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They didnt want those either. Then they said they wanted to participate and now they say they dont. All they really want is to hide the president s serious misconduct. Its not working. Jerry Nadlers Committee said quote, if the president has no good response to the allegations then he would not want to appear before the committee. Having declined, he cannot claim the process is unfair. White house correspondent jim acosta joins us. The letter saying the president wont participate. Its not surprising. He said he would like too but thats ha he said about testifying in front of mueller and that obviously never happened either. Reporter right. This is the least surprising news from all week. We saw this train coming a long time ago. One thing i will tell you is that one thing that is not stated in this letter, it does not specifically state that the white house is not going to participate in these proceedings. One of the questions remains this evening whether or not they are trying to reserve that right to enter this process down the road. I did talk to a Senior Administration official earlier this evening who said i doesnt state that but the letter communicates we dont plan to participate in these proceedings if that makes a lot of sense. One thing i should also say that is at the end of this letter it says it quotes the president s tweet from yesterday when he said if were going to do this, if youre going to impeachment me, do it now, do it fast. That appears where things are headed up on capitol hill. The house is moving rapidly in that direction. The one bit of this that should be pointed out and i think you just mentioned this a few moments ago is the white house has been insisting this impeachment process has been a sham and unfair and so on because they havent been involved in any of the proceedings when they were behind closed doors or in front of the cameras. When jerry nadler gave them that opportunity and now the white house is saying they dont want to be in the process at all until it gets to the senate. If and when this goes to the senate, the question of cooperation is entirely different. Reporter thats right. As you know the republicans are in charge. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell can set a lot of these rules. The white House Counsel will be handling the president s legal representation and conceivably they can call a whole host of witnesses. They can try to call hunter biden in to testify. They could try to bring the whistleblower out of the wood work and compel that person to testify. There is a debate going on inside the administration, inside the president s legal team and to whether or not thats a wise idea. Once this gets out of the house and the conventional wisdom here in washington is all of this is a fate when gits to senate and the president will be acquitted because he has the republican senators on his side. Anderson, once it gets to a senate trial phase theres no guarantee we wont see surprises as we have seen all along throughout this process. Thats why the white house is tempting to say lets get this over quickly in the senate as well. All right. Thanks very much from the white house. Here to discuss former nixon white House Counsel. Scott jennings, a former add visor to george w. Bush. David, does the white house not participate in the house impeachment inquiry undermine the president s case at all . Nadler says he cant argue its unfair. He will continue to as many republicans will argue its unfair. Well, i think it undercuts the argument theyre not being allowed to participate. They have been arguing that was unfair. They didnt have a voice. Behind closed doors during the depositions they did have equal time in terms of asking questions of the witnesses. There have been aspects that the democrats have control. Im not i guess im not surprised but im disappointed that republicans, the white house is not taking part in this. This is so unlike any other impeachment we have seen in with nixon and clinton where both president s were much more cooperative, sent witnesses and documents and made their case. Here i think the Trump White House is not taking the constitution seriously. They are acting like this is a circus. Its just all politics when at the heart of this theres a very serious question about our democratic system and the threats to democracy this represents. Scott, should the white house have cooperated . You know, i think as a strategic matter they didnt want to do anything that would be seen as legitimatizing this. David said a minute ago they have treated it like a circus and thats because thats how they view it. That may not be a legitimate position to some people but thats how the white house views and so to legitimatize it wouldnt be in their interest. When they get over the senate, the president s lawyers do you think its legitimate . As was alluded to in the reporting they could pull up some witnesses there if they so choose. There would be some participation on that end. I think the people at the white house think any participation at this point wouldnt matter. It wouldnt matter what they come into the house with because the house has already decided what its going to do. I dont think it really hurts them not to participate at this point and didnt expect them to in the first place. John, among their supporters it doesnt really hurt them because it seems like the supporters will go along with whatever that position is. If the president had exculpatory information that could head off his impeachment in the form of documents or witness, this would be the time to make them available and hes not doing that. Thats very true. They have offered really no hard defense. Theyve really just trapped the process if the out set. They have not