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Event and they were keeping it separate. With some prodding from the press, they decided to allow a few reporters in and one camera. Two hours later, they changed their minds. So theres no press inside this event right now. We have no idea what the president is saying to donors, and we likely wont find out unless one of the donors tells us. How much is the trump Hotel Getting paid to host this . I know you were asking some questions about that. Reporter thats a great question. We have no idea who is paying for this event tonight that the president is attending. We reached out for comment, and our requests have not been answered. So it could be the rnc. It could be the reelection campaign, and it could be that the hotel donated the space. We dont know. Is it normal for a president to hold a fund raiser for rhis reelection five months after taking office . President s obama and bush didnt unprecedented and remarkable in and of itself. Put it all together and once again donald trump is sort of redefining how to be president. The timing is certainly noteworthy, that it is only he hasnt even hit the sixmonth mark yet and hes doing this. I went back to look at the first fundraiser that george w. Bush did in 2003, 2 1 2 years into his administration. And the first fundraiser that barack obama did in 2011 just to see what they said. Anderson, their quotes were about touting accomplishments that they had done in the first couple of years, starting to set the frame and the narrative for what they were going to campaign on for reelection. When youre not in the jb sob s months, youre far away from how the voters may think about your reelection. We wont know what donald trump says tonight because this is closed to the press, unlike his two predecessors. David, its a fair bet he is to know the details of this very Important Health care bill and instead hes putting his energy into spending time with people that love him, his donors and spending time doing these ral yis. T rallies. The rallies are also unusual to be doing in his first term. There have been criticisms of past administrations about campaigns never ending. This is taking it to another level. It is, but it shouldnt surprise any of us. He campaigned last year in ways we never seen before and lots of people thought hes breaking every rule we know about president ial politics and it works for him. So it doesnt surprise me to see him breaking these rules. On Inauguration Day is when he filed his Reelection Committee with the s. E. C. Hes been doing online small dollar fundraising, and hes done a bunch of campaign rallies, that his campaign has which is a fundraiser for his reelection, but if they have to rent out the hall of the president s hotel, the president and his family benefits from that financially. Again, we havent had answers about the economicing of this. Right. Weve gotten Little Details about this. And now well get fewer details. Although presumably theyll have to release how much the Campaign Paid out for this event and they have to make sure they didnt pay too much or too little, because either could get them into trouble, because this is something that the president has a financial interest in. So if they paid too little, it could look like they were getting some sort of contribution. If they paid too much, it could look like they were trying to use money to help enrich a trump property, which enriches the family. Then at a minimum, of course, even if everything is on the up and up, its still inappropriate, because the president is using his role as president of the United States to gain attention for a property that he enriches himself from. Thanks. We have a lot more to talk about tonight, including the threat that dare not speak its name. What were learning from inside the white house why theres so much resistance to addressing the russian hacking. The reporting on that ahead. And later, what did the president mean when he promised a big surprise on health care and how does it fit a pattern of Promise Making Dating back for years before becoming president . Im ryan and i quit smoking with chantix. Everything i did circled around that cigarette when i started taking the chantix that urge just slowly diminished and it was a great and empowering feeling. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. 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Weve been reporting recently on how little beyond a single Executive Order the Trump Administration has done to address the russian meddling. However, it doesnt mention russia by name and appears to be all the administration has done. This is something top members of the Intelligence Community have warn is a real danger. Theyve said on the record that russia hacking efforts are active and potentially could be far worse in the next election. The Homeland Security secretary warned about calling election hacking the way of the future. But still, it seems little action from the white house. There seems to be out and out resistance. Tonight, new reporting on why that may be. Specifically who is standing in the way. Sarah murray joins us now. What have you learned from inside the white house . Reporter anderson, speaking to multiple Senior Administration officials, they say theyre struggling to convince President Trump that russia still poses a threat to american elections. One official said theres