In the community of del ray, located in alexandria, virginia, seven miles from the capital. Four people were struck. Among them, House Majority whip Steve Scalise. The number three republican in the house of representatives. Congressman scalise was playing second base. Fielding some of the batting practice. He had just batted a few guys before. He dragged himself off of the infield into the outfield about 10 or 15 yards. Representative scalise hit in the hip and crawled his way out of the line of fire. It was multiple acts of courage, colleagues helping colleagues, that helped save the day. Representative winstrup attended to scalise. I felt like i was in iraq as a surgeon. Steve was conscious and okay. Mo brooks provided a tourniquet. I took off my belt. Myself and another congressman, i dont remember who, applied a tourniquet to try to slow down the bleeding. The heros of the day, Capital Police officers there who were there already to protect representative scalise. They immediately returned fire. Alexandria Police Arrived minutes later and exchanged bullets with the gunman. Thank god from the Capitol Police who were there guarding our majority whip. Because we were sitting ducks in that dugout. When i got in the dugout i realized there was blood all over the place. It was not a good place to be. Along with scalise, three others were shot and injured. Crystal griner, also matt mika, a lobbyist and former congressional staffer, and zachary barth, a staff member for representative roger williams. The president today calling for unity. We may have our differences, but we do well in times like these to remember that everyone who serves in our Nations Capital is here because above all, they love our country. I want to focus on the condition of the wounded. The president now at the hospital where Steve Scalise underwent surgery earlier today. Dr. Sanjay gupta joins us. How much do we know about his condition . Were just hearing from the hospital after he came out of surgery, which was sort of midafternoon around 2 30, 3 00, that he was in Critical Condition. Thats obviously concerning. We saw images of him, you may remember, at the scene. We hear that at the time time at the scene, he was stable. He was actually able to speak to his wife on the phone. He was transported by helicopter to the hospital. Five to ten minute transfer. By the time he arrived, he was in Critical Condition. Obviously, he seems to have some deterioration during that time. Was in surgery for several hours. Still in Critical Condition. This is obviously the job of the nurses and doctors to try to care for him and stabilize him, which is im sure what they are trying to do. There was a gunshot wound to the hip. No vital organs in the area. But there can be significant bleeding, though. Matt mika, a lobbyist practicing with the team, i understand he is in Critical Condition after being shot in the chest. What can you say about that . It sounds like this is the most serious. You are talking about a rifle, a very high velocity bullet to the chest. May have been multiple shots to the chest. Also had surgery. Is also in Critical Condition. All we are hearing is not surprising expected to be in the intensive care unit for several days. Unlike with a shot to the hip, to the chest because of the concerns of bleeding around the lungs, thats something they will have to be very carefully observing over the next several days. It sounds like the most concerning sort of victim of all of this. And the officers the heroic officers from the Capital Police department, whats the latest on their condition . Well, two officers david bailey, sound like had a gunshot wound to the foot area. Is in good condition. Still in the hospital. Probably likely to be released over the next day or so. We wish them all a speedy recovery. Thanks very much. With me is congressman barry loudermill and jack bergman who were there this morning much appreciate you spending time with us. I talked to a number of people who were there. The first shot people didnt know what it was. They thought a car backfiring, a firework. When did you realize what was happening . As soon as the second shot happened. The second was the same as the first. You know the sound of a weapon when you hear it. Military experience. Thats right. Right then it was real. Where were you . I understand the shooter was near third base. He was behind thankfully, he was on the outside of the chainlink fence. Which was locked. Behind the third base dugout. I was next to the batting cage. We couldnt see him. After that second shot, several of us standing there began to make a beeline in a low crawl towards behind the dugout on the First Base Side to stay out of the line of fire. Congressman, when did you where were you . I was close to home plate. I had just come in from the batting cages to take some live pitching. I was putting on a batting helmet when i heard the first shot. I recognized that as a gunshot. But you are in a situation you are not sure. I distinctively turned and looked to my right where scalises security detail were in the suv by the dugout. They park there so they have a clear view of the field. I saw them exiting the vehicle. They had concerned looks on their face. Heard the second shot it was that quick in. They came out. There was a long pause after the first shot. He was took the first shot and then moved up. When the second shot, as the general said, came you knew it was going down at that point. One of the members i think trent kelly from mississippi yelled, he