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A Deportation Force to move out 11 million undocumented immigrants. But is that possible . Well ask the head of u. S. Customs and Border Protection. Hes joining us. Hello, im kate bolduan. Im john berman. A key moment in the battle against isis. A major assault in northern iraq. U. S. Coalition warplanes, providing cover in this new intense fight to reclaim a strategic city . This centers on the town of sinjar. Kurdish soldiers are attacking isis there from three sides. Nick paton walsh is near the front lines of this battle with more. Reporter the key fight for sinjar seems to be what you cant really see behind me along the main road known as route 47. Now, that is vital because it heads from mosul in iraq, in that direction, to raqqa in syria, in that direction. The caliphate selfdeclared capital. Weve been seeing intense air strikes in the past hours or so. A lot of Coalition Aircraft in the skies above. While everyone understands that sinjar, the need to retake it is deeply symbolic because of the brutality inflicted on isis, the enslavement, the captivity of women and even children at times when that town was overrun by isis last year, its also a deeply strategic town because it sits on that main highway. Now, we cant disclose our exact location because of the rules the peshmerga put on us for going with them, but this is a main road here. And we have seen that the peshmerga are now on it, quite clearly. It seems able to hold that particular position. In the far west on this town, presumably an isis position has been heavily hit recently. Consistent explosions along the skyline here. Sinjar itself, the subject it seems to be four plumes of thick, black smoke that havent stopped. There was optimism this fight would take days, hours from some kurdish officials but at dawn when the operation began in earnest but that has looked up. Theyre slowed down by mines and isis who simply dont to want give up this road. Back to you. Nick paton walsh near the front lines of this battle thats going on as we speak. Our viewers, you will remember this heartwrenching scene from sinjar last year. This is when thousands of people that were living in and around the town, they ran for their lives as isis moved in. Our correspondent ivan watson was aboard when the helicopters that went in and ended up flying out as many people they could fit on board. You see babies being handed on there. U. N. Estimates 5,000 men and boys have been slaughtered by isis there and young girls and women sold into slavery. Joining us now retired brigadier who returned from iraq yesterday. General, thank you for being with us. Obviously, returning those peoples homes to them is of serious importance. Lets talk about the Strategic Value of sinjar. Hopefully we can put up a map to show where it is. Tell us why sinjar is important in the battle against isis, both in iraq and syria. As nick brought out, it really is a choke point between raqqa in syria and mosul to the east. The real objective for the Iraqi Security forces is mosul. Retaking mosul in the near term has been an objective for them for quite some time. By taking sinjar you cut route 47, which makes it easier to take mosul because it cuts off the ability of isis to supply logistics, supply troops, supply ammunition from syria. General, as nick was saying, there was optimism this would take hours, just days to retake sinjar. When you look at the balance here in terms of the man power, some 7500 peshmerga soldiers on this fight against several hundred maybe 700, if you will, thats a slippery number, of isis fighters, but there are real challenges the peshmerga are up against in trying to take this town. What are the difficulties they have . When you go from fighting out in the open where american aircraft can provide so much support to fighting inside the city, those numerical differences are, in many ways, immaterial. Fighting in urban terrain, going from house to house, where you cant use the american air support, where you cant use artillery, where you cant use mortars, gives the advantage to the defender. So, it may be a couple hundred against 7,000 but in my mind, isis could continue this fight for quite some time. You say this is a sort of stepping stone to mosul, which is the ultimate goal. I think a lot of times in the u. S. We lose sight of the fact that isis has occupied the second largest city in iraq for about 18 months now. And nothing has seemed to budge them in any way. Do you think what youre seeing so far, and were about 12 hours into this now, indicates that there is progress toward that ultimate goal of liberating that city . For sinjar, i believe thats going to take weeks. For mosul, i believe the Iraqi Security forces and Peshmerga Forces are going to need months before theyre able to go into mosul and retake that from isis. It will not be a quick fight. Not at all, not with them in that city and dug in for more than 18 months. General, thanks for being with us. Appreciate it. Thanks, general. Coming up for us, a Deportation Force. That is what donald trump says he would use to enforce hiS Immigration plan, which of course includes removing some 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States right now. But could a Trump Administration or any administration for that matter pull that off . Well ask the head of u. S. Customs and Border Protection ahead. Handcuffs, shackled, tasered multiple times while in Police Custody. Graphic new video. A mans family demanding answers. Plus, he tackled a suicide bomber. He saved countless lives. Honestly, above and beyond the call of duty. At this hour, retired army captain receives the nations highest military honor. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. Oh no. under his breath hey man hey peter. unenthusiastic oh. Ha ha ha joanne . Is that you . Its me. You dont look a day over 70. Am i right . Jingle jingle. If youre peter pan, you stay young forever. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. You make me feel so young. Its what you do. You make me feel so spring has sprung. A little bit of a haze. He wasnt sure but he thought he was in germany. And someone was at his bedside, talking to him. And he thought it was the lead singer from the heavy metal band korn. Flo thought, whats going on . Am i hallucinating . But he wasnt. It was all real. And so today, flo, i want to assure you, you are not hallucinating. Are you actually in the white house. Those cameras are on. I am not the lead singer from korn. We are here to award you our nations highest military honor distinction, the medal of honor. Now, flo and i have actually met before. Three years ago i was on one of my regular visits to walter reed to spend time with our Wounded Warriors and flo was one of them. We talks. Turned out he likes the chicago bears, so i liked him right away. And i had a chance to meet his parents, who could not be more gracious and charming and you get a sense of where flo gets his character from. It is wonderful to see both of you again. I also want to welcome flos girlfriend, carson, who apparently flo tells me he had to help paint an apartment with just the other day, so theres some honeydo lists going on. His many friends, fellow soldiers and family all of our distinguishes guests. A day after veterans day, we honor this american veteran, whose story, like so many of our vets and Wounded Warriors, speaks so much not just g gallantry but heroism at home. As a teenager up the road in bethesda, flo discovered he had an incredible gift. He could run. Fast. Half mile, mile, two miles, hed leave his competition in the dust. He was among the best in the state and he went on to run track and Cross Country at the university of maryland. Flos College Coach called him the consummate teammate. As good as he was in individual events, somehow he always found a Little Something extra when he was running on a relay with a team. Distance running is really all about guts. As one teammate said, flo could suffer a little more than everyone else could. So, day after day, month after month, he pushed himself to his limit. He knew that every long run, every sprint, every interval could help shave a second or two off his times. And as hed find out later be a few seconds can make all the difference. Training, guts, teamwork, what made flo a great runner also made him a great soldier. In the army, flo again took his training seriously, hitting the books in the classroom, paying attention to every detail and field exercises because he knew that he had to be prepared for any scenario. He deployed to afghanistan twice. First as a platoon leader and then a couple years later when he was handpicked to head up a security detail. So it was on an august day three years ago that flo found himself leading a group of american and african soldiers as they escorted their commanders to a meeting with local afghans. It was a journey that the team had done many times before. A short walk on foot, including passage over a narrow bridge. At first, they passed pedestrians, a few cars and bicycles, even some children, but then they began to approach the bridge. And a pair of motorcycles sped toward them from the other side. The afghan troops shouted at the bikers to stop, and they did, ditching their bikes in the middle of the bridge and running away. And thats when flo noticed something to his left. A man dressed in dark clothing walking backwards just some ten feet away. The man spun around and turned toward them. And thats when flo sprinted toward him. He pushed him away from the formation and as he did, he noticed an object under the mans clothing, a bomb. The motorcycles had been a diversion. And at that moment, flo did something extraordinary. He grabbed the bomber by his vest and kept pushing him away. And all those years of training, on the track, in the classroom, out in the field, all of it came together in those few seconds. He had the instincts and the courage to do what was needed. One of flo as comrades, Sergeant Andrew mahoney, had joined in, too. Together they shoved the bomber again and again and they pushed him so hard, he fell to the ground onto his chest and then the bomb detonated. Ball bearings, debris, dust exploded everywhere. Flo was thrown some 15 or 20 feet and was knocked