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At least one person was injured in this reported explosion in south austin. Cnns nick watt and ed lavandera are in austin. I want to start with nick watt. Nick, what do we know about this latest location . These are early reports. We want to be cautious until this is confirmed to be another explosive device. Reporter well, anderson, the call came in at shortly after 7 00 p. M. Local time of a reported explosion here on brodie lane. Now, there is a large good will center on this road about 300 feet behind me. We do not know yet if that is the location. But in terms of the location within austin, this could be significant. We are in south austin right now, brodie lane has already featured in the investigation here because those two package bombs that were found at fedex facilities down near san antonio and near the airport here in austin, those two packages were both mailed at a fedex dropoff facility on this same road a couple of miles further down. Also this is quite near the location of that trip wire detonation sunday night. In fact, we were just in that neighborhood now when the call came in. It took us about ten minutes to drive here. As you can possibly see, a Huge Police Response to this bombing. We are told one male in his 30s has been taken to the hospital. His injuries not thought at this time to be lifethreatening. Anderson . Nick, is there any sense of, you know, weve now seen bombs in packages on porches, three of those. Weve seen a trip wire device. And obviously the two devices in fedex facilities today. Is there any indication of if this was a device, what the delivery mechanism of it was . Reporter this one, we do not have that information. But as you said, there are three methods that this supposed bomber, alleged bomber, has been using. First of all, those packages dropped on porches. Then the trip wire. Then these packages sent through the mail. People we were talking to in austin tonight said, whats next . We dont want to go to malls. What if he changes his m. O. Again and starts hitting crowds. People here are scared. Nick watt, appreciate your reporting. Well continue checking in with you. I want to go to ed lavandera, who is where that single unexploded bomb was found at a fedex facility. Ed, explain where this facility is in austin and what you know about the device that was found. Reporter well, we are in southeast austin in a fedex delivery dispatch center. You can see the large complex behind me. This is where trucks come, pick up packages, and then fan out throughout the city. We are near the International Airport here, and just after 6 00 this morning, investigators from the Police Department and fbi and atf showed up here after employees discovered a suspicious package. They spent much of the day here, and this was also just hours after another package exploded at another Fedex Distribution Center about 65 miles away in the town of schertz, which is a suburb of northern san antonio. The package there detonated, causing minor injuries to an employee who worked there. I spoke with one employee here who said that all the employees were called to the front of the store and then quickly told to evacuate. They said everything occurred rather quickly. But investigators brought out the bomb squad. They spent much of the day here and then just within the last hour or so, atf officials and the fbi confirmed that both of the packages found at these two different locations were confirmed to be connected to the four other explosions that had already happened here in austin over the last couple of weeks. So we are here in southeast austin. That other package that exploded in the overnight hours is about 65 miles away and, as nick watt reported there at the scene of that developing situation here tonight in austin, not too far away where investigators suspect these two packages were eventually dropped off. All of this seems to suggest that whoever is moving these packages along is out and about, you know, making moves throughout the city even as everyone is frantically looking for them, for whoever might be responsible. And also this occurring not too far tonight from where the sunday night explosion occurred as well. So i would imagine that investigators kind of feel whoever is behind this right now is making some rather brazen moves. Do we know if authorities have been able to track the routing of those two fedex devices or packages . Do they know, you know, was it a dropoff facility, the same dropoff facility . Reporter well, fedex officials told us theyve released a brief statement earlier today, and they said that they were able to provide investigators with a great deal of information about the packages that were discovered at these two different Distribution Centers as well. We do know that they were that the device that was found at this particular location where we are in southeast austin did not explode on its own, that the bomb squad was able to dismantle it. So whether or not how much of that boxing and packaging is still intact and just how much detail theyre able to garner from what was in that package and what kind of condition it was left in, we have not been told. What is interesting as well, anderson, is that just prior to the breaking news here tonight of this latest