Law and order seems to be pretty selective, as long as it doesnt apply to him and his supporters. And as long as it benefits him, politically. He opined that his visit to kenosha tomorrow might generate enthusiasm. Enthusiasm . For what, exactly . Yesterday, he had dozens of tweets and retweets cheering aggressive, and sometimes violent, counterprotestors in portland. He liked a sympathetic tweet about Kyle Rittenhouse, the alleged kenosha shooter. And of course, there was his convention speech, also painting a picture of a lawless america, that he is the president of. Tonight, it all came together from the Briefing Room podium in a highlypoliticized, factually dubious eruption. So here is an example of how President Trump and, especially candidate trump, sees law and order. The violence is fueled by dangerous rhetoric from farleft politicians that demonize our nation, and demonize our police. We have to allow our police to do what theyre very good at doing. Weve taken that power away. Theyre afraid to lose their pension, their job, their everything. Theyre afraid to be destroyed. You saw this when leftwing extremists, the violent rioters, shared bidens same talking points. And they share his same agenda for our nation. And even his strange speech, today, that he made in pittsburgh. He didnt mention the fact. And he didnt mention the far left. He didnt mention the far left or, from what i saw. And without Law Enforcement, we wouldnt have a country. We have very talented people. Theyre not allowed to do their job. If you give the radical left power, what youre seeing in the democratrun cities will be brought to every city in this country. The president , also, briefly, very briefly, talked about the pandemic. He did not mention todays milestone. 6 million cases in the United States, and more than 183,000 lives lost. And he said nothing about his responsibility for any of it. Joe biden did. Since donald trump and mike pence cant run on their record, that has seen more american deaths to a virus, this virus, than the nation suffered in every war since korea, combined. Since they cant run on their economy, that has seen more people lose their jobs, than any time since the great depression. Since they cant run on the simple proposition of sending our children, safely, back to school. Since they have no agenda or vision for a second term. Trump and pence are running on this, and i find it fascinating. Quote. You wont be safe in joe bidens america. And whats their proof . The violence were seeing in Donald Trumps america. These are not images of some imagined, Joe Biden America in the future. These are images of Donald Trumps america, today. He keeps telling you, if only he was president , it wouldnt happen. If he was president. He keeps telling us, if he was president , youd feel safe. Well, he is president. Whether he knows it or not. And it is happening. A lot to get to, tonight. But we begin with the president s campaignstyle press conference. And because it contained so many falsehoods, we have a team of cnn correspondents on the job and on location tonight, reporting the facts. Remember those . We do. Lets start with cnns kaitlan collins, who is at the white house, who questioned the president tonight. Kaitlan, this is clearly part of the campaign strategy. What was supposed to be a coronavirus briefing, clearly, wasnt. Is this something were going to see, every night, until november . Basically. If you talk to campaign aides, they certainly say that they believe this lawandorder message that youve seen the president pushing is more effective than talking about coronavirus because theyve seen multiple polls that show a majority of voters dont like the way the president has responded to the pandemic. So he has clearly made an intentional shift to focus on this, and trying to frame this debate over who is going to win in november over, really, what you want to see. And what america, the country, is going to look like, as a whole, depending on who you elect as president. But what we realize tonight, and which was clear to some people before, but what the president made increasingly clear in that briefing tonight was his lawandorder message only applies when its not his supporters. Because, tonight, he repeatedly declined to condemn his own supporters, who have used violent tactics over the weekend in portland. And he wanted to focus on the person who is believed to be a supporter of his killed in portland, instead, defending the person accused of killing two other people in kenosha, wisconsin. So the president says, you know, he is criticizing joe biden for not condemning all violence. Joe biden did do that. He just didnt specifically name antifa. But when it comes to the president s own supporters, he wont blanket condemn it, which is what he is calling on joe biden to do. So youre seeing the discrepancy play out, even in a matter of minutes, in the president s briefing. Its full of contradictions. Theres no question about that. You tried to push him on Kyle Rittenhouse. He tried to ignore you but another reporter pushed. How did that play out . Yeah, this was this interaction where the president went from talking what his supporters