First press conference in a month and a half defended the line the president took on friday after a house vote condemning many forms of bigotry. Heres what the president said on friday. Democrats have become an antiisrael party, theyve become an Anti Jewish Party and i thought that vote was a disgrace and so does everybody else if you get an honest answer. If you get an honest answer from politicians, they thought it was a disgrace. The democrats have become an antiisrael party, theyve become an antijewish party and thats too bad. Well, this, of course, began with remarks from a muslim congresswoman widely viewed to be trafficking antisemitic troves. Omar replied with a tweet of her own, its all about the benjamins, baby. The house with all the democrats passed antijewish and antimuslim bigotry. It came under fire. It amounted to no condemnation at all. The president then reacted as you heard him reportedly restated the accusation at a republican fundraiser friday night, which as you might imagine, became a major topic when press secretary Sarah Sanders went before the cameras today. Does the president really believe democrats hate jews . Look, the president s been an unwavering and committed ally to israel and the jewish people and frankly the remarks that have been made by a number of democrats and failed to be called out by democratic leadership is frankly abhorrent and its sad and its something that should be called by name. It shouldnt be put in a watered down resolution. Well, keeping him honest. Neither Sarah Sanders or the president are alone in criticizing the house resolution. Some statements from the democrats have been the full throated condemnation of congresswomans omars remarks that some in both parties would prefer. However, listen to the very next thing we heard in todays press conference because its here that the president s spokesperson leaves the world of the factual or even to be generous the arguable behind. It should be done the way the republicans did it when steve king made terrible comments. We called it out by name, we stripped him of his Committee Memberships and wed like to see democrats follow suit. Steve king, the republican congressman from iowa, is the defender of white nationalism. When Sarah Sanders uses the pronoun we in conjunction with condemning the congressman, she is quite simply not telling the truth as was pointed out to her today. Steve king, the president , correct me if im wrong, has not condemned steve king. I he was praising white supremacy. Has the president publicly come out and said anything to criticize ive talked about that a number of times and id refer you back to those comments where i used words like abhorrent and unacceptable. Now to be fair on the 16th of january she herself did indeed say steve kings comments were ab bornlt and the republican leadership, unlike democrats, have taken action when their members have said outrageous and inappropriate things. However, the president himself has never said a word on that. Though it is true the press spekt is supposed to speak for the president , its amazing how often she doesnt speak to the president. On the last one i would refer to the president s outside counsel. Thats a question you have to ask the trump organization. The president isnt involved in that. Thats something i would refer you to them. Again, im not aware of the back and forth and i would refer you to the president s outside counsel. I would refer you to Michael Cohens attorney. I would refer you to the u. S. Secret service. I would refer you to rudy giuliani. I would refer you to the fbi for any specifics. Well, again, if the really truly wanted to weigh in on steve king, he could. He found time to weigh in on these guys. He certainly weighed in on this weekend of antisemitism. If he intended to make it a full throated condemnation, it didnt really come out that way. You also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group excuse me. Excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. He said he had some very bad people there but you also had some fine people on both sides. As you see, the president can be remarkably selective in his criticism. Seeing good people even when there are none in the particular can tiki torch march, however, he paints with a far broader brush when it comes to the democrats. Is this because he sees an opening in trying to persuade Jewish American voters to switch parties . However, after all in the 2018 mid terms Jewish Americans made up 2 of the electorate but gave 79 of their votes to the democrats. At least as of a few months ago they were not seeing it. The president clearly ri sees this as an opportunity. His spokesperson is clearly having a hard time explaining why this exchange was seen as a shift. Just to get back to john and his question about the president s comments about democrats and jewish people, isnt that kind of rhetoric just sort of beneath everybody . Do you think that the president has thought at all going into this 2020 campaign that the rhetoric just needs to be lowered, whether its talking about democrats, the media, immigrants or should we just plan on hearing the president use the same kind of language that we heard in 2016 and all