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The president. Here is what that looks like. Coronavirus averaging close to 70,000 a day and that figure is rising. Not as what the president likes to claim because we are testing more. And if you look at a map of the country, there is not one single state in which case numbers are dropping. 13 states are holding steady. Six shows them spiking by 50 or more. It is a picture of failure and you would may think it would result in one super spreader event after another, hes modeling the most dangerous and the same thing like this just a bit. We are rounding the turn. All we want to talk about is covid. November 4th, you wont be hearing so much about it. Covid, covid. They think theyre going to inflict harm. Our numbers are so good. Hes referring to virus numbers or economic figures because hes muddling it together and hes trying to gaslight everybody. Meadows said it out loud to jake tapper yesterday. Here is what we have to do. We are not going to control the pandemic. We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other it is a contagious virus. Why not make efforts to contain it . Well, we are making effects to contain it. By running all over the country and not wearing a mask . Thats what the Vice President is doing. Let me say this, it is what we need to do is make sure that we have the proper mitigation factors whether it is therapy or vaccines or treatments to make sure people dont die from this. We are not going to control the pandemic he said yesterday morning. Here is what is he said today. He tried to walk it back which is b. S. The only person waving a white flag and his mask is joe biden. When we are looking at this, we are going to defeat the virus, we are not going to control it. Well tree to contain it as best we can and if you look at full context of what i was talking about is we need to make sure that we have therapeutics and vaccines. Any suggestions that we are waving the red flag, i mean the white flag is certainly not in keeping with this president. You know him and he does not give up. Hes not going to give up until all americans are safe and we defeated this virus. He does not give up with super spreader events and mocking masks and encouraging people not to wear them and not social distancing. Mark meadows, what he says there is not the case. You notice there is no evidence the white house is trying defeat this virus. Hell contain it with the therapeutics and the vaccines but the vaccine is not going to end the virus. The therapeutics will treat people who already have it hopefully will get more effective treatments. But, there are ways to contain the virus that the white house does not talk about that mark meadows does not talk about because he knows the president does not believe it. The president does not dot, wearing a mask and social distancing. Thats a way to contain the virus for it to stop the spread of the virus. Another way is encouraging mask wearing and distancing. It would help defeat the virus or contain it or have a National Testing policy. There is no sign the president even takes his own covid seriously anymore, except for one member of his, scott atlas whos not an expert at all. The president is now targeting doctors in this country claiming covid death tolls are fake. You know some countries report differently. If some body is sick with a heart problem and they die of covid, they say they die of a heart problem. If somebody is terminally ill with cancer, they have covid. We report them and doctors get more money and hospitals get more money. Think of this incentive. Not only thats not true, it is just a punch in the gut or a slap in the face however you want to turn it to anyone who has been working grueling shifts trying to save peoples lives of doctors and nurses and technicians and lab techs. People have been holding the hands of strangers because their loved ones are not allowed to be in the same room. What the president says is worse than not true. The Vice President is now flouting the recommendation of his own task force under the guys of being an essential worker. The Vice President is campaigning today. Apparently thats an essential job of the Vice President. Hes not quarantining which is what anyone should do with five close contacts infected with covid including his body man or close personal sassistant. Hes the Vice President , essential to what . He was once ahead of the task force but thats abandoned or relegated. That does not seem e essential in the white house anymore. Mike pence announced himself d modeling dangerous behavior as he and the boss are so proud to serve. It is completely recklessness. Make no mistake, they are dangerous. The president has said hes far away from the crowd but it is for all those people who dont have Health Insurance as mike pence and the president have. Officials in minnesota today say they have three outbreaks and three separate Campaign Rallies including this one in duluth which the president may have already been infected, from where hope hicks got home from and got sick. Thats with the limited Contact Tracing thats being done in this country. Contact tracing is not being done for a lot of these. There are too many cases. Cases dont have the resources and the organizations to do it. Well go to cnns Kaitlan Collins. First, the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, Phil Mattingly is joining us. Reporter Amy Coney Barrett is sworn in as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of america. It is a corner stone achievement for the Trump Administration and mitch mcconnell. The republican leader ushered in over the course of the last 3. 