no evidence to show that trump is engaging on the you are shoe. The president still gets a daily briefing, and that includes updates on russia. Beyond that, an official said theres no paper trail, no schedules, no readouts or briefing documents, nothing to indicate the president is convening meetings on this subject the way he has with other threats, for instance, threats against the u. S. Power grid. Sources tell dana bash and jim sciutto that mike rogers expressed his from yustration t lawmakers to convince President Trump that Russia Meddled in the election. So top officials have called this a major threat. Why is the president reluctant to address it . Reporter people say that President Trump is having difficulty separating the investigation into Russia Collusion and russia meddling into the election itself. So trump sees everything regarding russia as being organized as a challenge to him. Basically a move to undermine his presidency. Has the white house responded to this at all . Reporter shean spicer insisted that the white house is taking action, just quietly. In a statement to cnn, spicer says the United States continues to combat on a regular basis malicious cyber activity without bragging to the media. Spicer pointed to the fact that the Trump Administration upheld the Obama Administration sanctions against russia. But sources say the white house is already trying to water down an additional package of sanctions that passed the senate and awaiting action in the house. Sarah murray, thanks. Former Bush State Department official Nicholas Burns accused the president of dereliction of duty to defend the country for his disinterest in russian meddling and criticized the Obama Administration. He joins me now with jim sciutto. Jim, President Obama did sign an order on cyber security. Any evidence that hes focused directly on the threat from russia itself . Reporter no, little evidence that hes focused on the threat. Were hearing that from people inside his own administration. Ive spoken to democrats and republicans on the hill who dont see the level of urgency either. This is not just looking backwards but looking forward, anderson. Because everybody says, not just russia, but china, iran, north korea, very actively targeting the u. S. Political process, political organizations, et cetera. And there is no reason to believe that russia in particular will not attack again, and the big concern, anderson, is that this time, they will take the alarming step of targeting voter tallies. That didnt happen in 2016, but theres real concern a lot of these probing attacks or laying the ground work for going after voting systems, vote counting potentially in 2018 and 2020. Ambassador burns, in your testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence committee today, you said if the president continues to refuse to act against russian hacking is a dereliction of duty to protect the country. We were the victim of a massive cyber attack by the russian government. All of our Intelligence Services agree. For six months the president has done nothing. He has not initiated an investigation into what happened. Hes not had conversations with his cabinet officials to ask them what they think happened. Hes not been talking to the european governments, also victims, the french, the dutch, the germans of russian cyber attacks. Hes not even in favor of a senate bill that voted to impose harsh sanctions on russia. The administration is trying to dilute that bill. So you literally have no response from the american president on a critical issue of defense of the United States and trying to protect our democratic process. I cant imagine any prior president acting this way. And so we do need to see this situation turned around. Lets hope that this Executive Order is the first step to do that. Jim, today secretary kelly said hacking is the way of the future. How much can Intelligence Agencies drive u. S. Efforts to combat that if the president Isnt Devoting his time to it . Reporter the Intelligence Agencies, Law Enforcement have been really doing all they can. They did it in private. Theyve been giving these warnings for months, going back to the Obama Administration. And then in public, youve had very public statements, fingering russia for hacking the 2016 campaign. But now public testimony, more details how many states, 21 states that have been targeted. Secretary kelly, this is President Trumps own appointee, sounding the alarm today. So in public and private, they are giving these warnings. This is at its base often very much a partisan issue. But ill tell you, i hear bipartisan level of concern and increasingly a bipartisan frustration with the efforts coming from the white house so far. So ambassador burns, if they had the weight of the white house behind them, how much would that change things for the Intelligence Community in terms of doing something . It would help enormously. You have to raise the defense of this country, and thats complicated. Its our states and local authorities who run the elections, so you have to have that dialogue, a federal, local, state dialogue. Number two, you want to send a stiff message to the Russian Federation that were not going to tolerate this kind of attack on our ore down country. You want to work with the europeans to tighten up what the Nato Alliance can do. You want to find and prosecute hackers. If the russian government