through the first couple of years of this administration . Look, i think that the real shame in all of this is that democrats are perfectly capable of coming together and agreeing on the fact that theyre comfortable ripping babys straight from a mothers womb or killing a baby after birth but they have a hard time condemning the type of comments from congresswoman omar. I think that is a great shame. The president has been clear on what his position is. Certainly what his support is for the people in the community of israel and beyond that i dont have anything further i think i just heard the rhetoric of the debate when youre saying that something is just patently untrue. Stating their policy positions is not patently untrue. Democrats dont hate jewish people. Thats silly. Thats not true. I think they should call out their members by name. I dont have anything further to say. After charlottesville they were saying they were very fine people on both sides in charlottesville essentially suggesting there are very fine people in the nazis. Thats not at all what the president was stating. Not then, not at any point. The president has been incredibly clear and consistently and repeatedly condemned hatred, bigotry, racism in all of its forms whether its in america or anywhere else and to say otherwise is simply untrue. Cnns jim acosta joins us now from the white house. Jim, the white house certainly is not backing down from the statements by the president even though Sarah Sanders wouldnt kind of go there. Reporter yeah, she wouldnt confirm it and she wouldnt share the president s sentiments, i suppose, word for word but, listen, they view these antisem mitt particular comments from elan omar as a gift and a gift that keeps on giving whether or not its justified to keep running with it, theyre going to keep running with it. Theyre going to run with it as long as they can. Obviously what you saw during the briefing today was a tacit sort of, you know, support for what the president was saying. There were three of us who tried to challenge Sarah Sanders on this issue and she wasnt really backing down. As i tried to point out to her, obviously democrats dont hate jewish people, thats simply untrue. She wouldnt concede the point. Weve been through this exercise so many times before her response wasnt really surprising so i did check in with a trump advisor and asked, you know, where is this coming from . This just sounds silly and untrue. This advisor said, no, we believe that the democrats do hate jewish people and that, you know, listen, the president is allowed to attack them just in the same way that were attacked. I think it sends a very disturbing message as to where were heading with this campaign heating up, anderson. This kind of your question was about is there going to be any change in the rhetoric or level of rhetoric heading towards 2020. If anything, its going to ramp up. Thats right. The way theyre going after elan omar is a way to inoculate themselves on the issue of charlottesville, which is going to be a lasting stain on the president s, i think, legacy. Hell have to defend that during the campaign. He has ways of hiding from us over here at the white house. They like to say hes very accessible and is open to, you know, taking questions all the time. We rarely have those news conferences where we get to stand up and ask him a question. We dont have the opportunity to pin him down on this, but that is going to come back to haunt him during the campaign. Just in the same way theyre running with this elan omar controversy, theyre going to try to go after democrats as socialists because of the Green New Deal and ideas by people like Bernie Sanders and al Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and saying democrats hate jews, i think it really sums up, anderson, what were facing in the upcoming 2020 election. That is probably the Ugliest Campaign of our lifetime. Jim acosta, thank you very much. Joining us is congressman ted deutsch from florida. Hes jewish. Youve spoken out against both President Trump and congresswoman omars comments. Saying this isnt political, its life and death. Thats how serious this is in your opinion . Sure, anderson. This is this isnt just politics, although sadly this is just another attempt of the president to divide. This is what he does. Its the most divisive administration that anyone can remember, and i would just ask, who hes talking about when he makes that comment . Is he talking about the three dozen members jewish members of congress, all but two of whom are democrats . We work every day to fight antisemitism and support the relationship. You know what really gets him, anderson . Its the fact that its the Jewish Community that has formed alliances that has been out in front every time the president tries to tear us apart. On the muslim ban it was the Jewish Community and Muslim Community working together to protest that terrible policy. When the president decided to tear kids away from their mothers, it was the Jewish Community and the Hispanic Community and rightminded people who stood up and said, you cant do this. And, finally, youve been talking a lot about charlottesville. Well, when neonazis are marching in the