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And people saying you took the bait. Will you be more disciplined in the second . I dont think i took the bait. Every poll had me winning the debate. Every single one of them. I found it to be an amazing experience actually. We had 80 Million People or something around that number. And i found it to be an amazing experience. You were asked about the birther question, proud of what you did and did a service. Im the one that got him to put up birth certificate, Hillary Clinton was untable to get there. She tried. Look at her campaign, Everybody Knows it happened. Pretty much everybody agrees with me. She tried and unable to do it and i tried and able to do it. Im proud of that. You didnt mention bill clinton and his past affairs. May you in the second debate . She was very nasty to me. And i was going to do it and i saw chelsea sitting out in the audience and i just didnt want to go there. I thought it would be too disrespectful. But she was very nasty. Well see what happens but i just didnt want to put it there. Its a hard thing to say in front of somebodys daughter. It does come up, do you think maybe your past marital history is also fair game . I guess. They can do it. But a lot different than his, i can tell you. We have a situation where we have a president who was a disaster and ultimately impeached over it in a sense for lying. Well see whether or not we discuss it. You are not worried about your past history at all. No not at all. I have a very good history. Paul, you were also at trumps rally there in New Hampshire today. The whole idea of the bill clintons infidelities. Did he bring that up . He was pretty often clintons and went after bill clinton specifically and said they are the sordid past and said that he would be the bright and clean future. Im looking forward to the debate. Youre going to have a lot to deal with. Fascinating interview. Thanks very much. Hillary clinton asked about a number of these issues. Jeff zeleny joins me. Spoke to reporters on the plane. What did she have to say . Flying to chicago and asked about personal issues and expecting to come up in campaign . No im going to run campaign as i see fit. Donald trump can talk about whatever he wants to talk about. But she doesnt feel the need to defend her husbands impeachment or anything else in personal lives. Asked three times by several reporters and simply said not going to talk about it but focus on the issues of the campaign. Behind the scenes her advisers are saying would be a huge mistake for donald trump to bring this up because believe women voters, pivotal here, would swing to her if he did that. Had confidence since the debate and making jokes publicly. I understand there was more of that today. There was indeed. Been a lot of talk about Third Party Candidates like gary johnson unable to name favorite world leader today. And she was asked by reporter and former secretary of state not going to be stumped by that. Look how she answered it. Who is your favorite world leader . Oh, let me think. I like a lot of the world leaders. One of my favorite ises angela merkel. I think shes been an extraordinary, strong leader during difficult times in europe. Perhaps not surprisingly she picked angela merkel. But what isnt a laughing matter in gary johnson overall. Libertarian candidate is drawing support from her particularly from millennials but overall they know hes something they have to deal with. One of the reasons out with Bernie Sanders to reach millennials. With me a panel. New york times president ial campaign. Trump and clinton supporters. You know maggie it is remarkable that donald trump, first of all publicly put forward this idea of i was going to go after the clintons on this thing but saw chelsea and decided not to. I dont know if its strategy or talking about whats in his mind but that he says his marital history is good and doesnt seem concerned about what reaction the Clinton Campaign might use against him. I dont think its strategy, trump as we know in interviews says what he needs to say to get through the moment. But hes doing what we saw in the primary, im not going to talk about x, y, and z topic and its in the bloodstream. That is talking about the even if not on stage with her. I was struck by the number of things after the debate ended he said he wished he had talked about. Wasnt just this. So its a way for him to keep the focus and conversation going. Ultimately i think some of this is about change the topic for trump because hes been very much this is the Clinton Campaigns point but seems to be truth to it, struggling to get back what he said in the debate and after about the former Miss Universe and comments about weight and those comments not appealing to lot of female voters. Facing a historic gender gap thats a real issue. But what is not clear is how talking about this the way he is is helping him close that. Is it of concern to you because donald trump is saying this either because he believes it or good salesman and putting it forward that he didnt take bait during the debate. Down that and believe he believes it . I think hes pushing back on the media and clinton narrative that she won the debate. I think he had a good debate. But that being said were things he didnt bring up he should have. Nothing about Clinton Foundation and benghazi and only ten words brought up about the emails. He needs to bring up even when not brought up by the moderators. Theres some talk Chris Christie is going to take over debate prep. Minor tweaks to bring up the ins. But not just media narrative, legitimate polls, not online polls which are meaningless which donald trump spinning his fortunes on, show overwhelmingly viewers that the Hillary Clinton did much better and definitely took the bait multiple times. Brought up inconsequential