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Mussolini. Trump is set to met privately with mexicos unpopular president Enrique Pena Nieto just hours before trump delivers a huge immigration speech in arizona. This is a meeting which paints an unlikely picture to say the least. To say the least, john. Those swift and unhappy reactions to the fact donald trump is coming here to meet with the mexican president. The former president of mexico, vicente fox who has gone a few rounds with trump already over the past year or so, he appeared on cnn a couple hours ago and he did not hold back. He is not welcome to mexico. By 130 million people. We dont like him. We dont want him. We reject his visit. I dont understand why president pena has offered this opportunity. I think its nothing more than a political stunt. Trump is using mexico, using president pena, to boost his sinking poll numbers. Now, trump was quick to respond on twitter, pointing out that back in march, vicente fox actually invited donald trump to visit mexico. That was when vicente fox was apologizing for using the f bomb. You may recall when fox said were not paying for that fing wall. The current president of mexico has also had some tough words for donald trump. Hes linked the rhetoric of donald trump with the rhetoric of mussolini as well as hitler, saying by demonizing minorities as hitler and mussolini did to get elected, its similar to what trump had been doing. We should tell you that Enrique Pena Nieto has softened his tone of last. Still the question many are asking, what is in it for the current president of mexico to invite donald trump to this meeting . I guess thats what were waiting to find out, john. There have been protests against donald trump, caricatures against donald trump in mexico, not to mention, as you said, the current mexican president , nieto, has compared him in the past to hitler and mussolini. Strange to say the least. John voss in mexico city, thank you. So why did donald trump agree to go to mexico city to meet with a man who has compared him to hitler and mussolini . Cnns sundlin serfati. A very hastily arranged meeting. The Trump Campaign was saying they were still considering the offer. Certainly the sort of lastminute detour from the president ial campaign is something we typically dont see when events are pretty typically carefully choreographed and well scripted. So certainly a tdetour from wha were used to seeing. The invitation was extended both to trump and clinton. Of course the Trump Campaign is very eager to play up what they believe is a decisive president ial move, a lot of president ial photo ops. Going to meet with someone, frankly, they dont always see eye to eye with. The clinton campaign, no surprise, john, very eager to remind people today that donald trump has passed rhetoric on immigration, calling them rapists, calling Illegal Immigrants rapists and criminals, and trying to hold their feet to the fire, so to speak, on his primary campaign promises. Its interesting, the washington post, which broke this story last night, reported this new campaign ceo steve bannen who loved this idea of going to mexico, he loved the picture thats going to come up later today of donald trump meeting with the president. Also donald trump has another big moment today. He gives what theyve been billing as a big immigration speech in phoenix tonight. Ways whats he going to say . Whats his policy . Do we know . Frankly, there are a lot of details that are vague right now. Its not clear what trump will propose tonight. The Trump Campaign is promising some additional clarity. I think the picture were starting to see emerge, it appears trump is going to approach this in some sort of piecemeal approach. It was interesting, donald trump jr. , his oldest son, was on an interview with Anderson Cooper last night and he specifically used the words baby steps which was pretty striking to me. Heres more of what he had to say. We have to secure our border. We have to start implementing an everify system. We have to let i. C. E. Do their job. Now were hearing someone from the Campaign Just the other day on the 11 million, well figure that out down the road. Is there going to be more clarity on that tomorrow . The 11 million is one thing. When you take out, again, the criminals, when you take out the people who committed felonies and send them back home. Thats actually millions of people. Thats a big portion of that group. Without doing that, Everything Else is irrelevant. This certainly, it seems in line with what were starting to hear from donald trump on the campaign trail. Almost a reflecting that hes almost narrowing his scope on his proposals, prioritizing criminal deportations, focusing on Border Security. Hopefully hear more of what he has to say. Baby steps is a new policy. If that is, in fact, donald trump sr. s policy. Well wait to hear from him directly tonight. Thank you so much. Want to bring in our guest, director of Hispanic Communications at the rnc. She attended Donald Trumps recent roundtable with hispanic republicans. Helen, thanks so much. I want to read you three tweets that donald trump has sent over the last 14 months or so. Number one, this is from march 2015. Mexicos court system