unconscious. Moments later he woke up in the middle of the road in shock. His eardrum was blown out, his leg was broken and bleeding badly. Still, he realized that if the enemy launched a secondary attack, hed be a sitting duck. When a comrade found him in the smoke, flo had his pistol out, dragging his wounded body from the road. That blast by the bridge claimed four american heroes. Four heroes flo wants us to remember today. One of his mentors, 24year army vet who always found time for flo and any other soldier who wanted to talk. Command Sergeant Major kevin griffin. A west pointer who loved hockey and became a role model to cadets and troops because he always cared more about other people than himself. Major tom kennedy. A popular air force leader known for smiling with his whole face, someone who always seemed to run into a friend wherever he went, major david gray. And finally, a Usaid Foreign Service officer who had just volunteered for a second tour in afghanistan, a man who moved to the United States from egypt and revelled in everything american, whether it was disneyland or chain restaurants or roadside pie, ragaei abdelfattah. These four men believed in america. They dedicated their lives to our country. They died serving it. Their families, loving wives and children, parents and siblings, bear that sacrifice most of all. So, while ragaeis family could not be with us today, id ask three gold star families to please stand and accept our deepest thanks. [ applause ] today we honor flo because his actions prevented an even greater catastrophe. You see, by pushing the bomber away from the formation, the explosion occurred farther from our forces and on the ground instead of in the open air. While flo didnt know it at the time, that explosion also caused a second unseen bomb to detonate before it was in place. Had both bombs gone off as planned, who knows how many could have been killed. Those are the lives flo helped to save. We are honored many of them are here today. Brigadier general james mingus, Sergeant Andrew mahoney who was awarded a silver star for joining flo in confronting the attacker, Sergeant First Class brian brink who was honored silver star for valor for pulling flo from the road, sergeant baldarama who helped save flos leg, private first class Sergeant Eric ochart who also served with distinction on that day. Gentlemen, id ask you to please stand and accept the thanks of a grateful nation as well. [ applause ] at walter reed, flo began his next mission. The mission to recover. He suffered significant nerve damage and almost half of the calf muscle in his left leg had been blown off, so the leg that had powered him around that track, the leg that moved so swiftly to counter the bomber, that leg had been through hell and back. Thanks to 33 surgeries and some of the finest medical treatment a person can ask for, flo kept that leg. Hes not running, but hes doing a lot of crossfit. I would not challenge him to crossfit. Hes putting some hurt on some rowing machines and some stair climbers. I think it is fair to say, he is fit. Today flo is medically retired, but like so many of his fellow veterans of our 9 11 generation, flo continues to serve. As i said yesterday at arlington, thats what our veterans do. They are incredibly highly skilled, dynamic leaders, always looking to write that next chapter of service to america. For flo that means civilian job with the department of defense to help take care of our troops and keep our military strong. And every day that he is serving, he will be wearing a bracelet on his wrist, as he is today, a bracelet that bears the names of his brothers in arms who gave their lives that day. The truth is, flo says that day was the worst day of his life and that is the stark reality behind these medal of honor ceremonies. For all the valor we celebrate, all the courage that inspires us, these actions were demanded amidsome of the most dreadful moments of war. Thats precisely why we honor heroes like flo. Because on his very worst day, he managed to summon his very best. Thats the nature of courage. Not being unafraid, but confronting fear and danger and performing in a selfless fashion. He showed his guts, he showed his training, how he would put it all on his line for his teammates. Thats an american we can all be grateful for. Thats why we honor captain Florent Groberg today. We are free because of them. May god bless their families and may god continue to bless the United States of america with heroes such as these. The president of the United States of america authorized by act of Congress March 3, 1863 has awarded in the name of congress the medal of honor to captain florenta. Groberg, he acts of gallantry above and beyond the call of security while serving as personal detachment commander, 4th Infantry Brigade team, 4th Infantry Division in afghanistan on august 8, 012. On that day captain groberg was leading a dismounted movement to include two brigade commanders, who battalion commanders and an Afghanistan National army brigade commander. As they approached governors compound, captain groberg observed an individual walking close to the formation. While the