were doing over the weekend. And of course, the president has been ignoring just what happened in wisconsin last week. Something he had not commented on, at length, until tonight. And this is what he said, john. I understand they had large numbers of people who were supporters. But that was a peaceful protect. And paint is not and paint as a defensive mechanism, paint is not bullets. Your supporters your supporters, and they are your supporters, indeed, shot a young gentleman, who and killed him. It was a supporter of yours, mr. President , who is accused of killing two people. Are you going to condemn the actions of vigilantes, like Kyle Rittenhouse . Were looking at all of it. That was an interesting situation. You saw the same tape as i saw. And he was trying to get away from them, i guess, it looks like. And he fell. And then, they, very violently, attacked him. So, Kyle Rittenhouse is obviously the 17yearold who was arrested. He is accused of murdering those two people. There, the president defended him. And was talking about what he believed was happening in that situation. Saying its still under investigation. But he was certainly defending him, while not, of course, lending that same sense of lets wait and see how this plays out to what happened in portland and in other situations. And he declined to condemn his own supporters, who were using violent tactics, like pointing paint ball guns at people and pepper spray at protestors in portland, over the weekend, after he had just criticized biden for refusing, he said, to condemn antifa, specifically. So you see the president. He is picking and choosing when hes condemning, and when he is defending, depending on which political candidate he believes theyre supporting. Selective law and order. Kaitlan collins at the white house. Terrific work. Thanks for being with us. Next, cnns arlette saenz. What he said obviously the president wants to define joe biden but joe biden, in a way, was defining himself and the president. What was this focus of the speech today . Well, john, joe bidens focus, today, was pushing back on this argument from President Trump and his allies. That americans would not be safe under a joebiden presidency. That is something that youve heard republicans push and hammer away on, including in their Convention Last week. But today, biden tried to turn the tables on trump. Arguing that these scenes of violence that youve seen in some of the protests popping up around the country, over the past few months. Saying that, that has occurred under President Trumps watch. He accused the president of stoking this violence. He, also, said that he is incapable of healing the country, in this moment. And described President Trump as a toxic figure. Posing this question to voters, if they are going to rid themselves of the toxin that he believes President Trump is, and try to vote to restore the character of the country. That is something biden has been running on, from the very beginning. And today, he tried to present himself as that person, who can kind of cool the temperature of the tension that is currently in this country. And he believes that President Trump is just unfit to do that, in this moment. So, the president also tried to claim that joe biden has not done an adequate job of denouncing those involved in the violent protests. I want you to listen to what the president said, here. And even his strange speech today that he made, in pittsburgh, he didnt mention the fact. And he didnt mention the far left. He didnt mention the far left or, from what i saw, i dont believe he mentioned the word antifa. Antifas a criminal organization. And he didnt mention antifa thugs. But mostly, seemed to blame the police and Law Enforcement. He went on point after point after point. He even talked about those on the right. But he didnt talk about those on the left. Like so many people, arlette, i watched both events, very carefully. So, how accurate was the president s statement just there . Well, while he didnt, exactly, say the exact word antifa, biden did, forcefully, denounce violence, on all sides. Hes been doing this, really, for the past day. He released a statement and a tweet yesterday, saying that he condemned violence, on all sides, after those protecsts in portland. And today, he talked about how rioting and looting and setting buildings on fire is not protesting. That, that is lawlessness. And he said, those who participate in that activity should be prosecuted. And tonight, he also called out President Trump from not rebuking violence, forcefully. Biden said, tonight, the president declined to rebuke violence. He wouldnt even repudiate one of his supporters who is charged with murder because of his attacks on others. He is too weak, too scared of the hatred he has stirred to put an end to it. Yeah, the interesting word there is weak. Its a word the Biden Campaign is now trying to use as much as possible to define President Trump. Very interesting to see. Arlette saenz, thanks so much for being with us. Next, to kenosha, wisconsin, where an armed teenager allegedly murdered two people or is charged in the deaths of two people. Something, the president , today, bent