corrupt. I want nothing to do with mexico other than to build an impenetrable wall and stop them from ripping off u. S. Later in june he wrote, Mexican Government does not want me talking about terrible border situation and horrible trade deals. Forcing univision get me to stop, no way. A third one from just in december. When will the democrats and hillary in particular say we must build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it, never. This is just three of a collection of tweets that donald trump has sent around about mexico. The clinton campaigns been trumpeting them today as he prepares to meet with the current president mexico. Which of these tweets, which of these statements do you think donald trump should disavow . Well, i think what donald trump is going to talk about today is the importance of this meeting between two leaders. And i think its very important to mention that president Enrique Pena Nieto invited trump and trump took the opportunity, as a successful businessman does, taking the right opportunity in order to meet and take advantage. To be able to meet facetoface to talk about a number of issues that are of great concern between both countries. Of course immigration is one. But nafta and trade is also very important. And also we have to acknowledge that there is the problem of Drug Trafficking that both countries want to deal with and work collectively together helen in order to solve these issues. He said, i want nothing to do with mexico other than build an impenetrable wall and stop them from ripping off the u. S. Does that need to be the sole focus of the meeting today . Well, the sole focus of the meeting today is going to be able to talk about points in common between both sides. And president pena knows full well what trump has said. Trump is going to negotiate in favor of american workers. Mr. Pena nieto is going to be the gracious host as he is and talk about whats important to mexico. When we look at these issues, we look at the issues we have as two countries who are neighboring countries and we have to deal with these issues in a way thats appropriate as two leaderses should the language that we heard from donald trump during the primary campaign was largely the language of these tweets. Again, i want nothing to do with mexico other than build an impenetrable wall. Mexicos going to pay for it. Do you think thats the type of negotiating language he should use today, or do you expect donald trump will soften . I think donald trump is a successful negotiator and his business experience really leads to that. Hes going to know what to say thats going to be absolutely appropriate. President pena nieto knew full well what trump has said in the past. But hes also a smart leader trying to negotiate the best terms. He knows mr. Trump has presented issues that are irrefutable. That we need to look at nafta and renegotiate deals. Its being proamerican workers. Is there a better way to negotiate these deals that will benefit the United States which is not to say not benefit mexico, but lets face it, we have to do better for our economy and our workers. You were part of that meeting that donald trump had with latino republicans where people left thinking they left the meeting thinking maybe he was open to the idea some kind of legal status for some of the 11 million undocumented workers in the United States. Do you think that donald trump will open that door tonight in his speech . Will he open the door to some kind of legal status for some of the 11 million undocumented workers here . What mr. Trumps been very clear about is theres going to be no citizenship and no amnesty. We know that. Does that mean legal status then . Been very clear about Border Security but that should be you know what, i think this speech is going to be about how to deter ilLegal Immigration, and that is going to be not taking account we tonig dont know for sure but deterring ilLegal Immigration is the first important step that needs to be addressed. This may not be the speech thats going to be the deal with the entire process of immigration reform. But will be very clear about how to deter ilLegal Immigration. We used to be a country where we applauded Legal Immigration but we turned a blind eye to ilLegal Immigration which really just compounds the problems that we have. So focusing on making ilLegal Immigration easier will come at some point. But how to deter ilLegal Immigration is paramount and is going to be addressed tonight. Well, we are waiting to see if he does address the legal status issue of the 11 million undocumented immigrants. Thank you for being with us. Thank you for the invitation. All right, Donald Trumps trip to mexico. He is on his way. He should get there relatively soon. It does come with some risk and reward. Here to discuss, cnn political director David Chalian and cnn politics executive editor mark profit preston. Mark preston, with you, whats the potential reward for donald trump to make this trip . Well, john, i mean, look at, this is very high drama, unprecedented, historic. For donald trump, he is now owning the narrative. Hes owning the news cycle. I got to tell you, when it was initially announced, i thought it was a stupid move on his part. The more i thought