Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161115

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Fib official, philip mudd. Does this surprise you . It does. We need to take a step back for a moment. Everything about this campaign, anderson, has been usual. Take the name, trump, kids names out, the president elect relied on people during the campaign for advice. He goes to intelligence officials and says, when i begin to get intelligence briefings, more seriously, as im president elect, i want the same people i relied on during the campaign to be in those intelligence briefings. Will you give them a security clearance . Put yourself in the position of intelligence professionals. Youre going to say, if you think those are appropriate advisers, we will go through the formal process to try to clear them at a serious level so they can sit in on your briefings. I understand it. It is highly unusual, anderson. Especially if, i mean, his grown children are going to be running his business, the idea was theyre running his business and theyre not going to be kind of blending over into advising him in order to keep his business separate, although, you know, traditionally businesses are put in a blind trust. Thats not going to be happening, but it does certainly make it sound as if, and your point does as well, that they are going to continue to be advisers to him even on, perhaps, security matters. Boy, that would make me uncomfortable if you had someone with a top secret security clearance and you had someone who still had active business interests. Im not here to suggest, anderson, that a child of a president ial candidate cant get a topsecret clearance. I still hold one with the u. S. Government. What i want to tell you is if you maintain business interests, theres clearly things you might learn in an intelligence briefing related to the middle east, related to europe, related to asia that might affect your decisionmaking on the business side. I would argue from the trump side, you have to make a decision, are these individuals involved in a National Security process, or are they involved in a business process . Dont mix those two. David priest, another former cia intelligence officer, said that the only logic to get a security clearance is holding a National Security position. I mean, do you agree with that . I mean, it seems like theres no real other domestic reason to do it. I have to agree with david. I know david well. Look, what if the president elect in this case, donald trump, says the National Security position is that these individuals are trusted advisers and when im dealing with that issue related to iran, north korea, russia, china, i want these individuals whom ive grown to trust during the campaign to be in the room. They may not hold the position of secretary of defense or secretary of state, but the president elect, and i keep not using his name because i think we need to separate the name out of this and go to the idea. The idea is i want these people whom i trust in the room during those conversations. As sensitive as the conversations i had with them during the campaign, i understand it despite the fact that this is highly unusual. Now, i mean, theres Different Levels of security clearances. A top security clearance, theres, i mean, theres code theres, like, secret, top secret, theres code word clearances above that. I assume this would be, what, top secret . Do you know what kind of information then they would be allowed to see . Could they see the president ial daily brief . Let me speculate here, anderson. There are three basic levels of security clearance, confident sh confidential, secret, cop secret. From what i understand, theyre being requested from the top secret level, same level i have, thats highest you can get in government. There are compartments within that that are even more classified. Let me make this simpler. Im going to guess what the president elect is asking for, when hes having conversations with, for example, the Central Intelligence agency about what to do in syria, what we understand about russian intentions, some of that is topsecret information. He wants his children in the room. So theres security classifications that are technical. I think this is even simpler. When he talks to a briefer, someone whos sent over from the cia, he wants those kids in room. Fascinating. Phil mudd, appreciate you being with us. Reminder, what were looking at and following. Protests. Sixth straight now in the streets of seattle tonight, in tucson. Police confronting a number of marchers in seattle. Well keep an eye on this and bring you more as it unfolds. Meantime, president obama left just over an hour ago for his final overseas trip in office. Arrives tomorrow in athens, greece. His First Press Conference since the election. He had a lot of advice for the president elect. Jeff zeleny reports, he appeared to weigh every single word that he spoke. Reporter president obama tonight walking a tight rope, speaking out about the candidate he lambasted and the president elect to who he must now pass the baton. The people have spoken. Donald trump will be the next president , the 45th president of the united states. Reporter in his first news Conference Since the election, mr. Obama talked about his 90minute meeting with donald trump saying he spoke to the president elect about the weight of the job. This office has a way of waking you up and those aspects of his positions or predispositions that dont match up with the