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Proudly claimed that he had a plan but was keeping it secret. Last night, though, he indicated his plan was to tell generals to come up with a plan. So did he ever really have his own plan . Thats just one of the issues on the table today. Lets go right now to senior white house jim acosta live for us at that event. What are you expecting, jim . I think what well hear from donald trump here is hes going to make this argument hes better suited to be Commander In Chief of the United States. We expect him to make these remarks here in the next half an hour or so. Hes going to talk about, as you mentioned, that plan to talk to his generals on the first day he takes the oath of office, to come up with a plan for defeating isis. It is something he talked about at an event in greenville, North Carolina last night. Heres what he had to say. So were going to convene my top generals and give them a simple instruction. They will have 30 days to submit to the oval office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating isis. We have no choice. Now, among the other things we expect trp trump to talk about during this speech, he is going to be calling for an end to those defense forced budget cuts known as sequestration. President obama has also talked about ending sequestration. Donald trump is going to be talking about this. In addition to that, hes going to go after Hillary Clintons Foreign Policy record. Tie her to President Obama. And basically say that there isnt a Military Intervention that Hillary Clinton does not like. Hes going to talk about her vote to authorize use of force against iraq in 2003. Hes going to talk about her support for intervention in libya. And, john and kate, whats interesting about all of this is that there are some reversals we need to talk about if donald trump is going to be talking about today how he wants to lift those forced budget caps on the defense budget. We should point out back in 2013, he told greta van sus train over at fox he didnt think that was enough. Of course, he was caught on tape saying he thought it would be okay to go ahead and use force against iraq before the war started in 2003. And so this is going to be a repositioning for donald trump on some Key National Security issues. At the say type, hes going to use the speech to go after Hillary Clinton on this issue of her qualifications to be president. He has been saying over the last 24 hours shes not qualified to be president because of the way she handled her emails, the iphones and smart phones that were destroyed. We can expect to hear donald trump go off on that as well. Trying to make that case because we saw on that cnn orc poll that cape out yesterday, people still believe that donald trump is not fit temperamentally to be president , that Hillary Clinton does score better in that regard than he does. Part of the reason for the speech is to chip away at those feelings among voters. Because obviously thats one area, one deficit donald trump has to work on, john and kate. Jim acosta there at the speech. Were keeping a close eye on it. As soon as it starts, we will bring it to you. Here now to discuss trumps vision on National Security and military, retired Lieutenant General Mark Hurtling. Pet peter hofstra, thank you for being with us. Let me start with you. Last night, for the first time, we heard donald trump say what hes going to do if hes elected. Hes going to ask his generals to come up with a plan to defeat isis in 30 days. Now, thats different than what we heard up until this point on the campaign trail. The campaign trail, donald trump said he had a plan but he was keeping it a secret. Lets listen. I dont want the enemy to know what im doing. Unfortunately, ill probably have to tell at some point. But theres a method of defeating them quickly and effectively and having total victory. How aggressive would you be in trying to destroy i dont want to tell you. We want to be unpredictable. I have a great plan. Its going to be great. What is it . Id rather not say. I want to be unpredictable. I hate to tell people because if i win, i dont want isis to know. So then he said he had a great plan. Now he says im going to tell my generals to come up with a plan. Mr. Chairman, when he said he had his own plan, was he just making it up . I dont think he was making it up. I think its very clear. I met with mr. Trump three weeks ago. We talked about this. He had a number of his National Security advisers. He clearly understands and knows what he wants to do. Number one, he does want to defeat isis and put in place a detailed plan to make that happen. The second part is he believes theres a role for our nato allies to play with us. That this is not going to be america alone. The third thing is, he wants to make sure people in the region, countries in the region, have a responsibility. And he will also reach out to various groups, whether its the kurds or whatever to partner with us. So it doesnt necessarily mean american boots on the ground to defeat isis. So at a strategic level, he very much knows exactly what he wants to do and what hes going to ask the generals to do is to fill in the blanks. But give them a clear direction which they have not had under President Obama. Which says we want to beat isis. Mr. Chairman, his plan, working with the kurds, working with nato allies sounds exactly like whats happening now. No, its not whats happening now. Weve never empowered the kurds. Weve never armed and equipped the sunni tribes in iraq to do the mission that they are very capable of doing. They, you know, are going from day to day. Theyre being spoon fed the resources that they need. If we had equipped them a number of years ago, we