is subcontracting this to some of the private Hacking Organizations in that country. Theres so much that has to be done. This should have been the First Executive order signed january 20th. You ought to they ought to think about forming a 9 11 type commission, because theres nothing more important that the American People have confidence in their votes when they go to the ballot box, either for the midterm elections in 2018 or the next president ial election in 2020. Thanks. Coming up next, the president is promising a big surprise on the obamacare replacement bill. Well look at what it might be, as well as his habit of telling us to stay tuned for something, and then not necessarily delivering. Were keeping them honest, next. Hey, bud. You need some help . No, im good. Come on, moe. I have to go. vo we always trusted our Subaru Impreza would be there for him someday. Ok. Thats it. vo we just didnt think someday would come so fast. See ya later, moe. vo introducing the Subaru Impreza. The longestlasting vehicle in its class. More than a car, its a subaru. Senate obamacare replacement bill. Health care is working along very well. Were going to have a big surprise with a Great Health Care package. What is the big surprise, sir . Its going to be great. The surprise might be the last thing people with health care might want to hear or experience. The president made a point of putting it out there, and a surprise might be coming. Whether thats good or bad remains to be seen. Whats clear is that donald trump enjoys telling us all to stay tuned. Weve heard that phrase a lot. And keeping them honest, weve seen him fail to deliver on schedule or in some cases at all. Heres a small sample. Were going to be announcing something over the next two or three weeks that will be phenomenal. Were going to do construction very quickly. Weve got the plan largely completed and well be filing over the next two or three weeks, maybe sooner. Were going to have some pleasant surprises on nafta. So shes going to have a little News Conference. Well be having a News Conference in about two weeks to let everybody know how well were doing. People now in hawaii absolutely. And they cannot believe what theyre finding. We never got word on what his investigators found. There was no evidence that those investigators existed or were on the ground. Fast forward to now, what the president is promising, you have to wonder whether the real surprise is there is no surprise, whether anticipation will give away to anticiappointment. Joining us now is jim acosta. This great great surprise, do we have any idea what we might be referring to . Reporter were going have to find out. If its Something Like those tapes that he talked about having, which did not exist about six weeks ago, we had to wait six weeks to find out the president did not have any recordings. I am told by one republican source that the president is looking at a variety of ways to try to make this work, to get those 50 votes that he needs to get this bill out of the senate. But that same source, anderson, said its suspected this might be another case of empty rhetoric. Keep in mind, this is a health care bill. We had a number of polls come out today, all of them, if you average them together, show that this has about 20 to 25 approval among the American People. Those are legislative dog food numbers. To think that youre going to have 50 republican senators, some of them up for reelection, that will sign on to this, he might be in for a Big Sur Prize of his own, anderson. Should we expect more effort by the president , more facetoface interaction with the senators, some more working the phones. Weve been told hes been working the phones. Reporter he has been working the phones and will continue to work the phones. The question is whether or not he can make the math work and part of the issue is, anderson, and you know weve been talking about this debate for several days, can he make adjustments to the bill that satisfy moderates when it comes to medicaid funding while at the same time appeasing conservatives who really want to repeal and replace obamacare just begs the question how many times can they rinse and repeat on repeal and replace. Jim acosta, thank you for the update. On that new polling, the most recent is from fox news, showing just 27 support, 18 say they are ensure. Th back now with david chalian. Does anyone know what the president is telegraphing when he promising a big surprise on health care . I cant find anyone that knows. Certainly the white house isnt saying. Nobody on capitol hill seems to know some surprise. Some republicans on the hill were feeling more optimistic today than yesterday. Although theres not much evidence as to why, other than yesterday mcconnell had to reset. So it was a down day for republicans on the hill. But i cant find anyone that knows of a surprise coming. As you pointed out, anderson, donald trump has a history of being addicted to a big reveal promoting one, even if one never comes. Although to be fair, when the house was debating this, there was a lot of talk that they werent going to come to agreement. They did finally come to an agreement. The president could just be saying a surprise is, you know, maybe he thinks the chances are that they will come to agreement and people will be surprised by that. I want to play something that Susan Collins said yesterday how the president is adapting