about it, its a smart move on Donald Trumps part. If you look at polling in the states that are going to decide this election, these battleground states, donald trump would lose the election today. Donald trump needs to turn it around 69 days to election day right now. For his supporters and perhaps those who are a little bit hesitant about supporting him, this could allow him to play the commander in chief card. Prestons gone from stupid to smart in the period of less than 12 hours, David Chalian. He mentioned, mark does, that it allows donald trump to take over the narrative. Can he control the narrative over the next few hours in mexico . And that gets to the risk question. What are the risks for donald trump today, david . Think the biggest risk is what the mexican president does out of this meeting. His own politics at home may make him think that he wants to embarrass donald trump or somehow shame donald trump for the things he said about mexico in the past and come out of the meeting and beat his cheest abot that. How donald trump deals with that i think is one potential pitfall here. Dont think overall it is a huge risk. I think it is a pretty controlled environment that donald trump can handle. Especially if theyre just going to give statements perhaps or if we dont hear from them at all and we just see photos. I mean, as you know, a president ial cabinet and foreign leader with all their various aides around them, they can pretty much control their movements and whats seen pretty well so it seems to me the trump folks can design the pictures theyll get out of this. The other thing is whats actually on the ground. If donald trump is seen to be if we see mexican residents sort of dismiss his arrival in their country, you know, then that might raise questions for voters back home about how he can position himself on the world stage. David chalian, mark preston, thanks so much. We will watch this all play out on our tv screen so stick around for that. Donald trump will be in mexico for this big meeting with a man who wants compared him to hitler. Then, though, hes going to arizona, for what he promises will be a big speech on immigration. Ahead, were going to speak to a congressman from that very state. Hillary clinton, she received an invitation to mexico but she says shell hold talks with the mexican president at the appropriate time. Up next, Donald Trumps running mate is slamming clinton for being in hiding. Its peyton. Its peyton on sunday mornings. Eman what up, peyt. You know i have directv nfl sunday ticket. I get every game, every sunday. All in hd. Yeah. I know that. So you wanna come over . Ill make nachos i cant right now man. Im playing. Oh yeah. Alright. Ill pencil you in for tuesday. vo get nfl sunday ticket included at no extra charge. Only on directv. Theres no one road out there. No one surface. No one speed. No one way of driving on each and every road. But there is one car that can conquer them all. The mercedesbenz cclass. Five driving modes let you customize the steering, shift points, and suspension to fit the mood youre in. And the road youre on. The 2016 cclass. 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I think the American People can see quite a contrast between donald trump, who gets an invitation from a world leader, drops what hes doing even with a major speech on the schedule for tonight. And heads down to mexico to sit down with the president of that country. We can help mike pence out there. Hillary clinton is going to cincinnati today for a speech at the American Legion. Joining me to discuss other matters, Hillary Clinton supporter paul begala and kansas secretary of state and donald trump supporter chris kobach. Paul, you are a shrewd political strategist, including for folks not in the United States. Youve done campaigns and helped out leaders in other places. Whats the strategy for the mexican president , Enrique Pena Nieto, whats going on here, why did he issue the invitation, what are the stakes for him . I never went there but i love mexico. 23, its the lowest in memory for any mexican president. So hes got his own political problems and theyre catastrophic. The poll i saw that had pena nieto at 23 had donald trump at 2. Maybe pena nieto has his own need for a hail mary, the same way donald trump seems to need a hail mary. I dont know if pena nieto is intending to show toughness. I think theyre both in an interesting position. Do they confront or do they surrender . I suspect what trumps going to do is surrender, to tell you the truth. I dont think hes going to go down there and use the kind of rhetoric in front of the mexican president he used here at home. Mr. Secretary, chris, do you think donald trump should go down to mexico and talk tough . Some of the things on twitter, i want nothing to do with mexico other than to build an impenetrable wall. Is that what you want him to deliver when he goes to mexico today . I think he absolutely should go down there. I think they will talk about the wall. Remember, the invitation came from the mexican president. I think its in their interest to meet with mr. Trump. Look at it from their perspective. They see an election thats going to be close. Theres a significant probability that trump will