things in president ial race, your dad give you money to start business, wasted time talking about that. Things he did spend a lot of time on the defense. Absolutely true. And could have pivoted to issues that moderator didnt bring up. Debating 101. Gets to question of rehearsal and familiarity. Not easy but could have practiced it and figured it out. And goes to seriousness and whether youre taking being a president ial nominee of a major party seriously. Taking the job seriously. As clinton supporter do you see him upping his game and concern you or hes not capable of that . As clinton supporter well prepare for every debate as aggressively as the first and probably more. The opponent, you cant control what donald trump is going to do. We have to make sure and shes going to be, just as we saw in the first, always prepared. Shes always the most prepared person in the room period but point isnt about her but donald trump gleefully told america not only wouldnt be most prepared but purposefully be the least prepared. Dont get good grades for that in school or on the debate stage. And just to add, he did this throughout the primary, two things, claimed victory and then secondly would complain the debate was rigged. Did it over and over again. Of course did it this time because he was unprepared. Showed American People i dont care enough about this Job Interview im doing, im not going to prepare. She showed im ready. Think thats unfair, donald trump has spent more days on the campaign trail than Hillary Clinton. By choice. He priorityized and im blood he made that choice to meet voters. But needs to weave in the stories clinton saying i was preparing but i was on the road meeting voters. You really dont wish in the most important debate in the history of the world, viewed by more people than any that he didnt take a couple days from having a rally with 10,000 people here and there in order to address more properly 80 some odd Million People. Should have brought the debate prep onto the plane. Would you like to see him schedule less rallies in the coming week and a half and prep more . Theres a couple of things, facial expressions more upbeat. Go on the offense more against her. For the way he even positions himself. More than anything dont lose authenticity, be a businessman. Look at all the polls we want. Theres five battleground states where this matters and he needs bluecollar workers out in droefz. He comes out as businessman, thats where people like him. Doesnt have to be as schooled as her. Shes got years being a lawyer and politician and come off more scripted and not a lot of people in the country can go toetotoe against that. He has to be authentic and talk about business, how what he learned in business will help the American People. Some of the things andre is bringing up are things if you prepped a little bit, even had a mock debate, you can be authentic but not scowling or drinking so much water or whatever it may be. But there are things she very skillfully pointed out, how hes actually a bad businessperson. Talked so powerfully about her father and drapery and he made and parallel between dad and Small Businesses that donald trump has repeatedly stiffed. Story of him as businessman is not all rosy either. Thing is, and kelly got to important point. You do have to in a general Election Debate in particular, its not tv interview which is how trump treated primary debates. You need a strategy, not just who wha to achieve, not just how combat her attacks but what do you want out of it. He seemed unclear. Was forceful and strong early on in the debate and made strong remarks against clinton and you have been doing this 30 years. Whether its running out of gas or not know enough pivots or distracted. I think he also has a problem. Everyone who worked for him at some point or another will say this, whether publicly or not is different issue. He has trouble not chasing rabbits down a hole and clinton went in with that plan of attack. Do things to get under his skin because i believe hell react. Clearly studied what will get under his skin from bast debates and interviews and used each effectively. To be fair in trump prep but christy, with the accident i dont know what his time will be like to help. They did prep for facial cues and lines that could get under his skin to be a defense. They had to change the form of prep repeatedly. Trump didnt want to do what others in recent history have done. They adleered to his comfort zone and thats where you get a problem. And Chris Christie said hes not been approached yet. Coming up. Donald trump speaking about marital history and not afraid of counterattacks. And terrifying scene after a commuter train slammed into station in new jersey, skilling a woman on the platform. Latest ahead. I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. But when my back pain got bad, i couldnt sleep. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. Look up at a new day. Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Like bundling home and auto coverage, which reduces redney. Tape, which saves money. When they save, you save. Thats home and Auto Insurance for the modern world. Esurance, an allstate company. Click or call. 80 try to eat healthy, yet up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens gummies. Complete with key Nutrients Plus b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. One a day. Gilman go get it, marcus. Go get it. Coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1 cash back everywhere, every time. At places like the batting cages. [ crowd cheers ] 2 back at Grocery Stores and now at wholesale clubs. And 3 back on gas. Which helped him give his players something extra. The cash rewards credit card from bank of america. More cash back for the things you buy most. Breaking news tonight, donald