Becomes president. You will hear the uproar over it, and our panel will debate it and a former nsa director will comment on it and you will hear Donald Trumps own late reaction on the controversy and those are the remarks whatever he meant have caused and first, though, the words themselves and cnns sarah murray joins us from the campaign trail. Sarah, whats the latest . Donald trump left it up to his allies to spring to his defense on the Second Amendment controversy he set off mike pence at a political rally and defended Donald Trumps comments and right here in north carolina, Rudy Giuliani defended donald trump saying when he talked about Second Amendment supporters earlier he was talking about political power, was there no threat against Hillary Clinton. As for trump, he stayed silent on the issue as he tried to get back on message. Reporter donald trump setting off controversy with another offhand comment, one some believe amounts to a violent threat against his political opponent. Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. If she gets to pick her judges nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, i dont know. Trumps suggestion that Second Amendment voters have the power to stop clinton, instantly raising questions about what the candidate meant. Whether he was looking to coalesce gun supporters behind him or if he meant something more nefarious. The Clinton Campaign quickly seizing on the sign that the gop nominee is inciting violence. Upon this is simple, what trump is saying is dangerous. A person seeking to be the president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way. The Trump Campaign swiped back, billing the issue as a mediadriven controversy and insisting trump was simply trying to rally gun voters. In a statement, the trump camp says its called the power of unification. Second amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified which gives them great political power and this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it wont be for Hillary Clinton. It will be for donald trump, but trumps latest offthecuff comment is exactly the sort of flair up giving members of his own party pause. The latest defector, senator Susan Collins of maine who penned an oped saying she would not vote for trump. The gop senator even telling jamie gangel that trump poses a risk to the nation. Donald trump, in my judgment, would make a Perilous World even more dangerous. Her announcement coming soon after a group of 50 gop National Security officials said they cant back trump either, arguing he would put at risk our countrys National Security. Trump quickly dismissed the snub. These are 50 people that have been running our country forever, and they said we cant support donald trump. The reason they cant, you know why . Because im not going to hire these people. I dont want these people. Reporter as he struggles to keep his matter in line and lags in the poll, trump says the key to the victory is more of the same. Ive always had a good temperament and its got me here. Weve beaten people in the primaries and i dont think its appropriate to start changing when youve been winning it as well as finding openings to hammer his democratic opponent and today mocking clinton whether she said she short circuited the email. Could you imagine if id said i short circuited. They would be calling for my execution. Theyd bring back the electric chair. Its one thing to make bad decisions and its another thing to be wacky and make bad decisions. Sara murray back with us. The comments about the Second Amendment and he had a whole rally after that, did donald trump make any effort to clarify or clean up those remarks . No, he really didnt, john. He talked a lot about the Second Amendment and he did not deal with the controversy specifically, however, he was asked about it in a fox news interview where he dismissed the notion that he was talking about anything other than political power. Take a listen. Nobody in that room thought anything other than what what you just said. This is a Political Movement and this is a strong, powerful movement, the Second Amendment. Hillary wants to take your guns away and the nra are traffic people and they endorse me and wayne and chris, they tweeted out basically they agree 100 with what i said and there could be no other interpretation and even reporters have told me. Give me a break. Reporter now, john, this is one of the key differences that were seeing how the campaign has dealt with this issue versus past controversies and they put out a statement quickly to clarify it. Donald trump declared it in the interview and its pretty clear they were hoping to talk about the issues they were hoping to focus this week. Sara murray, thank you so much. Lets bring in the panel now. Clinton supporter, Council Speaker christine quinn, and Corey Lewandowski and alex burns and also with us, conservative trump critic and sirius xm radio host Margaret Hoover and clinton supporter and former bill Clinton White house adviser Richard Socarides and trump surrogate john jay le val. There could be no other interpretation and thats what we heard from donald trump. Well, for several hours after donald trump made those statements including immediately after there were a lot of other interpretations that a lot of other people watching had, no . Heres the thing again, and the media wants to talk about a narrative that isnt there. What he said was lets make sure that the people who endorsed me which is the nra and the people who support the Second Amendment are showing up on election day because if you look at the context of what this was, it was in the context of appointing a u. S. Supreme Court Justice and specifically