has a gun. Thats when we all started running. I ran outside i went outside the fence. I didnt want to get trapped in the dugout. There was a lot of people in there. As i was going out the fence, shots hit to my left and hit the fence as i was going through. You could actually see shots . The ground was you could see the dust flying up off the ground where bullets would hit. I went around luckily, a utility shed, to put it between me and the shooter. I was about 20 feet from the security details suv. They repositioned the suv. Thats when i saw matt mika. He was laying on the ground. He was severely wounded, shot in the chest. Myself and one other individual tried to get to him. The shooter had moved in position and had us in a line of fire. Every time we tried to go out there, he would take shots. No kidding . How long about hard to tell in a situation like this. I heard that video runs for about 5 00, 5 30. How long do you think this went on for . Average, six minutes, plus or minus. That video we saw it this afternoon. It captures a lot. Were you able at any point to see the gunman . The only time i saw him was after he was secured by the Capitol Police. After it was over, i walked around and checked wounded and checked to see where he was. You went over to representative scalise . I did. How was he . He was as you would expect in shock. Congressman winstrup was in charge. He was applying the compression to the entrance wound. We were getting scalises belt out of his pants in case we needed to use a tourniquet. Senator jeff black was there as well. People kept moving around tending to the wounded. You knew did you see the shooter while i did. I saw him reposition a couple of times. Then i lost track of him. The gentleman that was with me was tracking him. I was talking to matt mika, trying to get talk to him. We couldnt get to him. You were yelling out to him . He was 10 feet in front of me. The Capitol Police, he was next to their vehicle. They couldnt do anything because they were engaged in the fire fight. They were heros. I saw the first officer get shot in the ankle. She went down. She was out of the fire fight. Thats when the other officer actually ran into the parking lot to draw fire away from us. Is that right . Very heroic action. I saw him take i thought he got shot in the leg. Sounds like he just got some shrapnel in the leg. He was wounded. Thats when i got concerned. If he went down, there was nothing else to do. We were trying to figure out, could we get her weapon. As i repositioned myself at that point behind a tree where i could get a better vantage point, thats when i saw the shooter come from the other side of the building, he was getting covered by, and he was brandishing a handgun. Did he seem calm . Calm, collected. He walked out there, pointed it at the Police Officers. He took a shot. The Capitol Police officer told him to drop the weapon, drop the weapon. Alexander Police Officers were telling him he had taken a couple of shots at them with a rifle. Fortunately, missed. He shot a couple more times at the Capitol Police officer. Thats when the Police Officers took him down. I saw him go down at that point. He was taken to the hospital. We understand thats where he expired. What did you do after he was down . As soon as he was we werent sure if there was another shooter or not. I ran up to where the Capitol Police officer that was shot and matt was laying checked on matt. He was in really bad condition. He had bled a lot. I could see the chest wound. I looked at her. I could tell you could see her ankle was shot pretty bad. She wasnt critical. I asked if they had a medical kit. She said they had one in the back. I got the medical kit. I was looking for something, clot stopper for matt. Emts who had been they were up on the street and unable to get down there because of the fire. They were there for matt. I let them take over. I didnt know scalise had been hit until somebody told me that steve was on the field hit. I saw Brad Winstrup out there. I ran the medical kit out to brad. Gave it to him. Then when i turned, the security the detail for scalise who shot the perpetrator was out there with scalise. Limping and so this guy is a true hero. Just incredible. Does something need to change . What do you moving for . To me, i just something needs to change. Theres a lot that needs to change. For example, the idea of civility at all levels of discourse needs to be brought to the forefront. Were you aware the freshman class, both democrats and republicans, three weeks after being sworn in that we signed a commitment to civility that never saw the light of day in the news because it wasnt a big enough story . Theres a lot of people who want change. We need top cover from folks to get the examples of how it can be done out there because we have to move forward as a nation together. It does seem like you talk to people who served 20, 30 years ago on capitol hill and there was not just the media but everywhere people could have good people could have difference of opinions and battle hard in terms thats a good thing. You get a better result when you come at it from different angles. How important is it the ball game goes on tomorrow . How important is that a lot of people come out . Its extremely important. If this was a recreational game between us i would say we need to step down. This is for children. This is a charity game for children. Everybody is going to survive, even matt mika from what i hear. I got a call a little while ago that said he is