trump speaking out about widely reported infidelities telling reporter his own history is very good. Refusing to say about bringing up bill clinton at next debate. I was going to Say Something extremely rough to hillary, her family, and i said to myself, i cant do it. Just cant do it. Its inappropriate. Its a double edged sword in a way for trump. Made his own marital history fair game, opening door to accusations of hypocrisy. What are the facts . Heres sunlen serfaty. Donald trump first tied nod to former model ivana and having three children but relationship became tabloid fodder after all allegations he was cheating with marla maples. Started when married happily to ivana. Love triangle leading to uncomfortable moments for the still married couple. Runins between ivana and marla and awkward denials. Are you two back together . Right now arent we . Well were just going to try and keep that quiet for a bit. Were here for a football game. Were great friends. Trumps 15 year marriage to ivana ended in dramatic and high profile divorce with a 14 million settlement for his former wife. He was married to ivana, like a lot of guys fell out of love true . Depositions made in divorce said see vanna made allegations of marital rape which trump denied and see vanna has oftened. I equated with world war three. On the front page, back page. Inside covers and inside stori s stories. Trump boasted about his life. My life was so great in so many ways. Business was so great and even the concept, i mean beautiful girlfriend, beautiful wife, beautiful everything. Life was just a bowl of cherries. And in 1993 after his divorce was finalized trump married marla maples at plaza hotel in new yorkity, daughter tiffany had been born two months before. Prenup included sunset agreement. Provision stated if married for a certain achlt time, marla get a fixed amount of money. I think a million bucks is a lot of money. That was shortlived, divorced after six youres. Returning to bachelorhood, his own words paint a picture of a play boy. Why think its egotistical about getting lady di, you could have right . Had the 5th child barron one year later but all that came before might be fair game. Sunlen serfaty, cnn washington. Back with conversation. Kailee does it worry you if donald trump brings up the clintons bill clintons marital infidelities and sex scandals his past is brought up as well . Yes. Then it turns into a battle over marriages from the 90s. And isnt effective. But its effective for Kellyanne Conway to go on the view is effective. Surrogates but i dont think the candidates should do it. I think its inappropriate for either side. Wouldnt want donald trump or clinton to do it. These are about past marriages and donald trump is in position to throw stones about other people. Why dont we try in the final days to keep about the issues. To say okay for surrogates is strategic splitting of hairs. Some level of dekourm for race for most Important Office in the world. Lets not talk about the marriages and instead the issues that trump says he wants to talk about. Should the trump surrogates be fair game to talk about trumps marital history . When Hillary Clinton says Sexual Assault victims deserve to be heard and believed but reported that shes called these women floozy and stalker, when she opens that issue, have to look at how treated in her personal life. I think its very clear that Hillary Clintons history about working had this conversation before, you and Trump Campaign throw these attacks at secretary clinton, probably no one in the world done more to help survivors of rape and Sexual Assault and zblsh except in the war room putting private investigators on any woman. Its what Trump Campaign does, they say im not going to do that but then find a back door around to do it and think theyre tricking america and theyre not. Its not dignifiedignified. A lot of republican strategists worry could backfire on trump and play into the idea hes a bully and degrades and humiliates women. How do you think its playing out . I think its playing out incredibly negatively for him. He already has a practically 20 point gap with women. Continues to dig that hole. Last seven days, first announced inviting ginn fir flowers to the debate for the front row. During the debate goes after Rosie Odonnell again. What are you doing . Youre a president ial candidate, republican nominee, why are you punching down . Punch at putin, kim young un, what are you doing going after rosy odonnell . Trashing alyicia machado, the former Miss Universe. I way he has reacted to charges of sexism have reminded us, after he stayed three or four weeks to script and had not been horrifically offensive, reminded us why hes so unfit to be president. He does not have the character needed to be president ial. Maggie to the point that anna raised about appealing to women voters which is important to trump. He does have a deficit compared to Hillary Clinton on appeal to women voters. This is why the machado comments resonated and fact that trump kept talking about them and newt gingrich, one of his top advisers. He has struggled throughout the campaign to move to a productive form of outrage on this and other issues including to black and hispanic voters. I think its going to be another week wasted when really the conversation is yes its injected into the bloodstream because theres will he do this when he gets to stanl but end of the day voters hearing this about clintons but also hearing from republicans, lot of them saying we dont want to talk about the past but move forward. Elections are about the future. Its hard to get elected if you dont change that number of the gender gap. Seems committed to not changing the gender gap. Doubled down on the former Miss Universe day after on fox. Its mind boggling why any person nevertheless trying to woo woman