over backwards not to condemn and where he travels tomorrow, despite calls from the governor to stay home. Cnns Shimon Prokupecz is there for us. Shimon, the president was asked if he was concerned, at all, that his visit to kenosha could increase tension and violence there. His response was, quote, it could also increase enthusiasm. So whats that about, shimon . Yeah. Ive talked to people here. Ive talked to several people, in this town, here, in kenosha. Thats not the response that they certainly have. You know, i spent some time, yesterday, talking to people. I even went to a gas station. The convenience store. The gas station. That was looted. And the owner, there, i spoke to him. And he said he did not want the president coming here. Theres a lot of concern about the rhetoric. There is concern that its going to spark some violence, quite frankly. That this is a city that has, now, seen days of peace, quiet, people getting along. Theres a lot of unity, right now, in this city. And the biggest concern from them is that, to have the president come here, is just going to turn that all around. And they really do not want him. You know, the mayor doesnt want him coming here. Obviously, the governor doesnt want him here. So, for a lot of people, tomorrow, i think, theyre bracing for whats to come. And in light of the president coming here, the city extended the curfew. The curfew was supposed to expire this morning, at 7 00 a. M. They extended it. Its, now, going to be in place all week, again. And for the businesses, thats a little tough, john. To say the least. So the president , also, talked about Kyle Rittenhouse, who is charged with the death of two people in kenosha. And he said, quote, i guess he was in very big trouble. He probably would have been killed. What do we know about the sequence of events, at this point, shimon . Look. That entire night was, probably, one of the worst nights here for this city, in terms of this violence. Because it was extremely chaotic. You had these vigilantes, who were not from this city, come in here, claiming to want to protect property. Seemingly, to be supported by the police in what they were doing. And they were had confrontations with some of the protestors. And one of the things with Kyle Rittenhouse, there was a lot of concern. If you look at the video, there was a lot of concern with people, given his age, given how he was handling this big firearm. This long rifle. This weapon that he had. There was a lot of concern from the protestors, on how he was handling it. And things just turned chaotic. You know, he was chased, at one point. And the reason why some of the people were chasing was because they were concerned over what he was doing. There was an instance where, after he allegedly shot the first person, he ran. And some of the protestors were chasing him. And in the criminal complaint, that the District Attorney filed, they say that rittenhouse, allegedly, shot one of his victims, while his victim had his hands up. Yes, the person had a weapon. The man had a weapon in his hand. But his hands were up and the weapon was in his right hand. And you can clearly see that, in some of the video that police have been able to see. So, you know, its there is some elements, perhaps, his lawyers could claim selfdefense. But for the president to come out and not condemn what hes doing, its certainly, certainly, very troubling, john. Shimon prokupecz for us in kenosha. Keep us posted, shimon. The president said this, tonight, about portland, oregon. The entire city is ablaze, all the time, says. So its with some trepidation that we go to cnns lucy cavanaugh. Somewhere in the flames, it must be lurking behind you, lucy. The president was asked about violence, at the hands of his supporters, in portland, this week. And, quote, that was a peaceful protest and paint is not a defense mechanism. Paint is not bullets. Lucy, was this a peaceful protect . Protest . Try to watch out for the fires around me, john. But the only truthful statement, in what you just quoted from the president , is that paint, in fact, is not a bullet. But there are countless examples of people being reacted farrest shooting them here and across america. What we saw was not an example of a peaceful protest. We saw this massive convoy of President Trumps supporters, members of a farright group known as patriot prayer. They dont have a Large National footprint. But theyre very wellknown in the Pacific Northwest over the past few years. Their leader has been facing charges, and several other members of the group, facing charges for inciting a riot at a bar, here, in portland. We saw we, also, know, according to the splc, that their events often draw white supremacists. And they have, sometimes, operated alongside militias. So this was already a cause for concern, in the city thats seeing so much tension, so much so much heightened emotion. We saw this large convoy head into downtown portland, on saturday. Police tried to keep them away from downtown. But a Smaller Group of cars broke off, and went there, anyway. Clashes ensued. Social media videos showed some of these members of the Trump Supporters shooting air guns, paint