going to be doing all right. Everybody is going to recover. Its going to take a while for some. I think we need to go out there. I think we need to play hard. We always play respectfully. Something about sports brings us together. We set our differences aside. We need to raise money for the kids and show our support for one another as americans. How great would it be to have that stadium filled . Its a strong statement across the country if we can do so. Everybody come out tomorrow. We will be there. Thank you very much. Thanks, anderson. Sorry its under these circumstances. More ahead on what happened this morning. An extremely difficult day. Well be right back. Dental professionals recommend using an electric toothbrush. For an exceptionally fresh feeling choose Philips Sonicare diamondclean. Hear the difference versus oral b. In a recently published clinical study, Philips Sonicare diamondclean outperforms oralb 7000, removing up to 82 more plaque and improving gum health up to 70 more. Its Sonic Technology cleaning deep between teeth. From the most recommended sonic toothbrush brand by dental professionals. Switch to Philips Sonicare today. Philips sonicare. Save when you buy now. There are the wildcats til we die weekenders. 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[woman] oh, why thank you. [burke] and we covered it, november sixth, twothousandnine. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum we are continuing to follow the shooting aftermath and have new details. First though, more breaking news. It does touch the president. The Washington Post reporting tonight that special counsel Robert Muellers investigation now including the president , specifically looking to whether he obstructed justice. As early as this week, according to the post, mueller is interviewing through top intelligence officials, dan coats, mike rogers and richard legit the retired deputy director. The post is basing the reporting on five people briefed on the requests. Its the most significant sign that Robert Muellers investigation is extending beyond this. More now from the white house and jim acosta who joins us. Have we gotten any response on this from the white house tonight . No, anderson. The white house is referring us to the president s outside counsel. A spokesman did put out a statement. I believe we have it. We can put it on the screen. It says, the fbi leak of information regarding the president is outrageous. Inexcusable, and illegal. A couple of things to point out about this statement. One is, it talks about an fbi leak of information. We dont know for a fact that it was the fbi that is leaking this information. Also, what i think is interesting about this statement is that it doesnt deny that the president is now under investigation by the special counsel bob mueller for obstruction of justice. It is a statement that is curious. As it is brief. It is obviously something that the press is going to be asking White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer about this tomorrow, if the White House Holds a briefing. We dont have a schedule whats going to happen tomorrow. Thats all they are saying tonight. Jim acosta appreciate that. Jeff toobin, should point out, just because there is an investigation by Robert Mueller on the possibility of obstruction of justice doesnt mean the president did try to obstruct justice. Thats up to mueller to discover in the course of the investigation. Given the fact there is an investigation of the president , how big a deal is it . Its a huge deal. The president of the United States is under criminal investigation by a special prosecutor who has hired the best lawyers in the country, is working with the unlimited resources of the fbi. Its a nightmare for anyone to be investigated by the fbi and the justice department. Its particularly a nightmare for the president of the United States. It doesnt mean that the president committed a crime. It doesnt mean that the president will be charged with a crime. As we saw during comeys testimony last week, there is certainly at least a plausible case, a basis for investigation, that trump made overturns to comey to crush an investigation of his friend, general flynn, and then when comey didnt do that, he fired comey. That is a plausible case for obstruction of justice. There are surrounding circumstances, including admiral rogers and director of National Intelligence coates who were also approached by the president. They need to provide evidence as well. This is all going to happen. The president even if the president attempts to cite executive privilege to get them not to talk to mueller, mueller can counteract that, cant he . He can. He has broad discretion in all the powers of the federal bureau of investigation, the department of justice. Remember one thing. Obstruction of justice is a specific intent crime. You cant just jim comey who is a witness to this didnt believe that from february until he was fired that the president had obstructed justice in interactions with him because he could have opened his own file. It seems curious that this has been leaked and the other thing i might point out is the white house, all they have to do is call up director mueller or acting attorney general for this specific investigation Rod Rosenstein and ask is the president a target or subject of an investigation. They have to answer that question. Why would they want to know that . Why would they i think at this point this time the fbi or director mueller need to confirm or deny this. This