would have defeated isis in iraq and isis would be out of iraq and there would be no isis there. There would not have been a cali caliphate. But no, we are not working effectively with the kurds or the sunni tribes. Plus, we made major strategic errors. Getting rid of gadhafi. Going into syria. Which both of those countries are now failed states. They john iraq, yemen and afghanistan as being failed states. And so no, theres a lot of mistakes that have been made over the last number of years. A President Trump understands those mistakes. He supported that Military Intervention. Which Military Intervention . Both in iraq and libya. The its clear we would be much better off if if gadhafi had stayed in power or if we had gone in, had overthrown gadhafi, and President Obama has admitted, we didnt have a plan for what happened the day after gadhafi left, so whether mr. Chairman, just to be clear, donald trump supported going into libya. In a video in 2011, he said on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives. So he supported the policy. Now, it may have turned messy after the fact but he did support that policy. He may have supported that policy. He also would have had a policy in place, this is what businesspeople are good at doing. They not only plan for the first step but they have a longterm plan. He would have asked the very simple question, what are we going to do the day after gadhafi is gone. That appears to be a question that Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton didnt ask and the president didnt ask. Let me bring in lieutenant journal Mark Hurtling on this. Youve had some strong things to say about this. Especially very specifically, we can get into a lot of it, but most specifically first, this idea he proposed yesterday, in 30 days, when he becomes president , he wants a plan from his generals of how to take out isis. You called that insulting to the people who are fighting this fight. What do you mean . I did, kate. And im very confused because frankly over the last 12 months or so, ive been taking meticulous notes on the things mr. Trump has said. And he has shifted his position so many times from the military perspective, i dont know what he wants to do. Now, listening to congressman hofstra, i feel the same way, im very confused. Mr. Trump started off by saying he would bomb the oil fields and encircle them with troops. Then he said he would bomb all the terrorist safe havens. Then he said i know more than the generals do. Then he said i dont have to ask for advice because i know it all. Now hes saying im going to take some advice from the generals. So im very confused. This could be placed as an evolution in his thought processes but truthfully, these kinds of things when youre talking about dealing with allies, conducting combat operations, there is an eightpoint Campaign Plan that is in place. It sounds an awful lot like what you just outlined mr. Trump is going to do. Working with the kurds. Ive been with the kurds on the ground for almost two years. I know the kinds of things we have done with them and for them. And it is not whats meeting the current dynamics of whats being talked about in washington, d. C. So this is all very confusing. General, though, what about the criticism you hear from trump and others that libya, whether or not donald trump supported the policy to go in, which he did, but after the fact, there was no plan to deal with what happeneded in libya . What about the criticism weve heard about iraq, that the United States pulled out too quickly and, again, without a plan to keep that Country Stable and that allowed isis to rise up, what about that criticism, general . Yeah, all that criticism, some of it is founded, john, some of it is not. But its not something that can be addressed in a three or fourminute conversation on cnn. Truthfully, mistakes are often made in Political Engagement and in combat engagement. Thats why theres got to be clarification from the very beginning and the secret plans and no one knowing what were going to do next is not beneficial in order of getting to the real problems. So yes, there were some issues in libya, but id remind everyone that it wasnt the United States that was leading the way in libya, it was members of our Nato Alliance that wanted gadhafi out and we contributed to that. Yes, it may not have been thought out completely in terms of what the end state was going to be. There are indications of what might occur and what could occur. Some of those things did not occur. It caused a little bit of a government morass. So all those things are certainly up for discussions. But to put these all in very Simplistic Solutions is contrary to what huge engagement and conflict is all about. Mr. Chairman, on the most basic level, donald trump said, for months, that he was not going to talk about his plans that he had to combat isis and defeat isis because he wanted to be unpredictable. He had a plan and he was going to keep it secret. Do you want your candidate to keep his plan secret . Well, i think hes going hes not going to telegraph what the generals come back with in terms of tactically implementing a victory against isis will look like. They will keep guessing on that. But, you know, the bottom line here is and i appreciate what the generals talking about. But in the last 7 1 2 years, the military and our political leaders have put us in a position where we are losing this war. In 2008, roughly 3,000 people per year were losing their lives as a result of radical jihadist attacks. In 2015, that number was now approaching 30,000 people per year. This cancer from Radical Jihadism has spread from the middle east in from Northern Africa into the midsection of africa. Its going into