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Shooters girlfriend, mary lou is on the way to the u. S. Back from the philippines. [ gunshots ] go back, go back. Get back. Get back, get back. Cnns kyung lah is here with more. She joins us with the investigation. Lets play some more of the buddy cam footage and then well talk. Lets watch. [ gunshots ] [ sirens ] theres gunshots right here. [ sirens ] [ gunshots ] go that way, go that way. Theyre shooting right at us, guys. Everybody stay down, stay down. Wheres it at . North of the mandalay bay. Its coming out of the window. So we know the first 911 call started at 10 08 p. M. The shooting went on for about nine to ten minutes according to investigators. You see in that video the unthinkable becoming real to First Responders and concert goers. Reporter you know, we should try to put this into perspective, don, as we listen and look at these images. You may notice that these First Responders, theyre wearing these vests. Theyre wearing a vent vest. And the reason why theyre wearing them is because many of them were working that event. It was a Music Festival outside in an openen airspace. And so as soon as that gunfire started, they started running towards them. And i dont know that if its body camera footage and what weve seen before are from concert goers and theyre trying to escape. These are First Responders running towards the gunfire. Theyre actually running towards it. So when you hear the sheriff describe why it ended so quickly, that the shots appeared to end at about 10 19, just nine minutes after the first 911 calls came in, its because those First Responders started running and immediately engaging the gunman inside the hotel thats just right over my shoulder. And today the Clark County Sheriff joe laum bardo said paddocks girlfriend, mary lou dannelly is a person of interest. By the way, we understand shes on a plane back to the u. S. Reporter we understand the plane has actually just landed, don. Were hearing from the Filipino Bureau of investigation. And what were learning is she did depart the country. It has already land in los angeles. What we do not know if she is getting on another flight here to las vegas, or if shes going to be working with authorities in los angeles. We dont know very much about her movements. What we do also know, don, is that she did travel the region. She had been in tokyo, the bureau of immigration telling us, telling cnn that she had left arrived into the philippines on september 15th from tokyo. And then she had traveled around the region to hong kong, returning to the philippines and had been there up until now when she departed today. Don. All right, kyung lah with the latest on the investigation. I want to turn now to an amazing survival story. Anthony was wounded in the mas but didnt even realize at first hed been shot, but he joins me now. How are you doing . Good to see you, and were glad to see youre okay. You were released from the hospital today actually last night. So what happened . We were having fun. I kind of got unfortunate. I was there with some other friends and they had all pretty much left. My ride had left. He decided he was going to go home a little early because he had work. I had a few other friends and they had left, so i was there with just one friend. I kind of had the same reaction as everyone else. We heard the initial fire, and at first i thought it was fireworks just kind of like everyone else. And i looked up and there were no fireworks in the sky. I kind of recognized the cyclical sound afterwards and recognized it was gunfire. So i got ready to start moving and grabbed my friend, and we started heading out. We got maybe 10 or 15, 20 feet right before everyone else kind of realized it was gunfire as well, and they started to stampede. So as we were going we were trying to escape around the bar. We were central, kind of central to the concert in the middle of the crowd where the bar was. We started to go around. As we started to go around the bar, other people started trying to dive underneath the bar to get under tables and things like that. My friend, she did that. There were some rounds to the left of me that went off, just kind of ricochetted off the ground. You could see them and hear them . I saw the last two, so i instantly just kind of jumped on top of her. That was kind of my first reaction was to just cover her up. And as i did that, i landed on her and turned my head so i didnt hit her head. And a round went off and i got some shrapnel in my face. I want to show you this, because this is a picture of i think the bullet that hit you. And when did you realize you were shot . Yes, so thats the round that actually went into my face. I realized i got hit with something immediately. It popped my head back. So i kind of touched and saw blood. And my first reaction, i just grabbed my friend and i said we got to go. So i picked her up, i got her up and as we were turning to run, i got shot again in the leg. So i took a round just above the kne knee . And youre wearing the brace and then you have the walker. How bad is the injury . So half the round broke off and actually embedded in my femur. And other half of the round kind of split some shrapnel around it. Its just above the knee. The hospital said because authorize no infection present, theyre going to release me. But i am going to get a Second Opinion. I have some Family Friends that are doctors, and they said if its in the bone it should be removed. So i may still have to have