voters would be so rude and disrespectful. And now more reports of lawsuits alleging he wanted women fired because not attractive enough to be well get into that. Allegations i said. Winning 17 among married women and one area bring up allegations from the 90s is really important. Millennial females. Care deeply about Sexual Assault. I didnt realize clinton did this, hired private investigators to go after any would woman. Thats not what trump is saying. I think what you just got to is actually the issue that some is happening within the Trump Campaign to some extent is advisers dont want him to talk about this at all, some do want him to and others want him to talk about it in different way than he is, in the way youre talking about. Thats not what hes doing at all. Way hes talking about it, even some of his supporters say its not productive. Thats just because hes talking about it i believe in the way weve seen time and again. He actually thinks about women. If were not tens in his book were not worthwhile. Anna . Problem is were going from instead of talking about substantive issues its turned into a reality show, one of those horrible daytime shows you want to cringe because people are slugging it out with each other. I think trump has lost sight of the fact that average American Woman in america is a size 12. Look more like me than mel lawnia trump. Hes fat shaming a majority of americans. Makes no sense to talk about 400 pound hacker. When you have a trump or gingrich fat shaming people in public, i dont know, i think you need a medium level of fitness yourself if you have the gall to do that. Its serious issue. Some people laugh it off but issues of eating disorders and ive talked about struggles in that area in the past. Not a joke. We have enormous problem in country with young people and anorexia and bulimia and donald trump thinks can throw that out, fat, overweight, not pretty enough to have certain jobs. That eats away at young peoples souls and really hurtful and people listen. Children take in what president ial nominees and people in power say and hes reckless. Regardless of whether think bring up bill clintons scandals of the past, its incredible at this stage of the president ial race, a candidate for major party is talking about womens weight. After a while it seems normal but at certain point you step back and say, wait a minute, six weeks away from somebody becoming president and legitimate candidate is discussing it. It was because Hillary Clinton put this out there. Unsubstantiated that he used those terms. I agree shouldnt have mentioned weight on fox and friends. Gave it life. But never said it. Its not true. We dont know. He called her an eating machine. This was all documented at the time. Thats hearsay. Hispanic community is very familiar with alyicia machado ad we remember when this happened and she was made to work out in public like a guinea pig. We remember her calling. While talking about that. The background. Eating machine. This is not allegations but widely covered at the time. But whether he. Lets hear. He fought for her to retain her title. Miss universe board wanted to take it away. I assume something in contract said you had to maintain appearance, many have that. Fought for her to maintain title and wanted to celebrate working out in physical. Come on. That was not a celebration. If it was, worn some sweat suits and worked out with her. He didnt. He was standing there leering at her, watching her work out in strange cut aaway shots and giving interviews, she loves to eat. Thez 19yearold noncitizen. Let me just say this, hell knows no fury like latin that called fat. He should have admitted it was wrong thing to do and wrof moved on. Hes got a gap with women and hispanics. If you think trying to trash this woman and trying to link with all these things is going to help her. It isnt. We remember this. Its not helpful. Heres the problem. Miss sweden came on the air waves and said everybody who signs up knows physical fitness is part of it. Had others say when he was about to lose title he fought for me. Theres one person out there saying this, who was discredited on air waves tuesday when asked about. Let me tell you aa lot of women are going to identify with a woman who eats under stress. Not everybody is size double zero, lot of us have a digit. And can identify what it is to be in yoyo weight gain and losses. It is not helpful for guy who wants to be president of the United States of america, a country with overweight people. Empowered women of all sizes. And not make donald trump into the Mother Teresa of women. Whether he did or didnt do nice things, i dont know but he said she was eating machine. Wasnt fill fitness. Made her exercise in front of press. And watched her. Whether you do one good thing, which i dont know is true distant take away the scene which is reprehensible. Thats the creepy cutaway i was talking about. Next what trump and surrogates are leveling against Hillary Clinton in regards to Hillary Clinton in regards to her marriage. We cant go back to the years of devastating cuts to public education. Exactly why i urge you to vote yes on prop 55. Prop 55 prevents 4 billion in new education cuts without raising taxes on anyone. And theres strict accountability in prop 55. With local control over School Funding decisions. And mandatory annual audits guaranteeing the money goes directly to our classrooms. Not to bureaucracy, not to administration. So vote yes on 55. Because it helps our children thrive. The trump champaign is urging trump surrogates on camera and elsewhere to talk about bill clintons infidelities and secretary clinton as treatment of the women. They are names from the past that could become new again. Monica lewinsky, juanita broaddrick, paula jones, Gennifer Flowers and more. Donald trump is telling people