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They got. Republicans and democrats alike taking aim at director comey. The fbi have begun the process of analyzing the emails and sources tell us they will not be done by election day. Just moments ago, we also learned this, director comey says he will not be saying another thing about all of this until the review is complete. Our jim sciutto joins us with the very latest on what hes learned. No word at all . No word at all. First were learning tonight director comey, he stands by his decision. Sources familiar with his thinking say he had a tough decision, he made the best choice possible. He doesnt have a partisan bone in his body. Sources telling our pamela brown. In addition to that as anderson was saying, comey saying he will not have any partial updates before the investigation is complete. No announcement of a certain number of emails discovered, early indications of whether it was classified material. He is not going to come back until the investigation is done, which means that this will certainly extend beyond the election. Tonight, cnn has learned that agents at fbi facilities in quantico are now combing over thousands of emails on a laptop belonging to disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner, and his estranged wife, huma abedin. Key aide to Hillary Clinton. Just eight days from the election, the fbi has now obtained a warrant to search those emails found in a separate investigation of weiner for allegedly sexting with a minor. Officials tell cnn comey was made aware of the emails in midoctober, but only went to congress with the information after he was given a fuller briefing on thursday. Today, the white house walking a fine line, praising director comeys character director comey is a man of integrity, hes a man of principle. Hes a man who is well regarded by senior officials in both parties. Reporter but communicating the importance of fbi traditions, limiting public discussion of ongoing investigations, especially close to an election. Would not the white house say lets put more information out there then . I think that was the hope that director comey had. That was his stated hope of sending the letter in the first place. Its not enough. Well, clearly had the opposite of the intended effect. Reporter comeys decision to go public so close to election day has drawn fire from both democrats and republicans. Including george w. Bushs attorney general, alberto gonzales, who spoke to cnn today. I really worry that in this particular instance, the fbi director has made an error in judgment in terms of releasing this kind of letter which really says nothing. Reporter however, when comey testified on the hill in september after recommending not to bring charges against clinton, the fbi director did hint he would investigate if he discovered new evidence. Would you reopen the clinton investigation if you discovered new information that was both relevant and substantial . Its hard for me to answer in the abstract. We would look at new what are you learning about the timing after all this, how long it will actually take . There are two steps. This is under way. Cataloging these emails. They can do this with a tool, happening at quantico, to see how many emails are new. Ones they havent looked at before. Thats something you can do with technology. Which youd think would be pretty fast. That could take a matter of days. The next step requires human beings to make a judgment, whether its classified information here, or other evidence, was there evidence of obstruction of justice . Each of those things requires consultation with a number of agencies. Particularly when youre talking classified. As we knew in the last investigation, that can take some time. Thats the part that really takes you past election day. Jim sciutto. Appreciate the update. Speaking in michigan, donald trump sarcastically thanked Anthony Weiner and huma abedin for the emails without evidence. He claimed they will be devastating to Hillary Clinton and prized director comeys guts for doing what he did. The reality, though, neither the trump nor the Clinton Campaign has the facts and as weve been reporting, not even the fbi does yet which leads a vacuum that both campaigns are trying to fill. Just a few moments ago, i spoke with Trump Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. Kellyanne, secretary clinton said today, i quote, there is no case here. She and her campaign insisted voters have already made up their mind about essentially anything email related. Paul begala as you know works for a proclinton superpac, said the same thing, essentially he believes the whole email situation is kind of baked into peoples opinions. Do you think thats true . Have voters already made up their minds . It is not true. I appreciate the spin on their side with eight days to go before the election, anderson. I can imagine theyve booked up every focus Group Facility from santa fe, mexico, to columbus, ohio, and in between trying to figure their way out of this one. If anything, the undecided voters struggle with why to vote for Hillary Clinton. Theyve known her for decades. Their hesitation about going to her is well known. It goes to the voracity and honesty. She already put us through one fbi investigation. Were having this entire conversation, anderson, and this entire crisis right now because from the beginning, she set up the private server, deleted the emails, bleached them, lied about lying. We need full disclosure about the lies she lied about. Theres no way they know what is and isnt real in terms of this investigation. Finally, ill just remind everybody, under the 4th amendment you cant get a search warrant unless you show some type of probable cause or some type of reason to be able to search somebodys device. Thats very clear. Donald trump, your candidate, much of the Campaign Including you were highly critical of fbi director comey obviously after the july announcement to not recommend charges. You tweeted there was zero accountability, that was your term, at the fbi. Mr. Trump, the night before fridays letter from comey was released said, Hillary Clinton as an example deleted 33,000 emails and fbi saw that and let her go. Its part of the rigged system. So if there were zero accountability before, at the