surgery. How far did you run . Oh, man, a good amount. We were in the middle of the bar, and it exit round we took, we ran back and around to the right and towards the back. And fortunately all the responders throughout this whole thing, las vegas metro, was just so on point. They were calm, collected. They funneled people. They kept people calm as much as they could. And clearly the people that werent keeping calm, they were helping. But theyd opened up the back towards the private airport area. Thats where we ran. I mean does this feel real to you . Yes and no. Its still kind of settling in here and there. As i hear other peoples stories and things like that, its starting to hit more to home. I just kind of count my blessings all my friends got out safe. And i know a lot of other people didnt, so im just trying to keep a good head on my shoulders and be happy about what i have. Thank you. Glad youre okay. For now. Lets hope that heals properly. Youve got to get a Second Opinion, right . Yeah, i get a Second Opinion tomorrow at 12 45. When we come back, going to talk to a family of a woman who was wounded and in the hospital tonight. One look at you and i cant disguise ive got hungry eyes applebees 2 for 20. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. 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Well, the gunshots started and no one thought too much of it. And were just singing and dancing and all of a sudden you hear jason stop playing and everyone just runs. Everyones being pushed down, being covered, everyone screaming, people are running. Im the oldest of four and ive always had a motherly instinct. So first instinct for me was wheres my family, wheres my friends, whats going on . I hear my sister screaming i got hit, i got hit. And i didnt know what he was talking about, and somehow a light was shining on her arm and she was just covered in blood, her whole hand, her whole arm. And i looked down and i see my mom laying face down in the grass. And by that point people had run away from where we are at and we were able to flip her over. And just immediately you saw the gunshot wound in her chest. Do you remember what happened . Do you remember how you got separated . I dont remember being hit. I remember when the light shone, was shone, thats how i knew i just was covered in blood. I mean i got absolutely lucky it just grazed my elbow abouten inch deep. But you didnt know that then. I didnt know that then. I saw the skin just flopping there. But i saw my mother there, and that was my main concern. I didnt feel my arm or feel pain until hours and hours later. And i remember i was on the phone with my boyfriend, she was on the phone with hers. And between her and my dad, and i cant remember just hearing through the phone stay calm, stay calm. And the retired paramedic or firefighter was saying the same thing. He was like stay calm, you guys have to get out of here. So the next thing i knew was i knew that i did not want to leave my mom. But i knew that was what i had to do in that particular moment. And you went to the hospital and yes, i was taken thats how you got the so, yes, i was taken to a hospital by an ambulance and i was with another victim who was shot in the back. And once we got to the hospital, they brought us in. And i was sitting i mean there was just chairs lined up everywhere. I mean it was a real life graze anatomy episode. What scene did you see in the hospital . This image will never leave my mind. This woman had a bullet in her forehead and blood was everywhere. I was literally right in the corner where they were wheeling people by. There were people with wounds legs and feet and arms and just about anywhere you could think. Did you feel helpless . Yes. Because you were at home, right . Yes because i was their designated driver to pick them up. My wife texted me about an hour before saying how much fun she was having. And i was thrilled she was having so much fun with my daughters. And then i was texting stephanie. She was saying how much fun that they were having. And then two minutes later i get a text from her saying omg, theres a shooting in front of us. And then i got another text, she says mom is hit. So i immediately called her, and she was crying, yelling saying, daddy, im sorry. Im sorry, daddy, im sorry. And then i said im leaving, and she said leave now, leave now. By the time she said that, i was already on my way. What was going through your head . The unknown. Not knowing if they were alive, not knowing if my wife was alive. She was telling me they were being forced to leave on the phone. That if they didnt leave they could die, too. So i hung up, i called paige. Paige was crying. She said, daddy, i got hit. Up until that point we still didnt know where my wife was. They couldnt locate her. So metro advised us go down to metro headquarters with all the other family members and they would have a briefing. So thats where a lot of families went to. So every so often they would come out and give a name update on whos been in the hospital. They did that three times and my wifes name was never on that list. So now im beginning to panic thinking maybe the worst. But also knowing that there was so many casualties that there was still hope. And i kept that hope in me, and i kept my faith. And after over 11 hours we finally got information that she possibly was at Sunrise Hospital where paige was treated. And once we get to Sunrise Hospital, a caseworker met us to confirm she was there and took us up immediately to the icu