talking about the right for people to keep and bear arms hinging on who that next president is and who will appoint the supreme Court Justice and he has made the hallmark of his campaign outlining the type of justices who he would appoint ensuring the Second Amendment was intact. Christine quinn . Was that the only interpretation . Thats not what he said. Its revisionist history one. He was talking not about voeing, but what would happen after hillary was elected and this fits into a pattern of donald trump of him repeatedly saying things that in the best of all generosity need vast explanation, and tea leaf reading and usually are inflammatory, divisive and reckless, and we see that happening over and over again. You can insert any number of things he said or done into this conversation tonight, and that really just reaffirms that donald trump does not have the temperament or the skill set to be president of the United States. We cant have a president who we have to explain to the world every day what he really meant was this. What he really meant was that. His comments as corey has said in the past. Hes a straight shooter. He doesnt pull any punches. He decides whats said. He runs this campaign. Corey would know that better than anybody and we see that in what he says over and over and over and this is just another very bad example of that. Cory . I think if you look back at the Huffington Post story about Hillary Clinton and let me read you a headline. Hillary clintons assassination gaffe that idea in january, bad idea now and this is when she made the statement about barack obama getting out of the race and saying oh, no, rfk was not assassinated we have to remember that im old enough to remember that Hillary Clinton was severely and immediately apologized and where was that as part of the discussion point from eight years ago Hillary Clinton said barack obama she should not get out of this race because rfk was assassinated. Can i say this . One, what Hillary Clinton said was put in the length of phrase of anything, did she phrase that poorly . Absolutely. What she did right afterward which i can bet dollars to doughnuts and that donald trump will never do was apologized for having misphrased it, and admitting you made a mistake is a really good leadership quality and one he doesnt have because he thinks hes perfect because he lives in a fantasy world. I remember Hillary Clinton received a lot of criticism. And im also old enough to remember yesterday afternoon. When donald trump was giving an economics speech where the entire new focus of the campaign was going to be on the economy and people left behind. Its not. Were not still talking about the estate tax repeal 24 hours later which is a subject that usually runs out voters, but i think weve seen this pattern replay itself a number of times where the Trump Campaign begs him to be on the prompter that can win the elections. He gives the speech and republicans are briefly reassured and then Something Like this happens and even if he is being misinterpreted or he misspoke or didnt intend to convey, or would allow people to convey, and this is how candidates always get off message and this is a traditional problem that candidates and feel like they need to say things to rev up a crowd and they cant say the same thing over and over again and donald trump and everything in that area happens on steroid. Mike pence was asked about this in an interview and mike pence said he does not think that donald trump was trying to incite violence. Whats interesting about that is the number two on the ticket was trying to say he wasnt trying to incite violence. What kind of position is mike pence in and to what she was saying, what does this put republicans in to have to explain these comments regularly . Its incredibly painful for republicans like paul ryan other ands who are having to explain away the top of the ticket, but lets just be very clear and the hallmark of the Campaign Said it was something aspirational, and it was rhetoric that was quite vitriolic and coming out of the convention and well lock her up, lock her up and people constantly refer to her as a murderer and as a criminal and that, you know, he even offered to pay for the legal bills and people who roughed others up at their rallies and there has been a thematic reinforcement of violence as something that is acceptable from donald trump. So lets call a spade a spade here and what he said all of those Second Amendment people and the guys behind him in the stands immediately realized that this was a startling thing that he just said and that it was essentially inciting violence, inciting an assassination attempt against his rival. John jay leval, youre nodding your head no. This is ridiculous. This is the typical democratic spin. The media buys into it because because youre selling advertisement. For the record let me finish. I have been a republican my entire life. I dont know how much so. [ indiscernible ] donald trump gives a speech talking about reform of our economy and the two most important issues to americans are not what youre talking about tonight. It is our economy and the failing economy and the failed democrat policies and isis, and terrorism, and what are we talking about tonight . Why are we talking about it . There is no reason to talk about it. We need to focus what the American People want to talk about. Isnt it important what the candidate says . Its important that theres 14 million families out of work today than there were seven years ago. Its important that there are 800 million trade deficit in this country. I would love to talk about the issue and every issue you just mentioned and republicans would like to talk