individual made an abrupt turn turn toward the formation, he noticed a bulk under his clothes. He rushed forward using his body to push the man away from the formation. At this time, captain groberg confirmed the bulg was a suicide vest and captain groberg with the assistance of the other member of the security detail physically pushed the suicide bomber away from the formation. Upon following the suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest outside the perimeter of the formation, killing four members of the formation and wounding numerous others. The blast from the first suicide bomb caused the suicide vest of a previously unnoticed second suicide bomber to detonate prematurely with minimal impact on the formation. Captain grobergs immediate actions to push the first bomber away from the mother mags, significantly minimized the attack of the formation, saving lives of his comrades and several senior leaders. Captain grobergs heroism and selflessness, above and beyond the call of duty on keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, 4th Infantry Brigade, 4 Infantry Division and the United States army. [ applause ] let us pray. May the example of all the soldiers we remember today serve who inspire us to defeat all the enemies we face. May the acts of virtue we remember give us the courage to hold onto what is good, strengthen the fainthearted, support the weak and help those who suffer. May we the living bring honor to those who have perished so that others may live in peace. Grant your blessing, remain upon us and be with us always. Amen. That concludes the formal portion of this ceremony. I need to take some pictures with the Outstanding Team members as well as the gold star families who are here today as flo reminds us this medal, in his words, honors them as much as any honors that are bestowed upon him. And on veterans day week thats particularly appropriate. I want to thank all of our Service Members who are here today, all who could not attend, and i hope you enjoy an outstanding reception. I hear the food is pretty good here. Thank you very much, everybody. Give captain groberg a big round of applause again. One of the most poignant images you will see. Captain Florent Groberg, retired army captain, choking back tears as hes awarded the militarys highest distinction, the medal of honor for tackling a wouldbe bomber in afghanistan in 2012, saving the lives of countless people. This captain, this hero, insisted, asked the president to remember those who did die that day and also remember the others who acted so bravely that day. These are always poignant ceremonies but this was particularly touching. Couldnt agree with you more. He has a remarkable story. And it is a remarkable day to watch him have this honor bestowed to him from the president. As the president said, a captain groberg said this was the worst day of his life. And the president well noted that on the very worst day of his life, he summoned his best and he is a hero. Something we can all agree were very proud to call a true american hero. An amazing day. A wonderful, wonderful ceremony to watch. He said, we are free because of people like him. Some other news now. This morning a huge wall, a Deportation Force to help move 11 Million People out of this country, two big immigration ideas from the frontrun neither republican race for president , donald trump. He is taking a lot of criticism from his rivals but hes not backing down. Youre going to have a Deportation Force and youre going to do it humanely and bring the country and, frankly, the people because have you some excellent, wonderful people. Some fantastic people that have been here for a long period of time. Dont forget, mika, that you have millions of people waiting online to come into this country and theyre waiting to come in legally. A Deportation Force. Is that feasible . How would that work . Lets ask a man who would know, commissioner gil kerlikowske. Thank you for being with us today. A huge topic in the debate waS Immigration and this is very important now in politics and far beyond. A Deportation Force. You, your agency, would necessarily have to be part of an operation like this. Is it possible . Well, kate, before i answer that, i have to tell you, as a veteran, having had the privilege to just watch that medal of honor ceremony, thats one of the most moving ceremonies and i really applaud you, cnn, for doing that. Thank you. We have 60,000 employees in customs and Border Protection. We are accountable to the public. Our borders are safer now than they have ever been. We have had fewer apprehensions in this last fiscal year than over many decades, so things have improved dramatically. I have often been asked questions about this, but i just have to tell you about the things that have gone on to really make this country much safer, particularly on all our borders. Is it possible, a massive deportation, a Deportation Force, having to be used. A massive deportation of some 11 Million People. From your perch, how challenging would that be . What would it require . What kind of manpower would it require . From my perch i would tell you whenever