unit. What did you feel . Relief, happiness, grateful. But at the same time grieving. My heart was broken for those family members that lost their loved ones, that were killed. And i prayed for them. Do you think youll ever be the same . No. No. Experiencing that and living that living through that, fighting through that, you hear the stories on the news all the time. And my heart breaks when i hear things about this. You never think its going to happen to you, and you hear them say all the time you dont think its going to happen to you. But the moment it does its indescribable. My worst feeling was having to leave my mom. And i was the last of our group to be with her. And i thought for sure that i would not ever see her again, so those 11 hours that we waited, i mean they were probably the hardest time of our lives, the not knowing. And not being able to do anything. Yeah. I was so mad that i couldnt do anything to help my mom, i couldnt do anything to help my sister. Theres nothing you can do. And if someones telling you to run, what do you do . What do you do . I just told him you dont understand the relationship with my mom and i, i have to be here. I cant leave without her. I cant, i cant. And i was willing to stay and take a bullet to be with my mom. And i know if it wasnt for that man my mom wouldnt still be here. And i know if my friend wasnt with me, i would have stayed. And if i would have stayed, i would have died. These are the family members told me after they didnt hear from her for a while, they had thought she had died. And then they got the news she hadnt, and its an incred credible story. We wish them well. And the man they talked about who helped them is one of many true american heros who risked their own lives that night. Were getting more information on the 58 People Killed here in las vegas, nevada native quintan robins coached his Little Brothers football team. His aunt says everyone who met him loved him. Las vegas resident neysa tonks. And 34yearold Carrie Barnette was a Disney Employee for ten years. Her and canneddous bowers was a mother of three including a 2yearold she had just adopted. When food is good and clean and real, its ok to crave. And with panera catering, theres more to go around. Panera. Food as it should be. This ones below market price and has bluetooth. Same here, but this one has Leather Seats use the cars. Com app to compare price, features and value. A heart attack doesnt or how healthy you look. No matter who you are, a heart attack can happen without warning. A bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another heart attack. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Bayer aspirin. Weve got much more ahead here in las vegas on the worst mass shooting in recent american history. We also have some breaking news tonight on russia investigation. Cnn has learned some russian linked facebook ads specifically targeted michigan and wisconsin, two states crucial to Donald Trumps victory last november. Thats according to four sources with direct knowledge of the situation. Cnns dylan is here with that reporting. What can you tell us . Zblr thats right, don. So facebook has reported more than 3,000 ads that were found that were russian bought seeking to medal in the election. What we learned tonight is a portion of those ads were targeted towards the states of michigan and wisconsin. Thoughs were two States Hillary clinton was beaten by a less than a margin of 1 . Earlier we learned those ads reached about 1 of people. When you start breaking it down, the amount of people that could have been reached by these ads in michigan and wisconsin, its a small number. But when you think about how usual those numbers were during the election, it begins to raise questions about the efficacy of these ads. So did the russians help in choosing where to target which states . This is a question by the special counsel as it continues its investigation into the russian meddling. If there was some level of collusion, some level of cooperation between the Trump Campaign and the russians, you have a bombshell. That is what were waiting for, and were waiting for more details from both sides. All the folks weve talked to on the hill say they need more time. Were still working on that. So hopefully more details in the weeks and months ahead. So talk to me about those ads. What kind of ads were used to go after these voters . Well, specifically look, the russian bought ads across the board they tried to target, push the ads where they could drive a wedge whether that was on the question of race, immigration, refugees, lgbtq rights, gun rights. One thing we learns about the ads targeted towards wisconsin and michigan, there were certainly some ads that had to do with islam and basically tried to stoke antimuslim sentiment among those voters in those two states. Anything that could drive a wedge between americans, it appeared the russians were on top of that. Thank you, dylan. And there are other new developments tonight on the russia investigation and facebook. Heres cnns chief National Correspondent jim sciutto. Jim. Reporter don, you might say the key force here is force multiplier as the military might say. 3,000 ads, 100,000 over two years, not a big bill for the kremlin. And yet we now know 10 Million People saw these ads before the elegs. And remember these were very tight races particularly in those swing states. The question is how influential were these ads in the actual Election Results . Tonight investigators are reviewing