fbi, and it was part of a rigged system, is it still part of a rigged system . So, our reaction and frustration in early july, anderson, was grounded in the fact that director comey went forward and said were not going to followthrough with charges, however, heres everything she did wrong. She was reckless, she was careless, then two days later on july 7th under oath to the congressional committee, told chairman trey gowdy that he had to disagree, he undercut Hillary Clintons own testimony and his own conclusion in saying, well, there was not one device, there were multiple devices. Yes, there was classified or confidential information. Yes National Security information was exchanged on this server. We now find out Hillary Clinton was exchanging emails with president obama on this private server. I mean, thats terrible. So in july, director comey frustrated everyone by saying things that undercut his conclusion. This is a new investigation. We dont know much about it. And i think everybody should just take a deep breath and let the fbi do their work. I cant imagine they can tell us what this is about in the next eight days but i have no idea. We have no special knowledge here. I just think attacking director comey, these print papers, the Clinton Campaign, i think josh earnest, the white house secretary, put it best today, he, i assume on behalf of president obama, said he will neither condemn, you know, neither criticize or praise director comeys decision. I think the white house disagrees with harry reid and other democrats that director comey is trying to, quote, interfere in this election. Theres no evidence of that. Do you do you believe that comey should give out more information . Because as you know, i mean, even, you know, former attorney general alberto gonzales, republican, was raising questions about comeys decision to come forward and the way that he did. Perhaps. I dont really know the procedures that well for me to be expert on that and tell you. What i will tell you is we all know these investigations take a long time and there are always things, anderson, you and i dont know. Thats probably it should be. Let the Government Agencies do their job. At the Trump Campaign, we dont want to politicize the fbi. Im sorry Hillary Clinton is making this an affirmative talking point at her rallies and all the sunday shows yesterday. With her staff. But thats really unfair not just to comey but really to the process. By the way, none of this conversation is about emails. Its not about jim comey. Its not even about the fbi. This entire conversation is being had because of a couple selfish people. Hillary clinton in setting up the private server if the beginning, lying about it, deleting emails, being reckless and careless. Secondly, Anthony Weiner. The only reason were having this conversation again, the only reason theres not one, but two fbi investigations now, is because Anthony Weiner is texting pictures of himself to a 15yearold girl in North Carolina. Thats how this all started. I think when Hillary Clinton cannot blame the Trump Campaign, cannot blame the rnc, cannot blame the vast conspiracy, theyre really at sea, because theyre trying to blame, theyre cursing the sky and its not working. Lets talk about the polls. Trumps campaigning today in michigan. According to real clear politics average, clinton is leading by seven. Its a state which hasnt voted republican in president ial elections since 1988, i think. Why spend crucial hours there . Do you believe michigan is up for grabs . It is. Michigan is up for grabs. We like what we hear on the ground there. The real clear politics average is great, but it always includes polls taken weeks ago as well as more recently. We like the trend lines there and states like new mexico, wisconsin, certainly pennsylvania, always been on our list. Colorado. These states that have been blue for a while. These states that president obama carried twice. But remember, any time you try to apply conventional tactics to donald trump, you get disappointed and prized because he defies all of that. And we also we just need a couple of insurance policies to 270, anderson. Im managing this campaign. Im not going to have just one route there. Were not going to chase every new promising poll in every state but were going to go where we see Real Movement and real promise. Its also a state where Bernie Sanders cleaned Hillary Clintons clock. Its like iowa, its a state that does not like Hillary Clinton. People are saying thats the primary. It matters tremendously because it means the voters arent enthusiastic about her. Well continue if youre Donald Trumps campaign manager, you know hes willing to go to two, three states a day. So is governor pence. So we have the luxury of expanding the map a little bit because they dont just do one or two stops and go home. Theyre willing to take it all over the field and thats what were going to do. Were dotting the map. Kellyanne conway. Appreciate you being with us. Thanks. Thank you, anderson. Well, we should mention we invited the Clinton Campaign on tonight. They declined. There is more breaking news. Weve just gotten a statement from huma abedins attorney, karen dunn. It reads from the beginning miss abedin has complied fully and voluntarily with state department and Law Enforcement requests including sitting for hourslong interviews and providing her workrelated and potentially workrelated documents. The statement goes on miss abedins willing cooperation has been praised by members of congress and Law Enforcement officials alike. She only learned for the first time on friday, this is important she only learned for the first time on friday her Attorney Says from press reports that a possibility, a laptop belonging to mr. Weiner could contain emails of hers. While the fbi has not contacted us about this, miss abedin will continue to be as she always has been forthcoming and cooperative. Theres also this, ohio governor, former president ial candidate, john kasich we learned has voted, he is not a trump fan as you probably know. He wrote in john mccain on his ballot. Lets bring in the panel. Inside politics anchor john king is joining us. Cnn Law Enforcement analyst and former fbi assistant director tom fuentes. Cnn legal analyst, former federal prosecutor, jeffrey toobin. Gloria borger. Also