reality, he will find shaken up pretty quick. Reporter the president said he would work with mr. Trump to make the handoff as smooth as possible. Suggesting some of the biting language during the campaign was done for effect. I dont think he is ideological. I think ultimately hes pragmatic in that way. Reporter but the president was candid about some of the weaknesses he sees in trump. Including his temperament. I think what will happen with the president elect is there are going to be certain elements of his temperament that will not serve him well unless he recognizes them and corrects them. Reporter the president pointing out that mr. Trump often made false statements and relied on misleading head lienh on the campaign trail. When youre a candidate and you Say Something that is inaccurate or controversial, it has less impact than it does when youre president of the united states. Reporter the president has seen defeat before. After the 2010 and 2014 midterm elections. Im not recommending for every future president that they take a shellacking like i did last night. You know, im sure there are easier ways to learn these lessons. Reporter no laughter today as the cornerstones of his legacy, obamacare, to Climate Change policy, are at risk in a trump administration. Asked about those questioning trumps right to rule, the president said simply, trump won. Hopefully its a reminder that elections matter. And voting counts. And so, you know, i dont know how many times we have to relearn this lesson because we ended up having 43 of the country not voting who were eligible to vote, but it makes a difference. Jeff zeleny joins us. President obama seems pretty committed to this measured tone. Is there any reason to think thats going to change . Reporter anderson, i think he wants to give donald trump the benefit of the doubt, no question, and send a signal to democrats out there to give the guy a chance. And its on the eve of going on a foreign trip, as you know, and frankly, he has some work to do there. He has criticized donald trump agreszively on foreign soil. Do not expect him to do that. Anderson, i checked with one of his top advisers after his news conference. I was struck by the measured tone of it. And they said the president is going to try and do what george w. Bush did to president obama, and not say a thing, stay out of politics. Acknowledged that could be quite a challenge. Jeff zeleny. I want to bring in a number of people who witnessed president ial transitions. Cnn political analyst, carl bernstein, gloria borger, david gergen, and dana bash. David, i want to get your reaction first to president obamas remarks. You worked inside the white house for republicans and democrats. What do you make of president elect trump reportedly wanting top secret security clearances for three of his children and soninlaw . Well, anderson, there have been a number of instances when people who are primarily domestic in nature in the white house have gotten security clearances. Normally the chief of staff, for example, gets security clearance. The counsel of the president i would imagine steve bannon would have a security clearance. When i was working in the Clinton White house as counselor to the president , i got a security clearance, top secret. So i think thats theres a lot of precedent for that. There is no precedent that i know of for children or spouses or anything else to get top security clearances. I would it may be legal. I would argue that President Trump ought too be prudent about this and maybe if he wants to have one of his children, but there ought to be a Clear Division, a very Clear Division between who gets security clearance and who runs those companies, those enterprises. He needs to keep, avoid that. Weve just gone through a huge controversy about the Clinton Foundation and if we now have children running around with security clearances and also doing business deals around the world, that is a terrible idea. Carl, i mean, it is the same children, again, theyre adults, but the same adult kids who are going do be running the businesses are the ones who are being apparently requested to have a security clearance. Its astounding especially just this soon after the election and its wrong. Imagine if youre the president of the united states, your kids have these security clearances, the cia comes in and briefs them. You can use that information to enhance your businesses, decide im going to open a new boutique in riot because of what i heard in the cia today in the briefing. Its just wrong. It sends the wrong signal from the first days and it goes back to this idea that we had during the campaign of business first. And especially as david gergen says, if Chelsea Clinton were getting this, the republicans would be yelling, lock chelsea up. Its wrong. Dana . I was talking to a government official, former government official, i should say, involved in intelligence earlier who said actually by text, what did they need access to the classified information for . What clandestine operation is ivanka going to run . Tongue in cheek, but it goes to the heart of the question, its totally understandable what we heard from phil mudd before that these are his top advisers. What david gergen was saying, also, domestic staff often gets clearance. But children who are not on the payroll but rather are dealing financially with their own business, thats another question. Just the definition of secret is something that could cause, serious damage to National Security. Scary