thousands of facebook ads as part of the russian probe of wide ranging social Media Campaign to influence the u. S. President ial election. An estimated 10 Million People in the u. S. , according to facebook, saw at least one of the 3,000 political ads bought by accounts linked to the kremlin. Cost for that access, just 100,000 over the course of two years. And facebooks data suggests money bought russia influence well beyond all possible doubt the election and may continue to this day with more than half of the ads viewed after voters cast their ballots in november. They also used a facebook tool to send specific ads to voters who had visited those sights. This according to the Washington Post report citing sources familiar with the investigation. Congress is now under pressure to release those ads to the public. Will you release them publicly . We dont release documents provided to had velgive committee. Tonight new details are emerging from another set of documents being reviewed by investigators. Emails from former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort appears to show manafort used his position to garner favor with who manafort was deeply indebted to. This according to excerpts released by the atlantic. Just weeks after being hired by trump, manafort writes on april 11, 2016, quote, i assume youve shown my media coverage, right . He responds, quote, absolutely, every article. Manafort then asks how do we use to get whole, has ovd operation scene. Still, theres no evidence according to the atlantic that deripaska met manafort last year or was aware of manaforts attempts to reach him. These emails were under juteany as investigators continue to look into whether Trump Campaign had ties to russia. Just last week the Senate Judiciary committee sent this letter to the cia, asking for quote, access to the same materials that have been made available to Senate Intelligence committee. Senator Diane Feinstein the Ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary committee telling members, we were turned down. Theres an ongoing debate between democrats and republicans whether to make these ads public. The chairman said today he would not make those public, though he did leave the door open for facebook to do so. The chairman saying he will let the public know what doors they have closed in this investigation and what doors are still open. Don. Jim sciutto, thank you very much. When we come back, much more on our exclusive russianlinked facebook ads that targeted michigan and wisconsin, two states key to trumps election victory. Directv has been rated 1 in Customer Satisfaction over cable for 17 years running. But some people still like cable. 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Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Our exclusive tonight sources telling cnn russian linked facebook ads target michigan and wisconsin, key states in Donald Trumps victory. Want to bring in National Security analyst skrulia cian and steve hall and also a former federal prosecutor. David, i want to start with you. Cnns exclusive reporting about these russianlinked facebook ads targeting specifically michigan and wisconsin. It tells me, one, the level of sofist kagphistication. It goes along with cnns reporting from friday this group had targeted facebok users in mafrld, baltimore, and also missouri and now these battleground states of wisconsin and michigan. Theres a sophistication where facebook users were being targeted geographically and also along these issue lines. In some places talking about contention issues related to Police Brutality and in some places sending out as cnn reported tonight, antimuslimtype of ads or type of stories to potentially rile up people to feel like theres more discord, more dissension in the country than there was. It really tells me, ton and it puts a different spin on think about going back to the december transition, when President Trump was saying theres basically nothing to see here, that russian interference in our election was speculation, that he was doubting some of the intelligence by our intelligence agencies, separate and apart from whether or not there was any collusion. Were not there yet with this. But the idea that this was being dismissed and now more and more evidence is sort of piling up based on this reporting. Julia cian to you now. These were some of the most highly contested states in the election. Do you think the russians new they would be such important states . Yes. I think that they knew. And the question now is how did they know . Did they have a sophisticated tracking system that was working or buying ads off of facebook to target these communities and if so thats the same coincidence of the trump administration. And so the convincequence just keeps piling on. So the resultimate question is were the russians guided by any aspects of the Trump Campaign, its unknown now. But this is theyre similar. But idea that russians were sort of fomenting distrust along racial, religious, economic lines, what that means its that sense of unease or foment that led to trumps victory in those states because people went out to vote. So the idea is not upsetting people, but the idea that tension then led to greater voter turn out in two states where he did much better than anyone ever anticipated. So it was an election strategy, not just a pr strategy. And whether it was a coincidence that aligned with a trump strategy or was actually guided by the Trump Campaign is exactly the question, you