streets carrying tiki torches, its the Jewish Community and Africanamerican Community who know whats at stake and for the president to say he sees very fine people on both sides, he ought to cut this out. It is not political. Hes wrong. Its outrageous and it needs to stop. One of the issues that makes this so difficult is it is an outrageous statement, just blanket statement saying, you know, democrats and jews. Its so outrageous that one has to address it but by addressing it as we are tonight and have on friday, by addressing it one is playing into exactly the president s hands in terms of sending saying something so insend air ri that it has to be challenged on a factual basis at the very least, if not a moral one, and yet in challenging it and discussing it you do give one gives it life in a way that allows it to kind of stick in peoples minds. The problem is the president youre dealing with somebody who has absolutely no shame and is willing to say anything, and thats a real problem for democrats and for anybody. Well, its a problem its not a problem for democrats, its a problem for our nation, anderson. When we continue to focus on the president s efforts to tear us apart from one another, were actually emboldening him. And youre right about what he does. I saw that press conference today. The fact that Sarah Sanders couldnt bring herself to say no, the president does not believe that democrats hate jews is outrageous, but thats what he does. Remember, this is the same person Whose Campaign featured a commercial talking about globalist threats that featured three prominent jews. Its the same president Whose Campaign tweeted pictures of Hillary Clinton with jewish stars and piles of money. What he says and what he does arent always the same thing, and he needs to be held accountable. Anderson, i would just make a plea to my republican colleagues. I went down to the house floor and i criticized anyone who uses antisemitic language. Whether theyre democrats or republicans. I only hope that there is one republican serving in the United States congress whos willing to stand up and tell the president to knock it off. Its beneath him, its beneath the office of presidency and it is damaging to our country and puts people at risk. Have democrats played a role in kind of handing this issue to the president . Your fellow democrats wont officially condemn congresswoman omars comments. He said democrats are blowing their chances to seize the moral high ground. Well, no, i dont think theres this isnt a battle this isnt a battle for the moral high ground. The president has decided to get down in the gutter again. Thats whats happening here. I was clear last week about how i feel. Other people spoke up. Ultimately we passed a resolution that strongly condemned antisemitism and i was clear about how i felt about that. No, it doesnt play to the president s hand. To the contrary, the president looks at this situation and says, how do i use this to further divide people . How do i use this to make more people hate other people . Thats what the president is doing here. Theres theres no claim this administration, this president has no claim at any point to the moral high ground. Hes only too happy to get down in the gutter and to do things and to say things that put people at risk. Words, as i said last week, anderson, words matter. There are real consequences when people talk like this. The president needs to be held accountable and the republicans need to tell him to knock it off and to be accountable for his language. Yeah. I mean, look, you know, its the same sort of theme as the, you know, press is the enemy of the people. He makes these kind of statements and it becomes almost normalized and yet it should not be normalized. It cant be. This is not normal language for the president of the United States. It really cant be. I want to switch topics and ask you about what Speaker Pelosi did today that shes not in favor of impeaching President Trump arguing that it will divide the country saying, quote, hes not worth it. Do you agree with him . Were going to keep doing our job, anderson. I think everyone is going to clear that. At this point after two years of the republican failure to conduct any oversight to hold this administration accountable, the Judiciary Committee that i serve on takes that job seriously. Thats why we sent out document requests to over 80 individuals and entities. We want to get to the truth. We want everyone to understand that as we do this oversight we have to uphold the rule of law and that no one is above the law. I am saying throughout its premature to have any conversations about that. We have a job to do and were going to continue to do that job on behalf of the american people. Congressman deutsch, i appreciate your time. Thanks, anderson. More on the bombshell announcement on impeachment. Ill talk to gavin newsome. The governors not so subtle direct response coming up. Allergies with sinus congestion and pressure . You wont find relief here. Go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritind. While the leading allergy spray only relieves 6 symptoms, claritind relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. Claritind relieves more. Guys go through a lot to deal with shave irritation. So, we built the new Gillette Skinguard with a specialized guard designed to reduce it. Because we believe all men deserve a razor just for them. The best a man can get. Gillette. 