development in south austin and a possible explosion there, if thats indeed what it turns out to be connected to, that atf officials and spokespeople for the austin Police Department had gone kind of quiet for several hours and said that there would be no more interviews today, that they needed to stop talking because of, quote, operational needs. So it seems like theres a lot of moving parts, an investigation that is quickly developing here. You definitely had a sense throughout the day that whatever was developing was developing in a rather frantic pace and various locations and in many locations across the city. Ed lavandera, appreciate your reporting. Well continue checking in with you. I want to bring in our Law Enforcement team, james galliano, tom fuentes as well as on the phone Josh Campbell and bob baer. Josh, based on your experience with the fbi, what do you make of, a, this pattern and sort of the uptick in the number of blasts that we have been seeing . Well, its a very tough scenario. You know, each new day seems to bring some new dangerous development. I talked earlier with a Law Enforcement who has been briefed on the Ongoing Investigation, and he opined the fact that we have moved from a victiminitiated device to a trip wire shows that this is someone who is playing around with different packaging, different initiators, and this type of sophistication and knowing were dealing with someone who can move across these explosive platforms shows just how deadly the situation is and how difficult the Ongoing Investigation is. I think its important, anderson, to focus now on opening that dialogue with the person or the persons that are doing this with Law Enforcement. You know, we have to understand that there was a reason that this individual is doing this. Authorities want to know what that reason is. Ive listened to some Law Enforcement folks talk about these bombers as sociopaths and psychopaths. I dont think thats particularly helpful right now. Whats important is this. If you look at some of the past profiles of bombers, these are typically people who are injustice collectors. What i mean by that is they have some type of grievance. I think its important that they reach out to Law Enforcement through whatever secure means they deem necessary so Law Enforcement can open that dialogue and understand what is happening here. There is absolutely nothing that authorities can do to allay these grievances if they dont know what they are. Obviously thats one of the things sorry. Were joined on the phone right now by roberto villalpando, an eyewitness and a reporter for the Austin American statement. If you can tell us where you are and what you have learned . Im sorry. Could you repeat that . Ive got a Police Helicopter circling right above me. Okay. If you could just tell us exactly where you are and what you have learned so far, what you have seen. Yeah. Im actually at my house, which is about 600 or 700 feet away from the Goodwill Store where the explosion took place. So youre confirming that there was an explosion at the Goodwill Store . Was it inside the store, outside . Do you know . Im not sure inside or outside. What im referring to are the is the information weve been getting from authorities, local authorities via twitter. Okay. Usually our first indication of information. So local authorities and go ahead. Go ahead. Local authorities are saying there was an explosion at the Goodwill Store . Thats what i thats what they had tweeted earlier. Thats what weve been reporting. Did you yourself hear anything . Yes. It was around 7 00 in my house. As i said, were only about 650 feet away from the Goodwill Store itself. Were separated by a greenbelt, my subdivision and the Shopping Center where the Goodwill Store is. My son and i were downstairs in the living room, and we could hear it pretty loud. And we typically can hear loud noises from the Shopping Center. For instance, you know, dumpsters getting dumped out late at night. But this was much louder than that, and it was a singular boom. This may sound like a dumb question. Did you actually feel the blast itself . Im just trying to get a sense of how powerful it may have been. Hearing it is one thing. Did you actually feel anything in the house . We couldnt actually feel anything in the house, but it was loud enough where we had the tv on fairly loud, and we could hear it distinctly, almost as if it was a voice in the room. Thats how loud it was. Then after that, were there what happened . Did you look out the window . What did you hear or see . Sure. I went outside with my dog actually to go to the entrance of the greenbelt, and theres a trail that leads from our house actually to the Shopping Center through the greenbelt. And i took my dog to the entrance there actually just to see if anybody was going to come out, out of the end of the greenbelt there. You know, ive been reporting the story with my colleagues at the americanstatesman, and weve heard all kinds of theories. Weve heard all kinds of speculation about how this person is planting bombs or setting up escape routes. So frankly i was just trying to see if maybe somebody was going to come out through that pathway. Roberto, i should say weve just gotten the following tweet from the Police Department. It reads, there was no