to washington. Lets play that. This president is the first president in our history who has had neither political nor military experience. And thats it has been a challenge to him to learn how to interact with congress and how to push his agenda forward. David, i think that supporters are listening to that and they like that hes not a creature of washington. To her point that he needs to be able to work with congress if he wants to accomplish his agenda, i suppose theres truth to that. Youre absolutely right. He was sent to washington to disrupt washington and the way washington works new york doubt about that. But i would just point, if you look at the totality of the trump presidency, i would say the cleanest victory he has had throughout his presidency is getting neil gorsuch on the Supreme Court and i think he followed the most washington Playbook Doing that. He put out a list of potential nominees for everyone to look at and vet. And then he made sure to nominate from that list, so he had buyin from all the outside groups and the republicans on the hill and he was able to get his guy on the court. He followed a traditional playbook, that was his biggest success. Senator Chuck Schumer said he would like the democrats to come to the white house to work on this bill. Any chance that might happen . Its hard to see that happening right now. Why . If youre a democrat, would you decide that working with the republican president who beats up on you every day and down to 39 Approval Rating would be a good idea . I dont think theres a political incentive to do it. Their own base would be enraged if they did, because theyre fueled by antitrump fervor. And Mitch Mcconnell himself said, you know, if we have to work with the democrats, it means were not going to get the reforms we want in health care. So i dont think republicans would be that eager for that kind of help either. Coming up, the president likes to talk about what he considers fake news but he doesnt seem to have any problems of a fake news cover. The Washington Post discovered this kind of just weird story. Thats next. So thats the idea. What do you think . Hate to play Devils Advocate but. I kind of feel like its a game changer. I wouldnt go that far. Are you there . Hes probably on mute. Yeah. Gary wont like it. Why . Because hes gary. Phone Ringing what . Keep going yeah. laughs voice on phone its not millennial enough. There are a lot of ways to say no. Thank you so much. Thank you so were doing it. Yes start saying yes to your companys best ideas. Let us help with money and knowhow, so you can get business done. American express open. So you can get business done. And in this swe see. Veryday act, when we give, we receive. Its not just a car, work sfx its your daily retreat. The es and es hybrid. Lease the 2017 es 350 for 329 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Theres nothing more than my vacation. Me so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. Booking. Com gets it. And with their price match, i know im getting the best price every time. 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Its not just a one off, it seems like there are multiple copies of this displayed at other trump properties, including ones overseas, right . Right. We found it now, pictures at eight different clubs. Seven golf clubs, including two overseas in scottland, in maralago, and sitting in trumps office in trump tower. Michael, does this make sense to you . Hes been on the cover of time 14 previous times. Why not display the real ones . Obviously maybe not as favorable mentions as this fake one, but why would he need a fake cover boasting about him . Well, there are probably a couple of things going on here. One is that there isnt ever enough praise for mr. Trump, and i think the normal headline that would appear in Time Magazine would be insufficient for him. But i also think this could be a case of someone trying to please him. There is an expectation around the trump orbit of constantly making the extra effort to have him look good, have him look even more accomplished than he might be. So someone could have gotten carried away with what they thought was a good idea. Its almost as if you put it out there, how do you take it down . Everybody gets accustomed to seeing this. But kudos to david for noticing this and using his reporters instincts to note it and follow up on it, because once you ge lr than i think any Magazine Editor would allow him to look. Because its almost like a Wax Figure Representation of donald trump. And the headlines are way over the david, its not just somebody in one of his clubs like mocking this up to praise, you know, the boss. These were clearly sent around to multiple clubs. Thats right. And it wasnt just passed out at one time either. There are clubs like the one in ireland and scotland he only bought the last couple of years. So they were only trumpiified recently. So they were making an effort as they opened new clubs, this was part of the stuff that you added when you redecorated the club in the trump style. Obviously, people are being critical that this is a minor thing. But if President Trump or even Citizen Trump at the time knew about it, it does Say Something about his personality or what he likes. Did the president know about it . We dont. I asked the white house that question and i asked the Trump Organization the same question and they wouldnt