Trump Supporters Kayleigh Mcenany and jack kingston. Clinton supporters Bakari Sellers and paul begala. Jack and bakari are former lawmakers. Jeff tuben i think we talked friday. You said comey is not going to speak anymore on this and this is is not going to be done until past election day. Seems like you were right on both counts. Will anything develop between now and election day on this . A lot of leaks from the fbi. Thats how its going to happen. I think one of the really unfortunate aspects of this announcement of raising in issue is it will contribute to a constant stream of leaks from the fbi, from the Justice Department, some of which may turn out to be accurate, some which may turn out to be wrong. The number of emails. How many emails are from, if any, Hillary Clinton, how many emails are classified . I mean, these are the things that all of us who are reporters are going to be trying to find out over the next eight days. We will get answers. Some of those answers may be right, and i think this is yet another reason why the fbi and Justice Department have longestablished traditions of not disclosing politically Sensitive Information close to election day because they know that the press feasts on it and they know that this is not something that Law Enforcement should be doing at this time. Thats why this very strong tradition exists in the Justice Department of not doing it. John, we know this is going to eat up certainly a lot of Media Coverage between now and election day unless Something Else new develops. Do we know whether or not it is actually going to have an impact on voters, will it change voters minds . We dont know that. We should be careful about that. We should probably wait two, to be safe. Wait three, get to thursday or so before you trust the polling. Theres a new New Hampshire poll out tonight. Well talk in detail about it in a little while. Hillary clinton still has a very big lead in New Hampshire so her campaign can look at that and say aha. The Trump Campaign can say the last time the organization polled it was a much bigger lead and its smaller now. If you want to take one poll and go to vegas on this, be my guest. Lets take a few days to ride this out. I will tell you this, the Clinton Campaign, pauls superpac understands this is what were going to do until we find out the evidence, unless Something Else comes up. See a change in her paid media strategy, going negative on donald trump. You see his superpac today had a very tough ad on donald trump and women. They understand the conversation is now about Hillary Clinton. She spent the whole campaign trying to make it about donald trump. What they wont get in the free media, theyre trying to do with their paid media. Paul, for your superpac, is that what youre trying to do now, redirect it to character issue on donald trump . Well, to frame up the choice. This is what we did from the beginning. Our first ad was about Donald Trumps comments about women and so this is, perhaps, our last one. I have to say people we got carol king to give us the rights to her song, natural woman. You make me feel like a natural woman. The first half is very positive. Images of hillary and its very positive, then it pivots so you see the choice. Its not fully negative which im a little disappointed in. I like to go 110 the other folks at the pac have more stroke than i do so they insisted half be positive. We want people to know the choice. I said this to you on friday, i say it again, voters, hillary may have mishandled emails, donald trump may have mishandled women. Which is worse . Paul, you have a huge problem on your hand when 45 according to politico believe what Hillary Clinton did was worse than watergate. Thats a very big deal. Called the trump vote. According to cnns reporting, evan perez, investigators have told him that its likely that some of the deleted emails from Hillary Clintons server are contained in this bunch. Those are the emails, of course, we know, bleached from eternity, the emails slammed with blackberries. This is a very big deal. When voters deserve voters deserve to know if the person theyre casting their ballot for is under criminal investigation by the fbi. Shes not. Obligation the reality is we will not know, gloria, until past election day. The truth is, we dont if anybody here at the table knows, tell me, because we, i believe, do not know whether these were Hillary Clintons emails. We dont know whether these are duplicates. We dont know whats among these thousands and thousands of emails. All we have is conjecture. So do you think it impacts voters . Well, i think that for voters, in particular, who believe that Hillary Clinton is a crook and that these emails are terrible, it confirms the view, and i think for people who dont care about the emails, it, you know, its already baked. However, i will say it can have impact on enthusiasm on both sides. It could make people who are undecided say, you know what, im going to stay home. It could make Trump Supporters more enthusiastic about getting out to vote and it could make Hillary Clinton supporters say, you know what, im going to go for her because this is, you know lets talk about the investigation. I just dont know. Tom, you know about fbi investigations, formerly with the fbi. Okay. Its not going to be done what about this idea of leaks emerging, how does that concern you as somebody who formerly worked for the fbi . It would concern me. They dont want these leaks coming up, but just to describe the procedure, it would be an incremental situation. They got Anthony Weiners computer which they found out is shared with huma abedin. They received that in september. And the team looking at his emails, and the things that hes been sending online, in connection with his sexting case, theyre looking at that then they see her emails are also on that computer for whatever reason, were downloaded to it. And so they think this may impact the original email investigation. So they go to the team working the sexting case meet with the team that had worked on the email case and they said wed like you to look at at least the metadata on these emails that takes a subpoena. Doesnt take a search warrant for metadata. Metadata is the electronic breadcrumbs that show which servers the emails passed through. In order to get