stuff. Gloria this also belongs in a blind trust. I think we ought to get that out there right away. Right. Although thats not a legal requirement. Its not. But traditionally that is a businessman is not putting these huge holdings into a blind trust on its face is wrong. We have a lot more on that tonight as well. Gloria, i mean, to phil mudds point which is, you know, if these are some of his top advisers, he wants to be able to discuss information with them. To you, is that a conflict or is it the fact theyre also involved, theyre running his business . Well, of course first of all its a clear conflict if they are running his business. Usually this type of top secret clearance is given because of the job you have in the administration, as david was pointing out earlier, if you are the chief of staff to the president , you would get a topsecret clearance. Let me let me, you know, since were all sort of trying to figure out why the president elect might want this, i think, and ive learned this through talking to his family, they talk all the time. I think he might be doing this to protect himself in a way or ask for it to protect himself because he talks to them about everything. Hes used to consulting them about everything and there is this matter of talking about classified information when youre not supposed to be talking about it or sharing it is breaking the law just as he, you know, talked about Hillary Clinton sharing classified information on her emails. So if donald trump wants to talk to his kids about decisions, important security decisions he is making, he has to protect himself and have them have security clearance. Its an interesting idea. I mean, dana, do you think theres some truth to that, that in freewilling discussions, this protects him in case he says something . No question. Like i said, i get that. We all have respect for the fact he has such confidence and trust in his Adult Children that they really are his top advisers and obviously his most loyal supporters. But, you know, what im thinking, as were discussing this, maybe david, maybe you guys know, what about a spouse . I mean, presumably a spouse is somebody who has, you know, who is a president s closest confidant and maybe sounding board and i dont think that spouses get top clearance. I might be wrong. I dont think Hillary Clinton had topsecret clearance during the first couple of years of bill clintons administration, and i looked it up only going back to sort of the first couple years so im not sure in future years and im not sure about michelle obama, particularly since you cohabit with somebody, they may decide to give you clearance in case documents, you know, are in the private, you know, private confines of your home and your living quarters. So i think we have to investigate that, but its kind of unheard of for your children, particularly ones who are yeah. Prohibited from serving because of nepotism rules. David, you know, we heard from president obama today saying that he believes the president elect is more prag pragmatic than ideological, worried his temperament might be in some instances but generally the president seems to be steering away from criticizing the president elect. Yeah, he was very restrained today. I think he remains hopeful, not optimistic, but hopeful that donald trump will temper some of his proposals. I thought it was very important, anderson, that he said today that he was going to europe and he would be telling leaders there, and giving them reassurances about Donald Trumps commitment to nato and transatlantic partnership. That is a thats a major deal. Thats a very big help for donald trump in a europe that is extreme lly skeptical, some way terrified about whats coming. I thought that was positive. At the same time, you know, he did urge him quietly in a restrained way, he urged him to send signals of unity and i think what he was really talking about, the president was talking about is calling on donald trump to speak out, to give assurances to so many people who remain so deeply distressed, scared, you know, various groups whether theyre jews or muslims or gays or others, women who feel disempowered. As urgent as his appointment are is to give reassurance to the country hell respect peoples rights. Coming up next, the controversy on the left and some extent on the right over steve bannon as one of trumps top advisers, ties to the socalled altright movement. Well take a look at his career in media. Later, how all the lawsuits involving donald trump will affect his term in office. And well, of course, continue to follow new antitrump demonstrations unfolding as we speak in two major american cities. [ cough ] shh. I have a cold with this annoying runny nose. Better take something. Dayquil liquid gels doesnt treat a runny nose. It doesnt . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels fight your worst cold symptoms including your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is enepeople want power. Hallenge. And power plants account for more than a third of energyrelated carbon emissions. The challenge is to capture the emissions before theyre released into the atmosphere. 