treated it with any respect. Its very curious. All the precedents show that preside president s get in and offer information. Nixon did as did clinton. Clinton put on a pretty good case. His lawyers were there all along. One of the other things, they have no choice in the senate. They would default if they didnt have some lawyer representing them many the senate. They have no choice there. In the house, they have a chance to actually make a case if they had a case. David, if they have no choice in the senate, the rules remain to be seen if terms of how things are operated in the senate but the president s allies would in theory be able to call their own witnesses without getting denied and theyre not looking just for an acquittal, they are looking to turn this on democrats and make it about them. If the biden are subpoenaed and i would refuse to go. Go to court with it. We would all be better off going back to the rules that pertain to the nixon days. When youve had witness who is are called and subpoenaed as john dean will tell you, if you refuse the subpoena you could get tossed in jail. I think theres some this process is degenerated so much during this trump period that we may well be advised be to go back to Something Like that. Whatever the republicans do now that tears down the process, gets rid of the norms, the demonstrat democrats will start doing that too and just go cite the republicans. The way the republicans conducted ben conduct ed benghazi has a big way on how the democrats handle this impeachment inquiry. If the president wants a no holds bar tv fight in the senate, is that something mcconnell would deliver . How do you see this playing out in the senate . I can give you my sense of what the Senate Leadership is in its best interest. I think a lot of senators think it would be better to get this over with in a reasonable period of time and not drag it out which would mean not calling all kinds of witnesses. The president and the white house have said otherwise so far public publicly. As the process goes along in the senate, you could have house impeachment managers go for a few day, the president s lawyers go. I could see a scenario at the end if the Senate Leadership whip the senate and found 51 votes to proceed meaning to go ahead and go to final jeopardy then they would just end the trial and go ahead and have a vote and it would be over. That would mean you had 51 votes to proceed. I could see a scenario where some people would continue to say they would want to have a long trial and call witnesses but if at some point after both presentations 51 votes exist, they might just do it. That could take as few as ten days but in a best case short term scenario, you could get it done in two weeks. I thiwouns be surprised if donald trump decides he wants to go appear in the senate side and come up and make a statement on his behalf and not take questions and walk out. He loves that kind of theater. Well leave it there. Thanks very much. A lot to look forward to. A lot to watch. Still to come, Rudy Giulianis latest whereabouts and a new report on how few people in the president s inner circumstancing kne i circle know what Rudy Giuliani is doing and where hes going. Well have latest in the shooting on a naval base. Man sneezes skip to the good part with alkaseltzer plus. Now with 25 more concentrated power. Nothing works faster for powerful cold relief. Oh, what a relief it is so fast the wait is over. Tmobile is lighting up 5g nationwide. While some 5g signals go only blocks, tmobile 5g goes miles. Beyond the big cities to the small towns. To the people. Now, millions of americans can have access to 5g on tmobile. And this is just the beginning. Tmobile, the first and only nationwide 5g network. Stop dancing around the pain that keeps you up again, and again. Advil pm silences pain, and you sleep the whole night. Advil pm we have more breaking news. Multiple Officials Say President Trump continues to use his personal cell phone to make phone calls despite warnings from staff. Officials say its highly likely the president s phone call from Gordon Sondland was picked up. Sondland told the president that the leader of ukraine quote, loves your ass. His call logs were subpoenaed by congress. Speaking of Rudy Giuliani, his current whereabouts are a mystery after a surprise tour of Eastern European capitals where the president met with foreign officials trying to dig up dirt on the bidens. All he would tell cnn is hes no longer in ukraine. The trip caught a lot of people off guard. Erin, youre reporting that his trip started some Senior Administration officials. What have you learned . What are the details . We started looking at the story a couple of days ago and started pinging people in the trump administration, senior officials in both the state department and National Security council and what we found out is the officials didnt know what was going on. They were sort of aware that Rudy Giuliani had been to budapest but was unaware he was planning ongoing to kiev. There were a lot of meetings and discussions about what he was up to. The concern was not only that he was meeting with individuals who had in the past pedalled disinformation on biden and burisma but also individuals who pedalled the Conspiracy Theory that it was ukraine that meddled in the 2016 election, not russia. As we know from dr. Hills testimony that was her main concern too. I believe she even said to house impeachment investigators that this idea was russia Conspiracy Theory that it had been ukraine that meddled. Thats the real concern today. Have they been in touch with him or tracking his movements . They have been tracking his movements. We do not know that hes been in touch. I dont think hes transmitting back to washington about what hes up to. We do know white house