to bring up. Clintons are the sordid past and we will be the bright and clean future. Campaign talking points sent to allies say mr. Trump has never treated women the way Hillary Clinton and her husband didnt when actively worked to hurt his accusers. Call it a mistake. He can say whatever he wants to say. As we know, seen it in real time. Im going to keep running campaign. But hardly eager to revisit comments. Im not some little woman standing by my man like tammy wynette. Defending husband in this interview when sharply dismissed gennifer employers. Somebody willing to pay you money to Say Something and you get 15 minutes of fame and picture on the front page of every newspaper and youre a failed cabaret singer without a rezme to fall back on. And six years later as lewinski scandal brewing, infamous defense with the four words that still dog her. The vast rightwing experience conspireing against my president since running for president. The affair was true. You apologize for branding people as part of a vast rightwing experience . That was a very painful time for me. For my family. And for our country. It is is something that i regret deeply that anyone had to go through. Obviously i didnt mislead anyone, i didnt know the truth. And theres a great deal of pain associated with that. And my husband has certainly acknowledged that and made it clear that he did mislead the country as well as his family. Its a risky gamble for trump. Many republicans are urging him to leave the clinton sex scandals in the past. Shes already leading women by a wide margin. But questions still follow her. Last year in New Hampshire. You recently came up to say all rape victims should be believed. But would you say about juanita broaddrick, Kathleen Wiley or paula jones . Should we believe them as well . I would say everybody should be believed at first until disbelieved based on evidence. Preparing for second debate ready for trump or voter to raise those questions not to cast blame for husbands behavior but her reaction to it. Jeff zeleny cnn chicago. More breaking news, Gary Johnsons running mate defends his latest cringy moment. [ distorted voice ] progressive their competitors rates alongside their direct rate to save you money. But whats really going on . When played backwards at 1 8th speed you can clearly hear. What could that mean . Woman tom . Tom theyre just commercials. Or are they . Youre waking the neighbors. Well, mom, maybe the neighbors need to be woke. I think its actually awoken. No, that doesnt even seem right. No, its awoken. Revealing the truth to help you save. Sharing a ten by ten room,ng threestruggling. Nding, i rent this place and then i started home sharing. My roommates help out all the time. They are glad to meet the guests and that opportunity that airbnb has given me is such a priceless gift. I was able to take three months off to take car of my family during a family tragedy. The extra income that i get from airbnb has been a huge impact in my life. Its breaking news tonight. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnsons running mate is defending him. A few weeks ago asked what is aleppo. Now this happened at msnbc town hall last night. Who is your favorite foreign leader. In any of the countries or dmoents. Mib you respect. Shimon peres. Talking about living. Go ahead. You got to do this. Any continent, mexico, asia, name a foreign leader you expect. I guess im having an aleppo moment in the former president of mexico. The whole world. I know. Asking bill weld about this today. Pop quizzes on television are obviously not his forte but depth of analysis and surprising lines of analysis are his forte, i think he just needs time to expound what hes thinking. Dont think he didnt know the answer, just doesnt do well in the pop quiz format. Thats an understatement. Despite a few cringeworthy moments having impact on the race, especially with millennials. November 9th wake up to world with gary johnson as president of the United States. Former Massachusetts Governor bill weld trying to get votes that spol polls show might otherwise go to Hillary Clinton more than trump. Does it concern you your ticket could tilt the election and hand donald trump the presidency. Thats a conjecture, hypothetical. I dont worry about that. Perhaps but recent polling from bloomberg about millennials gives Hillary Clinton just a 4 point lead in a fourway race. In the same poll johnsonweld ticket gets 11 of the vote. You dont have fear of another nader, bush, gore situation. Am i going to renounce my candidacy because people send emails and leave messages that should . Thats not how i operate. Weld considers Hillary Clinton a good friend but with donald trump doesnt administer words. Showman to delusional. Loose with the truth bothers me most. If you cant rely on the word of the president of the United States were all in trouble. What kind of president would donald trump be . Reckless, impossible to predict. Like a broken clock be right twice a day but thats about it. Many of the millennials we spoke to at rally are turned off by trump and clinton and dont believe their vote is essentially for donald trump. I think its inaccurate its a vote for gary johnson. What do you like about Hillary Clinton . Shes a liar. Thats wellknown and email scam was concerning. How do you feel about donald trump. I think hes a terrible candidate. One of the worst eve ever seen. In coming weeks if Trump Victory is near, bill weld may have a big decision to make. Would you set the record straight and tell me whether or not you would drop out before election day if looks like your ticket could hand donald trump a victory . I think its doubtful, hypothetical, see how the debates play out. Theres water between here and there. Ive given my word to give this my best shot of running table and taking the whole