ball guns, into the crowd. Some were seen spraying some sort of a substance, perhaps bear spray or mace. And then, this conflict ensued. We still dont have the details from the police. But one man, whos now been identified as aaron jay danielson, a 39yearold man, was shot in the chest. Tragically, lost his life. But again, this was not a calm scenario. It certainly inflamed tensions there. And lucy just made a point of it. There has been violence in portland, to say the least, over the last 90plus days. But the entire city, as the president said, is not in flames, is it . This city is 145 square miles. These protests have, largely, been limited to a fourblock radius, by the federal courthouse. And occasionally, in front of one of the police stations here. The city is not ablaze and sort of chaotic situations. What we saw for 94 days is consecutive days of Racial Justice, racial equality protests. Many of those nights have been peaceful. Yes, there were some elements of rioters, on some occasions. But in fact, those protects, jo protests, john, were dying down until the fourth of july weekend, when the Trump Administration chose to send federal forces in against the wishes of city and state leaders. That inflamed tensions. That led to massive violence. Rubber bullets. Tear gas. Flying projectiles. They dont calm grievances like Racial Injustice and problems with policing, those actions inflame tensions here. Thats what we saw from the mayor of portland, who spoke out yesterday and actually blamed trump for stoking tensions. John. Bottom line was, there was a man killed that weekend and its horrible. But the entire city is not in flames every day. Lucy cavanaugh, thanks so much for being with there for us. Keep us posted. Next, a fact check from one of the foremost Law Enforcement professionals in the country. Former philadelphia and Washington Police chief charles ramsey. People being given this powerful anesthetic, not in the operating room but on the street. During encounters with police. If you got questions about that, and maybe some concerns, too, you are not alone. We have some answers, ahead. Its been 75 years since your ancestors served in world war two. Many of their stories remain untold. Find and honor the veterans in your family. Their stories live on at ancestry. 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And, in it, he says of the president , he is too weak, too scared of the hatred he has stirred to put an end to it. It was almost like biden was reading from your script, van. So how do you assess these two performances we saw today . Look. I thought biden was strong. And heres the thing. The subtext of the subtext of the subtext is who is Strong Enough to bring america back together . Whos Strong Enough to actually solve these problems . And, you know, trump is he he loves the bluster. He loves to kind of act like the tough guy. But he, often, is whining. Hes complaining. Hes feeling victimized. Hes kind of woe is me. He has more pity for himself, often, than, you know, the almost 200,000 americans who have died from covid. And that gives joe biden an opening. He may not be as vigorous, physically, as a donald trump. But i thought you saw, today, a man who is tough, whos smart, and who understands the real issue. Whos not going to get kind of pushed around and swayed by the idea that this is all, somehow, joe bidens fault, when its Donald Trumps country thats falling apart. It set a bit of a trap, gloria, didnt it . Because joe biden, in his speech, said the president is going to stoke divisions. The president , his words, may foment violence. And the president was given an opportunity to address the issue of Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17yearold charged in the deaths of two people in wisconsin. And he backed off. What did that tell you . Well, he doesnt want to go there. He thinks it hurts his narrative. He doesnt want to say, well, maybe, he was a vigilante who shouldnt have been doing what he did. Maybe, people are dead and, you know, we we need to take a look at rittenhouse. No. Instead, he went in the other direction. This is a president , who is thinking about november 3rd and what he is thinking is that law and order, as he tweets, in all caps, multiple times a day, these days, is whats going to get him there. If this election is only about covid, he knows hes going to lose. So what hes doing is say beiin okay, joe biden is a radical. Hes a captive of the radical left. Hes going to make this country unsafe. And what joe biden did today was came out and said give me a break. He came out i love this line. Do i look like a radical socialist with a soft spot for rioters . I dont think so. He said, you know my heart. You know me. And so, this caricature that is being portrayed of joe biden, what he did today was he came out and he punctured it. And i think he has to continue to do that because the president of the United States is playing to his base. And to those people, he feels like he just might convince, suburban voters, maybe, hes thinking of. Women. That that, perhaps, joe biden is going to make them feel unsafe. So i think biden came back and gave and gave him what he