asia. Youve got this mass migration flow going into europe. Im sorry, that does not look like winning to me. It doesnt look like winning do you want to hear specifically how he is going to be different than what President Obama has put in place . Do you want to hear specifics from donald trump on how he will put in place a different plan than what weve already heard, what youve laid out in Broad Strokes is in Broad Strokes what the administration has been doing. No, it is what the administration has said they are doing. When you actually get on the ground and you take a look at whats going, the steps that are being taken, those are not the things happening on the ground. Take a look at iraq. Mosul, the second largest city in iraq, 500,000 people. That city is still under the control of isis. You have a caliphate the size of indiana but do you want to hear specifics from donald trump is what im asking. Well, the specifics are were going to put in place a strategy that actually is going to enable us to win and is going to take the handcuffs off our Military Personnel to give them the tools, the equipment and the discretion to put into place a strategy that will win. But mr. Chairman, the strategy you laid out, which donald trump hasnt really laid out, is it that different than the strategy, that is very much the strategy thats in place right now . If i can follow up on something you said earlier, you were talking about libya. You said you were convinced that donald trump would have a plan to govern libya after overthrowing gadhafi. What evidence do you have of that . Particularly because in terms of a plan here, hes been inconsistent on what his plan is. To battle in the middle east. Hes been inconsistent on what his Immigration Plan is. What evidence do you have that he would have a consistent plan for Something Like this . Number one, ive met with donald trump. I company out of the Business World myself. What you do in the Business World and what ive seen in the questions and process mr. Trump goes through. Hes always thinking two, three, four steps past the initial decision. So thats very consistent. The other thing is when you go back to 2013, 2012 and pull quotes out from mr. Trump and say look, hes evolving, hes changing his position. Im sorry, the facts on the ground have gotten much worse in the last three or four years so of course his position is going to evolve because the situation hes looking at is much different than the quotes he was given in 2013. We have lost five countries that are now failed states. Critical countries in the middle east, in Northern Africa. They were not failed states in 2011, in 2012. So of course his policies are going to evolve because the day he takes office in 2017, the conditions are going to be much worse and the challenges hes going to be facing as Commander In Chief are much different to 2012. Thats a fair point, conditions on the ground can change. But in terms of should the United States have gone into libya, he was not antithat, he was for that. That is in the past. Thats factually accurate. He supported u. S. Involvement intervention in libya. That is a fact. That is a fact. Im not sure that position would have been maintained if he would have had the intelligence briefings. If President Obama and secretary state clinton had listened to their intelligence briefings, they would have recognized the people they were partnering with in libya were linked with radical jihadist groups, and i can tell you donald trump recognizes that radical jihadist groups, groups like the muslim brotherhood, are a threat to the United States and they are not a group these are not the type of ideology we can partner with to bring stability and security to the middle east and in Northern Africa. We have to take a break. General, i want to give you a quick chance to respond to the chairman here, general. Again, id just say im deeply confused by the thing ms. Trump is saying. Im even more confused by the things now that Congressman Hoekstra is saying it hes a member of the intelligence community. He knows you cant go backwards in terms of saying tomorrow what you would have done yesterday. These are all things theres a great deal of conjecture in some of the things the congressman is saying. Its nice to be a Monday Morning quarterback but sometimes you dont get that opportunity even when you have the intelligence briefings. The congressman was in congress at the time. Why didnt he stop all this . All right, general hertling, chairman hoekstra, thank you. Pretty soon, there will be more to discuss. Love to continue the conversation between you two, thank you very much. Were waiting to hear from donald trump. I guarantee that will spur more discussion. Well have live remarks as soon as they begin. Plus, it would be a good idea for trump to apologize for questioning President Obamas place of birth. Those birther conspiracies. According to a highprofile donald trump supporter, dr. Ben carson. 80 of women say a Healthy Lifestyle is a priority. 