about. If you want to correct america and you want to correct a lot of our social unrest thats out there, lets put americans back to work because when people have jobs and they can feed their family, Home Ownership is at its lowest points in the 1950s, and this is crazy whats going on in america and were talking about a comment thats not even true. Im with you on every single one of those issues and you and i would much rather talk about those issues than this, the problem is your guy cant stay focused. He cannot have a good day subsequently. He had a whole day talking about the economy and Richard Socarides has been sitting here smiling and im not sure if thats because hes happy with this scope of the discussion. Jump in . I would say that you have right here a great example of the unity in the Republican Party. I mean you seem all broken up, richard that there are republicans fighting. The republicans are fighting with each other because you have a candidate who once again today showed in the most dramatic way possible how he is temperamentally unfit to be president and the thing that is just amazing to me now is that were having this discussion. It is clear to everybody exactly what donald trump meant. He has this way of saying things and then taking them back and saying i was joking or thats not really what i meant or he says something where there could be two meetings and there should be no question in anybodys mind and not in johns nor coreys exactly what he meant. He meant to say and meant to suggest what hes obviously suggested to everybody else and then he takes it back, and this is a direct appeal to his supporters who may feel this way, and it is very dangerous. It is very dangerous in our politics, and i think we all have a responsibility as people who are involved in the political process, and as people who are in the media to call him out on this. I mean, what is totally unacceptable in our political discourse has become acceptable today. This is the kind of discourse we have in countries controlled by dictators and countries that have phony elections. Were not having a phony election and were having an election about the future of our country and hes making these crazy suggestions. Hang on, guys. I know you want to jump in and comment on this and we will discuss it much, much more coming up next, a discussion with Michael Hayden about these remarks today and why he calls donald trump a threat to this countrys National Security and later, how did this happen . Hillary clinton speaking about the worst mass shooting in the countrys history and there sitting behind her in the red cap the shooters father. He actually says he was invited. What does the campaign say . Stay tuned. Stop. Clicking around and start saving at hilton. Com book direct. 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General hayden, i want to start by getting your reaction to the news this afternoon, a statement from donald trump at a rally having to do with the Second Amendment with Hillary Clinton. Lets listen. Hillary clinton wants to abolish, and essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, i dont know, but but ill tell you what. The Second Amendment people, maybe there is. General hayden, what did you think when you first heard that . John, it was more than a speed bump in my listening to what was going on in the hall. Look, its either a very illadvised attempt at humor touching upon political assassination or the candidate just doesnt understand given American History when it comes to political assassination that this is something that we just dont touch even when were pretending that were trying to be humorous. I made the comment earlier today that if someone outside the hall had said Something Like that prior to going in and had been overheard by the secret service i think the secret service would have grabbed them for questioning. This is the kind of thing the secret Service Takes very seriously. Democrats were pouncing on this is aing the secret service would investigate and im not sure that will happen and youve worked inside the establishment and you know people take this very seriously. Very much so. Look, youre there, john. Youve got a thousand possibilities that could go wrong and frankly, the country expects you to take them all seriously and to work from the ground and thats what the secret service would have done. All right, general. I want to ask you, and this plays into the last few days and months, you dont think donald trump is fit to be president and just yesterday, you and 49 other National Security experts and most of whom have worked in Republican Administrations wrote a letter and rdz in part, donald trump is not qualified to be president and commander in chief, indeed, we are convinced that he would be a dangerous president and would put at risk our countrys National Security and wellbeing. A dangerous president. What exactly do you mean by that . Well, john, lets go back to the earlier conversation, the earlier comment by mr. Trump. In what universe, under what view would he think that would be an okay thing to say and hes said things like that throughout the camp cam. Were not going to just kill terrorists. Were going to kill terrorists families and well use torture and in what universe and under what view does he think thats okay for candidacy of the United States that thats a good thing and an okay for him to blurt out . But i think we were all hoping that as we move through the process that was then, this is now, there would be a bend towards the center and the candidate would be more fact based, more cautious, more reasonable in his language, and it didnt go that way. What do you want voters to do about this, general . Its clear what your feelings are about donald trump and you also said you might not support Hillary Clinton and you might not vote in this election . What do you want voters to leave this show thinking from you . I guess what were trying to say, john, is that the messaging thats coming out of the Trump Campaign when it comes to Foreign Affairs and Security Matters is not the kind of messaging that makes any of us comfortable and in fact, we believe it to be very, very dangerous, and if a President Trump would actually govern in any way consistent with the language that candidate trump has used, i think were in for a very dark patch for both american and global security. Would you be more comfortable than Hillary Clinton . In the narrow lane for security, i think shes got more experience and shes better qualified, frankly, and i think some of the things she said would have me prefer her over the current incumbent, but john, neither i nor the rest of the nation votes on only National Security questions and therefore, you dont hear me endorsing secretary clinton for president. So lets talk about how donald trump responded to your statement and your letter yesterday. Want to read you part of what he said. He says the names on this letter are the ones the American People should look to for answers on why the world is a mess. These insiders, along with Hillary Clinton are the owners of the disastrous decisions to invade iraq. You were the director of the nsa in the leadup to the war in iraq and you said the Intelligence Agency including your own got it wrong when it came to wmds, and it was a clean swing and miss. So does trump have a point . Are the names on this letter part of the crew that got the United States into trouble over the last ten, 15 years . Oh, look, john, weve got a lot to explain about our personal past. By the way, the 50 folks on that letter, there are a range of views with regard to the iraq war, but let me go on, john, because mr. Trumps response proves the point of the letter. He didnt just criticize us for the iraq war where we were in government. He also criticized us for the rise of isis and for benghazi. He just lumped them all together, and none of us have been in government for eight years, and so we had no hand in that whatsoever. That gets me back to the lack of precision, and the emotion and perhaps the lack of judgment that seems to have characterized most of mr. Trumps comments when it comes to international and security affairs. General Michael Hayden, thanks so much for being with us. I appreciate it. Thank you. Just ahead, new polls from battleground states and you know youre curious. Well show you the numbers and there are some surprises in there. Also, does Donald Trumps tone or what he says even matter to his supporters . Well hear from them to find out next. Tmobiles coverage is unstoppable. And with extended range lte it reaches farther than ever. From the powder to the pavement, skylines, coastlines, out in the country, deep in the city. We got you covered. 311 million americans and counting. And we wont stop. 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Color ultlme, developed with claudia schiffer. From schwarzkopf. Tomorrow one of Donald Trumps phrase today, many people are saying that he, a president ial nominee, actually suggested a threat of violence against his opponent. Just yesterday many people were wondering if trump was toning down his act when he delivered a big economics speech. The real question is whether any of this even matters to his supporters who have stuck by him through it all. Gary tuchman reports. Trump which donald trump do these supporters want to see . Do you want to see the teleprompter trump or the offthecuff trump . For me, personally it would have to be offthecuff trump. I like the offthecuff trump. I dont want him to get soft and i dont want him to get president ial. I want him to be the same guy hes been because thats what got everybody riled up. Reporter trump did not disappoint those supporters, going offscript for much of this rally in wilmington, north carolina, but he once again sparked controversy and this one fast and furious even by trump standards listen to what he says. Is it a threat or not . Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick if she gets to pick her judges nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, i dont know. Some people in the audience seem surprised by what trump said like the man in the red on the right side of the screen behind him, but most at the rally didnt seem to react or hear the comment in question. This trump supporter heard it, but took it as innocuous. You can skew it in your way or another way or my way and somebody elses way, but i think it was just political banter that both of them will do. Reporter do you think its overstating it by saying it was a threat to Hillary Clinton . Was it a call to arms . I dont think anybody saw it that way. Nick carter says he is an undecided voter. It seems like it was a joke. He likes to make a lot of jokes and he seems like an entertainer so ill say it was a joke. Donald trump has proven a master to be a master for decade for good or for bad. He speaks his mind and thats what we expect from him. I dont think that will be the trump that will be the president of the United States, though. Do you think he needs to turn into that trump to get to be president . I believe he will. When do you think that will happen . Pretty soon. Gary joins us now. Did you hear from any supporters today who said they were concerned with trumps statements today . John, it wasnt easy to find anyone that was concerned with the comments, but i did talk to a group of women who were upset about the