aides are increasingly nervous about his interactions a and we also know that american individuals have counselled ukrainian officials close to president zelensky not to meet with Rudy Giuliani while in kiev. This is concern in the white house and the National Security council about what hes up to. What has giuliani said about this. He said hes no longer in kiev. I believe thats a recent development. As of earlier today we understood he was still there. Giuliani said hes doing what he has been doing which is representing his client, President Trump. The real concern, i think, in the context of this is that what we know about giuliani is he often travels internationally to try to score business deals. The conflation between him trying to score business deals and representing President Trump is where the concern comes into play in the top echelons and thats a very fine line. Thats a real point of concern as well. Appreciate it. Thanks very much for the reporting. Here republican strategist rick wilson is joining us. Hes the author of the book everything trump touches dies. What is he doing here . Is he trying to get attention . Is this good for the president . I think one thing rudy is doing is deeply undermining the president s defense that nothing he did was wrong and this was all a standard sort of governmental operating procedure. I think this new trip undermines that defense rather dramatically. What i think rudy is doing is doubling down. These guys have become reckless gamblers thinking they will get some moment that will allow the media culture around the president s side of the equation to blow up hunter biden and blow up joe biden. Its really validating joe bidens role as the guy who donald trump fears the most. He is certainly doing rudy is doing everything he can both to sort of revive that story which has been fairly thoroughly debunked and keep that line of attack on joe biden alive. Also, for giuliani to sort of continue to say this is a this is all a mission about corruption in ukraine, again, there are so many levers the u. S. Government that have already been involved with anticorruption efforts or should be involved. The Treasury Department could be looking at it that the idea its Rudy Giuliani who has any role is sort of just defies logic. The state department, the department of defense have certified that the ukraine made meaningful progress or cleaning up corruption. The end of the regime that we still moved even further toward cleaning up corruption. What this is is a very itty bitty fig leaf to pretend for them to do this. The only corruption they want to look at is something related to the one guy that donald trump fears the most in the general election. That strikes me as less than a coincidence at this point. Yeah. Again, if every one seems to acknowledge theres a huge corruption problem in ukraine as there is in many places in former soviet Union Territories in eastern europe, the fact that hes reportedly alarming Senior Administration officials who are sort of fryi intrying to track u would think he wouldnt be doing any of this without the president signing off on it, i would imagine. Some reporting tonight that white house staffers dont know whether or not rudy has any sanction on the president and the president wont answer the question, obviously. This puts donald trump in a very tight position. If rudy is his personal attorney handling this with his agreement and sanction and encouragement, that gives donald trump a huge amount of exposure on this question that he doesnt want. If hes not and freelancing then he is still claiming to be trumps personal attorney. Either way trump is in a bad situation on this because this does not look like the kind of thing that meaningfully reduces the degree to which donald trump looks as if hes trying to exploit the relationship of his personal attorney with him to pressure to ukrainians to do something to government would be doing if it was a governmental mission. Appreciate you being with us. Appreciate it. Just ahead, the latest on shooting at an air base in florida and the mystery surrounding the Saudi National who killed three people there. Well be right back. Female anchor its 6 39, time for news update male anchor . An update on the cat who captured our hearts. Female anchor how often should you clean your fridge . Stay tuned to find out. Male anchor beats the odds at the box office to become a rare nonfranchise hit. You can give help and hope to those in need. Geico would like to take a moment to say thank you to our military Service Members at home and abroad for all their hard work and sacrifice. We all sleep easier knowing youre out there keeping us safe. And on a personal note. Sfx jet engines. I just needed to get that off my chest. Thank you. Geico proudly supporting the military for over 75 years. Wthats why xfinity hasu made taking your internetself. And tv with you a breeze. Really . Yup. You can transfer your Service Online in about a minute. You can do that . Yeah. And with twohour Service Appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. So while moving may still come with its share of headaches. No kidding. Were doing all we can to make moving simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. Mass shooting at a u. S. Navy base this morning leaving three dead and eight injured has turned into a global investigation led by the fbi. At the heart of the tragedy is a mystery about the shooter and fears of a link between terrorism. We have the latest about the Saudi National who opened fire. His possible motives for doing so and how he was able to bring a handgun into a military insulation in florida. The fbi trying to get answers to all of those questions. It was early this morning when a member of the Saudi Royal Air force walked into a classroom at