had to do. Commissioner, i want to ask you about the substance of the president s defense of Kyle Rittenhouse. For people who do your job or did your job or the job that you did, how does that complicate things . If you have the president of the United States, basically, running interference for him . Well, sure, it complicates things. First of all, none of those people should have been there. I mean, bringing guns to a protest is just a bad idea, to begin with. And now, you got a 17yearold kid, doesnt even live in the state. I wonder where his parents were, for goodness sake. I mean, how do you leave the house with an Assault Rifle . Mom and dad, i think im going to go to wisconsin and and protect some businesses. I mean, give me a break. You know . This is absolutely ridiculous. And as far as the president of the United States to jump in the middle of something, without all the facts. It just doesnt make any sense. And i think it just stirs things up, even more. Hes got another defense, now, that hes used for the last couple of days. And this is a police actions, commissioner. He says, you know, they make mistakes. They make mistakes. Sure, they make mistakes. But, you know, you have to move on. You cant blame them forever. And they choked. Theyre mistakes. Theyre only human. Does that fully explain whats going on here, when you have questions of Racial Justice around the country . No, it doesnt. I mean, listen, everybody can make a mistake. I mean, that part is accurate. But the thing that i took offense to is this whole notion of of choking. Listen, ive been in this business 47 years as an active Police Officer. Chicago, d. C. , philadelphia. And ive seen Police Officers, in all kinds of circumstances. St. Louis lost a cop, this morning. Shot in the head, responding to a call for service. The eight years i spent in philly, i lost eight officers, five shot to death. None of them choked. So, i mean, can you make a mistake out there . Yeah. Youre in highstress situations. We need to do a better job of training to make sure officers always exercise good judgment. But to say that, you know, possibly, they choked. I didnt see any evidence of that. I thought the shooting may not have been justified but thats no indication of choking. And i do think thereis its a s the face, to the men and women across the country, who face danger every single day. And believe me, they do not choke. So, van, obviously, the president s tried to have it both ways here. He labels the protestors, who ddo not support him as thugs and anarchists. But if you do support him, youre a patriot. How does that work . I mean, its obviously a contradiction. Dont people see that . Well, you know, hypocrisy in politics is not anything new. But this is particularly dangerous. You know, you had a convention, the republican convention, where they were celebrating, on monday night, a white couple that was pointing guns, in an unjustified manner, at unarmed, black protestors. Those people actually facing criminal charges for doing so. And by tuesday night, you had this young man on the streets doing the same thing and actually pulling the trigger. And shooting down protestors. So, you have to be very careful when youre the president of the United States. When you have any platform, if youre if youre an athlete. Theyre using their platforms, i think, very responsibly, in a peaceful way, to call attention to this stuff. The president needs to be as responsible as as the nba and the athletes. If you start sending condolences to one side and not the other. Praising one side and not the other. What you begin to do is encourage people to believe or even lead them to believe that they have the president s backing when they go out and do this sort of stuff. Commit acts of violence, for one side. And thats very, very dangerous. Not just hypocritical but dangerous. Gloria, we got about 30 seconds left. The president said of his visit to kenosha tomorrow. He said its going to generate enthusiasm or increase enthusiasm. How did you interpret that . Well, i think the way he meant it was its going to create enthusiasm for him. Its its about him. And its about bringing out his voters. And its about trying to win the state of wisconsin, which is, of course, a key, battleground state. He, also, sort of said, well, its going to create love for the country or Something Like that. But what he really meant was, of course, its going to create enthusiasm for me. Thats why im going. This is about the election. All right. Van jones, gloria borger, commissioner ramsey, thank you very much for being with us. Appreciate it. More to come tonight as we continue 360s ongoing discussion about Police Tactics. Story of one practice involving this powerful sedative that was used in the arrest of a young, black man in colorado, who later died. Choice. Iness has an easy the largest 5g network. Awardwinning customer satisfaction. Insanely great value. Choose. Any. Three. Ready when you are. A lot goes through your mind. With fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations. Thats the clarity you get with fidelity wealth management. You know when your dog is itching for a treat. Itching for an