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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she does not think impeachment proceedings against President Trump are worth it. She said the impeachment process is so divisive that absent anything compelling, overwhelming, bipartisan, those are her words, she doesnt think the house should go down that path. That belies in the face of the views of the democratic members of the house. Kirsten powers and democratic strategist angela rye. Kirsten, for months it seems like weve been hearing from republicans that the democrats are going to impeach President Trump. Right. Every show that i have been on that you have been on that that has been said, you have always responded by saying, youre just saying that. Thats a talking point. Democrats are not saying that. Speaker pelosi seems to be confirming that. Yeah. Certainly in a more definitive way than maybe anything weve heard certainly from her. Yeah. She really seemed to go out of her way to make this very clear. It was interesting. She said, im going to make some news and say this, but really this has been the position of the democratic leadership. They saw what happened when the republicans went after bill clinton and they were able to impeach him in the house and not convict him in the senate, because it was, you know, basically not a bipartisan effort and theyre not interested in going down that road. And so, you know, theyre not stupid. I mean, thats really what it comes down to. I think that theyre doing these investigations because this is the job of the congress to do oversight on the president and it hasnt been done to date when the republicans were in control and the information that they gather i think will be information that will be useful to voters. I think republicans keep saying oh, this is just to impeach the president , but unless they could get some sort of bipartisan support, and particularly in the senate, then i think thats not what this is really about. Angela, i wonder what you make of this. No, i dont think its wise for several reasons. One, the democrats are just into their First Quarter of really taking over the house. Theyre just now exercising leadership. They are spending a number of staff and Financial Resources on investigating donald trump, not to mention the fact that the Mueller Investigation report is nowhere near done. Maybe they say its near done, but theyve been saying that for several months. I think its unfortunate that in the middle of all of the fact finding thats going on, right in the middle of republicans saying its a witch hunt, why would you confirm any of that by saying its not worth it to impeach him . It would be too divisive. If this president , if this commander in chief isnt divisive enough and that alone warrants his particular or his potential impeachment or at least his resignation, i dont know what is. I dont think that it further divides the country by any stretch to expect that someone who has broken the law at every turn and has lied about it and has guilty, guilty, guilty all around him, just the people around him, i dont know what warrants impeachment. I guess i just dont understand. Kirsten . Well, you know, i dont i dont think look, i guess in the way i heard her talking, i dont think she was ruling out impeachment ever happening. I think she was sort of saying based on what we have in front of us right now obviously theres not enough information to do that and theres not enough possibility of getting some bipartisan consensus. I do think one of the problems with bipartisan consensus is its hard to imagine really anything that republicans would ever impeach donald trump over. So i think but i do think its important for democrats to be aware of this sort of broader, you know, political situation, which is that you dont want to hand donald trump something that hes going to be able to portray himself as this unfair victim. I think its better to go along with the process. Look, if it gets to the point when they have that information, cross that bridge when you get to it. Angela, do you think this takes away some enthusiasm from democrats about what may go on or supporting, you know, the process . Well, i think i think there are a number of things. One is i think the real challenge we have is you basically said, you know, and kirsten you just acknowledged, right, its hard to get anything done in a bipartisan fashion by the mere just by the fact of gerrymandering alone. Its very hard in the house. The senate maybe not so much. Our reality is if you foreclose on a process before its even done, thats the problem. I think shes undermined a number of committee chairs, right . When you think about congressman cummings, Michael Cohen testimony was not that it wasnt be that long ago. So im just saying, what is the purpose of all of that if its not to determine if there was any real breaking of the law . And if there was breaking of the law, the only way to punish the president is to impeach him. So i dont understand why she would foreclose on that. The other challenge i have, anderson, frankly, is to me it seems difficult to go after blue collar white workers who she thinks is coming back to the tent that shes calling socialism. Theyre not coming back, nancy. Theyre not coming back. Coming up next, the governor who says hes, well, trying to well, hes facing up to the Trump Administration. The president s counter atom on him and what it says about the state of play with these two forces. California governor gavin newsom is next. Worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. 