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Late new word as we mentioned, sharp conflict within the trump transition effort, conflict and controversy over one of president elect trumps Top White House picks. More on both of that tonight from our jim acosta. Reporter in selecting Stephen Bannon as his cheap strategist, donald trump has invited into the oval office one of the leaders of the socalled alt right movement, combination of conservatives, populists, White Supremacists and antisemites. Bannon will act as, quote, equal partners with rnc chair Reince Priebus as white house chief of staff. I worked close with steve bannon, the general of the campaign. Reporter coming under fire during his time as chairman of Breitbart News which featured antisemitic and white supremacist material. The guy i know is a guy who isnt any of those things. He is a guy who is pretty hes very, very smart. Very temperate. No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here reporter the bannon pick could inflame antitrump protesters and rattle a nation thats witnessing a rise in hateful rhetoric like the reports of churches vandalized with neonazi messages and attacks on minorities which trump told 60 minutes must come to an end. I am so saddened to hear that and i say stop it. If it helps, i will say this, and ill say it right to the cameras, stop it. Reporter on the issues, trump so far is signaling a potential softening on sensitive topics suggesting he wont work to outlaw samesex marriage. These cases have gone to the supreme court, theyve been settled and im fine with that. Reporter but on another front, roe v. Wade, trump said hed appoint antiabortion judges and if its overturned, it would be up to the states to decide. Well, theyll perhaps have to go to another state. Reporter as for trumps Signature Campaign issue dont worry about it, were going to build wall, folks, dont worry. Reporter president elect sounds open to something less than a wall along the mexican border. So part wall, part fence . Yeah, could be some fencing. Jim acosta joins us from outside trump tower. Late reports tonight there have been some disagreements within trump camp regarding key cabinet positions. What do you know about it . Reporter anderson, i think is part of the jockeying thats expected when a new administration comes in and is filling key cabinet posts. Some of my colleagues are reporting its been described as a knife fight inside the trump transition meetings. I was told last week that there were some disagreements going on between the socalled, you know, nevertrumpers that are starting to make their way into some lowerlevel positions in trump transition with people who are with donald trump all along and saying they dont want those nevertrumpers filling important roles with the administration. Anderson, they are making some progress toward naming some important positions, putting people in some important positions. Were told that the secretary of state job could go to either Rudy Giuliani, the former new york mayor, or john bolton, the former u. N. Ambassador under george w. Bush. I was told just earlier this evening from a trump transition source that naming john bolton to that position might use up a lot of Political Capital in the way that this source described it. Thats an indication that donald trump may be leaning toward Rudy Giuliani and giuliani for his part, he was speaking at a wall street journal ceo conference earlier this evening. He was asked who would make a good secretary of state. He said john bolton would make a good secretary of state but he also said he would be a better one. Getting to that jockeying thats going on inside this transition, anson. All right. Jim acosta. Thanks. More on steve bannon, more specifically on his work running breitbart. He leaves a legacy in provocative headlineses. Details on that and a little history from our tom foreman. Behave yourself. Behave yourself. Behave yourself. You are freaks and animals. Youre freaks and animals. Reporter from the beginning, breitbart has been confronting liberals, media, activist, the political establishment, believed to be shutting down conservative voices. Do you even know what youre protesting . How much are you getting paid . Reporter thats the late Andrew Breitbart who built the hugely influential rightwing media empire before his unexpected death in 2012. And these are the kind of headlines breitbart churns out these days. Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy. Gay rights have made us dumber. The site called a conservative columnist a renegade jew and asked would you rather your child had feminism or cancer . At the helm for Breitbart News until recently, steve bannon. We need to have a fight in the Republican Party for the soul of the conservative i agree with you. Reporter former navy officer, former investment banker, according to bloomberg the most dangerous political operative in america and now adviser to the president. Look, the media is the guard of the permanent Political Class, all the consultants that come after you, the permanent Political Class consultants, theyre all in bed together. Reporter so how did he get there . Early investment in the seinfeld tv series led bannon to a wealth of cash and experience in media which he transformed into political battering rams. He was sitting at the desk reporter producing films to promote the political right, uncovering Anthony Weiners sexting abouts, exploiting the birther controversy around president obama, bedevilling democratic contender Hillary Clinton. You have to understand how the clintons who proclaim that they support all your values essentially have sold you out for money. Reporter but bannons aggressive use of the breitbart brand is under renewed scrutiny. Civil Rights Groups point to incendiary headlines as evidence bannon is pushing a white supremacist