somebody gives you a simplistic answer to an incredibly complex problem like th this, that answer is usually wrong. There is one answer, it would be very helpful if Congress Passed comprehensive Immigration Reform. One of the things donald trump talks about, and talked about in the debate, is this operation that took place in the eisenhower administration. The name was actually operation wetback. Its offensive now but it was the forced relocation of perhaps a Million Immigrants in this country. Do you think that is a model for what could happen now . I think we have a model that is already in existence right now. That is that people can apply for asylum. Last summer we dealt with well over 60,000 unaccompanied children. We have a process in place. We have more, essentially, Border Security and infrastructure and technology than we have ever had before. The important part that goes back to the eisenhower administration, though, was that, you know, we need to be accountable. We need to be transparent in customs and Border Protection. In just about one hour im going to make an Important Press announcement on how were going to improve through the use of bodyworn cameras and other technology an organization that can be even more accountable to the public so that we can deal with these concerns. Commissioner, at the core of Donald Trumps immigration policy that he would like to put in place, his plan. He talks about this Deportation Force but we have heard him over and over again talk about this wall. Even him saying with a big, beautiful door in it to bring people back in, but first they all have to leave and then theyre going to build this big wall. Youre the man in charge of the border. So what would the wall do . I ask you this because i know youve said it seems simplistic in the past but this is a man who was a frontrunner. This is an idea resonating with americans. What do you say to that . Let me move away from the politics and tell you what i know about the Border Security. That is that we have lines of fencing now. They are placed very strategically so that we can put our people where they need to be. Anyone who has ever visited one part of the border has only really seen one part of the border. We have deserts, we have mountains, a large city like san diego and we have the rio grande valley, a river that can be a trickle or a river that can be a flood. And the idea or the ability to build a wall is one that would not be helpful. Again, id go back to probably the most meaningful part of this would be comprehensive Immigration Reform. So, the wall wouldnt work is what youre saying . The wall would not be helpful . We know that walls have not worked in many locations. We know we place our fencing, not only different types of fencing, but very strategically so that we can place our personnel, our finite number of personnel, we can put them exactly where they need to be. Thats why when you look at the number of apprehensions, you look at the safety and security in border cities from el paso to san diego to tucson, things are greatly significantly and definitely improved. Gil kerlikowske, thank you for being with us. Thank you. So, what more will donald trump have to say about immigration . Will he be pressed on what the commissioner just said, that the wall wont work . Find out. You can see him tonight on out front request erin burnett at 7 00 p. M. Eastern on cnn. A virginia man in Police Custody outside a Mental Health clinic, tasered while in handcuffs. We have new video from the night he died. Count on being slammed this hwith orders. Were getting slammed with orders. And my customers knowing right when their packages arrive. Totally slammed introducing realtime delivery notifications. One more reason this is our season. Its how i try to live. How i stay active. So i need nutrition. That wont weigh me down. For the nutrition you want without the calories you dont. Introducing boost 100 calories. Each delicious snack size drink gives you. 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. So its big in nutrition and small in calories. Im not about to swim in the slow lane. Stay strong. 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It has 30 billion probiotic cultures. Feel lighter and more energized. Ultimate flora. More power to your gut. Disturbing new video this morning of a man who died in Police Custody. This happened after an incident with police where he was repeatedly hit with a taser. This happened back in 2013, but the video is just now being released after his family filed a 25 million wrongful death lawsuit against the Virginia Police department involved. The hearing begins in just a couple of hours. Cnn received the video through the attorney involved with the lawsuit. It shows the man dying while in Police Custody after he was taken away from the hospital. Cnn justice correspondent pamela brown has the details. Reporter this Police Video Shows three Police Officers in south boston tasing a man outside a hospital emergency room. Shortly after that man, 46yearold Lynwood Lambert died in Police Custody. The video begins with officers picking lambert up at a hotel early one morning in