5 years more than 320 judicial nomination including three Supreme Court justices. Those three Supreme Court justices tilted the court. Amy Coney Barrett have been confirmed by the United States, all republicans except for Susan Collins and Kamala Harris came off the campaign trail for the democrats to vote no. Collins making clear shes voting no on procedurals and process grounds. All is left for Amy Coney Barrett to be seated in the court and to be sworn in. I want to go to Kaitlan Collins at the white house. What are you learning about whats taking place at the white house . Reporter they are eager to celebrate that confirmation. They want to tout this days leeile leading up to the election. You will see them hosting the celebration and flags out there and the president and cabinet members have been invited as well as lawmakers. You are going to see Justice Clarence thomas swearing Amy Coney Barrett. You should know this comes exactly one month after the white house held a similar celebration and now Amy Coney Barrett is going to be on the Supreme Court. Any word how it is set up . Social daistancing or are they told to wear mask . Reporter the white house told us masks are going to be required. Before they come through security, they keep the mask on and they take it off when they get on the south lawn. Two things will be different in the last event. There is going to be social distancing and you see the chairs on the south lawn. They are spaced out and it is on the south lawn and not in the rose garden like the last event. They are not testing every Single Person who comes to this event. My photographer sent me there are at least 100 chairs on the south lawn. Theyll be testing people who come into contact with the president. You remember Chris Christie says that was one of the reasons why he was in the last event because he thought everyone around him were tested and people were not social distancing and shaking hands. Why are they not testing people when it comes to the white house . Why not . They only tested people who come into contact with President Trump. They dont explain why they dont test every Single Person who walks into the door. There is a lot of test to go through. Thats something thats not a changed protocol since the outbreak we have seen at the white house. They have been doing that and testing the people who have come into contact. Remember they told us they are testing the president on a daily basis and we learn thats not true. Kaitlan collins, thank you very much. Our dr. Sanjay gupta and dr. Wynn and john king. The white house will be social distancing and as we have seen before they have been mandatory before and once you get in, people take off their masks. Yes, anderson, i cant believe this event is taken place at the white house today. I mean there are active outbreak that are ongoing at the white house. If this were a business or a school and they had this many cases linked to it in recent weeks. It would be shutdown. There would be investigations going on until practices could be changed and thats not whats happening. I worry about the people that they come into contact with. Vice president came into contact with at least one person who was sick, and hes claiming hes an essential worker. Is that what the cdc had in mind . No, i dont think thats not what they had in mind anderson. He would not be considered an essential worker by the cdc. The prooeevious rose garden eve that turned into a super spreader event. At that point they said he did not need to be quarantined. At that point close contact is defined as having 15 minutes close contact with somebody within six feet. His doctor says he did not meet those criteria. The criteria have changed and even since that time that rose garden event could be an accumulative exposure over 15 minutes over a 20hour period. The Vice President has had that and many staff have been infected. The definition of essential worker, Critical Infrastructure worker basically has to do with carrying out responsibilities that protect and preserve National Security and Public Health. Interestingly enough, what hes doing is quite the opposite of that. To your point is not preserving Public Health. He may be a source of actual spread here and negative test does not basically say for certain that he could still not be carrying. He could test positive the next day. He should be quarantined. He knows that. The doctors around him know that. Many people in the same position would be in quarantined right now. The Coronavirus Task force or some aemergency meeting. Does it help with undecided moderate voters that the campaign would attract next week . There