altright agenda while his allies brush the complaints aside. They now want to come back and say anything anybody ever published in breitbart is steve bannon. Thats baloney. Reporter with his role in the government only loosely defined, its hard to guess at his impact. This is undeniably a heady time for bannon after years of sniping at the government from the outside, he is now as inside as anyone can be. Anderson . Tom, thanks very much. Lets bring back the panel. New york one anchor, erroll lewis. Kayleigh mcenany. Van jones. With us, conservative talk show host, dana loesch, once worked at breitbart. Dana, did i introduce you . Thats okay. Dana bash here as well. Dana, as somebody who knows steve bannon, worked for steve bannon, what do you make of all this . One man described as, quote, one of the worst people on gods green earth. He definitely wouldnt be my pick, anderson, thanks for having me. Definitely wouldnt be my pick to advise the president elect and, you know, like so many people, i want to give voters a chance and i want to give the president elect a chance and i think that you need to give the new administration the best shot that they have so they can hit the ground running and unfortunately i dont think its with this choice. I was pleased to see reince prebusinespr prieb priebus, a lot of credit due to him after the victories on election night. Steve bannon, theres a reason why the website has a high turnover rate there and theres a reason why i have a history with steve bannon and, of course, Andrew Breitbart was a friend and mentor. I have the highest regard for him. Steve, it speaks for himself. Kellyanne conway this morning denied bannon had connections to the socalled altright movement or would bring any of those views into the white house. Whats your take on that . Does he have connections to the altright movement, are liberals making a bigger deal of this than it really is . I dont know personally if he has connections to the altright movement. I think that there are probably individuals in that sphere. I know there are some individuals that have written for the site that they dont really say necessarily that theyre representative of that particular movement, but whether youre representative of it or not, and i want to remind viewers, too, that its such a fringe of the right, its such a tiny fringe. It does not represent all of conservatism or all of republicanism. However, i do think that there are certain individuals that maybe perhaps tongue in cheek do kind of play to that particular audience because maybe its for click bait, maybe its just to get more traffic, more content, whatever it is, but it doesnt look well. I want to bring in kayleigh, youre a trump supporter obviously. Have been really from the getgo. A lot of people point to headlines on breitbart, you know, it could just be click bait, you know, controversial headlines on all these websites, get more clicks than other things. Newt gingrich i think made the point saying, look, you cant say steve bannon is responsible for every article thats publ h published on breitbart. Is that true or do you have concerns about bannon . I think what Newt Gingrich said is absolutely right. Steve bannon wrote none of those articles whose headlines we shosho showed. To some of them, theres a deeper story. The renegade jew headline, the guy who wrote it, david horowitz, say i, myself, am a jew, i, myself, have sat by steve bannon, ive never heard antisemitic views whatsoever. I have no concerns about steve bannon because he was appointed by donald trump whos a leader i believe in, someone whos called for unity time and time again. I think that you will see the left, those in the Clinton Campaign or those on the left try to demonize steve bannon. Theyve tried to do the same thing to ronald reagan, tried to do it to donald trump. Now new attack dog is steve bannon is going to be subject to the attack. Look, steve bannon came on with kellyanne conway, clearly did a good job compared to the last Campaign Manager they had, paul manafort, on getting donald trump on message. Why shouldnt donald trump keep the guy close to him who was able to kind of steer him to the presidency . Well, just to clarify, steve bannon, himself, boasted that Breitbart News is the platform for the alt right. Lets be clear what the alt right is. A rebranding of White Nationalism and has a strong race of racism and antisemite. Im frankly appalled that anybody forget being on the stop, he shouldnt be allowed to have clearance to get into the white house as a visitor. Now, lets pull this back a little bit. Theres a context to this. Donald trump ran on a platform of hate, bigotry, racism against mexicans. He targeted people. So its not a surprise, i mean, its fine to target bannon, but it is the man at the top thats responsible for that. Hes the one that generated this hate and anger among people in the country. Its the reason there are protests in the street and the fish is rotting at the head. Thats where its coming from. Van, last night the spokesman for Senate Minority leader harry reid, its easy to see why the kkk views trump as their champion when trump appoints one of the pedalers adlers as his t aide. I think its really important that we not adapt to absurdity. A big part of the impact of the Trump Movement has just been to drive the National Standards further and further down so that we got to a point where just the fact that donald trump could read a teleprompter without insulting half of the country was a