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And senior cnn reporter jeff zeleny. You probably heard a very interesting and very interesting discussion between the general and chairman former chairman the house intel we just had. Talking about donald trump today, yesterday and days before and where he stands on his plan to defeat isis. He said hes going to ask the generals to give him a plan within 30 days. Before he says hes already got a great plan, hes keeping it secret. Has he evolved . No. Here is the difference between those two statements like the congressman said, you know, he has a plan but hes also speaking with generals and, you know, things change day to day. So its going to be fluid. But what i love about Donald Trumps approach, opposed to Hillary Clintons approach, he is putting time lines. He is a business person. Hes not a politician. Thats why our government has failed. Theres never a time line. Theres no sense of urgency. I dont understand the business we heard that from the chairman before. He said he would have had a plan in libya after the fact. Whats the proof that he would have a plan . When, john . His proposals have changed a lot. Not true. It is true. First of all, thats not true that his proposals have changed they have on immigration we dont know what his plan is because he said hes going to keep them secret. This is a successful businessman. He sets goals. He sets targets. He sets the limits on those. And he makes moves. What he does. Heres the one problem, with his plan to defeat isis, its a secret. Hes not going to talk about it. Hes not going to give details because he wants to be unpredictable. In the primary, Republican Voters who supported trump like that. I heard that from voters they like that. Now it doesnt sound like its going to be secret or were still going to be secret and still not know. How are we going to know . It will always be a secret in the sense you should not be telegraphing your punches. Dont walk into a boxing match say a left hook, then jab twice. You think Hillary Clinton is going to protect Troop Movements . In america, we expect our politicians to Telegraph Everything were doing overseas. We shouldnt be doing it. You need strategy. I dont think whether youre more of a democrat general or republican general, the one thing you want is the ability to do your job and not do it with your enemy knowing where you are. I mean, this is, like, military 101. And yet the American Public at least the media keeps asking it we want to know what youre going to do. Like, why is this a secret . Its supposed to be a secret. Some of the basic points though i think the American People do deserve to know. Do you want to commit more troops to that effort . Did you support the initial invasion of iraq, yes or no. The answer is yes. The answer to that is yes. So because he moved on it, i think they have the right to know details. Jeff zeleny, you covered the campaign extensively. Is this the kind of thing that makes them crazy going after donald trump because its a moving target here. If they try to differentiate themselves from him on specific policy, do they know what policy he supported . No, and that has made it more difficult. Lets look at immigration. Immigration has been an example of a very moving target for trump. In some ways politically speaking only that has played to his benefit. Because his whole point here is to have, you know, people who were concerned he was too harsh maybe to open their eyes to him. The clienten campaign now is suddenly focused on National Security. Front and center this week. This is the reason why. The Clinton Campaign, accord to all the advisers and strategists i talked to all week long in new york, they believe donald trump has, in fact, gained ground with some of those suburban voters, those suburban women voters who are a little bit worried about him on immigration, hes definitely gained ground. They dont want him to gain ground on National Security. Thats been one of the weaknesses for Interest Trump in the eyes of many voters, many Republican Voters who dont think hes up to the task here. But its difficult when he is all over the map here. Thats why i think this Forum Tonight and the fact were talking about it more shines light on it. He has been very elusive i guess, to be generous, on National Security. Perhaps, you know, its intentional, im not sure. But well see what he says here in philadelphia. But to the point of whos up and whos down on the issue of Foreign Policy and terrorism. You look at the most recent poll, brad. Donald trump is up. Donald trump is up. 51 to 45 on who can better handle terrorism. Why is she losing him on that . Well, youd be surprised that i dont believe that result. Im shocked these polls i mean, he has led on terrorism in a lot of polls. This is not an anomaly. I understand that. Look, there is a history in this country going back many president ial elections where republicans have led have led on this issue. I dont believe when this election is over with youll see him lead on that issue. I think tonight will be decisive in that regard. I think the debates will be decisive in that regard. Donald trump has benefited in the polls because hes all over the map on these on these issues and he cant be he cant be pinned down. What i would like to see today in a speech on National Security is id like to see him explain why he was for going into libya and, today, why he says he was not, which is not true. Why he says now that he was against going into iraq when, in fact, he was. Why today he says we should get rid of sequester when before he said the sequester didnt go far enough. The problem here is that people after what we went through in during the iraq war and went through with the bush administration, they want clarity and certainty and trust on National Security. Donald trump has not given that to them at all. We are waiting for donald trump to step up to the lectern and begin his speech soon. Mallik mallika, the Birther Issue which is something trump spoke about four years ago. Hes been asked about it receive types in the last few days. This is the idea that President Obama was not born in the United States. He was asked about it last night on fox news, listen to what he said. Do you think your Birther Position has hurt you among africanamericans . I dont know. I have no idea. I dont even talk about it anymore bill i know, but its there, its on the error. Record. I dont know. I really dont know. I