comments and not because donald trump threatened Hillary Clinton and instead they will thought it was a joke and it ruined the chance of attraction are tracting more inare undecided voters into the trump camp. I should mention there was no teleprompter use today, but donald trump did have notes and he referred to them and read things about Hillary Clinton and read about financial figures, but when he uttered the statement about the Second Amendment and Hillary Clinton, he wasnt using notes. He was speaking offthecuff. Gary tuchman for us, thank you very much. We have new polls out tonight that show the key battleground states and the new nbc news wall street journal marist shows Hillary Clinton ahead by five in ohio. 43 to 48 and hill leading 38 to 37. Back now with the panel. John, let me start with you, you heard in garys piece from Trump Supporters who are supportive of what donald trump says. Then you look at the polls. You show pennsylvania trailing by 11 points everything right in your mind and still trailing in a state that he needs like pennsylvania by 11, is that a problem . No, first of all, these polls and you look at the methodology and the way theyre polling. Some of the polls are polling 26 republican when there will be a greater turnout than 26 republicans. One of the problems we have now a days and there are far too many polls and there isnt john, im old to remember the primary, but donald trump talked about the polls every day. Where im trying to go is this, donald trump is the first candidate for president in modern history thats talking to the average american person and speaking in their language. How many times have you heard your friends say if one politician gives a speech and they say, what did he or she say . Theyll tell you theyll lower your taxes and they always go up. Donald trump is talking straight and its not common to the world were living in right now. Its the right world. This is what america needs. Straight talk, and he may joke around every now and again, but when the man gives an Economic Policy speech and it is detailed and hes criticized for not being detailed and now it is and it lays out there and it shows that he can get this economy back on track and that he can put americans back to work and that he will put America First both here and abroad and that were talking about if you can categorize it as a joke. I didnt see it the way you saw it, and all of those people that you just showed, they didnt see it that way, either, so what audience are we playing to . The average american loves what theyre hearing and they will come out and vote. There is a lot in your statement there and it wasnt answering my question, was if trump was being trump, let trump be trump is a statement i know you know well and you lived by it when you were Campaign Manager and we are told you supported there, and let trump be trump and you cleaned up in the primaries, is it all you need in the general election . There are 14 million votes in the primary in what was supposed to be the greatest political field ever assembled and former relatives of senator, governors, Business Executives and donald trump who had no elected experience went there and struck a cord with the American People and said we want a change in washington. The same fundamental change is still in washington. Do you have to grow . Of course, you have to grow, but the premise, if you look at the polling data which indicates are you happy with the congressional Approval Ratings . 11 of americans think congress is doing a good job, so when you want to put a fundamental change candidate in place, the only person that will go to washington and change the way washington operates is an outsider with no experience running for elected office and theyre not bought and paid for and could do whats right for the American People and that is what the American People now want. Thats a whole lot of rhetoric and spin that doesnt speak to the fact that if you look at all of the polls and again, as we said before by you, john, donald trump was the first one to hype the polls when he was doing well, and yes, he won a specific small segment of the far right of one party which is not what you need. He cleaned up for the primary and he did win the far right. Again, corey, he is now running in a general election and has to reach beyond his base. I dont disagree that the solid part of his base probably no matter what he does will probably stay there and thats not enough to win the general election and he should take the advice of the last woman we heard on garys piece who said hes missing opportunities to get independent voters and he will continue to miss them because he is himself and that is someone who is not fit to be president and has no real interest in reaching out to independent voters at all. He shows over and over again, whether its attacking a judge of mexican origin, what he said today, his attacks on women, his attacks on muslims and hes not fit to be president , period. Jump in here. The biggest number to Pay Attention to in that poll is down nine points in pennsylvania and this is a state that trump has said he has to win or his campaign believes he has to win. Its nine or 11 and the pretty consistent trend is that its hovering around a tenpoint lead and that Hillary Clinton is close to 50 and thats because while he is resonating with a big slice of the electorate in these rust belt states like pennsylvania, he is turning off these moderate, suburban republicans and better educated republicans and especially republican women who see him say things like what he said today and they cant get the rest of the way there. Susan collins. Frankly, i talked to plenty of Trump Supporters