is zero evidence that it does. Dr. Wen and dr. Gupta make an Important Health point about this. This is why Kamala Harris came off the road for four days because two people around her orbit tested positive so she followed the guidelines and did virtual events. The president wants him out there. Because tough it out is the new Trumps Campaign theme. The president says i got covid, i am good. Jared kushner says most of the cases are benign. Most of the people in america do not have the access of care the president had. We have 15 cases and it will soon be down to zero. Testing is fine. That was eight months to go. From the beginning to now. As dr. Wen just said, the cdc tells us, do not go to your siblings or go back home for thanksgiving. Dont do that. The president is inviting a couple hundreds of people onto the south lawn and it was a super spreader event. Chief of staff meadows is not going to control the pandemic, it could be summarized in one word as surrender. Well try to contain it and looking at therapeutics and vaccines. He does not mention masks or social distancing or all the things that all americans can do and we know will save tens of thousands of lives just in the next couple of months. Thats right. The Trump Administration has been pushing out this false choice between shutting everything down and being locked in a basement for months verses literally doing nothing. Thats a false choice. We know that there are simple action that we could be taken that other country implemented that we in this country have done too with great effect, Wearing Masks and avoiding crowds. We can do these things. We have a narrow window opportunity right now and it is heartbreaking that we know what needs to be done but the administration is meeting this Public Health moment with a shrug. History is going to look at this decision which shocks us to the core. John king is going to stick around because we are going to go to the magic wall and talk about pennsylvania which obviously is incredibly an important battleground state. Whether President Trump sees an opening air. He made three stops in the commonwealth today and joe biden scheduled one this afternoon. Later there are public figures and there are supposed to be public servants. Why is ivanka trump and Jared Kushner threatening to sue over billboards . Details ahead. They were able to give me a personal loan so i could pay off all of my credit cards. I got my mortgage through sofi and the whole process was so easy. Choosing sofi was literally one of the best decisions i could have ever made because it gave me peace of mind. But some things are too serious to be ignored. If you still have symptoms of Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis even after trying other medications, it may be a sign of damaging inflammation, which left untreated, could get much worse. Please make an appointment to see your gastroenterologist right away. Or connect with them online. Once you do, seeing the doctor is one less thing to worry about. Need help finding a doctor . Head to crohnsandcolitis. Com we grieve. We dont have all the answers. So what do we do . We put food on the table. We educate. We build. And restore. We get folks back on their feet. And we raise up the next generation. Because were only as strong as the people who run with us. Learn more about our community at deere. Com. Live picture at the white house as Amy Coney Barrett will be sworn in. The president is back from pennsylvania where he mocks the idea of covid, covid, covid. Joe biden also made a stop today in pennsylvania. John king is back to talk about where the race stands in the commonwealth and across the map. So both candidates are focused on pennsylvania. This is the 2016 map, anderson. The president had three rallies in one state. Thats out of the question. Why did the president do that . Hes getting early voting. 70 of them have been returned by democrats. Does not mean all democrats voted for joe biden. We know for polling most of them did. The president is getting whooped in early voting. Here is one way to look at it. This shows joe biden wins pennsylvania and wisconsin and all those states carried by President Trump four years ago. It says joe biden had 78 points. President trump wins by 21 points. This is not rocket science. We need a whole lot of people to turn out. Trump campaign registered al these people in pennsylvania. The president is losing, thats why he spent three stops in one state. Hes losing badly now. What other states . We are heading into the final week. I say at this point at the Campaign Stop watching the national polls. Four years ago it was 5 points. You rather be 10 than 5. Look at the key states. 