package explosion. Items inside the package was not a bomb, rather an incendiary device. At this time we have no reason to believe this incident is related to previous package bombs. Theyre saying its an incendiary device. I want to read that. There was no package explosion in the 9800 block of brodie lane. Items inside package was not a bomb, rather an incendiary device. At this time we have no reason to believe this incident is related to previous package bombs. Breaking. Package bomb murders. So thats the latest were getting right now from the police. Youre saying, though, did you see any damage in the store . I was able to get close enough with our photographer, nick wagner, coming in behind the building through the greenbelt trail i mentioned. We didnt see any visible damage. We were also turned away by police pretty quickly. But we couldnt discern any visible damage on the outside. Roberto, i appreciate talking to you. Again, were going to take a short break. Were going to continue to bring you the latest information from austin. Well be right back. Whoooo. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. 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There was no package explosion. Items inside the package was not a bomb, rather an incendiary device. At this time we have no reason this incident is related to previous package bombs. Congressman Roger Williams is on the phone. He represents the district. Congressman, im sorry to have you here under these circumstances. Thanks for being with us. Have you heard anything about this latest incident and what this incendiary device was . No. It was in a goodwill. We had one person injured. Its all up in the air right now. I must tell you the local Law Enforcement, atf, are doing a wonderful job. Everyone is working together. Its a serious issue there, and people must be very, very careful as they begin to move around the city. Its one of those things you dont think its going to happen in your city. Sure. Here it is now. But i think every responding and people are certainly aware of whats out there. You said this incendiary device was in the goodwill. Do you know for a fact it was inside the goodwill . No, and i dont want to say things im not sure of. Okay. Thats why im asking. Our report was that it was in a good will store. Okay. Let me ask you just the idea that what we do know, what we have seen over, now, since this began are three devices left on porches, then a trip wire device, and then obviously two devices in fedex facilities today, one which detonated, one which did not. Does it concern you that the methodology of this person or persons seems to be changing as Law Enforcement gets used to one thing . They seem to change to something else. Well, i dont think youre dealing with a rookie here or rookies. And i think that its certainly that this perpetrator perpetrators is trying to send a message, and frankly most of us dont think like they do. So i think that theyre trying to send a message. It does concern me that it seems to be, i. E. , an upgrade if you want to call it that. It just gets back to everybody being aware. Law enforcement is doing a great job, and find this person or persons as quick as we can. I talked to the chief of police in austin last night on the broadcast, who said that a number of the components in the earlier devices and this is, again, before todays devices. But a number of components in the earlier devices were similar, and thats why theyre so confident that it was the work of the same person or persons. Well, i also had a great visit with the chief. I think it was im not sure if was today or yesterday to be honest with you, but we had a great visit. And he indicated the same thing. Its a serious issue, and were thankful we got everybody involved. Like i say, ive heard from a lot of weve heard from a lot of folks. Theyre very aware whats going on, and they need to continue to be careful and be aware. And if they see anything thats out of the ordinary, report it. I do appreciate your time. Im so sorry its under these circumstances. Thank you very much. Back now with the panel. James galliano, tom fuentes sxx on the phone Josh Campbell and bob baer. Bob, we havent heard from you. Just in terms of the sophistication of Something Like this, what do you make of what you have seen . Well, what concerns me is the trip wire. Weve got a guy that probably used a pressure switch or mercury switch in the first packages, and now hes switching tactics, letting us know that he knows his way around explosives. And he possibly, possibly has the ability to hide his signature, keep his dna off this stuff. As been said, hes been playing cat and mouse with the police. Whats going to make it particularly difficult at this point to track him down is theres no obvious political motivation. Hes not a neonazi. Hes not a terrorist that we can tell because these targets seem random at this point. And, you know, are they all connected . Two of them are connected, but the rest i dont think so. The other thing we dont know is what kind of explosives and what the initiator was. Are we talking about military explosives, or are we just talking about somebody who fabricated a detonator. Thats going to be telling the police a lot, you know, just how dangerous the situation is. But they cant tell us what theyve collected because it would, you know, misdirect the investigation. James, the trip wire, that concerned you as well. Obviously its all concerning, but in terms of an evolution of tactics. Absolutely. We talked in the early segment about how this is not the unabomber 2. 