say. One thing that was interesting to me, you would think he must have known it was fake. How could he not know that he wasnt on the cover of Time Magazine. But i found this interview from last year where trump is talking about how much bigger than politics is that business. He said ive been on the cover of Time Magazine a lot as a politician, but all those years i was a businessman, i was on the cover twice. Really he was only on the cover once in 1989. So he might have been counting this fake cover as a real one. So its possible that trump was not even in on the joke that he thought it was real and somebody fooled him. Michael, do you think as some are saying that this just underscores howpresident wants and praise of the media . Despite all the antimedia rhetoric, he consumes more media than anybody ive ever heard of. You think about the activities of his life, they involve around publicity seeking that far exceeds the developments that hes built or the golf courses hes developed. So youve got to think hes a Headline Writer going way back. Twitter is his version of tabloid newspaper headlines. So he produces it. He wants to appear in the media constantly. And i think until the presidency, this was a measure of success for him. The problem, as senator collins mentioned in your previous piece, is that he has to learn how to be the president now and achieve actual things, and thats a much different thing from ginning up a fake Time Magazine cover or seeking awards, which he also did avidry, from organizations that he created. So its a steep learning curve. We mentioned that Time Magazine asked the Trump Organization to take them down. Do we know, have they . I heard from a trump club in virginia, that one has been taken down. I dont know about the rest. We know from peoples photos in the past that they were there. And were trying to figure if it had come down. One thing that just going off the other point, these clubs are nice. In fact, the clubs themselves are signs of success. You couldnt be successful, to own a club like this you need to be successful. Yet they felt the need to add a phony trophy on something that was trumps success. Up next, the president s obsession with the media rages on. At the last press briefing, the Press Secretary lashed out and a reporter said enough is enough. He joins us next. Pain i couldt sleep or get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. And now. Im back aleve pm for a better am. 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Reporters were supposed to be allowed but then they werent. This is a pattern. The president has been tweeting incessantly about what he considers fake news. This network, the new york times, others on any given day. Todays White House Press briefing was off camera. Yesterday Sarah Huckabee sanders was on camera and spoke about what she called a constant barrage of fake news directed at the president. Then had this happened. If we make the slightest mistake, the slightest word is off, it is just an absolute tirade from a lot of people in this room. But news outlets get to go on day after kay and cite unnamed sources, use stories without sources. You mentioned the story where they had to have reporters resign. Come on. Everybody right here and right now with those words. This administration has done that as well. Why In The Name Of Heaven any one of us are replaceable and any one of us if we dont get it right the audience has the opportunity to turn the channel or not read us. You have been elected to serve for four years at least. Theres no option other than that. Were here to ask you questions. Youre here to provide answers. What you just did is inflammatory to people all over the country who look and say, see, once again, the president is right and everybody else out here is fake media. Everyone in this room is only trying to do their job. I just i disagree completely. First of all, i think if anything has been inflamed, its the dishonesty that often takes place by the news media. That was brian who stood up to the Press Secretary. Two other reporters who are familiar with the White House Briefing room, april ryan of American Urban Radio Networks and jim acosta. Brian, why did you feel the need to speak up yesterday . Jim wasnt there. Somebody had to do it. [ laughter ] all i can say it was very frustrating. That was the first oncamera interview in a week with the Press Secretary. She came out and the first thing she did was blast the media. It was on purpose. It was planned. Jim and april probably know me well enough to know theres very little filter between what i think and what i say. I was quite upset about it, and so i voiced my concern. I am tired of look, every one of us knows reporters that have been bullied, have been hurt, some have died, some have been jailed to try to do this job. And they went after cnn specifically but they went after all reporters generically. At the same time sarah is telling us to look at a video that isnt vetted and is fake media and lamb blasting us for being fake media. Its disingenuous. At some point in time i taught my kids theres only two ways to deal with a bully, make them your friend or thump them one. Im tired of being pushed around. Jim, the incident that she started talking about, which is three employees resigned over it, and there were repercussions for errors that they made. Has anyone in this white house given all the lies or