Pensacola Naval air force station. He had a handgun and two Sheriff Deputies were called in and he was shot and killed by one of the deputies. Right now no known motive. Investigators are looking at all of that. This Training Program, you know, theres about 5,000 Foreign Military students that come to the u. S. To train. About 800 of them are saudis. Most obviously serve honorably. It is considered vital by the u. S. Military. They want to train them. They want them to go home to their home countries and have good military skills. They have the same type of training, for example, that u. S. Pilots get. What happened here still a mystery. Still the fbi and the u. S. Navy trying to figure out how it happened. The saudi government is pledging its cooperation. Clearly, its being investigated to see if it is terror related. If this was beyond a workplace issue or school issue and something larger terrorism. Thats right. There are people on social media with that name. Obviously, investigators trying to confirm if there are any social media postings that he may have made. Who he may have been in communication with. Did anybody see any evidence that perhaps he was being radicalized. Did his behavior change . Any conversations he might have had with people . What were his ties . The thing that might be important to remember when the foreign students come here they go through a security review before they are allowed in. It will be a lot of questions. Could he have been radicalized once he got here. Anderson. Thanks very mump. I want to bring in former pentagon spokesman and cnn military and analyst. Admiral kirby, you were stationed there five years and did Public Affairs for the blue angels. Can you describe what life is like at the facility, the size of it and how Something Like this could happen. Are guards armed . Deputies were called in, i assume theres not a lot of military personnel with weapons. Its one of our Largest Naval bases in the country. Its primarily designed to help train aviation people in the navy. Its a Naval Aviation training. Theres about 20,000 or so people on the base. Families live on the base. I lived on the base with my two kids when we were down there in the mid90s. Its a Family Friendly environment and very friendly navy community. The base has been active since 1913. As for security on the base, they have a fairly sizable Security Force on base. Its a mixture of civilian employees as well as military masters at arms. They are armed when they need to be for the jobs they are doing but they are not armed all the time. Small arms are not floating around the base the way they would in floatings probably a bad verb but not as prevalent. These are aviation students. They are pilots and not going to be carrying arms on a daily basis. Having a personal firearm is against the regulations. They do have policies in place to try to limit that. Peter, what stands out to you in this . Its hard to get on a military base unless you have a military id. Whats interest fg you look back at the last ten years of atta s attacks, theyve all been insiders. Ft. Hood, texas, an Army Major Killed 13 people in 2009. An army soldier killed people in 2014. Here in washington we had an insider. That is interesting to me. The other thing that is interesting is that were sending quite a large number of troops, american troops back to saudi arabia having for a long time not had american troops several thousands potentially going perhaps even more because of heightening tensions with iran. You have to ask yourself the question, how well protected will those american troops will be. Westerners and american soldiers have been the target of terrorist attacks in the past. I would be concerned about that. Theres a history of terrorist who is struck the United States who are either from saudi arabia or bin laden was one of his early things he was railing against was the president s of u. S. Forces in saudi arabia. We dont know the motivation but theres a reason that 15 of the 19 hijackers were saw budi. They can visit the United States easily than yemen or other countries in the middle east. Whats interesting is the travel ban was targeted at a variety of countries but not the saudis. If this turns out to be the motivation of terrorism, i think it will be some questions about that issue. Trs still to early to tell. This guy had a fair amount of of how time to think about how the smuggle a weapon. He was there for two years. It was a Training Program funded by the saudis. What did the vetting look like for participants . At first when they would nominate an individual to participate, they would go through state department in that country. In this case saudi arabia would do a normal screening for them. A vetting procedure for issuing work visas for anybody else. Theres initial screening there. The department of defense also does another vetting and screening of these individuals as they are going through the selection and approval process. Theres two levels there. In order to be in the program you have to have the necessary clearances so theres a classification issue as well. Its extensive. I would not think for a moment that they were going to take another look at this vetsing procedure in this case and see if there was anything dropped in the process was performed properly and we missed something or whether theres an actual systemic issue going forward. Appreciate it. Just ahead, facing off with the president. A reporter has been quite a week for nancy pelosi. Her daughter joins me next. Why she says dont mess with mama. Mini is a different kind of car. Ladies and gentlemen for a different kind of drive. Ladies and gentlemen for the drive to create a new kind of family car, that became a new kind of race car. For the drive to rebel, zag. For the drive thats inside