and plenty of trump voters over the months and going back to the primary who say i like that he says what he means and i wish he would tone it down a bit. He has not spent one dime on the advertising. Hillary clinton has spent tens of millions of dollars to change the electorate. There are 91 days to go in this campaign. You might want to start thinking about spending. Hes also gotten close to 3 billion in air time from the media and that must be factored in. We consistently go back to this oh, what the speaking to the American People. Look, don adtrump won and i have to say this every time a plurality of republican primary voters and not the majority of the republican primary electorate, however, john points out something very important and republicans cant lose the lesson. There is a voting bloc in the Republican Party base that republican policies have not spoken to and has been left behind. That faction of voters has to be understood and the Republican Party has to learn to incorporate them and win them if there is going to be a Republican Party in the future. And hes been talking to the voters who were trying to and that was part of the speech. Richard socarides and i know you must look at this and say the glass is half full, but in the glass half empty, there is a poll in quinnipiac thats essentially tied right now. Given that i know donald trump has had the worst week imaginable in the Trump Campaign, how is it that Hillary Clinton isnt leading by more than four in iowa . More than one in florida . Let me say a couple of things and i think the worst is yet to come because i think he will become more unhinged and we will see more things like what we saw today. I dont think the worst week. I think the worst week is yet to come, but i do think that the election will be close. I think the country is closely divided between democrats and republicans and i think that unless mr. Trump goes completely off the rail which is is very possible, i think the election will continue to be close, and i think the democrats cannot take these poll numbers for granted because i think that we have to if we want to prevent donald trump from being elected president and we want to see Hillary Clinton president we have to do everything we need to do, but more and more i think people will see him i also hang on. Save one thought because we have a lot more time left. I do want to come back to one thing. Scott said something i agree with. Good, well talk about that next. And the Clinton Campaign needs to keep their foot on the gas and why then was the father of the orlando shooter on stage right behind Hillary Clinton at a florida rally . How does this happen . Well talk about that next. I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. But when my back pain got bad, i couldnt sleep. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. Look up at a new day. Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Enepeople want power. Hallenge. And power plants account for more than a third of energyrelated carbon emissions. 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The father spoke to cnn affiliate wptv about why he showed up. Its a Democratic Party so everybody can join. The father showed a banner supporting Hillary Clinton, for among other things, her position on gun control. This is a man who once touted himself as a candidate for president of afghanistan, and in the week after the orlando massacre held rambling, incoherent news conferences. I didnt know what i was saying. The optic of a terrorists father so prominent at a clinton event is irresistible for Trump Supporters. This was a slap in the face to the Gay Community who are actual targets of that terrorist attack, so not only should she apologize, but she should absolutely denounce. The father says he was invited to the clinton rally. Hillary clintons people said not by them. A Campaign Aide telling cnn this was an opendoor event for the public, and quote, the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event, but this unforced error by the Clinton Campaign in a key battleground state has even supporters saying they need to do some damage control. They need to go to battle stations here and they need to disavow the guy and they need to fire the advance person. Key questions tonight, are the people seated behind the candidates at these events vetted for those placements . Dan marika, a cnn reporter embedded with the Clinton Campaign, he tells us that very often at these events an advance person, usually a young person, goes through the crowd and picks people out to go on stage. Dan says that often those people are vips familiar to the campaign or they could be people simply selected for diversity in age or race. John . All right. Brian todd, thanks so much. Back now with the panel. Ive covered a lot of campaigns as have you, people who sit behind the candidate, often, not always, but often they are hand picked by the campaign to sit up there. Thats a terrible picture. In the florida area when youre talking about the worst mass shooting in history. Tough for the campaign. You would think if there was one guy in florida you were going to make sure was nowhere near your event this would be the guy, right . Its pretty hard to step on this particular needle in this particular haystack and yet somehow it happened. I do think that, you know, the Clinton Campaign has also created an environment or theyve exploited an environment where it is fair to go after your opponent for people theyre loosely associated with and democrats have had a lot of fun with tying donald trump to various outlandish characters that have shown up at his eventses and you are dealing with the turnabout about that. Heads need