massive achievement and when youre talking about white house hay poiappoint pts, somet know a little bit about, we tend to hold people to very high standards. The idea we would now say, well, you put out a publication that, you know, gave aid and comfort and a platform for antijewish bigots and for white nationalists but you didnt actually write all the articles, therefore, youre okay . Again, thats not the standard. The standard is this is the highest office in the land. It is the biggest honor on planet earth to work in that building and we should have the best and bannon is not the best. In fact, he represents the worst of america. I want to bring back our panel in a moment. We got to take a quick break. Those antitrump protesters are on the streets for night six. This demonstration in tucson. Well hear from some of the students behind it shortly. Well be right back. P is for privileges. O is for ordinarily i wouldnt. L is for layers of luxury. A is for alll the way back. R is for read my mind. And i. Cant see a thing. S. See you in the morning. Polaris, from united. Shes noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. Shes single. And high levels of humiliation in her daughter. In just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kids discomfort. Osteo biflex. Made to move. Before the break, van jones was talking about the appointment of steve bannon as a Top White House adviser. He said its the highest honor on planet earth, paraphrasing van here, choosing bannon dishonors the office. I want to get Kayleigh Mcenanys take. We selectively picked part of bannons resume. This man was a naval office on the pacific fleet, special assistant to the planning officer of Naval Operations in pentagon. Got his mba from harvard. This is someone whos very qualified to work in the white house. Donald trump only picks the best. That includes steve bannon. He picked Reince Priebus to be the counterbalance. Its easy to focus on a few headlines on breitbart and not tell the whole story of the man. Theres a difference between experience and temperament as well, and someone whos known him for a number of years, i know all of these individuals, and ive known them personally for a number of years, its not just i think that people are taking exception to not just a few headlines on breitbart. Theres a reason as i said earlier why theres such a high turnover rate. There are a lot of individuals. Ben shapiro who has spoken out. There are a lot of individuals who left the site and say this is a little bit about temperament as well and, look, everybody was divided in the primaries. Now that the general election is over, people who want what is best for the country would like to see someone this isnt an issue of qualification. This is an issue of temperament. Emotional temperament i think. I know the base would like to see the administration be as successful as possible and like for trump to be surrounded by the best people possible. Not someone who kind of goes off for a lack of a better way to put it, gets angry and has a reputation around washington, d. C. , as being incredibly vindicti vindictive. There are other let kayleigh respond. There are other character witnesses, though, dana, respectfully. Kellyanne conway has come out and said hes been great to work with. Youve had Reince Priebus saying hes great to work with. He may be, but there are a lot of people that would talk about antisemite one at a time. No one hears it when you talk over one thing we know about donald trump, he certainly believes in loyalty very strongly and steve bannon came on at a time when he need eed hp and clearly has been a whisper in druonald trumps ear and in Donald Trumps opinion deserves to be for that loyalty. Thats sort of the, i dont know if dichotomy is the right word. Between what i think basically what kayleigh is saying and what dana is saying could both be true in that he could have a temper, he could have temperament issues in the past and obviously issues that dana had with him in the workplace. But at the same time, somehow found a way to have a calming influence on donald trump, the candidate. And by all accounts of people ive talked to who were kind of around it was the guy who donald trump saw as an equal partner and somebody who could take his phone away from him. Which other people werent able to do. Which other people werent able to do. Erroll, we heard that its a knife fight going on. How much of that, though, is just, i mean, thats way transitions often are. No . I mean, its a lot of people jockeying for very powerful positions. A lot of people competing interests who want things. This is the chance of a lifetime. It was a chance that people didnt necessarily prepare for because we know that even up until the last minute, the campaign, itself, did not know or expect to be victorious. So all of a sudden, things have to change. The head of the transition is demoted. Chris christie is out, mike pence is in. All of a sudden, everything, the stakeses go up quite a bit. So, yeah, theres going to be quite a lot of jostling and thats part of what works against the bannon selection. There are a lot of outside groups and lot of people marching in the streets. A lot of people have very good reasons to be suspicious of that entire altright movement and, again, breitbart was the platform for it. Thats bannons words. Right. You know, when you see the head of the American Nazi Party saying, gee, im surprised he supported him but i like the kois. Thats a problem. Hes also got