the search warrant to extend this, im guessing, this is my professional opinion, the subpoenas showed metadata that passed through her server, the server at home. Based on that, they use that for the probable cause to get the search warrant which they obtained this weekend and the search warrant now is for content to look at what is discussed in that. Remember back on july 5th, whether comey should have or shouldnt have made that press release that he did, but he said the main and only reason really for why he recommended no charges was that he couldnt prove her criminal intent. Right. So they dont need to have emails to and from her. They could have huma abedins emails to and from other key, like cheryl mills, for example, or other key aides that discuss and show evidence that she may have, or what the motivation was for setting up that private server. Right. It doesnt even have to be actually classified content on those emails. No, it can be proof of her intent. Anderson, one of the things i want to point out, you just showed the clip of congressman lamar smith asking director comey in congress, and Jim Sensenbrenner also asked a similar question, will you reopen this, will you revisit it if theres something serious . And sensenbrenners question actually said there already have been some serious things come up and comey said nothing that rises to the motivation to reopen it. Hes reopened it, therefore, think its very, very serious. I want to say democrats claim this is not a reopening of the investigation. This is simply no, he said i read the testimony, said he closed it, but it doesnt really matter. I mean, heres what youre also going to have along with the drip, drip, drip of fbi leaks, youre going to have wikileaks coming out with new things. The question that strikes to me was huma abedins statement we just heard that she did not know her husband well, good gosh, you are the second person in control of the state department. Why would you let your husband get that information . You just cant do that. I mean, to me that goes back to the word, reckless. Its understandable to raise questions about it. We do not know how those emails ended up on that computer. Right. Thats going to be one of her attorney is saying she was not aware. Thats not legitimate. What we just did, what my good friend congressman kingston did is go down the path of innuendo filling the void left by director comey. Comey did not one second. And this is where this is where we have to go back to the july 5th statement. And it violates everything thats in the usam, those gentlemen on the other side, the u. S. Attorneys manual, conducts Media Relations and behavior of the department of justice, all the agents of the fbi. He should not have made that statement. Now hes in a corner. What he did is threw a proverbial football out there on 11 days before the election and now we have everybody and their mother coming up with innuendo to fill it. You know what the most amazing thing about it is . He got probable cause, of course, due to the metadata but had not read a single email. The reason we know he didnt read a single email, he did not have a search warrant. Anyone who stands up here, whether or not theyre a hillary supporter or whether or not they are a donald trump supporter, is flatout misleading the public. We got to take a break. Were going to continue this discussion. Were on for two hours tonight an lot more to talk about including early data on what weve been discussing already, whether this changes the all important statebystate road to the white house. John king breaks down the polling impact so far. Later, a closer look at one of the longest running professional power partnerships in washington, huma abedin, Hillary Clinton and the history theyve seen together. Well be right back. I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. But when my back pain got bad, i couldnt sleep. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. Look up at a new day. Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Some breaking news in the voter impact the email story might be having with an emphasis on might. New polling from New Hampshire, john king mentioned in our last block, where Hillary Clinton still holds a big lead. Seven points. About half the surveys conducted by the university of New Hampshire, local station wmur, done after it hit. As for the larger impact, john king is back at the larger wall breaking it down by the numbers. Trumps Campaign Calls the fbis announcement a game changer, says hes leading everywhere he visits. Is that true . We dont know about the game changer yet, part. No, hes not leading, anderson, everyone he visits. You mentioned the New Hampshire numbers. Sevenpoint lead now in New Hampshire. Youre right. She was up larger in the last wmur poll, but it was taken when donald trump was cratering. So is this, look, it was taken over the weekend including is this because of the fbi allegations . We simply dont know. We can look more deeply into the survey data and watch it. What were waiting for, anderson, more polls from other battleground states. Im going to show you the most recent North Carolina numbers. This is troublesome for donald trump, but this was taken before the fbi story broke. So well see new North Carolina data throughout the week, but donald trump heads into this even if theres a benefit for him here, a sixpoint deficit in North Carolina, simply he cannot win without North Carolina. So when you see this, at least Hillary Clinton had a cushion going into this controversy. Well see how it plays out. Want to go back to one more other state, again, florida a mustwin for donald trump. Hillary clinton wants to win it, she doesnt have to win it. This poll taken before this, again, shows essentially a dead heat. Onepoint clinton lead. Thats a statistical tie. So was donald trump getting closer in some of the battleground states . You could make that case. I will say this, he was out in new mexico over the weekend. I want to pop this one up. A lot of republicans scratching their head about this. Kellyanne conway said they see data theyre moving in new mexico. Id love to see that. This was a tenpoint race four years ago. This was a 15point race in 2008. I dont know any republican who thinks donald trump can win new mexico even with these new