be the next president. If thats the case, there will be big changes in the u. S. mexico relationship. Especially if trump is able to reduce the flow of ilLegal Immigration. Right now, illegal ialiens are sending home about 23 billion a year in remittances. Mexico doesnt have a welfare system like we do. If that starts to change, the Mexican Government is going to be looking to the United States for help and they may be coming to us saying, okay, youve changed the ilLegal Immigration flow, this is how its affecting us. I think hes setting the stage for what he recognizes may be necessary in the future. Mr. Secretary, if youll humor me, if i can get a couple yes no answers for some questions about immigration in the United States. So let me just ask you a yes no question. Do you consider legal status for any of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u. S. . Any kind of legal status for any of them . Do you consider that to be amnesty . Yes, if its done en masse. If you have like one individual case for humanitarian reason. But if you do it to large groups of people. Were talking tens of thousands. All right, so donald trump opens the door to possible legal status for any of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country tonight, because we dont know what hes going to say in the speech, if he does that, you would consider that to be amnesty . If its a broad category. If he says all of these people who meet these criteria get amnesty. Even if they pay taxes . So donald trump makes them pay back taxes, that still would be amnesty in your mind . Its still amnesty if they pay a fine, yes. One other category here, without deeming it specifically legal status, stamping some piece of paper saying you are now legal. He talked about hes not going to force them out. Hes not going to get to people for some while. If you do not actively enforce what you consider to be the law to get them out of the country, if you allow them to stay, is that also amnesty . No. Let me explain that. Theres this false dichotomy that sometimes people talk about and they think well you either have to have an arrest of every single 11 1 of the 11 million or you have an amnesty, really theres a choice in between. You start ratcheting up the level of enforcement. Many people will make the decision, i cant get a job, theres a chance ill get arrested, ill just go to my home country on my own. How high do you ratchet up enforcement is the question. Thats exactly the way to approach it. I never said you have to arrest every single one of the 11 million. Practically speaking, thats not how you would do it. Thank you for that clarity. Appreciate that. Want to ask you about a new poll that came out a few hours ago that has to do with the candidates favorability. Hillary clinton is less favorable. She has a higher unfavorability than ever before. Look at this chart here. 56 unfavorable. 41 favorable here. Now what you really cant see if this graphic right here, paul, is that her unfavorables have dropped consistently since the convention to a new low for her. So whats happened since the convention to drive her numbers down . Why the sharp drop since august . Two things. Her unfavorables have gone up unfortunately. I know what youre trying to say. Thank you. She had a Great Convention but it was a bit of a sugar high. I was thinking at the time, chris is right, he says its going to be a close election. Hes exactly right. This is going to be very tight. Its settled back to where it was before the convention. Which is a three to five point lead for hillary. If you simply look at those numbers in a vacuum, you think this is terrible, and it is. The greatest political strategist ever lived, certainly not me or my partner james carville, was henne youngman, the great comedian, any time anybody asks him hows his wife, he says, compared to what . Donald trump numbers are terrible as well but they havent gotten worse since his convention. Hillary clintons have. Donald trumps has stayed sta c static. Something happened with her. What . Hers have gone to only a tiny bit better than donald trump which is terrible but still better than trumps. Thats the thing. But down. Headed down. The trajectory is down. Donald trumps are static. One is getting worse while the other is staying the same. She had a terrific convention. Trump not only had a bad convention, he had a terrible period coming out of the democratic convention. Where he attacked a gold star family. That really sent trump way down. Now its leveled back out. I think youre going to basically be in statsis. Donald trump is not acting like a guy who he thinks is going to win. Hes acting like hes panicking. I feel for chris. I dont share any of his views on immigration but i believe he believes them earnestly. Trump doesnt. He built trump tower illegally with Illegal Immigrants from poland. Found undocumented workers working there. Now a new story suggesting his Modeling Agency somehow got around the immigration laws. This is all just a con for him. Hes softening. Now his new hat is going to say make america make baby steps again. None of this is on the level for him. Hell go to mexico city today. I dont think hell say the things chris would say because i dont think he really