dont think youre the first one thats brought that up in a while. I dont think so. I mean, look, i went to detroit, we had it was like a love fest. We had just a great great time. First of all what he said there is simply not true. Hes not the first one to bring it up in a while. Hes actually faced a bunch of questions and given the same answer. Which is i dont talk about it anymore. Which is different than i apologize. Dr. Ben carson says he should apologize. Do you see this as being something that the Clinton Campaign will bring up and will follow donald trump in the coming yes, and i think youve already seen the Clinton Campaign bring it up. Youve seen Bernie Sanders bring it up as well whenever hes talking about donald trump. And they say, listen, this is the guy who floated this, what they say was a racist or racially tinged idea, that barack obama was not an american, that he was born somewhere else, that he was sort of a manchurian candidate. Listen, donald trump didnt just stop there with the birther thing. He offered obama 5 million right before 2012 campaign in november to release more records. Release his college records. So, i mean, he was very much part of the birther movement. He was kind of king of the birthers in 2012. That is how he i think formed his identity in 2012. I think this is a big issue theyll try to keep bringing up. Its certainly not the main reason. Hes a republican and africanamericans have tended for many years now to give their support to democrats for policy reasons. I doubt he will apologize. He has sort of suggested oh, ive done things i regret, maybe thats a part of it. Hes also making news on taxes. Hes still not releasing them. He did say he could and would do so immediately in his words, ill release my tax returns immediately, if Hillary Clinton releases her emails. Up until this point, he says he cannot release his returns because hes under audit and thats under the advisement of his counsel. Now he will release it if Hillary Clinton releases her emailings. Is he playing a game here . Last night, he further spoke on the issue. He said when his audits done, he will release his taxes. He said, she probably know, how to find it. Let her release her emails and ill release my tax returns immediately. I will say this, he will not release his taxes until after the audit. That is my assumption. That is what he said in the past. Is he playing a game . No, its not a game. Its like the Birther Issue. Can you imagine were actually talking about that issue . The countrys economy is failing. Americas status in the world is waning. Our militarys failing that is not when the president produced still more birth certificates, donald trump refused to say he was wrong. He said im satisfied. He never said he was wrong. It doesnt matter. He said im satisfied with what he saw. Talk about the issue, it doesnt explain why he felt president ial campaign, i am telling you that africanamericans is his thinking about the current president and the validity of the current president being in office, does that matter to voters . No. I think absolutely. No poll says that. Your opinion. It absolutely question of Donald Trumps temperament, question of his judgment no. It absolutely is the polls do show they do care about seeing his tax returns back to the tax returns, the audit is done in 2008. Thats one thing he still has not reconciled. His own attorneys in a letter in march said the audit is done from 2002 to 2008. He still has not released that span yet. So this is something youre going to be seeing in the coming days. Because mike pence, his running mate, is releasing his tax returns, either tomorrow or friday. That, i have a question about. Why are they trying to draw attention to his transparency . Because it invariably draws attention to the whole because he wants if pence wants to release him. He said im going to release mine. Whatever mr. Trump does, thats his business. Voters dont care about it, why is mike pence releasing his tax returns . They dont care. Then why is he releasing his tax returns . They asked him to. He said okay. Thats it. Kate, we dont know if donald trump is under audit. Were taking his word that he is under audit. He could actually release a letter from the irs saying hes under audit. He could go that far. Just so we had that level of credibility. But this is a joke. Every the irs has said theres nothing that prevents him from releasing his tax rushes because hes under audit. Weve talked this one over and over again. Donald trump in an interview with bill oreilly last night contradicted himself within the same interview saying he cannot release them until the audit is done, and then said, im going to read it again in a dramatic fashion. Tongue in cheek. I believe hey, when she releases the emails which are completely gone from the face of the earth, we may find out differently real soon. Heres the thing, im going to leave it at this, whos job is it to have to constantly interpret . I dont think it should be anyones job to constantly interpret what Donald Trumps meaning is. Shouldnt he just be clear . He has been clear he will release them after the audit. Thats what he has said predominantly. Predominantly. Unless Hillary Clinton releases okay, were going to be back. Donald trump getting ready to speak. My belly pain and constipation . They keep telling me drink more water. Exercise more. I know that. Try laxatives. I know. Believe me. Its like ive. Tried. Everything my Chronic Constipation keeps coming back. I know that. Tell me something i dont know. vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation, or Chronic Constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete Bowel Movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under 6 and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. 