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Not surprisingly democrats declared it dead on arrival, in part because it calls for 8. 6 billion for the wall, the one that mexico was going to pay for and the one that the president declared an emergency for. He did that over the objection of both parties. One of his biggest critics is california governor gavin newsom. He spoke with gary tucker just the other day. Do you think hes xenophobic . I think a lot of the actions that weve seen over the last few years by definition are textbook. Native vice textbook xenophobic. Textbook racist. Are you at war with the Trump Administration . Its not just the Trump Administration. Trumpism. I think more broadly a lot of the rhetoric were hearing on the streets and sidewalks. You know, theres something going on. Theres a lot of toxicity in our body poll particular right now and its been for purely partisan political purposes. That report first aired on the Program Friday night and it aired again on saturday. The president must have seen that airing because moments later he tweeted i hope the grandstanding governor of california is able to spend his very highly taxed citizens money on asylum holds than it has been spent on fast train which is billions over budget and in total disarray. Time to reduce taxes in california. Saturday we spoke with governor newsom. I want to start by reading Something Back that you said to gary tuchman last week. You said a lot of the actions over the last few years are by definition are textbook nativist, textbook xenophobic, textbook racist in many respects. Do you then think the president is a racist and zoxenophobe . Hes certainly acting like it. Hes advancing policies that are set to divide. These are the policies that are being advanced by not a president at the time in the 80s and 90s. 1994 when pete wilson was governor of california running for reelection and he advanced initiative prop 187. We had three strikes. Politics of fear and anger. It was on the ballot and it won. It was situational but long term it was devastating to the republican party. I think the same will happen across the nation. You think thats what is at the core of President Trumps kind of strategy, getting people against each other . Of course. I mean, its textbook. None of this is novel. None of this is new. Its very familiar, not just to people in california, all across the country. Politics, again, fear and anger, and it works situationally. It doesnt work long term, but it works short term. Its all about the base. All about the base. You hear that over and over. Publicly, privately. Its sad and tragic. Its incumbent on people like myself that feel that we can elevate ourselves and rise and stand up and have the backs of our diverse populations, particularly in a state like california that practices pluralism, a word you never heard uttered by the white house. We are a universal state. We want to celebrate our differences but we also believe in uniting around the things that bind us together and our common humanity is at stake when you have politicians and politics that want to divide us. Im not going to stand for that. In the interview you talk about the Services California is providing for asylum seekers, services which you say should be the federal governments responsibility. You actually entered up a center for asylum seekers. The president responded to you over the weekend tweeting, and i quote, i hope the grabbed standing governor of california is able to spend his very highly taxed citizens on money holds than money has been spent on the socalled fast train which is billions over budget and in total disarray. Time to reduce taxes in california. To that you say what . Well, were going to need two segments to unpack all of that and the conflation of issues. The bottom line is, it is the federal governments responsibility. It is the federal governments role. These are human beings. These are parents. These are children. Forgive the vernacular. Otherwise dumped im being a little pejorative. Im being a little obtuse in my language. Theyre thrown in bus stops to fend for themselves that came through here legally, legal asylum seekers. Not here illegally, here legally. They have ankle bracelets on their legs. Theyre out at 2 or 3 00 in the morning at a bus station. The federal government turns a blind eye to them. California will not. They will not do their job, well do their job. To the extent the taxpayers is one of the strongest economies in the world, i whether enthusiastically advance that. 25,000 seems like a Little Journey for whatever legally they are going