believes anything. I think he wants to say or do anything he can to get ahead in this election. Hillarys pushed him around real good. Pushed him around from being where chris is on immigration to hes now basically part of the gang of eight, gang of nine with trump. That must be frustrating for chris and other people who take a more hardline position on this. Well see what donald trump says today in mexico and then tonight in arizona. Chris, paul pea gala, thank you. Hillary clinton is focusing on states that she hopes can help win on election day. She goes to ohio. Well preview coming up. Plus, the gap in the ground game. Hillary clinton has more offices, Campaign Offices in just one state than donald trump has in eight states combined. So whys the race still as close as it is . Well discuss. At experian, we believe credit isnt just a score. Its a skill. And like anything else, you can get better. Thats why we have tools that show you what happens if you forgot to pay a bill. And answers to questions like, whats the difference between a fico score and other scores . Get the tools. And get better at managing your credit. Go to experian. Com to enroll in Experian Creditworks today. Ssoon, shell be bingestudying. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. 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The outback steak crab bash starts at just 14. 99. Bloomin great all right, this just in to cnn. A u. S. Defense Department Official disputes russias claim that russia killed an isis lead theyre calleded for attacks against the west. Tells jim sciutto, quote, it would be laughable but for the very reason humanitarian suffering russia has inflicted. We stand by the statement we made yesterday. We conducted a strike that targeted muhammad al adnani. Russia claimed its air strike killed the key deputy. Isis ed d ed a adnanis death yesterday. All right, back to politics. Lets bring in our panel. Angela rye, former executive director of the congressional black caucus. Jim geraghty, national review. Back with us, chris kobach, the secretary of state of the state of kansas and donald trump supporter. And gloria borger, cnn chief political analyst. Gloria, moments ago, i asked you and angela whats going on and angelas response with whats not going on because theres so much going on and its august still. This is supposed to be the slow time in the campaign. What, its august . Why are we seeing this sort of explosion of activity at least from the trump side . Because donald trump is looking at the poll numbers in battleground states. Hes looking at the numbers in florida, in colorado, in nevada. He understands that hes got to do something to move voters in those states. And this trip to mexico today is the trump version of a hail mary, dont you think . What hes doing is trying to meet with the president of mexico. Good for trump because he gets to go on foreign soil, meet with another leader. Its a private meeting. He can come out and say, i told him exactly what i wanted to do. Theyre going to have to pay for that wall. Then he can come back and give his speech this evening in arizona. And tell voters how tough he was. But all those who were maybe undecided will take a look at it and say, well, he did go and meet with the president of mexico so it shows hes tough, hes a negotiator and hes audacious. Chris, let me get your take. I know you think hes going for different reasons. I suspect you dont suspect it is a hail mary. Do you acknowledge right now the Trump Campaign has to make up some ground . You know, what we know is that the polling is very close in a lot of border, you know, battleground states. So theres no downside for mr. Trump to go and meet with the president of mexico. Theres a lot of upside, as was just mentioned. Why not. Its convenient because it nicely frames his immigration speech hes about to give in arizona. I dont see any reason why he wouldnt go. It also makes him look president ial. So, you know, i think hes going to come out of today with probably a slight bump in the polls. Its been difficult to peg exactly where trump is because of the fluctuating sometimes hell generate a huge search in people who come to a primary or caucus. He actually did 2 better than the polls show going into each of those states. So who knows, but its going to be close. I think this is a smart move. Angela rye, in the midst of Everything Else, he continues to talk about the issue of race, right, and last night during his speech he used some language from him we havent heard exactly before. Lets listen. It is the Democratic Party that is the party of slavery, the party of jim crow and the party of opposition. It was after donald trump remarked the Democratic Party is the party of president lincoln. All of which is true, angela, but i wonder if you have a different take . One, i regret this was 20 minutes outside of my hometown in seattle where he said this foolishness. And no shade to jeffrey lord, but it sounds like hes been watching jeffrey who repeats this mantra often. I think what i would say to that is its really important to have to know history but its even more important to have historical context. So there was a moment when there was a mass exodus from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party