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All right, were waiting for donald trump to speak. He is in philadelphia due to give a speech on National Security. Back with us, our panel to discuss more about this and the goings on in politics. Were also joined by cnn Executive Editor of politics mark preston. I want to pick up where we left off. We were talking among other things about Donald Trumps refusal to release his tax returns. One of the things the Trump Campaign says is they dont care about tax returns. The suffolk news poll said more than 70 . So americans seem to want to see it. Weve also seen those numbers in the Quinnipiac National poll as well from last month. You know, just because donald trump says the American People dont want to see it doesnt necessarily mean its true. Were a voyeuristic society. We should at least acknowledge that. I think theres a part of americans, though, that dont or certainly understand that certain things should be remain private. When youre running for president of the United States, when you talk about how youre going to use your acumen as a businessman and how you made all this money, putting forth your tax returns seem paramount to explaining how you did. Quite frankly backing up a lot of the claims you have made. So while donald trump says that, kate and john, fact of the matter is, the American People do want to see those tax returns. Mark, after if its after if its after election day, does it even matter . You cant go back and say oh now what ive learned of the tax returns, i would like to change my vote. Right. And look, ill put it out there. I dont think well see these tax returns before election day. Which means to your point i dont think we will ever see these tax returns. Donald trump has said hes not going to release them until the quote unquote audits over. As your panels talking about, we dont know if there is an audit, we dont know if there isnt, were just taking his word, Donald Trumps word, that in fact he is under audit at this time. Eim not sure thats a big limb youre going out on, saying you dont think well see his tax returns. Why are you jumping over the table . I agree with mark that we are dont agree with mark preston. I do, great guy but do americans want to see, yeah, out of curiosity. Do they really care . No. It is not where do you get im telling you, its not a they care. When you look at polls, number one issues are economy. Number two, terrorism. Do you think donald trump hold on, kate, number one donald trump, donald trump, donald trump, all three issues. You think donald trump should release them . Its his decision. Yes, thats what the polls say. Number one issue is the economy. Donald trump is running as a businessman. He cant even release his tax returns that would demonstrate whether or not he has made, you know, Good Business decisions. Whether or not he has had investments in russia. Whether or not you know thats actually we already know those answers. Because tax returns dont reveal that. Dont returns reveal what happened this year. His financial hold on the number of years Hillary Clinton and tim kaine have put out will tell a story. We dou know he paid no taxes at times in those years. Maybe he doesnt want to reveal that. Lets talk about lets see them. Lets talk about two things, one the Financial Disclosure form, over 100 pages, all the entities he owns, what businesses they do, income, et cetera. Very extensive. So we know the answers you dont know his income, his tax rate no, thats your tax hold on, you dont know what charities, you dont know how much dollars hes released that list. He hasnt given us how much to each charity, not at all, not even close. This is why americans want to see his tax returns because a lot of the claims hes made on the campaign trail. This is why candidates release their taxes, including Richard Nixon who was under audit. I think his real motivation here is what he said previously. He thinks mitt romney made a mistake releasing his tax returns. We did learn things from mitt romney tax returns that we did not learne in his personal and financial well be right back. Well fokay. Okay . You dont always use your smartphone to read the latest posting. Aw, a girl lost her dog. Oh hey. Wait a minute. You dont always use your smartphone to friend someone. Hi. I think i found your dog. But when it matters most, you count on tracfone to keep you connected, for less. dog barking new Smartphone Plans with talk, text and data start at 15 month, no contract. All with unlimited carryover. And nationwide 4g lte coverage. Tracfone. For moments that matter. Man i accept im not the deep sea fisherman i was. 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We can make new friends, rebuild old alliances and bring new allies into the fold. We can do that. Im proud to have the support of war fighting generals, active duty military and top experts who know both how to win and how to avoid endless wars that were caught up in, like the one we have right now that just never, ever ends, our longest war. Just yesterday, 88 top generals and admirals endorsed my campai campaign. And these people are fantastic. Mission alone. We now have an administration and former Secretary Of State who refused to say radical islamic terrorism. Unless you are going to say the words, you are never going to solve the problem. It is very simple. Immediately after taking office, i will ask my generals to present to me a plan within 30 days to destroy and defeat isis. This will require Military Warfare but also cyberwarfare, financial warfare and idealogical warfare as i laid out in my speech on defeating radical islamic terrorism several weeks