10 states here all carried by President Trump four years ago. He leads by only two of the ten, ohio and texas. Pennsylvania, looks like hes leading in pennsylvania. Competitive but hes ahead. Was Hillary Clinton ahead in a lot of these same states . Lets look at pennsylvania and florida and North Carolina. You are right. In florida, joe biden was up four. It was a tie four years ago. Hillary clinton was up four four years ago. In pennsylvania, joe biden is bigger, plus 7 verses plus 5. Remember donald trump was the in incumbent. There is a lot more. This is one of the reasons democrats are still nervous but this is a different map and keeping the polls are different. Make no mistake. John, stay with us, i want to bring in our abby phillips. David, what do you think about this comparison to clinton with this many days left and in fact she she was ahead of pennsylvania . She was. Close enough trump would say. Democrats would say it is different. Why would she lose pennsylvania . She lost pennsylvania because donald trump was able to go into rural territory across pennsylvania and drive up turnout among educated voters in ways that he was soupr seeding. He clearly believes that joe biden talks about fracking and oil and thats an opportunity in that area of pennsylvania. They do. John just said, he made three stops today, does he need it . Here is a difference if you want to look at 2016. When you look at where they are traveling, joe biden popped up in pennsylvania today briefly because i dont think he wanted the headline that he was off the trail entirely when President Trump was campaigning aggressively all day. He did and he been in pennsylvania more than anywhere else. He announced that hes going to wisconsin. Thats something Hillary Clinton did not do. While joe biden is going to georgia and iowa and trying to expand the map. Hes not forgetting that he still has to work those great lake states that are going to be the thing if he makes them blue again to prevent donald trump from a second term. Abby, was there a lot of talking of Hillary Clinton expanding the map, too . Were they playing in states they didnt normally play in . They wanted to play in in the same way democrats are eyeing georgia and texas and North Carolina four years ago. The biggest difference between now and four years ago was that there was a tightening of the polls in the final days of the campaign four years ago. There was a late shift and some of these late deciders broke for trump. That may be the biggest difference between four years ago and today that there is not as much evidence that there is a late breaking shift underway. If there is any momentum for the president , it is small but the Trump Campaign does not have many options out there. They have to work out a map where they have a lot of holes they got to plug. The most important is pennsylvania where maybe they have a chance to tighten those polls and they got to try it so these rallies are massive turnout machines for the campaign. Are there people saying one thing to pollsters of who they are voting for and in the ballot box they decide to vote different. I am assuming there is a small percentage of that. Thats why that ten point National Lead matters so much. I know it is a different race. We live here in 2016 and trump came back. This is a different map. Abby and david was just talking about it. Yes, we have them leading that way four years ago. We learned lessons and we studied deeply. The data people have worked. If you look at the map right now, lets assume there is a secret trump vote out there. They were close like florida and North Carolina and biden ahead. Lets assumes he wins it all. All conceivable and theyre republican leading states he won four years ago. Even if he did that, hell be 22 short. If you are joe biden, first, you are leading in pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. If you are protected and confident about that, you have a huge fund raising advantage, you can take a little time to test. Hes going to texas. Texas, really . Democrats say early voting is off the charts. Go for it. Hes going to iowa. Yes, clinton people. Hes also going to wisconsin and not ignoring this to test that. We have a week left, it is going to be fun. The events that the president is holding, people who believe covid exists and concerned of covid and believe social distancing and scientists will look at those and say this seems incredibly reckless and of the president s recklessness on the issue, his supporters saying hes strong on the face of lifethreatening illness and is immune and it is everybodys choice to go to these things. Do these big rallies work for him . I talked to half doza dozen republicans, republicans dont like the press so they go off until late in the campaign and they come back and say oh, i am republicans and i got to do it. They do not see fundamental shift. We know this from the polling. It is the number one issue in the campaign. The case number as we talk about are going off the roof right now. Covid is surging to a new height, smashing records. By the time he said it is over, we have turned the corner, no. His only chance was to bring more new voters with these rallies. John king, fascinating with the map. David and abby, thank you. T President Trump attacking Kamala Harris not only her name but now her gender. [sfx typing sound] [sfx typing sound] [sfx typing sound] [sfx typing sound] with priceline, you can get up to 60 off amazing hotels. And when you get a big deal. You feel like a big deal. Priceline. Every trip is a big deal. Such as high blood pressure,ve pdiabetes, and asthma. S this administration and Senate Republicans want to overturn laws requiring Insurance Companies to cover people with preexisting conditions. Theyre rushing a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court to change the law through the courts. 