thing. You spoke to the millennials, did they tell you what they liked about johnsonweld . They like change and think this ticket represents they like the fact they believe in a womens right to choose. They want to end the drug war. They look at this ticket and see freedom. They want to get the third party out there. They want to see a Third Party Candidate really matter, i guess you could say. They dont care many of them told me they dont care if donald trump wins because they think he will be a oneterm president and their guy, hopefully a Third Party Candidate would be the next person in the oval office. They are going to vote their conscience and hope their ticket wins. Up next, more breaking news, one killed and 100 injured when a slam in to one of the busiest stations in new york city. We have details ahead. Why am i so devastatingly handsome, im in a fragrance. Ad, and my sweethearts gone sayonara. This scarf, all thats left to remember. What she washed this like a month ago hows a guy supposed to move on the long lasting scent of gain flings. I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. But when my back pain got bad, i couldnt sleep. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. Look up at a new day. Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Heres the plan. You want a career and a family, but most of the time you feel like youre trying to wrangle a hurricane. Everything is hectic. And when the boys arent eating, theyre fighting. And the rest of the time, they are asleep and you can finally something done. Youre tired all the time. But somehow, even sleeping is hard. Then one day, hr schedules a meeting with you out of the blue, and you immediately know what it is. Its the worst 19 minutes of your career. But you dont sweat it, because you and your advisor have prepared for this. So when the best offer means you are moving to the middle of nowhere, the boys say they hate the idea, but you pretend its not so bad. At first, you miss the energy of the city. But after a while, you prefer the crickets. And years later, when theyve brought their kids, and dogs, and laundry home for thanksgiving, and one of them says what hes thankful for most is this house, you realize you didnt plan for any of this, but you wouldnt have done it any other way. No matter who you are or where you end up in life, with the right financial partner, progress is possible. Clean better than a manual. Electric toothbrush was going to he said sure, but dont just get any one. Get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head go pro with oralb. Oralbs rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. And oralb crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. Sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels super clean oralb. Know youre getting a superior clean. Im never going back to a manual brush. More breaking news tonight. The ntsb is opening an investigation into a deadly train crash at one of the busiest transit hubs in the new york city area. The crash happened at the height of this mornings rush hour. The commuter train plowed into the hoboken, new jersey terminal, killing one person and injuring over 100 others. Are we learning anything about what might have caused this crash . Reporter the pivotal question, no, were not. The National Transportation safety board says that tonight they wanted to retrieve the event recorder, which actually will tell them the speed of the train and the braking. And it appears to be a very active scene over at the train station right now. But they say that actual investigators wont be able to get to the train until probably tomorrow afternoon, because when the train crashed into the terminal, the structural components plummeted. That made the roof or a canopy of the train terminal, as they call it, come down and it came down on top of the train. And they say theres been water leakage, their concern of asbestos because of the age of the train terminal. So they have the investigate that and then contractors come in and pull that roof off the train, so only when its safe will their investigators be able to go onboard, anderson. All right, and we now know the name of the woman killed today. What can you tell us about her . We do, shes 34 years old. Her name is babiola de crune. She worked recently for sap, a Software Company in brazil, only recently left them. And the mayor of hoboken said her husband was out of state and he got the call about his i have wife and was on his way back to new jersey. And weve learned the name of the train engineer. 48yearold thomas gallagher. He has worked for the new Jersey Transit for 29 years and so if you put the numbers together, he started with them at about 19 years of age, truly a lifelong career for new Jersey Transit. He went to the hospital, was released, and we understand he is cooperating with investigators and any law enforcement, anderson. Jean, a lot to learn in the days ahead. In the next hour of 360, a new interview with donald trump where he talks about, quote, his very good history in his marriages. Youll hear the rest in just a moment. Men. 80 try to eat healthy, yet up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day mens gummies. Complete with key Nutrients Plus b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. One a day. Thank you for joining us for the second hour of 360. Tonight, a new interview with donald trump in which hes asked about his widely reported history of infidelities in his marriage. As you know, trump has been giving himself a lot of credit for not bringing up the clinton marriage at the first debate, but he broughtinn marriage at the first debate, but he brought up the fact that hes not bringing it up, which is, of course, a way of bringing it up. Umday Paul Steinhauser asked

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