0. This appears much more like the d. C. Sniper case, anderson, in 2002, in the month of october for three weeks two snipers paralyzed parts of maryland and virginia. This seems similar in this instance. If, and its a big if, these seven devices can be linked together. And that link analysis is critical here. If. Even the fact that this last device was an insend areay device, lets not make that out to be something benign. We havent seen it. We dont have details yet. But incendiary device is combustible. It is flammable. Its something designed to cause fire. There are three ways that cause fatalities in bombings. The most onerous one is the overpressure. Meaning the pressure that comes out that basically crushes organs and soft tissue. The second is the fragmentation. The third is the thermal effect, meaning the fires that get started or somebody becomes injured. Theyre inside their home or a building and end up succumbing to the inhalation of smoke. This is a very serious, serious and im going to disagree with some of my colleagues. This is somebody that meets the definition of a depraved sociopath, someone who is looking to target individuals to create fear. We cant define this as terrorism because to bobs point, theres not a political or a social goal yet determined. But make no doubt about it. Trying to sow terror and put people on edge and in fear. Tom fuentes, just in terms of the again, the evolution and the methodology and the motivation of somebody for doing this, one of the things the police are trying to do, and theyve been doing this now for days, is make public appeals to this person or persons to reach out to them and explain what their gripe is or why theyre doing this. Well, that may work, anderson. You know, one of the things theyre trying for here is that a person with extreme sociopathy is usually an extreme narcissist, and theyre doing this to be grandiose, to have the attention, to have everybody knowing what theyre doing and seeing even if their identity isnt put on the news, at least their activity is, and everybody is learning all about it. And they like that. They like the attention even if its indirect. So by trying to appeal to somebody to take it to the next level and make contact with the police, its just that much more likely that it will give the police more clues or the person will make a mistake. I think that theres so many things you start to think about here in terms of, you know, whether theres a grievance, whether theres some issue that the person has against society or even against Law Enforcement, who have to deal with these bombs if they find them, is that in the past weve seen even explosives experts themselves develop mental problems and initiate these kind of not at this level, but at least initiate some type of attack strategy. What strikes me as different in this case is just the number of these in a short period of time. Yeah. The unabomber was over 20 years for the 17 devices. Here weve got seven devices at least, and there could be more in the system that have not been identified yet, and its been two weeks. So i think thats whats making this so unusual, the volume and the short period of time and in a pretty central location. Theyre not being mailed all over the country at this point. Ive got to get a break in. Oappreciate everybody. Again, the headline right now, police saying no package explosion, instead, an incendiary device. Were going to continue to follow this. Other breaking news tonight focusing on three women who have legal action against the president. They are not the only women who have come forward with allegations. Well talk about that next and all the other days news. Successful people have one thing in common. They read more. How do they find the time . With audible. Audible has the Worlds Largest selection of audiobooks. Books like peak performance. And endurance. Books that energize and inspire for just 14. 95 a month. Less than youd pay for the hardcover. With audible, you get a creditamonth good for any audiobook. If you dont like, exchange it at any time. 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Now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. More breaking news tonight. New developments in the stories of three women who have alleged connections to the president in the past. The former playboy playmate, karen mcdougal, squaring off in court against the tabloid Media Company that bought her story then spiked it. The adult film star, Stormy Daniels, whose attorney today released the results of a polygraph exam she took back in 2011. The report stating she was truthful when saying she had sex with thencitizen donald trump. Polygraph evidence, as you know, is not generally admissible in court. Theres also summer zervos, who was on the apprentice, who is accusing the president of sexual assault. Today a judge in new york allowed her defamation lawsuit to go forward. In our last hour, we spoke with Stormy Daniels attorney, michael avenatti, and David Schwartz, who represents his friend