you. And inside us. Thats the drive under the hood of every mini. Because every mini is. For the drive. Im a verizon engineer, and im part of the Team Building the most powerful 5g experience for america. Its 5g ultra wideband for massive capacity and ultrafast speeds. Almost 2 gigs here in minneapolis. Thats 25 times faster than todays network in new york city. So people from midtown manhattan to downtown denver can experience what our 5g can deliver. woman and if verizon 5g can deliver performance like this in these places. Its pretty crazy. Just imagine what it can do for you. For nancy pelosi its been a historic week. She ordered her Committee Chairs to proceed and had a memorable exchange with a reporter. In a moment ill talk with someone who knows her well. Here is what happened when the reporter asked her this. Do you hate the reporter . I dont hate anybody. I dont hate anybody. Not anybody in the world. Dont you accuse me. I did not accuse you. You did. Representative collins suggested the demonstracrats ar going this because they dont like the guy. I think the president is a coward when it comes to helping our kid who is are afraid of gun violence. I think he is cruel when he doesnt deal with helping our dreamers. I think hes in denial about the climate crisis. However, thats about the election. This is about the take it up in the election. This is about the constitution of the United States and the facts that lead to the president s violation of his oath of office. As a catholic, i resent your using the word hate in a sentence that addresses me. I dont hate anyone. I was raised in way that is a heart full of love and always pray for the president. I still pray for the president. I pray for the president all the time. Dont mess with me when it comes to words like that. That back and forth got a lot of attention. Prompted her daughter to follow up with a message of her own, quote, dont mess with mama, she wrote. Shes the author of the nancy pelosi way. Watching your mothers reaction yesterday, stopping short to respond to the reporter, heading back to the microphone to finish her thought. Some may have been surprised by it, were you in. I was not. It seems to me is such a strong woman of faith. We were born five kids in six years and one week. Our whole family combined has over 100 years after Catholic School and my mom was a class mom when we were growing up, making sure we did our homework and prepared for the day. Shes always been a person of great faith and its her catholic faith that she takes pride in that always gives her the strength to have pride and respect for other peoples faiths. When people attack her she points to the prayer of st. Francis. Yesterdays response to that ridiculous premise was exactly nancy pelosi. Im wondering what you have obviously your mom has been getting shes obviously in the spotlight as she has been for a long time but in way she hasnt been in prior administrations. Obviously her role is a different time right now. Im wondering what you makes of your mom with trump. There was the photograph. I believe the white house put it out and she owned it and retweeted it. Pointing her finger at the president during a meeting about syria policy last month. You write shes been underestimated and fepeople are getting a good look at her leadership. I think thats right. This is the same mom that disciplined us in the household and what she calls the weaver of the house where she takes all the different strands of the diverse House Democratic caucus and some republican strands too and weaves together politics and policies for the good of the american people. She is very strong in who she is and last election cycle when there were 137,000 negative ads about her, including some by democrats, she would just turn and say, just win, baby. We would be very upset. She would say, look, its politics. Its always going to be tough. What can they do . They cant take my kids away from me. Working as she does so closely with the Health Care Coalition with parents of children murdered by people with guns where the children have been taken away. I think thats given her more fortitude and purpose to say im not going to let donald trump or anybody underestimate me. Im not going to stop for one minute from stepping forward in my power to help these other families. Have you seen an evolution of her in terms of her theres a lot of people on the democratic side who will say she is the most formidable person either to have on your side or against you and she sort of just playing a three dimensional game of chess that a lot of people cannot imagine. Have you seen an evolution in her or is this the same person who was ironing your School Uniforms . I think its both. My mom is a shy person. I can remember dancing honoring the Firefighter Department and she said you inherited none of my natural shyness and sghehe g up and does these things on television and i say mom you realize youre a meme now. She didnt get that at first. I think shes showing the dedication but shes fully confidence in her power and donald trump sees that and i hope he takes my advice and doesnt mess with her. Appreciate your time. Thank you very much. Thank you. The ridiculous is next. Well be right back. [sneeze and sniffles] are you ok . Yah, its just a cold. Its not just a cold if you have high blood pressure. Most cold medicines may raise blood pressure. Coricidin hbp is the. 1 brand that gives. Powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure. I looitaly avel. Yaaaaass. With the united explorer card, i get rewarded wherever i go. Going out for a bite. Rewarded going new places. Rewarded anytime. Rewarded getting more for getting away. Rewarded learn more at the explorer card dot com. And get. Rewarded the holidays are here and so is tmobiles newest, most powerful