developments but well wait and see. The intensity of the Clinton Campaign attacks on director comey show they are worried it will have an impact. Will it change their strategy in the final week . Yes. Hillary clinton is still scheduled to go to arizona on wednesday. Thats ban red state for years. They think they can change it. More importantly, the trip was already announced before this broke. The last thing you want to do is cancel it and cause panic. After that, both in the paid media and her travels much more of an emphasis on the traditional battleground states. Ohio, North Carolina, pennsylvania, the like. This is using, the old map, the mccain map. Dont be misled by what youre seeing on the map. Heres whats worrisome for the Clinton Campaign. Again, check this data at the end of the week. There are some reasons why things in ohio, things in North Carolina, things elsewhere havent gone perfect in early voting. For the most part the democrats are leading, but africanamerican early voting in North Carolina down a bit from 2012. Africanamerican early voting in georgia down a bit from 2012. Africanamerican early voting in florida down a bit from 2008. What the democrats will tell you is fewer polling sites in ohio, shorter days. So perhaps there are reasons for this. They had a big weekend to turn out early votes. Lets watch this data later in the week to see if theres an intensity problem for Hillary Clinton that could be magnified by the troublesome news. John, one other thing, i read today that among undecided voters, they seem to be breaking more republican. Is that your understanding as well . Weve seen that in the data of the people still left, of the people still say theyre undecided when you ask them their voting history, theyre either Republican Voters more Republican Voters and more independents who lean republican in the undecided pool. Its a relatively small pool but could be significant in the final week. All right. Kayleigh, when you look at where things are, where do you see do you believe trump has a chance in new mexico, in michigan as Kellyanne Conway says . I do believe that and i know its unmistakable there was momentum behind donald trump. Abc daily tracking poll, donald trump gained 11 points in one week, before this fbi scandal broke. Thats a national poll. Look at florida, the New York Times poll that came out today, trumps leading by four. Early voting as of this morning, he was leading by 24,000 votes when you look at early voting and absentee. Look at pennsylvania. If he keeps the romney states, wins florida, wins pennsylvania, wins ohio, and there are two polls that show him down by two points, three points. He becomes the next president of the United States. This is before the fbi scandals factor in. So, paul, are you running for the hill . All is well in trump land. He didnt have a chance in new mexico. Hes wasting his fulltime and money by going out there. You dont believe they have internal polling that shows otherwise . I dont. Maybe they do, if they do, theyre garbage polls. I looked at real clear politics today. The three states. I thought what am i missing here . New mexico, theres only been two polls king points out. Hillary led both by an average of 8 1 2 points. A state president obama won by ten. Wisconsin, there have been 11 polls since labor day. Hillarys led in all 11. All of them by an average of 5. 7 , a state president obama won by 7 . Michigan, 14 polls since labor day. Hillary has led in all 14 of them Kellyanne Conway says real clear politics has too many old polls. This is just from labor day. It doesnt matter when you win all 14 this idea theres trump momentum, you dont buy that . Shes full of baloney. I think its fine. As a clinton guy i dont want him in ohio, pennsylvania, virginia, North Carolina, the states that are really close. I dont want him wasting him time in blue states. Paul, as you know, labor day is let me say this, what really has happened in the last ten days, really one week, wikileaks and obamacare. Wikileaks has a cumulative effect, like putting salt on your food. A little bit of a time and it starts adding up. Do you realize, youre a tough on crime congressman, you realize thats a crime perpetrated by the russians against america. You do know that. Dont get mad at the camera if the picture comes out bad. I dont know where it came from. But the reality is somebody robs a bank, youre running away, pick up the money and keep it . That would be wrong. One at a time. Since you like point number one so much, you do agree that obamacare is going up, 116 in arizona. 40 in North Carolina. 53 in pennsylvania. The obamacare bombshell really is huge because americans who are maybe part of the 94,000 that are underemployed or underemployed, the 43 95 million, excuse me, 43 million who are on food stamps, youre in the middle income, that youve seen your Household Income shrink paul, do you see the obamacare premiums going up as a bombshell . Its not a bombshell but it certainly doesnt help. Thats actually an issue, the first time weve talked about one. Whats mr. Trumps solution . To repeal obamacare, take 20 Million People who have it out. Its to return to situation where if you have a preexisting condition, Insurance Companies can tell you no. He doesnt have an answer to it. Of course its not good, but its not, i think, whats driving this election. Bakari . November second of 2012, wall street journal had an article about mitt romney going to wisconsin and pennsylvania because the Republican Party was going to flip them red. So this is something that always happens. Talk to president romney about how good that worked for him. So thats first. I also caucus. I want to talk about briefly something john king put up on the board which was the downtick from 2012 of the africanamerican vote and the reason were seeing that is because the limited voting places and in a state like North Carolina where you saw it was down 6. 