may of 2013 after several 911 calls were made about noise. In court records, police say because of the way lambert was acting, they decided to take him to the hospital for a Mental Health evaluation. They say he made comments about murdering two people and hiding their bodies in a ceiling. Were going to take you to the emergency room and were going to get you make sure youre good to go. Reporter inside the Patrol Car Police say he kicked out the window. Then the video shows lambert running straight into the hospital doors while handcuffed. Get on your belly reporter he falls to the ground and the officers repeatedly ask him to roll overon to his stomach, while threatening to tase him. On your stomach reporter lambert then admits hes on trugs. I just did cocaine. Reporter inside of taking him inside the emergency room, officers take him to the police station. Youre under arrest. Stand up. Reporter the officers tase lambert multiple times. Hes bleeding, apparently from breaking the squad car window. By the time they reach the police station, lambert appears unconscious in the backseat. He was later announced dead after going into cardiac arrest according to the medical examiners report. The report ruled it as acute cocaine intoxication. The family blames the police and they filed a 25 million wrongful death lawsuit, alleging the officers callous disregard for Lynwood Lambert, tasing him several times and depriving him of the medical care he needed violates his constitutional right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment. Police deny the allegation and say his actions required the use of force. Pamela brown, cnn, washington. The south boston Police Department released a statement saying, quote, we are vigorously defending the case. Our position is affirmed by the reports of two independent wellqualified experts in the field. Cnn has attempted to reach south Boston Police but we have not heard back. The medical examiners report said while cocaine was the cause of death, there were three puncture wounds that look like they were from a taser. Cnn was not able to independently verify how many times lambert was tasered. Still ahead for us, rubio says, let them stay. Trump says, kick them out. Ted cruz is somewhere in between. The immigration divide emerging within the gop. Isnt it beautiful when things just come together . Build a beautiful website with squarespace. You cant breathed. Through your nose. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. A mouthbreather how can anyone sleep like that . Well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. 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Mercedes, i think the most Interesting Development over the last 36 hours in this race is ted cruz moving in ever so slowly on rubio. Now it seems any chance he gets, he says, look at my record on immigration. I was against the gang of eight in the senate when they were pushing for Immigration Reform. He doesnt mention marco rubio but you know hes talking about him because rubio was part of that group which supported what many people in the Republican Party considered amnesty, letting 11 million undocumented immigrants stay in this country. So cruz versus rubio, how big is this fight now . I think its obviously a very important fight because this is whats happening. Youre seeing both senator ted cruz, senator marco rubio, both obviously doing very well in the debate. They are trying to appeal to that conservative base. Obviously, for senator ted cruise, one of the things hes done, his pac released an ad against rubio on this particular issue and why, because this issue of immigration has become an incredibly important issue for the conservative gop voters out there. This is one of the issues thats driving their emotional state and so i think for senator ted cruz, look, he sees marco rubio as probably his biggest competition. One of the issues where they differentiate, on this issue, i grags. This is a crucial difference. Thats right. When you look at the gang of eight, for example, it was the one area where conservatives have, time and time again, criticized senator marco rubio. It was very interesting in this last debate that senator rubio decided to stay very quiet in the debate and not even talk about immigration. Why . Because every time hes talked about this issue, we dont really quite know where he stands. Hes gone from supporting the gang of eight bill to saying, well, maybe we want the green cards in there for illegal immigrants. Its kind of a shifting position. Senator ted cruise is taking advantage of this. Senator cruz definitely has not equivocated on that issue at all. Speaking of marco rubio, Brad Woodhouse, theres a new ad by a perfectly named super pac called baby got pac. In the ad they raise the question. They say the candidate the democrats are most concerned about, marco rubio. Take a look at a little bit of the ad. They admitted theres one candidate who scares Hillary Clinton and thats marco rubio. Democrats say hes the one they dont want to face. Bill clinton even calls him the biggest threat. So its true. Look, ill tell you this, were not ill be honest, were not really