signal. And we want to keep you connected to those you love, with the new iphone 11. So tmobile is giving you an iphone 11 on us for each new line of unlimited. For yourself, or up to a family of four. Keep your family connected, and hurry into tmobile today, to get up to four iphone 11s on us. Only at tmobile. Lets check in with chris and see what hes working on for cuomo prime time at the top of the hour. How are you, my friend . We are expectant of a presser about the shooting at the naval base. We have experts and reporters on standby to process it. Well look at it a little more deeply tonight than just the headline. What is the vetting that goes into it . How do you makes the Risk Assessment and do we treat the saudis different than other countries . If so, why . And well go through the new information about Rudy Giuliani. We see him as the nexus of the investigation. Coming up, unhappy with your water pressure . Mad about your toilet . President trump knows how you feel. The ridiculist is next. alarm beeping welcome to our busy world. Where we all want more energy. But with less carbon footprint. Can we have both . At bp, were working every day to make energy thats cleaner and better. And we see possibilities everywhere. To make energy thats cleaner and better. loud fan noise children playing Music Building experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Can a banana peel fuel your flight. Bp and Fulcrum Bioenergy think so. Together well reduce emissions and Landfill Waste by turning garbage into jet fuel. At bp, we see possibilities everywhere. By turning garbage into jet fuel. [fa mers bell] burke a rock and wreck. Seen it. Covered it. At farmers insurance, we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum time now for the ridiculist. Tonight it is less than three weeks before christmas and over at the white house not a creature is stirring. Today President Trump started promising to get to the bottom of something that, well, kind of stinks. We have a situation where were looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where you turn the faucets on and areas where theres tremendous amounts of water where it rushes out to sea because it couldnt handle it, they take a shower and water comes dripping out, very quietly dripping out. People are flushing toilets ten times, 15 times, as opposed to once. They end up using more water. So epa is looking at that very strongly at my suggestion. People are flushing toilets ten to 15 times . In the past when the president talks about people, its either image nary people, like the number of people he now who voted for Hillary Clinton multiple times, wearing different hats or its number two, people are talking about it, which means really hes talking about it. This mess smells like a number one and number two. Sounds like more of a hazmat situation. President trump is not the only one having proorcelain problems. Senator rand paul is as well. Maybe this is why theyve become such allies. Back in 2011 senator is addressing an Energy Official. Frankly, my toilets dont work in my house and i blame you and people like you who want to tell me what i can install in my house, what i can do. You restrict my choices. It restricts his choices with all due respect, senator paul, your chioices such as they are should be obvious, unless im missing something, sort of a binary. Senator paul scolded the Energy Official which appropriate tapr best response. I can help you find a toilet that works. Will somebody please help rand paul find a toilet that works. Good grief oh, and i can help you find a toilet that works. And his other complaint, Energy Saving light bulbs and you know who else was on a tear about that today as well. They got rid of the light bulb that people got used to and the new bulb is many times more expensive. And i hate to say it, it doesnt make you look as good of course being a vain person, thats very important to me. It gives you an orange look. I dont want an orange look. Has anyone noticed that . So well have to change those bulbs in at least a couple of rooms where i am in the white house. So, first of all, i give props to the president for saying to the president hes vain, its selfaware, selfdeprecating. Its charming. I like that. I think it reflects well on him. As for the light bulbs are the reason he sort of has an orange glow . I wouldnt ordinarily even bring this up, comment about somebodys glow but he did and he blamed the light bulbs. I dont want to be rude but i dont think its the orange i dont think he looks orange because of the light bulbs. See the line . Its a makeup or its a tanning lotion or a spray or something. Whatevers going on there, if you look president when hes outside, its clearly not a light bulk problem. You can see the line around his face where the makeup or the tanner or whatever it is stops. Its a whole system. Its a whole thing. But, hey, you heard him say his administration is looking into all this so lets leave it there. Sleep well, america, and know the president is working hard from his throne room to get the gridlock unclogged on the ridiculist. I want to hand it over to chris and cuomo prime time. As good a metaphor for the saturday of play as there can be. Anderson, thank you very. I am chris cuomo. Welcome to prime time. As you know, a u. S. Naval base has become a crime scene for the second time in a week. This time it was a saudi military member named as the murderer. Were waiting on a presser from the fbi. They took over the case. Now, one obvious item of interest is motive, specifically was this an act of terror . That means Something Different to the fbi. They have to check certain boxes. Well see what they say. As soon as it goes live, im going to take it. And were also going to

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