5 , Hillary Clinton is still winning, they just opened up new Voting Centers where africanamericans and africanamerican counties like gilford county, mecklenburg county, all these other places where youre seeing the turnout increase. What youre seeing is Hillary Clinton doing extremely well with white democratic voters in early voting places, and the uptick amongst hispanic voters just very briefly, john, you were saying democrats have that same at the end of the campaign, this is what happens. My First Campaign was michael dukakis. We were on the road this week, he was saying george h. W. Bush. When Kellyanne Conway tells you were winning everywhere, no offense to Kellyanne Conway, thats her job. The congressman is right about obamacare, there are a lot of republicans especially after the access Hollywood Tape who ran from donald trump, sprinted from him. Especially women. A lot of them have come home. The obamacare announcement has helped with that. We where we are now, until we get new data, we dont know about the fbi, where we were before the fbi a traditional election. A one, two, three, fourpoint race like obama romney. Why is trump doing this . Hes a one man get out the vote machine. They dont have the ground games in a lot of states that the democrats have and nobody can get his voters out better than donald trump. So hes got to do these rallies. We got to take a break. I want to thank everybody on the panel. Were going to hear more from them later on. Up next, how is all this playing at dueling campaign rallying . Is there no case as clinton says . Were going to hear what their supporters had to say today. Changes to make things right. First, all customers who have been impacted will be fully refunded. Second, well proactively send you a confirmation for any new checking, savings, or credit card account you open. Third, weve eliminated Product Sales goals for our retail bankers. To ensure your interests are put first. Were taking action. Were renewing our commitment to you. Our customer is a our 21yearold female. Heavily into basketball. Wait. Data just changed. Now shes into disc sports. Ah, no shes not. Since when . Since now. Shes into tai chi. She found disc sports too stressful. Hold on. Let me ask you this. Whats she gonna like six months from now . Who do we have on aerial karate . Steve. Steve. Steve. And alexis. Uh, no. Just steve. Just steve. Just steve. Live business, powered by sap. When you run live, you run simple. Put smeta appetite control. You and temptation with clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. New, from metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. Marie starts her chicken pot with a crust made from scratch. Because making the perfect dinner isnt easy as pie. But finding someone to enjoy it with sure is. Marie callenders hes the drug company big shot who raised the price of a lifesaving pill by five thousand percent. Said he wished hed raised it more. Prop sixtyone targets drug company pricegouging to save lives. The drug price relief act will save californians nearly a billion dollars a year. Join the California Nurses Association and aarp and vote yes on sixtyone. The drug giants wont like it. And hell hate it. The u. S. Those of us whoof freedserved in the military are very proud of that. I believe very, very strongly in our country and what we stand for. I went to iraq in 2004 to fight for freedom. For generations, our troops have sacrificed for our freedoms. One of the most important things we do is vote to protect that freedom. Im tom steyer. Lets make the people were so proud of, proud of us. Please. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. As weve been talking about, theres certainly a lot we do not know about these emails that the fbi is looking into. We dont know whats in them, we dont know how many are duplicates the fbi has already seen. Thats not stopping donald trump from saying hes sure whatevers in the emails, i quote, will be absolutely devastating and the people at his rallies seem to agree. Randi kaye tonight reports. [ chanting lock her up ] reporter a familiar chant outside Donald Trumps rally in michigan. Its not an election, its a revolution. It is, its a movement. Reporter some supporters are suggesting the case against Hillary Clinton is being reopened. Even though fbi director james comey never used that language. He told Congress Investigators should review the newly discovered emails. So i guess im encouraged theyre reopening and going to look at it more thoroughly. Theyre not actually reopening it, theyre going to take another look at what might be there. Theres a difference between theyre going to take another look and reopening. Reporter the director never said reopening. He said there may be something significant. Is this a hair were going to split . Reporter im sticking to the facts. He didnt use youre sticking to your interpretation of the facts. Reporter and supporters here believe the fbi director knows more than hes letting on. I think they already though theres some very damaging emails in there and shes in a lot of trouble. Reporter the fbi director hasnt seen the emails yet. How does he know . His underlings below him have to know. Theyre not going to bring that to the attention unless theres serious information in there thats very damaging for Hillary Clinton. How do you know he dont know . Reporter thats why they had to get the warrant to take another look at them. He wouldnt have done that to hillary if he hadnt already seen or heard something. Reporter despite the fact that the fbi has not released a single detail about what the emails say, supporters here make it sound like they already know. What do you think could be big thats on those emails . I think theres probably emails that she forwarded to a laptop at her house that maybe perhaps implicates the Clinton Foundation. The emails are there and the 33,000 are there and i think i think theres been talk with probably the president of the United States to her on the emails. Who knows. Reporter you dont know any of that for a fact. Sure, no. But neither do you, neither does anybody else. Reporter and if the emails damage clintons campaign, voters here say there is only one person to blame. This is a huge mess. You have to come back to who started this mess. It was the secretary of state who chose to have a private email server. Randi joins me now from detroit. Certainly a lot of support there among Trump Supporters for essentially what is Donald Trumps position, and a lot of distrust of Hillary Clinton. Reporter absolutely, anderson. You could tell they all certainly think they have it figured out. I mean, one woman said to me, they must have a smoking gun, the director