towards. It seems like part of the president s strategy and the Administration Strategy is to make legal asylum seeking as difficult as possible. I mean, it seems like it has slowed. Slow it down to a trickle so its only a few people a day. You have thousands of people waiting on be the other side of the border for a process which is a Legal Process. Yeah. Its a Legal Process they try to make as difficult as possible. Look at their results. Forgive me, anderson. I get a little intense about this. Ive got four young kids. Myungest just turned 3, my oldest is 9. We find out again that thousands of children were separated than the administration has publicly at least, well, acknowledged, and yet all of these efforts by the administration are a complete failure. Everything theyve tried to do is making things worse not better. Theres no accountability for just simple governance, humanity, decency. I think its incumbent on all of us, not just democrats, human beings. Stop the tweets and lets come to some conclusion of the consequences of our failure in this country to advance comprehension sieve immigration reform. Deal with the root causes, the root causes particularly as it relates to asylum speakers. Thats whats happening in el salvador, nicaragua. Get to the core of this. The president sent his Budget Proposal to congress. Hes asking for 8. 6 billion for the border wall, which is almost 3 billion more than the government was shut down over. Maybe its an opening gambit. In a further negotiation that hes now asking the american taxpayers for funding for his funding. Hes going to pay for the wall. This is nothing more than what it obviously is. Its pure political theater. Its a perpetuation. Its a conversation like you and i are having that were going to have every single day. Its exactly what the president wants. He wants this conversation because he cant have a real conversation about solving some of the deep and structural challenges in this country because hes not interested enough in creating political conditions where he can engage the other party and actually produce real results. So he creates these side shows, this political theater, this political grandstanding. Of course its absurd. 5. 7 billion led to a shutdown. Now he asked for 8. 6, doubling down on it. He knows exactly what hes doing. He knows how well react, how i will react, others, how well consume the nightly news. Meanwhile he will be less impacted of his failure to address all of these other issues because we are here, exactly where he knew he would send us, down the vortex of this political theater on something he knows he cant deliver but will continue to perpetuate to satiate his base. There were 76,000 unauthorized border crossing. 11year high. They have said the system is well beyond capacity and remains at the breaking point. Whatever one labels it, a crisis or an emergency, do you acknowledge there is a problem at the border . If so, what is the solution to that problem . Prob problem of our own making. Complete incapacity for democrats and republicans to come together to deal with this not situationally but susta sustainab sustainably. To deal with it at its root cause. Its no longer mexicans jumping over the border. Decade low number of undocumented residents in the state. The challenge has changed and now its about central america. If you want to get serious about it, lets get serious about economic investment, opportunities in central america. Lets secure a consequence of our zero tolerance policies and make sure we have more judges and make sure we have more staffing. Lets make sure were communicating more effectively. Decency, honor, humility, humanity when people cross into our country. When they cross our values are dumped on the streets and sidewalks. Thats how you begin to substantively address this issue. Creating the conditions and having the decency to move past the politics and the situational politics that is being advanced here in a more sustainable way. Forgive me, anderson, for belaboring this. Just start being human beings again, decent, honorable human beings again, not politicians. Put down the swords and the anger and deivy divisiveness. You were down at the border saying there was no crisis, no emergency. You got criticized because at that crossing there is a wall. Do walls work . Yeah, i do think they work in urban settings. I think they do work on the southern border here in california, particularly between tijuana and san diego, but heres one of the reasons they work, is the cross border engagement. 