70 of americans want to keep protections for preexisting conditions in place. Tell our leaders in washingtn to stop playing games with our healthcare. President trump attacking Kamala Harris going so far as being a woman. Bidens running mate, the most liberal member, by the way, kamala will not be your first female president. It is not the way it is supposed to be. We are not supposed to have a socialist. We are not going to be a socialist nation, we are not going to have a socialist president , especially a female. We are not going to have it and we are not going to put up with her. Harris is not a socialist. The president says we are not going to have a female socialist president. You may recognize what he also did was his allies, mispronounced her first name. By the way, you know whos further left than bernie is kamala. Shes the most liberal senator in america. Kamala. Kamala. Senator Kamala Harris is a sponsor of these green new deal, bidens running mate, Kamala Harris. You pronounce her name wrong, she will go crazy. Kamala, like a comma. You like kamala . Obviously not something hes done once or twice. He makes fun of peoples name, happens again and again. Our congresswoman jackson lee. When you hear the president talking about this and the whole name mispronouncing intentionally, whats your reaction . Well, thank you, first of all for having me. Desperate people do desperate things in desperate times. Unfortunately American People are facing desperate times with covid19. The inner circle of his administration are suffering covid19 positive tests and the chief of staff and the nation as joe biden has said is not living with covid19, they are dying with covid19. What you do is you use mockery and sarcastic humor and you dont recognize the story and history of senator Kamala Harris. We know her history. We know the successes she has had. Shes an outstanding lawyer. A proficient and compassionate prosecutor and as well as a successful elected officials securing many victories as attorney of california. Thats what we know her to be. I mean there is such a disconnect of this whole idea of literally pleading suburban women and suburban housewives to love him and going after a prominent female candidate using her gender against her. It very much i dont know he thinks hell get here. And a woman of color. And descendent of Indian Heritage and africanamerican. Her father was a professor at stanford and her mother was a cancer researcher. They raised their daughters, her beloved mother raised her daughters to be success stories. What upsets me is how the Biden Harris Campaign had been. Some of us still remember 17 plus women who challenged this president for basic sexual assaults or comments. And so i dont know why he thinks he can go to a space and insults a woman of color and as well tries to get suburban women who are collectively bright and energetic and caring for their family and role model for their children to love him. As he speaks ill of senator harris, he speaks ill of women and we hear it. It is a loud sour across this nation. We are seeing more women coming out and expressing their viewpoint on a real covid19 plan and making sure they have insurance for pcovid19. Now he wants to take us on with mockery. I want to play what senator harris says. Well, this is not the first time in my life i have been called names. It is predictable, sadly. Do you think the president is racist . Yes, i do. Yeah, i do. You know this comes last weeks debate the president calling himself nominee harris is an honest person. She said it before. Shes a Vice President , a nominee, we wanted someone whos fair and factual. Shes factual. Hes racist. There are too many listing of action. We can call the ropes and i know you know them. I was on virtual with the africanamerican community. Africanamericans from africa. They know he called their continent sholes country. We have a Kindred Spirit together. We find it offensive and i dont know who he thinks he is being attracted to or whose votes hes trying to go after. The Vice President nominee was accurate or hes racist and to ask the question or answer a question that he is the least racist person in the room is so offensive because all of th the never having the capacity to condemn white nationalism. As i said, desperate people do desperate things at desperate times. Congresswoman jackson lee. Thank you. Thank you. Traditionally, black people have been shut out [music playing throughout] of the financial system. My grandfather founded Industrial Bank in 1934 so black people would have a bank that would work with them. Because our doors are open, other doors are opening to more opportunities for our community. Were excited to work with citi, so we can realize our dreams of expanding our reach and impact. Citi is committed to working with blackowned banks like industrial, so they can continue to support their clients and