must have a smoking gun. I tried to point out to her at that point he hadnt seen the emails, didnt have a search warrant for them yet. Their attitude is lock her up, throw away the key. In terms of timing of this, theyre fine with it even though its so close to the election. They say the American People have a right to know everything about their candidates even if the position was reversed and the fbi said they were going to look once again at a case involving donald trump, i asked them, and they said that would be fine, too. Again, the people have a right to know. Of course, anderson, as you pointed out earlier in the show, we probably arent going to know very much about what hes in these emails before election day. Anderson . Randi, thanks very much. No surprise the feeling is somewhat different at clinton rallies. Equally strong. Believe it or not, its been a full year since Bernie Sanders said in a primary debate, quote, the American People are sick and tired of hearing about your emails. It seems the sentiment is very much true at clinton rallies among her supporters. Hillary clinton had two stops in ohio today. Gary tuchman spoke with some of them. Reporter rallygoers here in cincinnati have Different Reasons for voting for Hillary Clinton. But everyone we talked to feels the same about her emails. Theyre tired of hearing about them. Thats why fbi director james comeys action last friday upset so many here. How concerned are you it could affect the election . About scale of 1 to 10, about a 5. Reporter youre somewhat worried. Im somewhat worried, yeah, because some of the people that didnt want to vote for her before because of it, it could tip them to trump. Im a little concerned but i feel like people have mostly made up their mind. Now know who theyre voting for. Reporter in the back of your mind, are you having sleepless nights about it . It does weigh on my mind sometime, yes. Reporter there is concern among some here that there is more to the fbi directors action. Well, i think that the republicans, they ganged up on her. Thats what i believe. Reporter do you think the fbi director is involved in that effort to gang up on her . He has something to do with it. Hes being real quiet, but i believe he has something to do with it. I am disappointed in him. I am not angry at him. I think he has a job to do. Im disappointed he did not put forward more information. Reporter derek daniel arrived 9 1 2 hours early for this rally. Hes enthusiastic and diplomatic. Are you surprised theres so much suspense in this race with all the things donald trump has said that have been controversial . Does that show a weakness in your candidate . No, not necessarily. It shows theres a clear divide in the American People. Reporter as this race winds down, many Hillary Clinton supporters have lost interest in being diplomatic about donald trump. Or those who admire donald trump. I just think the Trump Supporters are voting for him for one reason, that they dont want any of their tax dollars going to benefit any minorities. I think thats the underlying reason he has so much support in this campaign. Reporter thats kind of cynical. Well, thats what i believe. Reporter and Something Else many here believe, that the writing is on the wall. Does it concern you that Hillary Clinton is not running away with this . Hmm, im not so sure shes not running away with it. Gary joins me now from cincinnati. Did Hillary Clinton talk at all about her emails to supporters in ohio today . Reporter anderson, she did have that email discussion here in cincinnati and earlier in the day at Kent State University in northern ohio. She said she made a mistake. She has no excuses. And she said she has declared that repeatedly. She also issued a challenge to anyone who wants to look at more emails of her staffers. She said, by all means, go ahead. Anderson . All right. Gary tuchman. Thanks very much. Coming up, were going to take a look at the role huma abedin plays in Hillary Clintons administration. Hillary clinton, shes really, huma abedin is her longest serving, probably most loyal aide. What we know about their working relationship, next. What . Is he gone . . 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They are glad to meet the guests and that opportunity that airbnb has given me is such a priceless gift. I was able to take three months off to take car of my family during a family tragedy. The extra income that i get from airbnb has been a huge impact in my life. Welcome back. Just in case you forgot how bizarre this election is, this late in the game potential twist in the email story all goes back to Anthony Weiner. It was his sexting scandal investigation that led to the discovery of the new emails. In the past trump has called weiner a psychologically disturbed perv. Heres what he said at a rally in michigan today. We can be sure that what is in those emails is absolutely devastating. I think were going to find out, by the way. For the first time. Thank you, huma. Thank you, huma. Good job, huma. Again, just speaking facts, no one, including donald trump, knows what is in the emails. We know huma abedin has been in clintons reporter for the last two decades, it has been hillary and huma. One of clintons longest serving and most loyal aides, a permanent fixture in clintons daily orbit. It was 1996 when the two first met. Clinton, then first lady. Abdine, a white house intern. Accepting a prestigious white house internship, assigned to work with the first ladys chief of staff. Their bond and trust forged during that time turned in to a partnership that would outlast many of clintons other relationships. Huma has remained by her side ever since, working on clintons senate run for the 2008 president ial bid as the candidates essential righthand woman on the campaign trail, in the state department. I will be take nothing further comments. Reporter traveling the world alongside clnl as hinton chief staff. Unconfirmed, yeah. And rising now to chis chairwoman of the Clinton Campaign. Shes on the road a lot. And, i just you know, am there to help keep it all together and help people be at their best, including my boss. Their connection goes beyond work. They are friends. Emails released by the state Department Show a flood of correspondents between the two, highlighting their closeness. One