innuendo of an investigation of a sitting president that no one can seem to confirm is very dangerous for our republic. We need to know whether theres an investigation or not. The American People would like to know that. I dont think mueller will say a word. Lots of people he doesnt have to tell the white house . No. By no means. Gloria, theres so many aspects to this. The irony, of course, that there may be no collusion. There be no there there on the whole russia story. And yet, now this special counsel investigation is going in another direction. Right. Largely its because the president s own selfsabotage. If he hadnt fired comey, all the other dominos might not have fallen. On the question of obstruction, were talking here about the legal case. But there is now going oo be a political argument about obstruction that will get stronger and stronger. In fact, thats probably more important than the legal case. Exactly. Theres not going to be a legal case. Its hard to prove, for example, as we were just talking about before. I think that we know that the Senate Intelligence committee has been interested, the democrats in particular, have been interested in the issue of obstruction. And i guarantee you now theyre going to be making the case that they need to hear more about it. If it needs to be in closed session, they spent a couple hours with admiral rogers, senator bur said the other day, theyre going to want to talk to dan coates. Theyre going to want to get to the bottom of this. They believe they owe it to the American People. The other thing is, we talked about this. Paul talked about how president clinton had the ability to compartmentalize things and continue trying to do legislative stuff with these investigations. The question is, what impact is this going to have on the white house of donald trump . Im not sure its at the point where its at compartmentalized. It isnt because the president isnt. The president is thinking about this constantly as we know. Pondering whether he should fire the special counsel. Talking to a lot of people . A lot of people, his friends about it. Its very hard for a white house to be compartmentalized and say, okay, you have the war room over there, which is what the Clinton White house did, the rest of us will focus on legislation, when the president himself is not doing that and he gets up in the morning and he is tweeting about leaks or he is tweeting about comey. Its very, very difficult. Jeff, how much of the president s own words in interviews he has given, in tweets, will be part of this investigation . It will be the heart of it. In fact, remember, it was his interview with lester holt that basically sabotaged the entire white house explanation for why james comey was fired. The night he was fired, eventually, people like Kellyanne Conway came out and said, the real reason he was fired is because he did such a bad thing to Hillary Clinton eight months ago. It was very implausible. It was not really believable. But that was the explanation. Then the president gave an interview to lester holt and said the real reason is because of the russia investigation. Again, that came from his own mouth. The problem there is he cant very well deny he said it and he cant deny his tweets and he cant deny what he said to the russian ambassador, which apparently was recorded somewhere where he said, comey was a nut job and i had to get rid of him. All of that that is admissible evidence in an investigation. If some day somewhere theres a trial, its admissible there, too. Matt, now if the Washington Post is correct based on their five sources and the president is under this investigation, i assume his outside counsel will be pushing him not to continue to tweet about it or talk about it or give interviews about this. Thats rule number one. If you are going to tell your story, tell it once to a jury. In this case, this president i think needs to listen to his key advisers, because as jeff points out, this is a very serious situation. Bob mueller is a professional. Lets remember the other thing thats going on here. As bob mueller does his investigation, he is going to be talking to witnesses. His investigates will talk to witnesses. This seems to be the first round of reveals of at least three people that are going to be interviewed. We should expect similar stories to this as we proceed through the investigation. It doesnt necessarily mean that theyre just talking about obstruction of justice. They are going to talk about the russian collusion and interference in the american election. It doesnt mean that the fbi is leaking. When investigators start interviewing people, a lot of people know about it. The witnesses, their lawyers. Thats often where the information comes from. Not necessarily from the fbi. Which is what the white house was slamming the fbi for allegedly leaking theres no evidence the sources are the fbi. Jeff, matthew, gloria, thanks so much. Coming up, the latest on the shooting investigation. What investigators finding out about the now dead gunman. Reaction from the white house. The president s remarks garnering bipartisan praise tonight. With my moderate to severe crohns disease,. I kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i was doing okay. Then it hit me. Managing was all i was doing. When i told my doctor,. I learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. Even after trying other medications. In clinical studies,. The majority of people on humira. Saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability. To fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened;. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where. 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Two of his victims badly wounded. Med Star Washington Hospital Center released a new statement on congressman scalise. Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a rifle shot to the left hip. It traveled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs and causing severe bleeding. He underwent immediate surgery and an additional procedure to stop bleeding. The statement concludes he has received multiple units of blood transfusion. His condition is critical. We will provide updates. In addition to that, we are learning about who the gunman was. His movements and more. Were minimizing the use of his picture and his name. With that in mind, Phil Mattingly joins us with the latest. What are investigators finding . One of the key elements is social media. They are combing through his posts of which there are numerous and paint a picture. Mostly political . Mostly political. Progressive causes. Very antirepublican. Very antiPresident Trump saying trump has destroyed our democracy. Now we must destroy trump and company. Thats a direct quote from one of the postings. Very antiHillary Clinton. One interesting elements that investigators are trying to get through is what actually got him to this point. Social media posts, there are lots. Secret service is cognizant of most of them. They did not know it was coming. At what point did he go from somebody posting to somebody willing to do Something Like this . So far they dont have that answer. He was a supporter of senator sanders. Senator sanders saying this is abhorrent. Took to the senate floor to make clear, he learned he believed this individual, the shooter had at one point volunteered for his campaign. On his Facebook Page he had a picture of uncle sam with senator sanders face on top of it. A fan of sanders and his message. Sanders condemning the actions saying he did not support this in any way, shape or form. Is it known at this point how long this person was in the area . I have seen accounts he was seen at the ymca for a while. He was living out of his van. I was on the scene. You could see the van. Illinois license plates. Parked in the parking lot of the ymca. He became a member of the ymca in april. He was there this morning as well. One of the jarring moments of all of this is republican lawmakers this morning, the individuals there actually saw him. He asked two lawmakers what party is this . Is this the republicans or democrats . If you talk to witnesses, they saw him around. They recognized him. He was around. The big question is, why was he there . Why did he come to town . It didnt appear he had any job, any employment. People are trying to figure out a lot of things. A lot of unanswered questions. Very, very tragic. It was wellknown that park was used by Congress People to practice. Had he asked around, he could have been able to find out that information. It wasnt a secret. They practice there every morning. They wear uniforms which have republican written on the shirts. That was when you talk to witnesses, when you talk to people who lived around the area, they made clear, we knew they were there. Everybody in the community were very happy to see them. They got a kick out of it. Nobody paid much attention. Nobody attended practices. They walked by them. This was in the morning. All the practices occurred around 6 00 or 7 00. It wasnt difficult to find where these practices were. I think most in the Community Just kind of figured it was part of everyday life. Thank you very much. The latest on the white house response. Back with cnns jim acosta. Jim, what was the president s reaction to todays shooting . The first thing we should point out is that President Trump, he has been checking on congressman scalises condition throughout the day. Earlier, within the last hour, the president and first lady visited the hospital where he is recovering from his injuries. We can tell you that aides brought in flowers where scalise is recovering and where the capitol Police Officers are recovering as well. The president and vicepresident it has been a quiet day at the white house, anderson. They canceled their scheduled events for the day. Getting to the president s message in your question, we did hear from a very different President Trump today. We have seen with other incidents like this around the world, the president sometimes will engage in rhetoric that is questionable or controversial. He did not engage in any divisive rhetoric after this shooting. He resounded a very unifying theme, reminding americans that people serving the nation here in washington are doing so because of their love of country. It was a very different President Trump that we heard from. Here is a bit of what he had to say earlier today. Congressman scalise is a friend and a very good friend. He is a patriot. And he is a fighter. He will recover from this assault and, steve, i want you to know that you have the prayers not only of the entire city behind you but of an entire nation and frankly the entire world. America is praying for you and america is praying for all of the victims of this terrible shooting. We may have our differences, but we do well in times like these to remember that everyone who serves in our nations capitol is here because above all they love our country. We can all agree that we are blessed to be americans. That our children