communities. I cant. Theres never been more divisiveness in this country. Its frightening and sad. That was trumps whole thing, you know, take the politics out of it and run it like one of his businesses. I know people were looking for that kind of change, but its not working. You know, weve only gotten more in debt, we have this virus now out of control, people out of work, no healthcare. How is that helping people . We need someone that knows what theyre doing, and i think its biden. I know he will listen to the experts. Thats what we need. I trust him 100 to get this under control. He has the capability to bring us back together. Im joe biden, and i approve this message. I want to check back into the white house with Amy Coney Barrett is expected to be sworn in any moment giving conservatives a majority on the Supreme Court. Who is in attendance . And is there social distancing . This is the first time where you have seen the chairs are spaced out on the lawn. This is not what it looked like at the Republican Convention or other events out here. There are also people Wearing Masks. It seems like most people are. We should note, we have seen a few people not wearing one. Of course that is something the white house said was going to be required. We were questionable about whether or not they would keep them on. Other events they will come in in a mask and not keep it on while theyre here. The chairs, there are about 200 of them. There are about 200 chairs out here. And then on the other side of the lawn, you have a band playing. You can see all the pagentry behind me. The white house is obviously trying to tout days before the election. But seeing this event, seeing Amy Coney Barrett here is going to remind people of the event they had exactly a month ago today where of course so many cases were later tied to that event where people were not Wearing Masks. They were in the rose garden, a more constrained area and of course not social distancing at that event earlier. You mentioned not everyone there was tested. I imagine it is a high fluten crowd in terms of folks from capitol hill. It is not clear. It is a lot of trump allies. Republican lawmakers of course are invited. Several said they are not coming, people like senator ted cruz, which is notable since it is a big cornerstone event for the administration. I think i just saw ted cruz. There was a guy that looked like him that was wearing a big texas mask. I think we were just looking at him seated. I might be wrong. Reporter well double check because earlier he said he wasnt coming. One big question is the Vice President mike pence going to come since he did not go to preside over that vote like he was scheduled earlier. Yeah, that is ted cruiz. So he did show up. Appreciate it. The conservatives on the Supreme Court issued a new decision on mailin voting deadlines. This time pertaining to wisconsin ballots. The state may not extend the deadline to receive ballots passed election day. A similar case involving pennsylvanias deadline, roberts cited with the liberals on the court. Here with his analysis is a cnn election analyst and a former clerk for Justice Thurgood marsha marshall. Wisconsin a key battleground state. How significant is this . And why is this different than the ruling that we saw last week . So in terms of its significance for wisconsin, we have yet to see. We will have to see how many people vote in that six day window that will now mean their votes are invalid. The Biden Campaign has been very conservative about this ballot deadline issue. So well have to see what the consequence is or isnt in wisconsin. In terms of the law, these are very significant opinions. The most significant opinion the court has written since the april primaries in wisconsin. Up until now, the court has been issuing stays or vacating stays, but it hasnt written opinions. This is a 35 page opinion, four justices writing, laying out their views on the law that will have implications for Voting Rights Going Forward well passed this election. But does it apply to there are challenges in a number of states. Does it apply now is this case law . Does it apply to press sent . Was it because in wisconsin it was a lower federal court ruling as opposed to a state court ruling . Well, i think we have known from a number of the actions the court has taken that it was not going to uphold the extension by federal courts of these ballot deadlines. Thats the pattern over a number of these cases. This result was anticipated to the extent any of these still come to the court before the election, i think its clear the court is not going to permit lower federal courts to extent the election deadline for receipt of absentee ballots. And was that the rationale that the majority decided on . Part of whats fascinating here is the last time they faced this issue they were 44. Now 53. Roberts wrote a paragraph that just says the action of the lower court, the District Court, was improper. That doesnt tell you exactly what the legal reason was. There are opinions from other justices who tell us too expansive a reading of the right to vote, too late in the day for a District Court to change