in 2009 shows clinton emailing huma to come over to her house in d. C. For a chat. Quote, im up now, so come when you are able. Just knock on the door to the bedroom if its closed. In other casual exchanges, the two checking in on each other during the middle of the night. Are you still awake . Are you . Just woke up and saw this, clinton responds. And others, almost read like gossipy girlfriends. Huma once writing in the subject line, all good here. Have lots of stories. Clinton has been known to refer to huma as a second daughter. And it was clinton who first introduced huma to former congressman, Anthony Weiner. When the two wed in 2010, their wedding officiated by bill clinton. Later, it was Hillary Clinton, who helped huma through the public fall of her nowestranged husband over her sexting scandal. Our marriage, like many others, has had its ups and its downs. It took a lot of work and a whole lot of therapy to get to a place where i could forgive anthony. Sunlen serfaty, cnn, washington. Again, we have no idea whats in these emails, so we dont know what, if any, impact this will have on clinton, but it is unwelcome attention for huma abedin, who has had no shortage of that in recent years. Joining me now, cnn analyst, gloria borger. Gloria, given the length of time these two have been working together and their loyalty to each other, do you think there comes a point where huma abedin becomes too much of a distraction . I think thats why we havent seen her on the campaign trail in recent days. And i think its as much for Hillary Clinton as it is for huma, herself. In politics, when youre the politician, you always need someone that you can trust, rely on, whos with you all the time. Somebody that you can bounce things off of, in a personal way, because, particularly, traveling on a president ial campaign, youre in a bubble. And i think Hillary Clinton over the years, whether it was at the state department or as first lady, has always depended on huma that way. And i think its probably very difficult for both of them right now, because theyre so personally close, and i think that huma has to kind of disengage herself to a certain degree. And Hillary Clinton has to let her do that. The question is, going forward, does she come back on the campaign trail . If Hillary Clinton were to win, would huma abedin now not be able to serve in any way in the government . Yeah, laura, what do you think of that . I think it depends entirely on what, if anything, is in these emails. It could be a big nothing at the end of the day. It could be something minor. If thats the case, i dont think theres much doubt that if Hillary Clinton is elected, then huma abedin will come back with her to the white house. Now, if there is something serious, then Hillary Clinton is going to potentially have a hard decision to make. She has been very loyal to people who are close to her. Some people say to a fault. Of course, others say that there have been people who have been thrown off the bus, off the clinton bus at times, and no looking back. So it just sort of depends on the situation. I think that it will be very hard for hillary to move forward without her, because of the bond that she feels, and also because she the does rely on her. I think well have to see whats in these emails. And you look at the wikileaks releases and the emails from doug band about huma abedin and the Clinton Foundation. Huma abedin seems to be the gatekeeper for many people to actually get to Hillary Clinton. And to know what Hillary Clinton is thinking at any particular time. And the email that sunlen was mentioning, also, hillary saying, just come on up and knock on the door. People know what a close relationship they have. And i think beyond the close personal relationship, getting at what you were just talking about, anderson, she is the gatekeeper to hillary. She knows what hillary will want. She helps manage her sort of Sprawling Network of politics. She figures out what kind of paper the candidate needs to see, she figures out who gets in to see her. She figures out who gets in to see her. Those are very important jobs in any kind of office. Access is power. She is the person who grants or denies access. Exactly. And thats why another controversy she was wrapped up in, at the state department, is that a lot of the emails from her state department account show Clinton Foundation people emailing her, seeking favors from the state department. Thats likely because shes the one they knew. She was the one who was the access to the secretary. And if huma were to refuse something, you would know not to take it any further. That huma would be the one to say, i dont think the secretary will do this. I think shed like to know that. We can set this up, we cant set this up. So gatekeeper extraordinaire. It is a testament to the power of their relationship, the fact that it they maintained that relationship, even during the whole Anthony Weiner implosion. I mean, the ultimate Anthony Weiner implosions. I dont know if its that surprising at the end of the day. If anybody understands what its like to be publicly embarrassed by their husbands sexual misconduct, i think its Hillary Clinton. Right. I think that im not surprised at all that she stuck by her through that. I dont think thats ever going to be the issue, for hillary. In fact, you saw in august, that was the final straw, when it came out that he, Anthony Weiner, had continued sexting people, after the mayoral race, and sent a sexually explicit photo to someone with their son lying on the bed with them. That was the final straw. Than when the relationship was over and im sure hillary approved. And i think hillarys instinct would be to protect her rather than to throw her aside. Laura meckler, great to have you on, gloria borger, as well. Coming up, another hour of 360, what we know about the latest decision of james comeys decision to open up a political can of worms with eight days to go in the election day. Does he stand by that decision and how long will this investigation take . What were learning, next. Its easy to love your laxative. When that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases, and softens to unblock naturally. So you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. 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