ago. Instead of an apology tour, Which You Saw President Obama give over and over again, i will proudly promote our system of government and our way of life as the best in the world, just like we did in our campaign against communism during the cold war. We will show the whole world how proud we are to be americans. At the same time, immigration security is a vital part of our National Security. We only want to admit people to our country who will support our values and love our people. They have to love our people. These are, in fact, the pillars of a sound National Security strategy, unlike my opponent, my Foreign Policy will emphasize diplomacy, not destruction. Hillary clintons legacy in iraq, libya, syria has produced only turmoil and suffering and death. Her destructive policies have displaced millions of people. Then, she has invited these refugees Into The West with no plan to screen them, including veteran Health Care Costs and this was Just Announced and read over the last number of weeks. The price of the wars in iraq and afghanistan will total approximately 6 trillion. We could have rebuilt our country over and over and over again. Yet, after all this money was spent and lives lost, clintons policies as Secretary Of State have left the middle east in more disarray than ever before, not even close. Had we done nothing, we would have been far better position. Meanwhile, china has grown more aggressive and north korea, more dangerous and belligerent than ever. Russia has defied this administration at every single turn. Putin has no respect for President Obama and has absolutely no respect for Hillary Clinton. Sometimes it seemed like there wasnt a country in the middle east that Hillary Clinton didnt want to invade, intervene in, or topple. She is trigger happy and very unstable, whether we like it or not, thats whats going on. She is also reckless, so reckless, in fact, that she put her emails on an illegal server that our enemies could easily hack and probably have. Then, clintons team used a technology called bleach bit, which is basically acid and this is going to acid wash her emails. Who would do this . Nobody does it, because of the expense. Who would do this . They even took a hammer to some of her 13 phones to cover up her tracks in obstruction of justice. These email records were destroyed after she received a subpoena. Remember that word, after, after, she received a subpoena from congress to turn them over. If you do that in private enterprise, its a violation of the law. She did this after receiving a subpoena from the United States congress. The fbi report, she claims she couldnt recall Important Information on 39 separate and different occasions. She cant even remember whether she has trained in the u. S. Of classified information. She said she didnt know the letter c means confidential or at least classified. If she cant remember such crucial events, and information, honestly, she is totally unfit to be our commander and chief. Totally unfit. I have a feeling she did remember and she does know and that also makes her unfit. Her conduct is simply disqualifying. She talks about her experience but Hillary Clintons only Foreign Policy experience ended up in absolute failure. Everywhere she got involved, things got worse. Lets look back at the middle east at the very beginning of 2009 before Hillary Clinton was sworn in. Libya was stable. Syria was under control. Egypt was ruled by a secular president and an ally of the United States. Iraq was experiencing a reduction in violence. The group that would become what is now called isis was close to being extinguished, would have never happened, would have never happened. Iran was being choked off by economic sanctions, fast forward to today. What have we gotten from the horrible, horrible decisions made by barack obama and secretary clinton. Libya is in ruins. Our ambassador and three other brave americans are dead. Isis has gained a new base of operations and taking their very valuable oil. Syria is in the midst of a disastrous civil war. Isis controls large portions of territory. A Refugee Crisis now threatens europe and the United States. Hundreds of thousands of people are dead. In egypt, terrorists have gained a foothold in the sinai desert knew the suez canal, one of the most essential waterways anywhere in the world. Iraq is in chaos and isis is on the loose. Iran, by the way, will be taking over iraq and their vast oil reserves. Isis has spread across the middle east and Into The West. Iran, the Worlds Largest State Sponsor of terrorism, is now flush with 150 billion in cash, being released and released by the United States. Plus, another 1. 7 billion that we just learned about this evening in cash ransom payments. We thought it was 400 million. Turns out it is now 1. 7 billion in cash. On the other hands, our country was blackmailed and extorted into paying this unheard amount of money as ransom and our president lied to us. The nuclear deal puts iran the number one State Sponsor of radical islamic terrorism on a path to nuclear weapons. That path will go very quickly. This is Hillary Clintons Foreign Policy legacy, failure and death. But thats not all. President obama and Hillary Clinton also have overseen deep cuts in our military, which only invite more aggression. Really, we will have aggression like you have never seen before. You have it already happening. Our adversaries are xhchamping the bit. History shows when america is not prepared is when the danger is by far the greatest. We want to deter, avoid and prevent conflict through our unquestioned military strength. We have the greatest people in the world. We have to give them the greatest equipment

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