state election law and state legislatur legislatures, and this is a big issue for the future, only state legislatures can regulate national elections, including the president ial election, not state courts, not state constitutions, not federal courts, maybe not governors. Thats what Justice Gorsich and Justice Brett kavanaugh were prepared to endorse today. Bottom line, people should check with their states. Appreciate it. Thanks very much. Next, the bat ltle over billboards in time square that the president s daughter and soninlaw do not like. Oh. Their awardwinning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. And it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. So its like my streaming service. Well except now youre binge learning. See how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from td ameritrade. Visit tdameritrade. Com learn such as high blood pressure,ve pdiabetes, and asthma. S visit tdameritrade. Com learn this administration and Senate Republicans want to overturn laws requiring Insurance Companies to cover people with preexisting conditions. Theyre rushing a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court to change the law through the courts. 70 of americans want to keep protections for preexisting conditions in place. Tell our leaders in washingtn to stop playing games with our healthcare. But some things are too serious to be ignored. If you still have symptoms of Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis even after trying other medications, it may be a sign of damaging inflammation, which left untreated, could get much worse. Please make an appointment to see your gastroenterologist right away. Or connect with them online. Once you do, seeing the doctor is one less thing to worry about. 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Schools and communities first is responsible for the content of this ad. A pair of billboards attracting far more interest paid for by republicans opposed to the reelection of President Trump. Reporter look up from new york citys time square, and you will see Jared Kushner and ivanka trump smiling down at you. But the couple isnt happy about that. The billboards featuring them are the work of the Lincoln Project, a group of republicans fiercely opposed to donald trump and his reelection. The billboards went up just days before election day. If you are going to mess with the generals in the opposing army, do so on the eve of battle. Reporter and thats how the Lincoln Project sees this, as warfa warfare. The image of ivanka was taken promoting the goya brand showing her smiling next to the growing death count of new yorkers. Kushners billboard includes what looks like body bags under a quote that reads, new yorkers are going to suffer, and thats their problem. That quote is from a september vanity fair article citing an unnamed person who claimed kushner said it while criticizing new yorks governor for his response to the pandemic. Cnn has not independently verified vanity fairs reporting. Jared kushner and ivanka trump are so enraged by the billboards, theyre threatening to sue. Their attorney sent a letter to the Lincoln Project. The letter goes on to say mr. Kushner never made any such statement. Mrs. Trump never made any gesture. And the representations they did are an outrageous and shameful liable. In response to kushners deniable of the quote hes a lying liar who lies. If they want to go and make this case he never said such a thing, then they have never tried to get the vanity fair article taken down until this date. They never tried to go out and contest the quotes about that. Reporter the couples lawyer is threatening to sue for enormous damages. Cnn reached out to their lawyer, but still no response. The Lincoln Project meanwhile has no plans to take down the billboards. This is all bluster. It is all hallow. We will continue to have those billboards up as long as we can keep them up, and we will continue to prosecute this line of attack as long as we can because Donald Trumps daughter and his soninlaw are public figures. This is protected political speech of the highest order. Reporter the Lincoln Project plans to keep the billboards up until november 5th, two days after the election. Randy kay, cnn rivera beach, florida. Well, election day just eight days away. Join us for all day reporting from the first vote to the critical count. Get a breakdown of whats happening starting at 4 00 p. M. Eastern next tuesday. The news continues. I want to hand it over to chris for cuomo prime time. Brothers and sisters, were living history once again. Its going to happen on our watch tonight. The Supreme Court is about to be reshaped for years to come, decades to come maybe. A 63 conservative majority. Trumps nominee Amy Coney Barrett just confirmed by the senate. One republican didnt vote, the maine senator Susan Collins. However, 5248. Obviously the nomination a shoe in and now the justice will be sworn in at the white house one month to the day of her nomination gathering that ultimately turned the white house into a cluster. And despite the fact that

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