by white nationalists, white supremists at the time. And that all shifted. I think thats important. I dont know if they need to watch eyes on the prize documentary on pbs or know what happened when johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequently signed the Voting Rights fact 1965 or the Fair Housing Act of 1968 into law. But these are historical measures that are important and they are the beginning of africanamericans allegiance to the Democratic Party for protecting racial equality and ensuring africanamerican advancement in the country. At least laying the foundation for that. Since then, the Republican Party knows it has a black problem. Not just by optics. Not just by rhetoric. But also by the policies it pushed. That is why they issued the autopsy report in 2012 when mitt romney lost lets talk about metrics right now. Pbs, great reporting. Basically the ground game in some states, Hillary Clinton has offices in 15 battleground states. Donald trump has 88. Theres some more stark numbers in some states. In florida, its 34 to 1 for clinton. North carolina, 30 to zip for Hillary Clinton. How much do you think this matters going into the fall . Well, were about to learn. Because you look at numbers like that we should be expecting a loss for trump on par with Barry Goldwater or George Mcgovern or maybe even, you know, walter mondale. You say, okay, hes going to get demolished. Were about to learn really well about whether this is a unique campaign, you need Campaign Offices or not. I myself would have them than not have them. But earlier during the primary, trump was asked about how much he wanted to emulate obamas datadriven get out the vote efforts from 2012 and he kind of shrugged it off and scoffed and said look, i dont think it was that big a deal. Look, you can argue about how effective this stuff was. Maybe it only helps a percentage point or two. But we saw in florida in 2000, that percentage point could really matter a lot. Look, if it ends up being a very Similar Electoral College map to 2012 and 2008 and for that matter 2004, year 2000, it actually had a very stable Electorate College map for the last four elections. Maybe these Campaign Offices dont matter that much, you know, if thats the case i guess campaigns could save a lot on rent in the coming cycles. Jim geraghty, gloria borger, angela rye, thanks for being with us, appreciate it. Hillary clinton, her first Public Campaign event in several days. She gives a speech in ohio. She is slated to speak moments from now. This happening as donald trump heads to mexico. Well bring you the Hillary Clinton moments live. Get between you and lifes dobeautiful moments. Llergens flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. Youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Woah, woah youre not taking that. Come with me. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. Dont be late. Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. vo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. The perfect kidfriendly hotel. Simple to book which is great for families. Finally whatever captain obvious. Save up to 50 during the hotels. Com labor day sale. And get an extra 10 off with promo code lastchance. I absolutely love my new but the rent is outrageous. Good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. 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To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. Theres more to know. Xarelto. Kind of like this look. Im calling it the name your price tool phase. Whatever. All right, we are waiting to hear from Hillary Clinton. She is in ohio today. She is scheduled to speak just moments from now at the American Legion National Convention in cincinnati. Aides say the message will be about american exceptionalism. Cnns jeff zeleny is live at the event in cincinnati. Jeff, obviously this was the first time weve seen the secretary in a few days. Shes been off the campaign trail fundraising. This event obviously planned before the surprising news donald trump, going to mexico over the next few hours. Do we expect to get any response to the mexican trip at this event today . John, thats a bit unclear. Hillary clinton was coming here to talk about american exceptionalism, like you said, to talk about alliances around the world. She of course will make the argument that donald trump would fracture these global alliances. So you could see mexico coming up in the context of that. I cant imagine that she would let this speech go by without talking about this. So far, her aides are not saying if she is going to address the trump visit or not. We do know her campaign was invited on friday to visit mexico. And her aides responded that, look, she knows world leaders. She has met with world leaders. This is Donald Trumps first visit with the head of state. And she will schedule a visit on her own time during the when the time is right. But now they believe this is all about politics. We will see if she addresses that in her message today, john, but this is not designed to be a mexico related speech. We should note that donald trump is also going to be here, speaking before this American Legion conference tomorrow. All right, jeff