to roll and they need to go to death con one on this. What do you think they have to do . Obviously, thats the last person that Hillary Clinton would ever want sitting behind her. She hasnt said that, i dont think. It goes without saying, in my opinion, and these events and ive been to too many of them and theyre open. People can come in. Sometimes people get picked to sit in certain spots and other times people get there early and sit down and are not moving. So i think that the assumption that was picked to be in their seat was not true. Does this require the campaign to take a look at how theyre advancing events and how theyre picking who sits where . Yes, but lets be very, very clear here. The person in this race who has made clear and strong statements against the kind of gun violence we saw there is Hillary Clinton. The only person in the race who has gone to pulse, who has participated in vigils about this and things of that nature is Hillary Clinton and for the trump spokesperson to say she has to apologize to the Lgbt Community is the height of ridiculousness. As someone who has been a staff runner and incumbent president ial campaigns and i worked with george w. Bush when he was running for reelection. This is incredibly sloppy staff work. Every Single Person who appeared behind the president and the Vice President when they give a speech or were at a rally was vetted by multiple people on the Campaign Staff and this to me represents what is frankly a real failure on behalf of the Clinton Campaign and frankly, a lack of planning and staffing which was quite surprising for someone who has been so sophisticated and who knows how to run National Campaigns. I think what it tells us is theyre not prepared as behind the scenes as they pretend to be or we would think they would be and, i mean, really quite surprising. They need a more forceful response, you think . Hillary clinton should come out and make a statement immediately. This is the difference in this years campaign. This is an unforced error which would capture a news cycle for multiple days if it were any other year. Because its donald trump who constantly is creating unforced errors on himself that are far greater in magnitude in terms of the things that take up oxygen in the press news cycle, she can crack this and move on and wont probably be a hit that damages her in the long run. All right. Stick around, guys. A lot more to talk about. When we come back, well speak about how the Trump Campaign has and hasnt taken advantage of all of this. Thats next. At hilton. Com book direct. And get the lowest price online what is freedom . Yes, its riding a horse across fields and stuff. 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I havent talked to the campaign about this issue, but the real question is, why hasnt Hillary Clinton come out and completely disavowed this person coming to her rally saying theres no place for him or the or, you know, his son committed the biggest atrocity of gun violence in the history of our country. He went on and claimed he was running for president of a afghanistan. The father did. The father dade. You know, the guy is clearly not sane in any way, shape or form. Said he was invited to the Campaign Rally by someone who we dont know. Hillary clinton clearly knows hes been there. This has been this story has been going for more than 24 hours. Not once at any time did she or anyone from the campaign say, this person should not have been there. Look, heres what i know because ive been involved in campaign rallies. Those people sitting behind the candidate are hand selected specifically. I agree with paul begala, someone should be fired over this, no question about it. This is something that should never take place. If it were the Trump Campaign, i was running it, i would have fired the director of the first part of coreys question is why hasnt Hillary Clinton just said this guy shouldnt be at her rally . I, too, have worked on National Campaigns and organized events and ive also been on the white house staff where ive organized events, so i think what this really speaks to is, you know, this gentleman does seem like hes, perhaps, a little unstable from some of his comments. And i think this is perhaps more of a security issue than anything else. I mean, how the secret service let someone not only just sit in the field of vision, but be at a rally like this is a little disturbing so i think this is more of a secret service issue. Let me say, look, she her campaign put out a statement and said, this guy was not invited by them. I mean, i dont know what more you want her to do. I mean, she this is not an affront to anybody. I mean, her record on lgbt rights issues is clear. She went to this site of the orlando shooting to pay her respects. She met with the families. Donald trump didnt go and i agree with you, she has the wor worst record of the 2nd amendment than anybody in the race. Guys, we have to take a break. Were going to come back. We have a whole other hour. A lot more to discuss in next hour of 360, people weighing in on this and what donald trump said. And minutes away now, we have poll closing. Wisconsin. Americas top ranking republican in a primary battle right now. So, can House Speaker paul ryan survive, if so, by how much . Youre going to find out. 3630 360 continues. Everyone in th thats right, free and get 4 lines for just 30 bucks a line. Dont miss the galaxy free for all. Callinall providers. Rs. All selfmotivated selfstarters. Drive with uber and put a dollar sign in front of your odometer. Like this guy. Technically im a cook. Sign up here. Drive a few hours a day. Make 300 a week. 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