know, were all waiting to determine what the answer is. To steve hall now. Steve, do you think these ads and this strategy employed by russia was meant only to influence the election, or could there be something more here . Don, im not sure its an either or situation. I think its actually a bit of both. Theres little doubt Vladimir Putin when he saw candidate trumps positions visa vi russia said this is obviously a better candidate than hillary clinton. So i think the goal here was to increase the likelihood that donald trump would indeed be elected. Theres other reasons as well. Its not just lets get donald trump elected. There is a much larger jeo political goal that Vladimir Putin has and thats not just dividing the united states, but drive wedges. And the best way to drive wedges is to find those delicate issues that really gets society going and sets them on edge. All of this is of course outrageous because its foreign gum government, a hostile government insinuting into our process. The first iis they did the this influence propagation, and we bought it. The second and much darker option is they had inside help. Did they have inside from the Trump Campaign saying, yes, this is where we need that help, you help us out . To be clear, we dont know yet. Thats what guys like bob mueller are trying to find out. Speaking of bob mueller, how will these ads play into Robert Muellers investigation . Well, as ive discussed multiple times on twitter and elsewhere, bob mueller has acquired a search warrant to get information off of facebook, which tells us he presented enough evidence to a federal judge that a crime was committed. In this case, a foreign illegal expenditure in connection with the election. And he also convinced that judge the evidence of that crime was on facebook. And i think the reporting from cnn is giving osglimpse into the work the russian government put to try to expend resources to influence his election. And really what were seeing here, and i agree with the other folks who said its not just an election strategy. This is an adversary of ours, a hostile government thats seeking to divide us. And theyre pushing our buttons in an expert way to divide us on racial lines and religious lines and every way possible to try to pit us against each other because were weaker when we are fighting against each other. And obviously it had an electoral component as well. But regardless of whether that electoral component was effective or not, whether it changed the election, it does not matter legally. What matters legally is foreigners are not supposed to be influencing our elections, period. Thats a crime. Thats against the law, and its something we should be united against. Julianne kayyem. Politico is reporting that jared is ivanka are using shouldnt they know better to discontinue their use of private email addresses . They should certainly know better, don. Look, i did read that report earlier today. And i dont believe the report was saying theres any classified information in those emails. And so that would be a distinction between those emails and some of emails that were apparently found on Hillary Clintons server we talked so much during the 2016 campaign. Having said that, even if there was no classified information in those email, government business of people employed at the white house which includes Jared Kushner and ivanka trump should be conducted on their government email accounts. And if theres one lesson to be learned no matter what party youre in during the 2016 election, is that theres simply no room both in the perspective of the american electorate and how you might compromise sensitive government information for using private email for conducting business at the white house level. All right, were out of time. Thank you all. I appreciate it. Were going to continue to honor the lives of those killed in las vegas. Adrian murfitt had gone to vegas to surprise friends a guys weekend. Adrian ended up dying in the lap of one of those friends. Jack attended the concert with his wife. His son said jack died after stepping in front of his wife to shield her. Calla was a waitress. This was the third year shed attended the festival. Her boss says she leaves a big hole for everyone who knew her. And 34yearold Jessica Klymchuk leaves behind four children. Mother and grandmother dana gardener is remembered for her can do attitude and vibrant energy. You nervous . Hungry eyes one look at you and i cant disguise ive got hungry eyes applebees 2 for 20. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Applebees 2 for 20. Steve chooses to walk over the26. 2 miles,9 days. Thats a marathon. And he does it with dr. Scholls. Only dr. Scholls has massaging gel insoles that provide allday comfort to keep him feeling more energized. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Dealership has Great Customer service. muffled voice . And has great deals . And has. Complimentary donuts. Thats the one cars. Com. Over 5 million expert and user reviews. Tmobiles unlimited now includes netflix on us. Thats right. Netflix on us. Get 4 unlimited lines for just 40 bucks each. Taxes and fees included. And now netflix included. So go ahead. Binge on us. Another reason why tmobile is americas best unlimited network. The Energy Conscious whopeople among usle . Say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Cnn. We have more breaking news on the investigation of the las vegas massacre. Shooter Stephen Paddocks girlfriend Mary Lou Danley arrived in los angeles after flying back from the philippines. I want to get to scott mcclan he has more. What can you tell us. Reporter don, Mary Lou Danley arrived on a fl flight from manila. In los angeles after 7 00. According to immigration officials in the flepd and also fbi sources is speaking to evan per arizona. Whats not clear is whether she will travel to las vegas by flight or car. Authorities are telling evan its not likely she will immediately come to las vegas if she comes tonight she will likely come down thisesque later. Its important to point out she is not a suspect she is a person of interest. But she could hold a lot of answers as to what was going through Stephen Paddocks mind before he carried out this awful crime. Scott, we have been talking a lot to Security Experts about how to improve security and what security they have in plan. I understand i know you spent the day with a security expert, walking the mandalay bay hotel. Can you tell us how he turned the hotel suite into a deadly arsenal with 23 weapons there . Yeah and all of the guns, don were purchased legally, more than 20 guns inside the home. In fact hotel staff were inside the room prior to the shooting. They didnt see anything amiss at all. Not to mention the fact that there were no red flags raised by hotel staff. Police say they dont see how this could have been prevented. We asked the security expert today as you said his name is Dave Shepherd has 20 plus years of experience with the fbi. He was also head of security at another big hotel, the venetian. We asked him woi its not preventible. Listen. In a hotel like this the minute you walk in the front door getting up to the hotel room how much of that are you visible on a Security Camera for. Almost all of. There are areas were in a hallway we dont always have cameras. We have outside elevator wg lobby inside elevators. You look for people under stress things like that you are covered. We know the suspect brought in a lot of bags. Would that raise any red flags with hotel staff or hotel security. The number of bags being brought in doesnt really bring up a lot more issues. Because. We have people coming from Foreign Countries traveling a lot, have a lot of bags convention ears bring in tons of bags of equipment for shows. People bring a lot of bags at times. Once inside the hotel room its easy to put the do not disturb sign on the door. That raising any red flag was hotel staff or security. Having a do not disturb sign doesnt raise flags. You could be here for all kinds ever wants you flew from europe want to get sleep. Put the did not disturb on. In the case of this suspect he was in the room prior to the shooting. They didnt see anything out of the ordinary. Are they trained to look for things like that . A lot of staff are trained pl actually unlv security created what look for if there is suspicious activity things like that what types of things. Things in hope that should not be in its not the normal clothing type things. Its anything peculiar. Are you surprised they didnt notice anything amiss in the case. If you have everything in a bag if you had nothing exposed to start with if you have everything unpokd or excuse me packed up, youre not noticing anything with that. They dont go through the bags of anybody now. This is a similar Vantage Point to what the suspect might have had. Were a considerable distance away from the venue, also considerable height up. Whats the advantage of being up here. Your field of have you and your area you can take and observe is huge. You can see almost everything from up here. You can see where people are moving. You can see the crowd. Traffic, you have an vantage up here. You also have the windowing to break through how hard is it to break through. There used to be windows that opened. They crossed those because its safer to have these type of windows one single pain. But also heard to break. When people are up here moving leenk liens against the windows it has to take somethinged hard and heavy. Is there anything that hotel could have done to prevent Something Like this . Not that ive seen so far. I havent seen anything that would take anything different than what a normal property would do anywhere in the united states. As for changes in light of this, shepherd says yes there have been mall is the shootings in the country. You dont see massive security at malls he says its unlikely you will see metal doekters or bag scanners in or in Hotel Lobbies across the country as a result of this shooting, don. Scott mcclan, appreciate your reporting. Before we leave you ton we want to honor more of the lives lost here in las vegas. 28yearold kelsey brion meadow was a substitute teacher at a high school she graduated from survived by parents and brother. Ben wolfe junior was wrestling and a Little League coach from pennsylvania. He and his wife were at the concert celebrating 20 years of marriage. Melissa ramirez had graduated college three years ago with a degree in business administration. 56yearold corrections officer Derrick Taylor known as friends simply as bo. You get up to twice as much pressure relieving power, so you wont toss and turn. And tempurpedic is the best at minimizing motion transfer from your partner. So you wont be disturbed during the night. Youll sleep deeply. And wake up, feeling powerful. Only the best carry tempurpedic. Find an exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com but he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. 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