100,000 people going back and forth legally every single day. People that live in san diego and work in tijuana. People that work in tijuana and come into san diego for exchange, for economic exchange, jobs, opportunity. You talk to people down there, they talk about it in a regional construct. We had a Century Program that gets people to move across the border. Its a completely different narrative. Its one people have lived with for decades. Theres a vibrance thats a part of that narrative. Not just security, but in terms of security, absolutely. We believe in appropriate security measures, but 2,000 mile wall is a monument to stupidity, not just vanity. It doesnt solve the problem. There are ways of isolating structures. There are ways of providing barriers and security that can solve the problem. This president is not creating the conditions where we can have that thoughtful debate. Instead hes advancing purely a political point. Well, speaking of not a thoughtful debate, my last question. You told us last week that you dont want to spar with the president , that you want to work with him. I just want to play something he said last week about a phone call allegedly with you. But he called me up the other day, recent bely, lets say four weeks ago or so, i just want to tell you, youre a great president and youre one of the smartest people ive ever met. Thats what he said. Thats what he said. Will he admit it . No, i doubt it, but thats what he said. Youre doing a great job. Is that your recollection . You cant make this up, anderson. I called the president because i wanted to extend my appreciation. I said this publicly, not just privately. We had the wildfires. I wanted to express the fact that the people in those communities were grateful to him. I was grateful to him. The people in the communities appreciated not only his time and attention but appreciated his attention. Somehow that got conflated. We hear what we want to hear. I cant admit, quote, unquote, to what i said because thats not what i said. That said, i do want to work with him on emergency preparedness, emergency planning. I do want to rise above this politics and i think thats important. I think people expect that and to the extent we can continue to have an open hand, not a clenched fist, im all for it. If youre going to attack the people in the state, attack our values, attack our diversity im going to head back to those folks and stand up tall against anyone who tries to advance a contrary narrative. Ghofr newsom, i appreciate your time. Thank you. Thanks for having me. In other news, the lawyer for empire star Jussie Smollett say they have a great case against the two brothers involved as smollett faces 16 felony counts of disorderly conduct. Ill talk to the lawyer for the two brothers to see what she has to say next. And struggle. We actually. Seek it out. Other species do difficult things because they have to. We do difficult things. Because we like to. We think its. Fun. Introducing the allnew 2019 ford ranger built for the strangest of all creatures. And back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Most can tell the continent or country i did a lot of research into dna tests. 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Because we know mom wants whats best. More beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar. Balanceus. Org the attorney for empire star Jussie Smollett said hes innocent. They casted suspicion on his supposed attackers. Prosecutors say they received 3500 to stage the whole thing. Isnt it just weird that you get attacked, allegedly attacked by two people you actually know, who have actually been on empire who youve actually worked out with and you dont recognize them . Yes. Yes. Guess what . I dont know whether he made that statement or but what i do know is that when he was told that they had evidence against these two he refused to sign the complaint because he could not believe it. If he thought they were in on it, would he have signed the complaint . Wouldnt he have signed the complaint . He didnt believe it. Now if youre asking me what their motivation is, i suppose i can speculate, but motivation of jussie is not an element of the crime. Their motivation, ive got my theories on it, but i havent seen one piece of evidence and they have dont have one piece of evidence that theyve turned over that links jussie to this. What they do have is a whale of a case if you believe what the police chief is saying, theyve got a great case against the two brothers. As you might expect, the lawyer for the brothers has quite a different take. Her name is gloria schmidt. We spoke earlier today. Gloria, can you just explain exactly what your clients are acknowledging they did and didnt do in connection with the attack . Sure, anderson. You know, their biggest point right now is the tremendous regret that they feel over their involvement, and i know Everyone Wants to know, well, what is the exact detail . Where are the borders of their involvement . And at this point im not at liberty to say that, but what i can tell you is that their participation has been a complete learning experience for them. And theyve really had a realization through all of this. How did you come to believe your clients story . Number one, i wanted to just put it out there that obviously that starts with cooperating with your attorney and we walked through the actual time line and pieced everything together and that took me a lot of time ourselves. My own law firm doing our own private investigation, we were able to fish it out, if you will and tell the commander, theres something that doesnt match with the narrative that was put out by mr. Smollett. Do you believe your clients were betrayed by mr. Smollett . I believe my clients were atta abetrayed. Hes a celebrity. This is somebody in a position of power over my client. We see a lot of stories in the news