outing or itching for some cuddle time. But you may not know when hes itching for help licking for help or rubbing for help. If your dog does these frequently. They may be signs of an allergic skin condition that needs treatment. Dont wait. Talk to your veterinarian and learn more at itchingforhelp. Com. No mention, tonight, by President Trump about why so many people from so many backgrounds and so many cities, have taken to the streets in protests in the wake of Police Shootings of unarmed, black americans. Or no talk of reexamining Police Tactics that can injure or even kill. One, which has flown under the radar for some time, is the increased use of a powerful sedative on people who arresting officers say are belligerent. Sara sidner has more on whether Police Officers are influencing paramedics to use ketamine and why thats setting off alarm bells among some doctors, lawyers, and civil rights advocates. How much you had to drink . Reporter Elijah Mcknight says what happened to him during this 2019 arrest should never happen to anyone again. I was out cold, on life support pretty much. Mcknight admits he was drunk on the sidewalk when Police Arrived to check on him. All is calm, until an officer attempts to cuff him. He resists and is cuffed and tased. But he says what happened when paramedics showed up nearly killed him. They were acting like i was just the incredible hulk and that i was tossing them around. Youre a little too hyped up right now. Got to relax. I am being cooperative. You are. And i appreciate it, man. Reporter paramedics, initially, determine he doesnt need to be hospitalized. He doesnt need to go to the hospital. Its up to you guys. Reporter but then, a Police Officer asks this. You guys cant give him anything, can you . Well, we can give him ketamine. Hell be sleeping like a baby. Well have to take him to the hospital. No, i will is it still just give it to him. Reporter and they do. One shot of 500 milligrams of ketamine. The paramedics report says hes being wildly combative. But, at this point, the video shows him cuffed, and lying still but yelling. They call a physician and get permission to inject him with 250 more milligrams. So we can actually do surgery on patients with ketamine. Reporter dr. Marry Dale Peterson says ketamine is an extremely useful drug to treat pain or for general anesthesia. Its so powerful that in colorado, First Responders need a Health Department waiver to use it. It works fast, can leave a patient conscious but unable to move, unable to speak, and, sometimes, unable to breathe. Depending on what study you look at, 30 to 57 of patients will require intubation, where you have to put a breathing tube in. Reporter the controversy is over why and how its being used by First Responders. They definitely werent going to give me ketamine, until the police asked for it. Ketamine or any other drug, you know, should not be given for purely Law Enforcement purposes. You know, we give drugs to treat medical problems. Reporter in mcknights case, though, the Colorado State Health Department recently determined medics actions were independent of Police Request and warranted. Mcknight disagrees but says hes thankful he didnt die, unlike another colorado man named elijah that same month. Elijah mcclain committed no crime but he is stopped on his way home, after Aurora Police are called about a man walking with a ski mask on. Respect the boundaries that i am speaking. Reporter officers confront him. They say he fought them. They put him in a choke hold, causing him to vomit. Whatever hes on, he has incredible strength. Yeah. Crazy strength. Reporter mcclain is already cuffed, face down, saying he cant breathe. An autopsy shows he has no Illegal Drugs in his system. But when paramedics arrive. They inject him with nearly double the recommended dose for someone of his weight. Ive been in practice 30 years. Have never given a dose that high. Reporter mcclain died in the hospital, three days later. The coroner report said mcclain died of undetermined causes. But said intense physical exertion, a narrow coronary artery, and a negative drug reaction to ketamine, could have contributed to his death. His family has filed a civil lawsuit against Aurora Police and the city. This is an incredible tragedy. This is an example of an innocent, young man, who is tortured, and who is murdered by a combination of, both, Law Enforcement and socalled First Responders. Reporter but the District Attorney determined no charges were warranted, in the case. Now, a year after his death, the city, state, and Health Department have, all, opened new investigations. But aurora fire rescue determined, last november, that their paramedics actions were consistent and aligned with our established protocol. And that mcclain was showing signs of excited delirium. A dangerous and, often, inexplicable condition. Just relax. Mcknight was also diagnosed with excited delirium, which can cause a person to become so agitated, they exercise themselves to death. The condition is not recognized by any Major Medical association. But is recognized by the American College of emergency physicians. Even clinicians would have a difficult time