deserve to grow up in a nation of safety and peace. And that we are strongest when we are unified. And when we Work Together for the common good. Pretty remarkable to hear that from the president. When you listened to some of his surrogates like Newt Gingrich earlier today, he was blaming hostile rhetoric from the left for todays shooting. He was not alone. There were other surrogates saying this. The president was not listening to those voices. He did not echo those remarks. We should point out from a logistical standpoint, there was talk the president might go to this congressional baseball game tomorrow night, which would have been a pretty remarkable image, gesture. The white house is telling us thats not going to happen because of security concerns. I have been to the congressional baseball game before. That would have been a tall order for the secret service in light of what happened earlier today to try to secure that entire baseball park for Something Like that. Jim acosta, thank you very much. Lawmakers have been shaken up today. Democrats, republicans, some on the Baseball Team or not, whether they were eyewitnesses or heard about it later, this isnt a day any of them will soon forget. You were on capitol hill right afterward when people were coming back from the ball field. It was very quiet. Then all of a sudden, activity picked up. You started to have republican members from the team who came in, which was stunning. You are used to seeing them attired in their suits. A number of them actually came straight to talk to the media still in what they had been wearing to practice. Ball caps, tshirts. A lot had to leave their cars, everything at the ball field. They had been cordoned off while they were waiting to speak to police. They were bloodied. One Congress Member had a bloody elbow and hand from diving into the dugout. It was pretty interesting. Almost immediately, even this was before knowing the motive of the shooter, they really seemed to feel so clearly that they had been targeted. We certainly heard that there was a lot of fear from the members of congress, especially afraid for their security in the future. We heard from that from Chuck Fleischman of tennessee. After today i wonder whether or not i will ever feel safe going to a baseball field with practice like that. Because literally if that horrific shooter had chosen, i was in his line of sight. He could have shot me as easily as anybody else. We can disagree on how to govern. Thats what makes our country great. Im here because were americans. I think republicans and democrats need to use this day today to stand together and say, stop. Lets Work Together. Lets get things done. We can have our differences. Lets not let it lead to hate. That was only about a couple hours after the shooting happened. He had been at bat when the shooting began. I asked him, how do you feel . He said he felt very angry. He pointed to political rhetoric. Even at that point in time so early, he felt that this was a moment for that to really cool down. Thank you very much. Appreciate that. The man who was walking his dogs when the shooting began captured it all on video. We will hear from him next. Buried just under the surface, the answer to it all. We want to need each other. 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They are back at the white house now. The president has tweeted, just left hospital. Steve scalise, one of the great people, is in very tough shape. He is a real fighter. Pray for steve. As the day has gone on, we have been getting reportings of this mornings shooting. One of the recordings, the audio. Receiving shots being fired. There are people running, possibly victims involved. I still got shots being fired. We got three medics. We got a suspect. Give me your exact location. Baseball field. Theres also a victim down in the baseball field. We have another one down. Total of five down. Does anybody need a chopper . Yeah. We will need we got witnesses that are trying to leave. Im trying to keep them on the scene. Another record of what happened was captured by someone who happened to be walking the area. Noa nathan recorded the scene on his phone. I spoke to him earlier. Noah, can you explain where you were when you heard the first shots . Yeah. I was walking in the dog park i go to every morning. Its next to the baseball field. I was just about to walk into the dog park when i heard the first shot. I thought it was fireworks. I looked around and thought it was strange. When i heard the second one, i knew something wasnt right. How much space was there between the first shot you thought was a firework and the other shots . Maybe two or three seconds. So when you realized what was happening, what did you do . I just dropped to the ground. I thought it came from the outfield. I couldnt tell where it came from. I was laying there. I was holding on to the dogs. I was hearing the shots. A lot of shots, they were ricochetting off the gravel near me. Maybe 15 yards away i could see the smoke and i could hear them hitting the fence. It was a helpless feeling. So i figured let me do something. Let me try i cant move. Let me get my phone out and maybe i can record something of value. Did you see the shooter . I did not. I did not see the shooter. I saw the Police Shooting back. But i couldnt tell where the shooter was. Did you know that there were Police Officers returning fire, capitol Police Officers returning fire . Did you know somebody was returning fire . Yeah. I could see them and hear them. The gunman was shooting a rifle. They were returning fire with a pistol. You could hear the difference. I knew they were there just because theres usually one or two suvs with security personnel. So we knew they were there. Thank god they were there. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened. Can you describe what happened once the shooting finally stopped . Once it stopped, then you could tell as soon as everybody started running in to help the congressman. We felt it was safe. You were aware at that point that the shooter was down . Yeah. Noah, im glad you are okay. I appreciate you talking the time to talk to us. My pleasure. Thanks for the first responders. Yeah. Incredible. They made all the difference. Noah nathan, thank you. Truly heroic response by the first responders. One final note about the president and first ladys hospital visit. Jim acosta has just reported they were not able to see congressman scalise, nor enter the room where he is being treated. I will speak with a congressman who wasnt at practice today. He was clearly very affected by what happened. We will talk to him ahead. Deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced. Our senses awake. Our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say. If you love something set it free. See you around, giulia dental professionals recommend using an electric toothbrush. For an exceptionally fresh feeling choose Philips Sonicare diamondclean. Hear the difference versus oral b. 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When you heard what had happened, obviously no one wants to be there but to not be there and knowing that all of your teammates are my friend said its like a plane you didnt get on that crashed in the desert. And because we pitched yesterday, there was no need for us to throw today before the game. So instead, i scheduled a breakfast. Im sitting in the club with trey gowdy when he looks and says, look at the tv sets. Scalise has been shot. Youre shocked and then think about the circumstance. It was only later that you intimately know every foot of that field. You can feel the presence of it just by the reporting and i think thats when it really hit. The extraordinary thing, too, had it not been for the presence of Steve Scalise and his security detail, it could have been truly a massacre. There were unarmed people, a shooter, people were in the dugout. I mean, its terrifying. We as the pitchers were talking, had it been yesterday, theres four of us inside of a cage which was the point from which he began the assault. And you think about it, you would have been in there with nowhere to go and he at pointblank range and the others, particularly trent in the line of fire. My colleagues said they watched and turned and saw him shot right at him. He missed. Steve was the next guy that got hit but he was the next person over because the other two, the shortstop and the Third Basemen had just left. Youve been on this team for seven years . Yeah. Whats the idea behind it . Obviously its for charity, but theres got to be a camaraderie that you can achieve on the ball field that you cant in the halls of congress. It goes both ways. Its meeting members from your own conference that you dont know quite so well. And you go out on the field for the six weeks that we have in practice and get to know them in a completely different way. And then its your colleagues from the other side of the aisle. Joe crowley just called me up and we were talking about this incident. Theres a democrat from new york. Why would we be pulled together but for Something Like this. And it gives us a different dimension to see each other in a different light. And an incident like this, do you hope something comes out of it in terms of a shift of tone in so many aspects of political life or well, i think that. Im so concerned about the hateful rhetoric that seems to be expanding. There seems to be a lot of vitriolic language. Its no longer discussions a town halls. People just scream at you. People arent listening. Yeah. And they are expressing i get frustration, even anger in a way that its not a discussion, its yeah, its a beatdown. And i think it does it lead to this guy today . I dont know what motivated this guy. But the discourse is getting far too vitriolic and a game like this can symbolize the fact that we disagree on a lot of things but we can Work Together, we spend time together, we like each other and theres ways that we can work at solutions. We dont have to be tearing each other apart. How great of a sign would it be if you had a full house tomorrow night at the ball game . I just imagine the people that are going to be there are going to have a completely different sense of emotion than weve ever had before. And i im thinking about what it will be like and it will be special. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me, anderson. Well be back. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Youre searching for something. Like the perfect deal. On the perfect hotel. 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Breaking news on two fronts to tell you about. The Washington Post reporting that special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating President Trump for possible obstruction of justice as part of the russia investigation. This after only 145 days in the oval office. Also breaking tonight, a shooting targeting members of congress. The frightening moments captured on video. [ gunfire ]

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