where celebrities think they might be above the law. Its just not the case. Do you know how your clients met Jussie Smollett and how long they have known him for . I do. The older brother had known mr. Smollett longer than oh, im sorry, the younger brother had known mr. Smollett longer than the older brother. They met through a working relationship. They were trainers. They were training him. Was the younger brother the trainer of Jussie Smollett or were they both training him . They were both training him. Im sorry. You said how did the younger brother initially meet smollett . So those details will be better said from able but i do know that they met at least a couple of years prior to this incident. Oh, so they have known each other for a couple of years. Yes. Could you say if they met in chicago or elsewhere . Im not able to answer that at this time. There is a check for 3,500 written by smollett to one of your clients. Was it the younger brother or do you know . So the training, that was something prediscussed prior to january 29th. It was cashed. It was deposited. Since the check was for training did it have anything to do with agreeing to take part in this attack or what they say is a hoax . You know, the check is not such a clear cut answer because you have to look at they were friends and the money did include services for training. But you have to look at it through the context of im this star and im someone that you can help and have to pay you for something and oh can you do me this favor . Was it for training and was it not for training, i think its a little bit of both. Can you say just full stop that this was a hoax perpetratored by Jussie Smollett . What i can say is that my clients are extremely, tremendously remorseful for their role in this. They hope that, you know, this opens the dialogue to people that are being affected, that people who are in minority populations, people that have suffered the hate crimes and they really hope that people learn from this. Dont get taken advantage of by a celebrity or a stronger relationship than you. They feel they were taken advantage of by Jussie Smollett. They feel regretful that they put their trust in the wrong person. I appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me anderson. Lets check in with chris and see what he is working on at the top of the hour. Interesting. Thats why people have a problem with lawyers. Just say its a hoax then. Everything you said equates with it being a hoax but you always ask the right questions. Thats the best that we can do and sometimes the lawyer just matters. In that situation, the lawyer knows what her clients are really about and what theyre afraid of now. So tonight i have been chasing an interview with Keith Davidson for a long time. He was stormy daniels, he was Karen Mcdougal and others lawyers in these hush money payments. We keep asking what did the president know or not know . How involved was he . Is cohen telling the truth or not . This is the guy on the other side of the transactions. Hes finally willing to speak. Were giving him time to test what he thinks happened. What he says was known or not known. The time line. The lawyer knows the answers. Fascinating. Five minutes from now. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Well see you at the top of the hour. Up next, growing questions at the wake of the second deadly crash. The worlds best selling airliner in just months. What authorities are saying about the 737 max when we continue. Gear. Matters. Introducing the allnew 2019 ford ranger, its the right gear. With a terrain Management System for. This. A bash plate for. That. An electronic locking Rear Differential for. Yeah. This. Heading to the supermarket . Get any truck. Heading out here . Get the ford ranger. The only adventure gear built ford tough. Aww. Yaaaayyy aww. Yaaaayyy aww. Yaaaayyy we hide hotel names, so you can find four star hotels at two star prices. Hotwire hotwire. 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Pg e wants you to plan ahead by mapping out escape routes and preparing a go kit, in case you need to get out quickly. For more information on how to be prepared and keep your family safe, visit pge. Com safety. The federal Aviation Administration is not grounding 737 max 8 jets. Instead theyll order design changes to the jets but only due to the crash last october when 189 people died. This comes after another jet operated by Ethiopian Airlines crashed killing all 157 people on board including 8 americans. Thats two deadly crashing in five months. Today several airlines around the world grounded the plane. That does it for us. Ill hand it over to chris for cuomo primetime. Thank you. I am chris cuomo and welcome to primetime. We have the man on the other side of the infamous hush money payments. Attorney Keith Davidson. Represented stormy daniels, Karen Mcdougal and others. He cut those deals to help bury the news of President Trumps alleged affairs. He is here and he has new information this evening. The time line, the intentions, the president s awareness, he knows and he is willing to be tested. Also tonight, Speaker Pelosi just said something thats

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