untrue statements has anyones head has anyone had to resign based on, mistakes they have made so far . So far, anderson, no. When the president Founded Birterrism and perpetuated the myth President Obama was born in another country. When he said his inauguration crowd side was bigger than President Obamas, no one had to resign. When he said he was wire tapped at trump tower, no one had to resi resign. When he said he had tapes of jim comey, no one had to resign. When it comes to this white house, when it comes to fake news, no one gets in trouble, namely the president. Brian is right. I appreciate him speaking up yesterday. I think more of us will be speaking up in the days to come. Its funny, the offcamera briefing happened on mon kay. We had one on camera tuesday and an offcamera one today. And yet the one yesterday is where they lash out at the news media. I wonder how that happened. I dont know how the emoji goes. I would put that to use in this case. Mike flynn resigned but that was for lying to the Vice President who then went on television and told an untruth. I dont think theyve ever even admitted a mistake, this administration. The president has always been reticent to do that even during the campaign. April, President Trump challenges anything that doesnt fit into his own perceptions of reality or what he wants other people to believe reality is. Hes done some inconsequential things like the crowd side at his inauguration and with important issues like russias interference in the election. Yes. Well, you know, this president has a very different take on reality. And just today in the Briefing Room there was a question of the two guests that Sarah Huckabee sanders brought out. The president likes to say that the numbers of Illegal Immigrants in this nation are 30 million. And then we ask the professionals from doj and from Homeland Security. They said what theyre hearing or what theyve been seeing is 11 million to 12 million. So this president likes to inflate things, but yet we are the liars, we are the fake people. It just doesnt add up. I will say this. Jim and brian for the last couple of days there was something that happened today in that Briefing Room. Today people pushed back in unison. Good. Against Sarah Huckabee when she came when she came to the podium and said, you know, oh, well, if we had the victims here, you wouldnt cover it and this, that, and the other. You wouldnt cover this. Yes, we have. And then others have said why is there not a briefing on camera . So i believe the push is getting momentum. And, again, its not about us. It isnt, youre right. Its about free press, the American Public, getting the information from the highest office in the land, from the man they elected. And the author of managing the president s message said if you dont hear the president s voice, thats why the briefing, particularly an oncamera briefing is so important. And were not hearing the president s voice. As jim has said over and over again. Weve had one solo press conference. That was february. What is this, june. Brian, what do you say, though, to folks who are listening at home who think this is reporters complaining about their jobs being difficult or complaining about not being respected . I think april makes a great point. Its not about us. Its about what this president is doing. Look, i separate from the president from his White House Press staff because sometimes theyve shown promise for doing some things. I credit them for bringing in people from the cabinet to talk to us in some of the briefings. I give them credit for all that. But this president has undermined us from the very beginning. Hes called us enemies of the people. He has told us we are fake media, and he is trying to undermine and drive a wedge between the electorate and us and we are the public. We are the republic. So its attempt to go undermine the first amendment, hes trying to undermine the republic to sell a message. And the message is what i say is factual and whatever else you hear is not. There are some people that listen to that but slowly i have to tell you i was i know our frustration in the room, and jim has kind of led that struggle. The thing he went through on monday in the press room kind of led indirectly to what happened to me and april was the first ones to speak up in that press room. The three of us together, i dont know, be it could be dangerous. The point being is that in that room we have felt the tension. But after what i said yesterday ive gotten presents from people and ive never seen i struck a merv. I didnt ex inspect to strike a nerve outside the press room. But i think the public is really beginning to vibrate with them and its bothering them. And thats important. Brian karem, i appreciate you being with us. Again, brian im sorry, april. We have to cut it off. I just want to say this its not about us. Its about the American Public getting their information, freedom of the press. Thats right. April ryan, jim acosta, i appreciate it. More coming up about the president s fundraiser. The earliest ever kickoff. Ethical questions and some strategic reasons behind why the president is doing it. The late details when we continue. Americans 83 try to eat healthy. Yet up 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus hearthealth support with b vitamins. One a day mens in gummies and tablets

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