concerned about anyone in this field in particular. In part because donald trump and ted cruz now on the issue of immigration. This is a place where after the last election they said they needed to get right. They needed to go to this party and right, but rubio, that is not an area where Hillary Clinton can attack him on. That is absolutely not true. Marco rubio has turned his back on the path to citizenship. Marco rubio is against the dream act. Marco rubios against the president S Immigration executive action. I mean, he has you know, hes only less extreme because of where donald trump has led led the party. Marco rubio at this point is where mitt romney was in 2012 and that wasnt a good place to be for mitt romney. Mitt romney was mitt romney was against the path to citizenship. Marco rubio is against the path to citizenship. I believe Marco Rubio Marco rubios home state paper has said hell basically do anything on immigration that helps him politically. I believe if he has to go more towards trump and cruz to get the nomination, he will. Mercedes, 20 seconds. Right, i think for marco rubio, his biggest challenge will be he will need to clarify his position. He knows quite well that we need immigration, real Immigration Reform in this country. I think he needs to stick by that and make sure he makes the statements clear. Someone could ask at the debate. The next one on cnn. Thats right. Mercedes, Brad Woodhouse can you talk in unison too next time . Come back any time. Thank you. A small plane flies into an apartment complex. We are now getting a look at the moment right before impact. Stunning video next. We have three chevys here. Alright. I want you to place this award on the podium next to the vehicle that you think was ranked highest in initial quality by j. D. Power. Hmm. Can i look around at them . Sure. Highest ranking in initial quality. Its gotta be this one. This is it. You are wrong. Really . Actually its all three. You tricked me. J. D. Power ranked the chevy malibu, silverado halfton and equinox highest in initial quality in their segments. Thats impressive im very surprised i am. Im very surprised. Chevy hit three home runs. I accept im not the rower i used to be. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But i wont accept is getting out there with less than my best. So if i can go for Something Better than warfarin, i will. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. That really mattered to me. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. I accept i dont have to set records. But im still going for my personal best. And for eliquis. Reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. It begins from the the second were born. Er. Because, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. As a Health Services and Innovation Company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. So while the world keeps searching for healthier were here to make healthier happen. [aat sleep trainsh mattress price wars, save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2019 on tempurpedic. But mattress price wars and this special financing offer ends sunday. New this morning, police now have in custody a second person suspected of making racially charged threats on social media. The Northwest Missouri State University student allegedly made a threat on yikyak to harm others. This comes after rising racial turmoil at the university of missouri. Mizzou Campus Police in columbia missouri made an earlier arrest after reports of an online threat. The suspect in that case not a student though. Stunning new images a small Corporate Jet crashing into an apartment building. Investigators say this Surveillance Video from a nearby construction site could provide valuable clues about why the plane fell short of an airport in akron, ohio. The crash killed all nine people on board. The ntsb is now also looking into weather might have played a role in this accident. New information this hour in the reported laser strikes on aircrafts. The faa says crews of at least 20 aircraft in new york, dallas, california, michigan and puerto rico, they reported being hit by lasers last night alone. In new york city, several news helicopters were actually targets. Pilot of one was able to tell police where he thought the laser was coming from because, as you can see, they caught it on video. Two men are now in custody in that incident. Really is amazing they caught that on video. Thank you all so much for joining us at this hour. Legal view with Ashleigh Banfield starts right now. Hello, everyone, im Ashleigh Banfield. Welcome to legal view. I want to begin this hour with some disturbing new video thats just been released that shows the minutes that lead up to a mans death. A man whos in Police Custody. But before we walk you through the video, theres a few things you should know. This is 46yearold linwood lambert, the way his family would prefer hes remembered. Three Police Officers tased him multiple times and he died not long afterwards. The incident happened on may 13th, 2013. It happened in south boston, virginia. And more than

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