a lot of other sort of rivals who for very basic careerist reasons would love to see him shoved aside. Dana, before you go, i want to ask you a quick question, when you heard president obama today say he thinks donald trump is pragmatic more than ideological, as a conservative, did that worry you . That was a concern among many conservatives early on, heres a guy whos going to make deals and maybe sacrifice ideology. I think some, anderson, thats a good question, some might be concerned about it, however, theres a lot to be encouraged with a lot of the choices that the president elect has been making with regards to his cabinet. People that with the exception of steve bannon, people who are going to be influencing him and i think that may override him. He can be pragmatic and not be ideological, however, a lot of the individuals with whom hes surrounding himself are actually ideological. So it might be a good complement. All right, dana, thanks for being on. President elect trump facing an unprecedented number of civil lawsuits. One involving trump university. A trial set to go this month. Will it actually go forward . Well look at that ahead. Add this to the list of things that sets donald trump apart from any other president elect. Hes also facing doesee ining d lawsuits, some involving trump university. Drew griffin tonight reports. Reporter the biggest lawsuit facing the president elect are actually three. All surrounding his trump university. Two classaction suit in california, one 40 million lawsuit filed by new yorks attorney general. All basically alleging the same thing. Trump university. Reporter trumps Real Estate University wasnt a university. Trumps handpicked Real Estate Experts werent hand picked by trump and exposed by a cnn report, trumps socalled Real Estate Experts like top trump seminar instructor james harris werent really Real Estate Experts at all. Do you remember ken ywhen yod this, at 29 i became the top 1 broker in the country. I build homes in atlanta, georgia, and i used to live in Beverly Hills. Yes. If i said those things, they are true. I did live in Beverly Hills and we have no record of you ever living in Beverly Hills. Okay. Well we cant find your brokers license anywhere. Okay. I have no idea what homes you built in atlanta, georgia. You build homes in georgia . Im not prepared to answer those questions today. Reporter last week in san diego, federal judge Gonzalo Curiel urged both sides in the first classaction lawsuit to settle the matter, given the fact trumps about to become president. Instead, trumps attorneys filed a motion to delay the actual trial until trump becomes president. Political attorney Steven Kauffman says the real strategy may be to delay the suit even beyond that. Who knows whats going to happen once he takes office after january 20th that might further prevent him from participating in the trial and allowing his attorneys to conduct the trial at that point in time. I imagine a delay at this point would lead to further delays once he becomes president. Reporter the lawsuits against his school are just the beginning. There are dozens of lawsuits pending against trump and some filed by trump like the two restaurants that decided they wouldnt open in trumps new Old Post Office hotel in washington after trump made disparaging comments about mexicans. Trumps suing them. Theyre suing trump. Then theres the republican consultant suing because she claims tweets calling her a real dummy ruined her reputation. Some trump protesters are suing trump claiming his Security Team at trump tower assaulted them last year. His Companies Face suits involving Sexual Harassment allegations, golf membership battles and even a fight over tips at a hotel. All of this going on at the same time the president elect is trying to form a cabinet, set a political agenda and, oh, yeah, turn over his entire Business Empire to his kids. Earlier this year, trumps personal attorney told us he had already begun that task and it wasnt going to be easy. There are real issues there that have to be addressed. Because legally i dont think he can run the Trump Organization while president of the united states, correct . Yeah, i cant go into the details. Theres obviously a lot of intelligent people who are working on these issues. Reporter its a lot to handle, why Stephen Kaufman thinks he should move to settle any lawsuits pending and file no new ones, no lawsuit against the new york times, no lawsuits against women who accused him of Sexual Harassment. If i was his lawyer, i would suggest he stay away from the courtroom as far as possible. I cant imagine any good would come out of testimony given in a court of law about the actions of the president of the united states. Drew joins us now. This motion filed late this afternoon in california is another attempt by trumps lawyers to postpone the trial on trump university, right . Its supposed to start, what, just two weeks . Yeah, anderson. The judge pretty much stated he wants to get this over with. He either wants a settlement which hes recommending or a trial. Trumps lawyers are really pushing the idea that things changed on tuesday which is why they refiled this motion. You know, they are actually arguing that for the good of the country, its a matter of great public importance, they write in this afternoon, that they postpone this. Judge curiel has not ruled. Currently its set for trial two weeks from today. President elect donald j. Trump listed as a witness for both sides. Anderson . Well