Officer charged with killing an unarmed black man walter scott. Michael slagers murder trial ended in a mistry the yesterday because the jurors couldnt reach a unanimous verdict. In april of last year, slager shot and killed scott in this video that caught the nations attention as scott was running away after a traffic stop from the officer. During his trial, slager claimed he feared for his life. In addition to the retrial, hes scheduled to go on trial with federal charges related to the shooting next year. Joining us, cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney dan yny sev val loss. Youve been very active on this subject. You told the New York Times overnight that this mistrial in South Carolina has left you hopeless. Why . That is true. What im looking at is the institute of oppression and slavery. For over 100 years, many people of color have been realizing what it is like not to be equal to everyone else. Many people said have hope, have hope you will receive justice at a given time when it is absolutely important. But weve been waiting for such a long time. As im listening to the voices of people here in st. Louis as well as people throughout the nation, they are concerned that they will not receive justice if theyre in a situation like this. And that is the reason why i said that not only am i hopeless but im hopeless for the people who once had faith that the system would protect them when it came to the justice system. What a lot of folks are pointing to danny, everyone, so many people have seen that video. So many people saw walter scott running away from Michael Slager, 18 feet i think was what they talked about so much in the trial. And asking the question, why is it so difficult to convict a Police Officer . Police Police Officers occupy a different space than the rest of us civilians. I mean, i imagine since i wasnt in the jury deliberation room that maybe a juror perceiveled the police as income a dangerous job and maybe that juror believed slagers testimony that he was in fear for his life. Although that is an uphill logical battle when somebodys vector is moving away from you, already 18 feet away. Its a difficult hill to climb. But however it happened, that one juror may have been convinced. You hear this frustration from the senator here. How do you answer that frustration . How can there be justice in the minds of so many . Theres a video here which seems to many to prove the case. As a defense attorney, im even more concerned because i always wonder what if we had not had that video. Obviously we would web might have had a different story from the police. This is just conjecture, well never know. But what would that Police Report had looked like if we never had that video to begin with . Fortunate fortunately, were living in an era where theres more video of events like this, either security cameras or otherwise, to give us a little more objective if such a thing is possible. Senate senator, this isnt over, this case isnt other. The prosecutor said she vowed shes going to try him again. Are you hopeful there . I am. Heres the thing. Just the other day i was watching one of the lbj movies where three men were killed back in the 60s and then we had many civil rights leaders who were talking about justice being served. The scrutiny is much, much higher for a dead male today. When theyre already gone. And so four Police Officers in these cases, when theres so much evidence that is out there and people are visualizing these incidents, which is by far different than in the 60s, its much, much harder in every single case to realize, are they going to receive justice. What is the message to citizens in america when someone is attacking you, when someone is approaching you. Are you going to give the same kind of space and leverage as Police Officers are. And the answer is more often than not that you are not if you are africanamerican. You are not going to get the same kind of consideration as a Police Officer. Danny, this morning, the Vice President elect was asked about the idea there will be a federal case after this and will the Incoming Administration follow up. What are the considerations for making this a federal case . What would they have to prove . How would that be didfferent . It brings up double jeopardy. Double jeopardy doesnt apply if the successive crime is different enough from the original crime. Remember, the federal government is considered separate. So it can prosecute. The real question is should it. And the federal government has a longstanding policy called the petit policy that says the federal government will not try a successive case if a federal interest is adequately vindicated. What that means here is the federal government looks at this case and probably says yes, this is a murder charge, but we want to vindicate civil rights. Thats a separate and distinct issue to us. And thats what justifies us using our, again, limited resources. Because there are thousands of federal crimes. Reality is the federal government cant prosecute all of them. How do they choose to do so in a case where somebodys being prosecuted, they have to find and they clearly have found because they are trying him that there is some federal interest and that is civil rights here. Danny, senator, thank you so much for being with us, appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Authorities are trying to figure out what caused the huge warehouse fire in oakland. This morning, the manager of that building is speaking out. Onto the shag carpeting. And his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. Luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. Because all his belongings went up in flames. Jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. Visit geico. Com and see how affordable renters insurance can be. Investigators searching for answers still in the horrific fire in oakland. Death toll stands at 36. Authorities cleared a large part of that scorched warehouse. This morning on nbc, the Warehouse Manager spoke out and it got a little heated when questioned about People Living illegally in the building. I didnt do anything ever in my life that would lead me up to this moment. Can i ask you im a proud man. Im not going to answer questions on this level. I would rather get on the floor and be trampled by the parents. Id rather let them tear my flesh than answer these ridiculous questions. Im so sorry. Im incredibly sorry. What do you want me to say . Im not going to answer these questions. Paul vercammen joins us now in oakland, california, as search efforts get back under way. What is the very latest on the investigation and how theyre working through that warehouse now . Reporter kate and john, bracing another yet one of these unstable walls that could be rather danger us. They say they now have 15 of the warehouse left to comb through. If theres a little optimism, they dont expect to find anymore bodies. Speaking offcamera to a fire battalion chief, he said these areas left to look through are against the wall and in the corner. Just not the type of place where people would hang out. Theyve also looked into the debris pile and can see pretty well. They dont see any bodies. Certainly thats somewhat comforting to some of the people who have called this beehive of creativity the ghost ship home, and its an emotional few days for them. Lets listen. What do you want to say to those who are mourning, who lost friends and loved ones . You yourself have lost friends . Theres nothing i can say. Theres just nothing anyone can say. Theres nothing. Its just tragedy, horror and tragedy. Its not a time to fight each other. Just can we, please, embrace each other . Its just beyond reporter does this unfathomable heartbreaking tragedy rise to the level of criminal charges . The District Attorney is investigating and the d. A. Has said it is possible there could be charges including murder and manslaughter. Back to you, john, kate. Thank you. You can feel the pain that woman is going through right now. Paul, thank you very much for that. Back to politics right now. One key factor in Hillary Clintons loss in the 2016 election, not winning over voters who supported president obama. In a new cnn special the messy truth van jones sits down with a family of democrats to find out why they chose to support donald trump. Thank you for this food, lord, and thank you for bringing everybody together. Reporter scott seitz is a lifelong democrat who voted for obama twice. Thank you so much, amen. Reporter cameron, his only son old enough to vote in the last election also supported obama. This year, all four seitz men voted for trump. You cant imagine two guys more different, and yet you supported one and then you supported the other. What did you like about obama, and then what did you like about trump . I think obama rests a lot of love. And i think that hes a good man, and he did all he could. And we supported him, for two elections. Yep. Then when those changes really didnt come about, and obama care actually affected me personally with my own mother, i think we needed a change once again. Uhhuh. Trump seemed to come through here and, hes speaking change again. So i think we still voted for change. It is a fascinating conversation. You can hear more of that conversation tonight, 9 00 eastern on the messy truth with van jones. Two of Donald Trumps picks for his White House Team under intense fire over there backgrounds and moments ago we learned the son of one of those picks essentially got fired. Hear why. When a moment turns romantic, why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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Today all three plus conservative talk show host laura ingram have meetings with the president elect, 45 days before being sworn in office. 132 days since donald trump last held a news conference, if youre counting, but he did make a brief appearance in

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