and President Trumps attorney, Michael Cohen, in another matter. Heres a small sample of that conversation. Why is it so important to your friend and the president of the United States to keep this woman under wraps, to keep her under the thumb, to shut her up . Why is it so important . I can tell you why its important. Let me finish. Why is that so important . Well, lets answer that question first. Why not let her come forward let me answer your question. Its important to every Single Person why not let her come forward . Why gag her . That enters into a nondisclosure agreement. People do this people do this in order to avoid litigation and avoid the embarrassment to family, to business, to reputation. Thats why people enter into you know why people enter into these contracts. Theyre entered into all the time. If Michael Cohen is such a standup guy, where is he . No, no. Where is this guy . Why wont he come and oh, hell come. Why wont he come and because obviously let me finish. Theres other no. I want to answer that question. Because hes been invited numerous times. No. Okay. He wont come on the show. Hes dodging the questions. He is not dodging the questions. Where is this guy . Where is this guy . There are other investigations going on. I was wondering what was in that brown envelope. Where is he . Hes going to come out. Believe me, he cant wait to come here and sit with you. Cant wait . And talk about this. It went on from there. A lot to discuss. Joining us, republican strategist Amanda Carpenter as well as paul callan, jackie kucinich, michael caputo, jennifer granholm, steve cortes, and paul begala. Amanda carpenter, first of all, theres obviously legal, political implications perhaps for the president in this. Just in terms of whether its Stormy Daniels or mcdougal or zervos, do you think this actually impacts the president with his base . Well, not if people just follow the daytoday fights and the dueling lawyers, which was fascinating television. But here is the thread that i think nobody is really zoning in on, especially the democrats, which could really make a compelling political argument. Its that there are two examples of the president s close allies in Michael Cohen and the National Enquirer paying hush money to women to deprive voters of having significant information before the election. If any of that behavior continued after trump became president , you could be talking about abuse of power. But no ones really making that argument. Right now Michael Cohen wants people to believe unbelievable things, that somehow he paid this money without the president knowing, that the affair never took place, that he never threatened the woman. Knowing his record, these things defy logic. But the first point i made was that Michael Cohen is telling people that the president didnt know, and this is a thread that i think connects a lot of the other lies that come out of this white house. Theres simply no way that the president s close allies carry out these kind of actions without his knowledge, encouragement, and endorsement. We know hes a micro manager. We know he gets rid of people. He calls them names when they do things he doesnt like. These things are not believable, and yet im stunned that no democrat is standing up to make a solid political argument that ties all this up. Paul callan, you heard the two attorneys. Who do you think has a stronger case here . Well, in this case i think that David Schwartz defending has probably the stronger case, and i only say that because when Stormy Daniels takes the money, the 130,000, a lot of people are going to say, why did she take the money if she wasnt agreeing to a contract . She could have given the money back and said donald trump didnt sign the contract. Remember, shes represented by a lawyer in this transaction. He hasnt signed the contract, or put the money in escrow. Im not going to put it in my bank account. But once you take the money in a contractual agreement, a lot of judges will look at that and say youre stuck with the contract. Michael avenattis point on that tonight was it wasnt just money. That there were other requirements in this contract, some of which were things that donald trump was supposed to do, which he says did not happen. I heard that, and it was a great debate by the way. And i might by the way, if i was judging the debate, i might have said avenatti made a better presentation. But im talking about how i think a court would rule in this. The reason i dont buy that avenatti argument about the other things, a lot of those other things would only come into play if there was a lawsuit and a violation that occurred. Remember, one of them was i think that donald trump wouldnt threaten her family. That donald trump or would stay away. And he would sign certain settlement papers. But if i could give an analogy because people were throwing out this thirdparty beneficiary thing. Thats what David Schwartz kept saying. I think a lot of people are confused by that. Lets say you had a grandmother who knew that you were really good in construction work, and she was having something built. So she built into the contract that you would have the right of approval on certain things because youre a carpenter and you know your way around. You wouldnt be in the contract, but she could