see if something happens in the next two weeks. Our breaking news, antitrump protests taking part in the sixth straight day in two cities tonight. Our gary tuchman spent time with the students who organized the demonstration in arizona, contrary to what president elect tweeted last week. Gary tuchman reporting, they are not professional protesters. Details on that, straight ahead. Whoa, this is awful, try it. Oh no, that looks gross what is that . You gotta try it, its terrible. I dont wanna try it if its terrible. Its like mango chutney and burnt hair. No thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. Just try it guys, i think we should hurry up. If you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. Its what you do. I cant get the taste out of my mouth if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Shhh dog, dog, dog. What powers the Digital World . Communication. 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Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option click to activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Students at the university of arizona are holding antitrump protest tonight on their tucson campus. For six Straight Days now, protesters have taken to the streets, mostly peacefully, in cities across the country, president elect trump criticized some of the tweeters saying, i just had a very open and successful election, now professional protesters incited by the media are protesting, very unfair. He walked back his tweet saying, love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night had passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud. We asked our gary tuchman more about who organized tonights protests and why he did it. He joins me now. Gary . Reporter anderson, hundreds of people here in the middle of the university of arizona campus right now, a rally against donald trump. Not just students, but also people from tucson. Its been very loud and rambunctious. The people are about to start marching through the campus and through the city of tucson, but the whole idea for this rally started off very simply. Contra ferrara is a Public Health major and wants to become a clinical epidemiologist, but her mind these days is on donald trump. I didnt go to class, i was in shock, i had a meltdown the night before when i found out the election results. Reporter in the hours that followed, she had an idea. She would become the organizer of an antitrump rally. I decided hild create a Facebook Event and see a public Facebook Event, and whoever wanted to come were more than welcome. Are we going to do it like reporter she brought together other students she knew who felt the same as she did. They made posters and signs at a local art gallery. They discussed strategy, coordinated with the city and university police. Initially, a handful of people replied on facebook they would come. Within a few days, the number climbed to over 1300. Im very angst. Im the first speaker. Im a very social butterfly. You can ask anyone that knows me, but when it comes to a crowd, i have very bad stage fright. Reporter there are a lot of smiles and plenty of laughter here, but it all belies the anger. These are the six other people who have been leading the organizational effort with khadra farrah. Just because the rug was ripped out, this is a reminder that we have to keep fighting. Reporter do any of you see anything good about donald trump . The only thing good out of this election, him being our president elect, is that its really forcing people to come together, especially marginalized people and form solidarity. Reporter these students have seen images of the other antitrump protests around the country, and are aware of whats being said about them. One of the things donald trump tweeted recently about demonstrators is that they were, quote, professional protesters. Are any of you professionals . No, not at all. In the morning. Any of you getting paid anything to do this . Not at all. He said during some of his rallies that people get paid 1,500 to disrupt his rallies. I wish have any of you heard from anybody above you who is getting paid to bring you to the rally . Not at all. Everyone, one, two, three. Whoo reporter these students say they know nothing will change the results of this election, but think as long as everything stays calm, their rally will accomplish something by allowing their voices to be heard. I would say the hardest thing about setting this up is the possibility that it could go left. The possibility that there would be disturbers, agitators, people who arent happy that this is happening. Reporter you mean, Trump Supporters . Trump supporters. Reporter and nonTrump Supporters. And nonTrump Supporters. So gary, how have things gone so far tonight . Reporter anderson, as we speak, the march is just beginning right now and expected to last for the next hour. Everything has been very peaceful so far. The only slightly tense moment came when a man standing with a huge Confederate Flag and a sign that said youre a bunch of crybabies people started arguing back and forth, but everyone stayed calm after people saw that Confederate Flag. Gary, thanks very much. Much more ahead on tonights breaking news. President elect donald trump wants top security clearance for his three eldest children and theyll also be running his Business Empire while hes in the white house. More on that ahead. Vo the new , phone by google. Exclusively on verizon. 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