diagnosing an excited deliria. When you employ ketamine, you better be sure this is excited deliria and not something else. The department of Health Ketamine waiver guideline says excited delirium is a rare syndrome. But there was a 72 increase in ketamine waivers issued to treat it. The term excited delirium is being used by Law Enforcement to justify what is unjustifiable. Excessive force against civilians. Why do you think police asked paramedics to give you something . They were being lazy and didnt want to do their job. I guess, they didnt want to deal with a drunk [ bleep ]. It wasnt excited delirium, i can tell you that. Reporter authorities wont comment, as there is an active case still pending against mcknight. An article in the journal of Emergency Medical Services says ketamine is an effective drug in the field, that can save lives. But there is no National Database that tracks ketamine use, by ems workers. Across the United States, we found several, ongoing investigations into the use of ketamine, by First Responders. In my experience, i have been pressured by police to administer ketamine. Reporter this paramedic in minnesota says hes speaking out for the very first time about his concern over using ketamine as a policing tool. He is suing the city of woodbury saying he had to quit his paramedic job there because he was retaliated against for exposing falsified ems Training Records in his department, and for refusing to bow to pressure by police to use ketamine on a Mental Health call. When he says it was not medically necessary. Before we even arrived, we were receiving notes from dispatch, asking us to get our ketamine ready. I was met by multiple officers, who asked do you have your ketamine ready . Do you have it drawn up . And i said, no, i have it available but id like to evaluate this patient, first. What was the reaction . They were angry. I dont think that they were expecting me to give the response that i did. What happened, ultimately . There wasnt any reason to give him any medications. Reporter baker says talking was the best tool in the field that day, in 2019. But he paid a price for it. I was placed on a performanceimprovement plan for being angry and insubordinate towards a Police Officer because i was advocating for a patient. Because you refused ketamine . Because i refused to administer ketamine. Reporter the city categorically denies all of bakers allegations, and says no records were falsified. It is a perfect crime. Bakers Attorney Says all baker is doing is trying to protect citizens and the city. Knowing what happened in neighboring minneapolis. Ketamine should never be a Law Enforcement tool. It is a medical tool. Reporter in 2018, the Minneapolis Office of Police Conduct review found the appearance of ketamine in reports increased from 2 in 2010, to 62 in 2017. A 3,000 increase. Analysts observed eight cases where mpd officers participated in the decision to administer ketamine. We cant simply substitute injecting people, involuntarily, with a dangerous, psychotropic drug, instead of talking. Its not constitutional. Reporter the mcclain family and mcknight believe that is exactly what happened, in their cases. Yeah, it definitely wasnt to keep me or them safe. Because it almost killed me. I got to say. Sara sidner joins us now. I knew about the Elijah Mcclain case. I had no idea this was so widespread. This is fascinating and concerning, sara. What is the status of the Elijah Mcclain case . A couple of things have happened, just this month. The Colorado State department of health is, now, reviewing its ketamine Waiver Program for use of ketamine in the field for excited delirium. And, we now have heard from an Aurora City Council member, who is now asking for the use of ketamine in the field to be halted, altogether, until the Elijah Mcclain Case Investigation is complete. We, also, heard from someone, a spokesperson, for the National Fraternal order of police. Now, she had nothing to do with any of these cases but she says it is hard for her to believe that police would be trying to influence anyone to use ketamine because of excited delirium. Or trying to use, for example, excited delirium as an excuse to to have paramedics use ketamine on subjects, just to quiet them down. She says they have been trained on excited delirium. And she says she just its just done so that everyone can remain safe, in difficult situations. John. Raises questions, sara. Thank you so much for shining a light on this. That is a fascinating report. Sara sidner, thank you. Just ahead, another big day in the search for a coronavirus vaccine. And concerns that the Trump Administration could rush into it, before it is fully tested. Dr. Sanjay gupta is here, when ac 360 continues. Owning a business means owning a lot of uncertainty. But unknowns bring opportunity, too. Like the chance to find new ways of doing business. We can help you set up an online store, with pickup, delivery, or shipping. And touchfree ways to take payments, too. We have all these tools, ready for when you need them. So even though we cant predict the future, we can help you be ready for whatevers next. See everything we can do at square. Com. Todays