specify that you would supervise certain aspects of it or approve certain aspects of it. You could also do a contract i have to say, i wouldnt be very happy if my grandmother was signing a contract that obligates me to supervise certain aspects of something without asking me. You know, youre focusing i think on avenattis strongest argument, which is i just hate my grandmother. Im kidding. Im kidding. My grandparents are dead. I didnt know them. What . Too soon . Shes going to have to back you up after sunday, when they come after you after this interview on 60 minutes. No, the point is that you can enter into a contract to protect another person or to use another persons services. But avenatti made this point, and i think this is a very strong point. You have an obligation under the lawyers code of professional responsibility to confer with your client about anything important in the case. Okay. Now, trump was his client. Who is going to believe that trump wouldnt be consulted about this contract . The other argument that Michael Cohen made is this has nothing to do with the election. Though this was signed, you know, within two weeks of the election. Paul, does that hold water for you . No. I mean michael was helping the president get through an election. It was a reasonably intense election. Reasonably important. I imagine it took a bit of his attention. The notion he would within days of an election take five minutes out of his time to do anything except donald trump is just not plausible. Whether its a legal violation, i have no idea. Well let paul and the lawyers play that out. But i think politically where this is problematic, theres a new Pew Research Poll today, remarkable poll, really looking at all the demographics. Republicans are facing a meltdown among women. Theyre trailing among all women, by 56 to 37. This is the weakest theyve been in 25 years among women. My guess and its only a guess because im a guy. Id defer to jennifer and jackie. My guess is this probably doesnt help the president or his party. The party is on the ballot, not the president , going into midterm elections with women voters if in fact the president and his friends are being accused of being really mean to a bunch of people. Weve got to take a quick break. Were going to continue this when we come back. Well be right back. Balling of course. One, two, three. I thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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Once i moved here i didnt want to live anywhere else. I love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other peoples lives. Together, were building a better california. Back with the panel, talking about three legal tributaries of river trump summer zervos, Stormy Daniels, and karen mcdougal. Michael, do you think this impacts the president politically at all . I dont think. I think this kind of fact that the president was a playboy is all baked into his candidacy. And by the way, if i knew we were allowed to bring, you know, props, i would have brought a picture of Michael Cohen never being on the floor where the campaign was held. He was not involved in the campaign. He was out speaking on behalf of the president sometimes, but he was walled off from the campaign. Youre not saying he was totally disconnected from his main client. I mean, he was doing this for the purpose of getting donald trump elected. Both of these women signs ndas, nondisclosure agreements, right before the election. The timing of it is critical. Yes, everybody knew he was a playboy, but not everybody knew that he was trying to cover it up, and that these women subsequently have been bullied or have felt bullied by him in an era with me too and thats the accusation. Well find out in a court of law. Agreeing by your own will to accept 130,000 is not being bullied. Right. Thats being enriched. Youre not listening to what shes saying. She was bullied afterward. She has been bullied recently. Since hes been president. She apparently has been bullied. Well see. Anderson cooper maybe knows better outside of the trumps marriage, why does this matter to the American People . It only matters if the American People thought it was relevant. No, no. Heres why. Because he is a because people see him as a con man. Many people, ill say this, in my party see him as a con man. And this is further proof that hes trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes. Hes not honest. Except, jennifer and talking about women hold on. Except that allegations of misconduct were widespread, okay . This is not new news. But this is a coverup. This is hush money. And the American People decided that they were either not true or not relevant you remember or some combination of the two. Steve, he stood and decided to elect a man who had a colorful past. I got that. But he was not francis of asissi. He stood in front of the American People and said this did not happen. And then we find out he paid these women off so that they would keep it under wraps. He didnt pay jackie . Speaking of women, paul mentioned that republicans are losing women in droves. I dont know that this story is the one that is making them walk away from candidates. But there is the culmination back home in ohio when you talk to people who voted for donald trump, its the chaos. Its