zeleny for us in cincinnati, thank you so much. This meeting in mexico, this is one that no one saw coming. Donald trump heading to mexico right now to meet with the president there. Were going to get details on this visit. Well also get reaction from an arizona member of congress. Donald trump going to arizona to give a big speech on immigration. What does this congressman think he should or would say . You push and pull and struggle and fight and love to run your business. And when you need legal help with that business, were here for you. Were legalzoom. And over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners navigate every day challenges. So visit us today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Perfect. No tickets, no accidents. That is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. Yeah. Now, you would think your Insurance Company would cut you some slack, right . No. Your insurance rates go through the roof. 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But you know, to be quite honest with you, trumps visit is more political. Its a Campaign Stop for him. His campaign is trying to make him appear for statesman, more president ial. Its not going to work. I dont know what kind of reception hes hoping to receive from the president of mexico. But given as he propelled his campaign with the harsh and big gotted rhetoric against mexicans in general and latinos in this country, i dont see how you can make traction by merely creating the political Campaign Stop for him him. Hillary is doing the right thing, con straiting on what she needs to do. Arizona is a battleground state, theyre neck in neck and hillary has a chance to capture arizona. Do you think its worthwhile for Hillary Clinton sometime in the next few week to go down there . Inevitably. I wouldnt put it as a high priority. I dont think Hillary Clinton needs to make a ceremonial stop to increase our popularity with the latino voters. Can donald trump increase his credibility with latino voters . There are reports that he may soften his tone if not his actual policy. Do you think that could help him . I think hes going to continue with this whole fantasy that were going to build a wall from one end of the southern border to the other with mexico. Thats not going to happen. Mexico is not going to pay for it. At least in arizona, i represent that border region, we have part of a wall built. And youll notice its almost all on public land anywhere along the border. Private property and the whole issue of Eminent Domain is important. Native American Reservations are not wanting it going through their land. Its not going to happen. Its just the red meat that he started when she started this campaign to propel him to continue to talk about immigration. I dont think theres anything he can say my friend that is going to give e him ahim any credibility. Lets talk about secretary clinton. Abc news aug post has a new poll out today, higher unfavorability numbers that shes ever had before. The numbers have shot up since the convention. Im wondering why you think that is, if some of the information coming out about the Clinton Foundation has contributed to that and if you think she needs to draw a quicker more severe separation with the Clinton Foundation i think is separation is necessary. I also believe the Clinton Foundation. Something i said the other day was misinterpreted by the news media that now the Campaign Leader of trumps campaign, that network if thats what we want to call it, said they was saying that you should shutter the Clinton Foundation. Absolutely not. Theyve done good work. They should continue their good work. The foundation should do that. But as far as hillary and secretary clinton, i think she needs to sever that and get this distraction out of the way. Innuendos and the outright lies that were going to hear from trump on the foundation and hillary is not worth the expense. That would bring the end many of, many of the attacks trump is doing right now. I think the separation is important and a clean separation is necessary. But the foundation go on with its very humane projects that it has across the world. Just to be clear, were talking about separation for bill and Chelsea Clinton in this case. Clintons plurals. Thank so much for being with us. Were awaiting the arrival of donald trump in mexico. Hes set to meet with the president there. The lastminute Border Crossing drawing criticism from mexicos former leader. She spent summer bingewatching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Get back to great. This week 50 off all backpacks. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. Im claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. Smokings a monkey on my back. It was, it was always controlling your time, your actions, your money. 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Welcome to legal view. The breaks news this hour, a huge hour in the president ial race that is now 69 days from the finish line. Just minutes from now were expecting to see a big plane with a trump trump emblazoned on the side touched down in a place we didnt expect it to touch down, mexico city. I repeat, mexico city. You bet

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