discussion will be around sliced meat. Moms want healthy. And affordable. Land o frost premium no added hormones either. Its the only protein ive really melted with. Land o frost premium. Fresh look. Same great taste. So President Trump gave at his press conference about the big news for a search for coronavirus vaccine. A third drugmaker has now entered largescale, phase three trials in the u. S. Astrazeneca as well as pfizer. The World Health Organization today is warning countries about emergencyuse authorizations for vaccines before phase three trials are completed. China and russia have said thats something they will do. And the fda commissioner, dr. Steven hahn has suggested the possibility of the u. S. Doing the same. A top official at w. H. O. Said doing this, quote, has to be done with a great deal of seriousness and reflection. Its not something that you do very lightly. Joining us, now, chief medical correspondent, dr. Sanjay gupta. So, sanjay, the fda commissioner, steven hahn, said the fda could consider i dont think so. Obviously Public Health officials many people are weighing in on this and been concerned. Keep in mind you get to take these things in context. T it is relevant because that was a medication there was no evidence. The fda did that and it raised a lot of eye brows last weekend. And sort of exaggerated the benefit of plasma. The issue about ua for vaccines. The bars got to be higher. Unlike medications to get to somebody whos sick and does not have any options, this is to prevent the disease. I was looking into this today, this eua process has not been around that long. Back in 2009, it was considered and i can show you some of the data here. There was concerns about an euv for a vaccine. When you actually broke it down you found people are most comfortable if they are getting this information about the vaccine that benefits from their own doctor specifically as supposed to opposed to hear from the government. They thought about it again in 2009 and 2005 for anthrax. This would be a big move. Whats the difference between an emergency youth authorization and a full vaccine approval . With authorization you are basically saying look, we got no other choices here, okay . We are conducting a riskanalysis and we are thinking we got to do this because there are no alternatives. I looked up the language here. The language is important. What they are saying is the fda to issue an eua, there must be no adequate approve or available alternative alternative. The thing is everybody wants a vaccine. The alternative which frankly has worked in many countries around the world is to adopt these Public Health practices that we have been talking about, Wearing Masks and fisc photojournaliphysical distancing but been able to return to some form of normalcy. Until we are confident that it is safe thats why we test tens of thousands of people and through the passage of time, the idea of approving this is not something i am hearing any Public Health officials really recommend. Yeah, the important thing is drugs are given to sick people and vaccines are given to millions of Healthy People which is why it is a different bar there. Another subject, the washington post, dr. Scott is the primary person the president listed for coronavirus. There are still others who say that he does support parts of it. How dangerous and how flawed do you think that would be . He did talk about this in testimony before which is why he had people think hes an advocate of the immunity. It is a real concern of her immunity. A couple of reasons, john, if you look at some of the studies, the estimates are 10 of the country has currently been infected. We dont know for sure because we have not been doing adequate testing. 10 of the country infected, there is been about 180,000 people have died. John, how long does immunity last . We are starting to see four or five months perhaps, it will start to fade away. It does not last very long. It will take a long time. Sanjay, thank you very much. I will see you tomorrow morning. Just ahead, the Trumps Justice Department wants to dismiss the case against Michael Flynn and why eight federal judges today said no to that. I had saved up some money and then found the home of my dreams. But my home of my dreams needed some work sofi was the first lender that even offered a personal loan. I didnt even know that was an option. The personal loan let us renovate our Single Family house into a multiunit home. And i get to live in this Beautiful House with this beautiful kitchen and its all thanks to sofi. Book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. We want to update you on the two former top aids. Fly despite the fact that flynn pleaded guilty twice. He lost that appeal today, 82 effectively, this means the judge can examine whether or not the Justice Department dismiss the case for legitimate reason. In a separate case something of a win for the Trump Administration. A panel on that same federal court decided that House Democrats could not pursue their subpoena of former White House Council don mcgahn. That could be appealed as well. What goes on

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