russia. Its things that he its the tweets. Its a culmination of things. And this just adds on to it, particularly with women, but i think with some of these voters that may have given him a chance. And at this point may have a little bit of buyers remorse. I agree that the cable news crowd thinks theres chaos. You know theres be not chaos in america because wages are growing ohio is in america. I know were in new york but but Small Business optimism is surging. Theres not chaos in the country. As a matter of fact, theres prosperity in the country. Isis is gone and growth is back. Thats the real story. Isis is gone . Yeah, isis is gone or virtually gone. So is Rex Tillerson and a couple yeah. Palace intrigue. You know i want to set that aside. America is growing and confident and prosperous, and america knew he was not mother teresa, and it didnt matter. The panic is in the tv studio. Thats where it is. Its not in buffalo. Its not in columbus. Its just not there. We need to be taking more seriously summer zervoss lawsuit. At bottom, to the extent i understand it, Stormy Daniels and ms. Mcdougal are alleging consensual affairs between consenting adults. A lot like the clinton administration. None of my beeswax. Assault is different. The president was taped bragging that he committed sexual assault. Now we have ms. Zervos, who is alleging sexual assault. He has a right to answer, and im sure he will. That is a very different case. I know were saying its all one big mess of chaos, but if the president has to go under oath and defend that suit, that is very different than allegations of consensual affairs. Tonight in illinois there are a whole series of primaries. A lot of these women are running for congress and for seats in illinois who are emilys list endorsed and who are apparently doing very well. Youre seeing a surge of women candidates across the country because they feel like theyve had enough. This is just another brick in the wall of evidence that donald trump has not had just a history but currently, if you just look even at his cabinet, women are not included. Women are not hold on. How can you say that, jennifer . By the way, kirstjen nielsen, who i think is one of the most impressive members of his cabinet, in charge of Homeland Security we have to wrap it up. Its not fair for you to say that. Look at the numbers. Im talking about percentages. If theres any department that matters to him, its Homeland Security. Lets take a quick break. One quick programming note. Karen mcdougal has agreed to join us. You can see the exclusive interview here thursday night, thatll be here on 360. Coming up next tonight, more breaking news. New reporting that the president did the one thing he was warned not to do in his conversation today with vladimir putin. He did. Well tell you what he did and why or why it could matter. Well be right back. 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Unclear whether he saw the material and ignored it or simply didnt read it or disagreed with it. Back with the panel, joining us is david axelrod. Well, the president s supporters should say, every president gets to deal with the president the way they want to deal with it and i know the briefers said, dont congratulate putin, but does this matter . Theres so many reasons why it raises eyebrows, not the least of which he was advised not to do it. This fits into the pattern weve seen over the last few weeks where he ignored the advice on north korea and ignored some other major advice on tariffs. But the fact is that the russian s attacked our elections, continued to do that. Continue to hack into us. We know that theyre doing that. Putin just authorized the attempted murder with a nerve agent in london of one of his opponents. So to just treat which the president also did not mention. And the election itself was clearly rigged. And for all of those reasons you would think he would be a little reticent. I found interesting, Sarah Sanders said today, we dont get to dictate how other countries operate, we can only focus tonight freeness and fairness out of our elections. Okay, lets start there. How about the freeness and fairness of our elections. Did president obama congratulate putin . He did. Yes, he did. And i dont think its unusual for a president to do that. Putin was just coming back. We had had a fairly productive relationship with medvedev during those years and he was hoping for some continuation there. There were other leaders who called putin today, but no other leaders who were involved in the situation that weve been involved in, without raising the kinds of issues that should have been raised. Michael . The president s and france germany also congratulated him on his victory. The president could have congratulated him on his victory on january 15th. He was always going to win this thing, there wasnt any competition. Thats kind of the way its designed in russia. I was on the original team that drafted the general election law in russia. Doesnt resemble anything we drafted back then, but it guaranteed the president a reelection. Thats not free and fair by anyones imagination, but the president s of germany and france congratulated him on his victory. But heres what really matters to me. Who leaked this thing . Its time to figure out whos leaking from the National Security team in the white house. Thats a crime. It is Pretty Amazing how quickly this leaked out. Theyre going to find them. How quickly the call leaked out or that he was told not to congratulate him. That he was told not to, that it was in capital and not just figurative crime, an actual crime. And i thought it was ironic that he was asked about it while he was sitting next to the crowned prince of saudi arabia, mohammad bin salman, who is doing great things in his kingdom. But its ironic that man, that leader didnt even have to fake an election, because there is no election in saudi arabia, yet thats not questioned. Why is the president meeting well, why, because we dont get to choose how every country on earth elects their leaders. We dont choose the hierarchy of saudi arabia but this is also the day after this is the day after the president advocated to kill drug dealers, after praising leaders from countries where they have extra judicial killings. So its just a similar its a pattern that the president has an affinity for strongmen and dictators. But the u. S. Does spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year trying to promote democracy abroad. In russia as well. And when the venezuelans had a sham election last summer, the United States of america, our president , criticized them and said it was a sham, it was a fraud, because it was. And i was proud that he did that. Thats what i want the leader of the free world to do. He doesnt ever criticize mr. Putin. Its not just for the sham election. And by the way, david, im sorry to split hairs, but admiral john kirby, who was with president obama when he made that call to putin, says the president did not congratulate putin, he congratulated russia for getting this behind you and then laid out tomato, tomahto. But my point is, our president has an obligation to defend america. And our elections were attacked and theyre being attacked. Russian cyber actors have targeted u. S. Government and multiple critical infrastructures. Our energy sector, nuclear sector, water, aviation, why the hell isnt he protecting America Today from ongoing attacks from russia . He is. And you know how hes doing it . By sucking up to putin. Hes arming the ukraine, sanctions against russia, and in word gave over to moscow steve, steve, come on those sanctions against russia one at a time. Poisoned spies. Its just so frustrating to me is that thats theatrics. His representative to the u. N. , nikki haley okay, but thats not him. Thats the whole point. Thats the whole point. It is not him. Shes his representative. Politics at the university of chicago, and i said, why doesnt the president speak as forcefully as you do about putin. And you know what she said . She said, youll have to ask him that. But she is his representative. But he contradicts it she absolutely is. Come on, michael. The president of the United States speaks for the country. He is the commander in chief. When time and time and time again he refuses to rebuke putin, it sends a very clear message. And it leaves people bewildered and wondering why. Why do you think he wont rebuke him then . Tell me. I honestly do you really believe that . That is all right, we the whole Mueller Investigation weve got to leave it there. Well keep going through the commercial break. Coming up, an update on what turned out not to be another bomb in austin. They say its an incendiary device. Also, the latest on a shooting at a high school in maryland today. Whoooo. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. They read more. E have one thing in common. How do they find the time . With audible. Audible has the Worlds Largest selection of audiobooks. Books like peak performance. And endurance. Books that energize and inspire for just 14. 95 a month. Less than youd pay for the hardcover. 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This was at great mills high school, about 70 miles southeast of washington, where police say 17yearold male student shot two other students this morning before he was stopped by a School Resource officer, who fired one round at him. The shooter was later pronounced dead. The two students who were shot are a 16yearold girl whos in Critical Condition with lifethreatening injuries and a 14yearold boy whos in stable condition. The shooter and the female victim had some type of relationship, according to the sheriff, but the extent of that relationship isnt clear. The motive for the shooting also unclear. The sheriff also said today that the notion of it cant happen here is no longer a notion. Thanks very much for watching 360. Time to hand things over to don lemon. Cnn tonight starts right now. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. President trump facing lawsuits tonight from three women. A porn star, a playboy model, and a reality tv star. Three Different Cases over his alleged relationship with three different women. I mean, this is where we are right now. So i want you to take a look at this. The picture of the porn actress who says she had an affair with trump, shes hooked up to a polygraph. This was back in 2011. The result . She passed with flying colors. The report saying Stormy Daniels was truthful about having unprotected vaginal intercourse

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